The Feral Assassins - Chapter 1

Story by MeowCat on SoFurry

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#1 of Story - The Feral Assassins

A pointless life was what Kasdel was experiencing. Being the only person in Nadiko City with the ability to transmorph into an anthro cat had made him felt extremely lonely. Each passing day, he had longed for someone or something to change the same old routines that he had loathed. He wanted to do something more than just selling merchandises in a mundane store to customers that had grown accustomed to a caged society where work and materialistic needs were the only things on their mind. When a strange customer suddenly showed up in his store one day, Kasdel had noticed a particular aura around the man. He had never suspected that his wish for a more exciting lifestyle would come true and it could be more than what he had bargained for. As a relationship began to form with the person that he had grown to rely on, his past was explained and a deep secret from the United Government started to threaten his species as Feral Assassins.

Chapter 1

"That'll be ten dollars, please."

The cashier register beeped and money was exchanged. It was the same routine day in and day out. It was a mundane work routine that seemed to be suffocating him. A never ending labor that continued on until the day that he felt he had enough and would end his life by jumping off a bridge.

"How much is this one?"

"Fifteen dollars. If you buy two you get the second one half price."

"Cool. I'll get two then."

The register beeped again. Cash drawer slid open and change was given. Time had seemed to be moving very slowly. Each second felt like minutes; each minute felt like hours; each hour felt like days. Sighing and staring at the clock that seemed to have its hands going backward instead of forward, he longed for the shift to end.

Kasdel slumped over the counter with his arms stretched to the edge of the glass countertop, as he sat on his stool and closed his eyes. The convenience store at the downtown region was a temporary job until he could secure a better job to pay his rent. His long black hair with strands ending in dark purplish dye draped lazily over his face. Feeling tired and annoyed, he didn't want to serve any more customers that day.

With his face still planted on the glass where rows of lottery tickets were nicely displayed, he pulled out his phone and checked his messages. Nothing. Not a single email, SMS, or social media message. It was as if he had lived in a world where people had disappeared. Alone and feeling segregated, the emotional turmoil that swirled within his mind was getting more frustrating and unbearable.

Shifting his light yellow eyes upward, Kasdel scanned the store where racks and shelves of snacks, magazines, and drinks were neatly positioned. During the slow time of the day, he would patrol the isles and make sure everything was aligned properly. Some said he was a prime example of a person with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; others would say he was an odd person with an issue toward cleanliness. Well, to Kasdel, he didn't really care. The disapproving looks from others around him as he walked down the busy streets to his work were something that he had gotten used to.

With a long black hair dyed into purplish color at the tips and having earrings on his ears, some had remarked that he looked way too feminine for a guy that was in mid-twenties. Most had also taken a stance of slight fear when they gazed into his eyes, as it had seemed that his pupils resembled more like a feline than a human.

"Yo. Gimme this magazine. Hurry up! My bus is coming and I'm running late!"

Another pushy customer that didn't know how to manage his time. Kasdel had seen it all. Without saying a word, he lazily handed the man's money and the adult magazine before watching the middle aged guy running out of the store's sliding doors. Heaving another deep breath, he adjusted his black sports tank top before sitting up straight. His manager had given him warnings for dressing as if he was going to the beach but he didn't really care. To be honest, he'd rather get fired than to stay in this store of extreme boredom where the utter suffocation of living a weary life was the ultimate hazard to his sanity.

Tapping the glossy glass while he mindlessly stared through the window to his right and out into the street, Kasdel was wondering if there was someone or something that could brighten up his day. He was so entranced at the speeding cars that whipped by the store that he didn't even notice the cold bottle of coffee was placed gently on the counter. When he felt the cold drop of water on his fingertip, he literally jumped.

Looking up, he saw a man in his thirties looking at him with a smile. The dark blue eyes and the chiseled face with a clean-shaven chin had caught his attention. Medium length dark brown hair combed back, the man nodded as he fished out his wallet from his dark grey suit jacket.

"Slow day today?" He asked with a smooth deep voice.

Kasdel stared for another moment before he shook his head and replied: "Y-Yeah. Every day."

"Are you sure? I just saw five customers walking out of your store a few minutes ago."

Feeling his face flushing red, the bored clerk answered with annoyance: "Well, if you've seen how busy this place gets then there's no point in asking that kind of question."

The man was silent as he continued to stare at Kasdel while the bill was being ringed up. Kasdel had avoided making eye contact the entire time while he placed the drink into a plastic bag. When he noticed the customer didn't make a move to grab the bag, he timidly looked up. The guy was standing there a head taller than he was, grinning from ear to ear.

"Is there anything else that I can help you with?" Kasdel asked while his eyes were fixed onto the man's handsome face.

"Oh. No. That's all I need. Enjoy your workout routine when you get off work. It's a very nice weather outside today. Quite warm too. I'll see you later."

With that, the customer grabbed his stuff and left the store. Kasdel frowned as he leaned over the counter to watch the man walking down the street. Blinking his eyes, he was confused as to what the man had meant by that. Sighing, he sat back down onto his stool and turned on the radio. It was only ten in the morning and he still had seven more unbearable hours to go.

It was quite dark by the time the manager had finally agreed to let him leave the store. As the heavy gate rolled down and the fat man locked up his prized source of income, Kasdel readjusted the strap on his shoulder pack and began walking down the road. Vehicles drove by loudly while other pedestrians strolled around him. Ignoring the looks, he relished the freedom that the night had brought. The air, though filled with the repulsive smell of car exhaust, was surprisingly fresh. The city of Nadiko was bustling with activities as night markets took the center stage of commercial sector of the crowded metropolis. Business towers were shutting down for the night with people in expensive suits flooding into the sides of the roads. Kasdel pushed against the crowd while he crossed the busy intersection that was choked full of hundreds of other mindless humans rushing to get home.

If only they could leap onto the rooftops of houses, maybe the place wouldn't be so crowded. Then again, the empty 'road' of higher elevation would be filled with unwanted human traffic if that was possible. This was why Kasdel had a subconscious smile on his face as he shimmied past the people while taking care of not to bump into signs and walls with his bare slender shoulders and arms. Finally, he darted into a side alley where foot traffic was almost nonexistent. Breathing a sigh of relief, he looked up into the sky that was filled with countless of sparkling stars. The moon was barely up so he could see the galaxy dazzling the firmament with wondrous display of gleaming plants hundreds and thousands of light years away. With a content grin, Kasdel secured his pack close to his chest as he bent his knees.

With a leap, he jumped onto one of the houses' rooftop. Nimble and agile, his leg muscles tensed and provided the uncanny power needed to reach the top of another building. Under the faint street lights that combed the land below him, a long cat tail whipped through the air while Kasdel's eyes shimmered with exhilaration. Landing quietly onto a third rooftop, his claws dug into the shingles for stability while the short orange fur along his bare arms and legs fluttered lightly in the warm evening breeze. He licked his fangs as he surveyed the surrounding environment to make sure no one had seen him. His long cat ears flickered once to take in the noises. Once the coast was clear, he continued traversing across the elevated 'highway' which he had created himself to get back to his tiny apartment in just half of the time needed.

Suddenly, Kasdel had noticed another figure nearby. Stopping on the ledge of a six story apartment, he stared into the night. The uninvited guest had a large physique and was also leaping across from house to house. It was nerve-wrecking, as Kasdel had never seen another...beast, for the better lack of word, to navigate the 'highway' like he did. A sense of terror had sent a series of shivers down his spine as he saw the figure turning around and staring at him coldly with two bright blue eyes. The black figure was only a few hundred meters away from him. Before Kasdel could react, it jumped down into an alleyway and vanished.

Shaking his head as he recollected himself, Kasdel hurriedly ran home. Opening the door and turning on the lights, he had made sure the three pathetic tiny locks were secured before he slumped onto the small bed next to his kitchen. His long black hair matted against his face as he breathed heavily into the bed sheet. After a long moment of stillness and only the sounds of dripping facet and ticking clock hand reverberating through the small open space in the apartment room, Kasdel turned over onto his back and gazed at the ceiling.

"What the hell was that...?" He asked loudly while his light yellow eyes narrowed.


The next morning, alarm clock blasted with full vengeance into Kasdel's ears. Groaning and blindly slapping at the clock to hit the off switch, he sleepily rolled onto his side and lightly scratched his bare chest. Rays of sunlight in white slid through the cracks of the shutters while the limited radiance that had made it through gently brightened up the room. The train loudly roared over the track and past his apartment as birds chirped and danced outside through the thick tree branches. Kasdel continued to nap while ignoring the daunting feeling in the back of his mind, reminding him that he would be late for work.

Maybe he should just call in sick for the day.

"When I said be on time, you get your ass here on time! Not two minutes late and certainly not thirty minutes late! I can't have my employees slacking off and being flaky like this. Did you honestly think that I needed you more than you needed me? If so, you are sadly mistaken!"

Five minutes of nonstop reprimand was what Kasdel got for slept in late. By the time he had realized the gravity of the situation and rushed to work using his unspoken ability, it was already too late.

"And what the hell is that on your shoes?"

Looking down, Kasdel saw bird droppings matting the surface of his dirty sneakers. The result of running over the roofs of people's houses and apartment complexes. Raising his head, he dumbly said: "Um...bird shit?"

The manager's eyes looked as if they were about to pop out of his head. Face red with rage, the bald man yelled: "Are you kidding me? How the fuck did you even get bird shit on your shoes? You're making a mess in my store! Never mind that! Don't answer that question! Get yourself cleaned up and get back to work! This is your only warning, did you hear, Kasdel? One more lateness and you can kiss this job goodbye!"

Uncaringly watching his superior stomping away into the office in the back, Kasdel shrugged as he torn off a piece of paper towel and began to wipe his shoes clean. Although he knew he shouldn't have transformed into a feline state in broad daylight, he had no choice. Taking the train would take forever and he didn't have the money to take the taxi. Muttering curses while throwing the paper towel away, Kasdel got up from beneath the counter and gaped with surprise. The same man from yesterday was standing there in front of him. The same warm smile and sensual look from his blue eyes were sending chills through his body.

"Morning! Just want to get another cold coffee today before I go to work," said the man.

"Oh. Uh...morning."

Kasdel stumbled over the keypads on the cash register for a good long moment before he finally keyed in the right number to open the cash drawer. Pulling out bills and coins, he handed the man his money.

"How was last night's exercise?"

Kasdel froze. "What?"

The customer chuckled lightly as he asked again: "How was last night's exercise? The stars were really nice, weren't they? Especially it's so hard to see such beautiful night sky from the light pollution of the city."

Kasdel was at a loss for words as his hand with the change hovered above the man's large palm. When the guy grabbed his fist, he jumped and let go of the coins. Pulling his hand back, Kasdel felt his heart racing. The man reached out once more in a gesture for handshake.

"I haven't introduced myself. My name is Lanson."

Stammering, Kasdel answered: "What makes you think I want to know your name?"

"Well, you look like you needed a friend. Since I work close by, I figured that I can drop in once in a while to say hi. Besides, it's so hard to make friends in this city. I just got here over a month ago from Ardenious City for a contract work. The nature of my job has literally forced me to spend most of my time on completing the assignments that I was given, leaving no time for any sorts of social activities."

"Ardenious? Isn't that five hours away? The city of multiple scientific high-tech development sponsored by United Government?"

Nodding, Lanson smiled. "That's right. My boss asked me to head over to another place to oversee some projects there but I told him I wanted to go to Nadiko City instead. The remnant of old Japanese culture can still be found in this sprawling metropolis. After the Eradication of Viral Descendants eighty years ago, a lot of places have changed. No longer were there any individual nations or societies. Everyone's now watched by one United Government."

"I know the history. I don't need you to give me a lesson on that," Kasdel snapped as he rolled his eyes.

Laughing, Lanson lowered his hand and picked up his bottle of coffee. Lifting it slightly in a gesture of thanks, he walked out of the store. Kasdel narrowed his eyes as he shook his head. He only hoped that he was not targeted by some creeper who was just out for some sort of sick pleasure. Although while he was mildly annoyed by the encounter with Lanson, he suddenly realized that he couldn't help but smile slightly as he got back to work and rearrange the lottery tickets beneath the countertop.

At the end of the day, Kasdel had decided to grab something to eat at nearby food stand. With the clouds rolling in from the east where distant horizon was shimmering with dark orange shade of setting sun, he sniffed the air and could smell the moisture slowly accumulating. He knew it was going to rain soon. What better way to end the night by having a nice hot bowl of noodle soup? Stopping in front of an old food cart, Kasdel could see the rising steam coming off from a massive metal pot. Balls of noodles were freshly made by the chef as thin slices of roasted pork were being prepared by his assistant. There was a long line up and he was lucky to have a seat on the long wooden bench along with dozens of other complete strangers.

"What would you like to have, Kasdel?" The old chef with wrinkled face asked.

"The usual."

"Rich fish broth with noodles and a side of green vegetables. You eat healthy!"

Rolling his eyes, Kasdel gave the man five dollars and said: "It's not that I want to eat healthy. It's what I can afford."

Laughing, the old man shouted something at his assistant. Soon, a hot, tongue-burning bowl of noodles was placed in front of him. Using a pair of chopsticks, Kasdel slurped down the tender strands of noodles greedily. His stomach gurgled with hunger and he needed to satisfy it with as much food as possible. Drinking down the flavor-filled soup that had flakes of spices and shredded onion as seasoning, Kasdel could feel his body warming up. The energy was returning to his muscles while he swallowed the last bite of noodles. Thanking the chef and getting up, he patted his stomach with outmost contentment.

A drop of rainwater had caused Kasdel to look up. Blinking as another drop had landed on his boyish face, he grumbled unhappily as he grabbed his side pack and began to run home. It wasn't long before the reflections of street lights, buildings, and cars were clearly visible upon the growing puddles on the asphalts. The roads were wet and slick. The place smelled damp with a mix of raw sewage that had saturated with the moist air through the open slits of underground water drainage holes. Kasdel's hair was matted against his face and neck. His clothes were wet. He sprinted as fast as he could. Leaping onto the ledges of the fences and walls while soaring over large gaps between the sides of housing units, he utilized whatever obstacle that was in his way to get back home as fast as possible. He hated the rain. The extra weight on his denim shorts had made his tail ached with discomfort. The belt was rubbing painfully against his thin long tail as he growled with annoyance. Though the sheets of rain had made visibility extremely poor, Kasdel could still see clearly as he weaved through alleys, trash cans, parked cars, and fences.

Landing heavily onto a small road that was only meters away from his apartment, Kasdel wanted nothing more than to get indoor and dry himself off. Droplets of cold water ran off his fur as he flicked his ears. Before he could get through the last few steps to the front door of the two stories apartment, a blinding light flashed on his right. The sound of a car horn screamed through the night. A heavy impact could be heard as car tires screeched to a halt. Soon, a man's voice had called out with surprise as the dark figure quickly rushed to the fallen Kasdel.

High above, a deep rumble roared through the heaven. The rain had intensified, quickly turning from light rainfall into a full downpour. A lightning sliced through the thunderclouds and seconds later, another rumble blasted over the city. Kasdel would have never expected his life would change starting that night. His dream of living a meaningful life had finally come true.

End Chapter 1