Serving the Queen

Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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Mighty dragons are the lords of their domains. For Weyala this includes the kobolds who live beneath her mountain, from which she extracts servitude, tribute, and obedience in whatever tasks she sets them to. They adore her and obey her nearly without question; of course they do, for she is a dragoness, powerful and beautiful, and it is their place to serve her! Still, it gives her pause when one of their priestesses has an unusual request...


Weyala lifted her head from her nap and tilted her head, listening: rapid beats of that massive drum would summon her to defend her lands from an intruder, but the seconds dragged on, on... then a second boom sounded, rumbling into her cave from outside. Loud, yes, but slow, and after two more beats the drum went quiet again. The tribe was not calling on her to defeat an enemy or assist in some other emergency, merely requesting her presence, most likely for one of their council meetings. Or perhaps they had news for her. Perhaps one of the traps they'd set near the next mountain over had finally been sprung!

The dragoness allowed herself a few moments to indulge in a daydream, of prowling into the tunnels to find that damned red dragon who kept trying to steal prey and treasure from her territory all trussed up for her to do with as she wished, punishing him, tormenting him, perhaps getting herself some pleasure from him... But as enthralling a fantasy as that was, she was sure the kobolds who lived in the tunnels below her mountain would have summoned her more urgently if they'd finally managed to capture him!

Still, she was curious why they might wish to see her, so she got up and stretched out catlike, yawning wide and groaning as she extended her forepaws far out ahead of her, her claws kneading at the stone. Once they felt a little less tight she rocked forward and stretched first one, then the other hind paw behind her, her tail twitching back and forth and wings extending and tucking back in against her sides. "Mmmmm..." She eyed the blue skies outside, then twisted around to lick at an itch on her flank, grooming the ash-gray scales back into order. What did the little creatures want today?

It was neither tribute day, nor grooming day, nor the day she ordered them to cook for her. Perhaps their traps had snared some less-notable captive? Or they had an idea for a new dragon-trap and wanted her approval... Her tail twitched, and her hind claws dug into the ground. Those always seemed to grasp at her imagination far more than she wanted her thralls to know, and excite her in ways she thought only a male of her species could! It was a feeling she always tried to repress, at least until she was alone: talk of their traps seemed to make her imagine herself tangled up inside them as much as she imagined getting to have her way with a male who'd been captured. And dragons were far too powerful for it to seem proper for her to be so excited by the thought of being helpless...

Settling onto her haunches, she groomed the scales of her side a little while longer, then looked over her hoard for a couple of minutes, admiring the wealth the tribe had given to her: not too shabby, considering they could only do so much in trade, but they were certainly skilled miners! And yet still she had a whole pile of gems and ores of precious metal and other treasures, proving both her own might and that of the tribe she ruled.

Weyala knew she was dawdling, but in truth it was a deliberate habit: she was the queen, and they were merely her servants, and to respond promptly to a summons that wasn't urgent wouldn't be proper. Better to make them wait, as it was their place to wait on their regent to descend from her eyrie and grace them with her presence! Eyrie--she purred to herself. One of her kobolds had taken to using that word to refer to her lair, and she had liked it so much that she'd begun to use it herself. With the mountainside so steep beneath the cave entrance, it could only be reached on the wing, and Eyrie so perfectly described its safety, its inaccessibility, and the height--both physical and symbolic--of her home.

Only once she felt she'd waited long enough did she spread out her gray-and-white-striped wings and launch herself into the air, drifting lazily on the updrafts that always whipped up the face of the mountain this time of day. Tilting her wings, she descended in a slow, easy spiral... not straight to the tunnel entrance but to where a spring bubbled up from beneath the mountain a little ways above the passageway. She stopped there first to drink her fill from the cool, clean water, and only then did she wind her way through the trees that were able to cling to the loose soil here and jump down to the tunnel.

Three of her kobolds waited for her there, one brown, one black, and one dark green, each of them carrying a spear and clad in a tunic of mottled brown and green, with leather armor to protect their torsos, forearms, and thighs. The three of them all bowed low before her, then the dark green said, "our council is meeting in their chambers, o Queen, and wish the favor of your attendance."

"Of course." She dipped her head in return, only the tiniest bit.

"We will escort you!" said the black, though his excitement merely to be in her presence was enough for the other two to look at him sidelong. Despite their doubt at the outburst, she merely smiled; of course he was excited to do the bidding of his Queen! She nodded a second time, so the three of them turned and led the way into the tunnels.

Her eyes adjusted quickly, with the torches clustered near the entrance helping get her used to the dim light of the caves. With night vision even better than her own, the guards already hurried along, their short tails swaying side to side as they ran. Small as they were, short enough to walk beneath her chest without having to bend over to keep from touching her, each one of her paces made for several of theirs, and they knew it would not do for her to get to the council chamber faster than they did! She knew the way, but they were her escort, and escort her they must. Seeing them working so hard to please her sent a little thrill of power down her spine, and she stifled a purr. It was so good to be a dragon, having the lesser races so fearful, obedient, even in awe of her...

They passed other kobolds the deeper into the tunnels they went and all of them stopped to bow to her. She kept her head arched high and regal as she prowled through the chambers of the tribe, down halls and past armories, forges, larders, the homes and communities of her vassals, until finally her escort, nearly out of breath, reached the doors of the council chamber. The armor-clad warriors who guarded the doors pushed them open to admit her, and to those inside they cried out, "hail, the Queen!"

There was a loud scraping of chairs and rustling of scales as all those within hurried to rise and bow down to her. She padded into the chamber, around to the far side of their table, and settled gracefully onto the raised dais meant to be her seat, and only then did the reptiles return to their own chairs, save the one who sat directly across from her. He wore a rich yellow robe that complemented his red scales, though his color had dulled a little with age, and spread his hands apart. "Welcome, my Queen, and thank you for attending us, your lowly council. We have dealt with much of our day's agenda, but there are a couple matters on which we would like your input."

She bobbed her head to the old kobold, not minding that they had dealt with their other business before she arrived; she cared not how they settled which families should have tunneling rights in what passage or whose responsibility it was to preserve some item of food for the winter. "Go ahead, then."

"As you command." He sat back down and inclined his head toward the yellow kobold seated to his right, one of two of the assembled creatures who wore armor even within the chambers: a leader of the tribe's fighting force.

"My Queen," said the yellow, "yesterday my scouts discovered that one of our traps along the river had been destroyed, and its bait raided. It was an older pit-type trap, intended for trespassers closer to our size rather than the quarry you have ordered us to hunt... and yet the pit was empty, the gold missing, and signs nearby that a dragon had landed. We believe it was raided by your rival. Unless you have sighted any other dragons trespassing on your mountain?"

Weyala narrowed her eyes. Council member or not, he had come infuriatingly close to implying that she might have been so greedy as to raid the trap herself! As if she cared more about herself than the safety or the kobolds or their ability to capture her red-scaled 'neighbor'-- Well, perhaps the former was true, she conceded to herself, but only when she noticed how his stubby tail had abruptly drooped behind his chair and the nervous shifting and glances of the other council members did she allow that he might not have meant to put it so indelicately. They didn't have wings, and could not see so far as she could, nor easily pick up another dragon's scent... of course they would ask someone so superior if she had seen signs they could not. So at last she said, "no. I have not seen any intruders in my skies, save for him."

"I thought not," he said at once, visibly relaxing when she did not roar or move to strike him. "In that case, we must consider that he will soon raid other traps meant for smaller prey than him, perhaps even sneaking across your territory to do so."

She bobbed her head in agreement; it would be an easy way for him to steal, so long as she didn't keep careful watch of the skies, or if he made his raids at night. "Since the hills must be protected, I know the traps cannot be dismantled. But would there be any way to modify them to be effective against a biped or a dragon? Or so that he wouldn't be able to take the bait, say if it's in something too small for him to get into, or use a bait he would not think worth taking?"

The kobold tilted his head back and forth as he thought, one blunt claw idly scratching at the table as he did. "It depends... Hmmm." He looked up at her, then along her sinuous length. "The size difference alone is one problem, and then that most of our small traps are meant to kill, not capture..."

One of the other councilors spoke up. "Perhaps we could rig the bait with bags of sleeping-mist? He takes the bait, inhales the vapor..."

"But how to ensure he would lean down close enough to breathe it in? And even then, we don't know how effective it is on a dragon, which we do not have a way of testing unless we capture a dragon through other means."

Weyala only snorted. Good that they knew without even having to ask that their Queen would not consent to being drugged!

"That doesn't answer how we'd know the mist had knocked him out, either. We check all our traps daily, but if he was drugged at the wrong time, he might wake up and get away unscathed anyway!"

The debate turned back to how individual traps might fare if combined with other traps, modified to work better, or scrapped entirely in favor of more efficient or flexible concepts; but each of the council members had strong opinions on the subject, and talk quickly turned to arguing, their small high voices rising as they began to quarrel. The discordant yipping stabbed at her ears, and she was forced to sit up and roar before they gave her a headache--or before one of them insulted another gravely enough to provoke a fight.

All ten of them immediately fell silent and flung themselves to the floor, prostrating themselves before her. She glared at each of them in turn, though they did not raise their heads to meet her gaze, and let the echoes of her roar die away before speaking. "Enough! You can figure out how best to make changes to your traps on your own time, only know that it must be done. It may be best to rig the existing traps with sleeping-mist until whatever necessary changes can be made... A chance of incapacitating him, and capturing him before he wakes, is better than none."

"As you command, my Queen," said the yellow kobold at last, and they took their seats once again.

There was silence for a few moments. Though they'd stopped arguing about their various snares, they were all clever little creatures, and she was sure they were already considering how best to change their designs. After waiting as long as she deemed polite--fifteen seconds or so, certainly not so long as half a minute!--she growled softly in impatience. "Was there a second matter you wished to raise before me?"

A white-scaled female in a gray robe, one of the youngest members of the council, rose and bowed deeply to her. "O Goddess, ruler of the skies, flame of the earth, terror of all your domain..."

Though most of the other councilors shifted in their chairs or looked away, one even giving an overly dramatic sigh and roll of his eyes from such a degree of praise, it only made the dragoness purr. The kobold idolized her, as well she should; she had been the first to begin to call her goddess, a title a few others had begun to use afterward, and her consistent, effusive praise was always so satisfying to hear. The reactions of the other kobolds only made her purr louder, to emphasize to them that compliments, deference, and devotion were always appreciated by their Queen!

At last the tide of flattery ebbed, and she finished, bowing again, with, "I would ask a favor of you."

Weyala leaned her head down a little closer, curious, her wings rustling against her back. "You may ask."

"Goddess, I would like very much to hold a ceremony today, in your honor and in honor of our bond with you, if you would but grace us with your presence and participation."

Lingering on the potential meanings of that final word, she cocked her head to one side. "How would you have me... participate?"

"I would ask that our Goddess allow herself to be bound for us to worship in every way we can."

Silence fell; the other councilors no longer looked away but stared at the white female as if in disbelief that she would dare ask such a thing, one's mouth even hanging open almost comically. Weyala was stunned just as quiet as the rest of them, a thousand thoughts crowding into her mind at once. How could she ask such a thing? How could it do anything except diminish her in the eyes of the tribe to see her so humbled, even if no advantage was taken of her? How could she be sure it was not a trap to depose her, how did her being bound in any way symbolize that they were bound to serve her, did she have any idea the fantasies of helplessness that ran through her mind when traps and bondage were discussed, what if she discovered she liked it--

Her tail twitched back and forth restlessly, and finally she hissed, "why must I be tied for you to worship me?"

The shocked gaze of the council now swung to face the dragoness instead, at her having not in fury outright rejected the request! Keeping her head bowed, she explained, "what better way to show our devotion to our Goddess? For our tribe to serve a powerful, beautiful, fearsome dragoness such as you could be said to be out of fear or debt; for us to worship you, dote on you, even when you are in such a position that any outsider would think made you our servant instead of the other way around... It would show just how bound to your service we are, and how great our love for our Goddess is."

"But who is there who needs to have your devotion to me demonstrated?" she countered, even as images formed in her head of being chained before her faithful tribe, at their mercy yet still being obeyed... not as enticing of her repressed fantasies of being trapped against her will, but still it excited her a little, and her hind claws curled against the stone of the dais. "All the tribe knows of your love for me, I should think."

"Perhaps they do, o Goddess. But do you?" Now she raised her head to look the dragoness in the eye, her small blue eyes glittering with surprising intensity. "If you were so certain of our love, you would not hesitate to accept, for you would know that we will love you and serve you no matter what position you may find yourself in."

"K'thara--" one of the other councilors broke in, but she ignored him.

"Does my Goddess not trust me?"

Weyala sighed. She had her there; the female was the one who was always the most eager to please, to praise, and to show her obedience and devotion at every turn. "I trust you. It is merely a great deal for you to ask of me, to put myself at your mercy in such a way. If there was an attack on our lands, or an assassin, or if anyone who disagreed with you attempted to assault me while I was bound, I would be in danger, unable to defend myself or the tribe."

"I do not propose to keep my Goddess bound for more than an hour or so... Surely the lands will be peaceful for that long, and of course we would never allow you to come to harm." Those little blue eyes shone as she spoke, nearly seeming to plead with her: "forget the trials and difficulties of your rule, and allow yourself to be lost in our praise for you for a little while..."

The heads of the council swiveled back and forth, from the passionate white kobold to the massive, apprehensive charcoal dragoness, and her tail twisted back and forth nearly of its own accord. There was just something that felt so intrinsically wrong about submitting--but exciting, too, even if she wasn't sure she wanted her tribe to know that. And there was the risk that it was all a ruse to strip her of her power... but this kobold had been so devoted to her for so long that she found that worry, at least, hard to believe! Even drawing in a breath to deliver her response made a pit of anxiety form in her belly, but after another moment's hesitation she said, "very well. I will take part in your ceremony."

"My Queen! You cannot mean to... The danger! The dishonor!" Three other council members spoke up at once, as if competing to see who could object the loudest, but growling and baring her teeth was enough to silence them.

"I have made my decision, and that is all that matters." She stood up on the dais and arched her head high, towering over them all to emphasize the finality of her word, then focused her gaze on the white female, K'thara. "When and where will you hold your ceremony?"

"I prepared a chamber in hope that you would accept, and my Goddess has rewarded my hopes! Allow me to lead you there, and we will begin at once." Rising and bowing low once again, she turned and made her way out into the hall; Weyala followed, pausing only to dismiss the rest of the council--she knew not all followed her quite so fervently as K'thara did, and though she would have liked them to take part and show similar devotion, her own apprehension at the thought of being tied down was enough cause for her to let them go. Having fewer there to witness it might make her less nervous...

None of the council tagged along as they made their way a few dragon-lengths back up the tunnel, then through a wide, engraved door of stone to reveal a large, dome-shaped chamber where portions of the tribe periodically gathered to pray to their gods, only a little smaller than the council's hall. Perhaps thirty kobolds waited there, each of them clad the same dark gray colors that K'thara wore: meant to mimic the color of her own scales, and they all bowed low when she passed into the cavern, quiet and respectful. Only when it was announced that the dragoness had agreed to take part in their ceremony did they speak, crying out their thanks to their Goddess, how they loved her and admired her and craved her presence!

She purred to them all, and swung her head slowly from side to side long enough for her gaze to slide over each of them, then prowled across the room to where the real focus of her attention lay: the gear they meant to bind her with. She found leather straps and steel shackles and chains waiting there, made with the intention of imprisoning her red-scaled rival the next mountain over, if only they managed to capture him! But for now to be used on her... She had to hide a shiver and resist the urge to lift her tail as she nosed at a cold steel cuff. This was meant to hold a dragon, and once she was in it, she wouldn't be getting out without help! A helpless imprisonment, stirring her repressed fantasies...

She took a deep breath to steady herself, trying to calm both her nerves, and her loins.

"I do not ask you to submit to us, my Goddess, nor to surrender. Only to trust..."

The kobold had followed her almost without her noticing, her imminent binding had so consumed her thoughts, but when she spoke the dragoness swung her head around to give her a gentle nuzzle, an act of great condescension that made the white-scaled reptile beam from the acknowledgment. "I know. Are you and your followers ready to begin?"

"Of course, Goddess. The last few of them should arrive by the time we have you dressed for the ceremony..." Beckoning over a couple of the other kobolds, they took either end of one set of shackles and pulled them apart, laying the chain out straight, then she gestured with a claw. "If you would be so kind as to lie on your back, across the chain."

Weyala did as requested, settling down on her belly, tucking her wings in tight against herself and twisting until she was settled on her back and her wings were comfortably arranged, not pinched or crushed beneath her body. Once she was in the right place, K'thara beckoned for her to reach down towards her waist with her front paws, which she did after only a moment's hesitation. Twice she nearly yanked her wrists away again, first when her paw was seized and pulled down nearly to the limits of her flexibility, and second when she felt the cool metal first press against it! But she resisted the urges... and failed to entirely suppress a shudder when first one, then the other cuff snapped closed, the metal bands tight around her wrists, the metallic sound of the latches locking shut seeming over-loud when they echoed through the chamber. A brief tug back and forth confirmed what she'd suspected: the chain linking the shackles was short enough to prevent her from lifting either cuff more than a paw's width from the floor, and with both limbs pulled nearly as far down as they could reach, she couldn't twist one farther back to give the other more slack!

"Is my Goddess comfortable? The shackles do not pinch or chafe?" She felt a hand against her side, and turned her head to see the kobold watching her with concern.

"Nnnn. Yes... They are comfortable," she said, taking another deep breath but feeling her face flush regardless of her attempts to keep calm. She couldn't even stand with these cuffs on, and when she saw the little bipeds bring over another set of cuffs she shivered again, feeling a rush of heat between her hind legs. Already she felt helpless, but she had to remind herself that they had only begun to secure her!

"Do not worry... We will keep our goddess safe. You will feel nothing but our love while you are our guest," she murmured to the dragoness, soft and soothing, stroking her haunch as she did. "Will you please straighten your hind legs, as far down your tail as you can?"

Her blush only deepened, knowing that would expose her sex to her acolytes; though a dragon's idea of modesty was not the same as that of the races who wore clothes, it felt a bit different for them to see under her tail when she was immobilized by these chains... and when she was this aroused, which they would surely notice! Still, despite the restless twitches of her tail and the increasing warmth between her hinds, she did as the kobold asked and stretched her hind paws down her tail towards them. Soon three more harsh clicks sounded, announcing the shut of this next group of restraints: one around each ankle, another around the midpoint of her tail, all three of them linked tight together to keep her from tucking in her legs or curling the upper half of her tail.

Again she quivered, the tremor running from her snout all the way down to the tip of her tail and making all her bound claws curl tight. Even rolling over would be an effort now, and self-defense nearly impossible... She suppressed a moan. If she had known the shackles were going to turn her on so much, she might have denied the request after all! But how could she have known having the bondage strip her of her strength and authority would so arouse her, especially when her kind was meant to be so dominant over all the other races?

Weyala couldn't stifle her moan this time, when they picked up the mass of leather straps and untangled it enough for her to identify it as a bridle. She would lose the use of her fangs, her fire... even speech! once they put it on her, leaving her entirely at their mercy. Her anxiety deepened nearly to the level of fright--a rare emotion for a dragon!--and another series of shudders wracked her, her breaths growing more rapid, her sex beginning to ache from her desire.

"Please, o mighty Goddess," K'thara spoke, helping the other two kobolds hold the bridle up off the floor, the straps unbuckled, the thick metal bit held straight. "Turn your head toward us, and hold your jaws apart... We are nearly done."

The familiarity of being asked to do something rather than told, despite the position she was in, helped to relax her, and she parted her jaws, trying to control her breathing so she did not begin to pant. "Nnnnnh..." Her moan was louder with her maw held open, and she did as they asked her with only another moment of hesitation. Moving together, they guided the bit all the way to the back of her maw, then gently pushed her jaws together and began to buckle the wide, stout leather bands to hold it in place. Two went across her jaws, one around the base of her skull, and another behind her horns... Letting the other two get the straps properly tightened and secured, K'thara leaned in close and stroked her chin, murmuring softly into her earhole as she did.

"I did not realize when I made my request that my Goddess would be so excited by her bonds..." She could only groan in response, and she was not sure whether to feel relieved or even more embarrassed when the kobold whispered, "but do not worry. I said that we would dote on you, and I will be honored tend to your desires during our ceremony."

The prospect of being pleasured, especially while so securely bound, in front of the gathered kobolds made her blush deepen, and her claws clenched tight as she briefly pulled on the chains. The feeling of restraint sent another momentary thrill through her, and she moaned, then nosed gently at the little female, the brief nuzzle the best she could communicate giving her permission. Considering the bondage alone already had her so worked up, she'd probably be desperate for some pleasure by the end of the ceremony otherwise!

With that, K'thara turned away and began issuing instructions to the assembled kobolds. Their ranks had swelled to nearly fifty now, which to her surprise included the rest of the council! Though rather than join the circle the gray-robed kobolds were forming, they stayed back near the edge of the chamber, seeming content to merely watch the proceedings. A quartet of drummers stayed out of the circle as well, readying their wood-and-hide instruments and chattering to each other about speed and patterns for their beats. K'thara herself climbed up onto Weyala's belly, where she raised her hands to address the circle; the dragoness huffed and fought the urge to squirm, those little claws felt a little ticklish!

"My friends!" she intoned, and silence fell. "Long have we served our mighty Goddess. Long have we adored her, long have we loved her, long have we been eager to do her bidding! Today she allows us to show her the strength of our love, to prove the strength of our devotion, and to give thanks to her for her benevolence and protection."

She paused, and a cheer went up from those in the circle. If not for her bridle, Weyala might have taken the chance to put in a few words of her own, but with her maw pinned shut, that bit resting on her tongue, she knew she would have to wait until the ceremony's end to thank them for their loyalty. Not being able to do as she wished irked her a bit, and she worked her jaws against the metal clamped between her jaws, tip of her tail twitching... having to resist the urge to rock her hips, her excitement as strong as ever. So instead, after the great echoing cry died down, K'thara shouted, "drums!" and the first deep booms of their music began.

At first the beat, kept by the largest, lowest of the drums, was slow, a steady tap that rumbled like a beating heart. Over that the other drums began to play, working themselves into a rhythm, rising and falling, filling the chamber with a steady pulse of sound to which the circle of kobolds began to dance. Like the beat, their movements were slow, and though some were clumsy and some moved with surprising grace, though not one of them seemed to dance in the same way, they all kept time to the music, and they began to move as they danced, each following the other in a slow circle around her, robes billowing and tails swinging...


With the start of the ceremony, the start of the music, she had forgotten for a moment her own position, and her arousal, and the white kobold's words. All of those leapt back to the fore of her mind when she felt one of her little hands stroke over her cleft, rubbing one side, then the other... She knew without being able to see herself that her excitement had left her sex puffy, and swollen, and sensitive, and she trembled all over when her servant caressed her again, slow and gentle but so pleasing as well! The next touch came higher, near her clit, and she gasped and twitched in place, her paws tugging upward--only to remind her of her bondage, that she could only lie there and allow the little creature to satisfy her at whatever pace she chose... She moaned again, and this time did not resist the desire to twist her hips back and forth, her hind claws curled tight in enjoyment.

Weyala knew every eye was on her, she knew that each kobold who danced past her tail would see what K'thara was doing, and though only the loudest of her cries could be heard over the pounding drums all could see her squirm and shiver and thrust, and see the desire in her eyes. But with all of them gathered in her honor she found she did not care that they saw her in such a state... The restraint so exciting, the stimulation so satisfying, that she could not deny the urges of her body. With acceptance came an even stronger lust, her sex slick and hot with her desire, and when the kobold felt her wriggle and grind beneath her the touch of her hands became more firm, a proper rubbing rather than the gentle stroke of her claws.

Back and forth the white-scale rubbed, using both hands now, one of them sliding along either side of her entrance, alternately pushing her lips together, then pushing them apart, kneading at her sensitive flesh as best she could and setting her Goddess writhing beneath her. The pleasure made her gasp, and moan, sometimes craning her head upward to try to see the little kobold, sometimes letting her head lie back against the floor to just let the sensations wash over her. She became aware of the beat of the drums oh so slowly increasing, and as it did the dancers grew more energetic, the drumming louder, and the stimulation between her hinds stronger...

A third point of sensation joined the first two: nuzzles with the tip of her snout were her best guess, and this focused at the very edge of her slit, probing into her folds and drawing a muffled yowl, even this barely audible over the drums, when she found and nuzzled against the dragoness' clit. She shuddered all over when another nuzzle came, then a lick with that small warm wet tongue, followed by another, and then what was unmistakably a kiss! Closing her eyes tight, she arched her back, her hips rocking in lust... oh that felt good! Horny as she was, the touches to such a sensitive little nub felt so powerful, so intense that they set her whole body shivering, her breaths coming fast and hard through flared nostrils, washing all thoughts from her mind but a craving for more... but after a few moments the kiss ended and her snout withdrew, and she let out a needy whine that not even she could hear over the booming drums. She needed more than that, she was so horny, and such a strong intimate touch had nearly set off her climax... How could the kobold who claimed such love for her have stopped short of getting her off?

Though the licks did not return, her hands had begun to move closer to her most sensitive of places, but that made it feel more like a tease than an attempt to relieve her lust! Did she mean to work her up as far as possible and keep her short of release until the peak of the ceremony itself? But she had said it would be an hour, and the Queen did not want to wait that long! She groaned as the stimulation continued, not as powerful as the kiss to her clit had been but still enough to make her hump, and shudder, and moan in pleasure, feeling good enough to keep her from really trying to struggle. Damn, she was getting worked up more than she thought possible without getting to climax... but then, she'd never been teased before, never been in a situation where she didn't get her way, and she had never chosen to make herself wait! She lifted her head and pulled on her cuffs, wondering how--or if-- she could make the kobold give her an orgasm, but when the creature didn't even turn her head from delivering the pleasure that drove her wild, when she was unable to move her paws, she put her head back down with a moan of needy frustration.

Shortly after two of the kobolds detached themselves from the circle and approached her head. Lost in her haze of pleasure and lust, she barely noticed at first, eyes open but unfocused, twitching and panting past the bridle as K'thara stroked her, firm and steady stimulation that was enough to make her desire blot all other thoughts out of her mind. So she barely noticed when they left the circle, when they took either end of a wide strip of black cloth and unwound it... Only when they brought it up to her eyes did she really realize what they were doing, a pit of dread forming in her belly, but she could not do anything more than glare and hope that her gaze would quail them! One of them swallowed visibly, but they were not deterred, and an even more violent shudder wracked her as they took away her sight. The chain binding her forepaws pulled taut the instant she tried to reach up, and despite her twists and struggles she was unable to find a way to remove the blindfold--and when she tried to howl for help removing it she received another kiss to her aching clit, so that her cry was a moan of pleasure instead!

Again the intense stimulation stopped after a couple of moments, and though it was enough to get the dragoness to struggle less, this time it did not quell the feeling of anxiety that gnawed at her belly. She had tested her bonds before, she had felt how firmly they held her, but that was the first time she had really fought the chains to try to do something, and the feeling of being so strictly restrained only now was enough to show her that she was truly powerless! Now at last it occured to her between alternating waves of lust and pleasure that she had no control over the situation save whatever the love the kobolds had for her might compel them to do--or not do--and the realization made her shudder violently, her tugs on the chains growing more insistent. But every fruitless pull on the cuffs just emphasized her helplessness, and she could only moan in acceptance of her position, her anxiety getting stronger... but if anything that only made her somehow even more horny!

Weyala could no longer see the dancers, or the watching council, or the kobold who teased her, but she could still hear the pounding drums, their pace increasing more quickly now, nearly matching the beat of her racing heart. And with blackness enveloping her, her sense of touch felt stronger, increasing the intensity of every stroke and nuzzle K'thara gave her... Her cleft seemed about to catch fire, she was so aroused, she could feel her dew leaking from her and dripping slowly down her tail, and she felt more swollen and sensitive and needy than she ever had before! Every rapid panting breath was a moan that the drumbeats swallowed up, and her lust so consumed her that she could only lie there gasping as the pleasure went on, and on, and on, always so powerful but never seeming to get her the orgasm she was increasingly desperate for... The denial of something she so badly wanted, from a dragoness who was used to always getting her way, only intensified her feelings of helplessness, and lust, claws all curling almost painfully tight from the tension.

On and on the drumming went, faster and faster, louder and louder, and when it seemed the music could get no faster suddenly both hands and tongue concentrated on her clit, the strength of the sensation so powerful it made her thrash and howl at the top of her lungs, audible even over the sound of the drums! Desperately she humped, she shuddered, she clamped her jaws on the bit in her maw as every muscle wound tight and trembled, getting so close, so close to what was sure to be the biggest, most incredible release of her life--

The drums abruptly stopped, as did the stimulation. For but a moment only echoes reverberated through the chamber, until instead her desperate muffled howls made up for the lack of music. "Nnnngh! Mmmmmf! Lllmmm mmmmmf! Nnnnnnnh!" she cried, bucking and thrashing, how dare K'thara deny her like this! But all her protesting did not make the kobold obey, despite the fact that surely she could guess what command she was trying to force through her bridle! She snarled, she struggled, she howled her denial and fury into the blackness that surrounded her... but when when no relief came she sagged again, panting raggedly, feeling more defeated and powerless than she ever had before.

All was quiet for a short time. Though the long loud drumming had dulled her hearing somewhat, she heard no rustling of scale, no footsteps, and she did not feel K'thara climb off her... was their ceremony over? Or would it resume in a few moments, along with the pleasure...?

Abruptly she felt a hand on her forehead, and a kobold spoke, but it was not the one she expected. "Now you are bound to us," said the voice of the old red kobold who headed the council of their tribe. "And bound you shall remain, to serve our tribe as we have served you."

What!? Her mind was reluctant to turn from her lust, but his pronouncement was given so sternly that it still registered: betrayed! All of them had lied to her! "Nnnnnh! Rrrrrgh!" she raged, snarling past the bridle, redoubling her struggles--but still bound far too tight, gagged, even blind, there was nothing she could do! "Lllllt mmmm gnnnh!"

If the kobold had even understood her, he did not say so. "Until you have accepted our rule over you, you will remain in bondage, and you will continue to be stimulated and denied orgasm. Our tribe will be better off without your selfish, indifferent rule, without having to pay you tribute, and we shall known and feared throughout the land with a dragon under our command... or two... or more."

Need and horror flipped to fury in an instant, but bound as she was her only way to vent it was to struggle and bellow, writhing and twisting and baring her teeth behind the leather straps that made the threat meaningless. No, they could not, they dared not, she was their Queen! "Rrrrrgh! Nnnnn-nnnnh! Rrrn-- nnngh!"

Her angry howls turned to gasps when her clit was taken in two little hands and rubbed, kneaded, squeezed--this wasn't aggression by the rest of council, K'thara was in on it too! And Weyala was so achingly horny that not even rage at this betrayal could help her resist the stimulation. She tried, she struggled, she howled again, a muffled attempt to call to the lesser kobolds for help, but if any of them tried to assist she could not see it, she heard no scuffling... There was only the pleasure, and it was far too powerful for her to block it out! On and on it drove her, unable to resist her urges, thrusting, struggling, breathing heavily as the sensations sent her racing towards the release she craved--only for them to stop again, so horribly denying her the satisfaction her body demanded and making her cry out in powerless denial. "Nnnnnnnnngh!" she bellowed, whole body shuddering, straining against the bondage, half trying to escape and half just trying to touch herself, but both were beyond her!

And the frustration, the desperation, the need she felt as she came down without relief filled her with a stronger fear than she had ever felt before. Beatings she could have withstood for weeks, months, years if necessary, such was the strength and will of a dragon, but this-- This torture was different, exploiting not fear or pain but an even deeper, more carnal need, and the feeling of denial seemed far stronger and crueler to her than any hurt...

Yet again she was stimulated, brought unwillingly to the height of arousal, and then denied orgasm, cuffs chafing from the force of her struggles but not yielding in the slightest. Her arousal was a constant horrible ache now, her body increasingly desperate for climax, and when the pleasure ceased without her getting there was a more intense torment than any whip could have brought her, leaving her trembling and gasping for breath, trying to resist the feelings even as she cried out in lust and desperate need. But there was nothing she could do to stop the kobolds from edging and denying her again, and again, every time making her a little more desperate, a little closer to doing whatever they wanted just so they would let her cum...