Warm Friends Chapter 2

Story by rargh on SoFurry

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#2 of Warm Friends

Things start to move along between Brance and Roger in this (these) section(s). However, when the act starts, will they be able to keep their secret?

Okay, worst description ever. By the way, if I'm going to keep writing these, suggestions help. In other words, if there's some mistake I can fix, feel free to tell me.

"Okay, what did you guys do?" Mr. Charac said before we had even sat down.

I blushed, trying to quickly think of a cover story. "Nothing," I said. Dumbest. Cover. Ever.

"I wasn't born this morning, Flent! What did you do? Put lewd images on people's doors? Fill someone's locker with shaving cream?"

"No," we said in unison, "We didn't pull any pranks." Besides, what the heck type of prank is that? Where is his sense of finesse?

"Well," Mr. Charac said, rather quickly defeated, "we'll see when something happens, won't we."

"What's up with him?" I whispered the question in Brance's ear. "He knows we're both good students if we're in his class, and that was weird even for him."

"I'm not sure, but isn't it better he keeps on thinking that's what we did?"

Maybe he's right, I considered, letting memories about the problems between our races flash through my mind.

Luckily, no pranks were played that morning, so we didn't get blamed for anything, though we were a bit distracted in class, so we didn't get as much out of it as we should have. English, the class right after, went well, my teacher being surprised by how well-written my essay had been. I was a whiz when it came to words.

When lunch came around, I cautiously avoided my friends, made my way through the lunch line, and joined Brance where he was sitting. "Hi," I said happily to everyone at the table, getting acknowledgment in the form of a small wave from Mimi and a nod from each of the others. Kitty seemed to be staring at me and when I met her eyes, she looked away like nothing was wrong. I paid it no heed; however, I wondered a bit about her expression. She seemed worried more than anything else.

"How was class?" Brance questioned, pulling my attention away from the cat.

"It went well. You know how good I am with English. How was yours?"

"It went less well. You know how bad I am with English."

"You?" I asked him doubtingly. "You're great with grammar, though! How could you be doing badly in English?"

"I suppose you've spoken, then," Kitty interrupted, finally deciding to do more than stare. She looked between the two of us with a smile on her face. Was that what she was thinking of? I wondered to myself.

"Yes," I responded. "By the way, what is your name? I never got it yesterday."

"Caren," she stated, "So, what did you decide?"

"I'm pretty sure you already know," Brance answered.

"That we do," agreed Wolfy, whistling mockingly. _How?_The simple question began to bounce around in my head.

"And you are?" I asked, wanting to use his name when I asked.

"Gunner," he said, "and come to think of it, you never told us yours."

"Oh, sorry, I'm Roger. Roger Flent..." as Brance began to speak, I added, "How do you know what we've decided?"

"You humans," Mimi spat out the word "human" like it was a slur, "are sooo anosmic."

"What?" I questioned, staring at her like she had grown another head.

"Anosmic?" she questioned, pretty much reading my mind.

"Yeah. What the heck does that mean?"

"It means you're odor-blind," Brance said.

"Yeah," Gunner cut into the conversation, "Blazing Red Homo, here, is putting out some pretty strong scents of arousal. I'm amazed you can't smell anything."

"Hey," I was more than a little angry, "watch what you call him."

"He doesn't mind," Gunner said cockily.

"As if!" I spat the words in his face, then looked over to Brance. He wore a look that said he would have preferred to die rather than let me know that. "Are you actually...?" I trailed off, unsure of how to ask him.

"... Yes." His response was short and he looked down at his food fast as ever.

"You don't have to be ashamed," I assured him, patting his shoulder and quickly returning my hand to my lap. It still wouldn't have done to be found out this early. Perhaps the small group at this table was okay with it, but most wouldn't be. People would tear the both of us apart were they to find out.

"Maybe," Brance said after staring at his food for a while, seemingly deep in thought, "but you shouldn't be expected not to be."

"Oh, Brance, I can't be ashamed of liking you."

"That's so touching," Mimi butted in, a tear in her eye.

"Are you seriously crying, Mimi?" I asked, a bit concerned.

"She does this sometimes," Caren explained, rolling her eyes. She gave the fox a death stare, causing her to gulp. "It's nothing to be worried about, she's always been this way."

Brance looked up from his food, trying to stare me in my eye. "Do you want to try doing something? We could meet up at one of our houses."

For a second, I stared at him in disbelief. How can he be so casual about it in front of his friends? Then, looking around the table, I realized they simply didn't mind. This must have been more normal for them. Weird, just plain weird. "W-well," I began, my nerves acting up, "my home's a no go. My parents probably wouldn't let me have you over, and if they did, my room would definitely be off-limits."

"My parents might let you come over. But we'd need a reason."

"Well," Mimi interjected, "he's good at English, and you're not, Brance, so maybe he could help you study." She emphasized the word strangely.

"That could work," he said, "Can you come over tomorrow night Rodge?"

"I should be able to convince my parents. They know I'm doing well in all of my subjects, so it wouldn't surprise them if I were to help someone study."

"Then it's set?"

"Yep, it's set." I picked up my sandwich.


Later, when I got off the bus, I chose to walk around the block before going into my house. I had to think of a plan of attack. While my parents were great at giving me anything I wanted, they weren't as great at accepting those who were different, even if they didn't know my intentions.

Returning to my home, I walked up and slowly unlocked the door. "Hello mom," I said.

"Hi Roger! How was school today?" My mom's voice was just as cheery as ever.

"Great! Umm... can I go over to a friend's house tomorrow?"

"I don't know; tomorrow's a school night."

"Please, I kind of promised to help them study."

"I guess, as long as you're home by five; who are you helping study?"

Here came the tricky part. "Brance," I answered.

"Isn't that that hybrid dog kid?" she scolded me. "Now, Roger, I'm sure you could really help him, but I don't know how I feel about you being in one of those hybrid neighborhoods a-"

"Mom!" I cut her off, "Yes, he is a hybrid, but he's a good friend of mine from school, and I want to help him." Among other things, I added in my own mind.

My mom stared at me, surprised by my (admittedly) unwarranted explosion. "Roger, I'm only concerned for your safety; you've seen what they say about his kind on the news."

"Mom, most of that is blown out of proportion."

"As if! You have to know that their kind is useless, full of scumbags, a drain on the economy, even." My mom can be as unreasonable as she wants when she wants to be.

"As if!" I mocked her, "Brance is in my Calc class and he's well ahead of many of my friends even in other classes. Heck, most of what you just said doesn't have anything to do with this!"

"Then why does he need your help?" she retorted.

"Because there's no one smart enough to help him," I tried.

My mother was struck speechless, a small smile beginning to form on her lips. "Really, no one else can help him?" she asked, caving in.

"Yes." I made sure to keep my tone level.

"I guess you can help him then, but you'd still better be ready to come home by five."

"Thanks, mom." I was lucky she had a sweet spot for smart kids, or else I might not have been able to convince her.

"Roger, it's no problem." She complained and turned off to the kitchen, seeming to be mildly offended. But there was a problem. She and my father were ridiculously racist, so much so that one little request set my mom off on the topic. I swore under my breath, turning away, and went upstairs.At least she agreed to let me go over. As I got into my room, I turned on my computer, taking out my books and homework as I waited for the monitor to come to life. I didn't have a lot of assignments--in fact, I only had one--but it was definitely worth it to get my work out of the way. As the screen blinked on, I put my pencil to paper.

Integrals, they were some of the easiest problems in calculus. It was funny how each year, we started out going over them, but they became less and less important all the time. I found the assignment funny because Mr. Charac had made a problem out of the integral of "HORSE" joke that he always made in class; it was actually pretty hard too. I spent about ten minutes tackling it, and was rewarded with only a mildly certain answer. Putting the paper back in my folder, I went to my desktop and opened up my chat.

Where are you? Kyle's message blinked on my screen.

At home, Kyle, I sent back.

Wow, what a shocker.

Yeah, I know. Go figure.

Funny. Seriously though, where have you been? I've messaged you about a dozen times in the past few days.

I've been working on something, I lied. Before I can forget, not that I ever could, thanks so much for helping Brance.

Sure. Don't mention it.

No, really, thanks. I know it must've been hard for you to keep your company's name while helping him.

Dude, anything for you, especially to help you out in your love life.

I cringed a little at that. What do you mean? I sent back.

He's the guy you were talking about, wasn't he?

No, not at all, I lied back.

Roger, I don't mind if he's the guy. You're still my best friend, and I understand. There's nothing wrong with finding fur attractive, no matter what I may say in public. Anyways, I worked hard to get him into your calc class because I thought he was the one you were talking about, so it would be a bummer if I was wrong. He did actually get into your class, right?


To which part?

You do realize you only asked one question, right? I typed the sadistic comment.

As if he was checking back on his message, the response was delayed. Okay, but is he the guy, or is he not?

Yes. How did you know?

Well, you said that the guy wasn't good at math, and you said his voice was deep. While the former may be pretty common, the latter is pretty uncommon. At least, I'd never heard a voice that deep until I met him.

Yeah, he does have quite the voice.

So, how's it going with him?

Godd, it turns out he likes me too._Right as I sent it, I noticed my mistake. _*Good, I sent quickly, but not quickly enough.

Woah! What happened to the grammar freak I was talking to? Of course he was quick to notice, sending the remark right as I sent my correction. Sheesh, did he have it on his clipboard or something?

A typo happened.

Sssssssuuuuuuurrrrre. So does his liking extend as far as yours?

I think.

Aw yeah, you gonna tap that then?

That's none of your business. It really wasn't.

Be sure to tell me if anything interesting happens.


See ya'. Kyle signed out.

I spent the next few hours searching the web about hybrids. My goal was to find out just how well they could smell and what I should expect. There were troves of documents regarding the subject, and I found what I needed with little to no trouble.

It made me nervous as I read article after article telling me of how easily my emotions would be betrayed to hybrids. It also made me wonder how much of what Brance was feeling I didn't know about.

I went to sleep a little unpleased with what I'd found, but thinking about what me and Brance might do nonetheless.


At lunch the next day, I confidently walked right by my friends, drawing some of their attention this time, but sure of myself nonetheless. I went through the lunch line as quickly as I could then made my way to Brance's table. Boldly, I sat more near to him than I ever would have before and put my hand on his paw.

His fur stood on end. "Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes," I said as calmly and seriously as I could. I looked over to him to see a smile set on his longer jaw. He turned his paw over and took my hand in it, drawing a few gasps from his friends and, most likely, a few stares from others; though I didn't really care to check.

"So you guys are actually going through with this?" Caren asked, bewildered.

"I think," I answered.

"My parents said yes, yours?" Brance confirmed.

"Yes," I assured, "They weren't too thrilled about it, but I managed to convince them I'd be okay. Where should I go after school?"

"Actually, if you want to come home with me, you can," he said, a little hopeful.

"I'd love that."

"What are you guys going to do anyways?" asked Caren.

"Umm..." both Brance and I began with uncertainty.

"I guess we didn't really talk about that," Brance explained.

"Are you guys going to do it?" Gunner asked.

"Uh," we both said, embarrassed, "Maybe?" I looked to Brance, who had his ears back, and a shocked look on his face the likes of which I had never seen him show before. I must have looked just as funny because he chuckled. I leaned in a little bit closer, allowing myself to melt outwardly at the behest of his beautiful voice.

"Umm..." Gunner began.

"You guys might not want to be so open about it," Mimi finished for him.

"She's right," Brance admitted, pushing me a little away from him. "We don't need everyone to know about it..." he looked to me and saw what was probably a look of hurt upon my face, "yet," he added, starting to dig into his lunch.

I looked to him a moment longer, then I turned my sights to my own lunch.


"Hello," Brance said, seeing me walk up to his bus.


"It's a good thing you came early; it's hard to get a seat on this bus."

"Well, then, let's not waste any time." I lead the way onto the bus. Only to be greeted by a golden-furred fox, the bus driver. "Hello," she said, "I think you have the wrong bus."

"No," Brance said popping his head out from behind me, "This is Roger; he's coming home with me today to help me study."

"Really?" she queried. "Well, okay. Hi then, Roger, I'm Ms. Bennett, and I'll be your bus driver."

"Hi," I replied awkwardly. Then, I started off towards the back of the bus, Brance behind me. Before I could even pass the first seat, though, I realized something. "Wait a sec," I said to Brance, "Where do you want to sit?"

"Let's sit here," he said, pulling me down next to him in a seat. Surprisingly, he also didn't let go of my hand.

"Umm... Brance?" I said.

"Oh! Sorry," he said, letting go. Just in time, too. People started to flood onto the bus almost immediately; there were felines, equines, foxes, and more canines. Wow, Brance really lives in a hybrids only area of town, I thought to myself. I took out my phone and speed dialed my mom.

"Hello Roger!" she said, picking up. "Is there something wrong?"

"No." My response was quick. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm riding to Brance's on his bus."

"Roger! I don't even know where he lives. How am I supposed to pick you up?"

"I thought of that already," I said irritably.

"Then where does he live?"

"8759 Parker Street," Brance answered, leaning over to speak into my phone. I blushed at how close his face was to mine.

"Is that him?!" my mom asked.

"Yeah," I answered happily.

"Well, you know that was irresponsible, you've got to let me know sooner than this."

"Well I can't tell you during school. When am I supposed to other than now?"

"... Fair enough," she relented. "I'll be there at five to pick you up, okay?"

"Sure. Bye, mom."

"Bye, honey." The line went silent. Thank God she didn't explode again. Brance's hearing is way too good.

I closed my phone and looked to Brance. "Am I ever going to be able to keep a secret from you?"

"Only if you're in another building," he answered, chuckling.

I looked around the bus, seeing it was almost full. "Brance, you won't let on, right?"

"No promises, but I'll try not to." Man, was I lucky he understood what I meant.

When the bus departed with me being the only human on it, though, I really started to worry. What if Brance couldn't suppress his feelings? The whole bus would know, and we'd be exposed. I'd probably take the brunt of it too. "It's okay," Brance said, grabbing my hand, "no one's gonna hurt you." How did he know? Every time he took a stab at what I was thinking, it turned out more of a surgically planned strike. It was strange, though, because that action was all I needed. All of my tension melted away with his promise.

"Thanks," I said, gripping his hand a little tighter then letting go. He smiled, and put his hand back in his own lap, knowing it wouldn't be a great idea in front of all the other hybrids. It wasn't really like they all loved humans (more like a lot of them hated humans).

Sitting there in awkward silence, I watched as the students left the bus one by one until there were only four students (including us) on the bus. "You live pretty far away," I said, a little bit surprised.

"You bet I do," Brance agreed as the bus began to pull to a stop, "but no further than this." He laughed lightly and pulled me up with him. "By the way," he added, "you have really good timing."

When we stepped off of the bus, Brance started off almost right away heading to his left. I followed as closely as I could, aware of a number of stares directed at me from passersby. When he walked up to his house, I felt my anxiety drain away rapidly. Finally, I was getting away from all of those hateful stares. I waited patiently by his side as he pulled a key out of his pocket and slowly unlocked the door, holding it open for me to step inside. He followed, quickly locking the door behind him. "Hello!" he shouted, officially ending the quiet in his house. He took his shoes off and left them by the door. I quickly followed suit, taking note of the fact that he didn't wear any socks, which made sense since he had fur.

"Hello," said a brown-furred wolf, coming down the stairs across from the door. He reached out to me with a paw. "You must be Roger."

I returned the gesture, shaking his paw. "Yep. Nice to meet you Mr. Haig."

"Nice to meet you too," he said, gripping my hand firmly then letting go. "I'm sorry the Mrs. Couldn't be here right now, but she's currently off with Brance's younger sister for her ballet practice."

"It's no problem," I ensured him.

"Umm... dad," Brance tried, "can we... uh... go to my room to study now?"

"Of course, I don't want to keep you from getting anything done. I just want to make sure that Roger, here, knows to ask if he needs anything."

"I will," I said.

"Okay then, you two have fun."

"This way," Brance said, pulling me by my shoulder. We walked down a hallway and he ushered me into a small room that held a small bed with gray sheets and a nice, dark wooden desk with papers strewn all over it. There were a few band posters around his room, but it was otherwise pretty unfurnished. "Well," he said, closing the door silently as he turned to me, "that went well." He walked over to his bed, leaving me standing in the middle of his room, and dropped his backpack by the bed. "I'm sorry if that was weird, my dad's never played host to a human before, and he spent last night making sure he wouldn't greet you in some offensive way."

"Why would he?" I asked, following suit and placing my backpack by his, "you've never greeted me in a weird way."

"Well, he didn't realize that you're basically the same in that respect. I tried to tell him, but he was adamant that he get it just right. No reason to scare off the human, was there?"

"That's funny, he did just fine with what he did. You should tell him that."

There was an awkward pause.

"Your dad seems to be pretty accepting. Was it an act, or is he normally that okay with my kind?" I looked to Brance awkwardly, waiting for an answer and hoping I hadn't offended him.

A frown quickly spread over Brance's face. "Why would he be acting? He's a cool guy."

"I'm sorry," I apologized quickly, "It's just... my parents aren't quite as cool towards... others."

"Dude, it's okay." Brance's frown loosened its hold over him. "Our kind doesn't hold as much hate towards yours. Sure, there are some, but most of us are fine with it."


"As far as I've seen. Are your parents really that bad?"

"Well," I admitted reluctantly, "my mom has a habit of saying some- things."

"That's crappy. So I guess that means we won't ever be able to tell them."

"No, but they're probably going to figure out, and when that happens, I don't know what I'm going to do." My tone grew more somber as I said it.

"Well, you live with it then," he said, not understanding my dilemma.

"I can live with_it_," I complained. "The problem is, I might not be able to live with them," this was said more softly.

"Oh," Brance said sadly. He looked away, pondering something, then turned back, locking eyes with me. It hurt to see such sadness in his eyes as I did. "Roger, I don't know how, but if that happens," he paused and smiled, apparently confident once again, "I'll convince my parents to let you come live with us."

My jaw dropped. How does he expect that to work?"Brance, even if it does come to that, I don't want you to do that. There's no way your parents would agree to letting _me_come here."

"How do you know that?" Brance asked, tilting his head as though he was genuinely curious. "They're my parents, not yours."


"Just shut up and give me a hug." He wrapped his arms around me. "I can't stand to see you worried like that."


"Shush!" he cut me off, but I listened this time. Trying not to think about it, I focused on how it felt when he held me like that. His arms were warm and soft--noticeable even through my shirt--and his body so close to mine made me feel happy. Hesitantly, I put my arms up around him, feeling his puffed out shirt sitting on top of his fur. He leaned his on my shoulder then, his movement controlled, as though he was suddenly scared to go any further. As his neck brushed up against mine, I found that I liked the contact; actually, I liked it a lot. The warm fur of his neck against mine was calming, but at the same time made me want to leap for joy. I weakly rubbed closer to him as he nuzzled me, eager for more of that feeling of fur against skin. After a while, I was getting more curious, and I wanted to do something.

"So..." I began, unsure of how to finish the sentence. However, I didn't have to worry, for Brance knew the perfect thing to say.

He stepped away from me, moving his paws down to my waist, but keeping them on me, then leaned in ever so slowly, kissing me on the lips.

That kiss sent shivers down my spine. I wanted more as soon as I could get it, so I pulled him closer and brought our lips together in a longer embrace, having to tilt my head so that we could properly kiss. Slowly, I noticed his tongue pushing against my lips, and I parted them to give him access. This was amazing; I could feel the soft flesh of his smaller lips against mine, outlined by a bit of fur, and the rougher texture of his tongue exploring my mouth. He broke away momentarily, "Are you enjoying this, or not?" He sounded unsure of himself.

"I'm enjoying it alright," I said giddily.

"Are you sure? You're not giving me any tongue. I don't want to force you into this."

"I'm fine, just a little unfamiliar is all."

"You and me both," and he dove back in. This time, as though all I'd needed was permission, I drove my tongue into his mouth, discovering all of the interesting textures that lay within. I felt his soft gums which contrasted well with his hard, sharp teeth. He pulled me into a hug, which I returned, pawing at my back affectionately, and tilted his head so that I could go deeper.

It felt like hours passed before we stopped kissing, but even if they had, I didn't care. This was heavenly. Slowly, begrudgingly, we parted, staring into each other's eyes with want. "Do you want to get naked?" Brance asked.

It was a little blunt of a question, but I found myself answering it quickly. "Yes."

"Okay then," Brance broke away from me, pulling off his shirt while I did the same. Then, when he got to his pants, I couldn't help but stop and watch for a moment as he revealed the rest of his beautiful golden red fur. About an inch of his penis poked out of his sheath, and my eyes were drawn straight to it. Suddenly, he looked up. "Trouble?" he asked jokingly.

"Nah, just admiring the view for the first time."

"Well," he laughed, "don't you think I want my own view to admire?"

Suddenly, I felt tense. Brance was amazing; muscular, calm, the perfect coat of fur, you name it, he had it. There was no way I could measure up to him. Sensing my discomfort, he took my hands in his paws and told me "Don't worry, I'm not going to laugh or say anything mean. I _really_like you, and that means I like your body too. At least, I like what I've seen of it, and I don't think it's possible for the rest to disappoint me."

Reassured, I quickly unbuttoned my pants, and pulled them off, displaying my semi hard-on proudly. He gave me a once-over and then came in close for another kiss. The feeling of his soft, warm fur against mine as we kissed drove me crazy that first time. My cock was starting to grow quickly. I then felt a bit of less furry flesh rub up against me. His dick was growing too. He broke the kiss, hugging me close and pulling me down onto his bed with him. We shared another kiss then broke for breath.

I suddenly ballooned in confidence, and reached down between his legs, grasping his dick. He froze for a moment at this, but looked at me almost expectantly. Slowly, I began to rub up and down along his shaft, feeling it grow faster and seeing a dribble of pre begin to come from his tip. Eventually, he began to buck a little, trying to get more pleasure out of it, and I wondered what I might do next.

Suddenly, the question was wiped from my mind as the bedroom door flung open followed by a gasp. Both Brance and I quickly pushed away from each other, turning our gaze to the door.

In the frame of the door stood Brance's father, mouth hanging open in shock.

"B-Brance," he stuttered, "I thought I h-heard a bang... but." He looked so very scared. Suddenly, he turned around and headed out the door.

"Shit!" Brance said under his breath. "Dad, wait, I can explain."

He got up and didn't even bother to dress, chasing after his father. Slowly, I started to pull on my clothes, and get ready to leave, expecting to be kicked out of the house. I tensed at moments when I heard shouting coming from out in the hall, and wondered whether I should just let myself out. I decided it was best, and went to grab my backpack, fully clothed, and rather scared for my friend.

When I was making to get up out of the bed, though, Brance suddenly popped his head back into the room. "What are you doing?" he asked, actually confused.

"Leaving," I said, "I figured your dad wasn't too happy about what we were doing and that I'd be kicked out of the house anyway."

"Don't be silly, Rodge," he said, grabbing my shoulder. "He was just a little mad that I hadn't told him the actual reason I wanted you here. You can stay, and I would very much like it if you did. If it's too awkward for you, though, then I'm perfectly fine with you wanting to leave early."


"Just follow me," he took my shoulder again and brought me to his dining room, where he sat me down across from his father, leaving me blushing like a tomato in the brown wolf's presence.