Luka - The Son of the Tyrant – Chapter 19 – Baby time

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#19 of Legends

Last one of the main Series. Next one will be a little Side Story and then the Storyline that is at it´s end.

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Luka - The Son of the Tyrant - Chapter 19 - Baby time

7 Months later

„HEY!!! I meant it serious!!! You are looking good!! " Luka said to Numa while they both walked through the New Castle Park.

„Stop joking me. I´m looking like a Gas Balloon. " Numa said back while she looked at her side.

„That´s not true. You have become a little bit round yes but a Gas Balloon? No way. You are looking more like a Zangoose. "

„HAHAHA..... That one was good........ NNNNNHHHHHHHH...... "

She suddenly felt a stinging pain in her back and stomach but only for a few seconds.

„Is something wrong Hun? Are you hurt?" Luka asks a bit in fear.

„No. No. I´m fine. I think that the eggs only moved a bit. Let´s go on. " Numa answered to calm him down.

They both walked on but after 3 minutes she suddenly stopped and let out a low.


„Don´t tell me that it was only a movement again. " Luka said in real fear.

„I...... HAH..... I don´t know. It´s just....... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! "

The pain had suddenly doubled its potential.

„It´s them right? Their coming right now. "

„I...... It seems so........ PANT....... We better get......... AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! "

Her Body began to shake in pain and Luka saw in his corner of his right Eye that something was running down Numa´s Hind legs. He turned and walked to look over her back and only a second later he turned in place and shouted out really loud.

„GUARDS!!! "

Only a minute later 2 Castle Guards appeared.

„You called Sir. " One of them said.

„We need to hurry. You there. Go and pick up the Doctor. Tell him that it is time. GO!!! "

The first Guard Saluted and ran away.

„And you will help me bring her back to the castle. "

„Understood. " The second Guard said.

„I.... I´m fine..... I can...... AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! "

„No you cannot. The amniotic sac has broken. We don´t have much time left before they come. Now let us do it as we trained it. Come on. "

Once Luka had said that, he layed himself flat on the ground and the Guard did the same with some space between them. Next Numa move slowly over them and once she was in position, Luka and the Guard slowly moved up again. Once they both were standing, Numa was hanging between them with her stomach free in the Air. The picture was looking like a bridge and like one they moved towards the castle, each time stopping when a compression was coming.

They needed a few Minutes to reach their target and once they reached it, everything went fast. They had just reached the Child room , which they had made for their child's , when the first egg became visible at her entrance and it only needed 2 more compressions to let it come out completely. Everyone, especially Luka and Numa were happy that it had gone this fast but then everyone began to fear because the second egg didn´t came out and the compressions began to fade.

„We need to do something!!! " Luka said in now totally fear.

„I know. Let me do my work and stay out of my way!" The doc said while he made some operation tools ready.

„Hey you there!" The doc said to a Guard that was standing aside.

„Sir!" The Guard answered.

„Go and find some towels and a bowl with hot water. AND THAT FAST! "

The last words the Doc said loud and the Guard ran out of the room without answering only to return 5 Minutes later with everything the Doc needed.

„Good. Now comes the hurting Part. Numa. I have to tell you that I have to make a C-section to save your Life and the Life of your Baby but unfortunately I cannot give you something against the pain. I..... " She cut him.

„Do it Doc. Do all...... NNNNNHHHHHH...... You have to save my Baby!!! "

„Alright. Luka. Hold her Paw and let her bite on something. "

„Just start and save them. "

„OK. "

The Doc moved to the side and placed the scalpel or better said the knife on her Stomach. Then he asks Numa and Luka one last time.

„Are you ready? "

Both nodded yes and the doc moved the Knife into her Body.

She screamed in pure pain and began to move wildly.

„GUARDS HOLD HER DOWN!!!" The Doc screamed and moved on while the Guards jumped in to hold her still.

She kept on screaming until Luka moved something in her mouth and she bit down on it hard. She bit down very hard but then she tasted something really warm on her tongue. Under her pain she managed to open one of her Eyes and then she saw something that she didn´t wanted to see. She was biting on his right front leg. The pain had to be insane for him as well as hers but he didn´t made a sound. She was just about to spill his leg out when the doc said to one of the Guards.

„Fast. Take it, take it. "

She felt that her Body became weaker and the pain moved away. Not completely but enough to relax a bit.

Once the egg was out the doc began to close the wound with a long twine and everyone in the room became more and more relaxed until the wound was closed.

„So...... * BITE * ...... That was the last sting. All done here. Both Babies are save and her mother is........ " The Doc started but then he saw that Luka had his Leg in her mouth and that he was bleeding hardly.


* BUMM *

Luka had collapsed to the ground and the doc ran to him as fast as he could. Once near, he checked Luka´s pulse and let out a low breathe. Luka was still breathing but he was very weak because he had nearly lost all of his blood.

„Luka you fool. I said something to bite on yes but I didn´t meant your leg. Do you want to die or are you simply stupid. " The Doc asks loud.

„S.... scream at me as much...... As you like...... I would do it again..... She is....... More...... Precious then........ Me....... " Luka answered with a smile.

"That is...... ARGH! You are...... ARGH!" The Doc tried to find an answer to that but he couldn´t. Instead he looked over the eggs and once he was done he placed them between Numa and Luka.

In the meantime, Luka had been placed on another Bed by the Guards and once the eggs were placed, they drove him close to them. With Numa they did the same and once they were both close, their parents instincts came out and they both moved themself as close as possible to warm them. Not to mention that they both shared a passionate kiss before they both passed out.

2 Months later

It was a shiny Sunday and everywhere was spring began to come. Numa and Luka had become King and Queen in the past 2 months but not because they both had chosen it. Their folk had wanted them to become one because they both had done so much for them. They had built up the land more by building some schools for the child's and other things like building a Lands rat in where only Pokémon of the folk were sitting in and no noble.

„Isn´t this a wonderful Day?" Numa said to Luka while they were both standing on a Balcony, looking into the distance.

„Not as wonderful as you are. " Luka answered playfully.

„HIHIHIHI... Thanks but I´ve already told you that I don´t like it when you play childish. How many times should I tell you that? "

„Just one more time as always. Just one........... " Luka stopped suddenly while he had turned around and Numa wondered why.

„Hey!!! Is something wrong? "

He didn´t gave her an answer. Instead he only moved one of his Paw up and pointed somewhere while his Eyes had become really big. Numa then looked into the direction of where he was pointing and then she also became big Eyes. He was pointing onto their eggs which had begun to glow in pulses.

„Please tell me that I´m dreaming....... OUCH!!!" Luka asks before she pinched his right check.

„No. You are not dreaming. " She answered.

„Thanks for letting me feel that. "

He wanted to say some more but he couldn´t because right at that moment, one of the eggs glowed in a blinding bright white and then it faded, revealing a little Vulpix Baby. Numa and Luka slowly walked to the Bed where they had placed their eggs and looked over the newborn with puppy Eyes. They both couldn't believe what they had saw a few seconds ago but there it was. Their very first Child.

They were both still trying to sort their thoughts when the second egg also glowed very high and then faded away, revealing their second child. A Poochyena. Now they were completely lost. Surely they had trained themselves for this moment but right now they didn´t knew what to do. They were both only happy that they had finally become parents.

„OH look at them!!! Aren´t they cute?" Numa said after a few moments.

"...... " Luka didn´t said a word.

„Come on. They are cute right? "

" ..... SNIFF..... " Was his only answer and she saw that he was fighting some tears.

„What´s wrong? "

„I..... I..... I had always tried to imagine how it would feel to become a father but..... But..... I´m sorry..... I cannot stop my tears..... This feels so awesome great and right and.... " He moved a tear away with his paw and then he tried to speak on but before he could do, the Vulpix started to cry, followed closely by the Poochyena.

„OH.... What should we do.....? What should we do???" From one moment to another Luka began to panic but was quickly cooled down by Numa.

„Stop it Hun. They are only hungry. Come and help me with them. " She said and moved herself on top of the bed.

Luka did a deep breath and then allowed his instincts to help him. Once Numa was laying right he took the Vulpix into his mouth with the Baby grip. Then he carried it slowly towards Numa and once reached he layed it down next to her. Instinctively the Baby began to search for her milk nipples and quickly found it. Luka then did the same with the Poochyena and once the Baby had found its place also on her Milk nipples, he moved outside of the room only to return 5 minutes later with the doc in his shadow.

„OOOOHHHHHH...... such sweat little ones!!! Do you have given them some Names already?" The Do said and ask.

„No..... We don´t even know..... Their Genders. " Luka answered with a light blush on his face.

„HAHAHAHA..... OK. I get the wink. Let me see. "

The Doc them carefully moved a pa under the Vulpix and moved it up slowly. Once the Vulpix lost the grip on Numa´s Nipples, it began to cry immediately.

„TTTTSSSSCCCCHHHHH..... It´s all getting good..... "

It was no use. The Baby began to cry even louder until Luka did something unexpected. He took the Baby from the Doctors paw, sat himself on the Bed and began to sum a melody while he softly moved a paw over the Vulpix stomach. As if he had pulled the right button, the Vulpix came down quickly and the Doc could finally do her Job.

„What Melody is this? I never had heard it here in this Lands. " Numa asks Luka.

„That´s no wonder. It´s a Melody from my country. My Mother summed it always to calm me down when I was a Baby. " Luka answered.

„Your Mother? Now that you mention it. You never told me anything about her. "

„That´s because I never knew her. She died when I was 1 and my father never spoke over her. This Melody is all I have left from her. All that I can remember. Even if it is just only a feeling and a sound."

„Does the Melody has a Name? "

„Euration. "

Luka kept on summing that Melody and the little Vulpix in his legs began to yawn while it moved itself into a Ball. Meanwhile, the Doc had done her check up on the Vulpix and said to the young parents.

„Alright. The little one here is fully grown and everything is right.... With Her. Yeah. It´s a female that you are holding in your legs Luka. UPS.... Your Highest. "

„I already told you to stop calling me that! I..... GAH... Who cares? ...... A Female you say? Well.... That´s your part my Dear. You choose a Name. " Luka said while he smiled towards Numa.

„Hmmmm..... AHH.... I know. Rika. What do you think Hun? "

„A fine Name. Indeed. Now let´s see who Number 2 is. By the way. Where is he or she? "

„Under my Stomach. Look. It´s sleeping too. "

Numa moved her Body a bit and revealed a deep sleeping Poochyena.

„OH Arceus.... I bet that this one is a Male. " Luka said with a big smile.

„Why do you think so?" The Doc asks

„Just a feeling and..... The way it had layed it´s paws. It´s exactly the same way I do it when I go to sleep. "

„Now that you say it... HAHAHA.... Yeah. Exactly the same holding position. HAHAHA.... " Numa threw in while the Doc finished her work on the little one.

„HHMMMM.....HMMMM......Hhmm.... Alright. I´m done here. The second one is also fine and...... I have to tell you that you were right. It´s a male and already big one. I know that I didn´t have to say it but his tool is a bit bigger than normal but there is no need to worry. It´s all fine. "

„HAH.... I knew it. Well....... CRAP.... I´ve had such a good Name in my Head for a Son but now.... DAMMIT!!! "

„Felix. " Numa said. „Let us call him Felix. "

„Felix? OK. Sounds nice to me also. Very well then. Welcome on this planet my child's. Rika and Felix. " Luka said while he slowly moved himself completely on the Bed.

Once he was on, he moved himself close to Numa and layed Rika next to her Brother. Next Numa moved her back to warm them but as if she doesn´t wanted it, Rika woke up and began to whimper but before she could start to cry, Luka took her softly with his paw and placed her under his Stomach. There she quickly dropped back asleep and Numa smiled brightly of that look.

„Seems like that someone likes you a bit more than me. "

„Yeah but she will never be this beautiful as you my Love. *KISS* Thank you for..... "

Numa had placed a paw on her Mate´s mouth before she said.

„There is no need to thank me. We have both done our best and I bet that we will do that again sometime. "

„I think that you can count on that. " Luka answered once she let him and then they both also went to sleep.

The doctor collected all of her things and began to move out but before she left the room, she said lowly.

„Sleep well my precious Childs and dream of your now full filling Life. "

To be continue