Blooming Flower - Chapter 7

Story by Sabi Kitsune on SoFurry

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#8 of Blooming Flower

Chapter seven! My stories might be a little farther apart for a bit (I have a job!) but I am still working on them. ^_^ I hope readers enjoy this chapter as much as the earlier ones. :)

Showing Phobetor around the house was an uncomfortable experience. The large cat stalked behind me while we traveled through the house and for some reason it made me uncomfortable. We hadn't even left the living room before I heard the Liepard whisper to Apollo. "Mmm... she's got a sweet ass beneath that nice set of tails. Does she always hold them up like that when she walks, or is she just showing off for us?"

I felt my face grow warm as I blushed beneath my fur. I wasn't sure if Phobetor was just making fun of me so I looked back at Apollo in curiosity. He had never mentioned anything or said my walk was...

Apollo was looking everywhere but back at me, and his forked tail had twisted around itself. I recognized that posture - it was the same one he adopted when I caught him misbehaving. I blinked in the sudden realization and remembered back to all the times he had walked behind me. He... I had been... all this time, not even knowing...

I huffed and looked ahead again, making sure to tuck my tails down as far as I could. I would have a talk with Apollo later. Right now we need to deal with Phobetor. "This is the living room, obviously. There's a tv, couch, nice carpet, windows. Try and put the remote back on the tv stand when you're done with it so we know where to find it. The dining room is over there, and that's the kitchen. We keep food in the fridge and the cabinets, but just let us know what you get so we can..." My thoughts derailed suddenly. How would we restock things? We couldn't really go to the store and buy things, not without somebody getting suspicious.

"Lily?" Apollo's concerned voice brought me from my thoughts and I shook my head. There wouldn't be any sense in trying to save things. I looked back towards the fridge.

"Just try to eat up the things with expiration dates on them first. We've got some left over pizza, and we'll probably get more delivery when that runs out. If you want something cooked, Apollo knows how and can help you out if he feels like it."

I saw Phobetor glance from the fridge over at the Espeon. I had a feeling he wouldn't be getting much in the way of cooked meals anytime soon. "Got it. What's back there?"

Phobetor gestured down the hall towards the bedroom, and I sat down to look back at him. "Back there is my bedroom. Apollo and I sleep there. Over that way are the doors - if you go through that one, make sure you lock it back; that one over there leads to the backyard so it doesn't need to be locked as badly, but make sure you slide it back so bugs don't get in. Down that hall is a guest bathroom if you need to take a bath or something."

Phobetor just rolled his eyes at my attempt to change the subject. "Aw, come on; you're not going to show me the bedroom? I thought this was a tour; we've barely moved from the one room." I glared back at him, not really wanting the Liepard in my room. The Liepard just sighed sadly at my reaction. "Oh well... I guess I'll just stay curious. Maybe I'll check it out later while you're sleeping. I wonder if there will be any strange noises coming from it... it would be really hard to deny my curiosity if I haven't seen what's in that room..."

I narrowed my eyes at the Liepard... but a quick look shouldn't hurt anything, and I really didn't want him going in there on his own. There was no telling what he would do. I rose back to my feet and turned down the hall, pointedly lowering my tails as I turned, then guided the other two Pokemon to the room. "It's just a regular bedroom. Bed, another tv, desk, closet, drawer, bathroom. Please don't bother us when we're in - ACK!"

I shouted in surprise as a sudden weight settled over me and pushed me down into the carpet. I looked up and saw Phobetor above me, his yellow fur ruffled as he adjusted. "Okay, I think I have a good idea of the place now. Time for the other part of the deal - that is what you do in the bedroom, right? I'm pretty sure that's where I heard most of the noises come from." There was a mocking tone in his voice, and I blushed at the reminder that he had heard me and Apollo those other times.

Before I could say anything I heard Apollo object. "Hey! Get off her!"

The weight above me shifted again, and as I looked back towards Apollo I saw Phobetor's bladed tail wave menacingly at Apollo, keeping him back. "Why? You knew this was part of the deal, and you both agreed to it. I know you didn't want to just sit back and watch, but I'm not moving. Her front's free; maybe you can do something with her mouth."

Apollo stopped trying to get by the tail, surprised by the comment and actually blushing. I blushed a little myself... then felt a little alarm as I saw Apollo's expression change from embarrassment to one of consideration. Was... was he actually thinking about doing it?!

Before I or Apollo could recover from our surprise I felt my tails suddenly pushed to the side by one of Phobetor's back feet. He adjusted again, and I felt something large poke against my butt. It was off target, but it poked around a little and soon drew a gasp from me as it tapped against the entrance to my tunnel. I wasn't very aroused, and I had my legs held together, so the feel was different from what I was used to.

I tried to struggle, but Phobetor just pushed his weight down more, the extra weight keeping me from moving. The tip of his cock pushed relentlessly forward and spread my lips, and I winced a little as I felt part of it enter me...

A yowl of pain filled my ears, followed by a sharp pain in my walls as the cock pulled quickly backwards. I let out a cry of my own pain, but it was short and faded almost instantly, dying down to a dull soreness. The weight above me vanished, followed by the sound of the Liepard scrambling away from me, and finally by the sound of him bumping into the wall. There was also a sudden strange smell filling the air, but I couldn't place it.

I bit my lip and pushed the pain aside for the moment, instead looking up to see what had happened to Phobetor. His face was contorted in pain, and his tail swung back and forth in random spazzes. I stared at him for a moment just trying to understand what could have happened. My gaze trailed down his body, taking in the fur... and finally settling on his cock.

My first thought was realization of where the pain I had felt came from. The Liepard's penis was covered in... the only word that seemed to fit was 'barbs'. They were short protrusions spaced around the shaft, traveling all the way up to the tip. They seemed to lay flat, but they were angled back towards the base of his cock. I could vividly imagine the barbs being pulled upwards by my flesh when the Liepard had pulled out, and I cringed again as the dull pain seemed to get stronger.

I seemed to have gotten my revenge, though.

As I continued to examine Phobetor's tool I saw the cause of his pain. His cock was a reddish-pink color... up until it reached the tip. About the same length that had penetrated me was a different color, though - a black color. Steam seemed to come from it, and I finally understood what I was smelling - burnt flesh.

I was still trying to understand what was going on when Apollo's laugh drew my attention. The Espeon had seen the same thing I had, and while he had a bit of a pained expression he had obviously figured out what had happened and found it amusing.

"Fucking bitch! You're laughing at this?!?" Phobetor cursed at Apollo, his paws going to try and cover himself but instantly pulling back after touching his cock.

Apollo just snorted back. "It serves you right, and you know it."

"What... what happened?" I looked back and forth between the two, still confused.

Apollo smirked again and looked back at me. "Well, it seems like our Liepard friend hasn't had much experience with Fire-types. You're hot - literally - and it looks like he just couldn't handle the heat."

I looked back at the wounded shaft. I hadn't really wanted him to fuck me, but I hadn't wanted to hurt him, either, and... especially not like that! "But... I didn't do anything, I swear! It... I wasn't... " I trailed off, then looked back to Apollo. "You've never been hurt..."

Phobetor glared daggers back at us, and I winced a little, but Apollo just grinned. "Lily... just think about it some. What's my ability?"

I thought back to my time as a trainer. Apollo had a rare ability for Espeons - Magic Bounce. It was something he just did unconsciously, but it meant that some attacks he would just reflect back to the attacker. I had seen him redirect electricity and avoid paralysis, I had seen poisonous gasses flow away from him and back towards the other Pokemon, tossed sand that would blind him instead ended up in the eyes of the thrower. It had been a very useful ability in fights.

And apparently it was still very useful, if it meant Apollo wasn't burned by... err... me. "You mean... when we... um..."

Apollo grinned wider and looked back at Phobetor. "Uh-huh... I always knew you were really hot inside, I just didn't think you were hot enough to burn someone. I always just reflected any harmful heat back at you. It kept me from getting burned before now, and... well, you're a fire type; you don't have to worry about getting burned. It probably just made things more fun for you. The warmth certainly made things more enjoyable for me."

I blushed a little at the thought.

Phobetor made a hissing noise at us and I looked back at him. "Are you just going to sit there talking!? This really hurts! At least tell me where you keep the Rawst berries if you aren't going to get one; I'll get it myself."

I blinked, then drooped my ears regretfully. "Um... we don't have any Rawst berries..."

Phobetor's pained expression gained a mixture of shock. "You... none at all? But... you're a fire type; what if you accidentally burn someone? Or back before, if Apollo or somebody got burned?"

I felt embarrassed, and I think I felt my tails sag some. "I... never thought of it, actually. It's just been Apollo, and... he never had any problems... and the PokeCenter isn't that far from here, if something did happen."

Phobetor's cock had begun to soften, which only seemed to make the burnt part all the more obvious. "I can't go to the PokeCenter! You must have something!"

I looked back at Apollo in case he had any ideas, but he was much too amused by the Liepard's predicament to offer any suggestions. I didn't really want Phobetor to be left suffering - whatever else he may have tried to do, he had been responsible for my transformation to a Vulpix, and I had been the one who burned him, even if unintentionally - so I walked between the two Pokemon and into the hall. "I might have a Full Heal left over... I'll see if I can find one."

I went back to the closet I kept the TMs at and pushed it open again. If I had any left it would probably be there. I glanced over the neatly arranged TMs before checking along the sides of the closet. I didn't see any, so I hopped up onto the first shelf to check there.

I nailed the landing and felt a surge of pride that I had managed the jump. Just a few days ago I would have missed and fallen back to the floor, but now I had become used enough to my Vulpix body to be able to make the short jump. I wagged my tails in my happiness and looked deeper into the closet for anything that might have been out of sight from the floor.

I was in luck - at the very back of the shelf was a pack of six potions. I squeezed between the packages at the front of the shelf and grabbed the plastic wrapping in my mouth, then backed up and dragged the potions with me. I tried to keep track of where I was on the shelf as I walked backwards, not wanting to walk off the shelf... but I must have miscounted. I brought my back foot down, expecting to find the solid wood shelf, but instead I found nothing but air. I tried to bring my foot back up to the shelf but I wasn't prepared for it and I felt my body tilting off balance. I let go of the potions as I tried to get my balance back, but my other back foot slipped, joining the other foot out in the open air, and I fell, my stomach hitting the edge of the shelf. I tried to hold on with my forepaws, still trying to pull my hind paws back up onto the shelf, but my paws just could grip the shelf against my weight. I slid in mocking slowness while my back legs flailed in midair, trying to keep from falling... but in the end my forepaws ran out of shelf and I fell to the ground.

It was a short drop - a foot at most - so it didn't hurt anything but my pride. Nobody had seen me fall so my pride wasn't that injured. I lay on the ground for a minute and tried to recover, a little embarrassed, especially after the pride I had felt from making the jump. The adrenaline faded a little and I realized I probably should have just tried to stretch out and place my hind paws on the floor instead of trying to get them back up on the shelf.

With that in mind I got back to my feet and tried to stand up on my back feet. I managed to lean my forepaws against the shelf; after that it was just a matter of leaning forward a little more and grabbing the plastic wrapping in my mouth again.

The potions swung off the shelf and came to a softer landing than I had. With better light and more room I took a closer look at the potions. They weren't Full Heals, like I had hoped - they were better than that. They were Full Restores. Not only would they cure a burn, they would also revitalize an exhausted Pokemon and get them back on their feet in seconds. I almost felt a little guilty using one on Phobetor... but then I cringed again as I remembered just how bad the burn had looked. Using one to help him wouldn't be that bad - I still had five others in case something else came up.

I tore at the plastic with my mouth until the hole was wide enough to get one of the bottles out through. I grabbed one in my mouth, being careful to avoid the spray mechanism at the top, and walked back towards the bedroom.

Phobetor was still lying on his side and in obvious discomfort. Apollo hadn't moved from his seated position near the door and still had an amused expression as he stared down at the wounded Liepard. I rolled my eyes at the Espeon's behavior and walked over to Phobetor.

Before I could do anything else the Liepard leaned up and snatched at the bottle in my mouth. "It's about time! Did you just want to make me suffer? Give me that."

"H-hey! Be careful with that!" I was surprised at the sudden snatch and took a half step back, but Phobetor ignored me.

"I've seen these before... though my old trainer never used them on me, just on his 'more important' Pokemon. You just push the thing at the top..." Phobetor gripped the full restore with his hind legs and started to push down on the top of the bottle with a forepaw, but he wasn't anywhere near the trigger button and nothing happened. "Ugh... what's wrong with this thing..."

"Be careful, you're going to break it!" I moved back to Phobetor, suddenly worried, but the Liepard ignored me and kept pushing down on the bottle. There was a sudden loud BANG that hurt my ears followed by a sharp acrid scent, and I felt something cold and sticky hit my face and chest as my eyes closed in a surprised reaction. I heard a sizzling sound, a surprised gasp that seemed to come from Phobetor, and a choked laugh that seemed to come from Apollo. I brought my paw up to wipe my eyes clear before opening them to try and figure out what had happened.

The full restore had exploded. The side of the bottle was bent outwards, and a white foam covered everything about three or four feet around the bottle. Phobetor was covered in the stuff, as well as most of my front, along with the carpet between us. Phobetor's expression had changed from one of pain to one of relief, and as I watched I saw the blackened flesh of his penis fade to a healthier pink underneath the white foam. I looked away from him and glared at Apollo, finding the Espeon laughing at the situation.

"Hrmph. Well there you go." I turned away from both of the Pokemon and stalked towards the bathroom.

Apollo recovered from his giggling to speak up. "Hey, where are you going?"

I looked back at him, slightly annoyed. "To take a shower and clean this stuff off me."

Apollo glanced back at Phobetor and then back at me. "Do you want me to come with - "

I was still mad at Apollo for not helping with Phobetor (and for laughing at us). I pointedly yanked my tails down behind me and continued walking. "No!"

I kicked the bathroom door shut behind me, feeling a little better when I heard it slam, then walked over to the shower. From outside I heard Phobetor laughing. "She seemed mad at you... ow! Kicking a cat while he's down? That's just dirty."

I made a 'hmph' noise under my breath, feeling a little better knowing that Phobetor had gotten kicked. I wasn't that happy with either one of them at the moment, honestly. I started the water running and ducked into the warm shower. The foam came right out of my fur, but I stayed under the water anyways, letting myself calm down and think.

I was glad I wouldn't have to worry about having sex with Phobetor. And I did feel a little happy that he had burned himself like that; it had served him right for what he had tried to do. I could understand how Apollo would have found the situation amusing... though he still should have helped me look for a potion, and it would have really been nice if he had helped when Phobetor first tried to mount me. I know he was a psychic type, and that most of his strength was in the special abilities that would be useless on the dark-type Liepard... but he still could have tried.

I let my ears droop as the water helped calm me more. Maybe that was unfair of me. Phobetor was strong - I had felt that clearly when he was above me - and that bladed tail of his would probably have hurt Apollo badly if the Espeon had tried anything, not to mention what the sharp claws could have done if the Liepard got serious. If Apollo had tried to help, I might have been using the full restore on him instead.

Sitting on the shower floor and feeling the water flow around me I reached an unavoidable conclusion.

I needed to get stronger. Fast.

It was no longer a vague question of what might happen - I didn't need to try and gain the almost legendary powers of illusion in case somebody came looking for Leo someday in the future. I needed to master the more common abilities of a Vulpix. It wasn't Apollo's psychic powers that had kept Phobetor off me, but my own fire. I needed to get better at it so I could keep the Liepard in line. I needed to...

My stomach suddenly rumbled and told me that I needed to eat.

I sighed and turned the water off. It was getting late in the day, and we hadn't eaten breakfast. I stepped out of the shower and shook off, my inner heat already working to dry my fur, then stepped out of the bathroom.

The first thing I noticed was that Phobetor was gone. I looked around the room just to be sure, half worried that he might be hiding and waiting to jump me when I relaxed, but he wasn't there. Apollo wasn't either.

The second thing I noticed was that the carpet was clean of foam. Somebody had cleaned it all up. Or... maybe it had dissolved? I had never seen the foam before - usually when you pushed the button it came out of the bottle as a sort of mist; the foam must have been what it looked like inside the bottle. It might be supposed to dissolve as part of the spray process... I really wasn't sure. Either way, it wasn't going to create a stain in the carpet now.

I started to head out down the hallway, intending to go to the kitchen, but Apollo bumped into me on the way. "Oh! Hello, belle fleur! I thought you might be hungry, so I got you some breakfast."

I looked behind the Espeon and saw a pair of bowls floating in the air behind them. The sweet smell of Muky Charms reached my nose as Apollo levitated them over me and brought them to a soft landing on the carpet. I couldn't help but smile as some of my annoyance faded away. "I'm starving, actually... thank you!"

I sat down before one of the bowls while Apollo moved to the other, but I paused before eating. "Where'd Phobetor go?"

Apollo's tail twitched a little at the question. "He left while you were in the shower. He said he was going to get some Rawst berries and be back sometime tomorrow. I think he thinks that if he eats enough of them he'll build up a resistance to your heat."

I looked up at him in worry. "Is... is that possible? I know there are some berries that make fire attacks less effective..."

The Espeon's forked tail made a shrugging motion. "Probably not."

"Probably?" I eyed him over the bowls of cereal.

"Well, I mean, I've never heard of it happening, but there are some strange things out there. He might eat a whole bunch of Rawst berries at once and who knows what would happen. Or he might find some of those other berries you know about, and those might do it. He might even find some hold item that gives him an ability that keeps him from getting burned, for all I know." Apollo leaned down towards the bowl and started to eat from it, continuing speaking between bites. "I wouldn't worry about it though. Even if it does work, after how badly you hurt him today I doubt he'll be up for trying that for a long, long time. And we've got a whole day without him around."

I blushed a little at the reminder but leaned down and scooped up some of my cereal. It felt a little silly, but my tongue and muzzle managed it without any trouble. I chewed and swallowed, then looked back up at Apollo. "Um... about that..."

Apollo looked at me before looking away. "Listen, I'm sorry about earlier... I know you were upset and that I acted like a bit of a jerk just sitting there, but... I didn't really know what to do to stop him, and then after I was just so glad he had hurt himself instead of you... I should have helped you find the full restores, I know, and I will if something like that happens in the future, and I should have tried to stop him somehow when he... you know."

I felt a little bad at my earlier upset at him and drooped my ears. "It's okay... I was surprised too. And you did what you should have... he would have just hurt you and then done whatever he wanted to me. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Your powers won't work on him, not really, but mine... if I can get strong enough with my fire attacks, then I could stop him next time he tries something." I took another mouthful of cereal and munched on it.

"Ahhh..." The Espeon's eyes lit up. "You want to practice some more, after breakfast?"

I nodded, swallowing the cereal I had chewed up. "Uh-huh! I've been getting stronger, and I think soon I'll be able to send out a stream of fire, and do a flamethrower attack! Then we won't have to worry about him so much... if you're up for helping?"

Something glinted eagerly in Apollo's eyes as he nodded eagerly. "I'm up for it! It's always fun, and you are getting better."

I wagged my tails happily and went back to my cereal, chewing happily and enjoying the sugary marshmallow taste of the cereal. When I was about halfway through a thought struck me - this was the first time Apollo had gotten us cereal for breakfast. I paused to look up at him again, noticing as I did that he had finished eating all the food in his bowl. "Um... not that I mind or anything, but what made you decide to get cereal? I do like it, it's just usually you make hotdogs or leftover pizza or things."

Apollo's ears perked in a happy expression. "Oh! It was what you told Phobetor earlier, about eating the stuff that would expire first. I doubted there was much more time left on the milk, so I thought we should try and drink it up first."

"Oh... that was very thoughtful of you. Thanks! And thanks for breakfast!" I smiled at him and went back to eating, trying to finish up as fast as I could. I finished the cereal and stared at the bowl of leftover milk, wondering if I should drink it or hurry out to practice. The Muky Charms had turned the milk a nice shade of purple, and I knew it would have a bit of the marshmallow flavor of the cereal. I always liked to drink the milk, but I really wanted to go practice...

I slurped up the milk as fast as I could, then dashed past Apollo and down the hall. "Okay, let's go!"

Apollo scrambled to his feet and ran after me. I raced him, though I cheated a little by letting my tails drift upwards to how I normally carried them, knowing it would distract the Espeon. It worked - I beat him to the door and sat up proudly, wagging my tails. "Come on, Slowpoke!"

Apollo caught up and stuck his tongue out at me. "Sorry, I had to stop and get the candles."

I looked around but didn't see them anywhere. "Oh? Then where are they?"

"Oh. I knew I forgot something." The Espeon flashed me a grin before turning and ducking into the kitchen. He came back after just a few seconds, ten scented candles floating in the air around him. He opened the door for us and I dashed outside, running around the yard excitedly as I waited for Apollo to set everything up.

It took him forever, but he finally had the candles all lined up in a row. "Okay! Let's see how much stronger you've gotten; try and light one!"

I ran up to one and took a deep breath, feeling the now-familiar sensation of warmth growing within me. I concentrated for a moment, then exhaled...

A ball of fire appeared before me, this one much larger than the embers I had managed before, and it fell towards the candle. It was slightly off target, though - as I watched it fall I realized it was going to hit the side of the candle instead of the wick, or maybe even miss the candle entirely. Even though I was impressed by the size I still felt a sense of disappointment that it was going to miss - I wanted it to go just a little bit more to the left, and I had really wanted it to land right on the wick.

I blinked in surprise as the ball of fire spun left, as if responding to my desire, and it came to a stop right at the wick. The fire shrunk down to the normal size of a candle flame - I had lit the candle.

Apollo was by my side while I was still wondering what had happened, and if I had just been wrong about it being off target at first. Apollo was excited about something, though. "You did it!"

I looked over at him in confusion. "I did what?"

"You spun the fire! That's the first part of the more advanced fire moves; you're learning how to control fire without actually being in contact with it! All the powerful moves need it to some degree - fire blast, inferno, will-o-wisp, flame burst... you have to be able to nudge the fire where it needs to go after you create it. Even flamethrower needs it a little; you can't just make fire in front of you, you need to push the fire out where you want it to go." Apollo looked down at the candle in excitement, holding a paw by it as if the candle explained everything.

"But... I don't remember doing anything special... are you sure I did?"

"Uh-huh! I felt it, clear as day. It's the main part of the next move Vulpixes learn after Ember - Fire Spin! You send out fire and cause it to spin around a target. It might be a small ball like the one you just made, or a large stream of fire, but the effect is the same - it keeps a Pokemon from being as mobile as he could be otherwise, and it hurts him until the fire burns out. And now you can do it!"

"But... it was just a little bit of a nudge... it might just have been the wind..." I still wasn't sure I had actually done anything, except maybe wish that it fell a little differently. That couldn't have been it, could it?

"It was you, trust me! Look, come here, I'll prove it." Apollo blew out the candle - which made me a little sad, given how easily he erased my accomplishment - and walked back towards the door to the house. He sat down and waited expectantly until I finally sighed and walked over. "Just lay down for a minute, I'm going to get everything ready."

"Get what ready? The candles are all over there..." I was beyond confusion, but I stretched out on the grass and watched the candles. After a few seconds the entire backyard seemed to glow purple, even the wooden fence taking on the glow. The effect lingered for a second, then vanished, leaving behind only an oddly familiar glittering effect. I looked over my shoulder at Apollo, wondering what it was. "What was that?"

"That was Light Screen! It's to keep you from setting the yard on fire." Apollo nodded proudly.

"Gee... that's encouraging." I flattened my ears a little in a sarcastic expression before looking back at the candles. The far off candles. "What are we supposed to be doing here, anyways?"

"It's the next part of your training! Look, just try it - try and make a ball of fire head towards the candles. If you can't do it we'll go back to the things we were doing before, but I think you can do it!" Apollo nodded excitedly.

I sighed but decided to try. I looked over at the candle I had lit before and tried to concentrate. The warmth welled up inside me, and I opened my mouth, concentrating hard on the idea of the fire arcing around and hitting the candle...

A blob of fire formed in front of my eyes. It was stretched and misshapen, not the normal spherical shape I had become used to. It grew, and I felt a strange sense of attachment to it, like I was holding it in my paws... I let go, or at least that's what it felt like, and the blob floated away from me. It dipped through the air, then rose again... then it fell, landing on the ground a few feet away from me. It sputtered, then the glittering around it grew brighter and the flame burned out.

I hadn't gotten the fire anywhere near the candle... but it had gone much farther than I had expected it to. And it had curved a little while it flew, just like Apollo had said it would. I had done my first - my second - fire spin!

I was determined to hit the candle, though, so I concentrated and took another breath. This time the ball of fire looked a little more like a sphere, and it flew a little farther, but it still dipped and rose while it flew, and it was still far from the candle when it hit the ground.

I fell deeper and deeper into my concentration, each try coming a little bit closer... until finally, after about thirty or forty tries, I managed to light the candle.

"Very good! You're getting good at this!" Apollo smiled warmly at me before waving back towards the rest of the candles. "Now try getting the rest!"

I wagged my tails, proud of myself, and turned my head back towards the candles. I took a deep breath, feeling the fire as I started to concentrate. I felt a slight tug at my tails but I ignored it, instead trying to focus on what I had done earlier...

My concentration was suddenly derailed by the feel of something fleshy and wet drag along my slit. It was still slightly sore from what Phobetor had done earlier, but this feeling was far more pleasurable, something gentle and exploratory instead of rough and forceful. I couldn't help but gasp at the feeling, and I looked back to see what was happening.

My tails were glowing a soft purple and had been pushed to the side. Apollo's muzzle was buried between my legs, and as I watched his tongue darted back into his mouth. He half-tilted his head and looked at me innocently. "Something wrong?"

I blushed, feeling my ears grow hot in embarrassment. "W-what are you doing? I'm trying to practice..." I tried to tug my tails back down behind me, but Apollo's psychic power had a firm grip on them, and they left my pussy exposed to the Espeon.

Apollo gave me a mischievous grin. "Then why are you looking back here? The candles are up there... is something distracting you? In a fight, especially against someone like Phobetor, you can't afford to be distracted like this; you need to be able to pull off your moves, no matter what else might be... happening." The Espeon punctuated the last word with a quick lick at my pussy, and I squirmed a little at the sudden feeling.


"Ah, but ma fleur, the dew upon your petals is divine... I can't help myself..." There was another lick, this one slow and deliberate, taking care to show attention to every inch of my slit. It reached the bottom and did a slow circle, sending another thrill through me when it brushed up against a particularly sensitive spot, then the tongue turned around and traveled back upwards just as slowly.

I felt even more embarrassed as I realized I was growing aroused. It was a good feeling - a very good feeling - and my body was already wanting more of it. My mind was still trying to stay on its earlier task, though, and on top of it all...

"Apollo... we're outside, anybody can see us..." I blushed again, looking around the yard, imagining a Caterpie hidden in the tree beyond the fence or a Starly perched on the roof.

Apollo just licked me once more. "Then you should hurry and light those candles, ma belle... unless you want to give them a show?"

I whimpered at the embarrassment that brought me and turned back to the candles. I concentrated as best as I could, feeling the warmth in my chest... and in other places... and managed to hold my focus even as Apollo's tongue dragged over my outer lips again. The blob of fire was shaky in its flight, and it wasn't even close - I think it landed somewhere by the fence, but another lick distracted me, this one right over the same sensitive spot I had noticed earlier.

I tried again, this time trying to time my efforts between Apollo's licks. So far he had given me a few seconds between his licks, but right as the fire formed in front of me his tongue prodded just at my entrance, the firm muscle spreading me slightly and setting off sparks of pleasure all around it. And when it wiggled... my concentration shattered and the blob of fire fell to the ground.

I whined helplessly, but Apollo just pulled his tongue back and gave my slit another long lick. I tried to move my legs, tried to squirm, tried to push back against the tongue that was torturing me with the pleasure... but Apollo's psychic powers had spread beyond my tails and was now holding me still before him. "Ah-ah-ah... that would be cheating. Keep trying to light those candles..."

I huffed, torn between annoyance and desperation, and this time managed to concentrate through the next lick. My aim was just the slightest bit off, though, and the fire landed on the ground right beside the candle before flickering out.

Apollo's voice carried a teasing tone to it. "Aw... that was sssooo close..." He followed up with a lick, this one coming right up to the earlier spot but stopping just short of it.

I closed my eyes, trying to shut out the feelings, and concentrated as hard as I could on just the fire. I felt Apollo's tongue two more times before I opened my eyes, and when I did I saw two lit candles. Ha! I had managed to light the candle in spite of haaaaaa.

It took me a second to realize I had actually groaned out loud when Apollo had licked just over the entrance to my tunnel. "That's two down... eight to go!" Apollo started to lick faster, his tongue immediately returning to me as soon as it finished a stroke.

My head was beginning to swim, and it was harder and harder to form the fire. And when I did manage to launch a ball of fire it landed nowhere near the candle. My pussy was soon sopping wet, though if it was more from Apollo's saliva or my arousal I couldn't say. After more tries than I could remember I finally managed to light a third candle.

Apollo congratulated me by pushing his tongue inside.

The problems I had been having with concentration were nothing compared to what I faced then. Apollo's tongue seemed to know just where to touch, sliding and twisting to reach parts of me that were desperate for attention. Sometimes it pushed, the muscle surprisingly strong and able to spread me as it nudged against my walls; other times it dragged along, leaving me breathless as it pulled against my silky flesh. I still had a few sore spots from where Phobetor had hurt me, but Apollo was especially careful when he reached those places, and the pain was soon eased by the tongue's gentle touch. I tried to squeeze around it, tried to close my legs, tried to open my legs wider, tried to do anything... but Apollo held me firmly in place as he pleasured my flower.

Aim was impossible. I was sure I would have burned the entire yard down with my misses if it hadn't been for the light screen protecting it. Smoke rose from various places throughout the yard, marking my misses. My fire was getting hotter, too - the balls of fire were glowing brighter as they flew through the air, and the balls were larger than before. Some part of me realized it must have been Apollo's Magic Bounce triggering my Flash Fire, making my fire attacks stronger by feeding the heat of my pussy back into me.

It didn't make my attempts any more accurate, though.

After what seemed like an eternity of missing, I finally, finally... got lucky. I didn't hit the candle I was aiming for, not by a long shot, but one of my misses ended up lighting the candle on the opposite end. I was going to count the win, though - my legs were so shaky I could barely stand, and I was panting like it was a million degrees, but I had managed to get four of the ten candles lit.

Apollo counted it as a win, too, and stepped up his efforts.

His tongue developed a mind of its own, but it was the mind of a pleasure-seeking missile. It pulled out long enough to flick against that sensitive spot, just as I was wishing something would touch it again, then immediately dove back into me to drag against part of my walls that needed attention. He teased my outer lips before diving as far into me as he could and twisting and curling against my sensitive flesh. Every move, every touch, every quiver of that tongue was exactly what I wanted, was exactly what my body needed to send more pleasure into me than I had ever dreamed possible.

Concentration was impossible.

I had given up on trying to even make fire anymore. All my efforts were in trying to hold on as the pleasure grew and grew. My pants had long since turned to lusty moans and needy whimpers, and my body was shaking in pleasure despite Apollo's efforts to keep me still. I felt pressure growing within me, a fire that Apollo's tongue just continued to stroke, and knew I was about to cum. Right there in the yard, for anyone to see, but I didn't care. I waited for the one last stroke that would finish me, waited for Apollo's tongue to come down one last time and unleash my orgasm, waited for him to drive me into an ocean of bliss...

It never came. I was right on the edge, only needing one more touch, and _needing_it badly, but it never came. Apollo's tongue had vanished from my pussy and left me empty and untouched.

My whole body was quivering in anticipation and desperate for release. I tried to tug my tails down, imagining the feel of my soft fur against my sensitive lips. I tried to push my legs together, hoping for the coarse fur and the warmth from my legs to mash my tunnel closed and send me over the edge. I tried to bring my paws back, willing to settle even for the soft cold pads against my blazing cunt. I tried everything, but my body couldn't break free of the Espeon's iron will.

All I could do was whine helplessly. "A-apollo... don't stop... please, I'm so close..."

"Ah, my petite lys... I am very sorry Lily, but I feel I may have misled you. You are supposed to be concentrating all your warmth and fire up there, at your mouth, but instead it all seems to be back here. I think it best that I stop, for a little, until some more of the candles are lit."

I whimpered, I tried to lift my tails, tried to raise my rear and entice the Espeon... but the tongue didn't return. I stared helplessly at the four burning candles, at the six unlit ones, and tried to concentrate. Maybe if I could light just one more, then he would... maybe he would fuck me, hard, right here in the yard, never mind who was watching, his hard cock filling me again and again, his knot piercing me and stretching me wide and touching every part of me...

I whined again as I realized my horny imagination had distracted me from the candles once again. I tried to take a deep breath, tried to steady my racing heart, tried to focus...

A ball of fire arced across the yard, but it missed the candle by a fraction of an inch. I felt a crushing disappointment as if all my hopes and dreams had been riding on that ball of flame, and I swore that my desperate pussy grew even wetter, as if it were crying at the defeat.

It was several long seconds before I realized I could try again. I took another deep breath and calmed myself a little. The desperate shouting of my cunt for anything quieted a little, and I sent the ball of fire flying across the yard.

This time I nailed the candle dead on. Five points of light burned out in the yard.

I was still so close to the edge. My pleasure had died a little, the pressure I had felt fighting to burst free had diminished some, but it wasn't far away. It would just take a few more licks from that wonderful tongue, just a bit more prodding and poking, and then I would...

I finally realized that Apollo's tongue wasn't going to return, even though I had lit the fifth candle. I tried once again to bring myself over the edge, but once again without success. One more hadn't been enough for Apollo, and he still held me back.

I sent another ball of fire racing towards the sixth candle... or rather, I sent a lumpy misshapen blob of flame floating drunkenly into one of the fence posts. After two or three more failed attempts I managed to light the sixth candle.

I lit the seventh candle right away. It wasn't any trouble at all - to my extreme disappointment, my pleasure had died out almost completely.

I started to try and light the eighth candle, but as I took a breath I felt the tongue finally return. It slid easily into my still-soaked passage, and it went immediately to the most sensitive spot in my tunnel.

I missed.

I continued to miss until Apollo brought me to a height of pleasure that was too great for me to even try anymore. I cried out to the midday sky as he stroked and caressed and drove me to greater and greater pleasures with his tongue. And then, when I was right on the edge, when I was just the barest touch away, when I was on the cliff of pleasure and only a breeze away from falling into the pools of bliss below... then, the Espeon stopped.

"You seem to be having trouble concentrating... let me give you a break."

"Nnnnnnnnoooooooooo... please, Apollo, I need it... I'm so close... don't tease me like this..." My voice was shaky and desperate. I was shaky and desperate. "Please... give me something... mount me, finish me with your tongue, rub me with your paws, anything, just please, let me cum..."

"I am sorry, but there are still two more candles to light."

I cried out, something that was half a scream of frustration and half a scream of desperation, and I sent another ball of fire flying across the yard. It splattered harmlessly into the fence before sputtering out.

I tried to calm myself, tried to control my shaking muscles, but my body was too on edge, was too desperate for release, for a male, to concentrate on silly things like candles and fire. I tried a few times, knowing it was the key to my release, but every time my mind wandered back to the fire between my legs.

It wasn't until my pleasure had died down once again that I was able to concentrate enough to try, and I was still far too horny to throw straight. I tried again and again, but with no luck. My shots grew closer and closer, and I was sure my next one would light it...

Apollo's tongue gave my puffy, aroused slit a long, slow lick.

I almost cried in frustration. I couldn't do it again, couldn't be driven right to the edge only to have him stop. I didn't bother trying to aim. I pointed my head in roughly the direction of the candle and sent shot after shot after shot flying out across the yard. I didn't even stop to look where they landed. Every motion of his tongue drove me to send more and more flames spinning across the yard.

I didn't even realize at first that Apollo had stopped. I wasn't at the edge, but I was getting close, and I didn't want to risk wasting time. But Apollo's paw on my shoulder finally stopped me, and I looked up at him, weary and desperate.

"Good job! You lit all of the candles."

I looked back at the candles and sure enough, all ten of them were lit. The sun was bright in the sky so they weren't much of a sight, but the tiny flames dancing and flickering above them was like watching fireworks on a clear night sky to my desperate mind.

"Now, as I promised, since you lit them all, I will tell you how I got them. Let me just sit down, since it's a long story..."

"I don't care about the candles!" I shrieked, my last shred of self-control having long since vanished. "Get over here and fuck me!!"

Apollo wasted no time on more words. I felt the psychic hold on me vanish, replaced instantly by his weight above me, as well as the wonderful feeling of his cock penetrating me. It was fully erect and rock hard, probably from all the teasing he had given me, and he had no difficulty finding his target - I probably could have hit my entrance with a fire spin from the front yard with how aroused I was. I was so wet from his saliva and my arousal that he filled me entirely, his balls bouncing against my belly when his hips met mine. He went deeper than his tongue had and drove my walls further apart... and then he pulled back and thrust in again.

I was right back on the edge before I knew it, and then finally, at long last, I came. I cried out in release, overjoyed at finally feeling the sensation sweeping through my body, a feeling more intense than the other orgasms I had felt. It felt like every nerve had caught fire, put itself out, and then caught fire again. Pleasure overloaded my brain.

And then Apollo thrust into me again, the motion sending another spike of pleasure through my overwhelmed mind. My legs wobbled, and I felt a flush of heat, I saw bright spots, then a flash of white...

I wasn't sure exactly what happened, but at some point I realized I was in the backyard. I felt impossibly full, and exhausted, with that warm feeling I got after Apollo came in me. I tried to move my head to look down, but Apollo's voice stopped me. "Shhh... it's okay."

"What... mmm..." The thought I had tried to form was washed away by a sensation of pleasure. An aftershock of bliss running through me.

"I think you blacked out, right when I knotted you. You had a really intense orgasm... I didn't expect that to happen."

I gradually became aware of fuzzy warmth all around me and realized he was snuggling against me. I was still tied to him, and as my mind began to regain awareness I realized he was still filling me with his seed. It was a strangely comforting feeling, especially to feel it without the intense pleasure of an orgasm distracting me from it. Everything felt warm and fuzzy, the smells seemed a little sharper than they should have been, and the sights seemed a little brighter, the sounds a little louder than they should be... but all in a good way. I lay my head back down, just enjoying all the sensations... though there was one thought that danced in my mind.

"How... how did you know? Where to touch, and when to stop?"

Apollo licked my ear, managing to tickle it in just the right place. "I'm psychic, silly. I just read your mind."

I sighed happily, unable to get my mind to focus on anything more beyond the haze of pleasure, and I just let myself drift off. I could worry about things later... right now I was warm and content and with Apollo, and nothing else mattered at all...