The Den: Welcome

Story by GarethAmaniil on SoFurry

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#1 of The Den

Sasha shifted nervously in her seat, the movement seen by her friend Lana, "Calm down, you'll love The Den, I promise" the monitor said with a scaly grin.

Sasha returned with a gentle smile of her own as the '67 jag turned off the highway onto a back road. The light grey wolfess heard countless stories from her roommate about the nightclub known only as The Den, stories of heavy drinking, loud music and sometimes a wild night, but something seemed a little off.

"Lana, I thought we were going to a club not a campsite."

"Don't worry. We are, we are, just keep your tail on."

As they rounded another corner, Sasha's ears perked up, the heavy thump of rave bass playing at her senses. Another corner and light joined the vibrations as The Den came into view.

Cars filled a large clearing and people stood waiting in the regular's line, the energy that permeated the air began to thrill Sasha and brought a laugh from Lana. The two women slipped out once the engine rumbled to a stop, Sasha smoothing out her crimson silk cocktail dress with Prada heels, And Lana in her leather two piece; a halter top and a miniskirt with stilettos. Both femmes turned heads as the reptilian woman strode past the line and up to the bouncer with Sasha close behind. "G'day Lana, brought a friend tonight?"

Sasha found herself staring slightly at the massive komodo guarding the door, easily 6'8" and three hundred pounds of Australian muscle and bone.

"Evening Zack, this is Sasha."

"Welcome t'The Den then Sasha." Zack replied with a grin that showcased his predatory jaws and tightened the muscles in his neck

"Thank you..." she managed to mutter in awe. With another laugh Lana grabbed Sasha's arm and pulled her inside as Zack pushed the door open for them, assaulting the two with bone-jarring music. Sasha felt the thrill from earlier return with a vengeance, all this and the night had only begun. Â

Once they found a booth that muffled most of the volume from the air, Sasha spoke up,

"So he's the bouncer?"

"Yep, liked what ya saw?" Lana teased.

Sasha couldn't help but blush a little; in truth she had let her mind wander along with her gaze. Crossing her legs to subdue the growing dampness between them, she gazed out at the other club goers despite the toned down volume in the booth, the pump of the subwoofer still permeated the air, jolting Sasha's body a little with each thump. Lana stood and opened the curtain letting the full blast of the music return. The reptile motioned she was going to get drinks before slipping out of sight into the crowd. Sasha waited for about ten minutes before finally stepping out to see what was taking Lana so long when she spotted her friend making out with an athletic panther in another booth with a sigh and a chuckle Sasha decided to leave her alone and enjoy herself, after all what use was it going to a club if you weren't going to dance?

Six songs later, Lana caught up to her to apologize and let her know she was going to have a few drinks with some guys. The two waved goodbye to each other and Lana vanished once again. With a sigh, Sasha walked off the dance floor, thinking about how the night had gone so far. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't see the guy in front of her. The she-wolf ran right into the guys back and fell onto something firm but giving.

The guy she bumped into turned around, "oh! Careful there." He said as the firm thing lifted her back onto her feet. "You alright?"

Now that she was close enough a few things passed through Sasha's mind. First was the fact that the thing she had landed on was this guy's tail, secondly, the slit pupils in his somewhat glowing eyes and the scaly hood attached to his head and back marked him as a cobra.

"S-sorry for..."

"Oh don't worry about it, damn thing get's in peoples way all the time, I'm the one who should be apologising."

"Um, thanks for helping me up, uh..."

The serpent smiled, "Dorian, and think nothing of it." He said holding out a hand which she shook.

"Sasha, nice to meet you Dorian."

"Pleasure's all mine... hey wanna grab a drink?"

Sasha smiled and nodded. Dorian turned and led her through the throng of people to the bar where they sat and talked.

By about four in the morning the club was starting to quiet down, Lana had return smelling of sex, no doubt the two roommates would have some stories to tell when they got home and got some sleep. Sasha introduced Dorian to Lana, Numbers were exchanged and they said their goodbyes, Sasha and her new friend exchanging a short kiss and plans to meet again next weekend. As they drove home Sasha once again gazed out the window to watch the countryside fly past.

Lana yawned and glanced over, "Had fun?"

Sasha looked up and grinned, "yeah, but probably not as much as you did." she replied giving the lizard a teasing pinch.

Lana simply laughed and gave her a light punch in return, both eager for the next weekend when The Den would once again open it's doors to them.