Tales of Adventure Chapter 16

Story by Ennek on SoFurry

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#18 of Tales of Adventure

So after a bit of a hiatus, the Tales of Adventure back and better than ever.

No soft bird songs, no sunshine through the window, it was definitely a drastic change of pace from the usual means of waking up.

Enek woke up with a yawn, and the first thing he noticed was the overwhelming warmth and comfort that surrounded him. It was a stark difference from the bitter cold they'd been traveling in for the last week now. He recognized the feel of a nice soft bed beneath him and the thick fur blanket that covered him, but there were two other sensations slightly different from one another at his sides. Lifting his head and glancing around, Enek saw that curled against his left side laid Asyr. Fast asleep and peaceful looking as she took gentle breaths nuzzled against his chest. A slight worry crossed his face as Enek turned to look on his other side.

Laying in the crook of his arm, cuddled in just as well as Asyr was, laid Cyn. Her warm chest was pressed against his and she softly sighed in her sleep. Shifting slightly, Enek could tell from the way her fur touched him that she was just as naked as Asyr and himself were. He swallowed hard, unsure of what to do in the moment as he felt Asyr hold his hand up to her muzzle and kiss it. Glancing slowly back towards the canine, her eyes were open and she smiled up at him. Using his own hand, she raised his index finger to her mouth. The message was clear as Asyr glanced over him to look at Cyn as well.

That playful look had settled into Asyr's eyes as she crawled on top of Enek. Straddling over his waist, her naked body was on display for him. She growled playfully as she felt his awakening manhood press into her tail, causing it to wag slowly from excitement. Running her furred hands across his scarred chest gently before leaning down to his face and pressing to his lips for a kiss. The act was less than natural for the canine-morph, but she had picked up the nuances of it over time; even better she was getting to put them to practice now with her Alpha. This fact combined with the action itself sent her heart racing as her tongue sneaked between his lips for a taste of his own mouth.

As Enek's hand rubbed against her cheek it sent a shiver down her back. "I don't think this is best idea right now Asyr..." They broke the kiss with a shared sigh between them. He motioned with his head down to the sleeping Cyn. "Besides we don't even know where we are." He smiled back at her sheepishly when she gave him a sad look and a whimper that he wasn't entirely sure was faked.

Cyn stirred at this, rubbing her eyes and stretching. She yawned just as deeply as Enek had before blinking. "What are you whining about? Some of us are trying to sleep you know." The feline girl reached to a small side table beside the bed and picked her glasses up. Putting them comfortably on her face, her expression froze as she took in the scene beside her. Looking between Asyr and Enek, her tail puffed slightly behind her. Her eyes glanced down at where she was cuddled in against his side and laughed nervously. "Ah, I.. Well.. Look, you were really warm and it seemed comfortable.. and the canine wouldn't stop until I did!" Her tone was uneven and nervous as the embarrassed look rode freely on her face.

Sitting up, Cyn went to stand beside the bed but paused when she realized her body was just as nude as theirs were. Covering her breasts with her arm, Enek was certain he could spot a blush beneath even the fur. Taking a deep breath she got up and quickly went to retrieve her clothes, putting them on as swiftly as possible. Enek wasn't about to mention it when she bent down to pull up her pants, accidentally giving Asyr and him an eye full. "I'm.. going to go find the Watch Commander. I promised I'd give a full report after we had an actual rest. Just stay here for now." Her embarrassment was still quite clear as she left the room, with book in hand.

Enek and Asyr watched as Cyn left, closing the door behind her. "So let me guess, you want to have sex now don't you?" The human turned to his bed companion with a raised eyebrow but an amused smile on his face.

The canine perked her ears towards him with a smile of her own, her tail wagging happily behind her as she slid her furred fingers along the bare skin of his chest. "Mmhmm.." Her reply was more of a seductive growl than actual words, but the meaning was all the same if not more insistent to him. Slowly she moved to straddle his hips, wrapping her warm furred form around his as she nuzzled in beneath his chin. "Alpha, warm.." She softly said to him, eyes closed with her wide smile. His hand brushed along her cheek, rubbing it gently. Her eyes opened back up, meeting with his as her clear blue ones stared back into his own hazel. Leaning up again, her lips pressed against his as they shared in a kiss once more. Her hips shifted above his, grinding her crotch into his as the sensation slowly awoke his manhood. Asyr moaned into the kiss, her ears perking straight up as she broke the kiss to look down between them. "Mm, very warm.." The canine-morph licked her lips as her hand reached down and grasped his cock, slowly stroking it.

Taking a sharp breath, Enek's fingers wrapped firmly around her hips and squeezed down. He rocked her hips against his own, dragging his cock teasingly across her furred belly while her own fingers remained around him. Noticing behind her, Asyr's tail had slowly begun lifting in excitement at their combined touch. "Alpha.." She moaned softly to him, her breathing a little hard as she rubbed against him. Her fingers angled his tip to rest at her pussy and she looked up at him coyly, as if asking for permission. He simply nodded for her and she slowly slid his length inside of her. Asyr tipped her head back and sighed as she came to rest on his lap, his cock fully hilted inside of her. The canine bit her lower lip to stifle another moan as her hands rest on his shoulders to steady herself. The two lovers savored the moment together, the shared warmth connecting them as her fingers brushed across his skin.

Raising her hips once again, his length was dragged through Asyr's tight pussy until only the tip remained inside. The bitter cold air of the chamber blowing across his length sent a shiver up Enek's spine as she held them there for a few agonizing seconds, before returning him deep inside of her. Her pace started slow, rocking her hips against his to make sure his shaft was hitting all the right places. It was Asyr's turn to shudder as she felt the human's hands leave her hips to instead cup the canine's soft breasts. Her hands came to to meet his, holding her fingers over his as they squeezed her breasts together. Eagerly bouncing herself on his lap, she impaled herself on his thick, warm cock again and again. Enek had been her first human and she loved every moment of his manhood inside of her, so Asyr indulged again in a thought she often had now when mating with her alpha. No rough knot she had to stuff inside of her as with her fellow canines, his was just smooth continuous pleasure she could slid all the way in.

The steady rhythm of their bodies mixed with the sounds of breathing filled the bedroom. Enek was certain that wherever they were it wasn't private enough that someone hadn't noticed by now what was going on in here, but right now he honestly didn't care. Shutting the rest of the world out for now, the only thing that matter at the moment was him and Asyr. Releasing her breasts, to which she soon took over fully, he allowed his hands to roam along her body as she rode him hard. Tracing the pattern where her fur changed from brown to black, Enek leaned in and kissed the nape of her neck. She moaned appreciatively at his attention, crying out his name "Enek!" as the canine-morph was no longer able to contain her pleasure. Her head tipped slightly to the side, presenting it to him for further touch. It was an invitation he took happily, baring his teeth and biting down on the same place he had just lovingly kissed moments before. Immediately Asyr reacted to him, throwing her head back and crying out as the human could feel her tight walls clamping down even tighter on his cock as she came hard on his lap. Asyr's hands had released her well teased breasts to wrap tightly around his back as she hugged herself warmly to him. "Alpha.." Her chin rested on his shoulder as the pleasure sent shivers through her.

Panting for breath, Asyr quickly regained her strength when she realized her alpha hadn't reached his own climax yet. Feeling slightly disappointed in herself, the canine-morph released her human lover with a smile to kneel down before him. She nuzzled against his slick manhood as her hands slid over his thighs, the scent of her own arousal mixed heavily with his and she dragged her tongue across the underside of his shaft, planting a kiss at the tip.

The door to the bed chamber creaked open as Cyn re-entered the room with a sigh. Readjusting her glass, the lioness froze in mid action as she noticed the pair. Enek could see his own emotions of embarrassment spread across the feline's face, but Asyr's was one of playful enjoyment. Turning to face away without a word, Cyn began to pull the door open to leave when the canine called out to her "Cyn, wait.." Surprisingly the shy lioness did just that, though she faced away Cyn did not leave. Unfamiliar with what was likely the canine language, Enek was unable to determine what words were specifically said by Asyr but they seemed to have an effect that he had not be expecting. Cyn's tail, which had remained completely still until this point, slowly swished behind her as the feline turned back around to face them. She looked down at the floor though and hugged her book tightly to her chest.

"I think this is as brave as I can get towards that though Asyr..." Cyn's words being spoken in Common were almost more of a tease than not knowing at all. More words from Asyr, prompting Cyn to look up and meet Enek's gaze somewhat unsure. Though he couldn't see to be certain, the human was sure there was a bright blush across her face at the moment as she swallowed hard and pushed the door completely closed. "Alright, fine. You've convinced me. A girl can only take some much of watching and knowing, before she wants to touch.."

"Cyn? I'm sorry about this, but what are you two talking a-" His words were cut off as the lioness set down her book on a nearby table, removing her glasses, and slowly stripping out of her clothes in front of them. It was his turn to swallow hard as he watched the sensual form of their travel partner be revealed to him once more.

Her hands wrapped around the base of her back and squeezed one another as she shyly stood there and looked right at Enek. "I hope this alright, just... please be gentle?" She asked him softly as the feline slowly approached the bed and crawled forward on it towards them.