Warm Friends Chapter 3

Story by rargh on SoFurry

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#3 of Warm Friends

Okay, probably the last bit for a while cause I just got back to college, but so be it.

"Sorry about that," Brance's father began, "I was a little surprised to see my son... um... doing the diddly... instead of studying."

"So you're not--?"

"No, I'm not mad. I think it's great that Brance has finally found someone he wants to be with, and I don't really care what you guys end up doing, just please be careful not to get hurt. I'm a vet, so if you do, I should be able to fix you up, but I imagine your parents would not take kindly to their son returning to them injured."

"Uh... O-okay, so... thanks!? Umm...?"

"Just go ahead and have fun. Like I said, I don't want to keep you."

I got up, eager to escape the awkward situation, but was stopped. "Wait," he said, "just in case--I doubt my son thought to get anything for, well, lubrication--so please take this, he said, holding out a black bottle across the table. Brance grabbed it, slowly walking me away from the room and back to his. And I thought it couldn't get more awkward?

"See," he said, "nothing to worry about." As if! What the heck was that?

"Well, there is something to worry about," I responded, turning to him and taking his paws in my hands.

"And what is that?" he asked, eyebrows wrinkling.

"Getting the deed done in time for me to get home," I answered then dashed off to his room, hurrying once I was in to strip off my clothes again and get into his bed. Brance followed soon after, literally jumping on top of me in his bed. "Oof! You crazy dog!"

"What do you mean by crazy?" Brance smiled dementedly, then leaned his head towards mine, pursing his lips. I mashed my lips with his as quickly as I could. Soon, we were making out again, and I was glorying in the complexities of his maw.

It was amazing. In no time, not only had my boner come back, but so had Brance's. In fact, it felt like it was much larger than before, its smooth texture a contrast to the fur against my chest. When he resituated himself, I looked down and froze. He was massive, maybe around nine inches already and pretty thick.

Noticing how I looked at his dick as if it had grown another head, he looked down himself. "It's almost all the way out," he explained. "So," he asked slyly, "what do you want to do with it when it's all the way?"

Without thinking, I answered him. "Whatever it is you want to do with it, I want to do with it."

"Really?" he asked. "You want my dick in your ass then?"

I looked at the member. It was pretty long. Could I actually take that? I looked into Brance's eyes and I saw the care they held. He wouldn't ever hurt me. "Yes," I answered. His eyes opened wide in disbelief for a moment then they narrowed.

"Say you want it, then," he commanded, a little bit of a snarl detectable in his bass voice.

"Oh, Brance, I want you to fuck me in the ass," I said, trying to sound needy. It must have worked well because he ground up against me hard. He reached down by the side of the bed where he'd set down the black bottle, and quickly commanded me, "Get on your hands and knees." I did as I was told, feeling a sense of desire well up within me. I wanted to do this for Brance. Nothing could have brought me more pleasure, at that moment, than to bring Brance pleasure.

I felt him move around behind me, squeezing some lube out of the bottle and lathering his dick with it. He then positioned himself directly behind me, lining up with my hole. "I warn you," he said, leaning over me, "this is going to hurt. A lot."

I nodded in response then he thrust in a few inches, causing me to yelp in pain.

"Are you okay?" he asked in my ear, but didn't pull out at all.

"Yes," I lied back, gritting my teeth. It hurt like hell, but I didn't want to disappoint him. Eager to get on, though, he quickly shoved yet another few inches in, though this time, instead of complete pain, I was also greeted with a strangely nice feeling. I moaned from the pleasure, feeling his prick send a bit of pre into my ass.

"Like that? he asked. "It's not even all the way in yet. I can't wait to see your reaction when I delve as deep as I can." I felt more being pushed into me after that, and all of a sudden, I saw stars as his body came closer. "Almost..." he grunted, "all the way in." He then pulled out and shoved back in all the way, letting out a sigh of pleasure. It was slow going at first, but developed into a driving pulse, to which I moaned with a bittersweet amalgam of both pain and pleasure. Every time he thrust in, there were still searing needles, but I was more overwhelmed by the gratifying shocks the action sent echoing throughout my entire body.

"More. Please, more." was all I could moan as he pounded me from behind.

"Rodge, I can give you more," he whispered to me, slowing down so that I could focus more on what he was saying, "but it'll hurt a lot more than I think you're ready for, and you won't be able to leave bed for a while. So, tell me, do you wanna be knotted?"

_Don't say yes. Don't say yes. Don't say yes. "_Yes." Came my eager response. _No!_I worried mentally. I had heard of a dog's knot. I never knew that Brance had one, but did know that however large it was, it would be way larger than what he'd already put in me. It was too late for me to voice my concern, though, because Brance quickly went back to pounding me, a new fervor present in his motions. Quickly, I started to feel a new pressure each time he pushed in. There was a much larger ball at the base of his shaft that I could feel repeatedly pressing against my entrance. I moaned in ecstasy, still lost in the feeling, and while a little tense to think about what Brance planned to do, I slowly lost that tension to the rapidly fluctuating tides of his motions.

However, I knew the fun was bound to come to an end as soon as I agreed to let Brance knot me, and when I felt him thrust in--knot and all--for the last time, soon after starting to shoot seed into me, I actually cried in pain. Following the pain, though, came a bliss that I hadn't known existed. Sure, it was initially unbearable, but the pain receded more quickly than I ever could have hoped for, and was replaced by the most amazingly impossible feeling I'd ever had. As I felt wave after wave of Brance's seed sent into me, I was losing it entirely. I came--hard--as Brance shot his much larger load inside of me, humping all the while.

After what seemed like a few minutes, Brance finished filling me, but I felt that his knot remained inflated within me. "You did surprisingly well," he whispered breathlessly in my ear.

"Thanks?" I questioned.

"I really mean it," Brance assured me. "I never thought someone would let me do that. It was wonderful."

"Umm..." I began, loathing to end his happiness; increasingly aware of the pain in my backside, though, I continued, "not to be rude, but this is kind of uncomfortable. How long will it last?"

"Anywhere from fourty-five minutes to an hour," he replied without a hint of hurt or worry in his warm voice. "How did - does - it feel?"

I hesitated, unsure of whether I had the words necessary to describe it, but not too long, because I surprised myself, realizing I had just the perfect words. "It. Was. Hell." I said, feeling him sag in response. "At least it was at first, but then I began to feel the most divine sensation I've ever felt." He seemed to pep up a little bit at this. "Long story short," I finished, "I would not mind doing that again." Although if it's going to last that long, I'm screwed.

"Really?" he asked, leaning closer to me on my back, nuzzling me.

"Yeah," I nodded, "but-" I jumped a little when I heard my phone ringing on the floor. Shit! Not already. I glanced to Brance's alarm clock. "Shit!" I said loudly, "my mom expects to pick me up in like five minutes."

"Awww. Why do you have to go so soon? Can't you just stay over?"

I stared at him with utter surprise. Can he really not connect the dots? "Uhh, I _might_be able to convince my mom, but regardless, if it'll take as long to separate as you say, then we're in trouble."

"Oh!" Brance suddenly understood. I rolled my eyes at him. "Dad!" he shouted towards his door.

I tensed. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Well, regardless, you can't get to your phone easily, and if you need to avoid being caught red handed then we might as well see if you can stay over tonight."

"Still, isn't th-"

"What is it?" Brance's father said, bursting in then looking away sheepishly. "Umm, Brance, you know this is normal, you don't have to worry, and you certainly don't need to call me."

"Not that, dad," Brance was filled with exasperation, "that," he said, pointing to my shorts, from which a ringing sound was issued.

"Oh," he said, face-palming, and quickly as he could, he grabbed my phone and handed it to me. He then attempted to leave.

"Wait," Brance said, reaching out to him, and pulling me a little to the side in his bed.

His father stopped for a moment. "Yes?" he questioned, clearly not eager to stay in the room any longer.

"Can Roger stay over tonight?" Brance asked hopefully.

His dad ears lay flat against his head and looked at a corner of the room as he answered, "as long as you promise to do some actual studying."

"I promise," Brance exclaimed.

"Okay then, he can stay," Brance's father conceded, but hurried out, shutting the door quietly behind him.

Feeling extremely awkward, I quickly answered the call, which had already been sitting for a while. "Hello, mom."

"What took you so long?" her worried voice came over the line.

"I was talking to Brance's dad about staying over." It wasn't completely a lie.

"Staying over! In that area? On a school night? With a hybrid!? No way, Roger!" Her irate voice came menacingly from the phone.

"Mom!" I yelled into my phone, quieting her, "Brance is _not_a problem student, but he really needs help with his English. Besides, his father is nice, and I can't see anything bad happening to me while I'm here. I'll ride his bus to school tomorrow and there'll be no problems."

"What about dinner? What if they don't eat normal food?" Yes! Progress! I was getting to her quicker than expected.

"Don't worry about it." I said angrily. "It's not like I'm going to starve if I miss one meal-"

"We eat normal food." Brance sounded offended.

"I know that," I whispered at him, punctuating my statement with an elbow to his chest. Returning my attention to the phone call, "besides, they eat normal food, anyways." I tacked the statement somewhat lazily onto my argument.

"Okay, I guess you can stay tonight," she sounded deflated, "but only this once, it's!" she added.


"Will you need any clothes? Should I go back home and get some?"

"You can wear mine," Brance mouthed.

"No, I'm okay."

"Bye then, Roger. Have fun!" Her voice was still strained with worry, but she seemed to be making a genuine effort to hide it.

"Bye, Love ya mom!"

"Oh, I love you too, honey." There was genuine happiness in her voice that time, so I was satisfied that I had done a decent enough job convincing her, and hung up. Weird, why was she so okay with that?

"Thanks," I said to Brance. I wasn't sure how I would have pulled that off without his quick thinking. "I can't believe your dad was so cool about walking in on that."

"He was the first time tonight, why wouldn't he be this time? Besides, he understands how hard it is to maneuver when tied too."

"Anyways," he continued cheerily, "you've got to be tired from holding that pose for so long. Wanna lay down instead?"

"Sure." Eagerly, I started to move my knees out from under me. As I approached a laying position on the bed, I could feel Brance's knot tugging against me. He was trying to follow my movements to avoid discomforting me, but not quite succeeding. As I finally got my entire belly into contact with the bed's surface, I noticed a semi-cool stickiness upon my skin. "Shit! I forgot about my cum!"

Brance laughed. I sighed in pleasure, his deep laugh washing over me, taking me to a warm, happy place and making me (nearly) forget about the odd feeling on my belly. How could I complain about this when I was with the most perfect person I'd ever met. The position itself was perfect, too; I could feel Brance's warm, blazing fur like a blanket upon my back. A thought occurred to me. "More like orange pawed," I laughed.

It took Brance a moment, and I thought that my poorly-timed joke had definitely been too late for him to understand, but he started to laugh once more. He then fell silent, hugging me close. We stayed like that for a few minutes, both seemingly content to lie in the unusual position, but Brance had something on his mind. "Roger, I know it may be awkward for you, but would you mind if we started studying while like this? We may have the whole night now, but I don't want to waste all of our extra time just doing work. After all, we're gonna be tied for a while longer."

"I guess," I answered after a while, thinking of how odd it would be to study in our current position. I wasn't really sure it would even work out.

"Good." Brance reached over the side of the bed and rummaged around in his backpack, pulling out a notebook. As he handed it to me, he said, "the first three pages are all I need to go over."

"Are you sure?" I asked. "I'm perfectly willing to go over more with you."

"Well, there is more, but that's my words list. I need to memorize those as well as I can, so I figured we'd go over it first."

"Then why'd you say that it was all you needed to do?"

"Sorry," Brance pouted playfully, "I didn't know I had to specify."

"Whatever... So... Let us see..." I scanned the list for a good word to start on, "Ah. Here we go. Logolepsy?"

"An obsession with words."

"Good." We ran through the rest of his list three times before Brance felt good about it, but I was dismayed to look over and see that there was still more time left to wait.

"Brance, is it almost time?" I whined a little more than I meant to, but by that point, I couldn't help it. I had felt his cock go down a little in size, and my bum was starting to feel odd.

"Let's see." Brance pulled a little and I felt a pain.

"Maybe not yet," I winced.

"Yeah," he whispered in agreement. As he laid back down on me, I was happy to feel his warmth once again. After another few minutes, he spoke again. "Rodge?"


"Would you mind if I marked you?"

I thought to myself for a while, then asked him, "in what way?"

"With my teeth...?"

I mulled it over in my head for a minute or two.

"Rodge?" Brance brought me back to myself.

"I don't really want to do that. My mom would probably try to gut you and your family if she saw bite marks on me."

Brance pondered my statement for a good while, "I won't do it where anyone can see," he begged.



"I guess you can then," I said weakly.

"Where should I do it?"

Almost immediately, I thought of the perfect place. "My shoulder," I answered.

"Okay," Brance agreed sadly.

"What's the matter?"

"I just wanted to let others know." He spoke as though hurt. "I hoped you'd decide somewhere maybe a little less private."

"But you know how hard it's going to be to explain!" I was astounded by his sudden lack of regard for the situation. "Do you really want to risk getting in trouble?"

"I guess not," He spoke unhappily.

"Maybe you can do it somewhere more visible someday later, but for now, the offer still stands to leave your mark on my shoulder."

"Really? You mean you'll let me do it eventually?"

"Yes, do you want to do it now, though?"

"Yes, please!"

I moved my head to the side a little and waited to feel his bite. He brought his jaw over my shoulder, and I closed my eyes preemptively. As he bit down, pain exploded in my shoulder, but I clenched my teeth and avoided letting out a scream of pain. He held me in his jaw for a few minutes, and the pain started to lessen. As he lessened the pressure on my side, I opened my eyes and looked over to see that it wasn't as bad as it felt. He had indeed drawn blood, but the quantity wasn't too high, and the mark wasn't too deep. I watched as he set himself to lick all of the blood away, liking the feeling of his rough tongue on my skin. Near the end, as he moved his head down to reach more of the bite, I heard a pop. His knot had deflated enough to let him slide out.

His exit was followed by an expected flow of seed; however, it was also followed by a sense of emptiness that I couldn't help but find saddening. How strange, I thought to myself. He finished licking his bite mark then sat up, and I could feel his stare on my ass. He pulled the cheeks apart with his paws, and I waited to see what he would do, actually hoping that he wanted to mate me again.

"You look okay," he said seriously. "There's a little bit of bleeding, but nothing that shouldn't heal. My dad can probably give you something for it if it hurts."

I craned my neck and stared at him questioningly as if to say "but he's a vet."

"Don't worry." Strangely, he understood my meaning. "Vets can generally help any species, even humans. Besides, he offered the lube before we did this."

He told me to flip over. As I pulled away from the sheet, it stuck to me, my somewhat crusted cum acting like glue. Once I was facing up, he dove down on me, planting another kiss on my lips. "You're awesome!" he said, "You shouldn't have had to do that your first time. At least, I think it's your first." He looked to me in askance.

"It is," I assured him.

"Then you are DEFINITELY going to enjoy it when you get to do me later." My look of shock made him laugh. "What, you thought I wouldn't let you fuck me back? Where's your sense of equity?"

"I don't know," I said shrugging and using the dumbest voice I could muster.

He chuckled. "Anyways," he added, leaning in as though for another kiss, "we should get to that studying." He then popped up and walked over to his desk, cheating me out of an expected kiss. I groaned.

"You heard my dad, either we study, or we don't fuck."

"Fine," I grumbled. "Let the studying... re-begin!"

Brance laughed, taking a textbook out of his bag. "You're pretty eager, aren't ya?"

"Maybe. So?"

"It's not a problem," he assured me. "So, can you help me with my grammar or what?" He held his book out to me.

"Of course!" I grabbed the book hastily. "After all, isn't that what I was just doing?"

As we went through his notes, it suddenly dawned on me that Brance wasn't really in need of grammar help, but more so needed aid with his interpretations of literature. "You do realize that most of this stuff is conjecture, right?" I asked.

"But why isn't there an answer?"

"There is, you just have to make your own."

"But how?"

"Like so," I said, pulling out my English folder, not filled with many new papers, but definitely home to some of my old favorites. I pointed out a few examples ranging from those that now seemed like utter nonsense to those I still couldn't believe I'd been able to come up with.

We ran through some of the papers, and Brance began to grow better in his own examples.

"That was awesome," I congratulated him after his most recent attempt at an argument. "Just remember, you need to draw some of your knowledge from sources other than yourself."

"Well, I'm sorry if my only source right now is horrible."

"Ha. Ha. Ha," I said drolly. "You are such a jokester."

"I try my best." The warm smile on his black lips was genuine.

"Well, your best is, admittedly, pretty great. Also, did I ever say how much I love people with good senses of humor?"

"No, but that's good to know." Brance closed his textbook. "I think we've done enough for tonight, don't you?"

I tapped my finger on my chin, acting like I was thinking. "Maybe... I'm not sure, though."

"Yeah, right!" he exclaimed as he pushed me back to the bed, "you wanna just make out for now? My mother and sister will be home soon."

In answer, I grabbed his head between my hands and practically pulled his face into mine. Starting the longest kiss I'd yet held with him. We endeavored in that kiss to explore each other's mouth with as much depth as was possible. I felt his tongue as it pushed excitedly through my mouth, touching along the roof of my mouth then running along my teeth, checking under my tongue, and probing my gums. At the same time, I explored his canine mouth, relishing his much sharper teeth and his more textured mouth, finding most of the wonders outside of my reach due to my short tongue.

Suddenly, his ears pricked up even more than they had been, and he broke the kiss. "My mom's home," he said. "Do you wanna meet her, Rodge?" Sheesh! His hearing is way_too good._

"Sure," I agreed, getting used to his odd sense of privacy. Most of my (human) friends would never be so open with their parents about anything. "Your dad seemed pretty cool, and if we're going out, we might as well tell both of your parents."

He took my hand in his paw, smiling as happily as I'd ever seen him smile, and pulled me out his door. "Woah, what about clothes?!" I said, stopping him.

"Oh! Sorry, you're not used to being in a hybrid household. I should have explained. Seeing as we already have fur, we don't tend to walk around the home with clothes. If it makes you feel more comfortable, you can wear them."

So that's why he didn't care when he ran out after his dad. "To be honest, I think I'd rather meet your parents clothed, for now."

"Suit yourself," he frowned and pulled me back into the room and waited for me to pull on my pants and shirt, but didn't put on his own. As I clothed myself, feeling some of my dried cum flake off as my shirt disturbed it, Brance's voice came from over my shoulder. Maybe you'll go shirtless at dinner?" he asked hopefully.

"Maybe..." I said without any intentions of following through. When I was fully clothed, I reached out a hand inviting him to take me out to meet his mother. He led me through the hallway, and to a pair of wolves just stepping in through the door.

"Hello," the taller of the two, a black-furred lady, said, smiling awkwardly. "You must be Roger."

"Hi," I said, wondering if I should hold out my hand to shake, "It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Haig." Her nose wrinkled a little as she focused upon me. There was an awkward silence.

Suddenly, as though she felt obligated to say something, the tinier wolf covered in pure white fur chimed in, "Mommy, why does it smell like Brance has been doing 'the thing' again? There aren't any girls around."

I was shocked. She can smell it?! Crap! I had forgotten about my research the night before. A displeased look quickly took over my face and I blushed, tightening my hold on Brance's paw.

Seeing the look of fear on my face, the grin on Brance's, how we were holding hands, and apparently noticing the scent that our loving had left, Brance's mother quickly pieced the situation together. What I didn't expect was what she said when the puzzle was solved. "Oh, that's why Brance was so interested in having you over?" She spoke calmly, but I felt like there was something wrong.

"Honey," she said turning to Brance. Now, I could detect more than a trifle of anger in her voice. What was she going to do to Brance?

"Yes, mom?" Brance had picked up on the note too, and seemed worried.

"Why did you do this?"

"I'm not sure I understand, mom. Why did I do what?"

"Why would you do this? You know he's only going to cause trouble."

"What do you mean?" I was insulted.

"Oh please," Mrs. Haig said, "since when has one of your kind ever been able to accept one of ours? You're using him, and I don't appreciate it."

I looked over to Brance, seeing a look of uncertainty suddenly painted on his face. Angry, I turned back to his mother. "I'd never use him. I love him."

The lady wolf's eyes shot open a little, and I could feel Brance lean into me a bit more. I looked quickly towards him, taking in his beautiful eyes and analyzing the contours of his rather inviting lips. Seeing his expression, I felt longing boil up within me and without thinking I leaned in and met his rich, black lips with my own.

Apparently, he was feeling like doing the same, because far from protesting, he returned the kiss, moving his hands up to cup my face and turning my head so that we could more comfortably smack lips.

"Eep!" the younger girl exclaimed, causing us to break our contact. I saw Brance's fur bristling as he looked over to her. Starting to giggle, tail wagging, she questioned her mother, who appeared for all the world to be near to throwing up. "Brance has a boyfriend?"

"Uh..." Mrs. Haig was coming back to her senses, but not fast enough to form a thought.

"Yes," Brance answered the girl himself, "and I really like him. His name is Roger, by the way." This said with a little venom.

"Sorry," the girl apologized. "It's just..." she couldn't seem to stop laughing, and Brance rolled his eyes at her as though he was used to this treatment.

Looking towards the girl with unfocused eyes and ears laid back on her head, Mrs. Haig finally spoke. "Gryetta, please go to your room."

"But mom. I want to hear about Brance's boyfriend," she complained.

"Gryetta Joria Haig! Go to your room this instant!" When her voice was raised, she became infinitely scarier and I jumped back, kept from hitting the wall only by Brance's firm grip. She is not taking this well. The girl ran up the stairs quickly, apparently just as scared. "Brance," she said forcefully, "why'd you do that in front of your sister?"

"It's not like she's too young to know what we were doing. She clearly understood that Rodge and I had sex." Brance held his pose with me in his arms.

"Still, you don't have to let her see. Besides, how can you be sure that you want to be with him? What about that nice tiger. What was her name...? Harietta?"

"Mom, I've been thinking about this since I met him, isn't that enough time to be sure?"

"Well, how long has he been thinking about it?" Both of them looked to me.

"Since a bit before summer. It took a lot of time to come to terms with it, but you can see that I've managed by now."

"Really?" Brance's mother questioned me.

"Of course! No one can deny that he's one hot dog." Brance's mother looked uncomfortable at my words. "I'm surprised I didn't realize I liked him earlier." I couldn't help but feel warm inside as his eyes lit up.

Brance's mother looked downcast, "Okay, I'm not one to deny you anything, Brance. You know that; but I'm not going to support folly. When is he going home."

"Dad said he could stay the night, mom."

"Really!" she said. "Frickin' George!" The comment was said under her breath.

"Yes, mom. Is that okay, then?" Brance sounded rather sarcastic.

"Yes, Brance, it's okay." The female wolf's words were extremely forced. "Your friend can stay over tonight, but I expect you to plan this in advance if you want him to stay over again. Not that you'll be allowed to. You've also got to have my permission from now on, not just dad's."

"Well," Brance said sheepishly, "we sort of got caught in a bad situation," I saw Brance's golden red fur un-bristle. "We kind of had to improvise."

"Oh," some more un-bristling from Brance's mom, and a note of understanding crept into her voice. "I assume your parents don't know about this, Roger?"

"Oh gosh, no they don't. They'd disown me."

"Please be careful at school, then. This household doesn't need another mouth to feed."

"Careful at school?" I wondered aloud.

"If word of your... relationship... gets to your parents, I assume it would be no better than if you told them yourself."

Understanding dawned on me, "oh."

"Don't worry, mom," Brance responded in my place, "We'll be careful."

She looked unsure, but nodded. "Will you be ready for dinner in an hour?" she asked.

"Yes!" Brance answered. I found my stomach grumbling at the mention of dinner. I watched as Brance's mother walked away silently, tail rigid, ears back, but fur flat, not bristled.

"She'll warm up to ya," Brance assured me, slapping me on the back happily.

"Are you really sure about that?" I looked over to him.

"Of course, I've lived with her for years, haven't I?" He led me by the arm back to his room. This time he sat down on the bed then gestured for me to sit on his lap. I did so and he quickly lay down, gathering me as close as possible in a strong hug. "Roger, are you sure you want to go through with this yet?" he asked. "Like it or not, your parents are going to figure it out by the end of the year, and you're going to have to find someplace to live. We could always wait until at least next year."

_ _I gave the words some consideration. They had a lot of validity after all, but I decided against it. "Thanks for your concern, but I want to stay with you, Brance; as long as you want to stay with me, that is."

Brance gave me a sloppy kiss. "Of course I want to stay with you, Rodge. You're amazing." He followed this up by trying to slip my shirt off. I obliged, raising my hands above my head and feeling the thrill of his furred chest as it came into contact with my back. He then proceeded downwards, unbuttoning my pants surprisingly easily from his vantage point behind me. As I felt my lower half laid bare, I got goose bumps. With my full nakedness exposed, he pulled me once more into a warm embrace.

I pulled his arms tighter around me, relishing the feeling of his warm fur against my skin. We laid like that for a while, reveling in each other's closeness. After about half an hour, though, I felt something new pressing against my leg. "Brance," I whispered, "is that what I think it is?"