Part Three:

Story by Raevocrei on SoFurry

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#3 of Like Pieces in Your Hand

Here's Part Three!

Since the question was raised on how to pronounce my characters' names, I decided to leave a little guide here. I love to complicate names, but I never actually explain how to pronounce them... oops.

Raevocrei - Ray-voh-kree

Seirin - Say-eer-in

Ahkaeirvah - Ah-kay-eer-vah

Kasheimah - Kah-shee-mah

Thanks for reading!

Kasheimah trotted away, pacing himself quickly. Raevocrei and Ahkaeirvah followed him, continuing their adventure through the piney forest. They traveled a good distance before they found an opening to take off into the skies. The mountain behind them was soon obscured by a hazy fog. After flying south for nearly an hour, chatting along the way, they came upon a large lake that expanded beyond the horizon. The sun was just beginning to descend behind it, painting the sky with an orange glow. It reflected and rippled off the silvery sheen of water like a mirror. Raevocrei had never seen the Great Lake like this, and he thought it was gorgeous. They landed on the sandy beach, sending sand into the air when they touched down. The distance they traveled wasn't enough to have a major change in temperature, but it felt much warmer than it did earlier. Crashing waves roared as each one hit the beach.

Ahkaeirvah immediately went running into the water, breaking away from the males to play.

Kasheimah took the opportunity to talk to Raevocrei privately. "I heard what happened to Ahrei," he said with a serious expression. "I'm sorry." He nuzzled Raevocrei reassuringly and embraced him with a wing.

Raevocrei looked away and clawed at the sand. He had nearly forgotten. "Ahkaeirvah suffered something similar. I suppose you can say we're trying to fly on into the future rather than being dragged down by burdens of the past."

Kasheimah smiled. "You're taking it a lot better than I thought. I admire that." He looked down, staring at the ground before him. His red-scaled paws pressed firmly into the sand. "I feel like it was only yesterday when we were all playing together. Now we've grown up, and she's gone... It feels different now."

"What does?"

"Life: it's slower and more difficult than I imagined as a youngling," he stated.

Raevocrei watched Ahkaeirvah joyfully swim and splash in the water. He smiled at her. "But it's an exciting adventure." He looked at Kasheimah and continued, "Especially when you have good friends."

"You should really ask her to be your mate," Kasheimah said, no withholding.

The black dragon looked at him, baffled. "What?"

"Tell me that you don't like her. You can't lie to me," he replied, smirking in a big grin.

Raevocrei lowered his voice to a harsh whisper. "I do like her, but that doesn't mean I want to be her mate!"

Kasheimah bumped the black dragon playfully. "After listening to you two talk non-stop, I think it's obvious that she likes you, too. Why are you so scared of it?" he asked, chuckling.

He blushed and nervously scratched his forearm. He looked longingly at the dragoness. "I've never mated with anyone before." To his relief, Kasheimah wasn't surprised.

"Has she? I noticed the scars on her hip, but they look too rough to be mating scars."

"With my knowledge, I know she hasn't."

"Then you should ask her!" he pressed.

"No!" Raevocrei abruptly replied. "We just met!"

Kasheimah sighed. "If I were in your position, I would have asked her in a heartbeat. Do you remember Talia?" Raevocrei nodded his head. "She liked you a lot, and it nearly broke her heart when you distanced yourself from her."

Raevocrei responded, "I didn't want to be her mate..."

"What about Meinae, the red scaled beauty? She followed you around everywhere for some time. I tried to get under her tail, but she denied me every time because she wanted you."

"I didn't want to be her mate, either."

The red dragon suddenly swiped the sand angrily, hitting his friend with a wave of it. "For some reason or another, females keep falling for you, and you just toss them aside like they're nothing!" It was rare to see Kasheimah angry. His golden eyes burned like the sun, glaring at Raevocrei irately.

"I can't help it!"

"You should choose one... And I think you should choose her," he replied, gesturing to Ahkaeirvah. "I would ask her myself, but..." He stopped speaking, withdrawing his sentence.

Raevocrei sighed wistfully, letting a moment of silence calm them. "What if she denies me?"

"Then you get what you want, don't you?" Kasheimah began walking away with his tail drooping low in the sand. His head hung low, too. Raevocrei wanted to call him back, but he thought it would be better to wait. Thankfully, Ahkaeirvah was too preoccupied with her swimming. She was swimming in a deep part of the lake, diving beneath the surface and returning soon after. Raevocrei sighed and flew out to join her.

With a playful roar, he dove into the water from the air, creating a sizable splash directly next to the dragoness. Warm water rushed at him from all sides, coursing over his scales as he penetrated the water's surface with his entire body. He held his breath, looking around once he came to a stop. A second, see-through eye-lid encased his eye for protection. For a moment, he floated there, surrounded by an array of blue. Below him was darkness, to his sides it was a dark shade of blue, and above him it was nearly clear. He could see Ahkaeirvah's white, lower-half paddling under the surface. Raevocrei unfurled his wings and used them to project himself quickly upward as if he were flying. It strained him a lot more than normal, but he succeeded.

With a gasp of breath, he rose from the lake and saw Ahkaeirvah smiling happily. They floated in place, wading with their arms and legs to stay above the water. "This place is beautiful," she commented. "I was going to thank Kasheimah for bringing us here, but I don't know where he is." An inkling of concern was disclosed through her crimson eyes.

"He should be back soon. Don't worry."

"I am going to return to the shore to bathe in the last hours of the sun... do you want to join me?" she asked timidly.

Raevocrei smiled supportively. "Yes," he answered. They swam back to the shore and were soon lying on their bellies, drying themselves in the sand. Ahkaeirvah lay next to Raevocrei, looking at him happily. The dying sun's rays warmed his ebony colored scales, giving him a pleasant feeling. Ahkaeirvah's brilliant, white scales shined luminously like a bright moon. The sun complimented her body perfectly.

"I'm glad I met you," she said unexpectedly.

Raevocrei looked into her sincere, crimson eyes. "I- I'm glad I met you, too." He remembered the last words Kasheimah said before departing. Thinking about asking her to be his mate made him feel flustered, unnecessarily so. This moment was the perfect time to ask, but he couldn't bring himself to it. She looked at him, as if hoping for something, but he didn't say anything. He couldn't do it.

The sun soon disappeared below the lake, and darkness claimed the land. It was silent except for the sounds of moving water. Cool air met Raevocrei's scales, sending chills through him. He was worried about Kasheimah; he had yet to return. "We should go find Kasheimah," Raevocrei stated. "There's an underground cavern not far from here. He may have gone to rest there."

Ahkaeirvah stood up without hesitation and said, "Then let's go."

Raevocrei and Ahkaeirvah casually walked along the beach, waiting and looking for their friend. He felt his paws sinking into the cool sand with every step. The temperature was quickly changing as the night progressed. Stars sprawled above them, behind the partly cloudy sky. The bright half-moon inched higher with every progressing minute. As it reached its pinnacle, they arrived at the cavern's entrance. It was a giant hole in the ground just before the beach met the tree line.

"He may be in here," Raevocrei said. "This was where we slept the previous times we traveled to the lake." He stepped in with Ahkaeirvah following closely behind. It was pitch black inside, nearly impossible to see. Sure enough, Raevocrei heard Kasheimah sleeping. His steady breathing was hard to miss. They turned a bend, entering a section that was separate from the rest of the cave. It was like Raevocrei's room, small and enclosed with a sleeping dragon in the middle. Kasheimah lay curled up, slumbering.

In a whisper, Raevocrei said to Ahkaeirvah, "I guess we'll sleep here tonight. It's cramped, but there's not much choice unless we want to wake him." "It will be fine," she said. "It's not like we're moving around, anyway."

"Sleep well," he said, curling up against the cave wall behind Kasheimah. There was only a yard of distance between them. He rested his head on his paws, closing his eyes. It was only a short time before he fell asleep.

Raevocrei was suddenly roused by the dragoness. He stirred, startled at first to see her snout directly in front of his. Kasheimah still lay in the center just behind her, asleep. "What is it?" he asked, blinking a few times. It was still dark. He felt like only an hour had passed.

"It's cold..." She looked away and timidly asked, "Can I sleep with you?"

He admitted it was cold; his bones felt stiff. But why was she cold? She couldn't have been cold. Nevertheless, he didn't argue. He allowed her to lie directly in front of him. His back pressed against the cave's cold wall, and Ahkaeirvah lay between him and Kasheimah, leaving only a foot of distance separating them. With his wing, he cloaked her and hugged her white-scaled body. Her scaly back pressed against his dark-blue underbelly as he held her with his forearms. He gripped her chest and embraced Ahkaeirvah kindly. Warmth coursed through his body, comforting him greatly.

"Thank you," she said.

Before his sister had moved away, Raevocrei often cuddled with her like this when they slept together. Thinking about that brought back fond memories, bringing a tear to his eye. He blinked it away and closed his eyes. For several minutes he tried to fall back asleep, but he couldn't stop thinking. Most of his thoughts dwelled on Ahkaeirvah. The beautiful dragoness was in his arms, sleeping without a care in the world. Her warm body tenderly pressed against his plated scales. Raevocrei wasn't sure what to think about sleeping with her. He wasn't sure what to think about her at all.

He watched her sleep and gingerly caressed her scales. She had a kind smile on her face while she slept, and her paw was holding Raevocrei's. He thought about being her mate and falling in love with her. They would always be able to do this. His heart beat deeply, thumping inside his chest. Maybe he was already in love with her? If that were true, then why couldn't he simply ask her to be his mate? It should be that simple. Raevocrei thought about mating with her, but he didn't know what to expect. He had never mated with anyone.

Ahkaeirvah suddenly begin shifting in her sleep, sluggishly turning toward Raevocrei as her paws clambered over his body. She now faced him, gripping his flanks with her forepaws. Her hind-paws lay lazily over his rear legs, and her underbelly nearly touched him. Raevocrei still covered her with his wing, but he didn't hold her in an embrace. Embarrassment rushed at him after her realized how intimate they were being. He couldn't help but admire her body as it lay exposed in front of him. Even in the darkness, he could make out her features. His eyes traced her curvy form from her chest down to her hind-end.

Curiosity gripped him, and he went against his principles. He looked between her legs, seeing her female sex. It was a closed slit like his, holding secrets beneath its surface. He imagined her spread wide, presenting the pink, fleshy parts of her exposed, female organ to him. Raevocrei blushed and felt his member swelling. With regret, he looked away and pressed a paw to his crotch, trying to force it back into his slit. His penis refused to cooperate and hardened, soon erecting to its full length. He silently cursed, staring at the rock-hard rod between his legs. A musky odor drifted into his nostrils, so he cursed again. This was unlike any other erection he had ever developed.

Raevocrei turned around, hoping that neither of the other dragons would wake. He felt safer concealing himself against the wall. Ahkaeirvah still held him. She stirred slightly, causing him to briefly panic. To his relief, she did not rouse, but she held him even closer, pressing her belly against his back. Her left hind-leg rested over his hip while her right hind-paw pushed against his back. She cuddled him, placing her head above his shoulder, resting it at the base of his neck. A white, scaly forearm dangled over his torso. She was nearly laying on him, and her intimacy didn't help him at all. His stiff member throbbed, desiring release. There was no way he could satisfy it, and he refused to even try.

The black dragon lay there, waiting as time agonizingly passed. Every minute dragged on for what seemed like an hour. Eventually, he forgot his problem and fell asleep in her warm embrace.