What You Think You Need.

Story by Darokko on SoFurry

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Just a little something I wanted to get out to help with some pent up emotions. I hope you fine folks enjoy the result.

I'm really starting to grow a bit of a soft spot for Moondoggie, I have a little more planned with him.

Moondoggie stared down at the little white 'f' in a blue square, his gaze harsh and unrelenting. To anyone else in the bar, the sable colored ferret would have just looked like he was just drunk and glaring at his phone. However, he was drunk and ruminating on the decision to ruin his night further. He knew what tapping that little square would do to him; it would make his heart ache in his chest, his stomach tight and upset, his eyes would burn with salt and his fist clench without outlet. It would show him exactly what he didn't want to see : his crush with his new boyfriend. Another new boyfriend anyway.

It happened at least twice a year and a small part of the ferret was used to it but this time it was particularly heart rending. He couldn't stand seeing the handsome gorilla in more pictures with his new reptile boyfriend or mentioned in more sickeningly sweet updates. If social media was any indication, the new couple were having the time of their fucking lives.

Bitterness sat heavy in the ferret's heart, alongside his regret and sorrow from the whole situation. Finally, he tapped the icon and after a quick moment he was greeted with a photo of his primate crush being kissed by an undeserving lizard. . Of course it would be right at the top of his feed. His stomach felt like it wanted to turn inside out as he swiftly closed the program and reached for the remainder of his rum and coke still sitting beside him.

Something as simple as grabbing a glass shouldn't have bothered him further but, the sight of his own right hand only helped him drift deeper in despair. Around his fingers coiled five black tentacles which twisted around his hand and wrist until they disappeared up the sleeve of his jacket. He remembered getting the tattoo, quite vividly in fact.

Once the needles had reached the thinner skin around his digits he thought he was going to black out but, he found comfort as two strong hands held his free one firmly....

"Fuck you, Bruno." The ferret sighed under his breath before he tossed back the rest of the drink, cringing afterward. "You just had to tell me how much you liked ink on a guy, asshole."

Moondoggie wasn't sure why he was blaming the gorilla for his tattoos, but he knew he had to blame him for something and his drunken mind grasped for the first thing it could.

He motioned to the bartender who was busy chatting up to girls at the other end of the bar, a handsome lion in the bartender's stereotypical uniform of a fitted black shirt that showed off his clearly hard earned figure. He managed to pull himself away from the young ladies, greeting Moondoggie again with a forced smile.

"Another?" The lion said quickly, already reaching for the rum.

Moondoggie leaned to the side, glancing at the two women the bartender seemed to eager to get back to before turning to the lion and speaking lowly. "Ya know, you aren't gonna score with either of them."

"Excuse me?" Scoffed the bartender with a raised brow.

"Yeah. Ya see, if they were alone, your chances are much better, but I promise ya those two aren't goin' home with you." Said the ferret sagely to the lion, who now looked visibly irritated. "I say cut your losses and avoid the blue balls."

The bartender slammed Moondoggie's drink down before him, his muzzle pulled into a scowl. "How the fuck would you know that?"

"I was the 'gay friend' in high school. I've had plenty of girls tell me shit like that." Moondoggie shrugged and took a sip of his drink, then reached down to press a different icon on his phone to open up his token, color matching puzzle game of choice. "Prove me wrong, just know that I don't mind 'helping' a guy out sometime."

Moodoggie didn't look up to see the look of disgust the lion gave him before he went back to the pair of girls at the other end of the bar. It only took roughly twenty minutes for the lion to come skulking back from the women who were now laughing and rolling their eyes.

"So..." The bartender started, struggling to swallow his pride. "You said something about helping?"

"Gimme five and meet me around back." Said the ferret as casually as if he was offering directions to a lost stranger.


With a soft grunt Moondoggie picked himself up off the unforgiving cement, his knees just beginning to ache. The lion bartender was slumped against the alley wall, panting deeply with a dreamy look in his eyes as he came down off his orgasmic high.

"Wow that was...pretty good." The lion mumbled as his surroundings slowly bled back into his mind.

"Uh huh." The ferret said as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, the taste of lion seed drowning out the dark flavor of his rum.

"Uh, so, can I get your number or something?" The bartender asked a little too quickly. Moondoggie flicked a glance over to the freshly blown lion. His shirt was pulled up to display his near perfect abs and his still glistening cock was hanging out of his fly. A bitter smirk crossed the ferret's muzzle before he reached for the lion's barbed shaft, tucking it gently back into his underwear.

"Yer still on that endorphin rush, once you're back in your right mind you are either gonna lose my number or keep it for when you needa get your dick wet and you can't be bothered to find a girl." Moondoggie said matter of factly. "So...no."

"Oh..." The lion groped for words"

"But, if I see you around again, maybe." The ferret lied. "For now, you should probably get back to work, yeah?"

The lion bartender smirked and entered the bar with a new swagger that made Moondoggie shake his head as he took his own leave.

Sucking the lion's dick had been a good way to distract himself, but it was only a matter of time until the feelings he was trying to bury would unearth themselves again. He yanked his phone from his pocket and scrolled though the contacts, whizzing right pass the B's to find someone, anyone who he could talk to help distract himself even more.

It was late though, and most of his friends were adults with jobs to get to the next morning. It was his own fault for drinking alone on a Sunday night. He finally fell on a name after his second scroll through his contacts.

Silas was one of the few people in his phone book he wasn't in frequent contact with, in fact part of the reason why had the dragon's number was to schedule appointments easily when another tattoo idea came to mind. The ferret was buzzed enough and needy enough to type out a message to the reptile.

"Hey man, you awake?" Simple, innocuous and not too desperate sounding, the ferret smiled at his cleverness.

"Yep, you know I don't sleep." the dragon answered quickly. The ferret recalled that being a running gag during a few conversations they had over the buzz of a tattoo gun. The dragon never seemed to sleep at normal hours, a few here, a few there and rarely at night which always led to weird situations like getting bad food at three in the morning after a session.

"Are you doin' anything?" the ferret wrote back, feeling a little antsy as he walked aimlessly down the dark street."

"Nope, you might as well come over instead of beating around the bush." Moondoggie would have found this rude coming from anyone else. However, he knew the dragon was a cross between blunt and kind to a fault. Silas had texted the ferret his address, noticing it was only a quick cab ride away.

Arriving at the dragon's doorstep had been a dreamy experience, like it was all too convenient for someone with his luck. The ferret shook those ideas out of his head and put on his trademark lopsided smirk before ringing the door bell. He reached up to press the button and second time before the door finally opened up for him. An expanse of smoky scales and muscle filled the ferret's view now, the shorter male having to glance up as he was greeted.

"Long time, no see." Silas rumbled, his voice craggy and low.

"Yeah I know, sorry about that." Moondoggie had a hard time not looking the reptile up and down. The dragon was bare chested, which the ferret appreciated as much as he could in the span of a few seconds. His pectorals seemed strong and thick but, his stomach had a gentle curve that no doubt came from a dragon's naturally large appetite. Silas' shoulders were broad and his arms appeared to be as large as the lithe ferret's waist, if he flexed at least his biceps would have been. His horns resembled those of a bull, dark, polished and curving upward to points he dulled himself. Finally, nearly-black scales and his short, red beard were the bow on the neat package that was this dragon. A trail of pink lead down from the spot where Silas' belly button would have been, disappeared under his pants and started again under his tail.

"So, gonna let me in?" Moondoggie said curtly, trying to play off like he wasn't enjoying the eye candy.

Silas merely snorted and stepped aside, letting the less than subtle ferret enter his dark living room, a slight smirk stretching along his square jaw. "So, what has you up and around?" The dragon asked as he shut the door.

"Ya know, drinking." Moondoggie stopped there.

"Alone?" The dragon asked, a little concerned.

"No, everyone else couldn't hang." He lied for the second time that night, quickly changing the subject. "Are we gonna talk in yer dark living room, ya big creep?"

Once again the dragon snorted but, this time with a toothy smile. "Bedroom, I was just doing a little work." He said as he pointed to the only room down the hall with a light on.

"Already going to your bedroom, huh? Gonna skip the foreplay too?" Moondoggie smirked as he walked where he was told.

This time Silas laughed, the sound deep and comforting. "Why don't we hang out more, you're funny."

The simple praise made the ferret's ears a little hot and his heart flutter inside his chest as he shed his jacket and plopped himself on the foot of the dragon's huge bed, making himself comfortable right away. Silas followed his guest and took his own seat as his computer, turning his attention back to the page he was reading before the ferret arrived.

"So, what are you doing?" Moondoggie pushed himself off the king size bed to hover beside the distracted dragon.

"Looking up tattoo guns that can apply ink to scales without looking like shit." Silas leaned back in his seat, his brow furrowing as he scrolled the page down.

"Oh yeeeah, remember you tellin' me about this stuff when I got my stuff done." The ferret looked down at the bare upper body again. "Shame though, a tattoo artist that can't get tattoos."

Silas shrugged before lifting his left leg onto his right knee and rolled up his pants. Three near prefect circles of white were in a row along the inside of his calf. "I can get them but the ink just doesn't set right." He stated pointing at the first two. "This last one was getting closer though."

"Uh, I can't tell the difference." The ferret leaned closer, narrowing his eyes as he tried to figure out the difference between the circles. "Yeah, I got nothin.'"

"Well, you have to be a professional to tell." The dragon teased, letting his leg back down.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." The ferret straightened up again, which put him at eye level of a sight that dulled his buzz and sobered him right up.

Above the dragon's monitor was a shelf and on that shelf were picture frames of what appeared to be family and friends and apparently lovers. A picture of Moondoggie's gorilla crush was among them, the primate and Silas merely holding hands. He had forgotten the pair had dated too. The sight and memory of the gorilla made his chest tighten again and his anger burn the behind his eyes instantly however, the dragon's voice made him turn away from it.

"Speaking of, lemme see my work on you." Silas said as he turned his chair toward the ferret.

It took Moondoggie a few seconds to register the request, fighting back the welling tears with a bitter smile. Wordlessly, he peeled off his shirt and held it in front of him, showing the dragon his slight frame. Silas didn't notice the shift in the ferret's mood as he lifted up Moondoggie's tattooed arm with a proud grin.

The black tentacles that twisted Moondoggie's fingers extended up his arm where the first five were joined by three more. They continued up the ferret's upper arm, growing thicker until they reached his shoulder blade and ended as the body of an octopus. The dragon huffed and brushed aside some of the ink dyed fur on the ferret's arm.

"Do I have to keep reminding to you keep this fur short? The longer the fur is, the harder my clean lines are to make out." The dragon scolded in the kindest way he could manage.

"I know, I know." Answered the ferret, his tone hollow.

Silas glanced up and stared at Moondoggie, his brow raised until the ferret's brown eyes meet his red ones. "Are you okay?"

Moondoggie scoffed, then managed a smirk. "I'm fine, what of it?"

Silas studied the Moondoggie for a while longer before letting his arm go and leaning back in his seat. "Is that why you texted me? Did you need to talk?" He pressed.

"No, there is nothing to talk about!" Said the ferret curtly.

"Is this about Bruno? Do you still have that crush on him?" Asked Silas, frowning deeply.

"No! Its not about that fucking asshole!" Shouted Moondoggie, his eyes beginning to sting with tears.

Without a word, the dragon reached up and pulled the ferret into a tight hug. Moondoggie fought against it at first but, he was far too weak to resist the dragon and the feeling of cool, smooth scales was enough to actually try and return it despite his arms being unable to reach around the dragon's chest.

"I get it. Really, I do." Silas said lowly. "It still stings for me too."

Moondoggie could only nod as he fought back the desire to cry.

"It sucks, but you can't hold it against him."

Again the ferret nodded, trying to speak this time. "I should leave." He croaked, once again trying to pull out of the hug.

"No, you can stay here. I like you too much to let you be alone." Silas' tone became firm, easily pulling Moondoggie off his feet and placing the mustelid in his lap as he took a seat on the edge of his bed.

Moondoggie nodded a third time, straddling the dragon's muscled thigh in order to press his snout into the crook of Silas' neck.

"Sorry man, I swear it's mostly the booze doing this." The ferret said with a shallow laugh, trying his best move away from the outburst. Silas shared a low chuckle but, said nothing, instead he rubbed his thick hands up and down the ferret's back.

The pair sat in each other's arms for a long while, Moondoggie enjoying the dragon's scent while Silas shared the ferret's body heat. The closeness, despite being so innocent and comforting, eventually took an effect with Moondoggie; the ferret shifting himself ever so slightly as the front of his pants became tighter.

"Er, hold on." The ferret mumbled, trying to discreetly move himself off the dragon's thigh, however, the changing positions caused the tent in his jeans to brush ever so slightly against Silas' soft belly. The ferret swore under his breath as he settled down but, Silas already had a small grin crossing his jaw.

"Really?" Rumbled the dragon while the ferret blushed.

"It happens, just shut up and ignore it." Moondoggie said, curling his tail around his front in an attempt to hide his arousal.

"How can I? It's pretty much staring me in the face." Teased Silas further.

"Shut the hell up... I don't wanna ruin the moment." The ferret furrowed his brow as he nestled deeper into the dragon's lap.

Silas chuckled lowly before gathering the ferret up in his arms again, pushing them face to face, Moondoggie merely scowling at the bigger male while his cheeks and ears were stained pink.

"It's not ruining the moment." The dragon affirmed. "To be honest, I thought you might have disliked me."

"Well, I don't make it a habit of texting people I hate." Moondoggie said with a raise of his brow.

"You know what I mean." Silas glanced at the photo that upset the ferret so much before speaking again. "I wasn't lying when I said I liked you. I liked you even when I was dating him."

"Ugh, c'mon." Moondoggie snorted, his ears turning a deeper shade of pink. "Don't do this."

"Don't do what, take your mind off him?" With a slight frown Silas continued. " You obsess over him. You can be a close friends with him, but you just can't fixate on him alone, you're just going to end up hurting yourself."

Moondoggie said nothing while the dragon continued.

"I'm not asking to forget about him or hold a grudge, just to push him out of your mind for a night, that's it."

"Alright... fair enough." Sighed the ferret, opening up to the idea that his luck might have been changing.

"Good, really good." Said the dragon with smirk, pulling the ferret into a tight hug once more. Moondoggie allowed himself a faint smile as he was locked in the warm embrace, the tightness in his chest loosening thanks to the warm fuzzies the dragon had given him.

"So...we going to handle that little issue or, are you just going to be prodding me in the stomach all night?"

"Little!?" The ferret shouted, his bluster returning enforce. He finally managed to wrestle his way out of the dragon's arms, frowning deeply at his friend. "You might be a big bastard but I'm in no way little."

A smile crossed Silas' snout as he stood, comparing his considerable height to Moondoggie. The two looked at each other, the ferret narrowing his eyes and managing to give an even more harsh frown.

"Shut the fuck up." Snapped Moondoggie, plopping himself back down onto the bed.

"I'll make it up to you." the dragon rumbled as he reached for his fly. "I remember in a drunken stupor, you told me how much you liked giving head."

The ferret shifted in place then straightened up, unabashedly staring at Silas' crotch now.

"Yeah? When was this?" Asked Moondoggie, barely able to hide his welling excitement behind his rapidly fading veil of anger.

" You were drunk, does which time matter?" Silas was more than a little distracted as he loosened his belt, followed by the first button of his pants, only to have Moondoggie's hands brush his own aside.

"Who gets button flies any more, jeez." Mused the ferret aloud as he finished the job, letting the dragon's pants slip down his thighs just enough to expose....Nothing.

"Hey! What the hell man?!" Moondoggie turned up to the dragon, feeling equal parts betrayed and confused. The trail of pink scales that looked so enticing when they were standing at the door, lead to what appeared to be a whole lot of nothing.

Silas beamed down at the ferret, as he flexed hidden muscles, making the smoothness that was his crotch suddenly bulge. At the peak of the bulge was a slit, and from that slit slid forth the dragon's inky colored cock. Moondoggie could feel the saliva starting to fill his muzzle, leaning back as Silas' shaft grew and swelled and stiffened before him. The formidable spire that the dragon called his dick throbbed while the ferret eyed it with wanton desire, his little ears flicking softly as he spoke.

"Oh. Well, uh..." He started, tilting his head to examine the member at a new angle. The length was far larger than the lion's he was warmed up on earlier. "That's pretty big."

"Don't tell me you're scared of double digits. I remember the stories." Silas said as he pushed his pants down the rest of the way, making his manhood bob and sway. Moondoggie scowled at the dragon while his hand reached up to grasp the heavy member aimed at his head, dragging his fingertips against the cool, glistening surface.

"Sorry, was that supposed to be a secret?" Teased the dragon further.

"Shut up asshole, I'm serious." Moondoggie sized up the cock cradled in his palm. "I actually don't think I can fit this in my mouth. "

"Wait, really?" Silas quirked a brow while his shaft jerked harder than normal. "That's actually a little hot."

Moondoggie shrugged then leaned forward and opened his muzzle, his goal was to try and push the head of the dragon's dick between his lips and try to work from there but, flesh soon met teeth and both of them recoiled.

"Uh, okay. I believe you." Silas placed his hand on the visibly disappointed ferret's shoulder, rubbing the spot fondly before speaking. "We can skip that, roll onto your back for me."

It was an order Moondoggie heard before but, when delivered by the dragon it made the fur on this neck stand pleasantly on end. He leaned back on his elbows, his pants uncomfortably restraining his manhood.

"Here, lemme help." Cooed Silas as he undid the ferret's belt and zipper, Moondoggie letting out a short groan of relief as his cock sprung free. His pants kept sliding down, thanks to the dragon, until he was totally nude.

"Goddamnit, that feels good." Muttered Moondoggie as he reached down to fondle himself, only to have the hand intercepted by another.

"I haven't even started." Flirted the dragon as he kneeled, lowering himself until his well kept beard tickled the ferret's balls. The first touch of Silas' tongue made the ferret squirm in the place, the wet appendage gliding from the base of the mustelid's member to it's head. Once he reached the thick head, he unceremoniously forced the entire length between his lip.

Moondoggie gasped, mostly in surprise, his hands gripping the dragon's skull as he felt Silas' tongue give long, exploratory licks over his hardness. He was at a loss for words, breathless as the dragon suckled and lapped, giving him a chance to appreciate his friend's muzzle. Inside the reptile's mouth was much more welcoming than his scales, warmer and softer than he expected. Despite the pleasant sensations coiling up the ferret's spine, Moondoggie could tell Silas didn't do this sort of thing very often however, the lack of technique was tolerable when paired with sheer enthusiasm the dragon was treating him to.

The long, deep slurps coming from the dragon were nearly as loud as Moondoggie's own grunts and growls of satisfaction. The pace would switch between slow and measured to swift and feral, Silas managing to gag himself a few times on the ferret's dick in his fervor. Moondoggie watched Silas through lidded eyes and a haze of raw sexual need, the ferret eventually unable to just lean back and enjoy it. He reached for the dragon's horns and clutched them tightly, using them as handles to guide his friend even lower onto his throbbing pillar.

The dragon's dark colored eyes glanced up at the ferret who was using his muzzle as his personal 'stress reliever', letting out a shallow grunt while his hands wandered up Moondoggie's torso. Amidst the hot and heavy desire the ferret felt growing fond to Silas' touch rather quickly, leaning into the strong, soothing hands that eased any the last pangs of heartbreak and-

"Fuck!" The ferret shouted as he ached his back, pushing the back of his head into the mattress and his cock deeper into Silas' mouth. Moondoggie shook in place and dug his blunted claws into the dragon's horns, struggling to hold his climax back and failing wonderfully. His body jerked and his cock convulsed hard before erupting, heated jets of the ferret's cream into the dragon's suckling maw. Rope after rope landed against the Silas's tongue, which the dragon effortlessly slurped up while he continued to suck the mustelid dry.

"S-shit! Let go!" Moondoggie whimpered, pushing the dragon's head away by his horns instead of pulling this time. The ferret spent himself within a matter of seconds however, Silas still keep milking more and more out of him until he had grown too sensitive.

"Sorry." Chuffed the dragon as he wiped his muzzle off on Moondoggie's belly. "Feelin' better though?"

Moondoggie tried to answer but all that came from his mouth was a ragged groan.

"Good." Silas smiled warmly as he lifted himself off his knees again, looming over the foot of the bed. The ferret gathered himself together again, looking up at the dragon once his senses returned. It could have been the staggering afterglow still clouding his thoughts but, it was one the few times Moondoggie was intimidated by someone larger than him. The dragon did have roughly two feet on him and about hundred pound of mostly muscle, instinct would have told him he was right to be a little threatened. Then, Silas crawled onto the bed beside him, unable to resist being tugged into the thickly muscled arms that wrapped around him so easily.

"Ugh, cut it out with all this huggin' shit." Moondoggie grunted, yet struggled only halfheartedly.

"You're soft and warm, I'm scaly and cold, I can't help it." Teased the dragon, rolling on to his back to hold the ferret on top of his chest. Moondoggie made himself comfortable but, jumped when his tail swept over the dragon's still turgid member, causing Silas to shudder involuntarily. He glanced back at the black shaft, a lazy grin crossing his muzzle before pushing himself up to straddle the dragon's stomach.

"You know what's a lot more welcoming than my muzzle?"

Silas gave the ferret a quizzical look before Moondoggie spit into his palm then reached behind himself to rub his saliva over the dragon's meaty manhood.

"Hold on, I mean I don't wanna hurt you." Silas began to sit up before the ferret's shoved him back down onto the bed.

"Then gimme some lube and it won't." Ordered Moondoggie.

Unwilling to discourage the ferret after the smaller male had begun to take charge, Silas moved to reach under his bed and produced the standard bottle of lube that every adult should keep handy. He passed it to Moondoggie who wasted little time flicking open the cap and pouring the viscous fluid directly onto the dragon's waiting flesh. A tiny shiver of anticipation went up Silas' spine when the ferret's hand came down to make sure the thick lube was spread evenly over him.

With only a sly grin plastered on his face, Moondoggie slid himself backward until the base of his tail met the thick and blunt head, letting a low groan leave him as he angled himself just right. He eased back, slowly, gently, A low moan rising from the dragon's chest which was quickly followed by a sharp grunt.

Moondoggie managed to wrap his hand around his own muzzle to suppress a scream as he forced every inch of the dragon's huge cock inside him. Silas reached for the ferret's waist to lift him off but, was stopped by a breathless and lusty moan coming from his friend.

"Holy fuckin' hell." Panted the ferret, apparently having fought through the pain of his rough entry within a matter of seconds. "You feel good."

"Er, are you okay?" the dragon's brow furrowed as he looked up at Moondoggie's dreamy expression.

"Y-yeah man, just... Fuck you're big." Admitted Moondoggie, clenching his tunnel around the dragon's meaty shaft and groaning deeply. "Told ya, more welcoming."

Silas snorted and placed his hands on the ferret's thighs, rubbing his digits through the fur while he allowed himself to enjoy the hot and tight hole surrounding him. They stayed that way for a time, Moondoggie clenching his rump around the thick invader and Silas reacting with low growls and gentle grunts.

"I don't think yer gonna cum this way, you might wanna start fucking me for that." It was Moondoggie's turn to tease, earning a smirk from the dragon. The gentle goading was all the huge reptile needed, rolling his hips into the mattress and drawing his length out of his tight friend then, smoothly working himself back in. The ferret grunted and shuddered but, his brow knit and his muzzle sketched a frown.

"Okay really, I meant fuck me."

"Are you sure? I mean, really sure?"

"For fuck's sake, yes."

"Remember, you asked for it." The dragon used this considerable strength to shift places with the ferret, making it look easy as he kept himself hilted within the mustelid. This feat would have been impressive to something other than the ferret, who merely grinned like a fool until he was given reason to stop. Silas rolled his hips back, only to crash down onto the slight ferret who sucked in a deep breath before a quiet groan left him, just in time for the dragon to repeat it the motion. Then thrust down into the ferret again, and again, the bed squeaking loudly and Moondoggie moaning louder.

Silas jammed his girthy spire into his friend harder and faster, his calm and relaxed demeanor slowly melting away under the heat of his arousal. The dragon bared his teeth and his dark eyes narrowed, his strong hands reaching around Moondoggie's chest just to hold him still under the flurry of his fucking.

The ferret let out silent and breathless screams, bracing his lithe frame against the bed while he took the rough pounding with hazy smirk. He could feel his narrow tunnel be forcefully worked open with each thrust of the fat cock, stretching him to what felt like his limit only to draw back and restart to sensation all over again. Moondoggie gasped sharply as something hot suddenly flooded into his passage, looking up at the dragon with reddened ears.

"Di-did you just-." He started but, was cut off when Silas hilted him particularly hard, making some of the thick fluid run down his tail.

"Shh, not yet. Only pre." The dragon snarled, pulling back until only the head of his shaft remained inside the ferret, only to slam fur against scale once more. "Close though."

Moondoggie was barely listening anymore, he could feel his climax rise for a second time that night, the fur on the back of his neck stood on end while his toes curled and his fingers clawed at the covers. He wanted to warn Silas, ask him to slow down or even beg him for a breather but, the experienced ferret was out classed by the dragon's ruthless breeding. With barely more than a low squeak, Moondoggie came again, his lithe body writhing as the pleasure wreaked havoc on his nerve endings. Ribbons of cum landed on his chest and belly, not nearly as thick or as plentiful as his first load but, the scent was still as pleasantly strong and musky.

Silas held the orgasming mustelid loosely in his hands as he continued to fuck his friend, feeling the muscular ring wrapped around his cock struggle and clench pleasantly. Not wanting to be left behind, the dragon snarled like his primal ancestors and moved at a near blinding pace, lewd and loud slurps filling the room as he rutted the ferret as if he was a male twice his size. Moondoggie winced and whined, but the little ferret took it like a champ, gritting his teeth as his second climax ended and led in right to his third, tunnel gripping the dragon's thick invader tightly while he convulsed in heated bliss and his cock throbbed a few more drops of seed.

Silas's closed his eyes and arched his back up, pushing deeper and harder until he finally couldn't take anymore. He erupted with a powerful roar that that neighbors were sure to complain about later. Thick, hot, and copious jets of cum flooded the ferret in hard pulses which he only fucked deeper, which in turn only prolonged his climax, creating a cycle that that nearly caused the ferret to pass out from the delight. They both lost track of time as the Silas filled Moondoggie's tunnel with each jet of his seed, some managing to leak out between the tight seal they made together but most of it just staying inside the ferret, causing his lean stomach bulge faintly.

Eventually the dragon exhausted his reserves, Silas breathing heavily and shivering as he came down off his high while Moondoggie teetered on the edge of consciousness.

"Fuck." Muttered the dragon, letting himself slump and relax.

"Gimme a second first" chided the ferret, a lazy smirk plastered on his muzzle.

"Apparently I fucked the wrong end." Silas lowered himself to kiss the ferret, partly out of affection and partly to prolong the moment.

"As much as I hate to ask, can ya pull out?" Moondoggie's asked after the short kiss was broken, his ears flattened shamefully against his head.

Silas nodded and gently tugged himself out, drawing low moans out of both of them until the still hard shaft popped free. Moondoggie struggled to keep his messy prize inside of him but, a wave of hot embarrassment washed over him as he felt quite of bit of the dragon's seed spill out over his tail. The huge reptile chuckled but, leaned his head down until he was between his partners leg's. His tongue snaked out and lapped up the sticky seed with slow, and teasing sweeps, causing the ferret to whimper while he watched. Silas traced around the overworked ring of muscle delicately, doing his best to soothe away the aches while he tasted the freshly claimed ferret.

"Alright c'mon man." Groaned the ferret, his cock just starting to soften.

Silas merely smirked and licked his lips after he cleaned a good portion of his mess. "I'm just making sure my ferret is comfortable." he stated, falling back into bed beside Moondoggie with a wide mouthed yawn.

"Your ferret 'ey?" Moondoggie rolled his eyes but, his heart fluttered in his chest. "What makes ya think that?"

Instead of speaking, Silas drew his arms around the ferret tightly, his scales still warm from their rutting. He curled himself securely around Moondoggie, letting out a heavy snort as he snuggled in. The ferret attempted to move out of the dragon's arms but, only managed to earn himself a low growl and a tighter hug.

"Alright, ya made your point." Said Moondoggie with a slight chuckle and again he received no answer, only the comforting lull of Silas' soft snoring.


The ferret was jerked awake by a sharp chime. He blinked as he surrounding slowly registered to his sleep sluggish brain. He tried to move but, the feeling of something heavy on his stomach stopped him. He glanced down as the chime sounded again, seeing the dragon using his belly as a pillow. A lazy grin crossed his lips as he gingerly worked himself out of Silas' grip, tossing his legs over the bed and standing. A dull and pleasant pain worked its way up his spine, a less than gentle reminder of the night he had. The dragon had woken up him in the middle of the night to give him two more loads, one inside of his muzzle and the other splattered against his chest and belly, leaving the fur matted and him reeking of reptile spunk.

He braced against whatever was closest as he stumbled to his clothes, barely fastening his pants as he wandered to the front door. The door bell rung again before he got to and opened it with a scowl.

"Whatta wan-" The words stopped on his lips as the ferret answered. A handsome gorilla stood at the door, looking desperate and now incredibly surprised.

"Doggie? What are you doing here?" Bruno asked, even though the answer was matted all over the ferret's fur.

"Uh..." Was all the Moondoggie could manage to say, his eyes beginning to sting as he resisted the desire to close the door and hide in Silas' bedroom.

"He spent the night." Said a voice that make the ferret relax and tense up at the same time. Silas rubbed his eyes as he walked up behind Moondoggie, the dragon naked as the day he was born but, his cock tucked away inside his internal anatomy. "Is that okay with you?"

Bruno opened his mouth to speak then closed it, waiting a second or two before trying again. "So, are you two..." The gorilla motioned to the ferret then the dragon.

"Maybe, I was gonna take him out for a few more dates and see how it goes." Silas said with a smile, rubbing a hand over Moondoggie's tattooed arm. "Did you need something?"

"Um, you know what, it can wait. Let's talk later." And with that, the gorilla left without much else, allowing the dragon to close to door with the little sigh.

"What the fuck was that about?" Moondoggie groaned, turning the face Silas for an explanation.

"He comes over here to get his rocks off, this is the first time I've been able to brush him off." Said the dragon with a shadow of a smirk. "You aren't the only one that was strung along."

Moondoggie studied the dragon's face for a while then took him by the hand with a faint smile of his own. "Eh, fuck that guy. C'mon, I need a shower, I'll let you wash all your fuckin' jizz off me."

"Let me, huh?" Silas said with a raised brow while he squeezes his friend's hand.

"Sure, my dragon made a mess and he needs to clean it up." Moondoggie said with a shrug as he lead the way to the bathroom.

Silas felt a warm shiver go up his spine as he followed the sticky ferret.