To Conquer Your Nightmare

Story by Daelazar on SoFurry

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#2 of Fara & Alazar

This is the story of a young paladin who tries to tame her demonic mount by rather unconventional means. The second installment of Fara and Alazar's story explores the lengths to which she goes to make her chosen mount her own.

This story took me longer to finish than usual, because not only did I get sick at the start of the year, but right after I recovered my usual proofreader got ill, too. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. If you like the story to continue, please leave a comment!

Thumbnail © Rokemi ( )

Heavy rain poured down from the pitch black clouds above to the city of towers below. A battering of raindrops hit the spires and rooftops, forming streams that cascaded downwards over ledges and bridges. They pooled in the streets and alleys below, before they vanished gurgling into the gutters and the depths of the undercity. It was only early evening, but it just as well could have been the middle of the night, as not a single beam of sunlight reached past the stormshrouded spires. Only a few lanterns dotted the streets and shed their bleary light through the haze of rain.

A cloaked figure made her way through the storm, a large black horse trailing behind her. She pulled the cloak tight around her to protect her from the rain and hastened her steps across the cobble-stone street, seeking shelter in a nearby tavern. She dismissed the groom that came to her aid when she led her horse into the accompanying stables. Only when the boy had fled back to the warmth of the tavern and left her alone, she pulled back her hood to reveal the face of a young deer. Long red strands fell free as she shook her head to rid herself of the raindrops clinging to her face, though most of her hair remained bound back into a large braid where it belonged.

"You can release now", she told her horse and patted him on the neck. "We're alone."

The creature gave off an annoyed snort. Smoke shot out of his nostrils, then a roaring flame erupted from his neck and backside, to form a blazing mane and tail. The rain soaking his coal black fur instantly evaporated into a hissing cloud of steam, underlined by a sudden thunderclap outside. The burst of heat startled the nearby horses and sent them whinnying and bucking wildly in their boxes.

"How long do you want me to pretend I'm a mere mortal horse?" the nightmare scowled. He stared menacingly at the horses until they went still again, frozen in fear, only nervously pawing the ground with their hooves. "I tought the whole purpose of you summoning me was to have a dread steed. Why not show off? Unless of course you intended to be ridden in the first place."

"I did not!" she exclaimed, her cheeks blushing from the memory of their first encounter only days ago. "I mean, I don't want to draw attention. You're still a demon. I need your service in battle, but if we walk around just like that in the middle of the city, people will panic and call the guards!"

"And you don't want to explain to them why you summoned a nightmare", the creature teased her, "or how you bound him."

"I ... I just don't want to get into trouble", she stammered.

"That's a little late", he told her, amusement flickering in his eyes. "But don't worry anymore. I can remain hidden quite well if I don't want to be found."

She sighed in relief as he dropped the teasing. "Good", she composed herself. "Then you will stay here while I pay for our stay."

"Leaving me alone when we could have the whole night for ourselves." He almost sounded disappointed at that statement. With slow steps he closed in on her, leaning his head to her ear and whispering: "Maybe I'll dine on some of these horses then, to pass the time ..."

"No!" she shouted. "No, don't ... I was going to come back." She tried to look stern, as if lecturing a misbehaving child. "I will bring you food. And I will stay with you for the night. I just brought you here because it wouldn't raise suspicion. And, well ... you don't fit into a chamber with me, much less a bed."

Her apologetic look seemed to impress him. For a moment he had nothing to say, just staring at her as if he couldn't believe she'd actually care for him. Or willingly share a bed. Then he was back to his sneer, commanding tone.

"I may age much differently than you mortals do, but I still feel the passing of time", he told her. "I suggest you don't keep me waiting any longer."

"Of course not!" she turned to go, but stopped in her tracks. "Just ... what kind of food do you prefer?"

"The screaming and squirming kind", he replied dryly.

She gulped, not sure if he was just joking. "I'll see what I can do."

She left the nightmare and the stables behind and hurried across the inner yard to the inn on the other side. Fortunately the building had ledges on the upper stories so she could avoid the downpour and stay relatively dry. Still, she flicked the raindrops from her coat before entering the tavern, to keep the wet trail she was leaving to a minimum.

As she pushed the carved wooden door open, she was hit by a blast of steamy, smokey air and many voiced laughter. A lone bard was playing his lute in the far corner by the fireplace, a company of dwarves cheering him on. The inside of the tavern was busy, but not cramped, thanks to the generous architecture. The interior was made of heavy wood, as was the panelling on the walls, everything decorated with intricate carvings of animals and heraldry.

She moved through the small crowd of guests to the host behind the counter. He was a nearly bald human that looked like a farmhand, with darkened skin, strong arms and a broad neck. His voice, on the other hand, was soft and smooth. "How may I serve you?" he asked the young deer.

"I need a place in your stables", she told him, "one night only."

"Ah, another refugee from the storm", the man nodded empathically. "Then it shall be a bed and a meal, too, I presume?"

"No bed. Just the stables. I will stay with my mount."

He raised an eyebrow at her denial. "You do know there are enough beds for another guest? You could even have a chamber for yourself. And if you are worried about horse thieves, then rest assured. There has never been a theft in this house that didn't end with the thief deep in the dungeons of the city guard."

Again she shook her head. "That is all well, but I still prefer to stay in the stables. However, I could really use a meal."

The innkeeper remained wary, but complied. "What may I serve you?"

"I'd like a plate of raw meat. And a bucket of your best wine."

"Bucket", the man repeated slowly in disbelief. "And raw meat. Is there anything else you'd like?"

"Yes", she added, "a salad would be nice."

"How do you intend to pay for that?" His eyes wandered over her form, scanning her sceptically. This woman could be mad or a bloodthirsty adventurer ... or both. Her slender body and youthful face wouldn't fool him over the fact that she wore armor and sword beneath that coat.

"The church of the silver flame will cover my expenses." She showed him the signet ring on her finger, with the flame symbol of her church emblazoned upon it. He examined it closely, but couldn't find a flaw.

"Very well", he begrudgingly accepted. "Then you shall receive as you wish. Josir! Prepare a plate of pork! But leave it raw!"

While he ordered his staff around to fetch a bucket and prepare the meal, she signed a parchment to pay for her stay. "And I will pay you double", she added, "if no one disturbs me in the stables until the rain stops."

"As you wish", the innkeeper answered. "I will do my best to keep my guests inside. Though I doubt anyone would want to leave while the sky is coming down on us." With a quick gesture he sent his servants away, to carry the plate and bucket to the stables.

"Wait!" the deer suddenly shot into motion to stop the servants. "You don't have to ... I mean, I am well capable of carrying this on my own. Thank you."

The servants darted a glance at each other and their superior, but he just waved them off. "Do as she says", he told them. "If the silver lady wishes to carry her meal on her own, then let her."

"Thank you", she added in his direction. He clenched his teeth for a moment, but forced himself to relax. He didn't trust the church folk, but he knew better than to mess with them. However, he'd be a fool not to keep an eye on her. He simply added: "Just make sure you don't try anything ... funny."

"What do you think of me?" she looked at him accusingly. She blushed, so she turned away hastily before she had to answer any more questions. The innkeeper probably thought she was crazy anyway, so better not call any more attention. She hoped her quick steps would seem more determined than embarrassed as she made her way outside.

When the warm atmosphere and merry laughter of the tavern were replaced by the cool soothing rain, the doubts set in again. What was she doing here? Her steps slowed and her body began to shiver a little. She was afraid, very afraid. And she should be, she told herself, she put up with a demon! But it was not so much the nightmare's presence that scared her, as dark and menacing as he could be. Neither the fact of how easily he could overwhelm her, as he had clearly shown. It was the thought of how easily he could leave once he had completed his task.

The pact between the two was a delicate thing. It would only last until he got her pregnant, which was only a matter of time as far as she could tell. If she refused his advances, she'd break the pact and not only lose him, but bring dishonor to herself and her codex. But if he fulfilled his part, he was free to leave anyway, leaving her with some kind of demonic offspring. What would become of her once he was gone?

A paladin knows no fear, she told herself. Stick to the plan. She slid a hand under her coat and closed it around the two small vials she had brought with her. The glass still felt cool to the touch, despite them being in her pouch for quite a while. She pulled them out to examine them. The first one was a slender, roughly heart shaped flask filled with a bright red liquid. A curiosity she had once found on one of her adventures: a love potion. Though she had kept it in her possession, she had never thought it might actually be of any use to her. Until now.

The other flask was a simple oval form full of clear, emerald fluid. She could see her hand through the curved glass, though it appeared smaller than it was, just like under a magnifying glass, but the other way around. It was a little surprise she had acquired for the nightmare.

She wanted him to stay with her. She wanted to control him again. She wanted to show him that she could be just as strong as him, if not stronger. Her resolve strengthened and with a plan in mind, she gripped the love potion, uncapped the flask and poured it's content into the bucket of wine. It roiled and sloshed for a moment, then the potion was absorbed into the dark red alcohol, it's aroma becoming indistinguishable. When she was sure there was no trace of the potion, she stowed the other flask away and lifted the plate and bucket again to carry them to her waiting steed.

"Alazar!" she called him once she was inside. "I brought you ..." She stopped when she suddenly found the stables devoid of any trace of the nightmare. He wasn't where she left him, nor in any of the other boxes. Her heart began to race as her mind started to imagine she had already lost him, that she had been to slow and he had left without even so much as a farewell. She let the plate and bucket clatter to the floor and searched frantically, looking for a sign where he had gone. "No ... no ... oh please, no ..."

"What took you so long?"

The deep voice startled her and made her heart skip a beat. She spun around and pressed her back against the wall to see the nightmare had appeared out of thin air right behind her, only a thin veil of smoke trailing behind him. Her mouth hung open for a moment as she stammered: "How ... where ... you ..."

"I told you I wouldn't be found if I didn't want to", he simply answered. While she still hadn't found her speech, he trotted past her and examined the food she had brought. The meat had been spilled across the floor, her bowl of salad, too, but fortunately the bucket had stayed upright, the wine still inside.

"A bucket? How classy" the nightmare judged sarcastically. "Certainly not what I expected."

"Don't scare me like that!" the paladin had finally recomposed herself. She shouted at him in a scolding, angry tone. "Don't ever do that again! I was really worried!"

"By my sudden appearance?" he turned to her with a knowing glance. "Or rather my disappearance?"

She was baffled and blushed. She didn't want to spill her prior thoughts to the nightmare. She wasn't even sure about them herself. Why did it scare her so much to see the demon gone? If he could leave of his own accord, nothing would have changed, it would just be like before she had summoned him. Or wouldn't it?

He came menacingly close to her, speaking slowly. "Asking a nightmare not to scare", he told her, "is like asking your world not to turn. It's in our nature. Maybe you should have thought of that before you decided who should be your stud."

"Steed!" she hastily corrected him. "I summoned you to be my steed!"

"I know", he snorted. His eyes wandered over the spilled chunks of meat splattering the floor. "But I think you are forgetting something."

"What?" she followed his gaze. "Oh! Right! Your food. Wait a moment, I'll clean that up."

She hurried to collect the meat and dust it off, putting it back on the plate once sufficiently cleaned. A stool was pulled from the corner to improvise a little table between the two of them, the metal plate on top, while the bucket found it's place to the side, just as if it was a glass of wine served to a dinner.

"Enjoy your meal", she finished her work, looking down at it a little proud. "I hope it is to your liking."

The nightmare sniffed at the food, hesitating for a moment, then he opened his mouth and dug his teeth into one of the chunks, chewing only long enough for a few drops of blood to trickle over his muzzle, before he gulped it down. His tongue licked his snout clean from the residue of his meal. "I'd still rather have you for dinner, but this is a pleasent surprise."

She managed a little smile, but when the nightmare went down on the plate again, munching and tearing the bloody meat, she had to turn away and hold her stomach to not throw up. She hated the smell of blood, much more the taste, and seeing the nightmare devour his meal raw was just a little too much. However, when he dipped his muzzle into the bucket and began to lap up the wine, she glanced at him over her shoulder. He didn't suspect anything. He was really drinking it!

The nightmare stopped when he noticed her eyes upon him. "What are you staring at?" he inquired. "If you're hungry, help yourself. I wouldn't claim it all and let you starve. I'm not that kind of monster, you know."

"Oh! No", she quickly replied and waved it off. "I'm not hungry, I ... I don't eat meat. I've just never seen a horse eat meat and drink wine before."

He snorted angrily. "I am no horse, I'm a nightmare. I'm as far from these lowly creatures as you are from the insects that share your name."

She frowned at him, puzzled. "There are Fara-bugs?"

He blinked once, then he dryly replied: "Stag beetles."


For a moment, there was an awkward silence. Then the nightmare dipped back into the bucket. "Maybe you're not as far from them as I thought", he murmured. "I wonder how you got along until now."

"Quit your mocking!" she scolded him. She began to unfasten the straps of her armor, putting off parts of the heavy metal plating. "I'm not a child anymore! I can take care of myself. I can read, I can write, I can fight. I've had a good education."

"Obviously they skipped the part about wording your spells", the nightmare just went on. "Or I'd have to assume you did that on purpose."

"I did not!" she exclaimed. "At least not the part about ... you know ..."

"Well, you seemed to quite enjoy it nonetheless." The nightmare lifted his head out of the bucket with a creepy grin, licking wine from his muzzle.

"I did not!" she insisted, although blushing.

"Then why are you getting ready again?"

"I'm just getting comfortable!" she defended herself. "You don't expect me to wear this armor all the time, do you?"

"Maybe you're just getting a little hot underneath that hard shell of yours." The nightmare stepped forward and circled around her, coming ever closer to her body. She turned with him, watching him and inching backwards when he advanced her. Was the love potion already taking effect? She didn't know if it would even affect a creature like him at all. Maybe it was the wine speaking. Or just his usual demeanor to throw her off guard.

When his head shot forward, she jumped and gave off a frightened squeal. She pressed her back against the wooden wall behind her, the nightmare blocking any escape route to the front with his body. He rubbed his snout along her neck, biting her teasingly and whispering in her ear. "If you didn't enjoy the last time, I'll have to make double sure you do this time."

Her body shivered from both fear and excitement. She had indeed enjoyed their last time, maybe a bit too much. Her head involuntarily tilted to the side to allow his tender bites and nuzzling better access to her neck, when she caught a whiff of his strong, sulfurous musk. It stirred memories of his overwhelming power inside her, the burning hot passion with which he had mounted and mated her, and the feeling of losing control. This time she didn't want to lose control.

"N-no", she feebly ducked away, then pushed his head away from her. "No! Not yet. I ... I want you to do something first."

"Anything for you", he answered. "Who could refuse such a delicate doe?" She looked at him, a little embarrassed and confused, and tried to find any hints of sarcasm or mockery, but he was impossible to read. He looked like a horse, after all. A horse that seemed to get a little drunk.

She gulped and boldly moved forward. From her pouch she produced the emerald flask she had kept hidden until now. "I want you to drink this."

"What is it?" the nightmare inquired with a frown.

"It's a surprise." She uncapped the flask and held it for him. His nostrils flared as he sniffed at the opening, but he didn't hesitate to snatch it out of her hand and drain the bottle in but a few gulps. The empty glass was discarded energetically, as if pushing away the only thing that stood between them.

She was surprised to see him do it so eagerly. She had imagined she had to trick him into drinking it or at least do a lot of persuading. That he simply did it without even questioning actually stunned her. Maybe it was the potion's effect. Maybe the wine had made him careless. But whatever the case, it was to her benefit.

"Now to your end of the bargain ..." the nightmare cooed. He slowly stepped forward, but his hoof came down unsteady, his legs growing a little shaky. He looked down, then at the deer in front of him. "What did you ...?"

She didn't move a muscle or say a word. She watched in awe as the second potion took effect, after only a few seconds. The nightmare's body began to shiver, then to shrink, getting smaller and smaller with every passing heartbeat. He sank to the ground below her, his head raising up to meet her gaze with an expression of shock and confusion. One breath and he was the size of a pony, and with another breath he was barely any bigger than an ordinary dog. But it didn't stop there. He shrank past her knees and even further down to her ankles, until he finally stopped at level with her hooves. He looked like a children's toy, no bigger than her outstretched hand.

"What did you do to me?" he demanded an answer. His tiny figure moved about on the ground, turning around to assess his new perspective, stepping over stray straws like they were fallen tree trunks.

She needed a moment to process what had just happened. Then a grin snuck to her face. She crouched down to the nightmare, leaning forward, towering over his tiny form and casting her shadow on him. "Now you're not that high and mighty, are you?" she returned his teasing for the first time.

The little nightmare stepped back, looking up to the seemingly giant deer above. His hooves shuffled nervously, but his face showed nothing of the spite she had expected, neither did it seem frightened. He just stared at her, captivated.

"Aren't you scared, little one?"

"I am never scared!" he replied, holding his head up high and flaring his mane proudly. "I'm just pondering how I shall mount you now."

She had to laugh when she heard him. It wasn't only his voice, coming from this tiny toy-sized horse, but how serious he was. The wine must have had an even greater effect on his diminuitive body to cloud his judgement like that, or maybe it was the love potion, but right now she didn't care anymore.

The nightmare jumped and hit the air with his hooves, galloping upwards in a spiral around the deer. He came to a halt before her, landing on her outstretched hand, looking right into her face. "Lay down now and I shall show you pleasures you've never dreamed of!" he told her in the best commanding voice he could muster with his tiny stature.

She was surprised by his insistence, despite the situation. But now that she had the chance, she couldn't just stop the teasing. After all, paying back in kind was a rightful form of justice, and justice was all being a paladin was about. She was only doing the right thing.

"You really think you can pleasure me", she replied in a slow, smug voice. Her free hand moved to his belly, stroking along with a fingertip until she began to feel his growing member rise between his hindlegs. "... with this?"

The nightmare snorted and shuffled his hooves, shivering from the stimulation. "I can handle any challenge!" he exclaimed and tried to keep his voice steady. His hindleg kicked nervously and his tail flicked from side to side, but he wouldn't back down. Instead, he raised his head up proudly. "Nothing is too big for me!"

"Really ..." the deer slowly said, a wide grin sneaking on her face. Suddenly, her hand grabbed the little nightmare on his sides, yanking him up into the air, making him whinny in a startled frenzy and thrash the air aimlessly with his hooves. She licked her lips as an idea crossed her mind.

"Let's see if you can handle this", she told the nightmare, "hold still!" Her fingers pressed down on his small body until he went stiff, squeezing a little puff of smoke from his nostrils. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, hesitating for just a moment before she pushed it upwards between the nightmare's legs. She felt his thin member press against the soft, wet surface of her tongue, like a pinky finger poking against her lips. She licked along his belly with relish, shuddering from his strong sulfurous taste, but smiling when she felt him shudder in response, kicking feebly at her muzzle. Her lips closed in again, meeting the nightmare's loins in a tender kiss around his member, her tongue joining and rubbing along the thin little shaft.

The nightmare began to twitch and wince, but couldn't stand up against the giant deer's forceful grip, much less her tender ministrations. Shudders began to rock his body, his hips weakly thrusting forward against a muzzle almost big enough to engulf him wholly. Only snorts and whinnies came out of him, not being able to form words anymore.

She closed her eyes, focusing completely on the little stallion in her grasp. A smile crossed her face when she felt him spasm, and she only suckled harder until she was finally rewarded with a thin trickle of burning hot liquid, shooting from his member in sudden spurts. It had the same exotic, smokey, sulfurous taste that his body smelled like, but she began to rather enjoy it.

Everything at once she swallowed and continued to suck him clean, until the last of his drops ran down her throat. Only reluctantly she pulled back when she felt him soften, setting him down on the ground before her. His legs were still trembling, barely able to hold him upright as he recovered from the overwhelming sensation of her velvety caress.

"Look at the poor horsey", she chuckled. "Seems you've already had enough for tonight. What a pity ..."

"I am no horse!" he snorted angrily between his heavy breaths. He shuffled his hooves until he stood firmly before her. "And that's not the way to fulfill your pact. Hrf! If you want me, we have to do it right!"

"You still want to go for it?" She was surprised to find that much resolve left in him, even after she had almost sucked him dry. If he still was so eager, she figured she could do a lot more than just tease him. "I won't stop you from trying."

Her voice took on a challenging tone as she stood up and unbuckled her belt. She let her pants slide down, undoing her greaves and slipping out of her boots. Completely bare from the waist down she let herself sink to the ground again and spread her legs invitingly before the nightmare, like two arches leading to the portal of her nethers.

The stallion stepped forward bravely, treading between the thighs above. She grew more and more excited as she watched him, her head spinning from the rush of power with every step he came closer. This was the fearsome nightmare she had summoned, but before her he was helpless now, just a toy for her pleasures. She could do anything she wanted with him. And that felt great!

Her body shivered in giddy anticipation, when she felt him give her lower lips a few tentative licks and nudges with his miniscule muzzle. He even jumped onto her, barely reaching the upper end of her folds with his hind hooves on the ground, but nonetheless he tried to push forward and sink his reengorged member into her depths.

"Silly horse", she giggled. "I'll show you how to do it."

"I am no hrmmf!" he began, but was cut short when she cupped him in her hand and shoved him headfirst into her waiting passage. A moan escaped her lips when she felt his head part her labia, turning into a sound of pure delight as his muscular shoulders followed and spread her even further. His hooves kicked feebly at her hand and she let him pull back a bit, only to shove him again, deeper this time, sinking his whole front half into her body.

"Oooouuh", she whined, "oh gooods ..."

She could feel everything. His head with the flaming mane, not burning her, but tickling her heated body in the most sensitive places, his powerful shoulders, spreading her on each way in and out, his tiny hooves, kicking helplessly against her insides and outsides, sending surges of pleasure through her with each hit, and his wiggling hips against her palm, only amplifying the feeling each time he turned and tried to get free. She settled on a steady rhythm, pulling him out when she released her breath until she felt his body bulge against her from the inside, then pushing him in again forcefully, a little bit deeper each time, holding him there a little bit longer. She took up pace when she felt her body become increasingly eager, when she wanted to, needed to feel him inside her, the nightmare's fur becoming slick of her juices, only easing him in deeper.

Her head was spinning, her heart pounding against her chest, when she bit her lip and sucked the air in sharply. She could feel the fire build up inside her, all her muscles trembling at the edge of orgasm, her movements becoming more and more erratic, shaken by lustful spasms. She just needed one final push, just one to make her feel him completely. Both her hands clutched unto her crotch and pushed, pushed hard, sinking his whole body into her womb, only his hooves sticking out between her fingers. She cried out in bliss when her body finally clenched down around his form, her fiery passion crashing down like a tidal wave, washing away any rational thought but the feeling of having him inside. She felt his legs struggle against her folds, his head pushing all the way in, his body writhing and wincing and kicking against each wave of pleasure that rolled over her, pulsing through her womb and nearly crushing him inside, never to let him go.

And suddenly, he was gone.

Her heart almost stopped at the sudden feeling of emptiness, and a cold shudder ran down her spine. What happened to him? Where did he go? Did she ... kill him? Ice cold fear gripped her heart and she froze in place, her hands tightly pressed against her crotch, her thighs clamping together as if she could still somehow prevent him from disappearing.

And then, he returned.

She cried out as he appeared again, not where she could see him, but inside her, even deeper than before. She could feel her belly bulge out around his form, his heat reigniting the flames that had frozen in her, giving her body it's much needed release. Each time her nethers clenched down on him, he disappeared again, escaping the crushing pressure, but moments later he was back, stretching her from the inside out, sending the waves of pleasure that ran through her body bouncing back again and again, until she was reduced to a shivering mess on the floor. She panted and moaned as she felt him pulsating in her, with her, until everything blended together into a blurry, fuzzy feeling of warmth.

She almost didn't notice as he finally appeared again outside, standing next to her on the ground on shaking legs. With effort he let his mane flare up, cleaning himself from her fluids in a little cloud of steam. "We still have to ... do it right", he panted, utterly exhausted but still holding his head up high. As high as he could, considering his tiny stature.

She lay on her back, turning her head towards him with heavy eyes. "Hush", she told him, cupping him in her hand and pulling him to her chest. "You did enough."

He didn't object. She knew the potion would soon fade, letting him return to his full former size. She knew she had to face him then, that she couldn't possibly keep him this way. But she didn't want to think about any of that. Right now the only thing that mattered was to feel him close, to feel his heat slowly rise and fall with their breaths, warming her heart with every beat. She wanted to hold him, to have him, to keep him. And with a little smile she noticed, despite all, he was still there. He was hers.

Outside the stable door, the young groom pressed his back to the wall, panting. He'd seen everything. The woman in there was no paladin, she was a witch! Not only did she have a creature with her that could only be a demon, not only did she have the power to shrink him and control him, she wasn't even afraid of using such a creature to satisfy her carnal desires! He should have called someone as soon as he had seen the fiery talking horse, but he had been too enthralled by the unfolding scene. He had to get help now! The bouncer wasn't nearly enough for this task. Maybe the town guards? Would they be able to handle this kind of witchcraft? Or should he get clerical help to deal with the unholy magic? If they even believed what he had seen! He was only sure of one thing. He'd better not get caught, or else he might vanish into that woman's nethers, too ...