Farmer Hank Ch. 2: Daisy Awakes

Story by Bortobobby on SoFurry

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#2 of Farmer Hank Milks Himself A Good Time

I remember as I opened my eyes, I felt really strange. What happened to me? I feel... different.

I remember the light blinding me, as if I hadn't seen in years. As though I were being born again. I rubbed my eyes with my hands.

Wait... I have hands? I have hands! When did I get hands... where did my hooves go? What else of me has changed?

I tried to stand up, but found it quite impossible. I had absolutely no balance at all. I looked down to see I had enormous breasts on my chest, a smooth and flat stomach, and shapely hips. My white fur had smoothed out and was shorter than it used to be, and was punctuated by spots of black, like most dairy cows.

But my udder was gone! Instead I have these huge boobs sitting right in front of my face. My face! I felt my face. It felt like a human's face. My snout had shrunk to a much smaller size, and I had grown full luscious lips. I still had my ears, thank goodness.

I looked down to gaze upon my new form. I had changed from a normal dairy cow into this... strange human-like cow. How did this happen? I recalled... something happening.

I decided to try balancing again. I scrambled into a kneeling position. That alone was really hard to do. It was like trying to ask a newborn baby to stand and run. I worked myself into a strange stance, on all fours. I paused on my hands and knees. I was now face down, with my rump and tail high in the air. What I saw confused me even more.

I saw something that looked like a toy horse. Or at least something that looked like some sort of animal. I brought my face in for a closer look.

Only a few inches away from the thing, I saw it was indeed a horse. But... it seemed way too detailed to be a toy. I didn't dare try to move any part of me that was keeping me from crashing to the floor for a closer inspection. So instead, I simply took a deep breath, and blew on it.

The horse made a high pitch whiney sound and reared onto its hind legs. I in turn let out a high pitch squeal and reared up onto my knees in surprise. That was a big mistake.

I started to lose my balance again. I flailed my arms wildly, my breasts swinging and bouncing this way and that. Of course, I did nothing to help myself. I fell backwards onto my rump, and yelped in pain.

Why did my ass hurt so much? It wasn't that big of a fall, was it? I tenderly poked one of my buttocks and winced, making a hissing noise as I inhaled through clenched teeth. Just what happened to me?

I sat there gingerly rubbing my ass. It wasn't so bad... it only hurt a little. I tried to think back. Tried to remember what could have happened...

I remember... being in the dark. It was dark... warm... and quiet. Then something... or someone, opened a door somewhere. Light flooded into my little world. I was so tired, the light stung my eyes. No, more than tired, I was exhausted. Why was I so tired...

I remember seeing a shadowy figure silhouetted in the doorway. The figure walked towards me. The closer they got to me... it seemed like I became more and more comfortable. I must have liked this person. Something about him calmed me. But... I can't remember anything past that.

I shook my head, rubbing it lightly.

I guess I should try to figure out how to walk. I leaned forward, my chin hitting my heaving breasts. A little milk squirted from my left tit, but I didn't even notice, really. I brought my hands in front of me and placed them on the ground. The tiny horse that was there before was long gone. I simply dismissed it and focused on the task at hand.

So here I was again, on all fours, ass in the air, face in the dirt. I carefully brought my right leg up to my ample chest, scraping my hoof through the dirt, leaving a trail. That seemed alright. I didn't lose my balance at least. Now I looked like an Olympic runner waiting to start a race.

I brought my left leg up to join my right. I wobbled a bit, but kept upright in a crouched position.

Time for the big finale. I started to lift myself, ever so carefully at first. It must have taken me ages to move even an inch. But at least I was making progress. Just a little bit at a time...

It seemed like hours before I was finally up off my hands. But at least I was up. I half-stood there in a hump-back position, wobbling. Time for the final push. I carefully eased myself higher and higher. I was actually doing it! For the first time ever, I'm actually standing upright.

I was absolutely filled with glee! I'm probably the first cow ever, to stand on their hind legs. And not fall over!

In my sheer happiness, I pushed out a small chirping giggle. Actually, that was the first time I'd heard myself before. I certainly couldn't talk, but that small laugh. It was like music. Soft and mellow, so innocent and smooth.

I giggled to myself until I was finally standing completely upright.

I did it! I was standing! I let out a loud whooping sound that echoed across the valley. I wrapped my arms around myself, smiling and hugging my own body. I was just so proud of me. Now the next step was trying to walk...

It was hours later, and I was already a pro at being an anthro. I could walk, I could run, and even hop or jump a little. Now that I was more confident on my feet, I decided it was a good time to get a good look at me. See what I had become.

The things that really fascinated me were my hands. I had two very human like hands. Four fingers and a thumb on each. The only difference, really, was the soft black and white fur covering them.

I ran my hands over my breasts, feeling them intimately. They were extremely soft and malleable. And they were warm to the touch. As I ran over my nipples, I inhaled sharply. That felt really good. It was a sort of sensation I'd never felt before. I liked it.

I gently flicked my fingers over my nipples. I made a soft little mewing sounds at the touch. It was so alien, yet so alluring! I simply can't explain it. It just felt... really good. So I started rubbing them a little bit harder. And the good feelings felt a little bit better and stronger. Milk started to leak from my nipples very slowly. It got on my fingers, coating them. The milk was warm and slippery. It felt delicate on my skin.

I looked closely at my milk dappled fingers. They glistened lightly in the shining sunlight. It looked so pretty, and I could smell it. It smelled like... me. It didn't smell like anything else, it just smelled like me. I wondered what it would taste like...

I suckled each finger individually... rolling my soft and warm tongue over my digits. The taste exploded in my mouth. It was like nothing I expected. It was warm, smooth... and tasted exquisite. It tasted better than the finest of creams. Smoother than wet silk. It was simply divine.

I quickly sucked all of the milk off of my fingers, leaving them shining with my saliva. I wanted to feel that feeling again. So I started touching my breasts again. I squished and mashed them against each other and my chest. Rolling and squashing them. Milk gently spurted from my sensitive nipples. I tried to catch as much of it as I could. I wanted to taste it all.

After I'd gathered up a sizeable amount in my cupper hand, I brought it to my mouth and gulped it down. It felt and tasted amazing in my mouth. So warm... so smooth...! I was quickly becoming addicted to my own taste. Handfuls wasn't enough. I needed it right from the source.

I brought my milk and spit covered hands to my right breast. I gently cupped it, running my fingers through the smooth fur covering it. I softly heaved my enormous breast to my mouth. It seemed as though my own pointed nipple were looking back at me. As if it were begging me... Eat me! Suckle me! Pleasure me... And who am I to refuse?

I quickly closed my luscious lips over the nubbin, and suckled it. I tongued the tip, gently caressing it, massing it with my wet muscle. Milk squirted directly onto my tongue, exploding in a mass of sensations.

The feeling of pleasure I got massaging my breast with my hands, and the warmth of my very own delicious milk in my mouth. I had never dreamed of such luxuries. I continued to fill my mouth with warm liquid. It was so delicious; I couldn't get enough of it. I drank more and more, moaning and mewing around my nipple, continuously pumping milk from my tits. My hands seemed to have a mind of their own. They frantically rubbed and mashed my tit, caressing my fur. I was getting carried away with myself, free to do as I pleased.

All of the excitement seemed to be having an effect on me. I started noticing another feeling I was not familiar with. My legs felt like they were wet.

I slowed my ministrations to my breast, swallowing my last mouthful of hot milk. My tit fell from my pursed lips with a wet slurping sound. I took my hands away from my bosoms and down to my legs.

My legs were indeed wet. But how did they get that way? There's no way I let even a drop of milk leave my mouth. I tried to look down but couldn't see past my own cleavage. I resorted to feeling around with my hands. The wet slickness was warm, and smooth, much like my milk. I followed the trail of liquid up my legs, rising higher and higher until I reached... something. Touching it sent a shock up my spine, eliciting a squeak from me. The feeling was like the type of feeling my nipples gave me. Except this feeling was much stronger.

I breathed heavily. The feeling was so strong, and new, it frightened me a little bit. I carefully touched it a second time... Again, a sensation like lighting shot up my spine to my head. It was so intense my knees quivered. I panted lightly. I gingerly touched the area again, a slightly as I could.

What I felt there was very alien. Nestled between my legs was a hot lump, with some sort of slit right down the middle. It was extremely wet, a slippery from whatever wetness it was producing. Heat radiated from it like a molten lead. I prodded the slit I found there... My finger slipped inside.

My eyes widened. I inhaled deeply and sharply. The feeling coursing through me right at that moment nearly sent me crashing to the ground. My finger was enveloped in the hottest, wettest and slickest flesh I could possibly conceive. The tunnel of my vagina was engorged with blood, swollen to the point of pain. My finger had invaded this previously serene spot, with such aggression, that pleasure signals rushed to my brain, blinding me for a moment. I had never felt anything as strong as that. I couldn't even imagine anything stronger than that.

My mouth hung open, my tongue lolling out of my mouth as I panted. My finger embedded deep in my pussy. I pushed my finger deeper into my cunt, moaning loudly as I did. More and more hot flesh enveloped my probing finger. My knees wobbled and buckled as I prodded further and further. Once my finger was as far in as I could reach, I stopped. I simply stood there, letting the sensations subside and let my brain catch up. I was in awe at the pleasure I was feeling. I didn't think it was possible to feel so good. Plus I had never felt these sensations before. It was all too much. I had to give myself time to recuperate.

After some time, I finally felt ready to try some more. I started retracting my finger, stroking the walls of my cunny as I did. I moaned and whimpered as more of my finger emerged from my steaming pussy. Finally, I pulled my finger all the way out, making a wet slurping noise as I did.

I was eager to see my hand. Eager to taste and smell myself. And what I found didn't disappoint me. I saw my finger coated in a clear film of liquid. I inhaled deeply, smelling it. It smelled heavenly to me. It almost smelled sweet. I tasted it. Just as with my milk, the taste was amazing. Like nothing I've tasted before. It was sweet... tart. It tasted like me. I knew right then that I was going to have more of it.

I quickly put my hand back on my pussy, cupping it gently. The heat radiating from my sweet honey pot was amazing. I gently caressed it with my fingers and palm, shivering and shuddering as I did. My breathing came ragged and shaky. I slickly inserted a finger into my pussy, eliciting a moan and a whimper. I pushed my finger in as far as it could go, then pulled back out. I did this over and over. Each time my ministrations increased in speed and force. Slowly at first.

With my other hand, I heaved one of my breasts to my mouth, and began to suckle. I moaned around the nipple, vibrating my own flesh. I sucked down as much milk as I could, while slowly finger fucking my burning pussy. The dual pleasures brought with them a different feeling. A third, strange feeling. My body began to heat up. I could feel my face flushed with blood. My dripping nipples became harder than diamonds. I felt really hot, the more I played with myself. I felt better and better the more I teased, played, fucked and sucked at myself.

I continued to finger fuck myself, moving faster and faster. Sucking harder and harder. Milk began gushing from my tits, and my pussy was dripping like a faucet. The heat in my body grew more and more. Something was happening, I could feel it. I began moaning and squealing around the breast in my mouth. Closer and closer. Whatever was happening to me felt amazing. It was getting stronger.

And before I knew what was going on, everything seemed to happen at once. Something happened.

My mind exploded with intense pleasure and indescribable sensations. I was cumming! I was cumming so hard! My breast flew out of my mouth and I screeched to the heavens, spraying me in the face with my very own steaming milk. The walls of my cunt rippled and gripped at my finger, pulsing and pulling it with such amazing strength. Pussy juice sprayed all over my hand, coating it up to my wrist.

I fucked myself harder, trying to prolong the amazing feelings. It felt so good! So unimaginably amazing! My mind was exploding with pleasure. I screamed with all ym strength riding out my intense orgasm. I fell on my back, spraying milk and pussy juice everywhere.

Eventually the feelings of pleasure subsided, but my arousal did not. I lay there in a lake of my own excrements, panting and moaning. My finger was still embedded deep in my pussy, and my breasts gently leaked milk.

That was simply incredible. Better than anything I could have imagined. I wanted more. There was no way that was going to be my only time.

I shakily got to my feet and looked around myself. Over the tops of the trees I could see mountains, vast stretches of fields, and in particular, a shining group of buildings. The shining caught my attention. I set off in their direction, knocking over trees in my wake.