Summer Job 4

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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#4 of Summer Job

Okay! So the VOTES ARE IN! And.... I disregarded first place, to tell you the truth. I went with second place! You'll see!

Hope you all enjoy it!



Jeremy's face burned with embarrassment, Zephyr still locked deeply inside of him. The otter couldn't believe what was happening, trying to think of some way out of his predicament. "Wh-what are you doing here? And close the fucking door!"

"O-oh, shit sorry..." Blake ran into the garage, pushing the button to close the door, looking around to make sure no one was outside to see the scene inside. "And... i-it's... Wednesday..." He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck, nervously, starting down at the otter and dog in front of him.

"You... you should have knocked..." Jeremy responded, trying to wiggle his arms out from underneath his body, managing to free himself so that he had the use of his arms and paws.

Blake nodded and shrugged. "I did... there was no answer, I figured you were busy... and..." He blushed really deeply under the white fur on his cheeks. "I... heard noises coming from the garage..."

"I... I can explain..." Jeremy began, trying to turn to look at his friend, bangs falling over his face.

"You're... you're naked... and.... there's a dog...." Blake began.

Jeremy opened his muzzle to say something but at that moment the dog's knot had gone down enough, and Zephyr pulled himself out of the otter's tailhole, making Jeremy moan instead. His face felt like it was on fire as some of the dog's seed ran down his rump, over his sac, and he put his paws over his face in shame. His tail lowered to cover himself and he sat up a bit, dripping onto the beanbag. Now that he wasn't being kept on his chest, he got a good look at the husky in front of him.

Blake's eyes were wide as he watched the dog's cock slip from his friend, and the front of his jeans were tented up. Jeremy's eyes traveled up the husky's body, fixating on the large bulge there. Blake didn't know he was gay, despite the fact that they'd been best friends forever, and Jeremy had never suspected that his husky friend might have been. The otter tore his eyes away from Blake's package, blushing hard as he looked up at the husky's face. A few years back he'd died his head fur red and gotten green contacts. His head fur was straight, with a slight curl at the end.

The husky just cleared his throat, blushing still. "I... don't worry about it..." He whispered, paws fiddling nervously with each other. "It... it was... hot..."

Jeremy's tiny ears twitched a little and he tilted his head a bit. "You're... are you serious?"

"Yeah... I mean... the way you looked... like... that..." His paws made motions, as if to convey what he was getting at.

Gingerly, the otter stood up, taking a few steps towards the husky. "Are you... like... gay?"

"No! I mean... I like girls..." Blake rubbed a paw over his neck, looking past the otter over at Zephyr, who was now licking his retreating shaft. "I just... Always thought you were..." Again he blushed, dipping his muzzle again. "But I mean, ONLY you... "

Jeremy nodded, glancing down at the bulging jeans the canine was wearing, eyes locking on the small wet spot there. "I... I need to take a shower..." The otter squirmed a bit, trying to squeeze his tailhole to keep the dog's seed inside him.

Blake nodded, giggling a bit, still a little red around the cheeks. "Do... do you mind if I... join you?"

"Please!" Jeremy replied, almost too eager. He'd been hoping that the husky would follow, wanting to get an opportunity to figure out his friend some more. "Come on."

The otter just grabbed his friend, tugging him inside the house, leaving Zephyr alone in the garage. Once in the bathroom, Jeremy opened the stall door, turning on the water to hot and turning towards the husky. Blake was just standing there, still completely dressed, and was trying his best not to stare at the otter's hanging bits. "You... might need to take your clothes off..." He jested, reaching out to tug up a bit on Blake's shirt.

"Oh... yeah..." Still a little anxious, the husky pulled his t-shirt off his chest, dropping it in the corner of the room. He hesitated for a bit, fingers poised on the clasp for his jeans. Taking a deep breath, Blake unfastened them and slid his jeans off, no boxers under them.

Jeremy's eyes widened slightly and he giggled a bit, turning back to the shower and hopping into the warm water. "Come on..."

Ears flat against his head, the husky stepped in after his friend. "What was so funny?"

"You're one of those canines..." The otter responded, looking down at Blake's sheath, shifting under the water to make sure he got all of the dog's seed out of his tailhole and any of it out of his fur.

" The tip of Blake's shaft was poking out, and he looked down at it, black flesh surrounded by white fur. "One of what canines?"

Jeremy reached down slowly, taking a gentle hold on the furry protector. "You have a sheath... a knot and stuff..."

Blake's ears twitched a bit when his sheath was touched, feeling more of his shaft slide out. "I... as opposed to?"

"Well... some are different..." The otter carefully ran his paw up to the top of his friend's sheath, tugging it down slowly to reveal all of the ebony shaft. "Don't worry... yours is the good one..."

The husky was blushing again, his shaft firming up in the otter's paws. "Thanks..." He thought for a moment and then leaned in, kissing Jeremy deeply, his paws shakily finding the otter's sides and holding him still.

Completely taken aback, the otter yipped into husky's muzzle, paws grabbing onto his sides as well, closing his eyes. The kiss lasted for a bit longer, tongues exploring each other's muzzle. When it broke, Jeremy looked up at Blake, who was grinning a bit. "That... what was that for?"

"I... just wanted to do it... is that so bad?" The husky's shyness was dissipating and he squeezed the otter tightly, nuzzling him. "I've liked you for some time... and here we are naked... you playing with my cock..."

"Hey! It's not my fault!" Jeremy laughed, reaching down again to stroke over the now fully-erect husky cock. "It was there..."

Blake just closed his eyes, murring a bit and rubbing his paws over the otter's sides. The husky's shaft pulsed in the otter's paws, pre drooling from the tip, only to be washed away. "You're right... it is... so what are you going to do about it?"

The otter bit his lip, giggling and looking up at the canine. "Ooh, I can do a lot of things about it..."

"Let's see then..." Playfully, he grabbed Jeremy's shoulder with a paw and forced him down onto his knees. Before he could to anything more, the otter's lips were already around his black length, pushing down further as a tongue swirled around the tip. "Wh-whoa..." Blake gasped, eyes wide as he stared down at the otter, blushing a bit. "I... I didn't think you were... going to..."

Jeremy dragged his tongue from the base to the tip, pulling off of his friend's cock and grinning. "Why wouldn't I?" One of his paws gripped the thick shaft by the base as he pushed his tiny muzzle down the veined girth.

Letting out a soft moan, Blake just leaned back against the tiled wall, his paws resting on Jeremy's shoulders. His knot was growing steadily under the otter's attentions, making him squirm a bit and let his tongue hang from his muzzle. Jeremy just snaked his paw behind the knot, tugging and squeezing as his muzzle bobbed up and down. His other paw ran down his own chest until he got to his own stiff cock. He let out a small groan of relief as he started to pull back and forth on his uncut shaft. The taste of Blake's pre was getting stronger, and it felt as if the canine's shaft was expanding in his muzzle.

The husky was watching intently as his cock disappeared past the otter's lips. Both of his paws shakily brushed Jeremy's head fur out of the way, wanting to see everything as the water rained down on the pair. Already, his knot was fully engorged, and the otter was pressing his lips against it greedily, tugging on his own shaft and working his tongue around every possible inch of Blake's shaft. Above him, the husky was panting hard and shaking a bit, trying to remain standing. "I-I'm... I'm gonna... gonna... mmf..."

Jeremy's small ears twitched a bit when he heard the canine and he pulled back so the tip of the husky's cock was resting on his tongue. Two fingers hooked behind the dog's knot as he gripped the knot with his palm, his other paw furiously pumping his shaft. It wasn't long after that Blake came, almost barking as he did so. Cum gushed out into the otter's muzzle and Jeremy might not have had a problem, were it not for the fact that he came as well. The otter attempted to moan as a voluminous amount of cum shot down his throat.

His throat lurched and he pulled back quickly, gagging a bit, still holding both of their cocks through orgasm. Blake's shaft painted the otter's face, strands of cum landing on his short muzzle and across his lips. Jeremy's cum was washed away by the water as it shot against the floor, running down into the drain. Carefully, the otter opened his eyes, seeing the tapered tip right in front of him. He reached out his tongue and slowly dragged it against the tip, making a large glob of cum drool out onto his tongue.

Blake blushed deeply, offering Jeremy a paw, helping to pull the otter to his feet. "I-I'm so sorry... about..." He gestured to the ropes of cum still on Jeremy's face, terrified about what he'd done.

"Are you kidding me?" The otter just laughed and turned into the stream of water, scrubbing his face with his paws to get himself clean. "Feeling you... like... cum all over my face..." He blushed a bit as he spoke. "Well, it was really... really hot..."

The canine giggled nervously, nodding and rubbing the Jeremy's back. "Well... seeing it was pretty hot too, in my opinion..."

Once they'd gotten out of the shower and dried off, they headed back down to the garage where Zephyr was resting peacefully in the corner. "Crap... I need to take him back real quick..." Jeremy muttered, grabbing the dog's leash by the beanbag, blushing deeply when he saw the mess of his cum stained on the fabric. "And I probably should clean that up when I get back..."

"I still can't believe you were... fucking that dog..." Blake wrung his paws together, blushing and watching as the otter fixed the collar on. "Or... fucked by... rather..."

Jeremy was blushing a bit too, and he nodded, trying not to smile to much. "It's a lot of fun... you should try it sometime..."

The husky turned a deep red under his cheek fur, staring at the dog and bouncing a bit on his feet-paws. "I... can I?"

"Wait, what?" The otter's head snapped to look at his friend, not believing what he heard. "You mean... you want to have the dog... m-mount you?"

Blake could only nod, trying to open his muzzle to say something, but suddenly feeling too embarrassed.

Jeremy slapped the button to open the garage door, and he snickered a little bit. "Wait here, I'll be back after I drop the dog off..."

The husky nodded and folded his arms, watching his friend walk Zephyr back down the street. He let out a loud sigh and flopped down into the beanbag, his paws hitting something sticky. He stood back up, looking to see what it was, seeing the mess the otter had left. "Awww...."


"Alright, thanks again... You going to come by tomorrow as well? It's a Thursday, right?" Kai asked, scritching the dog's ears and rubbing his neck fur around.

Jeremy blushed a bit, giggling. "Course! I love walking Zephyr!" The otter's tail twitched a bit at what he just said.

Kai only grinned, nodding some. "Oh, I'm sure you do..." The fox reached down and gave the dog's sac a gentle squeeze, completely in view of Jeremy. "I'm sure he enjoys your time together as well."

The otter felt his heart stop for a brief moment, eyes wide at what he just saw. "Wh-what?!"

"Oh, come on now... I know you've been playing around with my doggie..." Kai giggled and reached over, ruffling the otter's damp head fur. "I don't care about it... I've done so as well."

Jeremy just sat there in shock, heart pounding at his chest, terrified that someone else knew, much less the dog's owner. "You-you..."

The fox stood up and stretched, shaking his head. "Don't worry about it... Just come back tomorrow, alright?" He winked at the young boy, grinning. "Maybe you can stick around for a bit after you bring him back."

The otter was shaking all over as he made his way to the door, he just nodded and blushed deeply. "I... okay..."

Kai was grinning from ear to ear as he watched Jeremy leave, shaking his head. "So freaking cute..."



I want to know what you think!