... and Muddying the Waters

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#9 of More Than Friends

Wow-- less than a week and another chapter of the story "More Than Friends", based on pictures drawn by the incredibly talented (and incredibly absent) Arakupa.

Continuing directly after the last chapter left off, Paul is all set to attend Candy's wedding, only to find out that someone he didn't expect had chosen to show up... and apparently for a very specific purpose. The chapter continues through the week where more 'excitement' awaits our protagonist!

As with the last several posts there is no anticipated time for a picture being completed to accompany this chapter but, I assure you, Arakupa is alive and well... he's just online-community-impaired at this time. Regardless, More Than Friends pushes forward!

Finally, comments, critiques, questions, and quandaries are always welcome.

... and Muddying the Waters copyright 2015 comidacomida

Paul had always been the kind of individual who stressed over life events even when they weren't HIS life events, so Candy's wedding was certainly no exception. Other than having forgotten about it until reminded by Eizenzahn the night prior, Paul realized that the prior night's after-dinner distraction hadn't done much to help him get prepared for the following morning. As he glanced in the mirror at the reflection of the seductively handsome German Shepherd gazing at him from under the covers he really couldn't fault himself.

The young man pulled his eyes away from the naked Dog smiling at him and returned his focus to the tie he was wearing, "Cripes almighty... I can't even tie a double windsor... that's what people wear at weddings, right? Double Windsors?"

Chuckling, Tanner slid out of bed and moved around behind him. Paul shivered as he felt the naked Dog press up behind him, furred arms sliding around to bat the Human's hands away. "Here... like this."

Although Paul watched what Tanner did in the mirror, as the Dog completed the maneuvers it may as well have been magic, "You're really good with knots."

The Dog grinned toothily and stared at him in the mirror before leaning forward and licking Paul on the side of the face, "Do you still want me there?"

The young man's will wavered, but only for a moment. "Yes, Tanner... I do."

The Shepherd gave his cheek another lick, "Alright... then I'd better go get ready too. No time for a shower, but I'm gonna run a brush through my fur real quick."

Paul nodded, and smoothed out his shirt as the Dog went into the bathroom. "Casey is probably getting ready right now-- I'd better go check on him... I know Candy invited him too."

Tanner glanced out of the bathroom toward him, brush in one paw, "Are you going to go get your coat or something?"

Paul sighed, "Long story... I'll tell you later."

With that, Tanner went back to the bathroom while Paul went out into the living room, where Casey was already seated in the arm chair, fingers flying across the screen of his phone. The Dalmatian looked up as soon as Paul emerged from the hallway. "Oh... hey, Paul. You getting ready for the wedding?"

The spotted Dog was seated in a relaxed manner but it was the only casual thing about him. Casey's usual turtle neck and jeans were replaced by a white suit. Beneath it he had a black button-up shirt which accentuated his deep green tie; a similarly colored piece of cloth stuck out of his breast pocket and Paul clearly saw golden letters stitched into both. "Wow... I'm guessing the wedding is another chance to show off, huh?"

Casey's tail wagged audibly against the chair, "My ma always said I cleaned up nice... I just need a good reason to clean up."

Moving over to the Dog he clearly saw the pocket cloth had a KC in fancy embroidering while the tie had a distinctive MH logo on it. "A chance for Eizenzahn to get some good product placement, huh?"

The Dalmatian grinned, "Hey... he said I get to keep the suit, so who am I to question the motives? Plus, I get to look nice doing it."

Paul nodded, "Now I'm going to feel even MORE underdressed... I'm DEFINATELY getting a vest before we leave though."

Casey cocked his head to the side, "Why not just get your sports coat? It may not be a Mein Hund Original, but I'm pretty sure it'd be fine."

Tanner stepped out of the hallway, paws once again doing their magic and this time on his own tie. He stepped out into the living room and made his way over. "That's what I told him. You should go get your coat, Paul."

The young man sighed, "I can't."

Both Dogs' ears raised, and it was Casey who asked the question, "Why not? If you left it at work we can always swing by and pick it up."

Paul shook his head, "Nah... I left it at work a few nights back."

Tanner sat down on the sofa, "So?"

The young man fidgeted, "It was a Miranda casualty."

Casey's ears went up even more, "A Miranda casualty?"

The Human nodded, "Yea... who would have thought that office scissors could work so well on a cotton and polyester blend?"

Both Dogs' ears dropped at that and Casey let out a faint whine. Tanner, however, stood right back up, "You can just use one of mine... I think I have a dark blue one that will go with your pants."

Paul chuckled nervously, "You're just a LITTLE bigger than I am, Tanner... I'd look like a kid in his dad's office suit."

Tanner glanced over at Casey, "Think you could help out?"

The Dalmatian nodded eagerly and bolted upright and shot off down the hall, pausing just long enough to announce "Be right back!"

In response to Paul's quizzical look the Shepherd smiled. "Casey's pretty good with a needle and thread. He should be able to make it work."

Paul looked at his boyfriend questioningly, "Where exactly did Casey learn how to do tailoring work?"

The Dalmatian spoke up, emerging from the hallway, "Before Mein Hund picked me up I started off modeling by working at some of the smaller shows. In order to make it there you have to have a lot of different skills and they're more likely to hire models who are able to help them get the fitting right without taking up two or three wardrobe specialists."

Paul stood as Casey approached, and the Dalmatian helped him into the (unsurprisingly) oversized coat. The Dog walked around him twice, nodding now and again to himself. Paul glanced to Tanner then back to Casey when the Dalmatian finally stopped pacing. "So? Is this a waste of time?"

Casey smirked. "Nah... I think I can do something."

Less than ten minutes later, Casey somehow managed to get the suit looking passible. The Dalmatian reminded Paul that the alterations were only temporary and that he shouldn't go running, playing sports, or trying to catch a garter belt for risk of having some of the needle work break. The Human paused at the last point. "Do Dog weddings include a garter belt throwing thing?"

Tanner and Casey both laughed, but it was the Shepherd who answered his question, "Bouquet? Yes. Garter belt? Not so much."

Casey slid his phone back into his pocket and headed for the door, "They're pretty much the same as Human weddings... just no rings... SOME Dogs do the garter belt though... just not that many. I'm gonna head on out... see you guys there?"

Paul and Tanner said their goodbyes to their room mate; they still had time and Tanner still hadn't had his coffee. While the Shepherd poured himself a cup from the pot Casey had made earlier Paul helped himself to a glass of orange juice mixed with ginger ale. The young man had learned a long time past that orange juice was a great sugar high and worked well for waking him up; ginger ale was great for settling his stomach... it only made sense then that he combine both.

The ride to the church was uneventful; they took Tanner's car and the Human spent his time gazing out the window. "Looks like they're going to get some beautiful weather today for the wedding."

Tanner kept his eyes on the road, but his right ear rotated toward the Human. "I'm glad we're going together, Paul... but I know how it must make you--"

The young man nodded, interrupting the Dog before he could finish the statement. "I'm not ashamed of you, Tanner... or of us. I just... haven't always had the mind to mix my personal life with a public one and... well..."

The German Shepherd was nothing if not patient. "If you are starting to second guess this I won't be offended... we can still turn around and--"

Paul quickly interjected. "NO."

Tanner glanced his way, "Okay..."

The Human sighed, "I just... I've never been MORE sure of something I'm not so sure about... but yes, Tanner... I want you there. I REALLY do."

The Shepherd nodded and reached a paw over to him. Paul accepted it and their fingers interlocked, and it gave him strength. He felt calmer, and that calm lasted right up until the church came into view. Forcing himself to slow his breathing, Paul exhaled deeply and, once Tanner turned off the car, the Human exited. For a moment he contemplated ducking back into the coup, but, after another deep breath, he stood up straight and headed toward the steps that led up to the large wooden door entrance.

Although Paul realized that nobody was really paying him more than casual attention he couldn't help but feel that eyes were on him from every angle. He found himself clearing his throat constantly and he loosened his tie just a little. Tanner remained at his side the whole time, saying hello to everyone that greeted them. After awhile, they ran into Ray; he was there alone.

The Golden Retriever did a double-take when he saw Tanner. "Oh... hey... guys!"

Paul's smile was genuine; between his boyfriend and work friend he finally felt that he would be able to calm down just a little. Tanner and Ray exchanged a shake, and then the Shepherd asked the question Paul had been wondering, albeit, in a quiet voice. "So... uh... where's Michelle?"

Ray shrugged, ears reddening a little. "Well... it really didn't seem like the right time... and people here don't really know her... so..."

Paul stopped him with a wave of his hand; he knew exactly how the Retriever felt. "No biggie, Ray... I understand."

The older Dog's smile returned two fold, and he leaned forward, touching his nose to Paul's, "But Tanner's here, Paul..."

The young man felt a blush on his cheeks, "Yea... yea he is."

After that, Paul felt just a little more at ease. The three of them chatted for a little while as guests began to mill about. Many of the people at the wedding were ones he didn't recognize; most likely friends of Candy from other parts of her life along with any and all of Willy's guests too, of course. By the time everyone was called to take a seat, Paul had managed to identify a good number of the guests and had a pretty decent percentage of right guesses as to who took what side of the aisle, with Candy's friends and family on the right and Willy's on the left.

A tap on Paul's shoulder pulled his attention away from the front of the room where a book was being set on an altar. Turning around, the young man was surprised to see Eizenzahn and Pascal seated right behind him. The Doberman smiled, "Good morning."

Paul stared for a moment, noticing right away that Eizenzahn had his usual suit on, but Pascal was dressed in a rich red gown complete with white gloves. "Uh... hi. Did, uh... Bert not come?"

The Doberman shook his head. "No... Bert was not specifically invited and it did not make sense for him to come... the bride and groom do not know him and he does not know them. Besides, it gives him a chance to get his admission paperwork put together."

Paul blinked. "Admission paperwork?"

Pascal nodded vigorously, "Oiu! Bert is submitting ze paperwork to attend classes at SFSU next term."

The young man nodded, "Oh, well I--"

The words he was planning fell right out of his brain when he caught sight of someone he didn't expect to see taking a seat in the last row. Locking eyes, Miranda raised a hand and waved at him, a demure smile spreading the corners of her mouth as she mouthed the word 'hi'. Suddenly, all of his words were replaced with a simple exclamation, thankfully hushed with discretion. "Geez-o-pete!"

With Miranda on Paul's mind the rest of the ceremony was a blur to him. Several times he glanced back over his shoulder; sometimes she was looking up at the minister, a tawny furred Briard and sometimes she was looking right at him-- he felt uncomfortable no matter where she was looking. Paul caught the vows, and the kiss, but everything else was awash in a haze of introspection-bordering-on-fear. What was Miranda doing there?!?!

Once the Minister pronounced Willy and Candy husband and wife, everyone stood up. Paul took the opportunity to do the same, and slid quickly to the end of his row so he could take the side exit. Once he got back to Tanner's car he felt marginally better, though he was a little ashamed at fleeing without giving the bride and groom his best wishes. Regardless, his mood improved once he saw Tanner making his way toward him. The Shepherd called it on his first try. "You saw Miranda?"

Paul nodded, eagerly climbing into the car when Tanner unlocked the door. "I can't believe she actually showed up."

The Dog asked an obvious question, "Well... I suppose she came because Candy DID invite the entire office... right?"

Just because the young man couldn't argue with the logic didn't mean he couldn't try. "I know-- but... she got FIRED! Why would she actually COME to the wedding?"

Tanner turned the key and glanced at him. "Well... there's the possibility that she came because she liked Candy and wanted to go to the wedding."

Paul sighed, "As far as I could tell she TOLERATED Candy. At the cost of sounding self-absorbed, I'm betting she came because she knew I'D be here."

The Dog chuckled, "You know... that DOES sound self absorbed--"

Tanner paused when Paul's fist impacted against his shoulder. "Thanks."

The Shepherd continued, unabated and laughing. "But... BUT-- I think you might be right. I was watching her reflection off of one of the windows and she spent more time looking at you than at the ceremony."

Paul groaned. "Thanks for the comforting thought."

Tanner shrugged, pulling out of the parking lot, "Well... you can always ask her if she shows up at the reception."

As it turned out she did show up... almost a full half hour into the event. Place settings were clearly marked in the large banquet hall and everyone was laughing and talking and having a good time. Paul managed to find some of his coworkers and was laughing along with them; the fact that TeeSee was also in attendance made him feel a little more comfortable about Tanner being with him, and everything was going just fine... until everyone fell silent.

Paul turned around just in time to see Miranda stepping up to him. "Hey, Dakota."

"Uh... hi."

She smiled, a little shyly. "I... never really did get a chance to say goodbye and... well... I... uh... I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to mess things up so much for you and I think maybe things went a little too far."

The young man cleared his throat, weight shifting from one foot to the next, "Uh... yea... it--"

"Shut up and let me finish."

He closed his mouth immediately after a very succinct, "Okay."

She took a deep breath, "I know things may get kinda hard without me there looking after you, and it's important to me that you know that I'll be here whenever you need. Even if we aren't working together I still have your back."

He paused, waiting long enough to make sure he wasn't going to 'interrupt' her again before he offered an awkward "Thanks?"

Miranda stepped closer and leaned forward, planting a kiss on his cheek, "And I know all this stuff is crazy right now but... when things finally start to calm down, I hope you can give me a call so we can... you know... go out... on a date."

Paul had no idea what possessed him that moment, but something clicked and he made a snap decision. Taking hold of Tanner's wrist, he pulled the Shepherd closer to him. "Thanks, Miranda... I'm... really flattered and all... but-- you know Tanner, right? He's my... uh... Tanner's my boyfriend."

Every last one of his coworkers that surrounded him went silent... but not as silent as Miranda. Although the young man had often heard the phrase 'switching on the crazy' he never really understood the meaning. Miranda stood there, completely stunned, unmoving and unresponsive for what felt like a good ten seconds. Then, without warning, she suddenly exploded into a raving tsunami of flailing arms and rapid-fire Japanese words that Paul was confident he wouldn't understand even if he spoke Japanese.

Like a divine wind, Miranda stormed out of the gathering, arms and mouth not slowing in the least. The door slammed behind her, leaving the entire wedding reception speechless, frozen as they all took in the sight that was a complete and total Miranda-style melt down. Paul's heart was the only sound he heard-- racing a mile a minute as he saw all eyes go from the slammed door to him. He'd never liked being the center of attention and, suddenly, that feeling became so much worse.

Candy glanced toward the wake of destruction left by her, ears raised and body stiff. Slowly turning back toward Paul, the Beagle's tail started up again right away and her smile returned a split second later. "So... it looks like Miranda's doing well."

* * * * *

Paul didn't really know what to expect out of the following week at work, but he was surprised when nothing really seemed to change. Other than a few comments of support (and one or two of well-wishes), everyone treated him exactly the same as they had before. It was liberating in a way, and he had to admit that he found himself smiling more and worrying less-- other than getting a few good-humored comments directed his way when he and Tanner shared lunch together in the AHB cafeteria, little else had really changed.

The week flew by and Paul's smile never wavered-- not only was he happily 'out' to his coworkers, but he hadn't seen hide nor hair of Miranda... other than a very distinct text on Monday morning that stated "I'm done with you, Paul." He was, of course, not precisely broken up over it, though he did feel a little bad for having inadvertantly led her on for so long... but at least her antics at the wedding didn't cause anything more than a passing laugh from the other guests.

Friday night was the only particularly notable evening, and that was because he and Ray had agreed on a double date; Ray and Michelle would meet Paul and Tanner at Como Abuela, one of Ray's favorite Mexican restaurants. Sitting in the passenger seat as Tanner drove them to their destination, the young man smiled. "Did I tell you that Ray told everyone at the office about Michelle?"

The Shepherd laughed, "I was there... remember?"

Paul smiled, "Well... he told me it's because everyone handled our relationship so well... he saw how well people responded to it and he figured that he'd be a coward if he didn't follow suit."

Tanner nodded, "I bet it's a big relief to have such a big secret out in the open... people really ARE progressive, you know."

The young man eased back in his seat, letting out a long, relaxed sigh. "It's just good to know that people can surprise you... ya know? Expecting the worst but finding out that you were wrong really isn't that bitter a pill to swallow."

The Dog's tail beat against the center console softly, "So I guess Ray's happier now that it's in the open too?"

Paul smiled, "Yea... I told him he needs to talk to Mr Howe about finding her a job at AHB so he can have her there all day like I have you."

The Dog, still smiling, glanced his direction, "You know... I really think you're growing as a person, Paul."

"Like mold?"

Tanner stopped at a light, then turned and touched his nose to the Human's. "The best kind... you know I've always considered you a 'fun-guy'."

The Human laughed, "Oh... and YOU'RE absorbing some pun-ishment.

The Dog smirked, and continued on down the road. "What I mean is, by now you'd have mumbled once or twice about worrying that someone would recognize you, or what people would think if they saw us all out together."

Paul sighed, his smile slowly fading. "I still think about it-- I mean, I'm not embarrassed about you or anything I--"

Tanner glanced toward him, "I know, Paul... and it's okay."

Letting out another sigh, the Human glanced to the sign of an old woman holding up a platter of burritos. "Don't you ever worry about people seeing us together?"

The Dog shrugged, "Most people are so caught up in their own life that they don't ever stop and pay attention to what's going on in others'... so I really don't think about it."

Paul's smile returned, "Sometimes I wish I could be a little more like you."

The Dog rolled his eyes and pulled into a parking spot. "I'm fine with you just the way you are, Paul."

The young man's smile widened. "That's because if we were TOO much alike then us having sex may as well be masturbation."

Tanner let out a theatrical sigh, "Only in a mind like YOURS, Paul... only in a mind like yours."

They were flagged down by Ray, who was already seated in a front booth with Michelle next to him. Paul followed Tanner over to the table and they both took a seat. It was a fine enough end to a work week, and the evening had started off well enough, but once the four got together Paul found himself laughing even more; despite all of his reservations, he had to admit that the two couples were good for each other... really good.

The waiter came back twice to check on them before they had spent enough time between stories and anecdotes to consider what they wanted. He made a few notes on a pad and promised them he'd be right back with their drinks. From there, the four returned to their banter and chatting; Paul was never in a hurry at a restaurant to get his food, and that was especially true when he was in good company... and his three tablemates were the best.

The chatting came to a stop, however, when a pretty collie stepped up and cleared her throat, "Ah... Meester Miller?"

Paul dropped his fork, and then scrambled to catch it before it hit the table, succeeding only in 'juggling' it off his fingers a few times before it landed and bounced across into Michelle's lap. "Hi... uh... Angel."

Ray was all smiles immediately, "Oh... so YOU'RE the pretty young lady that caused such a commotion at AHB a ways back."

The Collie immediately covered her muzzle with a paw, ears lowering as her eyes went wide. Michelle reached over and touched her arm lightly, "He's playing, sweetie... just ignore the mean old Goldie."

Paul quickly put on his best imitation of a comfortable smile, "I... didn't think you-- I mean... hi. What are YOU doing here?"

Angel glanced around the table, obviously a little uncomfortable with so much attention, "I go to church with the owners... sometimes I.. ah... help out when someone es ehsick."

Tanner laughed as he glanced to Paul, "Wow... what are the chances?"

The young man kept up his smile as he mumbled aside to his boyfriend, "Pretty good, considering my life." The comment got a hearty laugh from the Shepherd.

Ray slid over on his bench and patted the spot beside him as he pulled his tail out of the way. "Come on... you're welcome to join us for a few if you like, young lady."

Both Paul and Angel were very quick to voice objections, but neither really pushed, and so the Collie ended up joining them. Much to Paul's surprise, as was apparently the running theme in his life, it went... well! Angel was pleasant and polite and, after a few stories from everyone she had seemed to relax enough to contribute to the conversation and, just like when he first met her at AHB, she turned out to be very enjoyable company. That continued right until Michelle ask a very innocent question, "So... how is it you know Paul?"

Angel drew the claw of one finger around the rim of her glass, "Oh... I met Paul because we both know Mateo."

Paul didn't have to look at Ray to know the Retriever's hackles were probably up. Michelle was much faster to respond. "Ray, honey... would you please show me where the bathrooms are? I think I drank too much water."

Ray thankfully took the opportunity, and the two headed off into the restaurant. Angel looked after them, commenting astutely, "I said something I shouldn't, didn't I? Es something wrong, Paul?"

The young man sighed, "Well... Mateo didn't leave AHB on very good terms, and Ray's feelings were hurt a little when he did."

The Collie nodded and stood up, grabbing her purse. "Oh... I am sorree... I didn't mean to make your evening bad."

Paul stood up, "No... it's okay."

He could tell there was something on her mind, but he wasn't completely sure until she leaned a little closer, "Could you... I mean... oh-- ¿como se dice?..."

The young man glanced at Tanner, who was respectfully keeping himself occupied with the mixed drink card, then looked back to Angel. "What's wrong?"

She took one of his hands in both her paws and pulled him into a quieter section of the restaurant., "You know where Mateo lives... si? Do you think... ay... could you take me there?"

Paul swallowed his first response... and choked on his second. He looked into her deep, pleading eyes, and the third slowly wriggled its way out, "When?"

Angel became all wagging tail and hugs, speaking quickly to him in Spanish-- hopefully praise... at least, that's what it sounded like. She kissed him on either cheek and she gave him her cell phone before getting his; Angel promised to be in contact within the next day; she thanked him a dozen times again, and then disappeared into the restaurant like a will-shattering phantom departing its (strangely happy-to-help) victim.

Paul numbly returned to the booth only to find that Michelle had returned, and Tanner was giving her a hug. He sat down just in time to hear the German Shepherd say, "Congratulations! That's fantastic!"

The young man glanced between the woman and the Dog, "What'd I miss?"

Michelle didn't say anything at first-- she simply extended her hand. Paul looked down at it and noticed a beautiful ring. It took a couple of seconds to sink in, and Tanner further reinforced the thought that the young man's mind finally settled on, "Ray proposed and they're getting married!"

Paul was stunned. "Oh... wow... yea-- Yea! Um-- Congratulations! Wow! That's... that's great! Congratulations!"

The woman smiled, laughing just a little at his response. She held her hand up so she could look at it. "Thanks... both of you. Ray and I really want everything to go well, but it won't exactly be easy."

The young man considered the wistful look on her face. "Why? I mean... NO wedding is easy, I guess, but--"

Tanner answered the question, "There hasn't been any official decision made on Humans and Dogs marrying."

Paul sat up, looking between Michelle and Tanner, "What.. like, no Legal precedent or something?"

Michelle put her hand back down and looked across the table at the both of them. "There are some civil rights laws from the mid 20th century that are on our side."

Tanner's ears raised, "I don't remember studying anything about Human-Dog marriage laws passed in the 20th century."

She smiles, "That's because it's about marriage between Dogs when they're from different breeds... but it should still apply."

Paul opened his mouth to say something, but realized it would have only resulted in him chewing on his own foot, so he thought better of it and shut up. He scratched the side of his head in thought before he made a casual comment, "Dogs from different breeds have always been allowed to marry, haven't they?"

Before Michelle was able to answer Ray returned. The Dog was well composed and it looked like he'd just finished brushing his fur. The Retriever glanced to everyone at the table before he sat down. "Lemme guess... she told you."

The woman leaned over and embraced the Dog, kissing him on the side of the muzzle, "Relax, Ray... Tanner noticed the ring."

The Retriever was immediately all smiles and wags. "We haven't set a day yet, but we're looking forward to challenging the status quo in a big way."

Tanner nodded thoughtfully, "That's going to be a really big fight on your paws, Ray... you're taking quite a leap from hidden romance to Primetime-Worthy news."

Ray nodded, then looked to Michelle. "We discussed that."

They shared a kiss before she elaborated. "I told Ray that if he wanted to marry me then come hell or high water there was nobody who had a right to say 'no' other than me... and I wasn't about to say no."

Ray smiled and nodded, then glanced back to her, "And you told them about--"

His muzzle shut audibly when she shook her head. "Let's get everything else in order before we worry about that."

Paul never could avoid thinking about half-elaborated plans. "Worry about what?"

Just then, dinner arrived, putting a convenient pin in the conversation. That very conversation, however, was not pulled down for discussion that night. The two couples parted after dinner and dessert, promising to meet again 'real soon'. Considering work was ramping up at AHB, Paul had a feeling he'd have to wait to discover just what it was the other couple was being so secretive... he was sure it would be quite a story.

The quandry continued to weigh on his mind as Tanner drove them home. They had gone a half dozen blocks before the Shepherd interrupted Paul's thoughts. "So... you and Angel had a nice talk?"


Tanner glanced at him, "Anything specific?"

Paul sighed. "Mateo."

The Shepherd opened his muzzle to speak again, most likely looking for more information, but Paul's phone went off. The young man dug it out of his pocket and looked down at the text. He let out a sigh and hung his head.

The Dog next to him glanced his way, "What? Who's that?"

"Angel again."

Tanner chuckled, "You just saw her an hour ago. What does she want now?"

Paul put his phone away, "Apparently I'm taking Angel to Mateo's tomorrow."

Tanner stopped laughing.