Blurring Lines...

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#8 of More Than Friends

The continuing chapter of the story "More Than Friends", based on pictures drawn by the incredibly talented (and incredibly absent) Arakupa.

This chapter picks up shortly after the last one ended: the work day concluded and Paul has returned home. He and Tanner spend some time talking about the day... and then the phone rings. As expected, we're not quite done with Paul just yet.

As with the last several posts there is no anticipated time for a picture being completed to accompany this chapter but, I assure you, Arakupa is alive and well... he's just online-community-impaired at this time. Regardless, More Than Friends pushes forward!

Finally, comments, critiques, questions, and quandaries are always welcome.

Blurring Lines... copyright 2015 comidacomida

Paul gazed across the table at the German Shepherd watching him intently; Tanner's eyes and ears were focused solely on him. The attentive Dog blinked before asking his next question. "And the cell phone was on the whole time?"

The young man nodded, thankful it was Friday and he wouldn't have to face anyone at the office the next day. "Yea... Mateo heard everything."

Tanner started with a chuckle, but before long it turned into a full-on laugh. "Wow... I bet that put her in her place."

Paul shrugged. While he'd originally thought of laughing at it all too what came next had ended his good-humor. "Then Mr. Howe took her into his office... they were in there for five or ten minutes... then when she came out, she emptied her desk and left."

The Dog's smile disappeared, and his ears lowered slightly. Tanner's concern shone evidently in his eyes and he reached out a paw to rest on Paul's hand. "It wasn't your fault she got fired you know."

The young man had heard that reassurance before, "I know, but it was just like--"

Tanner's paw gripped his hand. "Mateo wasn't your fault either. They BOTH did things that you had no control over."

Paul took a deep breath and nodded slowly. "Yea... I know."

The Dog offered a soft smile, "So.... do you think we'll have to worry about her moving on to stalking you?"

"Don't even JOKE about it."

Tanner took his paw back. "I know... I'm sorry... it's just-- from what it sounds like, you got the media off your back... you got Miranda off your back... and Mateo finally knows the truth. This should all be GOOD."

The young man nodded and took a deep breath. "I know... and you're right. I guess... I don't know what I guess-- maybe I just don't like bad things happening to people... even if they do it to themselves."

Tanner stood up and walked around to Paul's side of the table, then knelt down next to where he was sitting and gave him a hug. "You're just good like that."

The Human let out a half chuckle, half sigh, and returned the embrace. "And you ARE right. For once it's like everything's actually going in the right direction. Maybe I'm just starting to get worried because I expect something to go wrong now to make up for it."

The Dog picked him up so they could continue the hug in a standing position. Tanner then rested his muzzle on Paul's head. "Then enjoy the good stuff while it lasts. No media and less drama at work... no sense ruining the 'now' with a 'later' that might not come... right?"

Paul gave his boyfriend a firm squeeze with his arms, "All this confirms is that you are good to me... and good FOR me."

He felt the slight breeze created by the Dog's wagging tail, "Good enough... now let's get dinner started."

It had become something of a new ritual for them... exactly two days old at that point. Paul, despite Tanner's good-natured jabs, was the better of the two in the kitchen, but Tanner seemed to have little issue with helping out when and where he could. Paul continued talking as they started taking out everything they'd need for dinner: onions, peppers, chicken... Tanner also decided to add bacon to the menu, and it made the Human smirk. "Oh... and Mateo called back later."

The Dog's ears raised and he glanced over his shoulder to where Paul was gathering some pots and pans. "Oh? Hopefully he stopped yelling by that point."

Paul set a pan on the stove and brought a pot over to get water from the sink. "Yea... he apologized, actually."

Tanner smiled, tail wagging, "Well... that's good, right?"

The Human nodded, moving back to the stove. "I guess. I mean... it's a start. It doesn't make up for everything he did, but... you know... people make mistakes, and some are bigger than others."

The Dog turned to face him. "Did you forgive him?"

The question made Paul come to a stop and he set the pot of water down. "I accepted the apology, yea."

Tanner cocked his head to the side, "But did you forgive him?"

Paul shrugged, "I'm not sure... I mean... I think so."

The Shepherd nodded, "Well... it's a start."

The Human nodded as well, pulling out a cutting board and handing it to his boyfriend. "He also said he needs to apologize to Ray."

Ears up, Tanner accepted the cutting board and set it on the counter, "Hmm... did you tell Ray that Mateo wants to apologize?"

"Not yet."

The Dog flicked an ear, "I think he should probably apologize to everyone in the office... ESPECIALLY you and Ray."

Paul turned the stove on and began measuring out a cup of rice. "Sure... but what Mateo does isn't really up to me... but it's good to know he realized that what he did was wrong... and I'm glad he apologized."

He hadn't realized that Tanner had walked up behind him until the Dog had a paw on his shoulder, "Do you think you two could be friends again?"

Paul reached up and rested one of his hands on the Dog's paw. "I'm not sure... I mean... I'd like to think we could... but... well... a lot of it depends on him, I guess."

Tanner kissed the back of his head and took his paw back, "Either way things are getting better, so it's a start. Now... before I start cutting these veggies up, remind me of the difference between a dice and a--"

The Dog's inquiry was cut short by the sound of the Star Wars Imperial March playing from his phone. Paul pulled it out of his pocket, addressing the quizzical gaze from his boyfriend before answering. "Casey was fooling around with the ringtones and I didn't know how to change it back."

Tanner rolled his eyes. "So now whenever you get a call it plays THAT song?"

Paul shook his head and pressed the talk button, "No... just for someone specific. Hello, Mr. Eizenzahn... what can I do for you?"

The Doberman's voice came through the speaker phone just fine. "We never did confirm a time for tonight's dinner."

Tanner's ears went up, "Dinner?"

Paul heard Bert's voice in the background, followed by Pascal. Eizenzahn spoke up, "Hello, Tanner. I hoped you might consider joining us tonight as well."

The Shepherd repeated his earlier question, "Dinner?"

The Human fumbled with the phone, attempting to find the right way to cover the microphone so he could talk to his boyfriend without Eizenzahn hearing. "I... uh... forgot-- Friday. Eizenzahn wanted me to join them for dinner tonight."

Tanner nodded, gently prying Paul's fingers off the phone. "Of course, Mr. Eizenzahn... Paul and I were just getting ready but we were waiting to hear on what time we were supposed to meet you."

Paul silently mouthed a 'Thank you.' to him and looked back to the phone. Eizenzahn's reply was casual, but still authoritative. "Bert just finished with a meeting and we are on our way to Gascony."

The young man paused, "Um... where is that?"

Pascal's voice was just audible as the Poodle spoke up, "In France!"

Eizenzahn clarified. "The name of the restaurant is Gascony... they serve southern French cuisine. Pascal actually suggested it-- I am humoring him because we have never been and he doesn't believe a restaurant in California can give it proper service."

Tanner gained his attention and held up his smart phone, showing a web page apparently dedicated to the business, complete with address. Paul looked at it for a moment. "Okay... so... it's on 5th?"

"Correct. When should we expect you?"

Although Paul had many shortcomings, directions and trip planning was actually one of his strengths. He ran the estimate in his head, "Six thirty?"

There was a short pause before the reply, "Forty minutes it is."

Paul said his goodbye, and then looked to Tanner, who was putting away the vegetables. "So... dinner out, huh?"

The young man felt himself blush, "There's been a lot going on lately... it kinda... slipped my mind."

The Shepherd walked back over and kissed him on the forehead, "Well it's a good thing he called to confirm a time. We'd better go get changed."

Paul looked down at his work clothes, which he still wore, "I figured this should be fine... right?"

Tanner shrugged, "By 'we' I meant 'me'... I don't want to be in some fancy French restaurant wearing jeans."

The Human paused, second guessing his clothes, "Do you think it's REALLY fancy?"

The Dog headed off toward their room, tail wagging, "I don't want to take the chance... I'm supposed to be making a good impression for my boyfriend, after all."

* * * * * *

Gascony turned out to be a particularly nice restaurant but it stopped short of being black tie, which was a good thing since Paul felt as if his work clothes barely met the dress code for entry; Tanner, on the other hand, looked particularly handsome in his slacks and sweater vest. Although Paul had a fair number of sweater vests harkening back from when his mom forced him to wear them to church, he hadn't thought to put one on... it just didn't have the right 'business' feel.

When they left the house however he started to wonder if he would have fit in a little better at dinner if he had one too. Either way, he had to throw the thought from his mind as the restaurant's host led the two of them across the restaurant to Eizenzahn's table. Paul adjusted his tie on the way, and quickly dropped his hands to his sides when the occupants looked up toward them.

The older Doberman was there, dressed in his usual black suit and tie and, beside him sat his son. Bert was dressed in a same-style suit as his father, though it was charcoal gray with a rich blue tie beneath... and his white shirt had red stripes. Paul also noticed a diamond stud in the younger Dog's ear for the first time. Both Dobermans stood when they arrived and the Human quickly took the initiative. "Tan Paw, you've already met Alric Eizenzahn... this is his son Nie Erobert."

Tanner shook Eizenzahn's paw, and then Bert's, explaining to the younger Doberman. "I go by Tanner."

Eizenzahn's son accepted the paw and gave it a firm shake. "Bert."

Paul was almost ready to take a seat when he realized that both Dobermen were still standing. A moment later he found out why as Pascal shuffled over to join them. The Poodle was wearing a pure white, exceedingly elegant gown. The dress accentuated the dark highlights to his fur, and provided an excellent background for a collection of colored gemstone bracelets and a necklace he wore. The ensemble was completed with a pair of fine stiletto heels which, somehow, didn't even seem to slow the Poodle down. "Ah! And there he iz! Oh, my garcon mignon, I am so glad you could make it zis evening!"

The young man blushed a little extending a hand, "Hi, Pascal. Tanner, you know Pascal, Eizenzh--"

Completely bypassing the extended arm, Pascal went straight for a hug, kissing him on either side of the cheek, "You have, as zey say, been fantastic for Mein Hund. Zis new add campaign gives me ze goose pimples!"

"Uh... thanks."

Eizenzahn cleared his throat, "That's enough for now, Pasal... please at least let Paul and Tanner get comfortable before we talk business."

The Poodle waved the request away but sat down nevertheless, choosing a spot right next to the older Doberman. Bert pushed Pascal's seat in as he would do for a lady and the gesture made Paul pause when he watched it; the younger Doberman stared right back at him and, after a moment, the Human became self-conscious and looked away, suddenly having a lot more interest in his silverware. Tanner sat down beside him with a pleasant smile, "Thank you for inviting us, Mr. Eizenzahn."

The Doberman held up a paw, "Just Eizenzahn, please."

Pascal took his napkin out from beneath his silverware and carefully spread it out on his lap before going back and carefully aligning his fork, knife, and spoon. Glancing toward Eizenzahn, the Poodle asked a casual question in French.

The Doberman responded aside to Pascal in the same manner in German, and which point Bert clinked his butter knife against his spoon, "Didn't you say the other day that we should speak ENGLISH in front of Paul, Vater?"

Eizenzahn shot his son a glance and Bert put down the knife. The older Doberman then turned to regard Paul, "Dinner was, in fact, Pascal's suggestion... but it was a good idea-- I've wanted to have the opportunity to spend time with you and Tanner outside of work."

Pascal smiled proudly, giving his bread plate a slight adjustment to its relation to the tableware, "And so he can be frank."

Paul tried valiantly to remain quiet, but the situation was just uneasy enough that he couldn't hold it in. "Well... he's from Germany, so doesn't that already make him a Frank?"

Bert flicked an ear, "Or Pascal... he IS from Frankreich, after all."

The Human blinked blankly at the statement, but all three Dogs on the other side of the table smiled at that; Bert's was particularly smug. Pasal tittered, and spoke quietly to the young man, "Frankreich is 'France' in German."

Clearing his throat, Paul went a completely different direction, "So... tonight's dinner is about the next advertisement campaign? Isn't that something we should be talking about at the office?"

Eizenzahn shook his head casually, holding up an arm to get the waiter's attention. "Yes, and no. I believe the greatest business happens when the best people involved are brought outside of the office."

Paul nodded obediently, but thought back to something Ben had discussed with him before... something about what it would look like to someone's employer when working outside of established boundaries. "Um... I really think--"

The Doberman spoke to the waiter, listing what sounded like the names of wines. The gray-haired man nodded, "A glass of each, sir?"

Eizenzahn shook his head, "A bottle of each. They are for the table."

"Very good sir."

The Doberman waited until the matradee left before addressing Paul. "I heard that one of your team members is no longer part of AHB. Is everything alright, Paul?"

The young man shrugged, "Yea... I guess so. I mean... Miranda-- uh... yea... she left this afternoon a little after lunch."

Bert looked across the table at him. "She was fired?"

Paul fidgeted, but he managed to settle himself when Tanner's paw found his hand beneath the table. "That's an HR issue so, uh... it's not really something they explained and I don't really feel right talking about it."

Eizenzahn nodded as he looked to his son. "I agree."

Bert exchanged glances with his father before looking back to Paul. "So, do you have someone new picked out for your lead support technician?"

The question was a perfectly reasonable one but it blindsided the young man. He paused long enough to think up a suitably professional answer and the one he came up with actually felt quite sound. "I haven't had the opportunity to speak with management on the matter, but I'm sure it won't affect our timeline for the project."

The younger Doberman stared at him for several seconds before cracking up, losing all sense of official gruffness. He recovered quickly however and set both of his paws on the table as he smiled, "This isn't a business meeting, Paul-- no need to be so official."

The comment caught Paul off guard, "But.. you were just talking business... weren't you?"

Eizenzahn shook his head. "I would like to think of us as friends, Paul... as such I have an interest in your day. My first concern was that losing a member of your team would create additional work for you, so I asked about it to gain a better understanding of what was happening."

It seemed like a highly logical and overstated explanation, which startled the young man just a little. A moment passed before he managed to fully digest what it was the Doberman was implying, but Tanner spoke up first. "Paul is one of the best people I know at handling stress... and he's good at what he does... he'll be fine."

The conversation surely would have continued from there if not for the return of the waiter, who brought four wine bottles for the table. As he was opening them, Eizenzahn took the opportunity to order for everyone; all of the dishes were in French so Paul didn't have the slightest idea of what it was he was going to get-- surprisingly unsurprising considering that summed up every experience Paul had involving the Doberman. After that the discussion, thankfully, became much more relaxed, but no-less related to business.

The talk focused more on work and AHB in general right up until the main course arrived. The variety of dishes alone was enough to make Paul's head spin but, as everyone was served up a little of everything, Eizenzahn zeroed in on a very specific topic. "So... Walter has provided me the preliminary outline of the next advertisement proposal..."

The Doberman paused at that, as if prompting Paul to speak up. The only words the young man could find were based on a statement that contained a mix of disbelief, surprise, and a hint of indignation. "I thought you had all of your updates coming through my team, which is why we had bi-monthly updates."

The Doberman didn't seem the least bit apologetic as he served up something onto Paul's plate that looked like an omelet mixed with stir fried vegetables. "Your lead support technician hadn't given us an update and, since she isn't with AHB any longer Walter took it upon himself to do so."


Eizenzahn smiled casually. "I do not plan on going over your head, Paul... even if Walter and I have been friends for longer than you've been alive I have as much respect for the chain of information as I do the chain of command."

The comment gave the young man pause for thought, but he recovered quickly enough and sidestepped the direction the discussion was going. "So... if you know about the project, what are your thoughts?"

The Doberman smiled, serving Bert a helping of the same dish. "I am glad you asked that, Paul... my desire was to have a little input in the talent."

Pascal and Bert were sharing a quiet discussion in German and it distracted the young man for just a moment, but his attention went right back to Eizenzahn when the Dog set some kind of stuffed chicken on his plate. "Talent? I figured we'd have Casey, obviously."

Bert paused in his conversation to look across the table at Paul. "The preliminary proposal said you would need eight models."

The fact that Eizenzahn's son had seen the report brought a number of conflicting emotions, but Paul let them slide. Attention still on the older Doberman, the young man nodded. "Well, considering Mein Hund's Burb-Dog centric style, I was thinking there should be a Human dealer and seven Dogs--- five playing with two watching."

Eizenzahn nodded. "I very much like the idea... and I have already decided on most of the talent... which is really the reason I wanted us to dine together tonight."

Paul looked down at the food on his plate; he'd never been to a fine dining French restaurant and, aside from comparisons and passing familiarity with similar dishes he'd never really seen anything like it. "We... could have just done it at the office."

The older Doberman laughed heartily at that, probably the most emphatic one Paul had ever heard from him. Eizenzahn, all toothy-smiles, finally filled his own plate. "I enjoy spending time with you, Paul, and this was a good way to get to see you in a more casual atmosphere, along with your-- ah... Tanner."

The way the Dog corrected himself in how he was going to label Tanner was both comforting and uncomfortable at the same time. Eizenzahn knew that Paul was very secretive about his personal life, but that fact just reminded Paul of how much he sometimes felt a coward for it. The young man cleared his throat. "Well... uh... here we are. If you want to talk about models I should probably have brought a pen and paper or something."

The Doberman chuckled, waving the thought away. "Do not worry... I will have it submitted as a memo on Monday."

After that Eizenzahn started in on his dinner; Pascal and Bert followed suit. Paul was better able to identify most of the food as he had a chance to eat it and admitted quite freely to himself that it WAS delicious. He glanced aside to Tanner, "So... the green stuff is nice... whadda YOU think?"

Tanner smiled and noted quietly, "I think you're in high demand."

Paul rolled his eyes but he held his tongue as the Doberman put down his fork. "Considering the greatest cross-section of consumers and the demographics of our targeted audience, I have pin pointed our best candidates for model breeds... I would like for you to use Nie Erobert and Pascal to this end."

Pascal put down his fork and pressed his paws together with a smile. Bert looked much more surprised and, perhaps, just a little alarmed. "Vater, kann ich nicht dienen!"

Eizenzhan glanced sideways to the younger Doberman, "Wir werden diskutieren, diese später, mein Sohn."

Paul also weighed in on the discussion, "Uhhh..."

All smiles, Pascal glanced first to his right at Bert, then to his left at Eizenzahn, "English please... remember?"

Father and son both responded in unison, "Danke, Pascal."

The Poodle leaned forward on the table, staring right at Paul. "I just KNOW zis will be SO much fun."

Eizenzahn took control of the conversation again as both of the Dogs next to him went back to eating after he shot them 'a look'. "I would like you also to ask Fifteen 'til Nine and Sweeter Than Candy to be part of the cast."

Paul paused at that. "Candy? I'm sure she'd have a blast... but I dunno about Ray... he usually prefers to be behind the camera."

The Doberman nodded, while Paul moved what he hoped was shrimp and not snail through a cream sauce on his plate. "I am certain you will be able to get both of them to consent, Paul... after all, getting the most out of your employees and coworkers is what your position is all about."

The Human nodded hesitantly, "Okay... so... uh... Casey, Bert, Pascal, Ray, and Candy... that's five. Two more Dogs and a Human? If you don't have anyone in mind I'm sure I could get an add put out for whatever Dog breeds you'd like. It shouldn't be too hard to--"

Eizenzahn looked directly across the table at Tanner, "I would like to have Tanner in the shot for the herding breed demographic."

The Shepherd coughed, almost spitting out what he was chewing. After swallowing, he coughed again before inquiring, "Me? I'm not a model."

The Doberman chuckled, "You have the right kind of look to you, Tan Paw... and I know you will get along well with the photographer; both traits are important."

Paul quickly became defensive, glancing to his boyfriend, "You don't have to if you don't want to, Tanner. This is just planning."

The young man watched as the Shepherd's ears went down, then up again, then one slid slightly to the side, and they both reddened. "I... uh... I didn't really expect to go to dinner and be offered a job."

Eizenzahn smiled, "Think it over. If you will then it makes things easier for everyone. If not, then that is also fine."

Bert mumbled, "Kann ich die gleiche Wahl?"

Without missing a beat, the older Doberman simply noted, "Nein."

Paul glanced from Eizenzahn and Burt, still not quite understanding what the two were saying, but apparently the younger Doberman did not seem pleased. Clearing his throat, the Human pushed forward, though the hairs on the back of his neck were starting to stand up. "So... that still leaves the last Dog, and the... uh... Human."

Eizenzahn stared at him for what felt like too long before reaching forward to take hold of his wine glass; he took a sip and then set it down. "I already have the perfect Human chosen for the shot."

Paul swallowed an increasingly uncomfortable knot developing in his throat. Surely Eizenzahn didn't expect HIM to be in the photo? "I... uh--"

The Doberman's next words were music to Paul's ears. "Jason Campbell."

The young man let out a breath of relief... a half second before he inhaled anew in surprise. "The... the guy from the Burb Dog show?"

Pascal cocked his head to the side, "You are familiar Dog-Eat-Dog?"

Paul began to explain haphazardly until he saw the faint smirk from all three Dogs on the other side of the table, "....aaaaaand you already know he's going to be in town."

Eizenzahn set down his fork, "Walter owns the company that produces Dog-Eat-Dog, Paul... also, Jason Campbell always posts his travel plans on his website."

"He has his own website?"

Pacscal tittered, "You are SO cute."

Clearing his throat, Paul wished it was as easy to clear a blush. "So... Jason will be the Human? Are you sure he'll say yes?"

The Doberman nodded with authority, "Walter approved the recommendation and Jason has already cleared a spot on his calendar, yes."

Paul really didn't know what to think about it, but he heard Tanner's tail wagging against the back of his seat. Shrugging, he couldn't help but admit to himself that Eizenzahn doing all of the staffing work made his job a LOT easier. "Oh... okay. I guess that works... so that just leaves--"

Eizenzahn motioned for the matradee then turned to address Paul, "JD will have the final position."

Tanner seemed taken aback by that. "You got JD to agree to it?"

The waiter stepped up to the table and Eizenzahn exchanged a few words with him, mentioning something about dessert and then saying some French words that Paul couldn't even begin to pretend to understand, and then focused wholly on the Shepherd and his question, "No, I did not... but Jason said 'it sounds like fun'."

Based on the short time Paul had talked with the Dog on the phone, he hardly seemed to think that such a casual statement could be taken as a commitment, but he wasn't about to argue the point... especially not after Tanner nodded thoughtfully and offered a very affirmative, "Sounds like it's a plan then."

The Doberman's ears raised, "Is that a 'yes' from you as well, Tanner?"

The Shepherd glanced to Paul before looking back to Eizenzahn, "I'd like to be able to talk it over first... maybe... get back to you on Monday?"

Nodding his approval, Eizenzahn took his napkin from his lap and set it on the table, "Excellent... then I look forward to hearing from you on Monday... or perhaps tomorrow afternoon if you decide by then."

Paul raised an eyebrow. "Tomorrow afternoon?"

The Doberman nodded, "Yes... I assume we will meet up again, so long as Tanner is going to be joining us."

The Human's brain stalled as he tried to figure out why they would be meeting on a Saturday. "Joining us?"

Eizenzahn nodded again, "Of course... Candy was generous enough to invite me to her wedding as well."

Tanner looked over at Paul, "Candy is getting married tomorrow?"

In reply, he only shrugged, "Well... tomorrow IS Saturday... the... uh... tenth... so... um... yes?"

Eizenzahn smiled, "Have you decided whether or not you plan on bringing Tanner?"

An all encompassing silence filled the table after the question, and continued until three dessert platters arrived. Everyone started to pick at different rich-looking pastries, and, at that point, Paul found Tanner's paw with a hand. "Sure. I mean, yes. Tanner and I should be there... it starts at ten... right?"

Paul really didn't know how his boyfriend would take to having his weekend planned out for him, but, as he exchanged glances with Tanner and heard the Shepherd's tail beating rapidly against the back of his chair, the Human had a feeling that the presumption would be forgiven... especially since Tanner knew how much Paul didn't like involving work and personal life. The Dog offered a subdued wink, and they both focused right back in on dessert.

An innocent comment from Pascal broke that focus. "Do you think Ray will bring Michelle?"