Events of an Uneventful Freshmen Year: Light My Fire

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#1 of Events of an Uneventful Freshman Year

I found this old and mostly finished story on my laptop, and was thinking of trying to make it into a series. Tell me what you think and enjoy.


"I still can't believe you made me come with you to a hockey game Thomas," Chris, a Germanic looking human began, "You know how much I hate sports."

The fox sitting beside him giggled and cheered as the home team scored a goal. Thomas chuckled and turned to look at Chris. The fox was wearing a hockey jersey with a large pink moose on the front. Chris rolled his eyes and huffed, his eyes doing their best to follow the black puck as it zipped around the arena.

"Come on little bro," Thomas began, "Hockey is a big part of the campus here. Besides I met my fiancé at one of these games."

"You got hit in the face with a hockey puck," Chris scoffed, "What would have happened if instead of Janet, the smoking hot paramedic vixen, you got Chad the hefty wheezing old bear."

Thomas shuddered and shook his head, turning his attention back to the hockey game. Chris grumbled and looked over the ice rink with a dull expression on his face. Even though Chris was made a part of Thomas's family at the age of 12, he still never felt like he fit in with them. To be honest, he felt like he had never really felt in anywhere.

"Don't mope Chris," Thomas began with a sigh, "You've got to be social in college, I mean you don't even have a roommate. How do you expect to make any friends?"

"You know how hard it is for me to meet people Thomas," Chris sighed, "I mean my formative years were pretty tumultuous, and high school was almost worse."

Chris was the only openly gay person in his entire town, and received a lot of undue discrimination for it. He had come out of the closet at the age of 15, and promptly lost the few friends he had. After he graduated, his classmates tied him to a tree at a bonfire out in the middle of nowhere and left him there to die. After a day and a half in the elements, a police officer finally found Chris and got him medical treatment. Thomas growled and put a paw on Chris's shoulder.

"You should have told me where you went," Thomas began, "I can't believe that happened to you."

"It's not your fault Thomas," The human replied, "I-,"

Suddenly, a handsome, grey-white wolf wearing the home team's jersey was slammed up against the plexiglass wall. His eyes met with Chris's and lingered there, until he was slammed down against the ice and out of sight. The wolf looked back at the human with a blush and skated off after the puck. Thomas looked over at his brother and smirked. Chris blushed and looked down at his feet.

"I told you that you'd be glad you came," Thomas continued, "Although I never would have expected that you had a taste for wolf-whistle. I thought you only liked cute furs, like foxes and dogs and the like."

"S-shut up," Chris replied, "Besides he was probably looking at you."

Thomas chuckled.

"Oh no man," The fox began, "He was looking right at you. I can introduce you after the game if you want."

"W-who is he?" Chris asked, watching as the canine's well-muscled body skated around the rink.

"Mitch Hall," Thomas began, "He's in the Introduction to Biology class that I am a lab TA for. He's a very nice boy, well for an athlete. Probably has something to do with him being like the only out and gay hockey player. Isn't 2015 just awesome?"

"He a freshman? A gay freshman?" Chris asked with a blush, "I don't know, maybe he'd be someone worth trying to be friends with."

"That's the spirit," Thomas replied as the endgame whistle blew, "Come on, let's go wait for him out front."

The two brothers walked away from their ringside seats and walked out of the arena. Thomas chuckled leading his brother to the front of the steps leading to the arena. After a few minutes, Chris shivered and wrapped his light hoodie tighter around him. It was the coldest winter on record at the campus in Montana, and the wind was blowing hard.

"I told you to bring a coat," Thomas began, taking off his and draping it over the human's shoulders, "You don't have a nice fur one like most of us do."

Chris blushed, pulling the coat tighter around him.

"S-so what do furs like?" Chris asked, "Like you know socially and stuff."

"And stuff?" Thomas asked with a chuckle, "Sexwise stuff?"

Chris gasped and punched the fox's shoulder. Thomas chuckled.

"Come on it's totally natural to have urges," Thomas began, "Besides scoring a one night stand with a human is like a rite of passage for us furs."

Chris shook his head.

"You know I'm not looking for that," Chris replied, "Besides, what if I want more than a one night stand? I don't want to be thrown away."

Thomas frowned.

"Then you'd be barking up the wrong tree, one night stands are normal, fuck buddies are normal, anything more, and you're just looking for trouble." Thomas began, "If word got out what happened graduation night would be nothing compared to what would happen to you."

Chris gulped.

"I've seen it happen Chris," The fox continued, "Every year, a handful of humans come here trying to get with a fur, and every year, bad things happen to them. I'll be damned if that's going to happen to you."

"Well alright Thomas," Chris began, rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm just going to walk home. I'll talk to you later."

Chris began to walk away.

"Chris wait," Thomas began, "I thought you wanted to meet that guy."

"Maybe some other time," Chris began, starting to walk away.

"Alright," Thomas replied, "Suit yourself. Text me tomorrow ok."

Chris turned and nodded.

Thomas shook his head and walked to his car. Chris walked behind a throng of people leaving the arena and gasped as he ran headfirst into a larger male's chest. He fell to the ground and blushed immediately as he looked up and saw the wolf from the hockey rink. Mitch blushed too and reached down to offer the human a paw. Chris took it with a blush and got up.

"You were at the game right?" Mitch asked, "I thought I recognized you."

"Y-yeah," Chris replied, his hand rubbing the back of his neck, "You know, you're much handsomer when you aren't being slammed up against a glass wall."

Mitch laughed and grinned.

"You're just as much of a sweetheart as you look aren't you?" Mitch chuckled, "Do you go to school here?"

Chris nodded and blushed.

"I-I'm sorry for running into you," Chris replied, "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's alright," Mitch began with a smile, "I'm Mitch."

"I'm Chris," The human replied, "Congrats on winning."

Mitch chuckled.

"Well we lost," The wolf began, "You must not be into sports."

Chris turned beet red and looked down at his feet.

"S-sorry," Chris replied, "I was a little flustered after I saw you up close."

"You want to come over and eat some takeout? The wolf asked, "My partner dumped me before the game today, and I would enjoy some friendly company."

Chris blushed.

"Well sure," The human began, "What are you having?"

"Let's figure that out at my place," Mitch replied, putting an arm around the human.

"Sounds great," Chris said with a smile as the wolf led him to his car. "So what was your partner like?"

Mitch scoffed.

"Typical flaming human," Mitch replied as he got in his car, "He saw some other hunk of fur and latched on to them."

"Y-you mean," Chris began, "You dated a human?"

Mitch chuckled.

"Yeah, I did," Mitch replied, "I mean I liked him. So why shouldn't I have a relationship with him."

Chris rubbed his arm.

"Well I've never been in one before," Chris began, "Hell, I don't even think anyone has ever wanted to that with me before."

Mitch started the car and looked over at the human.

"That's too bad," Mitch said, looking over Chris's body, "You know you are just my type."

Chris blushed hard as the car pulled out of the parking lot. Mitch chuckled and moved a paw to the human's thigh.

"Maybe we could, I don't know," The wolf began, rubbing up Chris's leg, "Get some coffee sometime."

"I-I don't know," Chris replied, blushing hard, "I really don't know how this whole dating thing works."

"It's not too hard," Mitch shrugged, "You hang out with them a lot, and mess around sometimes. Maybe fall in love, maybe not, who knows."

"Isn't that frowned upon though?" Chris asked, "My brother said I'd probably end up getting hurt."

Mitch sighed.

"Well, yeah," Mitch began, squeezing Chris's thigh gently, "Serious relationships are frowned upon, like mateship serious. What we're doing here though? It's totally normal. You and your brother have got nothing to worry about."

Mitch chuckled and removed his paw from the human's leg as he turned up a dark street. Chris recoiled a little bit, looking out the window concernedly. Mitch chuckled as he turned off into a well-lit gated community. Chris gasped.

"You live here?" He asked, "I didn't even know they had this on campus."

"Yeah I know," Mitch began, "It's a perk of having an athletic scholarship."

Mitch parked the car and got out, moving around the car to open Chris's door for him. The human blushed and got out, his arms protectively wrapped around his body. Mitch chuckled.

"You alright Chris?" The wolf asked, putting an arm around the human as they walked to his apartment, "You look like you need to sleep or something, we can skip dinner if you want."

"P-pardon?" Chris asked, "N-no I think you should take me home."

Mitch blinked.

"I'm not going to rape you," Mitch began, "You just seem jazzed is all. You don't have to worry."

"Oh alright I guess," Chris replied, "I'm sorry. My brother said something that made me paranoid before I ran into you."

"Brother?" Mitch asked, "Was he at the game with you?"

Chris nodded.

"Let's get inside," The wolf continued, "It's pretty damn cold out here."

Mitch reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys. He unlocked the door and ushered Chris in. Mitch quickly locked the door behind them and set the keys down. Chris looked around the spacious and well-furnished apartment. He turned back to Mitch, who was drawing the blinds and closing the curtains.

"What are you doing?" Chris asked, "Am I not supposed to be here?"

Mitch chuckled and turned back to Chris.

"Better safe than sorry," Mitch replied, "I may be out of the closet, but that doesn't mean people accept it."

"Oh I understand," Chris began, "But the fox I was with is my older brother. I'm adopted."

"Thomas the graduate student is your brother?" Mitch asked, "Well, shit I'd better date you for sure now. He'd definitely give me an A then."

Chris blushed and moved to Mitch's powder blue couch. The human took off his brother's coat and set it on the arm of the couch. Mitch chuckled as he looked over the human's light orange sweater and dark blue slim-fitting jeans.

"So where do you want takeout from?" Mitch asked, "I'm ok with anything you want."

"Well I haven't really eaten out much since I've been here," Chris replied, scooting over to the extreme side of the couch as Mitch sat down beside him, "What's the best place that delivers?"

"There's a pizza joint nearby that does everything from pasta to burgers," Mitch began, "That sound good to you?"

"That sounds great," Chris said, looking over the assortment of textbooks on the coffee table, "Are you a history major."

Mitch nodded.

"Yeah," Mitch began, "If athletics doesn't work out for me I'd love to teach history at a university. What's your major?"

"I'm doing biochemistry right now," Chris replied, "I don't know what I'm going to do with it though."

Mitch chuckled and pulled the human closer to him. Chris blushed and looked away.

"Why are you so nervous?" Mitch asked, "I mean I can't be the first person to have been interested in you."

"Well...," Chris began with a blush, "You are the first person to let me know."

"No way," Mitch began, moving so his body faced Chris, "You mean you've never dated anyone?"

"I've never even kissed anyone before," Chris admitted, lowering his head, "I'm not even sure I know how."

"Oh my god that is adorable," Mitch replied, moving to the human, "You know I could always be your first."

Chris blushed.

"Thanks, but I'm not sure," Chris began, "Can we get some food?"

Mitch nodded.

"Yeah, of course," Mitch replied, "You just want the special?"

"Sure," Chris began, "I like surprises."

Mitch pulled out his cell phone and called the restaurant. He got up from the couch and paced around the living room of his apartment as he talked. A short while later Chris's phone rang. The human blinked, pulled it out, and answered.

"Hey little bro," Thomas began, "I just called to make sure you were ok."

"I'm great Thomas," Chris replied as Mitch hung up and sat back beside him, "I'm just at Mitch's apartment."

"At his apartment?" Thomas asked after a poignant pause, "Where is that? I'm going to get you now."

"What why?" Chris asked, "I don't need you to get me."

Thomas scoffed.

"He's a wolf," Thomas replied, "They only have one thing on their minds."

Chris sighed.

"Why does that matter, and why do you care?" Chris began, "Besides, he's not like that at all-"

"What because he said he was?" Thomas asked, "It's just a game for them. You are nothing but a pump and dump to him."

"But he's dated humans before," Chris replied, "He's different, he just wanted someone to hang out with."

"I'm not ever letting anyone hurt you again Chris," Thomas began, on the verge of snarling, "Now tell me where you are."

"No Thomas," Chris replied, "I'll call you tomorrow."

Chris hung up angrily and shoved the phone back into his pocket. Mitch raised an eyebrow and looked over the human again.

"What was that about?" Mitch asked, "That seemed... heated."

Chris scoffed.

"It's just my brother," Chris replied, "He's always been super protective of me."

"Why?" Mitch asked, "Are you not allowed to hang out with guys or something?"

"No it's not like that," The human sighed, "It's a long story, but Thomas has got his reasons."

"What are they?" The wolf asked, his ears drooping as he saw the pained look on Chris's face, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

"C-can," Chris took a deep breath, "Can we change the subject?"

Mitch nodded.

"Of course we can," Mitch replied, "What do you want to talk about?"

Chris blushed and moved in closer to the wolf, his head on Mitch's t-shirt clad chest. The wolf smiled and nuzzled the human again.

"Can we go on a date?" Chris asked, looking up at the wolf, "I well, I like you."

Mitch nodded and looked into the human's eyes. Chris blushed and looked back, his heart racing in his chest.

"Can I do something?" Mitch asked, his tail starting to thump against the couch.

Chris nodded and blushed as the wolf moved in for a kiss. The human felt Mitch's soft lips envelop his own and the wolf's strong paws move up to his cheek and neck. Chris blushed harder as the wolf pulled him closer, expressing the slightest amount of dominance in the kiss. The pair locked lips for a few more moments and pulled away from each other with a pant.

"How was that for a first kiss?" Mitch asked, chuckling at Chris's flushed face.

Chris nodded.

"It was great," Chris giggled, and immediately clapped a hand over his mouth, "Oh my god I never giggle like that."

Mitch chuckled and ran a finger along his cheek.

"I think that it's adorable," Mitch began.

Chris blushed.

"Gosh I feel funny," The human began, "Is that normal?"

"You really haven't done anything like this before," Mitch replied, "Want to keep going?"

Chris nodded.

The wolf moved in for another kiss, but was interrupted by a knock on the door. Mitch groaned and walked up to the peephole. His tail perked up at the sight of the delivery boy outside with an armful of food. Mitch opened the door and paid for the food before quickly sending the delivery boy on his way. The wolf walked into the kitchen and filled up two plates of pasta and breadsticks.

The wolf walked out with both plates on his arm and set them down on the coffee table.

"You want some wine with your pasta?" The wolf asked as he walked back into the kitchen.

"I don't know," Chris began, "I've never had wine before."

Mitch chuckled.

"Then you are in for a treat," The canine replied, as he poured two classes of expensive red wine, "This stuff is amazing."

Chris took his glass from Mitch and sipped it, coughing slightly at the new and strange taste. Mitch chuckled and sat down beside him. The pair looked at each other and began to dig into their plates of pasta simultaneously. The pair of them quickly wolfed down the plates of pasta and sat back on the couch contentedly.

"I suppose you want me to take you back to your dorm room now right?" Mitch asked, snaking an arm around Chris's waist.

"Well," The human blushed, "I suppose I should get back. My brother would kill me if I spent the night."

"Who says he has to know?" Mitch asked, "Besides, just because you spent the night doesn't mean we had sex."

"I guess-," Chris said as a sharp knock sounded on the door.

Mitch hid the wine and glasses before getting up from the couch. He looked out the peephole and blinked.

"Hey Thomas?" Mitch began as he opened the door slightly, "What's going on?"

"Is my brother still clothed?" Thomas asked, his arms crossed.

"Yeah," The wolf replied opening the door further, "Why are you here?"

Thomas growled.

"He's coming home with me," Thomas began, "Chris, I'll be waiting in my car, don't take too long."

Mitch growled and closed the door.

"What a fucking tool," The wolf began, "Are you actually going to go with him?"

Chris sighed and nodded. The human got up from the couch and moved over to the door, sliding his shoes on. The pair embraced and shared a quick smooch.

"I'm sorry," Chris began, "I should go."

Mitch shook his head.

"Can't you just tell him to go fuck himself?" Mitch asked, "I'd rather not be alone tonight."

Chris hung his head.

"I'm sorry," Chris sighed, "I want to do this again though, and next time I won't tell Thomas where I'm going."

Mitch laughed

"Now that I think about it, I see you around campus almost every day," Mitch began, "We'll sort out our next date the next time I see you."

Chris nodded.

"Alright Mitch," Chris replied with a smile, "I'm looking forward to it."

The pair broke away from each other. Mitch waved goodbye and walked into his bedroom, taking off his shirt as he went.

"I'm sorry my brother's a psycho who still tracks me on his phone," I called after the wolf.

The wolf chuckled and waved again. Chris sighed and walked out the door. He walked down to his brother's car and got in the front seat. Thomas glared at him and sniffed the air a few times.

"I know he touched you," The fox began, "How far did it go?"

"It was nothing," Chris began with a blush, "We just kissed."

Thomas huffed.

"I can't believe you could be so stupid," Thomas began as he started to drive off, "I mean what if he had spiked your drink or something. What if he had hurt you?"

Chris shook his head.

"I told you he was different," Chris sighed happily, "When we kissed, I could tell he was a good guy."

Thomas scoffed.

"That was your first kiss," The fox replied, "All first kisses feel like that. Especially with a fur, his pheromones just messed with your head. The whole room smelled like bad intentions."

"It felt like you said kissing Janet for the first time felt," Chris said quietly, "I thought you said it was normal to have a one night stand with a fur in college."

"It is," Thomas replied, "And kissing Janet for the first time was, well, her pheromones were just amazing. You shouldn't be falling in love with an anthro. Meet some nice human boy and just be normal."

Chris scoffed.

"I've never been normal Thomas," The human began, "In our hometown gay wasn't normal, and now I'm at a predominately anthro university. I've told you about my attraction to them, and you've always been supportive of me."

"I-I know," Thomas began, "I-it just worries me a lot to think about you being sexually active with your history. I don't want to see anything like the bonfire incident happen again."

Chris stayed silent and looked down at the floor of the car.

"Do you remember the first night you were back from the hospital?" The fox continued, "You asked to sleep in my bed because your nightmares were so bad. It was worse than when you came to live with us, after your mom-"

"Don't you bring her into this," Chris shivered, "Don't you ever bring her up."

Chris frowned and looked out the window. Thomas sighed and put a paw on his brother's shoulder.

"I love you Chris," Thomas began, "I mean you're my brother, and I only want you to be safe and happy."

"I know," Chris replied blandly, "You don't have to tell me."

Thomas sighed.

"I really worry about you Chris," Thomas began, "Look, if you do end up seeing this wolf, be careful alright. I don't want to see you in a hospital again, I don't think I can take it."

"And you won't have to," Chris said with a frown, "Just take me back to my dorm."

"Alright," Thomas replied with a sigh, "I'm always here for you, alright?"

The human nodded as his older brother came to a stop in front of Chris's dormitory. Chris sighed and got out, walking up into the building without looking back at his brother. The human walked up the stairs to his room on the second floor. He walked into the room, opened his closet, and began to strip in front of the mirror just like any regular night. Chris had stripped down to his dark navy briefs before he heard a wolf whistle.

"Damn I think I could get used to this roommate thing," A well-muscled Dalmatian said from the, up to this point, empty bed on the opposite side of the room, "Don't stop on my account."

Chris meeped and jumped behind the door of his armoire.

"W-who are you?" Chris asked, peeking his head out from behind the mahogany door.

"I'm your roommate," The Dalmatian chuckled, "I'm Brutus, what's your name? I saw that you took your name plaque thing off of the door."

"I'm Chris," The human began as he slowly pulled his clothes back on, "I thought I had the room to myself."

"I could tell,' Brutus replied with a chuckle, pointing at a pin up of a buff Dalmatian in a sexy pose, "I take it you like anthros."

The Dalmatian chuckled and flexed, his black, tight tank top showing off every rippling movement of his muscles. Chris blushed hard and looked down as he moved to his bed. The canine chuckled and took off his shirt.

"No reason you can't make yourself at home because of me," Brutus smirked, "If I've judged you right you'll probably be sharing my bed tonight."

Chris huffed in outrage.

"I have a boyfriend thank you very much, well kind of," Chris replied, "Besides I don't put out just like that."

Brutus grinned.

"You're into furs," Brutus began, "Male furs at that. Humans like you are putty in our paws."

"W-what do you mean?" Chris blushed, "I mean not that I want to know."

Brutus chuckled and slowly slid off his pants. The Dalmatian was wearing a pair of black boxers, the male's sizeable sheath creating an obvious bulge in the sea of fabric. Chris gulped and blushed harder, turning his head away after a few seconds. Brutus chuckled and sat back on his bed.

"Come on over here," Brutus began, "I promise it'll be our secret."

Chris blushed and shook his head.

"Oh I see," Brutus continued as he moved over to Chris's bed and sat down beside him, "You want to do it in your bed."

Chris stammered and scooted away from the Dalmatian. Brutus chuckled and pulled the human to him, his paws rubbing over the human's lower back. Chris whimpered and found himself pressing into the Dalmatian.

"People like you, ones who get turned on by furs like me, are more in tune to pheromones," The canine began as he slid off Chris's shirt, "A real male like me is going to get your motor running. Until you find your mate of course."

"H-how will I know?" Chris asked with a blush as the Dalmatian began kissing over his now bare shoulder.

Brutus murmured into the human's shoulder, using his teeth and tongue to elicit moans and squeaks from Chris. The human dug his fingers into Brutus's back, whimpering at his own response to the canine's ministrations.

"P-please," Chris began, shuddering as Brutus pulled away, "I want to lose my virginity to the right one. You know? Like all the books and movies say you're supposed to do."

Brutus chuckled.

"No you don't," The Dalmatian began, "I lost my virginity to "the one" and within a week she was screwing some other guy. You don't want to be in love with the first guy or girl you fuck."

Chris panted and gasped as the Dalmatian began to kiss and suckle over his neck. His back arched as Brutus's strong paws moved to his pants. As the canine slid off Chris's pants, the pair fell into the bed.

"I-I thought you said your first was a girl," Chris gasped as the Dalmatian kissed and sucked on his left nipple, "Aren't you straight?"

Chris blushed as Brutus slid between his legs and held him dominantly to his muscled chest. Chris blushed as he felt the Dalmatian's hot and throbbing erection against his thigh. Brutus growled and started sucking on Chris's neck and shoulder.

"I'm bisexual," Brutus chuckled, "I like both."

Chris blushed looked up at the ceiling, trying to mentally force his growing erection to cease growing.

"Do you want to know how I know you're ready for me?" Brutus panted as he pulled off Chris's underwear as well.

Chris blushed and nodded.

"I found your toys, all knotted dildos. You've been wanting a real man for a while haven't you?" Brutus replied with a smirk, "Now do you want to suck me some or do you just want me to lube it up and slide it in."

Chris whimpered and reached up to kiss the Dalmatian on the lips. Brutus's ears perked up, and the bigger male murred happily. They ground against each other fervently, each new contact eliciting hot and heavy moans from both parties. Brutus took over the kiss, his tongue sweeping powerfully over the human's lips and mouth. Chris shivered and blushed as he pulled back.

"Do we have to?" Chris asked, "I-I'd rather not."

Brutus chuckled.

"I guess I figured you wrong then," The Dalmatian began, "We'll have to try this again later."

Chris blushed.

"M-maybe," Chris replied, "I guess you can cuddle and stuff if you want."

Brutus smirked.

"Well I don't know if I can control myself," Brutus began as he ground his hard cock against Chris, "I mean your right here, and I can smell how much you want it."

Chris blushed and giggled.

"I guess I just trust you," Chris replied, "Can you get the lights?"

Brutus got up from the bed and sauntered over to the light switch. He flicked the light switch off, threw his underwear to his side of the dorm room, and jumped back into Chris's bed. The human giggled as the Dalmatian climbed back between his legs. Brutus chuckled and held Chris close.

"Your fur is so soft," Chris began, running a finger across Brutus's chest.

"I can show you where it's softest," Brutus replied naughtily, "I'd definitely appreciate it if you'd help me out down there."

Chris shook his head.

"Sorry Brutus," The human began, "I'm actually really tired, and I have homework to do tomorrow."

Brutus chuckled.

"Fair enough," The canine replied, "I'll just have to snag you on the weekend."

Chris kissed Brutus's cheek and closed his eyes. The Dalmatian chuckled and wrapped his arms around him, soon joining his roommate in sleep.


Chris blushed as he awoke the next day in Brutus's arms. The human sat up, jolting the canine awake. Brutus murred and pulled the human back down to the bed.

"Hey sexy," Brutus began as he rubbed his paws over the human's body, "I had the best dream."

Chris blushed.

"Oh really?" The human replied, "About what?"

Brutus chuckled.

"You were on top," The Dalmatian began, "And you just rode me so good. It was so-,"

"And that's my cue to go for a shower," Chris interrupted, squirming out from under his roommate, "I'm going to be at the library today, I'll be back later tonight."

Brutus sighed and frowned as Chris put on his clothes and left the room with his shower stuff.

"I guess I'll just take care of myself then," Brutus began as his paws roamed under the blanket.

Chris blushed as he walked into the bathroom. As he turned to get into one of the showers, he ran into a male badger. The male smelled the human and chuckled.

"Hey hey," The badger began, "You smell divine."

"Oh?" Chris began, stopping in his tracks, "Really?"

The badger chuckled.

"Yeah," He replied, "In fact, I think there's room in my shower for two. If you're interested."

Chris blushed and looked away. He began to walk into his shower stall, backing away from the badger. The male chuckled and advanced on the human.

"Come on," The badger continued, "Let's have some fun."

Chris slammed the door of his shower shut and panted. The badger grumbled and stormed away, slamming the door of his stall behind him. Chris blushed and stripped naked. He showered quickly and hurriedly went back to his room. Brutus had fallen back asleep, and was lounged out uncovered on Chris's bed.

Chris blushed and looked away from the Dalmatian as he packed up his laptop and charger in his backpack. The human quickly exited the building and made his way out of the dorms. It was a cool, crisp day, and the sun was shining bright. The furs that Chris passed all seemed to be more interested in him than usual. Chris blushed hard and looked away from their glances.

He soon came to the large university library. A fox stopped in front of the door and held it open for him. Chris ran through and smiled at the fox.

"Thank you," The human began.

"The pleasure's all mine," The fox replied, "I'm Carlos."

"I'm Chris," Chris replied.

The human began to walk towards a table in the middle of the library. Carlos poked him in the shoulder and chuckled.

"You seriously don't expect to get anything done there do you?" Carlos asked.

"Pardon?" Chris replied, stopping in his tracks.

"I know a place that's much better," Carlos began, "Come on, I'll take you to it."

Chris shook his head.

"I'm hoping to meet up with someone," Chris replied, blushing as passing furs smelled him and murred, "Besides people are really acting weird around me. I'd feel much more comfortable if my friend found me."

Carlos whined.

"Fine," The fox began, "I'll just go off by myself then."

Chris shrugged and walked to his table. He pulled out his laptop and began to work on an essay for his Anthromorphic Studies class. He zoned out, typing away for a couple of hours. As he was finishing up, Mitch walked into the library with his bookbag. His face lit up as he saw Chris and he quickly ran over.

"Hey," Mitch began, his smile turning naughtier as he got closer, "Heyyy, you smell really good."

Chris blushed and put his schoolwork away.

"Everyone has been saying that today," Chris replied, "I really don't know why."

Mitch chuckled.

"I know why," Mitch began, "That kiss really started something churning in you."

Chris blushed harder as he thought of his night with Brutus.

"Yeah, that kiss..." Chris replied, "So how do I fix it? I don't want furs to be all over me anymore."

"It involves me, you, and a bed," Mitch smirked, "Once you got my scent on you only the super tough or super stupid will hit on you. You'll be marked until you shower, and even then, your body should be satiated and not trying to fuck every Tom, Dick, and Harry you meet."

Chris blushed.

"I just met you though," Chris began, "I don't want to be that slut who sleeps with guys on the first date."

Mitch chuckled.

"Ok ok," Mitch replied, "I can wait till the second date."

Chris giggled and smiled.

"Can I ask you a question?" Chris began, "I was hoping you'd be able to clarify something for me."

"How can I help?" The wolf asked, sliding closer to the human.

"Well," Chris began, "You know how you can tell someone is a good match by kissing them?"

Mitch nodded.

"How do you tell they are a good match?" Chris asked.

"Well," Mitch began, "Generally, they taste good and you really enjoy doing it. If it's with a crappy person, it's just kind of blech."

"That's good," Chris blushed, "You tasted pretty good."

Chris blushed harder, thinking of how good Brutus tasted. Mitch's tail started to wag.

"Maybe you could come over tonight," Mitch began, "That kiss was nothing. I can show you how good sex with a good match feels."

Chris shook his head.

"I'd rather date you for a bit first," Chris replied, "Its Friday, so why don't we watch a movie or get dinner or something tonight."

Mitch frowned, his ears and tail drooping. Chris patted his hand and looked away.

"Is that bad?" Chris asked, "I don't want to screw this up, I don't know if I'm supposed to have sex with you or just play hard to get... I'm new at this."

Mitch looked over the human and chuckled quietly.

"You're only supposed to have sex with me if you want to," Mitch began, "I would love to have you over for a movie tonight after the game. What dorm do you live in?"

"Jefferson Hall," Chris replied, "My phone number is 701-340-2032."

Mitch grabbed a sharpie off of the table and wrote it down on his paw. The wolf smiled.

"I'll text you later today," Mitch began, "What are you doing now?"

"I'm going to talk to my brother and see what he has to say about what's been happening to me," Chris began, "I'll see you tonight."

Mitch stopped the human with a hug and kissed him on the top of his head. Chris hugged the wolf back and turned to walk out the door. He pulled out his phone and called his brother. After it rang a few times, Thomas picked it up.

"Hey Chris what's up?" Thomas began, "You need something?"

"Are you terribly busy?" Chris asked, "I need to talk to you about something."

"I'm grading quizzes right now," Thomas replied, "Do you want me to come and pick you up? You can chill in my apartment with me."

"That would be fine with me," Chris began, "I'm at the library now. I'll be on the curb."

Thomas hung up the phone. Chris sighed and sat down at a small stone bench. A few eventless minutes later, Thomas drove up to the curb in his car and honked. Chris quickly jumped into the passenger seat and closed the door.

"What's the matter?" Thomas asked, his ears perking up as Chris's scent wafted into the car, "What is that?"

Chris blushed.

"Oh no not you too," Chris groaned, "I don't know what's going on. All of a sudden all these furs want to get in my pants."

Thomas blushed too and cleared his throat.

"M-maybe you should get out of my car," Thomas began as his paw went down to adjust his crotch, "You, urm, holy god you are just pumping the air full of pheromones."

"W-what?" Chris asked, "I need my older brother right now."

Thomas whined.

"Ok, I can understand. This is probably really scary for you," Thomas replied, "I mean, I-I guess we can go to my apartment."

"Ok good," Chris began, "I just need to get away from furs right now."

Thomas started to drive, his eyes glued firmly on the road in front of him. Chris rubbed his arm, looking away from his brother. These apartments were closer to the school than the athletic ones, but much nicer. The second the car came to a stop in front of Thomas's apartment the fox ran out of the car and went inside. Chris blinked and turned off the still running car for his brother and followed the fox inside.

"Thomas?" Chris asked, "Is everything alright?"

Thomas sat at the couch taking deep breaths. Chris sat beside him and sighed, giving the fox a hug.

"You can tell me alright," The human began, "Is something wrong."

Thomas shuddered and closed his eyes. He hugged the human back, rubbing Chris's back and taking another deep smell.

"I'm good," The fox replied, "I'm really good."

Chris moved back from his brother and sighed. Thomas smiled and hugged the human back to him.

"So what do I do Thomas?" Chris asked, his head up against the fox's chest, "Mitch said I could make it not as bad by having sex with him."

Thomas chuckled.

"He thinks he's good enough for that?" Thomas asked, "You need the very best."

"What do you mean?" Chris asked, looking up at his brother.

"Someone with a bit more experience," The fox replied, rubbing lower on Chris's back, "Someone who knows how to scratch that itch for a guy like you."

"Who has more experience?" Chris asked, "I mean wouldn't any guy on campus do?"

"No," Thomas began, "You should do it with someone who truly loves you."

Thomas moved his head down and kissed Chris on the lips. The human's eyes went wide as the fox murred loudly and pushed himself on top. Chris squirmed and tried to break free. Thomas panted and moaned, pulling away from the human.

"I-I'm sorry Chris," Thomas began, "I-I can't help it."

Chris jumped up and ran, slamming his brother's door behind him. The human sprinted down the road, tears streaking down his face. His own brother, the rock in his life, was acting just like those other furs. Chris wiped his face and turned towards the science buildings. The one person who he could talk to, the professor of his Anthromorphic Studies classes, should still be in his office. He was a human and he would know what to do. It was a long run, but finally the human skidded to a stop in front of the professor's door on the third floor of the life sciences building.

Chris groaned, the door was closed and the lights inside were off. He looked down at his watch and swore under his breath. It was 11:30, and the human had a half hour until his next class. It looked like he wouldn't be getting any help with his situation until after Chemistry.

The human sighed and started to walk to his one and only class for the day. This day was going to be a rough one.