Zero - The Story of the silent Hero - Chapter 24 - Zero fulfils his destiny with the Love of his Life on his side

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#24 of Legends

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A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Zero - The Story of the silent Hero - Chapter 24 - Zero fulfils his destiny with the Love of his Life on his side

It all started before her contest. Zero was sitting in his room, looking through the window into the far distance when suddenly someone knocked on his door.


„MEW!!! "

„It´s me, Emil. "

Translator online

„Come in. "

The door opened and Emil moved into the room.

„What is it brother? Do you need my help? "

„What? Can I not visit you without a reason? "

„Sure you can but you never do. You are always having something in mind that you want to ask me. " Zero said while he was still looking into the distance.

Emil moved closer to his brother while he said.

„Why are you still doing this? It always hurts you when you look out of that window. "

„Why are you caring? "

„I just want to know. "

„Then die stupid! This is my secret and it stays mine! "

„WOW! WOW! Keep cool. There is no need to...... " Emil couldn´t finish because Zero began to scream angrily.

„I don´t want to be cool!!! I have enough of this Life!!! You better had let me die on that Day!!! YOU..... " Now Zero was the one who was cut.

* Hard slap *

„Are you crazy? I know that you are feeling alone but don´t ever say this nonsense again. I know that your Body is crying for Love and attention but........ TAAAHHHHHH!!!! You are such a fool. You cannot see what lays directly in front of you.... Come back now!! "

Emil moved up Zero´s Poke ball and a second later Zero disappeared into it under heavy protest. Once he was in, the Ball jumped open again, sending Zero back but before Zero could say a word or do some action, Emil jumped behind him and pressed quickly some nerve points at his back. Zero´s Body stopped moving and no matter how hard Zero tried it, he couldn't do something.

When Emil had finished, he moved back in front of Zero and called him back again. This time, Zero went in and stayed in.

„I wish that there would be another Way. " Emil said lowly. „I know that you can hear me. Please help Mila with her fights. That is the only thing I want you to do for me. "

One Hour later at the contest

„Alright... I choose you!!!" Mila shouted and threw Zero´s Poke ball.

Zero materialization in a Smoke wave that was coming out of the Poke ball tag and began to scream immediately because he thought that Emil was near.

„MEW!!! MEW, MEW, MEW!!!! MEEEEW???? "

He began to look around and he wondered.

Where the fuck am I? He thought. A Stage? Some People are watching me? A Band surrounded by flowers.....

Suddenly, he heard Mila calling.

„Zero watch out!!! "

He looked into her direction and then got hit by something warm.

A Pokémon attack? AAAAAHHHHHHH..... Now I get it..... HAH.... I will grill your ass once I´m back Brother but now I will help her!!!

The impact smoke began to disappear and the enemy trainer hoped that Zero would have been at last a bit hurt but Zero showed him otherwise.

Once the smoke had gone, everyone was beginning to laughing and applaud because Zero was juggle with 3 Fireballs that he had formed out of the fire. Then Zero did something funny but strange.

He stopped the Balls in midair around his Head. Then he moved his right paw up to his Eye and pulled the downside of it a bit down. At the same time he put his tongue out and moved it a bit wildly around.

It worked. The trainer became fucked off by Zero´s actions and called out some more fire attacks but Zero was always a bit quicker. He let the most of the fire attack move by and the rest he caught in the fire circle around his Head.

The Life points on each side had already reached half when Zero´s plan grew to its final state. He had gathered so much fire that it had built a complete circle. Now Zero only needed an opening to bring it into action and he soon figured out something.

The enemy trainer was good but Zero was able to see that the defense from this trainer had a crack and that he immediately used.

The trainer ordered another attack and this time Zero dodged it completely by disappearing with the fire circle. Everyone was now looking here and there but no one found Zero until he did his next step.

Suddenly, the fire circle reappeared but it was not in the Air or around Zero´s face. It appeared around the fire Pokémon and for the Pokémon's sake, Zero had doubled the intense of it by using his Psychics power.

The fire grew and grew until it had built a pillar with the Pokémon in it and then Zero reappeared as well but not on the outside. He was in the fire as well but the fire seemed like to not hurt or even touch him.

The fire Pokémon now tried to escape this cage but there was no way out. Then it tried to hit Zero with some attacks but Zero always used to fire to intense the pillar.

After some seconds of these fight, Zero had enough of playing and he decided that it was time for the finish.

His Body began to glow in purple and the upside of the Fire pillar began to change into a Ball around him. Once it was finished he dropped down with the fireball around him and hit the fire Pokémon fully.

This impact was too much for the Fire Pokémon. Surely, normally a Fire attack cannot have such big effects but the attack was powered up by Zero´s Psychic power and that was more than enough.

The Fire disappeared, revealing a smiling Mew with a Knocked out Fire Pokémon to his paws. The X for Knocked out appeared on the Main screen and Mila ran onto the stage to grab and hold Zero close to her Body. She was happy that he had done the work for her and so the whole Tournament went on.

On the next Match, Mila used Nora and she did also a perfect job but Zero got somehow a bit nervous about her because he was the only one who recognized that she was moving strangely. Not much but it was clear for him that something was bothering her.

Right after this match, he had another run and this time he finished the match within seconds after the match had started by using a giant aura pulse.

Then came the final round.

In this round, Mila and her opponent where allowed to use 2 Pokémon at once and she of course choose Nora and Zero for her Team.

Both Pokémon were ready to go but before the match started, Zero asks Nora with his telepathic.

„What´s wrong with you? "

„What do you mean?" Came back as answer.

„Stop playing around. I can see that something is wrong with your Body. "

„It´s nothing. Just........ NNNNHHHHHH...... " She did another strange move and all became clear for Zero.

„Crap.... I have totally forgotten that it´s spring. OK..... I´ll end this quick so you can go and search for a mate. "

„I..... I...... NNNNNHHHHHH..... "

And so he did. Once started, the battle was over because Zero only teleported himself directly in front of the enemy Pokémon's and hammered his tail straight onto their Heads. His attack came so fast and hard that both Pokémon's were knocked out before they even could see Zero.

The victory came so fast that Mila couldn´t even celebrate it fully. She needed some seconds to even get clear with the thought that she had won and that she was now carrying 5 Bands.

1 Hour later

Mila was standing in front of the Arena together with Zero, Nora, Sima and Emil´s Arcanine.

She had already read Emil´s letter and was sitting on the Arcanine back.

„Alright you 2. I think it´s time to go into your Balls and have some rest. "

Nearly at the same moment when she had said that, Nora and Zero began to protest against it.

„OHHH.... You 2 want to walk back home?" Mila asks and got a quick yes nod from them.

„Alright then but Zero.... " She moved her Head closer to his. " If she gets hurt on the way I will kick your ass very hard. "

Again he nodded yes but with less intensity. Then Mila said bye and started her journey back, leaving Nora and Zero behind.

„Well then... We better go too. " Zero said.

„NNNN..... HHHHNNNNNN.... " Was Nora´s only answer while she started to walk.

They were both slowly walking or only Nora was because Zero was flying most of the time until he stopped and landed in front of her.

„Alright then... What Pokémon species do you like to mate with?" Zeros asks Nora after he had landed.

„No one special. " She answered and walked on together with Zero.

„Then tell me why you are not running into the woods and let yourself get fucked with the first Male you find? "

„DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT I´M A SLUT?" Came loudly back from her.

„No, No, No.... Of course not. Sorry but still.... "

„I´m already having a mate but..... He doesn´t know it yet. But soon he will. "

„HAH.... what a lucky Guy. "

„Right now... He is the unhappiest Pokémon in the world. "

„HMMM.... Sounds like me. "

„And if it is you? "

„Then I would say no. "

„Why? "

„I.... I... only want to mate with my kind. "

„OOOHHHH..... But you are the..... " He cut her by saying.

„I know but still..... I can somehow feel that there is someone waiting for me somewhere and until then I..... I want to stay a Virgin. "

They didn´t talked on for long until the night rose.

„Seems like we have to rest in the forest. " Nora said.

„Yeah... And I had hoped to be home before the night falls. " Zero said back.

„I´m sorry for slowing you. "

„GGGAAAAHHHH.... Doesn´t matter. I like sleeping outside also. So then...... Where should we sleep tonight? "

„How about on that cliff over there?" Nora said and pointed over to a little cliff with a tree standing on top of it.

„Good Idea. Do you need some fire to warm yourself? "

„No. My Body is burning from alone..... NNNNNNNHHHHHH..... "

„Need some help? "

„N....... No....... "

Her heat must be on high state. Damn that fool who she wants to be her mate for letting her alone in times like this. He thought to himself while he flew over to the tree and sat himself down on the cliff.

Nora came a bit later with a few Berries in her mouth.

„Hungry?" She asks.

„Not much and you? "

„I don´t know.... My heat...... NNNNNHHHHH........ "

„I understand. " Zero said and took one of the Berries.

He quickly swallowed the Berry down and took another one which disappeared in the same speed. He already wanted to take a third one when something caught his attention from down below.

First it were only some laughing sounds and then some hustle sounds of some Bushes. Then 2 shadows moved out of one of the bushes and once they were out he heard them talking.

„Do you think that they will find us here?" A female Voice asks.

„I don´t think so. They are both only interested in some..... „Fun „right now I guess. " A Male Voice answered.

„If you are talking of it..... Do you...... want..... MMMMHHHHH...... "

The Moon rose up and the shadows became visible. They were 2 Eevee´s, who were now kissing each other until she broke it and said.

„With you I want to life. With you I want to share my first time any time you want it. "

„Then..... Sit back and.... Let me get you ready. " The female said with a big blush.

Zero´s began also to blush a bit because he knew what was about to come.

The Male Eevee also blushed deeply but didn´t made a move. Instead he asks her nervously.

„Do you...... Really think that...... N..... Now...... " The female had layed a paw on his mouth to silence him.

The she said in the neediest Voice that Zero had ever heard and with the neediest face that he had ever seen.

„Please..... Do it with me...... tonight.... "

There was no doubt about it anymore. She wanted him really hard and finally, he gave in.

He slowly sit down and divided his Hind legs for her and it took only 2 seconds when he did the first Moan because once he was open, she was on his Penis with her tongue.

All over the process, Zero was fixing them with his Eyes while his Mind began to play. He began to imagine how it would feel to become a blowjob. He became so fixed in it that he didn´t saw his fate coming.

All over the time that had passed, Nora had only watched Zero from the side and had asked herself of what to do now but then her heat began to burn heavily.

What the hell...... NNNNNHHHHHH..... She thought. Why is my Heat suddenly so....... NNNNHHHHH...... SNIFF.....SNIFF..... MMMMMMHHHHHH....... Damn...... His scent is driving me............. OH NO!!!!!

Her look had moved over his Body and had stopped at his beginning erection.

HHHHMMMMMMMMMM...... Must stand it........ Must....... OH GOD...... I WANT HIS TOOL IN ME!!!!! I WANT HIM!!!!

Her Body began to take over control of her mind and some lusty thoughts came up in her Head.

Maybe I should do...... NNNNHHHHH...... The same as this Eevee....... NNNNHHHHH.... is doing with her Mate right now.

Luckily, he closed his Eyes right now because the Eevee female had begun to increase her actions on her Mate´s tool by licking it faster and beginning to play with his semi erected Penis in front of her Nose, she did her first move.

She took in a deep breath of his scent and immediately her heat was burning 10 times harder but she could still hold herself down, even it was really hard for her now. Then she started the same actions like the Eevee female. She carefully moved his Penis up with her psychic powers and then she began to lick it.

Zero immediately moaned and his Penis did a little jump forward but he stayed in dreamland while she moved into a steady licking rhythm. Then they both heard a really loud and hard moan from the Eevee male followed by a smacking sound.

Nora did a quick look around to see what was going on and to her happiness the Eevee female had started to suck her mate. From doing that to him she had always dreamed of and now she would do it. She did a last slow and long lick and once she had reached the tip, it moved into her mouth, quickly followed by the rest of his inches.

All the while, while she had licked him, his Eyes had stayed closed and his fantasy was going on. In his dream, he was enjoying a blowjob from a Mew female and he had to say that she was doing an awesome job. Then came the moment when she took him into her mouth.

„OH Good yes. Take him in.... Suck my balls dry...... OOOOHHHH..... Yes...... This feelings are even better then....... HHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! WAIT! THIS ISN´T A DREAM!!!!! "

His Eyes jumped open and he looked down to his Penis and when he saw her working on him, he became a little bit shocked.

„NORA!!!!!...... MMMMMMHHHHHH...... STOP IT!!!!! I´M NOT YOUR MATE!!!! I´M NOT....... NNNNNNNHHHHHHH...... "

She didn´t stopped. Instead she increased the pleasure by beginning to move her Head up and down his length just like the Eevee pair was already doing.

His Penis was hardening very fast and he desperately tried to get himself free but for his sake, his Body didn´t responded. Instead it even began to relax and he felt something coming up inside of him.

FUCK!!! He thought. _I´m going to explode soon....... DAMMIT!!!! She is so fucking good....... Must stop her...... MUST....... STOP...... _

She was working on his Penis very eagerly when she suddenly stopped and retreated.

Seeing her moving away let Zero do a breath of release.


But after this deep breath he wished that she had finished him because she had set on her next move. Once his Penis was free, she pushed him against the tree and there she pinned him in a sitting position.

After the impact he did another deep breath to gain but for his sake he had his Eyes closed on that and when he opened them again, he got the shock of his life.

She wasn´t only pinning him against the tree. She was already aiming for his Rock hard Penis with her slit.

Again he tried to move away from her but it was no use. Her holding grip was very good and his Body was also not responding to him like he wanted to. Then came the moment when his Tip touched her Lips.

He already saw his Virginy raped away by her and he had only one chance left to save it.

He gathered all of his strength to say something loud to her but it was like that his Body was cursed. He opened his mouth and spoke but his Voice was not loud. It was more a whisper.

„Please..... Let me go.......... AAAHHHHH....... AAAAAAHHHHHH......... MMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! "

She hadn´t had let him go. She had just smiled on his plead and had set her plan into action by slowly gliding down his length and once his tip was in her, she had let herself drop down the rest of his length.

This actions let their both minds go crazy and they both moaned on the moment they lost their Virginies. Or more he moaned and she screamed but there was also something strange.

He had moaned a Mew but she hadn´t moaned a Vee. She had also screamed a Mew and he had heard it.

On that moment, all of his sins had become sharp and in his mind he was thinking of only that scream and not of the fact that he was all the way in her Love tunnel.

What was that scream? Did she tried to scream my Name? No. But why did she...... I have to.......ask her...... mmmmmmmhhhhhh....... Damn.... She feels so hot and thin....... Fuck!!!!

He tried to ask her but at the same time he had to fight his urges.

„MMMMHHHHH...... I´m...... Sorry....... Zero..... " Nora said under some deep pain breaths.

„W.....Who...... Who...... NNNNHHHHH....... " He tried it also but his urges where to strong.

„NNNNNNHHHHHH...... Haven´t found..... It out yet?........ Open..... Eyes..... And..... See..... "

He did it. First he opened only a little slit to peak but then his Eyes went wider and wider, closely followed by his mouth.

She slowly dropped her stealth picture and revealed herself to him.

„AHA...... AHA...... MMMMHHHH..... I´m sorry..... Zero...... " She said again and began to retreat from him again but once he was half way out, he did some actions of his own on her.

He quickly moved up his front and layed his Head on one of her shoulders so that she couldn´t go up more. Then he threw his little arms around her as much as he could and then he humped into her hard while his arms and his Head were holding her in position.

She screamed in pain and dropped down again.

Once she had gained some strength back, she looked into his Eyes and asks wondering.

" ....... Why......? "

And he answered with a sly smile.

" ..... You better..... MMMMHHHHHH...... End what you..... Started..... NNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHHHH..... "


He had done another hard Hump closely followed by a series of short and soft humps. This Rhythm he did as long as she was giving him some pain noises.

After a Series of about 30 Humps or 40, she let out a little Moan when he drove into her. That was the sign for him to start the last act.

He began to increase his speed, little by little and they both shifted positions because their Instincts were telling them so.

First he released his grip from her waist and with a last deep hump he let her go.

She quickly flew to the ground, next to him and moved her Body onto all fours.

Once she was in position, he moved behind her and inserted his Penis into her again.

Now they were doing it doggy style in where he was hammering her whole Body against the tree but they both gave a damn about that little fact. They both only enjoyed the new position and the feelings that they were giving each other.

Then, after what seemed like an eternity for them, they both reached their Limits.

Zero was already hammering at his fastest speed while she had given up to do something. She only enjoyed the pounding with dreamy Eyes and an open mouth.

They both felt that they only needed a few humps more before they would reach climax. Because of that fact, he moved his whole Body over her back and then he gave her a few lick over her Neck.

The shiver he send through her Body was the last thing he had needed to break her.

She screamed out a very loud Mew and came.

All that happened now, happened within some seconds.

First her Walls grabbed his entire length and didn´t let him go anywhere. Then came the moment when her fluids met with his hyper sensitive tip.

His Eyes shot open and hit bit down on his Lips.

He tried to hold it back but it was no use. He was already standing on the edge and only needed a very little push to go over it and that push was already a split second away.

It was her Heartbeat. A Single heartbeat that went all over his swollen Penis was enough to let him go.

He came. Only a second behind her and he came very hard. It was so hard that he screamed a much louder Mew into the distance and much loner then hers.

Wave after Wave of his Life spending cum filled her tunnel and her Body did it´s best to swallow it away but it was too many in the end. The 4 Th wave stayed in her but the 5 Th and 6 Th didn´t stayed in her completely.

Half of his cum stayed in her after the release while the other half came out of her slit.

After he had cummed for the 6 Th time, he finally came to an end and together they both collapsed to the ground.

They were both spend but very happy. They both also wanted to say so many things to their partner but they couldn´t because once they had landed, their Eyes became dizzy and then they faded of into sleep while they were laying Body on Body.

On the next morning

They both awoke nearly at the same time.

The sun had already risen up when they both slowly opened their Eyes to see the Person with they had done it the night before and they both had to say that they loved the sight that they currently had until Nora´s Memories came back.

She quickly moved away from Zero and began to cry.

„What´s wrong?" Zero´s asks

„SNIFF..... SNIFF.... Please..... Forgive me..... SNIFF.... " Nora answered under some sobs.

„Forgive you what? "

" ......... That I...... Raped you.... "

„What Rape? "

Her Head moved a bit into his direction.

"....... SNIFF..... I took your Virginy...... against your will...... SNIFF.... Please.... Forgive me..... SNIFF..... SNIFF.... I couldn´t control myself.... "

After she had said that, she felt his Body on her back and his Head on her shoulder. There he said in a calming and lovely Voice.

„I don´t need to forgive you. Instead I have to thank you. "

She closed her Eyes and moved her Head straight up while she said.

„Thank...... for ...... what? "

„Thank you for finally appearing. Thank you for taking a big burden from me. * Kiss on Neck * Thank you for choosing me as your Mate."

A Steady flus of tears began to run down her face while she heard the following words who reached her Heart really deep.

„Nora. I love you. Since the first Day I saw you, I knew deep inside of me that you would mean something precious to me and now you have become my Mate. And I cannot tell you how much that means to me. "

He flew around her and faced her once he was in position. Her face was covered with tears and she looked like she would explode any second now. Her sobbing were really hard and her breathing was fast when she heard saying on.

„I don´t care for my Virginy. I don´t care because I always had wanted to give it to the female of my dreams and here you are so stop crying and be happy that we 2 have each other no....... MMMMMMPPPPPFFFFFFFFF...... "

She had interrupted him by jumping onto him and pressing her mouth onto his.

After a second to realize he began to kiss her back and that leaded them to do a French kiss.

All over the process she slowly stopped crying and her Body came back to Life.

The presence of Zero´s scent and Body heat had activated her Heat again but before she began her work on him again she broke the kiss and managed to say him some things.

„Thank you..... SNIFF...... Thank you for allowing me........ SNIFF.... To be your Mate...... SNIFF..... SNIFF..... I Love you too....... I Love you too...... SNIFF.... Please..... SNIFF..... Do me again..... SNIFF.... I..... WANT..... YOU!!! "

He smiled brightly from her words and he immediately began to kiss her checks.

He placed a few licks there and then he began to travel down her Body with kisses. A few licks landed on each side of her Neck which let her Body start to shake. Then he came to her little breasts. There he spend some time with licking her nipples and biting her breasts softly.

All over the time, her Body shake in bliss and her sobbing began to come out as Moans.

He moved down further after he had licked her good. He slowly traveled down her Stomach with kisses when he finally reached his target.

She was already wet from the only thought of what was coming next. Her scent was already waving around them and he first took a deep nose full of it from her slit. Afterwards he said with a somehow devilish smile.

„Seems like that somebody is eager for another round with me. Are you? "

„Y...... Yes..... Please...... Fill me up again........ MMMMMMHHHHHHH."

He had placed his tongue on her entrance and right after the first contact he said.

„Don´t worry. I am going to give you what your Body is screaming for but first...... "


He had done a long and slow lick on her lips.

"....... I want your taste in my mouth. That is the only thing that you have to pay me back."

Then he began to lick her slit without saying something on and she immediately shacked hardly. Not to forget that she let out some Moans from lick to lick.

Each of his licks brought her to moan really deep and hard. Especially when he started to lick past her lips. She was his and he knew it.

Then came his moment. He stopped licking her and moved his Body up until he was facing her.

They both looked into each other's Eyes before he suddenly drove his Penis into her, letting her scream in pure pain.

Even if he had said that he doesn´t wanted to make her pay, his Body did otherwise.

From the moment he went in, he went on Autopilot and he began to hump her once he was completely in.

His humpings became quickly in same and wild but he managed to hold himself back for some time until she did her move.

Her Screams of pain had become Moans of pleasure and she really enjoyed his wildness on her until she came.

Her Orgasm hit her so hard that she had nearly 2 in one and he wasn´t any better.

His whole Body was fixed on release and when he felt her hot fluids surround his sensitive tip, he let himself go.

A Few minutes later

They were both panting hard but they were also happy. Happy about the fact that they had finally mated with each other and they were both becoming parents in a few months but there was also something bad in the Air and it was coming from Nora´s side.

„What´s wrong?" Zero asks.

„What do you mean?" Nora answered.

„I can read in your face that something is still wrong so please... tell me. "

Her face became a bit dark when she began to say.

„I have to leave your side soon. "

„WHAT? WHY?????" Zero nearly screamed in shock.

„I..... I.... Zero please..... UN..... UN.... I´m not from your time..... I´m a time traveler. "

" ...... " No word escaped Zero´s mouth.

„I was sent her to.... to..... Find my destiny and..... I have found you but.... but...... "

„You don´t want to ask me to follow you back into your age right? " Zero jumped in.

"....... Yes..... "

„Who send you?" Zero now asks with a black face.

"...... " Now she doesn´t said something. Only looked into the sky and Zero understood.

„I understand. Well..... Lead the way and I..... " She interrupted him.

„I cannot ask you for this!!! Please!!! He is your family and..... " Now he interrupted her hard and loud.

„And you are my Mate and what kind of Mate I am if I would leave the side of most beloved one. The one that will give birth to my child's someday. "

Her Eyes became watery again.

„It is true that he is my family but.... You are my family also and.... Leaving you would..... Would.... Kill me! "

Oh how much had she wanted to hear this from him.

„Thank you Zero.... SNIFF.... You don´t..... You don´t... SNIFF. "

He moved in close to her face and licked some of her tears away before he said in a calm voice.

„Save some tears for later my dear. It will surely become hard to tell them this. "

She didn´t said something on. Only nodded a yes before they both set on flying home.

To be continue....