Surviving Solitude part 9

Story by Enur47 on SoFurry

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Since I woke up early, and I couldn't go back to sleep from thinking too much, I decided to write what was on my mind in a random book.

Picking up 1984, I flipped to the back, inside cover and began to write, "In the two days that have passed by, things were settling down. Liam, Marvin, Marilyn, Billy, and Shane have moved into our home, which was great! Except things were getting odd here. Nate and Grant liked each other, but Nate also likes Shane, and Chase likes Grant and Daniel. Good for me, bad for them. I just hope things don't get too bad with those guys. Note to self, figure out the dream of Marvin making a snow angel. It was too real not to be a vision." With my mind at somewhat ease, I went back to the bed where Nate was sleeping. He looked adorable, curled into a ball, his hands under his pillow and head resting it, slightly tucked in. His knees were up close to his chest, and the blanket covered the back half of him, which I couldn't see. I kinda liked watching him sleep, especially how he sometimes clings to me when we sleep. Before getting dressed to go downstairs, I went to kiss his forehead and scratched under his chin a little. Sometimes, I feel like Nate is my son more often than a cousin.

Going down with a black, v-neck tee and jeans, I noticed something smelled good. Creeping down, I saw left, was the study nook. Nothing special going on there, other than a paper with doodles on it. In the living room, was Marvin playing with a toy on the coffee table. We waved each other "hi" as I walked by and into the kitchen. Along the far wall and left side were counters and cupboards. Marilyn was cooking on a small, propane stove. I saw some played with eggs on them. How nice of her, cooking for us. She must have brung some chickens with her.

"Good morning, Aiden!" She gleefully said as she shifted a plate over to me. It had some grilled squash and eggs.

"Morning to you, too, Marilyn." I said with a nod. She wasn't very tall, just shoulder height to me. The dining table was in the opposite corner of the corner where there were counters and cupboards. I took the seat along the wall with the door to the basement. On the polished oak table was a small bowl of nuts, and a CD player connected to small speakers. I pushed play, and "Arise" began to play.

"Come get yer eggs Marvin." Said Marilyn wiping her hands on an apron. Sometimes, Chase would wear that apron when he cooked. Often not wearing a shirt, too. Marvin came in skipping with the toy in hand. "No toys at the table." Getting down from the chair, he put the toy on the counter, and went back to sit beside me.

Leaning over to the young goat, I whispered, "If you eat quickly, you'll get to play sooner." He got a very large grin and started to eat his food. Marvin was adorable! He had red, plaid pajamas on, and his hair was a mess. After gobbling down the breakfast, I got up to place my dishes in the wash tub.

"Done!" Exclaimed the goat. Marilyn came over and shook her head.

"Nope. You gotta eat that, too." She said, pointing to the squash.

He whined a little bit, but Marilyn said, "Half and you're done, ok?" He took a big bite, which was roughly half, and showed his mom the remaining bit. "Ok, now go." She said, waving him off. Just before he got down, I saw Shane coming over naked. Instinctively, I went over to Marvin and buried his face into my chest.

"Dude!" I yelled, the child struggling to push away.

"So what? Ow!" Shane said, Marilyn hitting him with a cloth rag.

"He is only seven and have you no shame?!" Damn, she was angry. Then again, I'd be angry if my own son or daughter were exposed to someone naked at that age.

"I'm going I'm going! Calm down." With that said, Marilyn nodded to me, cuing me to release Marvin. He game me a little fist, then went over to resume playing.

"I'll go check on this wacko." I whispered to Marilyn, leaning close.

With a smirk, she said, "Just make sure he gets clothes on." Headed up, I went to find our door open. Rushing in, I found Shane on our bed, sniffing the pillows. Nate wasn't here, so he probably went to the bathroom.

"That's my pillow." I growled.

Looking at the pillow, he said, "Shame, yours smells better than his." Ok that was creepy, as if the pillow sniffing wasn't creepy enough, or him being naked. Nate came up behind me, putting a hand at my waist to move me aside. He was naked, too. Damn these two! Peeking out for any signs of Marvin, I pushed Nate in the room, shut the door, and faced them both.

Pointing at Shane, I said, "You, go over there." I was pointing to the corner right of me.

"Why?" He asked, slowly moving.

"Just keep some distance from Nate, alright?"

"Why? Is he your boyfriend?"

"No!" Both Nate and I said.

"Then what is wrong with me being with this sexy thing?"

Furious, I stated,"One, he's my cousin; two, I don't like you; and three, I don't trust you."

"Aiden." Said the Ram, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Get some clothes on and go downstairs to eat." I said.

"But I like him like this." Chimed in Shane. This stupid fox just doesn't give in, does he?

"Shut the hell up!" I exclaimed, probably loud enough to be heard throughout the whole house.

Some was knocking on the door, "Everything alright in there?" It was Liam.

"Yeah." I said, Liam poking his head through the door. One second I look away, and Shane is already walking to Nate. "Stay away."

"Dude, stop being so protective of me!" Nate said, grabbing Shane's hand and walking off. Before he was out of the room, I grabbed his antler and pulled him close.

"No!" Right after I said that Nate slapped me across the face. It stung. "Fine. But know this: don't get yourself into something you can't get out of, for I won't be there for you anymore." With that said, everyone walked off, leaving me alone. What once started with us having a great time, now became us being torn apart. Rubbing my cheek, I decided to play it cool. On the outside, I was tough. But on the inside, I was heartbroken.