Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 15

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#15 of Cody's Growing Pains

Cody is growing a bit different than the other boys...

Disclaimer: Read at your own peril, or enjoyment! Don't read if you aren't supposed ta.

Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 15

By Cody DreamPuppy

Cody sat up and looked around a bit, realizing that it had all been just a dream. He had been asleep for just a couple of hours, as there was still daylight outside. Cody decided to get up and go play on his computer or something, to take his mind off the strange dream he had. He slid out of bed and sat down at the computer, and as he brought his paws up to the keyboard the boy suddenly realized that it would be a bit hard to type now. He was also a bit worried he might crush the mouse in his paw if he wasn't careful. His paw was so much bigger than his hand was and seemed capable of gripping a lot harder too. He also noticed the slightly dulled clawtips that seemed to be already growing bigger even after just a few hours.

It wasn't just the paws though, the boy's fuzzy bits were a pretty constant distraction. His balls in particular, due to their enlarged size, were just constantly slapping and rolling between his young thighs as he moved around and it was getting to the point where the boy would become unbearably horny just walking across his room to pick up a brush. He tried just sitting there for a little while in his desk-chair, blushing and with his thighs pressed together a little to keep his nuts from sagging down onto the chair between them while he lifted his tail up over his lap.

'Maybe if I just brush it a bit... I'll calm down' Cody said to himself while trying to control his thoughts. He picked up the brush off his desk and placed it to the body of his long fluffy white tail and gently pushed the hairs of the brush into it, then dragged it along to the tip very slowly. Somehow, this was relaxing. It was also helping him forget about those images of the dream. As he slowly brushed his tail again and again, the boy's large fluffy fennec-like ears slowly drooped down on the sides of his head as if soothed as well. The only thing tingling now was Cody's tail, from the tip all the way to the base of it, and his butt a little. It felt nice though. His tail wiggled a little and his bare butt-cheeks quivered slightly as the white fuzz spread from the base of his tail and the underside of his sac to gradually coat the insides of his buttcheeks. He was just settling into a good steady rhythm when he heard the doorbell ring.

Cody stopped brushing and lifted up his ears, glancing towards his window with a start. Who would be visiting him now, he thought. The boy stood up and padded over to his window without even taking notice of the pristine white fuzz that had spread along his butt and the extra crotch-fuzz as well. He looked out to his front yard and saw Danny, which startled him a bit. Seeing Danny like this so soon after having that vivid dream made Cody a bit apprehensive, and he almost didn't want to go and answer the door. The other boy hadn't seen him, but Cody could sense that Danny was thinking about him. He could practically feel that sensation caressing all across his trembling young body like a pair of curiously exploring hands. Cody blushed and stumbled back a bit, trying to block this out while he quickly pulled up his free-flowing silky white gym-shorts that were laying at the end of his bed, not bothering with the restrictive undies for now. He pulled on a pair of blue sweat-pants too, which easily hid his big fluffy tail.

The boy swiftly pulled on his socks over his paws and stuffed them into those extra big shoes. After slipping into a royal blue tee, he just threw on a gray hooded sweatshirt and pulled the hood over his head to hide his ears before opening his door and hopping past Blue on his way downstairs. Danny rang the doorbell again impatiently, and Cody called out 'I'm coming!' with his dog bounding right after him. By the time he got to the door and started to pull it open, he just barely remembered his "other paws". He gasped lightly and looked down, and then stuffed them both unceremoniously into the big front pouch of his hoodie.

Danny stood there with one hand at his hip, with a playful-upset expression. "Hey you..." His other hand was just holding onto the strap of his backpack, playing with it a bit.

Cody smiled at him sheepishly and stood there a little frozen. 'Hi,' he replied, and watched Danny take a good slow look down at the boy's shorts... and then his shoes before looking back up at his eyes.

"You shouldn't have run off before... I wanted to see, if you'd like to come and just... play a bit. Like, we could just play some tennis or something. How about it?" Cody started shaking his head, as if he was about to decline, but Danny just wouldn't be denied this time and grabbed Cody by the arm to pull him out onto the front porch. "C'mon, let's go." He said as he pulled the other boy along. Cody only resisted a little. He felt kind of bad about having ditched the other boy before, but at the same time he was feeling so nervous about letting Danny see all that had happened to him.

Cody followed along for now though, just blushing mildly and trying to think about some excuse that he could think of to get away later. Danny lead him to the high-school tennis courts, which were only a few blocks away and around the corner. Before they got there though, Cody's nervousness got to be a little too much for the boy and he just stopped there at the side-walk in front of the courts, turning his toes together and looking down.

'Danny I can't play with you right now... something uhh... something weird's been happening to me.'

Danny stopped too, looking back at Cody and then when he saw how much the other boy was flushing he giggled a little. "What do you mean... something weird?" he asked innocently. Cody's response was a bit muted, and he just seemed to grow more embarrassed and, the embarrassment seemed to be doing something though for the hapless boy, as Danny could see the crotch of his sweatpants tenting a bit.

Cody got more flustered and shook his head, 'You'll probably be scared of me."

Danny replied reassuringly, "No... I just wanna know..." he said to the younger boy and watched him very intently. "Aren't we friends? If you're really my friend you'd show me everything," he said in a chastising way. Danny smirked a little as he could see the other boy's face showing a more guilty expression before Cody nodded submissively.

Danny knew exactly what Cody was hiding from him, and he was eager to get a close up look at some of it now. He had to fight the urge to grin as he sized up the other boy again with his eyes. "Good... now, take your hands out of there" he said, letting Cody know how obvious it was that he was trying to hide them away from view this whole time.

Cody looked down and rubbed his thighs together a little, feeling that tingly sensation starting to spring up again along his thighs and his crotch and buttocks once more. He closed his eyes and turned away slightly as he pulled out his soft, plush paws and held them out to Danny, pads facing up. Danny, for his part, stood there with his eyes wide open, excitement welling up in his young body as he watched the cute boy exposing those big soft-fuzzed hand-paws to him. He lifted his own smaller hands, placing them atop of Cody's paws and then gave them a very slow squeeze, just soaking up that pleasant sensation for a moment while gazing at them.

"What else... you hiding Cody?" he asked rhetorically, letting go of one of those soft paws and lifting that hand up to the hood that was really not covering the boy's ears too well. He pulled the hood down, letting Cody's white fuzzy ears flip free... Danny wasn't sure exactly what kind of ears they were, but he did find them to be incredibly impressive. "They're pretty..." he said and smiled as he slowly stroked one of them from the base to the very tip of it, watching the young boy trembling helpless in his pleasure upon feeling the teasing of a skilled hand.

"C'mon, lets go inside," Danny said suddenly, keeping the other boy's paw in his other hand's light squeezing grip as he pulled him along again, practically causing him to stumble cause he was a little disoriented. 'ahhh... okay Danny.' Cody said softly as he opened his eyes back up and followed along to the side of the high school building near the tennis courts. There was an entrance there for the boy's locker room, and apparently it had been left unlocked, as Danny pulled it right open and lead him inside.

The lights in here were dimmed, and Cody could sense a slight bit of mist in the air, coming from the area of the showers. It seemed as if the high school boys had recently made use of the locker room but had left, yet their scent was still pretty strong on Cody's nose. He looked about a little while following the other boy past a couple rows of benches and lockers. "I think they're all gone Cody... I think we're all alone," Danny said as they rounded one corner.

Danny turned towards his friend and suddenly stopped, nearly causing Cody to bump into him. Cody took on an embarrassed expression again, his voice still barely a whisper 'Danny... what're we in here for?' the boy asked, watching the slightly older boy with that innocent look and one of his cute ears giving a soft flick.

"You were gonna... show me the rest, remember?" Danny replied kind of fast, looking at Cody just as innocently.

Cody could hear Danny's heart-beat. He could feel it, even though they weren't touching. Lots of thoughts were going through Cody's head. The dream... Enki... he honestly couldn't remember exactly what it was that he did promise Danny, and so the boy just stood there blushing while Danny placed his hands on his sweatpants and slowly pulled them down his legs while crouching a bit, exposing those relatively short white shorts, along with that plush, long fluffy tail which was swishing steadily above the boy's butt. Cody could feel the cool air running up his thighs now, running across his sweat-laced crotch. The air tickled a lot, and he shifted his legs around again causing the front of his thin shorts to jostle around a lot; the fat, nearly visible fox-boy sheath and balls rolling against the fabric while Danny blushed and watched up close.

The heat was really getting to Cody. He could feel himself sweating more, and he began pulling off his hooded shirt, tugging it up and over his head before letting it drop down onto the floor behind him. Meanwhile, Danny was down there casually lifting one and then the other of Cody's footpaws, pulling those snug shoes off to let the white-socked toes splay apart into his view. The cottony socks made these paws feel even more deliciously soft to Danny's touch as he massaged the sole of each one of them briefly with his hands. Cody took a slow breath and trembled as Danny's hands slid back up along the boy's smooth thighs and squeezed against his hips. Danny's hands went back down then, this time taking the shorts with them. "Show me... everything Cody," Danny uttered as he took a deep breath. This time it was Cody's heart-rate that was picking up, his chubby and moderately sized canine sheath was flopped into view right in front of Danny's face, and then those plump, big fuzzy balls of the boy swaying slightly underneath the sheath, both having a slight sheen of sweat to them catching in the dim light.

Cody stood there playing with the hem of his shirt with both paws, holding the shirt up just slightly while he looked down nervously. He could also see the intensity in Danny's eyes, and it was somehow exciting and frightening at the same time, again making him think of his dream... or perhaps vision. Danny was on his knees now, and he leaned in between Cody's thighs pressing his nose up against the underside of the hefty fuzzy nuts. Cody blushed and trembled a bit, then spoke up again in his soft whispering voice, 'Danny... we shouldn't...' the boy trailed off a bit as Danny's hand was gripping his sheath and starting to lightly squeeze and jerk it up and down.

Cody clenched his teeth slightly, tingling sensations flowing through his loins once again. The boy's sheath swelled, filling out fast in Danny's grip, and there seemed to be lots of backed up pre-cum that just started oozing liberally from Cody's tapered pink tip as it slid back and forth at the sheath entrance under the steady rhythm of Danny's jerking hand.

Danny pulled his head back up, looking directly down at Cody's swollen bits while he picked up the pace a little once he saw the pink emerging, letting the boy's big saggy white balls slap repeatedly against his wrist. Cody's canine cock inflated at a faster rate with this added stimulus, the boy cutely moaning and clenching harder at his shirt hem with those paws as each jerk and slap of his warm balls got his dog cock to surge up another inch, six rapid spasms of growth followed by a heavy drooling of pre flowing all down over and between Danny's fingers. Danny watched in pure and shameless excitement as his friend grew aroused, sporting a good sized canid dick that was bobbing around eagerly now in his hand. He pulled that hand away briefly, spreading his fingers apart and watching the strands of pre-goop stretching before he lifted it up and plopped all four digits past his lips, suckling slowly on them. His other hand replaced the first, gripping and resuming with that lazy jacking motion as Cody's knot started swelling.

Cody's large ears became attuned to that rhythm of wet, slippery slopping noises and were twitching upwards each time Danny's hand drew back on his cock and slid over the boy's expanding, throbbing knot and made wet contact with his swaying balls. Cody felt the tendrils of pleasure flowing through hips and loins, again and again, more crotch-fuzz spreading now, coating more of his inner thighs and coating much of the boy's butt by now.

"C'mon Cody... give it to me..." Danny said softly as he pulled his fingers out of his mouth and cupped up Cody's nuts and the base of his dick with that saliva and pre soaked hand, pulling his other hand away and leaning in again and this time the boy stuck out his tongue and pressed it against Cody's fat nuts and slooowly dragged it upwards against the sac and then up further, swiping over the full underside of Cody's canid cock, getting the cute boy to throb and moan and squirt a more generous glob of pre over Danny's nose and lips.

Cody's thoughts were all muddled. His vision was way in the back now. The potential of high-school boys walking in on them didn't seem important either, just letting instinct be in control. He heard Danny begging again "Give it all..." while he bent over the other boy's body slightly, putting both of his front paws on Danny's shoulders and aimed his thick pulsing tip against Danny's mouth when he started to kiss and envelop that steamy pink tip between his soft lips. Cody squeezed a little at Danny's shoulders, closing his big eyes and feeling a powerful shudder of pleasure through his spine as he sunk inches of his dick right into his friend's mouth. 'Ooooooh'. Danny was suckling eagerly on Cody's dick, tongue slurping at the underside tasting the spunky pre that was drooling now almost non stop against the insides of his cheeks. He bobbed his mouth back and forth over the boy's fat length steadily, and at the same time Cody's hips thrust again and again, gently at first but slowly picking up pace as he built slowly towards orgasm.

From the beginning of this encounter, Danny felt something funny buzzing deep inside. At first it was small, this tiny spark he could just feel planted in his gut when he flooded his senses with his friend's scents. Slowly as he continued with the licking... the sucking... the swallowing, that spark just grew and spread and now he was feeling a lot more. The boy felt weird crackles of excitement firing to his brain each time Cody's thick cock splurted pre across his tongue. He nursed on it hungrily, feeling the sporadic crackles gradually becoming more like buzzing, spreading through his nerves to his ears... his tailbone... his feet and hands. After a bit more sucking on the softly moaning boy's prick, the buzzing just intensified and overwhelmed him. Danny's ears submitted first, throbbing so hard it almost hurt and caused the boy to tear up a little... When the pounding stopped, they felt incredibly hot, then cool and silky and higher up, blossoming into a cute pair of black fox ears with white tips. Danny could also feel this bump pressing out against the boy's shorts, just above his butt. It felt strange and put him at unease at first, but then once the boy started to realize what it was he seemed to want it more than anything.

He pressed up Cody's big balls with one hand, rubbing and rolling them around while he tugged eagerly on the boy's fat knot with the other hand. Cody responded with a lot more moans, the boy standing up on the tips of his paw-toes now while grasping firmly at Danny's shoulders and thrusting almost to the hilt, smacking his fleshy knot against Danny's lips and feeding him a good healthy flood of thick oozing pre, forcing it right down his throat... Danny nearly choked on the fox-boy cock and the thick drooling fluid, sending a sudden spasm through his body right against his tail-bone as that little bump underwent a massive growth spurt, lengthening and fluffing out as the boy's thick, plush sable fox-tail pumped up larger and larger nearly tearing right through the waistband of his shorts.

This wasn't enough for Danny though, he wanted more... his thoughts popped into Cody's mind again. "More... more Cody" Under normal circumstances, Danny was excessively horny, but with all the added chemistry going on inside of him right now he felt far beyond any reasonable level of lust. He kept on tugging and sucking on his friend's fox dick, even pulling his hand away and letting Cody shove that large knot of his right into his lips, plunging his fat tapered tip into that tight throat more than once and really setting up the whimpering, humping fox-boy for a big gusher. Cody's eyes were shut tight and he didn't realize fully what he was doing to Danny, he just knew that it felt amazing... like when he sucked himself, and his friend's slutty desires just helped drive the intensity of his impending climax up even higher.

Cody wriggled his thick toes a little against the socks as he stayed up on the tips of them, and he flexed his butt and blushed strongly in both ears as they also rose up slowly. He pulled his hips back just a little as his heavy white nuts pulled up slowly to a tight position, then the boy leaned in hilting his fat dick in Danny's mouth and cried out in ecstasy feeling those big jugs jerk with a near painful intensity, pumping a titanic load of pure, concentrated spooge right into the back of his mouth... bulging the older boy's throat slightly, with overflow bulging his cheeks and drooling out of his lips around the pink girth. Danny's shoes wobbled and strained as the boy's feet grew and pumped up bigger... and bigger, suddenly ripping forth as a pair of big white paws almost as large as Cody's had. Cody could also feel Danny's hand rapidly expanding, growing plush and padded as it splayed out into a paw while continuing to rub his balls. Danny sucked harder and Cody moaned and came again even harder, and Danny made a muffled sound as his cheeks and throat once again bulged with that fox-boy cum. Danny's tummy swelled slightly this time as he got a bit more than he expected, just as black fur was sprouting out all over his body, tickling along his arms... legs... back, and blooming over his crotch and butt rapidly as well.

Danny pulled his head back trying to catch his breath, letting Cody's flailing penis plop free for its third hard gush. Cody just kept his tight grip on Danny's shoulders and leaned in more squishing the fat tip of his cock against one of Danny's cheeks feeling his penis flexing in a heavenly way while it hosed down pretty much all of the poor boy's face this time. Danny sat back against his paws and moaned, still swallowing his last load, one of his paws moving down between his own thighs now and rubbing at his rapidly expanding bulge down there.

Danny's tongue felt bigger now more flexible, and his mouth felt somehow longer... There was black fuzz on his cum-covered face too, and the boy sat there lapping his tongue out over as much of his face around the area of his short muzzle as he could reach, while rubbing up and down over his crotch which was hot, straining hard against his shorts... tickling like crazy. The boy's shorts were starting to hurt a bit it was so tight... He could feel what was happening to him, the swelling... the eager throbbing of his young prick, but he wanted to see it. He fumbled with the zipper, finding his new paws to be still a little clumsy. Danny whimpered a little and grabbed at the waist of his shorts, digging in a little with those new clawtips. Danny didn't really know his own strength now, and without really thinking about it he literally ripped his shorts right off, first pulling the back of them skin tight into the crease of his asscheeks as the boy tugged at the front and tore the fabric down until it just fell away leaving his lower half completely naked.

While Danny gazed down at the fine, shiny black fuzz now coating his thighs and hips and crotch, he could feel Cody cum again. His head was ducked down slightly now, and Cody's plump tip poked one of the boy's silky black and white fox ears and painted it with a shot of spooge, and what didn't paint his ear audibly splashed against the locker behind him making a head-sized splat of white goo that slowly dribbled down. Danny's ear just flicked wetly as he kept his eyes down on his exposed penis and balls. His cock looked almost twice as thick, and as the boy curled his paw-digits around it he could feel what seemed like an extra layer of flesh that was quickly sprouting the same soft black fuzz that covered the rest of his body, expanding rapidly becoming a fuzzy tube hugging around the flesh of his dick. "Ohhh... oohhhh..." Danny moaned and started stroking his shaft with his paw, while his other paw held onto Cody's and aimed it down over his body, letting the last couple smaller pumps of spooge land across his thighs and his crotch.

Cody's legs wobbled a little and the boy slowly blinked open his eyes as this second orgasm subsided, feeling those last few bursts unloading from his nuts still strong enough to make his buzzing cock feel a little overwhelmed by the pure volume. His vision was a little blurry at first, but then he could make out this black-fuzzed form in front of him. The picture became clearer yet, and even though the he knew the boyish creature in front of him was Danny, it didn't look like the other boy at all now. He had black fur all over his body, except for his paws and the tips of his ears... and the tip of that big bushy tail that was smooshed up against the locker behind him now. Those were all white like Cody's fur. His face didn't much resemble a human's now except for the eyes, they were large and intelligent, but he had a short black youngish muzzle now with a canine nose. Danny didn't look frightening though, not like Cody's dream. Danny wasn't looking up right now though, the boy was gazing down at himself, seeming unafraid and encouraging what was happening. It was a marked contrast to Cody's tentative curiosity. Danny was stroking himself too, both his paw and crotch smeared with spooge, he rubbed it up and down over his mostly erect dick and his balls, which were also coated in sheeny black fuzz.

Danny watched as his new sheath bobbed up and down over his cock-flesh which was the only thing that still looked human on the boy. He could feel it throbbing up in his paw though now, felt like about 5 inches. He pulled the sheath all the way down, leaning a little back against the locker and blushing while he stroked it a bit harder. His fuzzy black nuts were lightly slapping against his wrist with each down-stroke. His erect cock spasmed in his grasp with each beat of the boy's heart. While he watched himself masturbating, Danny couldn't help thinking a little bit about Roscoe and that big dane cock. He blushed and felt a little burst of lusty pleasure sparking again somewhere deep inside, tingling through his ass and then his loins, and exploding upwards into his cock. He moaned and curled his toes, the boy's cock flexing upwards in his paw as it buzzed with pleasure and plumped up about another inch, while the tip tapered a bit and the flesh darkened to a more ebony color to match his fur. Danny's eyes were fixed on his own cock and the boy practically squealed with pleasure "Oooohh yes... yess..." he moaned and stroked it again, feeling another burst... another spasm through his loins that sent the boy's mind spinning as he watched his cock jerk in his paw again and grow another inch bigger, the tip feeling just like a dog's now... flesh now completely black and shiny. The boy sort of whimpered loudly on his third jerk, another full inch of canid flesh spasming up into his paw's grip as his knot suddenly plumped out big and his slightly swollen nuts pulled up. Just before hitting the brink, Danny eased up, taking his paw off of his cock fighting to deny himself that orgasm just yet... paw lowering to rub slowly at his aching balls, his cute fox ears twitching in excitement. "Ooohhhh" he moaned low.

Cody pulled his paws slowly from Danny's shoulders, standing there with his shirt hanging down slightly over his still erect six and a half inch dick... his fuzzy white balls beneath looking to have shrunken down to a more proportionate size to the boy's cock for now after blowing such a huge wad. Cody tugged off his shirt finally, tossing it down with the rest of his clothes and blushed as he looked at Danny, the locker behind him... the floor... Cody was a bit amazed by the sheer magnitude of spooge that came from his own small form. His tail flicking side to side as he watched Danny's dick spasming up into the other boy's paw while he stroked it encouragingly, those three rapid growth spurts leaving Danny's cock almost as big as Roscoe's probably just under 8 inches. Danny's knot was bigger too, though the sheeny black nuts pulled tight beneath looked much more modestly sized.

Danny was gazing up at him now, a hazy yet slightly intense look in the other boy's eyes, almost feral in nature. Although Danny didn't look quite as intimidating as the Danny from his dream, Cody couldn't help feel a little bit frightened picturing in his mind once again vividly what happened next. 'Danny...' he said to the other boy, taking a slow breath... stepping back nervously against the bench behind him. Danny didn't reply though, he didn't say a single word, just gazing and breathing steadily while flaunting that big black canine dick throbbing up tauntingly between his thighs.

Cody heard a clicking noise, small claws hitting against the tile floor of the locker room... slowly approaching. He flicked his ears, eyes nervously glancing over to the end of this row. He breathed deeply, the scent achingly familiar. Cody's vision came suddenly to the front of his mind and blocked out his other thoughts. 'Enki... don't...' he continued to tremble and held onto his shirt while his tail lifted slowly against the back of the fabric tensing up a bit.