Lexi: The Edge of Paradise

Story by Lucien Lerderna on SoFurry

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#5 of Love Can't Be Different

As Bellany left the next afternoon, slightly flustered from the almost-chaste touching and kissing they had both been doing all day, Lexi did not feel like a butcher running a calf through a slaughterhouse. As she watched Thanatos’s sparkling and immaculate car go grumbling off to Bellany’s home, she made sure in no uncertain terms Thanatos put the scare on this terrible man that hurt Bellany so badly. She also made sure that Bellany would come over if it got bad again at her house.

Lexi was exhausted. She had been with Bellany for two days and two nights, and the effect of drowsiness may not have been noticeable, now that she was not hiding anything from Bellany, but as soon as she left, the floor just fell out from under her. She was tired, and she wanted nothing more than to shower and go to bed. Well, she wanted nothing more than to eat, shower, and go to bed. Alisa was sitting at the kitchen table, watching Lexi brood, looking through the blinds at the empty street and the sunset hitting the neighbor’s house just so.

Bellany felt numb as she was spirited away from Lexi and Alisa’s home. Thanatos smiled at her, a winning and oh so comforting smile, and told her that things would be okay. She did not understand what he meant, but it made her feel very at peace. He asked her how their first night together as lovers was, and she answered that it was frustrating. He giggled a bit, â€not at you, dearâ€, but at the implications that she would leave Lexi’s, of all people, room unsatisfied and frustrated was borderline blasphemy. Twenty-ish minutes later, Bellany and Thanatos were entering her home and threatening her uncle with bloody â€" worse than bloody â€" murder, if Bellany â€gave so much as a dissatisfied squeakâ€. That got his attention.

After that lazy Sunday afternoon, Lexi and Bellany’s normal schedule resumed. Lexi went to school with her sister, listening to female fronted metal all the way, and not paying attention to her classes when she got there. Bellany rode to school, after waiting at the bus stop in the dawn light, listening to the raucous shouts of her peers. Sure, Bellany had acquaintances, but nobody she was really friends with, so she spent her morning texting Lexi and chatting idly with another bunny girl from her Biology class. Lexi and Bellany’s routines were different, in that Lexi usually had no trouble fantasizing about things she had done and would do to her wonderful, beautiful Bellany.

Today was another normal day, in that Lexi and Bellany had been texting since six-forty-five when Lexi stepped out of the shower. She lifted her history book and read the somewhat dirty message from Bellany. The handsome wolf boy sitting three rows to her left and two desks back was getting berated loudly by the teacher, so she had no fear of repercussions as she typed an equally dirty reply to Bellany. She always was amazed at Bellany’s easily affected mood.

It was going to be a long week. The first school day of the week was only half over, and the minutes were ticking away like hours. The wolf in the middle of the room was done being berated and had gone back to sleep. As had most of the class for that matter. Lexi said as much to Bellany, who got the hint that she was unable to continue their conversation. Lexi herself hated this class, nothing covered in the chapters were ever on the corresponding tests, and she only knew all of this, because she got the concisely scribbled notes from Lucien who had taken this class last year.

The rest of the day went by in a blur until her lunch period. She drank two bottles of water and had a pair of chocolate bars sold for charity. The sugar rush and coldness rolling liquidly in her stomach kept her awake for her last class and the subsequent physical education that she had. Her friend, Erica, seemed satisfied that Lexi’s ‘girl trouble’ was over, for it very much was.

â€So, did you have sex with her?†Erica asked scandalously, finger wrapping around and around a long strand of fur on her tail.

â€I â€" you’re still assuming that it’s a girl I was even having trouble with.†Lexi replied, keeping her cool like only she could.

â€I sit behind you in history.†She reminded.

Lexi blushed hot and hard. â€Which gave what information, exactly?â€

â€â€˜I love you so much, Belley.’ ‘I miss you too, love.’ Also, the tons of less-than-threes are a good sign.â€

Lexi took a moment to formulate her response. She went with the only thing that had so far been successful in this context. â€Yes?â€

It was Erica’s turn to be put off. Yes what? That was vague. Vagueness was bad when gossip was to be had. â€So, did you have sex with her?†She asked again.

â€No.†Lexi responded.

â€I don’t believe you.†She teased. Of course she did not believe me, Lexi thought. I am apparently a sex fiend, or something. She simply dropped her head down on her desk, and murmured a quiet ‘whatever’ to Erica, who turned away with an air of betrayal. No gossip for skunk?

After that little trip-up, Lexi’s week went by without a hitch. Of course, Erica made kissing noises all through history class that week whenever Lexi checked her text messages. It was funny, that was for sure, but it was bothersome that she was so childish about it. Ah well, it really is nothing that can be fixed, Lexi thought.

Bellany’s week was much easier. Her teachers had not given seating arrangements at the beginning of the year, so she sat in the back corner of the room all the time. Having nobody around her who would simply joke about having a girlfriend, she was very careful with herself when her phone was out. As was normal with Bellany, her week went by in a rush.

Bellany got home every night from school to a home that had no love. Her parents were gone, and her uncle was looking at her with hate-filled, lust-filled, wary eyes. He knew better than to try anything while still in close contact with whoever that mouse girl was who came in threatening gory murder at the slightest bad report. He was sure that skinny bitch was just bluffing, but, when she balled a fist, he saw the small, strong muscles bulging in her forearm, and got the hint. Bluff or no, he did not, by any means want to call it.

In all honesty, though, Bellany had been doing nothing to tempt him, so it was only marginally difficult to keep to himself. He spent most of his nights in his room watching over all of the short clips of her he had managed to get before having his cameras sliced up. He knew he deserved that, but it was unfortunate how paranoid it had made her: perfect paranoia is perfect alertness, and Bellany had certainly perfected her paranoia. She checked her door every minute. That was the longest his recent videos were. Sure, the old ones from when she was twelve were long. He had one that was two hours long, including a very fortunately placed dress up session, which left her in underwear and naked at least a dozen times, on his hard drive. If nothing else, he had enough to â€work†with.

The evening school had dismissed for the weekend, Bellany’s mother and father entered the house. There was much fanfare, even though things did not feel right among any of them. Bellany’s father seemed cynical, and her mother seemed more so. Her mother’s brother was uncharacteristically chatty and polite. It was like he was a young child sucking up to his parents. She was afraid, would he tell them the little conversation Thanatos and he had had for her sake? Would they find out what was going on, and not let her go back to Lexi’s? How would she go on without being able to see the only person who had ever loved her so much? Oh, torture! Oh, vile, hateful suspense, can your cruelty extend even to such circumstances. In short, not really.

â€You know, Bellany had a friend over for a few minutes last weekend.†He began smugly, not noticing the terror showing across her eyes.

â€Oh?†Her father began. â€That leopard girl?â€

â€No,†Bellany said, before her uncle could get a word in edgewise. â€Another friend. Someone I met through Lexi. A nice mouse… girl. She drove me back here and I offered to let her come in for a while and relax for a minute.†There was electricity in the air, from the intensity of the stare being thrown her way. This could quickly escalate into a war.

â€Oh,†he said, taken very aback. â€That’s wonderful, it’s great that you’re meeting new people.†Her mother said the same thing, less of a glow in her eyes, but nothing like the fire burning in her brother’s. He knew he was beaten, now. He got up politely, and went upstairs to his room. She was relieved.

â€And,†Bellany continued, going from her father’s statement. â€It’s Lexi’s birthday tomorrow, and she and that mouse girl, and a few more of her friends are going to be at her place, and, even though you guys just got home tonight … I was wondering if you could take me over tomorrow morning?†Her eyes dropped, knowing she was pushing things here. More importantly, she hoped it was not too suspicious that she suddenly went from having no friends, to being the most popular girl on the block, in the span of a month.

â€Ah, by morning … ?†he asked.

â€Oh, whenever you get up. I don’t want to impose any more than the drive will be. I mean, I know she’s not exactly proximal.†Bellany was worried about that, too. She was afraid that she was letting the smart girl hiding inside of her all these years out too readily. That was another thing for which she had to thank Lexi; making her think on the level of an adult, even to have the silliest conversation.

â€Okay, we’ll see what we can come up with in the morning, then.†Bellany squeaked a very thankful thanks, and scampered off to take a shower and brush her teeth and fur, only so she could do it again.

That night she had a nightmare. It was complicated, but she thought she understood. Her uncle started torturing her like he did when she was younger. The painful slaps on the back when nobody was near, the constant surveillance. Her dream included that feeling she got when she found the camera long after trying out some outfits for her class picture the next morning. That cold feeling, accompanied by the acid feeling of bile rising in her throat, while her knees went weak and her fists shook with rage. She pulverized that camera. She kept a piece of it with her always, to remind her never to let that happen again. And for a minute, when she woke up in the middle of the night, breath coming in gasps of warm air circulated by the central air conditioning’s fan, she thought she was in the hell she stopped believing in when her uncle first moved in.

She looked at her door, and thought she saw the glint of a camera, but, after getting out of bed, fully covered, and looking at her door, she decided it was her taxed imagination. She went back to bed, but found no sleep for over an hour. It was simply too hot in this house to sleep, she thought, remembering the cool chill of Lexi’s bedroom, and all of the positive emotions that came with it. Those emotions and memories effectively fought off the nightmares, but not the temperature. She tried opening a window, but, even with the stiff night breeze, it was still well beyond comfort.

For a moment she thought it was because she had been letting her fur grow to its full natural length, or rather, she had not been clipping it since she first felt the long, perfect strands of Lexi’s fur against her. She thought that silly, when she saw the little decorative thermometer on her nightstand reading almost twenty-seven degrees. It was appallingly hot in her room, and blankets kicked off, and with only a gauzy blanket that held no warmth, wrapped around herself for modesty, fell asleep.

She woke up much later than she had wanted to, but did not blame herself for the nightmares and the temperature, and simply sprinted off to shower again and brush her fur. She ate a quick breakfast of the few overripe pieces of fruit they had in the house, and brushed her teeth until they were minty pearls. She dressed in her most innocuous outfit, which had her new favorite underwear under it, and her new favorite outfit over that. It was oppressively hot, so she walked around her room with her cover outfit off.

She heard her parents exit their room at around ten, and feared desperately that they would tell her that it had simply been a long night, and that she would be unable to see her lover today. This was not the case. Her father had actually remembered on his own this time, and was dressed and looking for his keys to leave. Bellany politely pointed out where they were, and they were off. She looked at the clock and saw that it was actually very early to be showing up for a party. Nine in the morning. Not that she was worried Lexi would be sleeping in, or anything, but still ….

Her father dropped her off in front of the door, and Bellany was still far away thinking about what had first happened when they met, to notice for a moment. She blamed it on drowsiness, â€too excited to sleep.â€, and walked to the front door. She rang the doorbell, and waited for a moment. She waited for several more moments, before the door finally opened, Lexi in her underwear, hair wet and fur damp, looking like the most beautiful girl in the world.

â€Sorry,†she said, â€I think Alisa and Thanatos are doing what lovers do. Because I know she’s up, and there’s no reason for her not to have let you in â€" I mean …†Lexi blushed. â€I love you, oh so much.†she murmured, taking her into a loving kiss and embrace.

â€I love you too.†Bellany cooed, getting less and less uncomfortable with this whole lesbian thing by the moment. â€I, uh, I was almost afraid I wouldn’t make it.†Bellany squeaked, shedding her outer shirt, which made Lexi look on eagerly, even after she saw the shirt underneath.

â€Oh, a stripping bunny, making the transformation into cutesy-goth bunny. It must be my birthday.†She teased.

â€If anyone asks, it is.†Bellany affirmed. â€That was my story. My parents got in late last night, and my dad looked like a zombie while he was driving me here. Oh, also, if anyone asks, Thanatos is a girl.â€

â€He’ll be so crushed.†Lexi said with a predator’s grin. â€You know that nobody has the house phone number? Anyway, not the point. How have things been at home, with Thanatos’s protection?â€

â€They’ve been weird. I don’t know. He’s been looking at me like a whore with a gun. Like he wants to go for it so bad, but he knows he’ll get it back twice as bad as he gives.â€

â€Is that good enough for you?â€

â€I â€" no. I know he’ll go for it eventually. It’s just that he’ll wait. More importantly, I’m afraid the longer he waits, the more like last week it will be.†She confided, coming close for another embrace.

â€Should I have Alisa go over and put the predatorial fear of god, or rather, fear of girl, in him? Nothing says ‘piss off’ like a chokehold with extra claws.†Lexi asked lovingly, wrapping her arms around Bellany’s shoulders, turning the embrace from a hug to something much more one-sided.

â€Nothing works.†She squeaked quietly, not letting anything ruin her mood this morning.

â€You have to tell somebody who can do something about this, for real, then, Bellany. Tell your dad. If he cares about you, then he will certainly be furious at someone touching his little girl that way.†She said into her ear, lips brushing against the sensitive, pale pink skin.

â€Or,†she added, â€do I need to go over there, and whore around, so he can’t help but get all hot for me, and then let me knock his ass out, with the most terrifyingly awesome things I learned as a second degree black belt?â€

â€Oh, my bodyguard,†Bellany swooned playfully, â€I can always depend on thee.†She murmured, leaning back in her arms, light body mostly supported by Lexi’s hands wrapped tight around her back. The standing cuddle’s pleasure was only slightly diminished, for Lexi, knowing that her parents were probably going to be getting up soon. Thinking that, having no evidence that Thanatos and Alisa were done, and knowing, due to a very audible cue, that her parents were, she decided to get Thanatos’s back, and excused herself from Bellany to brew a pot of coffee.

â€It’s just a joke,†she explained when she finished the manual part of the process. â€My dad said that he would break Thanatos’s nose for fucking his daughter, if he didn’t brew a pot of coffee every morning that Thanatos and he are in the house at the same time.â€

â€Could he really break his nose?†Bellany asked, having a different view of ‘the best fighter’.

â€Oh, absolutely not. Well, I mean, he’s strong enough, but poor daddy would be a bleeding heap before the he could fire off his second blow.â€

â€I heard that, Lexi.†A more than two meter tall Leopard, just as fit as Lexi, if in a different sense, said with a big grin on his face. â€I think the military taught me enough when I was a kid to hold my own against a crossdresser.â€

â€A crossdresser against whom even I can barely hold my own?†Lexi reminded.

â€Oh come on, give me my moment while he can’t hear me.†He said, tapping Lexi on the shoulder with a playful, heavy fist. â€Also, who’s the new member of the nightmare brigade? Another boy, or is this the bunny Alisa has been teasing you about all month?â€

â€Um, well it’s not really teasing anymore ….†Lexi said, not looking at her father. â€I mean, she and I are, um,â€

â€Your mother will be crushed.†He joked, kindly pulling Lexi out of the pit she dug for herself. â€No grandkids for her. Or, at least no grandkids that are the fruit of a male that you know.â€

â€I suppose not.†She said, â€ah, but she’ll get over it, when she sees the miniature bunnies running around!†Lexi joked, watching Bellany blanch and look immediately at the ceiling. That was way too far into the future. That was assuming way too much. That was impossible â€" no â€" that was too perfect to even contemplate, for fear of putting a jinx on the whole thing.

â€Hell, I’ll make her get over it, if that happens.†The joke was apparently over, since there was a hand at about chest level on Bellany. â€It’s nice to meet you,â€

â€Bellany,†she squeaked politely, taking the hand gingerly, afraid of being crushed.

â€Bellany,†he confirmed. â€Pretty.†She was taken by surprise when she felt the delicate, polite grip on her hand for only a brief moment. â€I guess I don’t get to threaten you with castration if you hurt Lexi, huh?†Joke was back.

â€Well, you could, but it would be in poor taste, for the sake of those girls across the pond and the lakes and then a desert or two.†Bellany said, proving she could hold her own with the best of them.

â€Now that stung,†he said, â€glad to know Lexi’s fucking a smart girl, at least.†He teased, though Bellany was unsure whether he was teasing her or Lexi. After that comment, her father disappeared back into the master bedroom with two cups of ‘damned mouse’s black tar heroin in a cup’. Bellany and Lexi went in her room for a while, in effort to not let their affections be interrupted.

â€He was nice.†Bellany murmured into Lexi’s ear, which was conveniently placed because of the neck-kissing. Ouch, cock block by my own girlfriend, Lexi thought.

â€Why would he not be? Nuclear family, only instead of a cat, we’ve got Thanatos, which is kind of better. Good job, loves my mom, loves me and Alisa, and Thanatos, and by tomorrow morning, you too. We live in a nice neighborhood, and he and mom get to disappear most weekends to go have sex at the beach. I think I would be nice if I were in that situation.†She said with an edge of comedy in her voice. â€Why? Is it just a façade your father puts on?†Lexi asked worriedly, after a long, quiet pause.

â€No â€" no. It’s just that he’s â€" I can tell he’s tired all the time. And, and I know that I was supposed to be the consummation of his hopes and dreams … even though I know I’m not ….â€

â€Bellany,†Lexi said firmly â€never say that about yourself. You are the perfect bunny. The picture of ‘healthy small prey species’ in the biology books. You’re smart, you’re dazzlingly beautiful. Your are kind, and meek, and I bet that these fingers,†she illustrated by tracing her fingertips over Bellany’s, â€have some amazing talent that I’ve just been too stupid to ask about so far. You are the consummation of, maybe not your father’s dreams, but the dreams of every single rabbit who has ever crawled out from the warrens and the holes in the earth.â€


â€I â€" I â€" I know you think that. Of course you do. But you didn’t invest all of your resources to my wellbeing when I was a baby. You weren’t betting it all on me when I was in the womb. You weren’t wishing for a doctor, or a lawyer, or a scientist, or a pop singer who doesn’t go insane, or, or â€" I don’t know.†She sighed. â€You weren’t betting on a family when, fourteen years ago, your mother said, ‘I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do this again, and we’ll just have to hope for the best thirty years down the road.’ I â€" †Lexi pressed a finger to Bellany’s lips, which seemed to break the spell.

The ensuing kiss spoke nothing of the physical needs of either of them. The pressure, the warmth, the short, rough tongues pressing against each other were not simply for the jolt of estrogen and bunny or cat in the other’s saliva. This kiss was for all things that could not be said with words.

â€Bellany,†Lexi said softly, no more audible than a mosquito, but Bellany heard it loud and clear, from the proximity, and the warm lips brushing her ear. â€Fuck,†she paused, â€everything,†she paused again, â€they,†pause, â€don’t,†pause, â€live,†pause again, â€your,†the last pause was the shortest, just a breath. â€Life. You’re your own girl, and when you are an adult, you will not have to listen to a word they say to you. And I fully expect you not to listen to anything they say to you regarding your career, or your lovers, or your choice of education, or anything like that. Do you understand me? I want you to be your own girl.

â€I know that the whole ‘baby bunnies’ thing scared you. But it was just a joke. It’s nothing you should even have to worry about. That’s at least twenty years down the road, and if you choose to make baby bunnies with a turkey baster because you’re still with me, or with any other girl, or if you decide to make baby bunnies with some boy, it’s your choice. It’s not anything I want to hear escape your lips for at least a decade, is that understood?â€

â€I â€" †Bellany whimpered. â€Why do you know everything I’m ever thinking?†She said, voice going shaky. â€Why is the only mystery with you, the wording of your lecture?â€

â€Because I love you, Bellany, and I’m watching you every second when we’re together. I saw your ears turn whiter than my stomach fur. I saw your wide eyes staring at the ceiling.†She leaned in to Bellany’s lips for another comforting kiss. â€I care about you, and I won’t let anything that needs to be said, escape conversation.â€

â€I don’t like psychics.†Bellany murmured, fake sourness in her voice.

â€Nobody does, Bellany. ‘You are thinking of the number seex.’ Damn it, you grew up downtown so kill the accent, and wipe off the lime green mascara, line your eyes in something other than fluorescent orange, and leave the black lipstick to the leopards and goth kids!†Lexi whispered in fake outrage. Bellany giggled quietly, the image of beauty. â€Now come on,†she murmured, â€I’m sure when you woke up this morning, you told yourself that you wouldn’t let anything ruin this day, so you could make it something you remember forever. And if you can’t keep a promise to yourself, to whom can you keep a promise?â€

Bellany was going to repeat her psychic thing, but felt that the comedy would be out of place. â€You’re right.†Bellany said, â€I’m sorry I’m such a worrier.â€

â€Don’t be sorry,†Lexi said. â€I thought we took care of ‘I’m sorry’ three weeks ago?â€

Bellany could not deny the truth in that, and decided not to press her luck. She simply cleared away all of the bad things. Something she found herself able to do only when Lexi’s breath was hot on her neck. She turned her head to face Lexi, before she started to kiss her neck again, and pressed her lips to Lexi’s. Twice in one day, Bellany. You are either trying to make this not happen, or you are completely terrible at foreplay. Lexi was not ruling out either possibility.

The warm feeling of lips immediately gave way to the warm feeling of the tips of tongues. This feeling lingered; a nervous brushing of the two short ribbons of muscle. There was nothing more for a while, it was obvious that this was a kiss to savor. One to come out of five minutes or ten minutes later, eyes glossy, breath coming fast and blush burning bright. Bellany brought a little bit more of her tongue to play, though Lexi could not say if it was intentional or not. Even so, Lexi matched it with her own, adding no more than a millimeter of depth to the kiss, but adding thousands of new sensation. The tiny barbs on Lexi’s tongue, which served only a small purpose outside of the bedroom, grinding abrasively against the not barbed, but still rough surface of Bellany’s tongue. The pheromones in each of the other’s saliva, primarily for the excitement of someone of the opposite gender, were working them into a lather.

Lexi mewled quietly into the kiss, hearing a response from Bellany, meaning they were both pleased with the other’s work. That was what made the kissing fun. Knowing that Lexi was just as hot as Bellany herself was right now, was what Bellany lived for. She needed to please Lexi, since it was the only way she would ever be able to repay her for all that she had done for her. The kiss was changing its meaning slightly. It had already gone from, ‘I want you to be happy’, to ‘you make me so happy’, to ‘you are so pretty’. It was now saying, ‘you are more than pretty, and I more than love you, and would very much like to show you how with more than just my lips and tongue, if you would let me.’

It appeared that would not happen. Lexi had to admit that there was something about kissing, and knowing there would be nothing more, that made her really want never to stop. She deepened the kiss another minuscule bit, feeling Bellany move in the same way. At this rate, it would take twenty minutes before their kiss was a real lusty, tongue kiss. Lexi would have it no other way. She embraced Bellany tight around the middle of her torso, lacing her fingers and digging claws against Bellany’s new shirt, and pressing them wonderfully, masochistically into her back. Bellany’s arms rested against Lexi’s hips, hands holding her while saying ‘you are in charge’.

Fortunately, this was a lazy kiss, so breathing was no problem. Their tongues were working with slow, heavy friction, writhing against one another in a half speed duel of oral dexterity. The heavy gasps through flared nostrils were good enough to satisfy their bodies’ needs. The press of opened lips gave way, eventually, to the feel of their teeth touching, Lexi’s sharp canines touching Bellany’s ever-growing incisors, making a delicious change of textures for their tongues to explore.

Bellany pulled Lexi’s hips toward her until she was resting atop her fully clothed chest. She squeaked quietly when Lexi pulled back and nibbled her way down Bellany’s jawline, tracing her way down her neck, until she reached the collar of her shirt. She promptly stuck her short muzzle underneath Bellany’s shirt, hearing her panting quietly and arching her shoulders against Lexi’s kissing and licking. She knew she would get no further than this for a long time, so she did not bother to try to nose her way down any further. Even though the little black chrome studs were snaps, not buttons. And even though Lexi knew she was dextrous enough to undue buttons with her tongue, anyway.

Lexi traced her way up Bellany’s neck with kisses, and licked her lips as more a cute gesture, than any real intent of giving pleasure. She brought her lips back in close, and murmured love to Bellany, whose response was sealed with Lexi’s lips, again pressing with tender force and giving a delicious gyrating friction. Lexi mewled softly when, not long after this kiss began, Bellany did the same little trick that was pulled on her. She licked and kissed down to Lexi’s neck, biting teasingly with perfectly filed teeth that reached a chisel shaped blade on the bottom. Oh, she thought, and the picture of ‘perfectly groomed rodent species’ in the health books. A perfectly groomed rodent who had not been clipping her fur so short, in recent weeks, Lexi noticed with great approval.

Bellany made a significant bit more progress, since Lexi was not wearing a shirt to impede her progress. She kissed her way down Lexi’s neck, biting softly at her shoulder, and nosing the strap of Lexi’s bra off her shoulder. Lexi gasped at the shock of that, and watched as Bellany teased her way back up Lexi’s neck.

She hovered her lips over Lexi’s ear, looking like she was going to try the teasing on her ear that Lexi always managed to pull off on Bellany herself. She leaned close, and whispered quietly, seductively, â€fooled you.†Before sealing Lexi’s response with a kiss that was obviously telling Lexi passion was over, for the moment.

Their lips broke over a minute later, moisture of the other’s saliva on both of their lips. Bellany slid Lexi’s bra strap back up where it belonged, hiding again the little bit of breast it exposed. She smiled at Lexi with shining gray eyes that showed no hint there was a capacity for sadness in them. She waited for Lexi to slowly slide herself to the right side of her, and curled up happily in the crook of Lexi’s neck. She had a view of the red digital display of Lexi’s clock, and saw that they had been kissing for almost an hour. She wriggled her thighs a bit, feeling the lack of friction as she moved, and the warm wash of pleasure that sent her head spinning.

Lexi rolled over, taking Bellany with her, which left them in a very close, very flustered spooning position. Just like our first night together, Bellany thought. There was a key difference, though. The first night, Lexi was not kissing Bellany’s neck tenderly, or cooing quietly into her ears, before closing her sharp teeth on the sensitive body of her long, downy soft outer ear. Lexi was also not rubbing Bellany’s abdomen softly, the petting quickly going from above the shirt, to having that shirt lifted up to her shoulders, displaying the black and pink and purple bra that matched the set Lexi was wearing last weekend. She said as much, and Bellany blamed Thanatos through her panting and quiet sighs of enjoyment.

It did not take long for Lexi to have Bellany on her back, resting on top of Lexi herself, resembling a sex position that, if Lexi had had a penis, would have Bellany so fucked it would only be as funny as the pun itself. She bit Bellany’s neck less delicately, and started to rub Bellany’s sensitive stomach with her perfectly sharpened claws. Bellany squeaked desperately, feeling that warm wash of pleasure coming again and again. Oh, this was just as mind-killing as the first orgasm. She felt a hot, barely controlled breath on her neck, and realized this was affecting Lexi just as much as it was affecting Bellany.

â€Lexi,†Bellany groaned, trying to steady herself from the precipitous balance she had while on Lexi’s chest. â€I â€" now seems like an inopportune time to do this?†She asked, well, begged. She did not want anyone to hear any sound she would potentially make.

Lexi looked very flustered. A hot blush playing all the way to the tips of her ears. Her eyes were glazed with a look that told Bellany Lexi could barely understand words right now. So Lexi lost herself somewhere along. It was perfectly understandable, considering the circumstances. The girl she loved, in her bed for the first time that she was willing to be romantic, and she was bemoaning the time, and not moaning her name.

â€Ah, I â€" I guess we can wait until later to get into it.†Lexi said with a bit of resignation in her voice. Oh, how she wanted to roll Bellany on her back, pin her with one arm, and tell her that no, she did not, in fact, think this was a poor moment to tie off all the loose ends, so to speak. She smoothed out all of the fur that she had mussed up during her petting, and slid Bellany’s shirt back down her torso. She pressed her muzzle to Bellany’s neck, this time not trying to create sensation.

â€Did I catch you fresh from a shower?†Bellany asked, wondering what had Lexi answering the door clad only in her underwear.

â€Yeah. I was getting ready â€" for you. I wanted to be all clean and sparkling and wonderful.†Lexi admitted with a trace of bashfulness creeping into her voice.

â€I appreciate the gesture.†Bellany whispered, letting her balance shift until she was resting beside Lexi, instead of on top of her. â€Do you think we should make our triumphant reappearance?†Bellany asked, not wanting to be this close to Lexi without kissing her. She sat up slowly, feeling an uncomfortable head rush, and watching black spots dance in front of her. It was a shame that all of the blood had to rush back to her brain, Lexi thought, watching Bellany sway a little to the left, before shaking her head a bit and clearing the fuzziness from her mind.

They got out of bed together, and Lexi put on the clothes she was just about to don when the doorbell rang. The tight T-shirt and mesh fishnet combination was stunning, as was a skirt that was gray denim that had faded to white. Her legs were clad in black and charcoal thigh highs, with a very decorative garter belt that Bellany only knew was there because Lexi bent over voyeuristically, unintentionally showing off the damp spot tracing a hot line down the middle of her charcoal silk and white embroidered V-cut panties.

Lexi very much wanted to change into dry underwear, but saw no point, since she was sure that, no matter how much Bellany may have wanted to hold off, there would be no way they could keep their hands off of each other today. The tingling feeling of that slowly cooling dampness rubbing with smooth friction against her was hideously pleasurable, but Lexi wanted pleasure only from Bellany. She offered Bellany a delicate hand, and they left her bedroom together, seeing Thanatos just stepping out of the kitchen, and Alisa just stepping out of her room, from which an overwhelming scent of sex was oozing.

Alisa bade Lexi and Bellany good morning, with only a hint of that predatorial urge to fight, a remnant of last week’s little issue. Thanatos shuffled gleefully to Lexi, and thanked her for brewing the coffee this morning, as he and Alisa were â€much too busy to do any brewing of coffee.†Lexi brushed it off, since it really was no effort at all. Things were too comfortable now, for Lexi’s enjoyment. Bellany was on her best behavior, and nothing Lexi could do would be able to change that, until they were together tonight, while Lexi whispered that, since everyone was asleep, maybe they could celebrate their fortune in finding each other, perhaps.

Thanatos offered breakfast, but Lexi and Bellany both declined, saying they had already eaten. They sat on the couch, watching the international news with no interest. â€I thought you said you would make sure not to bite my neck again?†Bellany whispered lustfully.

â€Hm,†Lexi intoned, â€I suppose I did. Fine, I shan’t bite you,†she paused, letting the effect really sink in. â€Ever again.†She growled, watching Bellany look away as if that did not affect her.

â€I â€" I won’t call you on it if you don’t.†Bellany promised, a glint in her eye telling little of her true intentions.

â€I thought you did not want me to lay on you?â€

â€No â€" I â€" I never said that.†She rebutted. â€I just told you to warn me. I wanted to be in the right frame of mind when you did it the next time.â€

â€Well,†Lexi asked, â€what frame of mind were you in, when I laid on you this time?â€

‘Um,†she squeaked, before illustrating with a smoldering kiss that ended all too soon for the both of them. â€That frame?†She said bashfully, hoping that non-verbal answer would be sufficient.

â€That’s a good frame of mind to be in.†Lexi confirmed. She wondered how she would keep her hands off of Bellany. Here she was, speaking nothing but lust, and teasing her with stupid things she had promised during their first encounter. Of course I said I would stop biting you. It was a sexual act, and you were anything but sexual. She slid her arms around Bellany’s waist, holding her close, for any contact was better than sitting in chastity watching the hours tick by on the news ticker.

Lexi went blank, once she heard the loop run through its third time. The next thing she knew, she was playing a board game teamed up with Bellany. They had three continents, two of which were producing heavily, but they were outnumbered. The game did not interest her, but watching the gears turning in Bellany’s head was simply wonderful. They cut off a major port, and Thanatos and Alisa were without reinforcements. They swept slowly through their continent, and had a secure foothold by the time their army had reached the scene of battle. The only thing Lexi knew at that point, was that they had won. She and Bellany disappeared after their match, and Lexi found herself tired and dizzy, just like when they had had their first kiss, two weeks ago.

She mewled quietly when Bellany kissed her softly on the lips. â€Lexi,†she said, apparently not the first time.

â€Mmm?†Lexi intoned, looking up to see Bellany staring at her, ears resting against her shoulder blades, and arms pressed into the bed, keeping her just an inch off of Lexi’s body.

â€You’ve been in and out all day, haven’t you?†Bellany asked cutely, gray eyes shining at the prospect of her affect on Lexi.

â€Um, kinda.†She mewled apologetically. Bellany smiled at her and kissed her again. Lexi already knew where this was going, but was finding herself less eager. Lexi, oversexed? She thought. Never. She pressed her lips to Bellany’s, and purred quietly, not going anywhere with the kiss, and not going anywhere with her body.

Her arms traced up to Bellany’s waist, and she felt her weight slowly come to rest against her. She mewled and broke the kiss, unsure why. â€I thought you wanted to wait until later.†Lexi cooed evilly.

â€It’s hard to wait.†Bellany murmured apologetically.

â€Why are we, then?†She asked.

â€â€˜Cause I don’t want everyone to know that we’re in here having sex.†Bellany said, blushing.

â€Like that’s a problem for Thanatos and Alisa.†Lexi cooed into her ear, running her lips across the exposed flesh, before kissing at her neck.

â€That’s different …†She sighed, as the sensation ran down her neck.

â€No it’s not. The only difference is the physiology involved.â€

â€But most people â€" â€

â€Bellany, nobody in this house is ‘most people’.†She cooed. â€Thanatos is a crossdresser, Alisa … fucks crossdressers, my father is abundantly alright with us being together, and my mother was almost gay when she was in college. The only thing that they would not appreciate about our having sex, is the fact that it will probably make everybody stop what they are doing and let Fantasy out to play.â€

â€I guess I’m just shy, is all.†Bellany finally answered, after a long pause.

â€There’s nothing wrong with that, love.†Lexi purred quietly. She came in close for another kiss, and felt Bellany’s lips meet her half way. She mewled quietly as Bellany made obvious this kiss was not for inflaming sensation. Her hands on the back of her head, her slowly grinding lips and moving body.

â€Lexi, Bellany, dinner’s on the tab â€" †Alisa opened the door, thinking them asleep. She paused with a strange look on her face. The natural shock of seeing someone doing something sexual, the natural shock of seeing someone doing something homosexual, and the natural shock of seeing her sister doing something homosexual with Bellany, left her mouth slightly agape and her eyes wide. †â€" Ah, ah, ah, ah â€" †she stammered, â€I â€" sorry â€" I should have knocked. Um, dinner’s … on the … table …. We’ll uh, we’ll just leave you two alone, if you want?â€

â€No,†Lexi said, not annoyed, not upset, not even resigned. Just flatly. â€We’ll be out in a moment.†Alisa left, obviously flustered, and closed the door. â€How long was I out, that last time?†Lexi asked comically.

â€Um, I dunno. Maybe an hour or two? I kind of took a nap, after the first little while of your looking off into forever.†Bellany said meekly. â€We should probably go out there. They’ll start to assume, if we don’t show up.â€

â€A â€" alright.†Lexi murmured, shocked that she now had a missing block of time.

They appeared moments later, to see three pairs of staring eyes, for Thanatos was much more interested in the spectacle of Alisa’s family gawking Lexi and Bellany. They meekly squeaked a greeting, and sat at the nearest set places. They were together, and it was obvious that they were in these seats because they afforded the rest of the collective family a good angle for casually staring at them. Bellany squeaked almost imperceptibly, and sat down with a wary gaze at everyone.

Dinner was silent. Lexi thanked Thanatos for cooking the meal, as it was obvious he had. He replied politely, and things went back to burning stares and averted gazes. Lexi wanted very much to tell everyone to piss off, and that there was not going to be a show. She was saved from that by her mother.

â€So, Bellany. You’re doing my daughter?†Her mother said. Lexi mewled indignantly, and Bellany choked on her water.

Alisa spoke up with, â€No, Lexi’s doing her.†Alisa mewled indignantly when Thanatos stomped on her foot. She shot him a murderous gaze, and he shot her a flat, very not amused gaze.

â€So, Bellany. You’re being done by my daughter? â€" †She amended.

â€Mom!†Lexi interjected, finally tired of this. â€Seriously, we’re trying to eat supper, enough with the sex talk.†Bellany squeaked thanks, again almost imperceptibly.

â€If you think that’s bad, you should have heard the conversation when she found out about Thanatos and me. ‘So, you’re affirming your little bondage scout best friend?’†She said, watching Thanatos blush a bit at the remark on his sexuality. â€Of course, we were on that school trip she was chaperoning. Thank goddamn that horse girl we were rooming with was taking a shower.â€

At this point, Thanatos tried to inject a bit of good humor into the situation. â€I’m not gay?†He squeaked, looking at Lexi and Bellany apologetically, his eyes saying ‘I am so sorry for this’.

Two pairs of eyes looked at him severely. Lexi’s father had jumped off the bandwagon when Lexi made it obvious that she was not going to joke about Bellany. While this was going on, Bellany and Lexi had started eating hurriedly. They finished, not long after the uncomfortable silence had ensued, and excused themselves politely â€" well, as politely as possible, given the situation.

After they shuffled off guiltily, Thanatos picked his gaze up and announced, appalled, â€You guys are dicks!â€

Thanatos strode away confidently, leaving for Alisa’s room. Alisa and Lexi’s father spoke up, looking at his wife, more than Alisa. â€That was most assuredly not cool.†There were four plates of unfinished food on the table, and Alisa looked at her mother, while her mother looked at her.

â€Looks like everyone’s got a bug in their panties tonight.†Alisa said with no cadence.

â€Yeah. Uh, should I?â€

â€No, they’re fine.â€

Lexi and Bellany had just gotten settled together in bed, and were trying to calm down from the most offensive dinner either of them had ever experienced, when a gentle knock came on the door.

Thanatos entered bashfully, and stood in the doorway, illuminated from behind by the hall light. â€Ah â€" †he began, not sure how to start. â€I’m sorry about that. I don’t know what was up with that.â€

â€Tell Alisa I’m going to kill her, when I can see straight, again.†Lexi joked. Thanatos giggled quietly and left, locking the door for them on his way out. â€So,†Lexi started, mood instantly changed. â€Nobody is going to bother us for the rest of the night,†she murmured seductively, nosing Bellany’s ear and nibbling the edge playfully.

â€I suppose that’s true.†She said, emotion mirrored.

Lexi rolled the last quarter of a turn to look Bellany in the eyes, and slowly slid one leg over hers, and moved on top of her. She closed the distance between their muzzles, and brought her in for a very lazy, very erotic kiss. Lexi was so thankful that Thanatos had made food that did not weigh on the tongue â€" or the breath, for that matter â€" heavily. There was still a fresh taste on Bellany’s tongue, and, Lexi was certain, there was a fresh taste still on her own tongue.

Bellany cooed brokenly, a staccato, soprano intonation of pleasure. She ran her fingers through Lexi’s thick white hair, feeling hot electricity, and a renewing of pleasure between her thighs. Lexi purred as Bellany began to shift around, uncomfortable.

â€What’s wrong, love?†Lexi asked, a knowing grin growing on her muzzle.

â€Ah,†she squeaked, â€nothing.â€

â€Good,†Lexi cooed lasciviously. She pressed her lips to Bellany’s with a renewed pressure and intensity. Her hands rested on both of Bellany’s shoulders, just begging for permission to go lower. Not long after this, Lexi closed her eyes, not needing to see to enjoy Bellany, and sliding her hands up to rest on Bellany’s neck. There was no pressure, but the effect on her was obvious. She arched her hips against Lexi’s, and rolled them slowly, saying with everything but her occupied mouth how wonderful this all was. She moaned into the kiss, when Lexi gently extended her claws, pressing them gently against Bellany’s very tender neck.

They broke moments later, Bellany panting and begging with her eyes to keep the claws in play. Lexi smiled and licked Bellany’s cheek as seductively as Bellany herself had two weeks ago. She slid her hands away from her neck, which got a quiet, discontented coo from Bellany. Lexi’s hands traced down her neck to the collar of her shirt. They traced from the collar of her shirt to the first snap and undid it with purpose. She slid her hands down the rest of her shirt, undoing the snaps, traveling just as slowly as when she had started. She eased the shirt off of her shoulders, growling playfully as she arched her back to get it fully off.

Her hands traced down to the hem of Bellany’s new black jeans. She would tease her a bit, later, she decided. Nothing to make your girlfriend crazy like watching you undo buttons with your tongue. She slid her hands back up Bellany’s trim, wonderful stomach, hearing the quiet gasp and feeling her abdominal muscles go tense from the sensation. She smiled cutely at Bellany, watching her squirm and squeak. Bellany groaned in displeasure that Lexi had skipped her clothed breasts.

â€Oh, pushy-pushy.†Lexi teased. â€There is a certain process that we will observe â€" or rather, that I shall make you observe.†She purred with evil in her eyes and voice. She kissed Bellany briefly, and, as soon as she wanted to bring her tongue into the kiss, she broke away, getting another discontented coo. Until, that is, she felt a sharp pressure on the crook of her neck. She moaned quietly, hotly, pressing her hands heavily against the back of Lexi’s head, urging her to bite harder, to press her teeth deeper into her neck.

Lexi growled quietly and playfully, breaking from Bellany’s shoulder and nosing the strap of her bra off her shoulder. She moved to the other side, and kissed the hollow of her throat gently, before moving to the other strap and moving it off her other shoulder with the same dexterity. While Lexi was more than confident that she could get this off of Bellany with her mouth, she brought her arms up and gently tugged it off, over her head, to be thrown on top of Bellany’s shirt, resting crumpled on the floor.

Bellany gained a bit of courage, and tugged on the hem of Lexi’s T-shirt and mesh fishnets. Lexi cooed at Bellany’s boldness and slid her shirts off, holding the sexy pose, arms held high overhead, back arched, tight abdominal muscles showing their wonderful curve. Bellany squeaked lustfully.

â€That’s a show.†Bellany commented, a blush burning bright in her ears.

â€Oh?†Lexi squeaked, unused to compliments of such nature. â€Really?†Bellany confirmed with a vehement nod. Lexi, blushing, slid her gray silk and white embroidery bra over her head. She tossed her hair back to its perfection, and leaned back down to kiss Bellany. There was no sadism this time, and there was no intention to break the kiss for a long, long while. Lexi ran one hand down to Bellany’s shoulder, and the other found itself holding Bellany’s. She moaned quietly into the kiss, holding Bellany’s shoulder as if her lover would melt away if she so much as let go of her.

Minutes later they broke, panting harder and blushing hotter than before. Lexi brought the hand that was on Bellany’s shoulder down, down, down slowly, watching her squirm, knowing what came next. Bellany squeaked passionately as Lexi’s palm ran over Bellany’s sensitive breast. She slid down Bellany’s body, coming to rest with her face close to her other nipple. She breathed a warm sigh against her, which made her squirm a little bit. She pressed her lips to Bellany’s breast, making her arch her back and groan quietly.

It did not take long for kissing to give way to biting, which made her press her hands against the back of Lexi’s head, again, hoping to force her to bite harder and lick more roughly. Gentle rubbing soon gave way to soft scratches and hooks with her claws. Bellany bucked her hips, and Lexi pressed them back down with her free hand. After a short while, she switched breasts, kissing and licking and biting Bellany with eagerness.

Bellany soon got bored with this sensation, making obvious with the relaxing of her hands. Lexi looked up at Bellany with a lustful gaze, staring into those big gray eyes. She slid down further, curling her legs close to her torso as she felt the edge of the bed. She was hovering of the front of Bellany’s pants, staring up at her, asking permission. Bellany pressed Lexi’s head just a millimeter, urging her on. She slid her hands down, finding the button of her own pants, and took the button of Bellany’s in her teeth. She pressed it through with her tongue, much to Bellany’s delight, and unbuttoned her own pants as Bellany’s fell slightly open. She undid the zipper with her teeth, while unzipping her own.

Pants open, black and pink and purple panties showing, little cartoon skull asking her a question, Lexi was in heaven. She slid her own pants and underwear off of her hips, kicking them off when she could no longer reach. She brought her arms up to Bellany’s pants, and hooked her thumbs under both items of clothing. Bellany drew her thighs together, a bashful look playing over her features. Lexi continued to slide her pants down, working them off when she had to.

Finally. Finally, the most beautiful girl ever is naked and panting on my bed. Lexi thought ecstatically. She had to keep herself from simply pressing her muzzle against Bellany’s obviously wet slit, parting her squirming thighs and making her cum over and over and over. Bellany squeaked when Lexi slid her hands up from Bellany’s ankles to her thighs, rubbing her firmly as she slid back up her body. She slid her hand very high up Bellany’s thigh, almost at the point where her legs met. She squirmed away slightly, but wanting so badly not to be so bashful.

â€You’re the most beautiful girl on the planet.†Lexi murmured into Bellany’s blushing ear, holding her close with her free hand.

Bellany intoned a shy negative, despite Lexi’s insistence. Finally, growing tired of the game, Lexi said it once more, and when Bellany was about to disagree, she cupped her slick treasure in her palm. She moaned hotly, thighs shaking imperceptibly. Lexi sealed off her sounds of approval with her lips. Bellany’s moans, stifled by Lexi’s tongue and lips, were still the most beautiful sound she had ever heard. She held Bellany with her free hand, holding the back of her neck, rubbing her scalp lovingly.

She started to rub her slick lips in her cupped hand, smiling, as much as one can smile while kissing, as Bellany arched her hips, urging Lexi on. She ground the heel of her hand against Bellany’s little clit, making her squeak loudly into Lexi’s mouth, biting her own tongue and Lexi’s in the process. Bellany squeaked, obviously an apology, and Lexi growled playfully in return.

She broke from the kiss for just a moment, to whisper to Bellany. â€I shan’t kiss you anymore if you get so carried away.†She threatened with no weight behind it. Lexi continued just to tease the outside of Bellany’s wonderful little cunny, rubbing and grinding her palm against her. Finally, after a long time just staring at the hotly blushing Bellany, Lexi leaned back in for another kiss. As she did this, she slid her palm further up Bellany’s torso, so that only her fingers were in contact with her slit. Lexi’s middle and ring fingers slid up and down the outer lips of Bellany’s sex.

She squeaked and moaned and cried into Lexi’s mouth all the while. Lexi finally stopped the wonderful torture, picking her hand up from between her thighs. Lexi broke the kiss and smirked evilly at Bellany, though Bellany was unsure why. Unsure why, of course, until Lexi’s middle and ring fingers were stuffed into her mouth. Oh, Bellany thought, I am not supposed to know what my arousal tastes like. She was blushing hotter now, because of the indignity of having these fingers unceremoniously jammed halfway down her muzzle, soaked in the abundant wetness covering her slit and inner thighs. It was awful, she thought, trying to force the slick, wet fingers out of her mouth with her tongue.

It was wonderful, Bellany trying to force her fingers out of her mouth with her tongue. The tickling sensation was fuel for her own fire, and she wanted desperately to see how well Bellany was at forcing orgasms with her mouth. Bellany cooed in displeasure that was really pleasure, in its own sort of Bellany-specific way, and Lexi withdrew her, now saliva-soaked, fingers from Bellany’s mouth. The small filament of arousal and saliva that broke as Lexi brought her right hand back down Bellany’s lithe frame was pure pornography.

â€Thanks, love.†Lexi cooed into Bellany’s even hotter-blushing ear. â€Nothing feels worse than dry fur being stuffed inside of you.†She added, watching Bellany’s eyes go lusty at the thought of Lexi’s hand being inside of her. She arched her hips, bidding Lexi not to stall, and just get on with it. Lexi smiled at Bellany’s urgency, and traced her now-slick fingers around the little nub of Bellany’s clit. She arched her back, gasping and grabbing Lexi’s wrist, urging her down just a little more.

Lexi relented, tracing her way the few centimeters to her opening. â€I love you, Bellany.†Lexi whispered in her ear, before sealing her lips with a kiss and sliding her fingers inside of her. She rolled her hips immediately, hands gripping Lexi’s back with a desperate strength. Bellany moaned with every breath into Lexi’s mouth, arching her back along with her hips now, as Lexi slowly slid her fingers inside of her to the palm.

Everything was pleasure. The tickling feeling of Lexi’s fur on the bottom wall of her slit, the soft pads of each of her fingers, the stretching feeling of having two fingers inside of her. Oh! Torture, Bellany thought, please quit the teasing and fuck me! Lexi slowly withdrew her fingers, making Bellany squeak brokenly against Lexi’s passionate kiss. Lexi arched her fingers, rubbing her in a spot Bellany was unaware she had. The immediate sensation was overwhelming. Her eyes closed hard, and her arms wrapped tightly around Lexi’s waist.

Lexi would not admit it, but she, too, had had enough of the teasing, so she started slowly to pump her fingers in and out of Bellany, reveling in the bucking of her hips, the clenching of her thighs and her abdominal muscles and the fluttering of her insides, as her fingers wiggled and explored hungrily. She slid her hand from behind Bellany’s neck, and broke the kiss, to again make Bellany slick her with saliva. She slid her index finger into her mouth, and felt a distinctly more erotic sensation. Bellany was not fighting this one. She withdrew her finger and quickly sealed Bellany’s lips with another kiss.

She slid her left hand down Bellany’s torso, and started to gently circle Bellany’s clit with her wet finger. Bellany broke the kiss, crying out desperately, hips heaving upward. Well, Lexi thought with a lustful smirk on her face. I guess she was not lying about the whole ‘tactile sensation’ thing. She let Bellany continue with her passionate sounds, and moved down to kiss and bite her neck.

Lexi tired of Bellany’s neck quickly, and slid herself down Bellany’s body. She stopped to tease her nipples, getting a quiet squeak, followed by a louder one, as Lexi’s fingers arched hard upward again. She kissed her way down Bellany’s tensing abdomen, and looked up at her glazed, wonderful expression. She finally had the chance to make Bellany feel the ecstasy she deserved.

Finally, she brought herself face to not-face with Bellany’s pink, wonderfully wet slit. She leaned in, noticing Bellany close her thighs bashfully. Lexi moved her arms, keeping her legs spread, much to Bellany’s embarrassment. Bellany’s sex smell was overpowering at this distance, and Lexi felt a hot blush start burning in her ears. She leaned close and kissed Bellany, right above her slit, making her arch her hips, if less violently than she had been earlier.

Lexi kissed her way down, the last minuscule distance to her clit. She kissed it softly, closing her lips around it, and steadying Bellany’s desperately gyrating hips. She lapped at it softly, and felt pleasure by proxy when Bellany moaned in oversensitivity. Confident that she had her hips under control again, she slid her fingers back inside of Bellany, grinding her fingers against the rough spot inside of her.

Bellany’s respiration was speeding up, everything was so sensitive already, and she knew she was going to cum soon. Lexi’s wonderful, rough, painfully rough, tongue rasping against her clit was too much sensation for her, but Lexi would not relent. The fingers arched hard against the wall of her pussy, grinding against her pubic bone with a heavy pressure was making the sensation grow deep in her abdomen, clenching up and unclenching hard. Oh! She thought, it will not take much more. She had gained enough experience in Lexi’s shower, and in her own bed, under the covers, on her stomach so nobody could see, to know when she was going to have an orgasm. And, oh, was she going to have an orgasm. She was already wetter than she ever had been, and she was already feeling far more sensation than any of her other orgasms had ever provided her.

She whimpered when Lexi closed her mouth gently on her clit, and flicked it forcefully with her tongue, apparently trying to make Bellany get overwhelmed with the sensation. She pumped her fingers faster, and felt Bellany’s hips bucking with small, desperate movements and her insides fluttering rapidly. She wanted to watch her finish, so she withdrew her lips and moved back, face only inches away, but still afforded a wonderful view of Bellany’s face and her not-face. She saw her chest heaving quickly and deeply, and sped up a bit, listening to her passionate gasping and squeaking.

Finally, Bellany squeaked brokenly and arched her back hard, bucking her hips while they were raised up. She clenched her abdominal muscles and her thighs tried to close, but there was an obstacle, namely Lexi’s head, stopping her from hiding her orgasm. Her pretty slit clenched and unclenched quickly, a fluttering of her pelvic muscles that made Lexi feel her own arousal much more acutely. Bellany’s orgasm drooled out of her slowly, a slick fluid running down the curve of her slit, and then down the curve of her cute butt. Lexi licked her cunny firmly, making her groan in oversensitive displeasure.

Bellany’s orgasm was concentrated sex on Lexi’s tongue. She gripped Bellany’s thighs, and spread them apart as far as her flexibility would allow. She pressed her lips against her slit again, kissing it just as passionately as she did Bellany’s lips. She started with a gentle licking, and working her way to forcefully hard licks, and gentle bites to her outer folds. Bellany whined loudly at the oversensitivity, trying to move her hips any way that she could to get away from Lexi’s sadistic tongue.

It did not take Bellany long to warm up to Lexi’s wonderful licking and biting and pumping of fingers. Bellany whimpered as she felt herself go from oversensitive to quite ecstatically sensitive. Far more so than needed, because of the sensation delivered by Lexi’s rough tongue and long, thin fingers. She squeaked as Lexi kissed her slit softly, sticking her tongue out and pressing on, just like when she kissed Bellany on the lips.

Lexi was rubbing her thighs in desperate discontent. Oh, how she wanted to move up the bed, resting on her lover’s body, and stuff two or three of Bellany’s wonderful long fingers with the silky paw pads inside of her. She kept that thought in mind, and also kept the thought that she had two more weeks’ worth of orgasms to catch up on. Lexi had nothing to catch up on, as she had spent every night with her hand stuffed in her panties and her face buried in her pillow. Lexi smiled when she heard Bellany moan desperately, obviously quite enjoying herself again.

Lexi felt two hands pressing against the back of her head firmly, urging her on, and massaging her ears pleasantly. Things heated up from there quickly. Bellany’s previous ecstasy was certainly leaving its mark, as she was soon squeaking and moaning with every breath. She felt her legs press into the small of her back, as Bellany urged her on with all that she could.

Bellany was on the brink, again. This was the most intense experience she had ever had. Not just the physical pleasure, but the whole feeling, knowing it was Lexi licking her with no end to pleasure on her part, was the most amazing thing she had ever felt. She took one hand off of Lexi’s head, wiping away the few overwhelmed tears of ecstasy. She whimpered as she felt Lexi’s tongue working against the opening of her slit in tandem with her fingers which had spread her more lewdly than any bristle brush ever could.

Lexi closed her mouth around Bellany’s clit again, lips working against that, and tongue rasping against the first few centimeters of her insides. Suddenly there were two fingers in her, and she reveled in the feeling of fullness as Lexi worked her three ways into a lather. Bellany squeaked quietly, when all three of her movements finally synchronized. Her lips ground against the erect bud of her clit, her tongue by proxy massaged her clit and directly rasped against her lips, and her fingers worked a nicely paced rhythm inside of her, arching occasionally to grind against her pubic floor, making her squeak and writhe in desperate ecstasy.

It did not take long, after things heated up. Bellany groaned quietly, stifling herself with her hand, covering her mouth, to make sure not to get too loud. Lexi moved away, once she had lapped up Bellany’s second orgasm. She withdrew her fingers, and Bellany thought she was finally finished. Lexi crawled slowly, seductively up the bed to where she could come the very last inches to look Bellany in the eyes. Lexi kissed her furiously, the salty, slick taste of Bellany’s arousal heavy on her tongue. Bellany cooed quietly, desperately, and let her facial muscles relax, eyes rolling back, making her look barely conscious.

The kiss ended soon after, and Lexi leaned in close to one of Bellany’s blushing, oh-so sensitive ears. â€You’re such a slut.†Lexi cooed evilly, and Bellany cooed her displeased appreciation, the way only she herself could. â€You’re soaked, and you’ve cum twice already, and you’re just aching for more, aren’t you?†Make no mistake, Lexi was not a huge fan of degradation coming into the single most romantic evening of her life, but it really got Bellany off, so she figured she should play it for all it was worth, and make this final orgasm the best one she could.

â€Your pleasure centers around me as it is.†She continued, digging as deep as she could, to see where the boundaries were. â€Your emotions center around me, and I can alter your mood with a glance.†Bellany had come down from her last climax rather quickly, when she heard Lexi start speaking ruthless disgust into her ear, the hot, panting breath as much pleasure as the fingers and lips and tongue had been earlier. As much pleasure as the words that hurt her.

â€Without me, you would be nothing. A miserable little girl who needed nothing more than a few fingers inside of her. A lost soul who could never find happiness. Nothing. Without me, you are incomplete. A skeleton of what you should be.†She watched in distinct interest as Bellany drifted one hand to play with her rosy nipple, made even more sensitive by the blood rushing to her skin, telling Bellany that, whether she liked it or not, she was hot. â€You’re such a slutty little bunny.†She observed evilly, watching Bellany hesitate on her breast, before continuing bashfully. â€I guess you are just doing your worthless species proud. Cum ,cum, cum as fast as you can, but you can’t run from predator’s hands.†She growled, long and low, tickling the sensitive skin on Bellany’s ear with her lips, such was her proximity.

Bellany whimpered at that. She wanted to climax again to show Lexi how much she affected her, not to run from her hands. She ground the heel of her hand roughly against her burning breast, squeaking quietly in pleasure as sensation ran up her spine. Lexi had paused for a long time, watching the wonderful show of Bellany’s pleasure. She wished that the grinding together of her thighs would be replaced with the grinding of fingers, but she would not be greedy.

It was obvious the boundaries were a lot more extreme than Lexi had thought, so she decided that they would have to be tested some other time when she was not feeling so romantic, and a little â€" a lot â€" more sadistic. She leaned close again, feeling a bit let down that she did not get to keep watching. â€Oh, and Bellany?†She cooed flatly. â€Those things about being nothing?†She continued, watching Bellany focus her attention on her words, and less on her own pleasure. â€Go tenfold â€" a hundredfold â€" a millionfold â€" for me.†She whispered affectionately, and kissed and nibbled and licked her way down Bellany’s sensitive ear, which got her in an altogether more lusty frame of mind, watching Bellany’s ears and chest and arms quiver slightly at the sensation.

She brought Bellany in for another kiss, this one far more loving than the last few. She tasted â€" subconsciously at least â€" the pheromones and hormones in her saliva, which drove her on, and made her wonder why, exactly, she had not made Bellany do any of the work. It is because I still have one more to catch up on, and I am going to make sure that we both enjoy this one. She thought, somewhere between intensely and passionately.

She very much wanted to feel Bellany’s tongue on herself, but wondered if that would be pushing things too far. She definitely did not want to make Bellany uncomfortable, again. Then she thought how wonderful it would be, if requiring a bit of contortion on one of their parts, to rub each other to orgasm against the other’s slick sex. Lexi decided that she could pull this off spectacularly, if she played her cards right.

She growled into the kiss, tone shouting anything but playfulness. She broke from the kiss quickly, not quite looking disgusted, but close. She leaned down and bit her neck hard, making Bellany arch her back desperately, crying out in pain and pleasure and lust and bewilderment. She dug her claws into Bellany’s breasts, catching her nipples with the almost-serrated claws on both of her middle fingers. She dug them down just enough to make Bellany think she was bleeding. Bellany found no end to pleasure in all of this. She liked the hot, sharp pain on her desperately sensitive nipples. She could not live without the sensation of those sharp pearly canines pressing hard-hard-hard into the crook of her neck, and she wondered if this was how the night was to end.

It was not. Lexi broke from her neck, the same almost-disgust clouding her beautiful features. She slid her claws with force down her torso, reveling in the feeling of Bellany’s abdominal muscles tensing up hard. She slid quickly down her body, and picked Bellany’s legs up in her arms. She slid her arms up her back, making her arch her back way up in the air, supported on the strength of her and Lexi’s shoulders. She traced her hands back down Bellany’s back, grabbing her tight butt playfully. She brought her hands back to where Bellany’s thighs met, and opened Bellany’s sex, not actually touching any of the sensitive flesh, for fear the claws that she was using to hold her open would harm her. She brought her mouth close, so Bellany, looking up from her strange perspective of Lexi and her own form towering over her, thought she was about to feel the wonderful ecstasy of Lexi’s tongue again.

What she actually felt was a sharp bite on her upper thigh, running higher and higher, very slowly, gaining force behind each, until Bellany was rolling her hips in the pleasure-pain to which she was becoming addicted. She whined pitifully when she felt those claws dragging away from her cunny, those being the only direct sexual stimulation she was receiving. Lexi bit once more, reaching the inside junction of Bellany’s hip. She spread her legs, and Bellany pressed her feet against the back of Lexi’s head, urging her on the only way she could while still keeping her balance.

Lexi had to admit, she would not mind going to bed unsatisfied tonight, if she got to watch Bellany’s hips bucking against the air and her muzzle. However, the temptation of a climax was mucking up her selflessness, so she, with some maneuvering, had extricated herself from Bellany’s grip, while still keeping her balanced on nothing. She growled in fake rage that sounded fairly real. She pulled Bellany’s legs forward, so that she was making a very attractive curve with her body. Lexi moved back from Bellany, not quite ready to feel Bellany’s tongue. She pressed her lips against Bellany for what would be the last time tonight. Her lips ground with heavy friction against the sensitive, quite slick flesh of Bellany’s pussy, making her squeak pitifully at the interesting sensations. Everything was upside down, so Lexi’s standard kisses felt completely different. The barest hint of her rough, slick tongue grinding against her clit was fire burning through her veins. And even though her body was telling her that maybe three was overdoing it for her first time, she wanted this pleasure never to end.

Finally, Lexi’s kissing gave way to a gentle biting and licking of Bellany’s outer folds. She chose this time to make her move. She growled, a furious, dangerous sound much lower in her throat than any before, and did not just move her lower body closer, but sat (without much weight, of course) against Bellany’s muzzle. She, just to keep up the illusion ground furiously against her muzzle, spreading her arousal over Bellany’s lips and nose. It was embarrassing, which was part of the goal, and it made Bellany get a bit disgusted with herself, an outcome for which she had not planned. The disgust, Bellany soon realized was disgust that she desperately wanted to taste and feel Lexi’s slit against her open-mouthed, desperate kiss.

As soon as Bellany pressed the first kiss against Lexi’s already oversensitive slit, spreading the beautiful crease, with the hint of hot, blushing pink, open to reveal the sensitive skin and a hit of pheromones that no doubt had every cat in the tri-city area running at full sprint to get on first. Bellany smirked to herself, finally sure of something, when she heard Lexi’s first quiet moan of pleasure. The hard to maintain curve that was Bellany’s body became much less uncomfortable when Lexi put Bellany’s legs back on her shoulders, and opened her lewdly with both hands, so she could do things unmentionable to Bellany’s delicate and somewhat fatigued insides.

There were two fingers inside of her. Followed soon after by a third. Bellany groaned loudly, more loudly than she had wanted to, sure she had woken up the whole house. Sure, that is, until she heard a loud, loud squeal from Alisa’s room, unsure if it was pain or pleasure she was feeling, in there. She worried about Lexi’s parents, until she heard a very faint sound, that she assumed was from that side of the house.

It seemed that the whole house was alive with the wonders of love, Bellany thought, idly licking Lexi with a somewhat poor technique. Lexi did not mind, as Bellany was more than eager enough to make up for the strange feelings that occasionally came from down there. She groaned hotly when Bellany inserted two arousal-slicked fingers, mimicking the arching motion that had been used on her to great effect.

Lexi’s thighs were shaking, and she began to buck her hips a bit, feeling the wonderful pressure against the most sensitive area inside of her. She stepped it up a bit on Bellany, trying to, if not time it perfectly, at least make Bellany cum first. Those three fingers, two arched down, since everything was upside down, into Bellany’s pelvic floor, and one pressing up, just to give Bellany a different bit of sensation to kill her mind. There was less sound between them, than when it was just Bellany focusing on her own pleasure.

Speaking of pleasure, Bellany began to speed her actions, obviously wanting Lexi to finish first. So, Bellany, it is a race you want? Lexi thought evilly, and immediately wondered if she should do something to shock Bellany into stopping her ministrations, which were, she had to admit, becoming more skilled. She closed her lips around Bellany’s clit, feeling Bellany do the same, and making sure the mimic was perfect. Lexi pressed her sharp front teeth against Bellany, which made her buck once, hard, obviously in approval of the slightly sadistic pleasure she was feeling from those small, sharp incisors.

Bellany mimicked, and, though she was sure the feeling was much different for Bellany, found that uncomfortable, burning jolt of almost-pain quite intoxicating. She did her wonderful little trick, where she flicked her sandpapery tongue quickly against Bellany’s clit, and felt the move reciprocated. She knew she would not last much longer with this kind of sensation running through her.

When it happened for Lexi, she cried â€Bellany!†perhaps a bit â€" a lot â€" louder than she had wanted to, and stuffed her fingers deep into her cute little lover, while her insides fluttered and the pleasure that filtered through her made her never want to let go of Bellany’s wonderful, nude body. She stuffed another finger inside of her, and listened and watched as Bellany’s last orgasm of the night drooled hurriedly from inside of her. Lexi dismounted Bellany, and kept her bent over as she was, so she could watch the sexual fluids running over her clit, and down her lower abdomen.

Bellany looked away in embarrassment, disgusted at herself for being so gross. It was not her fault that she was a very wet bunny. Lexi was none too dry, herself. Bellany thought desperately.

Lexi smiled lovingly at Bellany, watching the incongruous emotions flashing in her eyes. â€I like chocolate colored bunnies.†Lexi said, the coming joke hideously obvious to anyone but Bellany. â€And it seems this chocolate bunny is full of very slick, sticky cream.†She cooed lasciviously, licking Bellany’s orgasm off of her fingers, and cleaning her muzzle as best she could.

â€I â€" I can’t help it …. †Bellany defended meekly.

â€I wouldn’t want you to help it. I like it. Watching your little bit of cum rolling down the curve of your cute little butt, or over your clit and down your stomach.†She whispered soothingly. â€And speaking of ‘rolling down your stomach’,†Lexi said, â€I think we need very badly to clean ourselves.†She purred, leaning close and licking with her sandpapery tongue up from the inch or two where Bellany’s fur had soaked in a straight line, showing shamelessly just how much Bellany had enjoyed herself.

She licked around Bellany’s slit, collecting any of the salty, heady moisture that may still have been hiding there. It took a long time, but she finally felt the rough of Bellany’s tongue, licking up the very top of her thigh, and licking away all of her intense climax. She tried not to roll her hips and give Bellany any ideas about continuing this wonderful night. She would never object to it, but she was oh so tired now from giving Bellany ecstasy and receiving her own orgasm. She finished up quickly, and extricated herself from the almost-hug around her upper thighs. She brought Bellany slowly to rest on the bed, and scooted close to her. She pulled her into a tight embrace, and felt it reciprocated, Bellany’s soft hands â€" and slick fingers, that would not do â€" wrap around her back. Lexi grabbed her left hand, and held it up to the moonlight, watching it glisten with her own moisture.

Lexi licked Bellany’s fingers free of her own arousal, unsurprised by the taste, having done exactly this once or twice to her own hand. Lexi, a lesbian? Perish the thought. She thought, maybe realizing her immense attraction to femininity was indicative of something. She pressed her lips to Bellany’s and tasted only a very slight hint of her own wetness on her lips, and pressed her tongue against Bellany’s lips, which opened slightly. They kissed for a long time. This was a kiss to cool down. This was a kiss that spoke love. Lexi wanted never to let Bellany go from this embrace. She wanted never to let their lips part, and wanted always to feel Bellany’s naked closeness, the warmth radiating from her body, the soft tickle of her thick fur, and the warm breeze of her breath passing gently against her cheek, and tickling her ear as it dissipated.

Slowly they calmed down, and it did not take long for either of them to feel the fatigue of their very physical last few hours. Bellany whispered into Lexi’s ear. â€I love you so, so much.†Lexi replied the same thing, and bumped her nose playfully against Bellany’s. The fell asleep, noses touching, breath tickling each other’s chest. Their arms were wrapped around each other, and their legs were entwined in each other’s. Lexi and Bellany were content in their mutual cuddle.

Unfortunately, as such things turn out, Lexi woke up early the next morning. She felt no warmth from Bellany, and saw that she was sprawled out lazily, breasts and slit exposed to the half-light of Lexi’s room, and smiled at her wonderful girlfriend, with whom she was deeply in love. She sat up, somewhat dizzy, and with ecstasy dancing at every point in her field of vision. Clothes lay scattered, Bellany rested peacefully, contentment and love splayed unconsciously over her beautiful, delicate features. Lexi leaned over the edge of the bed, tail held high, exposed gloriously to Bellany, if she were to awaken at any point. She felt around for a pair of panties, and slipped them on. She did not pay attention that they were not hers, nor did she pay attention to the spot of arousal covering the front, making them stiff and itchy.

She stumbled out of the kitchen, and looked around for something to kill her hunger. She was still searching, when Thanatos bade her good morning. She turned around, gave a squeaky mewl at her nakedness, and covered herself in some display of modesty, that she quickly gave up, finding no use for it. â€Ah, hi.†Lexi murmured, not looking forward to a potential repeat of dinner last night.

â€Hi,†Thanatos said sweetly, his very distinctive after-sex voice obvious. Not, of course, that Alisa’s cry of pleasure last night was not obvious. â€Sleep well?†He asked innocently, wanting very much to ask how things went with Bellany last night, but knowing it was not exactly proper small talk.

â€We slept quite well, once we were all tired out.†Lexi cooed a mixture of lust and glee in her voice. It was wonderful! She had finally gotten what she had wanted in Bellany! A romantic, wonderful, perfect girl, with whom she was deeply in love.

â€Oh,†He started, flustered. â€That’s good to hear. On both counts. I was almost afraid you would be too mad to make it happen last night. For which I must apologize, again.â€

â€It’s fine,†she said, â€I don’t really mind talking about it, but Bellany is quite bashful, and it’s just not cool when people just dive right in to subjects like that.†Lexi sat down at the kitchen table, watching Thanatos, dressed only in a violet and black pair of panties. He prepared a quick breakfast of hastily cut fruit, and getting to work on a pot of coffee.

Thanatos sat down with two plates, sliding one in front of Lexi. â€So, was she everything you ever wanted?†He asked scandalously.

â€Oh,†Lexi murmured, not sure she wanted boldly to proclaim this quite yet. â€I â€" yeah. I love her so much. She’s â€" she’s so â€" †she broke, leaving it with a quiet sigh as her only description of what Bellany was ‘so â€" so â€" ‘

â€Yeah. It’s great that you’ve finally jumped on the bandwagon. Was getting a bit awkward at the parties, when things degenerated into kissing, you know.â€

â€Oh, don’t worry, I enjoyed myself so much, at that point of the night.â€

â€I know, that is why it was awkward.†He joked, a piece of apple pointed at her menacingly. At this point, they both turned, hearing a quiet yawn and grumble.

â€Oh? Oh, hey everybody. Boyfriend’s anonymous meeting, this morning?†Lexi’s father asked jokingly, grabbing a cup of coffee and sitting at the table. Lexi made no effort to hide herself, thinking that not drawing attention to her almost-nudity would be the best. â€I feel weird, everyone’s wearing girl’s underwear but me.â€

â€In my defense,†Lexi began, being cut off by two quiet laughs.

â€My daughter the lipstick and skirt and stockings lesbian.†He teased.

â€Well, I could cut it into thick black spikes, if you want?†Lexi said, pulling a few strands into her hands, folding them gently and demonstrating.

â€You’ll ruin the symmetry of the group.†Thanatos protested. â€Plus, you would make a hideous butch girl.â€

â€It’s true.†Her father said.

There was a quiet silence that soon descended, and everything was fine. Lexi’s father left soon after, a cup of coffee and a piece of seared meat in hand for Lexi’s mother. Thanatos finished his breakfast leisurely, doing the same for Alisa with a bit of fruit. Finally, Lexi, alone, finished her breakfast, and found a few of Bellany’s favorite fruits. She cut them up, and grabbed a cup of coffee. She walked to the bedroom, holding stemmed strawberries, chunks of kiwi, a few slices of apple, and a heart-shaped collage of all of the items, on the bottom of the bowl.

Lexi opened her bedroom door, to see Bellany still sleeping. She walked in, watching her wonderful, lithe body, eyes closed, facing away from the sun shining through the gauzy thin curtain which was closed, letting in far more light than its thick blue velvet cousin. She watched Bellany’s chest rising and falling peacefully, and watched her ear twitch once.

Lexi put the breakfast on the bed, and kneeled close. She ran her hand down the soft curve of Bellany’s chin, running her fingers across Bellany’s beautiful neck. She came to rest at her shoulder, and leaned close for a kiss. Her lips came close, and the first delicate, brushing contact had Bellany’s eyes thrown open in a panic. â€Oh â€" oh.†Bellany squeaked, trying to stifle her shaking. â€It’s â€" it’s you.†She said, calming down. â€I â€" sorry â€" I had a bad dream about something like this, not too long ago.†She murmured apologetically.

â€Nothing about me, I hope?†Lexi asked, nervous.

â€No.†Bellany said, and then more firmly, â€no. I’ve never had anything but good dreams about you.†Bellany cooed, suddenly holding Lexi close. She brought her in for a kiss, that she was sure was not as blissful as the ones they usually shared.

â€I love you, Bellany.†Lexi said meekly.

â€I love you too, Lexi.†Bellany cooed back. Looking away bashfully.

â€What’s wrong?†Lexi asked, â€did I do something wrong?â€

â€No, I’m just sorry for freaking out. I â€" I really liked that wake-up. I was just startled.â€

â€A â€" alright â€" I brought you breakfast.†Lexi mewled, wondering why her perfect mood had been spoiled.

â€My favorites…†Bellany accused playfully. â€Thank you.â€

â€I was happy to do it.†Lexi said, mood instantly affected. Lexi turned to face Bellany, legs crossed, sitting with her hands on her thighs looking her wonderful rabbit girlfriend in the eyes. She grabbed the bowl of fruit, and placed it between the two of them. She picked out a thick slice of kiwi, and bit down on it, most of it hanging from her mouth. She leaned in close, and Bellany got the hint surprisingly quickly. She brought her lips to Lexi’s, and closed them, kissing her lovingly.

â€You may have been happy to get me breakfast, but I know you were ecstatic to do that.†Bellany cooed lovingly.

â€Yeah, I just can’t help it, when I’m with you.†Lexi purred, leaning forward and hugging Bellany’s shoulders, resting in the crook of her neck. The mood, changed from fear, to contrition, to romance, and now simply affection, made Lexi remember something. â€Bellany?†She asked.

â€What?†Was the reply, a hand snaking under Lexi’s torso to grab a strawberry.

â€When do you have to be home?â€

â€I said I would call. Probably fairly soon. My dad said he wanted to do stuff with my mom and me.â€

â€Can’t get out of it?â€


â€You’re sure?â€

â€I’d stay if I could.â€

â€Come back next weekend?â€

Bellany thought she understood what was going on. She pulled Lexi gently from her embrace, and kissed her with all the love she could muster. â€I would come if I had to walk in the rain and the wind.†Bellany said seriously.

â€I love you.†Lexi cooed in response, followed by an apologetic, â€I’m sorry I’m so needy this morning. I â€" I dunno what brought it on …. â€

â€It’s alright, love.†Bellany said, wrapping her arms around Lexi, wondering how the roles had gotten so reversed this morning.

Moments later, they broke the hug, and Lexi bashfully apologized again. She moved fully onto the bed, resting against the pillow and against the small of Bellany’s back. She traced lazy circles in Bellany’s stomach fur, until she squeaked and giggled quietly.

â€You’re so sweet,†Bellany said, holding up the fruit heart, smile glowing brighter than the sun shining through Lexi’s window. They kissed. In their contentment, their bleary-eyed contentment, they kissed.