Clone Me Harder! (Collab)

Story by Skatelian on SoFurry

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Hiya everyone!!!! This story is a little Collab between KateTheMarten and me, although honestly she did most of the work and I chipped in a little.

I really enjoyed working on this with her, and hope that you enjoy reading it just as much.


Rhiyan closed her eyes, leaned back in her chair and groaned. She rubbed her eye sockets with both fists, trying futilely to ease the ache that hours of staring into the microscope had lodged there. The swivel wheels of the chair squeaked in protest as the petite mouse pushed away from the lab table before getting to her feet. The normally common sound seemed to echo around the empty laboratory, the darkness of the windows artificially turning the room into an acoustic chamber. Why she was here so late, if you were to ask the perky lab assistant, would depend on who was doing the asking. Officially, Rhiyan was on campus to check the progress of her bacterial culture slides. As the newest master's student here at the university she had big boots to fill, and a large research grant to justify by the end of the semester. But if you were to ask why she was REALLY in the lab so late at night, in just the right tone of voice, you might get the truth.


It all started last week, when her supervisor sent her to the next lab over to return a folder of papers. The black and white mouse had leapt at the opportunity to explore the building, and had been so quick to leave on her task that she had forgotten the slip of paper with the door code on her desk. Rhiyan decided to give the occupants of the lab a few minutes to answer to her knock before facing potential ridicule from her lab-mates. As she leaned against the door jam, the young woman glanced through the titles in the folder; "In Vitro Embryonics", "Umbilical Structure and Function", "Acceleration of Cell Division through Radiative Methods". What exactly was this lab working on anyways?

Before the mousette could delve deeper into the abstracts of the papers, the door was flung open by a harried looking crane lab assistant. As the only warning Rhiyan had was the click of the door handle before it opened inward, she was unable to center her balance and toppled tree-like into the arms of the frantic undergrad. Down they went, in a flurry of paperwork, lab coats and feathers. When it was all said and done, the mouse girl was not sure she had ever been in more of a compromising position.

Therefore it was with great surprise that, while gathering up the sheets which covered the entrance and trying to put them in some semblance of order, Rhiyan caught the crane's eyes lingering on her breasts instead of questioning her presence. She knew her female-ness was an oddity here at the most traditionalist university in the country, but she had thought her status would remove her from being treated like a sex object. The mousette took in a sharp breath, ready to berate the young avian for having his eyes on places they shouldn't be, when a lightning bolt of inspiration hit her so hard she wouldn't have been surprised if a bulb appeared between her ears. Her previous curiosity could be satisfied if she played her cards right!

Putting on her best "overwhelmed female" expression, Rhiyan lowered her eyes and whispered, "I'm so sorry about this! Oh, it's so embarrassing..."

She then brought her big blue eyes into the ring and delivered the last line with the precision and effect of a knock-out punch, "Can you ever forgive me?"

Afterward, the young mouse thought the little quaver on the end may have been too much, but the inexperienced undergrad bought the whole show hook, line and sinker. His rushed assurances of pardon and stuttered apologies on his own behalf were almost comical, and his offer of a seat and a glass of water was earnest if not original. As Rhiyan allowed herself to be led further into the lab she cast her eyes about for any sign of the current experiments. At first nothing seemed out of the ordinary: the benches were strewn with papers, microscopes and micropipettes. The shelves were stocked with the usual beakers and flasks, all with hand-written or printed labels. The whirring of a centrifuge provided a background hum that was joined ever few moments by a beep or two from the DNA sequences in the back corner. Only the smell was different from her own lab, the scent of nutrient agar replaced by the astringent tang of an antiseptic solution.

Finally, like the elephant in the room, the five huge tanks lined up on the far wall came to Rhyan's attention. They emitted a faint, liquid sloshing sound, and had more tubes going in and out of them than the mouse girl could count. They were taller that she was, but not quite up to the ceiling, and at least a meter in diameter. The fronts were spotted with gauges and dials and each sported a viewing port. Rhiyan could see vague shadows within, but her angle and distance were such that nothing was very clear.

At this point the smitten crane had returned with her unasked-for water. With a few well-placed smiles and much batting of eyelashes, the young mouse drew information from her companion and, piece by piece, the project became clear. In order to combat recent labor shortages, the government had funded research into the touchy subject of cloning. If it was possible to accelerate the growth of those clones to reach adulthood in mere weeks instead of decades, there would be no lack of fit workers to do all the jobs no one wanted anymore. Not that, the crane hastily assured her, they would be slaves. The would simply be required to do paid work at an assigned position for five years or so before being given a choice of career and the freedom to marry: almost a normal life.

The corners of Rhiyan's mouth turned up wryly at that last comment: born fully grown from a "test-tube", bonded to labor for five years and then expected to walk out of the whole thing as a normal, well-adjusted being? "Yeah, right, and I'm the Queen of Sheba." she thought.

Her avian admirer continued his explanation, pride clearly showing in his face. "We are, so far, the only lab in the country to get to the accelerated growth stage of development. In fact," and here she could see him visibly puff up his chest feathers, "our first five test subjects should be ready for decanting next week thanks to the hard work of yours truly!"

Rhiyan slowly got to her feet and turned towards the tanks. "Then those are..." she whispered.

"Yes: my pride and joy, my ticket to fame and glory. Go on, take a look." He answered patronizingly.

The mousette was glad she was facing away from the insufferable bird as a grimace of distaste twisted her plump lips. What a girl has to do to get up in the world!

The previous murky shadows in the viewing ports began to solidify as Rhiyan walked toward the closest tank. She longed to run forward and press her nose against the glass and gaze her fill of the amazing scientific progress being made just one room over from where she sat every day, but she forced her feet to slow their tempo. The sounds of moving fluids increased in volume as the approached and the gauges, which had previously been senseless, clarified into things like pressure and salinity. Now the rodent was a foot away, yet still the forms in the tank eluded her vision. The liquid inside was thick and translucent, with a tint that painted every inner surface with an alien blue glow. She finally brought her delicate face right up to the glass of the window, her shallow breaths making fog fleet across its surface.

The figure inside was tall and broad-shouldered, definitely male. His eyes were closed in a peaceful slumber, the only part of his face that was not obscured by wires and tubes. Brain activity, blood pressure and oxygen intake would have to be carefully monitored, the mousette supposed. The round, black and white ears that peeked through the wires and the fur color, blurred by the bluish liquid, were no clear indicators of species. Finally, she could make out stripes on the arms as they faded into the fluid: they had cloned tigers.



The members of the big cat families had long ago fought themselves to near extinction in Asia and the surrounding islands, leaving only hybrid descendants to carry fractions of their DNA to present day. Now and then someone would get a surprise when their offspring showed up with faint stripes, but even that hadn't happened in decades. What were these scientists thinking in bringing back a species so powerful and potentially violent?


Rhiyan had first seen a tiger, like many girls her age, on the silver screen. It was amazing what make-up and special effects could do these days. Her teenage years were then catalogued by the procession of tiger posters on her bedroom walls, her imagination and adolescence glossing away their violent history and focusing instead on their studly physiques and predator's glares. But a girl can only fantasize so much, and by this point in her life, Rhiyan had moved on to more realistic day-dreams... or so she had thought.


She leaned back against her headboard, recalling how she had spent the remainder of the workday in a shock-induced haze. It was after her third (failed) attempt to pour an electrophoresis gel that the petite mouse had decided to throw in the towel and head home early. Even then, it was a good thing that the route between her apartment complex and the campus was so ingrained in her routine because Rhiyan was pulling out her keys when she had realized she had no memory of the drive! "Whoa, girl," she had mentally reprimanded herself, "It's a good thing mid-day traffic is slow around here. Gotta get my head out of my... well, crotch!"

Now, lying in bed with her sheets tangled around her ankles, the young mouse could finally be alone with the fact that had been trying to get her attention all afternoon: those tigers had made her horny as hell. Her tiny pink shorts were hot and tight around her groin, and the matching tank top was constricting her breasts as if it had shrunk two sizes since she took it off that morning. The girl ran her slender white hands over the borders of her black and white patches, teasing herself when they intersected sensitive areas. A pleasing tickle surged through her body when Rhiyan's finger tips grazed her ribs, and she repeated the motion. Low moans and murmurs began to escape her mouth, though she bit her lips in a futile attempt at silence. Finally, the heat of her lust-swollen body proved too much for the pajamas and the mousette frantically peeled them from her damp fur.

Her hands now smoothed and roughened her short fur in decreasing spirals along her belly and thighs, the slender mouse reveling in the sensual tingles that followed her fingers' light touch. She now moved up to her breasts, teasing the erect nipples between her thumb and forefinger. "That's right, stud." she whispered, closing her eyes to the darkness of her room, "Make me hot and... mmph... wet for you!"

Rhiyan could feel the familiar ache of desire twisting in her belly like a beast, and she reached down with one hand; this was a creature she knew how to tame. She tangled her fingers in her pubic fur and gently pulled, sensitizing the skin all around her mound to the lightest touch. She then slowly walked her slender fingers down her slit with the lightest touch before dragging them up her outer lips. This type of touching not only felt amazing, but amped up her desire as if someone had cranked the knob on her inner stereo. Over and over again she stroked her pussy, resisting the pull to dip her fingers into her hot channel. Her hips bounced off the bed in fruitless supplication as her tail writhed beneath her.

Finally, when she could take no more of her own sweet torture, Rhiyan's fingers struck like a viper, diving into her warm tunnel with barely any resistance. Her wet lips parted around her small fingers, first one, then two, then three! She stroked her inner walls with her finger tips then curled them down against the spongy target of her g-spot. The young mouse's breath was now coming in gasps and pants, her muscles taut with expectation. Rhiyan's motions began to degenerate into jerks and twists, she was so close! She groaned with frustration and delved deeper into her clenching passage, the slick walls pulling her fingers in and rippling around them in waves of pleasure. The mouse could feel her climax approaching and threw herself towards it with renewed vigor. She reached her thumb up and pressed it to her clit, pressing against the tiny sensitive organ like a pleasure button. Every touch was like sending an electric jolt to her desire-addled brain, and a few seconds of this new treatment sent Rhiyan in a flying leap over the edge.

A cry was forced from her throat and her hips bucked toward the ceiling as her orgasm crashed down upon her. Her pussy clenched around her fingers, forcing her wetness to run down her hand and drip off her wrist to the sheets below. She whimpered as tremors still rolled through her body like the aftershocks that follow an earthquake. Rhiyan hadn't come that hard in a long time, and it was like a wire somewhere in her brain short-circuited because she passed so quickly in to sleep that she didn't even have time to take her drenched fingers out of her well-tended pussy.



The very next day the master's student had come to a momentous decision: she had to be present when they "decanted" the tigers. Something in her needed to see that they were real, that the experiment had succeeded. It had fleetingly crossed her mind that it might give some closure to her erotic fantasies about the species, after all how could the real thing live up to her imagination, but Rhiyan had quickly dismissed that thought. Even thinking about the fictional tigers her brain had fabricated was making her underwear feel tight and hot!

And that brings us to the reason the young mouse was attending her microscope in an empty lab, long past the time when reasonable furs had gone to bed: it had happened today.

Rhiyan had cunningly maintained a false interest in the crane researcher next door, letting him steal a few kisses and caresses during breaks from her own research, so she knew when the procedure was planned to take place. After that it only took a few well-placed fondles and the hot breath of her whisper on his aural canal to gain access to the supposedly restricted event. So she had stood at the back of the room, behind political dignitaries and foreign investors, with a pilfered press badge pinned to her blouse while history was made.

The mousette had told herself all morning that her interest in the specimens was purely scientific, that her curiosity was only fueled by advances nature of the experiment, but the second they drew the first wet form from its pseudo-womb her knees went weak. All thoughts of progress and objective research flew out the window in awe of the creature before her. His shoulders were broad and heavily muscled, his hips narrow and belly taut. His thick tail curled behind him, and his ears perked forward. But the thing that drew her spirit to him like a moth to a flame was the curiosity tinged with fear that she saw in his newly opened eyes. Rhiyan had wanted to shoo everyone from the room and comfort him, to hold him in her arms and tell him everything would be all right.

This feeling only grew as the other four young men (when had they stopped being specimens?) were brought forth and cleaned of the blue slime of their "birth". Could no one else see that they were vulnerable and scared? She had clutched her tail in sympathy as her own emotions synced with the five young tigers at the front of the room. The need to flee, to get away from all these people overcame the slender mouse suddenly and she had rushed to the door and the safety of her own lab.

When her crane friend had found her later Rhiyan had lied and said she got kicked out, knowing he would mock her for the tears she had shed with her back pressed to the wall until the crowd had finally departed from the next room. He had consoled her with a slip of paper pressed hurriedly into her palm as he was summoned by his supervisor, a stern looking older ferret. The mouse had unfolded the note and read its contents: a room number and a time. She had looked up at his retreating figure, but all she got was a wink and a grin before he disappeared through the door of his lab.

So now she sat at her microscope, debating whether she wanted to put herself in debt to that horny bird just to get a closer look at the tigers. Rhiyan had gathered her things several times, once even getting to the door with her bag, before sitting back down again. The hands on the wall clock above the incubator marched towards the time that was now branded in her memory, but should she go? Or was the real question could she not go?

Twenty minutes to go. The dorm complex where the meeting was to take place was on this side of campus but at the opposite corner. If she left now she could probably take the detour into the botanical garden and enjoy the scent of the evening primroses. The mousette wondered how she was going to deal with her crane admirer now that the experiment was moving to a different sphere. The teachers, psychologists and behavior analysis would take over now, to ensure that these artificially produced beings could be assimilated into society and (in Rhiyan's opinion, anyways) exploited to do all the work said society considered beneath it.

She buried her head in her arms on the table. Life was so complicated these days: giving in to your wants and desires always lead to issues down the road. Being an adult meant consequences, and having to deal with them on your own. She groaned, bemoaning her adolescence when all she had to worry about was which of her girlfriends was coming to the movies with her that weekend. Movies that had tigers in them...

The young mouse jerked her head up and stared at the clock. Five minutes; she'd have to run.

And run she did, all the way to the end of the hall where dorm number 46 was located. Rhiyan leaned against the wall and panted, not having exerted herself that much since she quit the varsity soccer team in second year. She peeked around the bend and, to her relief, the corridor was empty. After a quick smoothing of her clothes, which had wrinkled slightly in her mad dash through the campus, the petite mousette approached the doorway. As she neared it Rhiyan noticed a note was clipped to the handle, and eventually the word on the slip clarified into her name. She eased the sheet out of the binder clip and read.


I had hoped to show you my proudest achievements tonight; I know you are so interested in my work. Unfortunately, I got sent to a convention down state and won't make it back until next week. If you promise not to tell a soul, you can take a quick look at the specimens since they will probably be transferred to another facility before I return.

The code is 861042261.


It was like watching another person performing the actions; the mouse observed her slender white fingers tapping the numbers into the keypad below the door handle. The mechanism whirred and beeped before an internal clunk signaled the door's newly unlocked status. With her hand on the handle, Rhiyan looked quickly up and down the hall before darting inside.

At first, her eyes blinded from the abundance of light in the corridor she had just vacated, the mousette could see nothing of the room she now found herself in. Slowly her pupils dilated and the details of the chamber became clearer. There were two queen-sized beds against the walls and a small cot on the far side. Curiously, all were empty and devoid of blankets. The moonlight that trickled in through the tiny window near the ceiling now illuminated the room enough for Rhiyan to see where the "specimens" had gone. They made quite a sight, all piled together on the middle of the floor. Their white chests softly rose and fell with their sleeping breaths and the striped tangle of legs and arms made it seem like one gigantic, multi-limbed beast had taken residence in the dorm room.

Rhiyan's shell-shaped ears picked up a small sound near her feet, and she knelt down to investigate. The closest tiger's face was drawn up in a scowl, and small whimpers escaped his clenched jaw. Forgetting that she wasn't supposed to be there, the mousette reached out a compassionate hand to smooth the cheek of the troubled sleeper. She thought of all the things that lay ahead for them in life, and mourned the fact that someone only a day old could have nightmares. She was lost in her thoughts of what the future might hold that she didn't notice the golden eyes that were staring at her from under now-opened lids. The black and white mouse sighed and began to rise, more aware of her forbidden presence than before.

It thus came as quite a surprise when a warm paw reached up and grabbed her arm, preventing her from leaving. Rhiyan stifled a gasp as she realized what had happened, but she had no time to react as she was pulled down into an embrace. Willing or not, it seemed she had been included in the pile of furry bodies occupying the floor. The young woman lay stiff in the arms of the tiger and willed herself to calm down; freaking out was not the answer to this dilemma. She took a deep breath and turned to face her "captor". The big golden eyes that returned her gaze were the same ones that she had seen filled with fear and apprehension earlier that day, though thankfully they now expressed curiosity and happiness. The mouse gave in to her previous desire and drew the striped head to her breast, stroking his head fur as a tear formed in the corner of her eye. Was she the first one of all the people they had come in contact with today who had shown them even a shred of compassion?

As she was pressed on all sides by warm bodies, Rhiyan began to be conscious of the overwhelming warmth and, with only a token resistance to the idea, soon shed her clothes until she was a naked as the tigers around her. Her snuggling "limpet" took this new opportunity to press himself closer to her body, drawing comfort from her presence like a sponge absorbs water. It was only when the little mouse shifted her legs to keep them from falling asleep that she noticed something unexpected. This tiger may be innocent in all ways, but his body was still that of a grown man and it was responding to the feel of a woman's body in the age old way.

"Well, Rhiyan, what kind of a pickle have you gotten yourself into now?" the mentally chided herself.

It had come to this; she had to make a choice and right now. Could she get up and walk away, denying what could possibly be the last chance these new creatures would have for comfort and caring before they were whisked away to a lab to be poked and prodded and "educated" all in the name of science? But did that make staying the right thing to do? She wasn't even supposed to be here but, now that she was, Rhiyan was loath to leave. She had the chance to fulfill her greatest fantasy, one that might never come again. In the end, it was like going down the first step in a flight of stairs: the more steps you take the easier it is to justify going to the bottom. So, when the black and white mouse found herself one last decision away from the metaphorical bottom, it didn't take long for her to take one more step.

"There's no going back." She whispered, before reaching her tiny hand down between their bodies and gently stroking the semi-hard member that pressed against her thigh.

The second her fingers made contact, the form wrapped around her tensed but soon softened as the pleasure of this new kind of touching made its way through his body. Small mewling sounds came from his throat as the mouse used her other hand to massage the tiger's chest, following the edge of his white belly fur and teasing along his striped sides. He huffed his delight as she introduced the big cat to the joys of his own body. Now Rhiyan changed her light strokes to a firm grasp that made her partner gasp in a small breath. He looked questioningly into her eyes, not sure what was going to happen next but trusting her completely. The mousette smoothed the fur down his arm with her free hand, ending at his wrist, and pulling it towards her own body. She could teach him much more than how his own body could feel.

Rhiyan continued to rub the tiger's member, reveling in the firmness of it, while she pressed his hand to her breast. She kneaded his fingers in her soft flesh, and the feel of his strong hand on her made the mouse glad she wasn't standing up for surely she would have collapsed. She left his hand there, continuing to caress her, and reached for the other one. She brought the warm digits to her cheek, rubbing against it like a feral cat, before wrapping her lips around two of the fingers. She swirled her tongue around the knuckles and pressed it against the firm pads. She raked her teeth lightly over the nails, causing the tiger to which they were attached to groan at the new sensation. She drew the digits from her mouth, bringing a string of saliva that soon snapped with the distance.

The mouse guided the slippery fingers down her body, stopping briefly at her nipple to relish to cool feel of wetness there, before carrying on to her final goal. Rhiyan stroked the captive hand along her already-moist slit. She was so turned on that the finger tips kept slipping in between her swollen lips and grazing her sensitive folds. The mousette finally curled her fingers around soaked digits and slowly pushed them into her hot channel. She pressed them against her walls, rhythmically stroking her insides with her living "toy" to the same beat that she slid her hand up and down his cock. Unbeknownst to them, the sounds of their pleasure now rose in pitch, causing other curious eyes to open.

The tiger began jerking in her grip, and Rhiyan knew he would not last much longer. She doubled her speed, her nimble fingers pressing up along his length before slipping down again, wet with the pre her charge was now leaking from his tip. The tiger mirrored her actions by increasing the speed of his fingers in her pussy, giving back as much pleasure as he was receiving. Rhiyan knew just the thing to set her lover over the edge, and she removed her sopping fingers from the heat of her tunnel and smoothed slick wetness along his hard length. The big cat began to jerk and spasm, his hips bucking against hers, before he tensed and came for the first time. His white spunk shot up between them, pulsing out of his member and tangling into their belly fur. The feel of the hot cum against her skin, combined with the frantic ministration of her pussy sent Rhiyan quickly after him into orgasmic bliss.

The two furs lay clenched in each other's arms as the waves of ecstatic bliss crashed over them, slowly fading to ripples and their breathing began to slow back to normal. It was when the sound of her own heartbeat subsided that Rhiyan realized their activities had been neither quiet nor unobserved. Four pairs of bright eyes looked down on the entwined lovers and, to Rhiyan's astonishment, four matching erections bobbed in the moonlight as their innocent owners observed the acts of love for the first time.

The mousette was again moved by the lack of fear in their expressions at her presence among them. She knew now she had done the right thing in staying. She smiled and reached for the body closest to hers. This tiger was slightly larger than her previous lover, his shoulders were broader and his torso more muscled. Her smile grew as this body too relaxed and submitted to the soft stokes of her hands along his fur. What quick learners they were the young mouse soon learned, for the second tiger reached up to her chest and stroked her sensitive nipples with his thumbs.

"Ahhh," she gasped, unprepared for the new assault on her tender body.

The shivers of her body continued as she maneuvered her partner to his back and crawled onto his supine form. His large hands still fondled her breasts as she turned her back on his face. Rhiyan reached down and firmly grasped the tiger's cock with both hands. Even his equipment was slightly bigger than the first, who she noticed had joined the circle around the two of them. Mindful of her audience, the mouse bent forward and lifter her rear into the air. She scooted back until her hips were astride her lover's shoulders and her head was level with his crotch.

His erection towered in front of her face now and she could see the moistness of his pre seeping from the tiny slit. Rhiyan leaned forward and lapped up the sweet liquid, and let out a little giggle when the member in her hands twitched and jerked in response. She started her oral onslaught with a small but devastating attack of minute nibbles and kisses that started at the base of the tiger's cock and slowly moved towards the head. The mousette teased and toyed with the meat in her fingers, now massaging his balls while she ran her tiny tongue along the crest of his head where the sensitive barbs were beginning to emerge.

Finally, the tiger beneath her let out a frustrated growl; he grew tired of being a passive partner. Remembering what he had seen her doing previously, the striped male reached up to Rhiyan's soft treasure and began to stroke her swollen lips. The preoccupied rodent let out a high pitched meep of surprise before intensifying her attack. She left wet trails of saliva up her partner's length with her little pink tongue, using the tip to swirl around the now steadily leaking slit before dipping back down. She worshipped the cock in her hands with soft mewls of pleasure.

Rhiyan then began to engulf the head of her lover's penis with her hot, wet mouth. The big tiger groaned and tried to buck his hips, futilely attempting to get more of his length into her throat. The mousette retaliated by slipping her fingers behind his sack and pressing them into the flesh there. The feline grew even harder between her lips, his barbs beginning to stiffen against her tongue. She knew he was eagerly anticipating the feel of her slick mouth on his member, and she did not disappoint. Rhiyan swallowed half of the big cat's meat in one smooth movement, guiding him down her throat with her supple tongue. The second half was soon to follow as the young woman practiced a move that had amazed her past boyfriends: she held her breath and used her whole throat to massage the entire length of his cock. She could tell, from the rising pitch of the groans coming from behind her, that the tiger was thoroughly enjoying the treatment.

The mouse soon drew her head up for a breath, panting a little from the exertion. She resumed her teasing licks as she regained her composure. Right as she prepared to go down on him again, her tiger proved once more how fast a learner he was by placing a long hot lick of his own along her quivering slit. Rhiyan moaned around her mouthful of cock as the big cat used his free hand to push her head down, his fingers twined in her silky hair.

Now that her pussy had begun to be tended, Rhiyan needed more than just the licks her partner was giving. She reached back with her slender white leg and hooked an ankle behind his head, pushing the tiger's face deep into her opening. Her wetness squished out along his cheeks as he inserted his tongue deep into her slick channel. Her own pleasure tended to, the mousette began to suck on the cock in front of her with more dedication. She thrust her mouth down around the hard length of him, grinding her nose in the fur of his retracted sheath before rising almost all the way back again. She traced the barbs of his head with a quick swipe of her tongue before plunging down once more. The motions of her mouth were punctuated with a press of her fingers on the tissue behind his balls.

She could feel his climax approaching in the way his hand clenched in her hair and the increasing jerkiness of his mouth against her pussy. Rhiyan sped up her motions, the speed of her head bobbing up and down almost making her dizzy. She felt as if the whole world had shrunk down to the bodies of herself and her lover as they barreled towards his orgasm. Finally the mouse heard her tiger grunt deeply before he leaned his head back, thrust his cock deep in her mouth and sprayed his load in her hot throat.

Rhiyan swallowed as much as she could, but the thick spurts of searing seed soon filled her small mouth until it leaked from the corners of her lips. The salty, astringent taste of him flooded her taste-buds. The mousette slowly licked the now-softening member until all traces of cum were cleaned from it. She giggled when the tip of her tongue pressed against a sensitive spot and the cock weakly jumped, unable to respond fully to the pleasure in the wake of such a complete orgasm.

The incredibly horny rodent turned around and crawled up the body of her lover, trailing her breasts along his front so his fur brushed against her sensitive nipples. When she reached his face Rhiyan melded her lips with his in a sensual French kiss, and she could taste the tang of her juices on his tongue. She slowly made her kiss more aggressive, biting her tired partner's lips and making soft growling noises. Rhiyan finally raised her head with a mock snarl and glared at the tiger right in front of her in the circle.

He was the largest of the five clones in the room, his muscles bulging from a heavy frame and his impressive cock standing rigid at attention. The mousette estimated it was at least nine inches long, and his barbs were already faintly visible along the underside of the head, proving that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. Rhiyan wanted this hunk of a tiger, who matched all her dreams save for the fact that he was real and here in front of her, to dominate her like nothing else before. She wanted him to take her hard and fast with no mercy.

Before he realized what was happening, the little mouse girl had leaped forward in a parody of a feral predator and bowled him over backwards. She growled softly as she left small bite marks tingling along his neck and shoulder. Her delicate hands reached down and pumped his member frantically for a few moments, causing the buff tiger to writhe and groan in response. She was winding him up, but just as he was starting to learn the feel of another's flesh upon his, Rhiyan pounced away and up onto one of the abandoned beds.

After a moment's hesitation her target echoed her growl and set off in pursuit. Up on the bed Rhiyan felt a sensual shiver run down her spine for, while her growls were soft and cute, the dangerous rumble that came from the tiger's throat was warning and possessive. She didn't know it was possible, but her desire to have him conquer her just increased tenfold. She needed him to show her who was boss, to give her everything he had and never hold back, but getting him to do so required a little more teasing.

Rhiyan knew his dark vision was better than hers, so the raised her rump in the air and swayed her hips back and forth. Her tail curled back to touch her shoulder and the faint smell of her arousal permeated the air. The mouse felt the end of the bed dip, and the springs of the mattress squeaked in protest, as the weight of the heavy tiger joined her. Strong, firm hands wrapped around her thighs and the striped predator huffed his hot and moist breath down the crevasse of her derriere and along the puffy lips of her sex. She shivered in utter submission, eagerly pressing her rump towards him but letting him take control over her. Apparently he didn't mind the taste, because his licks became deeper and more focused towards her hot tunnel, lapping up the sexual honey she eagerly produced in anticipation. She was counting on his instinct to kick in and force him into her, but he was still not getting the idea.

Fueled by lust, Rhiyan turned herself around and pounced the tiger right back. With another of her cute growls, and more love bites to his neck, she used her paw to guide that throbbing male hood right towards her needy, quivering lips. As he felt the warmth and moisture of that tunnel, the strong male tried to impale her, but she was one step ahead. She only teased, barely an inch going into her for now as she did her best to entice this strong, muscular feline to realize what the next level in their short lived but passionate relationship was. She heard him growl, deep and needy, and knew that he had gone past the no-return point. She pulled back and crawled on her back, looking at the hunk in the dim light. She could all but see the fire in its eyes. He crawled to her, and she let her prey instinct come to life by crawling away from him a little, slow enough so the tiger could catch up.

"Meep" she made softly, feeling the big body cover hers and pin her down. He wasn't gentle, not at all. He was a predator with a mission, and she was the helpless prey. She felt him use one firm paw to hold her at the neck, sending powerful shivers down her spine as she felt him use his other paw to guide that big, slick tiger-maker towards her wet love tunnel. He didn't ask for permission, which made her all the more willing to let him do so. Her arms reached around her lover's back, digging into his fur as she felt him spread her insides like nothing before, roaring slightly. It had been way too long since a lover had made her feel so full inside, so receptive and female. The thought of protection was only in her mind for the fleeting moment it took for her to realize that she wouldn't dare contain that throbbing flesh in harsh latex. He remained within her, his hot breath washing over her face, sending her own sexual musk back at her nose. It hurt, just that tiny bit that made it all the more naughty and exciting, feeling his tip press right up against her cervix. It took the male a moment to pull back, and when he did the girl couldn't stifle a loud moan. Those barbs, brutal against the sensitive and aroused walls of her girlhood, tenderized her insides and sent ripples of endorphins up her spine, causing her to grip at him harder. His next thrust was even more powerful, dominant and strong, and almost made her fade out in pleasure. She was being taken, by this powerful and strong male, and there was no other place in the world she'd rather be than around him.

Loud squeals and eager moans, timed with his thrusts, made him aware that he was doing a good job. But he didn't seem to be listening, not that much. He was still thrusting hard and deep inside the little mouse sex toy, using her as a mere instrument to satisfy these newfound urges. Those barbs scratched her insides on the way out, and his slick flesh soothed it on the way back in. She had no doubt that, had she been a feline, she would be ovulating thanks to it. She clamped on him, countless masturbation sessions turning her pelvic floor muscles into toned instruments of sexual satisfaction, and she did not hesitate to use it to turn her vaginal tunnel into a tight passage, akin to a virgin's. He seemed to grunt in protest, using two firm hands to push her down into the ground, giving her the most pleasant rug burn of her entire life. She'd never had a feline inside her before, but at the moment she would never consider anything else suitable. Her fingertips were digging into her fur, her nails giving the tiger love scratches on his back. Slam after slam made her girlhood feel numb, but still pleased her to levels she had only fantasized about, in her wildest teenage dreams. The only difference is this one wouldn't end with wet sticky panties and a linen change.

Just as she thought she couldn't hold any longer, she felt his barbs flare up. He hadn't really lasted long overall, due to his understandable inexperience, but to the shivering mess of a mousette under him it had felt an eternity. She opened her eyes for a second, noticing the other four tigers looking at her. Two with pronounced erections still. The rough, predatory sex had gotten her up to the very peak, and the mere thought that there were still two tiger hunks waiting to be introduced to the world of mating by her was more than enough to cause her to scream out in orgasmic release. Clamping on him, she dug her fingers deep and pulled that tiger's cock right against her cervix, like an armed missile pointing at its target. He inhaled, and time seemed to stop for the faintest of moments.

Then he came. Hard.

Spurts and spurts of sticky white came forth, the male spasming over her as his member shot strings of liquid ivory, splashing past her cervix and coating her womb. It was an utter filling in the literal sense of the word, the plentiful dose of tiger batter spilling out of her tunnel and pooling in the ground as she opened her mouth in a silent scream. The feeling of being bred by a strong, dominant male was more than enough to send her into a hair spiking climax yet again, the petite mousette seeing stars in her eyes.

"O-o-oh..." She whimpered as he took her to sexual levels unknown to her. His own orgasm was short lived but extreme, the big cat staying tense within her and pressing as deep as he could, following the feral desire to be as effective in breeding this little prey as possible. Rhiyan was amazed at his productivity. He just kept spurting and spurting, making her feel full and woozy, until he finally collapsed over her in exhaustion.

"G-good Kitty, good kitty..." She panted out, brushing his hair. She knew he wouldn't understand, but she hoped her calm and pleased voice would be enough to convey the message of sexual satisfaction she wished to express. He wrapped his arms around her and began to purr a little, a lusty expression of pleasure as he hugged his little mouse sex toy. Fairly quickly, however, and probably due to the lack of experience with these strenuous activities, his breathing became deep and calm, and his grip on her relaxed. He was asleep. She gently squirmed from under him, feeling his malehood slide from her red and abused sex with a deliciously tingly sensation. She was somewhat shocked at herself. How could she still be horny after pleasuring three tiger hunks? As she finally got out from under the big guy, she looked at the rest. The two that had already been satiated were huddling up with the one she had just played with, and the other two males looked at her intently, eyes glimmering in the dim light and tails swishing about. Rhiyan bit her lower lip in lusty desire. These would be easier to coax, now that they had seen what it was all about.

She got up and walked nowhere in particular, swishing her tail around as she dripped the remnants of her previous lover all over the floor. Noticing the lusty looks she was getting, she got on one of the beds and began to stretch like a kitten in heat. She'd seen a couple of her girl friends do that, and apparently it drove the boys crazy. All she hoped was that their instinct was enough to pull the reaction she desired. A creak of the bed and the slight shaking of the mattress told her that her teasing had paid off. She shuddered adorably in expectation. She had seen what these were packing, and even though they were nowhere as big as her last lover, they looked thick and eager. With a moan that seemed to melt into the musky air, she felt him grab roughly at her thin and long tail, the girl instinctively coiling the remainder around his arm in lusty desire. A little gasp ran away from her lips as she felt the male's tip, already slick in preparation, prod against her buttocks as it tried to find its mark. He found soft flesh, an opening, and pressed hard on it without the faintest care in the world.

"EEEE!" The mousette made as she felt her tail hole roughly penetrated, muscles stretching past the limits of perceived elasticity to accommodate the needy tiger. He had gone balls deep within her immediately, not waiting for her to get used to him. Which, for some reason, made the petite researcher a thousand times more aroused. Shaking like a broken toy, she took a couple seconds to breathe. He stayed within her, still overwhelmed with the sensations. She had only taken a lover in her back entrance once before, during her more liberal years in college. This was relatively new territory for her, and she couldn't help but bite on the pillow hard as he pulled back.

Those barbs... Those firm, overwhelming tiger barbs...

They were just short of tearing her insides, digging into the soft flesh of her anal walls and scratching on the way back. It was pain, that brought in a completely unprecedented type of pleasure, akin to the one felt when roughly scratching an insect bite. It made her shudder in complete submission, wondering in her mind whether she'd be able to resist the next thrust.

"Ngh..." She made. Her muscles naturally fought against the invader, clenching and trying to push it out, but only resulting in a massaging sensation around the tiger's endowment. He was thrusting deep, uninhibited by the depth of her passage, making sure every single inch of feline meat was loved by her backside. She felt him grip at her shoulders hard, and then eeped as she was lifted and turned upside down. Apparently, her petite body was too uncomfortable for the big handsome tiger to mount, and now he had her on some sort of reverse cowgirl. Rhiyan had never quite grasped how small she was compared to them, and now she gleefully noticed that he could slide her up and down his shaft himself, gripping at her sides.

Just like the little tiger sex toy she was.

The feel of being used to satiate the feline's newfound lust was more than enough to get her severely aroused, exacerbated greatly by the rough and intense anal she was receiving from her feline lover. Her swollen and used folds called for attention, still dripping semen from her past lover into the new one's coupling, lubricating his back door invasion slightly. She dipped a couple fingers into her honeypot, biting her lower lip almost hard enough to draw blood. Every forceful thrust made her see stars in the corners of her eyes, pushing the envelope of her resistance in both the mental and the anatomical sense. She was so focused on this, so enthralled by the raw, primal act, she didn't notice another body depressing the mattress. The hot breath of another lover suddenly made her aware, the other male's intentions unclear until he used a firm paw to remove Rhiyan's hand from her own sex.

"Ohmygosh... D-don't, y-you'll split me in half..." She whimpered out, even though he couldn't understand anything. Her mind tried to draw a line, but her body betrayed her. Her arms wrapped around the new warm body, the tiger's penis prodding around and teasing her buttcheeks, her pelvic mound and her inner thighs, taking forever to find its target. Finally, his tip found her fleshy ridge and nestled itself into her crevice, before unceremoniously pushing balls deep into the little mouse. Both tigers and the cutie sandwiched in between moaned in unison, the two males getting a tight rubbing, mediated by the soft walls of the horny researcher. She groaned as they both pulled out at the same time, scratching her insides and leaving behind an empty feeling for the faintest of seconds, before both pushed back into their little prey at the same time. She could feel them throbbing, both of them, to the rhythm of two strong, young heartbeats. The one on top of her pulled out, her vaginal walls getting a tantalizing raking while the one on her butt remained still. Then, as one pulled, the other pushed back in. Her insides, twisted and stretched in two opposites directions, made her gasp for air and moan lustily into the cold dark room. She was going to walk funny for days.

They pumped away in a seesaw motion, guided blindly by their own newfound sensations and sticking to the movements that made the little prey squeal the most. She felt her own climax, still distant but rumbling like the wave of a tsunami, impending and unavoidable. She could tell it was going to be a big one, and she clenched around her lovers in pure anticipation of the rush to come. The two tigers, feeling their toy clamp down, could only pick up the pace and follow their instincts. She was a willing female, and their bodies would not be satisfied until she was oozing their baby batter out of every orifice. She clawed at the back of the feline on top of her, her well maintained nails barely managing to scratch the tough predator's hide. She felt them flaring up and choked on her own pleasure, unable to moan out the intensity of her sensations. They were close, she could feel it. And she was close too, the mouse girl hoping, begging that she'd be able to climax before they did. She felt herself pushed to the very edge of a massive mountain, to the point where a breeze might tip her over and send her tumbling down the cliff of orgasmic bliss.

The two tigers seemed to be in a very similar predicament. Their thrusting a were now erratic and jerky, and they were both holding their breaths in. At one point, the one underneath her bit her left shoulder, teeth leaving small marks but never rupturing the skin. Shortly after, his counterpart on top of her did the same to her other shoulder, both cats freaky claiming her as their property and plaything. That was more than enough to send her over, but what they did next really shoved her into ecstasy. They both tensed and hilted themselves within her, fuzzy orbs contracting to their bodies as each send thick and gooey strings of semen deep into their respective holes. Their barbs flared, digging into the flesh of her inside walls and holding them in place as they pumped her full, one into her already coated womb and the other one deeper into her butt. She had never felt so full in her life, so brimming with life and love, so needed... And that was more than enough to send her into nirvana and turn the mousette into a shivering mess. Orgasm after orgasm washed over her, each one strong enough to trigger one right after it. It was lucky they were biting on her and pinning her down, otherwise her thrashings might've hurt someone. Her pelvic muscle contractions, erratic and strong, made sure that not a single drop remained within her muscular lovers, who groaned and purred as they found bliss for the first time since their creation.

"O-oh dear..." She whimpered out, her voice soft and hushed, but not out of discretion. Her brain fired the pleasure receptors until they were empty, dropping her from an orgasm she only thought possible in her fantasies. Then again, what she'd just done was way better than any fantasy she had ever imagined. Once the tigers were done, and no more sticky baby batter was being deposited within her, they pulled out. She winced slightly as the barbs dug in, but sighed in relief as her abused openings were left to heal. She shivered a little, relishing the company of her tigers, as she felt her sex and tail hole drip cum all over the bed. She faded in and out of consciousness as one of the males ever so gently carried her up from the bedding, taking the utmost of care with her. He laid her down with the other four, the girl awake for a couple seconds as she felt the warmth of satisfied tiger lovers all around her, putting slightly. She was theirs now, that much was for certain. They all cuddled up together to spend the night, Rhiyad giving up on discretion or clandestine ideas. Even if she left now and somehow made it to her lab without dripping cum all over the hallway, she could never clean up all the room and the tigers. Her future was uncertain, but she was completely unfazed by it. In her final waking moments she reveled in the communal love from the tigers, all of which seemed to grope around for her, looking to bring her in for a cuddle. She went to sleep with her mind at peace. She knew that whatever horrors their lives would be comprised of, at least for one night she was able to show them the pleasurable side of being alive, and given them a night without nightmares.

And with these thoughts in mind, huggled and loved, Rhiyan went to sleep.

A small, dim red light flashed in the corner of the room, aimed at the group. Behind the camera's lens, a husky in a lab coat took notes about the vital signs and posture of all six dreamers, saving the video to a fresh CD before going for another cup of coffee.