The Runway Fox part 3

Story by Akira818 on SoFurry

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Well heres the part 3! Everyone has been asking for another chapter, so I decided to make one. Let me know what you think, if I get enough good reviews maybe I'll make a fourth chapter. ;)

  • * * Sasha slowly woke up, curled up in Bruce's arms. She looked around the bedroom, feeling a little disoriented. It was one of those times where you wake up, and don't know where you are. She looked up at Bruce's sleeping face and smiled as she went over yesterday's events in her head. She blushed, embarrassed, and shifted on the bed a little as she thought about what happened between them both last night. She gave him a light kiss on the cheek, so she didn't wake him up, and then quietly slipped out of bed. She looked over at the clock next to the bed, 10 A.M. Later than when she normally had to go to school, or when she would get up and start walking again in the mornings, which was around 7 A.M. So it was like she got to sleep in today. She stood up and stretched, then put on the over sized shirt he had given her yesterday to wear when she got out of the shower. The shirt came down to about the middle of her thighs, so she didn't have to worry about being visibly naked. Not that there was anyone out here to see besides Bruce. She figured that since she was up first, she might as well make them some breakfast. She went into the kitchen and started searching the cabinets for frying pans and a griddle. After she found what she was looking for, she set them both on the stove and put the flames on medium. She went to the fridge and got out four eggs, and a package of bacon. She then searched the cabinets again for some pancake mix. Oddly enough, there was a box of mix in the last cabinet. Apparently he didn't live just off the land. She hadn't noticed any roads leading to the cabin or anywhere near it when she followed him here. But then again, she wasn't exactly paying much attention to the surroundings. She got the eggs and bacon going as she prepared the pancake mix. Once the mix was done, she made 3 medium sized pancakes on the griddle. While everything was cooking, she found the plates, silverware, and glasses in the cabinets and drawers, and set the table. She got some milk out of the fridge and poured it in both their glasses, then made him a plate of food that consisted of three pancakes, two scrambled eggs, and several strips of bacon. As she was preparing her own plate of food, Bruce walked into the kitchen. He came into the kitchen wearing just a pair of sweatpants. Sasha was almost disappointed that he didn't walk in naked. Though that probably would have been bad since she was really hungry right now. After all, if he came in naked, then they certainly wouldn't be eating. He walked over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Good morning." She smiled and returned his kiss with a soft kiss on the lips. "Good morning. I made some breakfast for us. I hope you don't mind." She had just realized that she didn't know if she was allowed to use the stuff in his house. Not so much the oven and pans and such, but the food. Bruce smiled, "I can see that! It looks great. And I don't mind at all. I just wish I had been up to help you, it looks like a lot of work." He walked over to the line of cabinets, then bent down and opened one on the bottom and took out some maple syrup. He went back over to the table and put the syrup down, before taking a seat at the table. "Oh don't worry about that. I usually had to make myself breakfast a lot back home before school. Just don't ask me to cook anything else. I can make a good breakfast, but I can't do any real cooking." She sat down in the seat across from him. He laughed softly, "I see. I'm a pretty decent cook, though I still mess some basic things up sometimes."He looked across the table at her and smiled, "If there was a rose in the center of the table, this would be the perfect romantic breakfast. " Sasha blushed and started cutting up her pancakes, "Oh shut up and eat." Bruce laughed and did as he was told. For the next twenty minutes the only noises that could be heard were the knives and forks scrapping against their plates, and the various birds outside. Once they were done eating he got up and took their plates to the sink, he then started to do the dishes. While he washed, Sasha dried the dishes and put them away. From rummaging around for food and cookware, she had a general idea of where everything went. Within a cabinet or two anyway. Once the dishes were done, he turned around and leaned back against the sink, putting his hands behind him, on the sink. "Any ideas for today's activities?" She shook her head and looked at him, "No, none. You?" He looked up at the ceiling as he thought for a moment. "Hm....There are some natural hot springs to the south of here. It'll take about an hour to reach though." He glanced at the clock to check the time. Between when she had started cooking and they finished eating and doing the dishes, an hour had passed. "If we leave now, we could make it there by twelve." Sasha's eyes lit up and she smiled, "I'd love to! I've never been to any hot springs before. And the walk isn't a problem, before you found me I would walk for eight hours or so a day. So this is nothing." He nodded and smiled, "Good! I'll pack us a lunch; we can get dressed, and go." He had a couple questions about how long she had been gone from home, and why she traveled so far. But since it was a long walk to the hot springs, he figured he would save it for then. They walked into the bedroom to get dressed. Sasha bent over to pick up the pants he had given her yesterday when Bruce came up behind her and gave her a smack on the ass. Sasha yelped and jumped up, then turned to his laughing face. "What was that for?!?" She asked as she rubbed her ass where he smacked it. Bruce grinned and tried not to laugh anymore, "Just felt like it. Sorry." He kissed her softly before going to pick out some clothes to wear. She kissed him back, "Sure you are. Do that again and I'll make you kiss it to make it all better." Though she would never admit to it, that actually turned her on....A lot. Bruce grinned as he put on a t-shirt. "I wouldn't mind that at all." "Hehe I'm sure you wouldn't." She picked up the pants and slid them on, tying a knot at the waist with the strings. "I'm gonna go make us some sandwiches. In the closet there's a brown knapsack, take it down and put two towels in it, then come into the kitchen." He pointed to the closet that the knapsack was in before heading off to the kitchen. Sasha nodded and went to the closet and grabbed the knapsack, then went to the bathroom and got two towels to put in it. She slid a third one in just to be on the safe side. After that she went into the kitchen and put two bottles of water in the sack, then went over to where Bruce was preparing the sandwiches. He looked over at her and smiled as he handed her the first finished sandwich, "In the freezer there's an ice pack. Get it and put it in the bag so we can have cold water." She nodded and started to turn away when his paw grabbed her by her wrist and turned her back to him. He wrapped his arms around her, reaching down and grabbing her ass gently as he kissed her deeply. Sasha blushed and closed her eyes and she kissed him back just as deep, putting her arms around his neck. Bruce smiled and slowly pulled back, "Forgive me for before?" Sasha giggled and nodded, "Yes. But it's not nice to tease me like that." She pretended to pout as she pushed away from him and went to the fridge to get the ice pack. About fifteen minutes later they were packed and heading out the door. Bruce came out last and closed the door behind him before heading towards a trail off to the right of his house. Sasha looked at the house, then at him. "Aren't you going to lock the door?" He shrugged, "How come? The closest person is about a mile away, and no one just randomly stops over. If anyone did it would be someone that I knew, so I wouldn't mind if they waited inside." She nodded her understanding and fell into step to the left of him, the pack hanging off his right shoulder. She put her arm though his and leaned against him a little. He looked down at her and smiled as they made their way toward the hot springs. "So I've been wondering, how long were you out in the woods before I found you?" He glanced down at her while they walked. "Hm...... four nights and three days." She looked up at him, "Why do you ask?" He shook his head, "Just curious. I guess I just want to know more. You said that you used to walk for eight hours a day. Why did you walk so much? Why was there such a need to get so far from your parents?" She looked down at the ground while they walked, for some reason talking about her parents gave her a really bad feeling. It almost felt like they would find her somehow. But all the way out here, in the middle of nowhere? How could they? She shook her head to clear it of her thoughts and looked straight ahead before speaking, "I just wanted to get as far as possible as fast as possible. My parents can be very resourceful, and tricky. If I didn't get far enough away fast, they would find me. I know they called all my friends, and the school as soon as they knew I was gone. When they couldn't find me, I'm sure they went to the police." Bruce nodded, "Yes, but that's all normal. What makes you so sure they would find you?" She sighed and took a breath before answering, "My dad knows a lot of....Powerful people. If he really tried, he could find me..." He nodded his head and left it at that, he could tell by the tone of her voice that she didn't want to talk about it. He stopped and pulled her close to him, "Well you don't have to worry, they won't find you here. And even if they do, I won't let them take you." He brought a hand up and gently caressed her cheek, "I love you, I can't lose you." Sasha opened her mouth, and then closed it. She had no idea what she could say, he was making her dream come true. "I-I love you too!" She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. He kissed her back passionately before slowly pulling away and giving her a reassuring smile, "Now come on, let's get to the hot springs. We'll have a nice relaxing little picnic, go for a swim, it'll be great." She smiled and nodded, and started walking beside him again Half an hour later, they were at the hot springs. The springs were surrounded by lush green trees and bushes, along with various rock outcroppings. The water had a light steam coming off of it. They both walked over to a big maple tree and set up underneath it. Bruce took the pack off and got out both of the towels, which he laid out on the ground for them to lay on. Since they were going to be here all day, and then walking home, it wasn't a problem for them to air dry. Bruce sat down on his towel, letting his legs rest a bit, when Sasha looked over at him. "I just thought of something." He looked back at her, "Hm? What is it?" She blushed and looked down at the ground, "Well, neither of us have bathing suits..." Bruce laughed and grinned, "So? I didn't think we needed any." She blinked and stared at him, "How will we go swimming then?" He smiled, "Naked. The water isn't that hot." He pulled her over into his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Besides, it's not like we haven't seen each other naked before." Sasha blushed harder and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I guess that's true. So do you want to go swimming now?" He smiled and nodded, "Sure!" Sasha got up and looked down at him grinning, "You first, I don't trust you not to smack my ass again." "Well it's just so sexy." He grinned and stood up. He pulled his shirt off, then pulled his pants down and stepped out of them. He walked over to the hot spring and slowly slid into the water, sitting on a small ledge, so the water came up to about his chin. Sasha giggled at his comment and started undressing once he walked away. She slid her shirt and pants off, then walked over to the hot spring and got into the water beside him, then slid over into his lap. Sitting in his lap, the water came up to her chin as well. Bruce wrapped his arms around her and gently rubbed her back, stroking her tail once in a while when he ran his hand down her back. She murred happily and snuggled into him, thinking about all the events that have happened in the last couple days. Bruce looked down at her and kissed her head, "Is everything alright? You haven't said a word the whole time we've been in here, which has been about twenty minutes. " Sasha blinked and looked up at him, "Yeah, I'm fine, sorry. I was just thinking about everything that happened. Not that long ago I was an average school girl, and now I'm out here living with you. It just seems like a lot has happened in the last couple days." He nodded and pulled her close to him. "Well a lot has happened. At least none of its bad though right? You got away from your parents, and now you're living with me." Once again she got that bad feeling about her parents, like they were just going to magically appear or something. She shook her head and smiled, "Yeah, you're right. Come on, let's get out. Any longer in here and my fur won't be the only thing that's red." She stood up and got out of the hot springs before shaking herself off lightly. Bruce laughed and followed her out, shaking himself off lightly as well. They both walked over to the towels he had laid out earlier and laid down on them. Sasha laid on her back with her eyes closed, enjoying the warm breeze. Bruce moved over a little and gently rubbed her stomach, her damp fur clinging to her body and making each curve that much more pronounced. He kept running his hand up and down her stomach as he began to slowly kiss down her neck. She giggled as he kissed her neck and tilted her head to the side a bit, allowing him easier access to her neck. He sucked on her neck softly and ran his hand up her stomach, cupping one of her breasts gently. Since her fur clung to her skin it was easy to see how hard her nipples were. She made a soft noise as she felt his paw on her breast. Bruce began to massage her breast gently, rolling her nipple around between his fingers as he did so. Sasha moaned softly and squirmed around a little at her nipple being played with. She reaches down and ran her fingers up and down his sheath, wanting to bring his cock out. He stopped kissing her neck and moved down a little to start licking her nipples. He lapped at her hard nipples while her fingers danced on his sheath, drawing his cock out. It didn't take a lot for him to become really hard, since playing with her breasts and her fingers touching him really aroused him. Sasha felt his cock and started stroking it lightly as his tongue worked on her nipples. She moaned as he took one of her nipples into his mouth and started sucking on it softly, her hand sliding up and down his shaft slowly. He ran his tongue over her nipple as he sucked softly, causing her to cry out and arch her back. He stopped and pulled back a bit and smiled. "Let's 69." Sasha grinned and nodded, "Get on your back." She knew what he meant from watching videos online. She was pretty thankful now that she had watched them. Bruce laid down on his back just as she said. Sasha climbed over him, putting her pussy above his snout. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her down a little as he began licking her juicy cunt. She moaned softly as she felt his rough tongue run over her slit before she leaned down and took his cock in her mouth. She started sucking on his cock softly while his tongue worked at her entrance. He spread her pussy open with his fingers and licked her faster as she started moving her head up and down his shaft. Bruce slid his tongue as deep inside her as he could, searching for her g-spot. Sasha moaned around his dick when she felt his tongue enter her and started sucking harder and moving her head up and down faster. She knew she was going to cum soon, and she wanted him to cum with her. He could tell when he found her g-spot by when she moaned. He began licking her g-spot as fast as he could, close to cumming himself. Sasha moaned loudly and came hard, squirting all over his tongue. She ran her tongue up and down the underside of his shaft, while sucking hard and moving her head fast. Bruce licked up all her cum and swallowed it all, before cumming himself, squirting spurt after spurt of hot, thick cum down Sasha's throat. She closed her eyes and swallowed all his cum as he squirted into her mouth, loving how it tastes. After he stopped cumming, she licked him clean and sat up, then turned around on him, so she was facing him. Bruce looked up at her, breathing hard and grinned. "That was great." He licked his lips, "You taste amazing." Sasha blushed and smiled, "Thanks, so do you." She moved down a bit and grabbed his cock in her hand, then slowly lowered her self onto him, guiding his cock straight into her tight pussy. She moaned as she felt his thick member enter her, then put both hands on his chest and started moving up and down slowly. He put his hands on her hips and helped her slide up and down his shaft, losing himself in her warmth. Sasha moaned loudly as she felt him touch the deepest parts of her and moved faster, bouncing up and down on him. Bruce slid his hands down to her ass and squeezed gently, which resulted in a louder moan from her. He started thrusting his hips upward as she came down, meeting her in the middle and driving himself deep inside her. She cried out as she felt him thrust upward and shove himself as deep inside her as he could. She slid up and down his shaft a few more times before moaning and cumming hard, her pussy squeezing his cock tight. He was pushed over the edge by her pussy squeezing his member when she came, and came himself. He thrust into her hard, burying himself as deep inside her as he could before filling her with his thick cum. She moaned when she felt his cum inside her and slumped down on his chest, panting hard. He wrapped his arms around her and slowly pulled out of her, making her moan quietly. He kissed her head and smiled, "That was amazing." She grinned and kissed his cheek, "Yeah, it was." She moved off him and laid down beside him, closing her eyes and resting. Bruce rolled onto his side, putting one arm over her, and laying his head on her chest as he relaxed. Sasha's mind started wandering, and she began thinking about her parents again. For the third time that day she got that bad feeling again. Maybe her parents were going to find her after all. After a little while of thinking she fell into a fitful sleep. She awoke a few hours later to Bruce gently shaking her. She sat up and rubbed her arms, shivering slightly in the cold. Bruce kisses her head and handed her her shirt. "Come on, it's getting late, lets go home." Sasha nodded and slipped the shirt on, then stood up and put her pants on while Bruce packed up the towels and everything else. Bruce slipped the pack on, then put his arm around her waist as they both headed home. Sasha thought about what the bad feelings could mean the whole way back...