Little shop of Pleasures 8

Story by Grey Tail on SoFurry

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#8 of C. Arnal's Delights

Another story suggestion by Ranger61! This one was real fun to write, especially as it ended up going quite differently from what I had originally planned. Anyway, as always, inform me of missing tags.

Story ideas are welcome, but I cannot guaranty that it will be written. Kind of like a pot-luck of free commissions. Peace.


The electronic bell chimed as the well-built figure stepped calmly in to the darkened interior of the shop, casually looking around as he sauntered over to the counter. The grey feline remained motionless as the human approached, only glancing up when the young man leant against the counter top, looming over him slightly.

"Welcome to C. Arnal's Delights," he gave a bored sigh, "how can I help you?"

"Hey man, the name's Rusty," the human grinned down at the other male, the smile quickly fading under the harsh glare of the feline's golden eye. Slightly unnerved, the human continued, "So, uh, I heard that this place does a special service kind of thing..."


The human stared blankly at the feline as he interrupted, catching the young man off guard.

"What's your type?" the grey fur repeated, seeming to knock Rusty out of his stupor.

"Oh! Uh, I like fit girls," he replied lamely, quickly coming to correct himself, "Not fit like hot, well I do, but that's not what I-,"

"Muscles?" Seth interrupted again, reaching a hand under the counter when the human nodded, the sound of a keyboard rattling momentarily before the feline suddenly held out a small plastic card, "Room 5, through the door,"

The human nodded as he took the card, glancing back at the feline as he pulled open the large metal door, a shiver running down his spine as the golden eye flashed him a glance.

Rusty blinked as he stepped into the dimly lit room, looking around in confusion as the door slid shut silently behind him, the click of the lock echoing loud enough to make him jump. The human bounced nervously on his feet, wondering what was going to happen. All the rumours he'd heard about this place had suggested something amazing, but he was still feeling reserved.

Light exploded into the darkened room with a loud thud, blinding the unsuspecting human as he staggered back. Blinking furiously, Rusty peered through the glare, his eyes suddenly going wide as he looked around the massive room. The male was standing in the centre of a full sized wrestling ring, the stadium seats stretching off into the darkness as he turned a full three-sixty, his eyes finally falling on the pair standing at the opposite side of the ring.

Rusty gawped at the two, the wolf almost as tall as him, her body covered almost entirely in a rich, dark chocolate coloured fur, with a patch of light cream that started just below her collarbones and extended almost in a straight line down the middle of her abs, stopping just short of the waist of her incredibly short pants. Her body was well-toned, her muscles clearly visible under her skin but not bulging in any way, the harsh lighting reflecting off her fur highlighting them even further. She gave him a glance, crossing her arms over her large bust, her sports bra straining against her breasts, just barely covering them as the bottom of her chest poked out. She took a step forwards, her thick thighs flexing under the almost panty like shorts she was wearing, making the human start to drool.


The cough pulled the stunned male from his stupor, Rusty shaking his head slightly as he looked up into her dark brown eyes, before holding out a hand.

"Uh...hey, the name's Rus-!" Rusty blinked as he suddenly found himself slammed against the floor of the ring, the sounds of a crowd cheering filling his ears as he glanced around at the empty stands, a booming voice suddenly echoing around the room.

"Ooh! He offers a hand in peace, and ends up in his ass! Big mistake for the challenger!" the announcer blared from the hidden speakers, the sounds of cheering suddenly growing louder.

Rusty gasped as the weight suddenly pressed against his face, the lycra rubbing against his mouth as he felt a pair of muscular furred legs pin his arms.

"What? You not got any fight in you?" the mocking tone of the wolf called down to him, the human suddenly trying to struggle, lifting his legs, the canine reacting immediately, "Woops, can't have that!"

Rusty inhaled sharply as he felt the large chest suddenly press against his crotch, the wolf easily grappling his legs, lifting the male's lower body into the air, pressing her weight down on his face. Still confused as to what was happening, Rusty struggled against the wolf's vice like grip, freezing when he felt his shorts start to slip, only now noticing his growing erection. The wolf seemed unfazed by the pressure against her chest, shifting on top of the pinned man as she lowered her chest, Rusty letting out a moan as she forced his shorts further down, hooking his member in the low cleavage of her top. With practiced ease she began to shift her body back and forth, slowly forcing the male's erection between her breasts, eliciting moans of pleasure from the trapped human. With a slight smirk she suddenly stopped, glancing over her shoulder into the surprised eyes of the male.

"That all you going to do?" she laughed, smiling when she saw the fire ignite in his eyes.

Rusty gave a low growl as he started to struggle again, reaching up to grab her thighs as he forced her down harder onto his face, opening his mouth as she shoved her crotch into his nose. The scent was intoxicating, the human wasting no time to press his tongue against the smooth fabric, running the appendage along the slowly forming folds. The wolf gave a low growl as she started to move again, forcing his shaft even deeper between her breasts, her sweat slick fur rubbing against the sensitive flesh making Rusty groan into her crotch as his hips started to buck, the wolf grinning to herself as she started to slow her movements.

Frustrated by the sudden change in pace, Rusty shifted slightly beneath her, the wolf seeming to watch in anticipation as he slowly worked to free himself from the pin. He pressed his tongue hard against the now obvious impression on the fabric, the canine giving a surprised yelp as he suddenly forced the appendage inside of her, pushing the fabric into her folds. Before she could realise it she had let go of his legs, the human wasting no time in forcing his way up, tossing the female to the side as he staggered to his knees, immediately jumping on top of her.

"This what you wanted?" he panted as he straddled her chest, thrusting his shaft up into her under-boob as he pinned her wrists, the wolf giving him a sly smile as he gave a gasping shudder, thrusting a final time as the thick white slime oozed from between her cleavage.

"Tap out,"

"Wha-?" Rusty blinked at the strange response, noticing too late as the other figure leaned forwards, slapping palms with the wolf before instantly jumping at him.

Rusty was thrown back as the cheetah locked her legs around his neck, his face pressed firmly against her crotch as she grinned down at him, a mischievous look in her eyes.

Rusty looked up at the feline in confusion, barely having noticed her before, but now suddenly becoming very intimate. While the wolf was all toned muscle, the much smaller cheetah had a more athletic build, her muscles lithe and firm, her slender arms showing that they had a surprising amount of strength in them as she pinned his wrists, much like he had done to the wolf. She wore much the same outfit as the wolf, except her top was far from bursting, her small chest almost invisible under the tight fabric. She shifted slightly on top of him, the human immediately trying to sit up, the female giving a wry laugh as she let herself rise slightly, before suddenly leaning backwards. Rusty gave a surprised moan as the warm mouth closed over his shaft, the cheetah swallowing his member in one go as she bent over backwards, her nose pressing into his crotch as she gave him a playful nip.

Rusty gave another pleasured moan as she pressed her rough tongue against the underside of his shaft, sticking it out to lap at his balls as the human gave an instinctive thrust. The cheetah gave a low growl as she nipped at his shaft again, tightening her grip on his neck as the human suddenly seemed to realise something. He immediately reached up, hooking his fingers into her shorts and pulling the damp fabric away, the rich scent of her arousal filling his nose. Rusty gave a low growl as he pressed his face into her crotch, his tongue pressing against her folds as she sucked on his shaft. He wrapped his arms around her slender waist, moaning into her crotch as his hips started to twitch, the human forcing his tongue deeper into the excited female as he began thrusting into her throat. The hot fluid filled his mouth as he pulled back, the cheetah giving a high pitched trill which vibrated through his shaft, forcing Rusty over the edge as he bucked his hips again, sinking his member into her eager throat. The feline barely had time to recover from her orgasm as the stream of hot liquid burst into her throat, the female happily swallowing as the human twitched beneath her.

Exhausted, Rusty fell back onto the floor, the cheetah elegantly flipping off of him, keeping his shaft in her mouth until her feet touched the mat, carefully sliding the member from between her lips, giving the human a smirk as she skipped over to the wolf, the other female opening her mouth expectantly as the cheetah stuck out her tongue. Rusty watched as the feline pushed her tongue between the canine's eager lips, his semen dripping off as the two kissed passionately, both giving him an erotic glance as they broke the kiss, opening their empty mouths wide, Rusty feeling his wilting erection suddenly coming back to life.

"Looks like the challenger still has some fight in him!" the announcer voiced boomed from overhead as the human realised that the sound of the cheering crowd was still filling the room, making Rusty winder if it had been going on the entire time, "But how long will that last? 'Cause it looks like our champions are about to pull out their ultimate finisher!"

Rusty blinked as the shadow fell over him, staring up as the wolf pulled her shorts to the side, exposing her dripping slit as she loomed over him. The human barely had time to react as she suddenly dropped onto his stomach, sunning him momentarily as she reached out behind her and grabbed his arms, pinning him down as she shifted her crotch towards his, the male gasping as he felt the hot flesh touch his own. He barely noticed that the cheetah had just as quickly pinned his legs until she pressed her own pussy against his shaft, the two females interlocking their legs as the sandwiched Rusty's member between their holes, the male giving a pleasured moan as he arched his back, his eyes rolling back slightly as they started to slowly rise and fall in unison.

Both females started to pant as the male below them began to thrust erratically, the two smiling at each other as they shifted slightly, drawing their soaked snatches away from his shaft, the male beneath them giving a slight grunt as he strained to thrust into the air. The wolf grinned to herself as she felt the shaft slap against her crotch, the sound of the human's needy grunts making her body burn. The hand suddenly grabbed her top as she felt the chest press against her back, pulling her top down and releasing her huge breasts, the human's fingers immediately digging into the soft flesh as he grabbed her around the waist, steadying himself momentarily before thrusting forwards.

Both human and canine moaned as he sank into her needy flesh, the cheetah giving a surprised cry as the human pulled his legs out from under her, forcing them between the wolf's thighs stretching them further apart. The pair struggling momentarily on the floor as they fought for dominance, a sharp thrust from the male causing the female to let out a pleasured howl, his shaft thrusting into her as she moaned louder and louder, the cheetah not wanting to waste an opportunity happily jumping between their legs, dragging her rough tongue across her companions clit. The wolf gave a final howl as the rough feline tongue pressed against her crotch, her body shaking uncontrollably as the male beneath continued to thrust wildly, the sensation only prolonging her pleasure. The final thrust slammed into her hips, the human pressing himself as tightly against her as he could, his shaft twitching inside of her. The feeling of heat seeping into her body was too much for the canine, her throat letting out another raged howl as she came again, spraying the surprised feline between her legs right in the face.

Spent, Rusty released the wolf now lying silently on top of him, the two now only able to pant as he watched the cheetah slide up the wolf's body, placing a soft kiss on her muzzle, before giving him a sly smirk. The sounds of the fake crowd echoed around him as Rusty slowly closed his eyes.

Rusty snorted as he sat up, looking around the empty ring in confusion. Staggering to his feet, he quickly pulled his pants up, rubbing his nose as he swallowed nervously, wondering what was going to happen next.

The loud thud plunged him into darkness, the human blinking as the lights suddenly vanished, a soft click in front of him turning into a thin beam of light, which quickly became the door into the strange hallway he'd walked down before, the same collie as before smiling sweetly at him as she stood there in the same strange maid outfit.

"Sir? Are you okay?" she asked calmly, Rusty seeming to come to his sense as he hurried out of the room, watching as the female closed it behind him.

"Yeah, uh..." he started, trailing off as he watched the canine stroll leisurely down the hall, starting to follow as something caught his eye, "The doors...they're only like, two feet apart...The hell is going on here?"