Second Night Part 2

Story by Blotta on SoFurry

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I'm back with the second part of the second night, and with some hot foot fun for my readers. I hope you like it as much as I did.

Riley pulled away from Feuros, falling to the floor on his back, he opened his eyes and met with Feuros' eyes staring at his intently, "...Riley what's wrong with you?" Feuros peered down from atop the bed, Riley sighed, and sat up on the floor "It's nothing... just a nightmare I guess..." he got up, feeling dizzy and lightheaded, as he was about to get back on the bed, he glanced at Feuros' feet again, feeling another throb on his erection just from noticing the soft scales, the tendons outlined under the skin, the sensuous curve of the arches, and the toes. He laid back on the bed again, covering his crotch. "Oh... if that was it then it's okay..." Feuros laid back on his chest again, this time his feet away from Riley's legs. Thankful, Riley closed his eyes again trying to go back to sleep again, then he felt his brother's soles brush against his shins again. He opened his eyes, but he saw his brother already asleep, softly snoring against his chest.

"Well... he did sound sleepy." Riley stole another look at his brother's feet near his own, those curves he couldn't resist, those nicely shaped ankles. He involuntarily licked his lips thinking about how it would feel if they touched his penis, this thought alone made precum leak out again from his urethra with a jerking spasm. "Oh no... I... I just need to touch them." He thought to himself, he glanced back at Feuros, and slowly edged away from him, being careful to not move too briskly. Feuros gently slid off his skin, and gently landed on the bed when Riley successfully snuck out from the bed. "It'll be just a quick caress... and maybe a quick whiff..." Before he knew what he was doing, Riley was kneeling down on the floor, and approaching his nose to Feuros feet. When he got close enough to feel the mild smell coming from them he sniffed in all the air he could, this made his penis much harder than it was already and sent a shiver up his spine. He threw his head back, and instinctively lowered his hands to his groin, caressing his hard on.

"Mmmmhhh... I need... more..." Riley thought, he quickly stripped his clothes off, letting his raging boner stand out free, dripping cum all over it. He reached down and stroked it with one hand, purring with pleasure as he approached Feuros' feet and sniffed in again. Riley quivered with the throes of pleasure that surged through him from his cock, he jerked his dick as he sniffed Feuros' feet again. This time he couldn't suppress the moan of pleasure that escaped his mouth, which woke Feuros up. "Riley... what's going on?" He sat up on the bed, astonished to see Riley's face so close to his feet. "I... I... it's nothing Feuros... it's just..." Riley whimpered as he pulled his clothes up trying to hide his boner and yelping again in pleasure as he accidentally rubbed it more.

"I think it's definitely something!" Feuros whispered as he stared at Riley, noticing his eyes transfixed on his own feet. "Well Feuros... I'll tell you... if... if you promise not to tell anyone." Riley got up and approached his face to Feuros, staring back at him eye to eye. "Well I need to know what it is Riley! I won't tell anyone but tell me what..." he was cut off by Riley suddenly locking his muzzle with his in a passionate hot kiss, Feuros wasn't sure what to do, he just stared at his brother completely astonished and didn't move his tongue or lips at all while his brother ravaged his mouth with his own tongue, then Riley pulled away and met his gaze with Feuros eyes again. "You promise you won't tell?" Feuros nodded his head, still not sure what to say before he felt Riley pinning him down to the bed, breathing heavily on his neck "Hmmmrr... you smell so good... I can't... I can't control myself..." the deep and grumbling tone Riley's voice had taken sent shivers down Feuros' spine, he could feel something strange deep within him, a heat that crept all over his body from the place where his brother breathed on his neck and making his own penis feel tingly.

"Those clothes must be off..." Riley whispered in the dark, and Feuros swiftly removed them all, except his underwear, all the while shaking and feeling a strange warmth taking over his body. "Good boy... we're going to have so much fun Feuros..." Riley whispered on Feuros' neck again, this time lowering his muzzle to Feuros' chest, "It... tickles!" Feuros whimpered as he felt Riley's wet tongue lapping around his nipples shamelessly, he closed his eyes at the waves of pleasure spreading from his nipples. "Ugh... Riley... I feel... funny..." Feuros closed his eyes as his penis slid out of its sheath, at the same time Riley's tongue and muzzle descended to his stomach. "You liking it Feuros?" the vibrations of Riley's guttural voice made Feuros feel much warmer, "Yes Riley..." he whimpered, closing his eyes again.

Riley licked all the skin as he lowered, leaving behind a warm and wet trail all over his brother's body, Feuros clenched his teeth as he felt Riley's tongue playing dangerously close to his penis, but he didn't stop there to play, Riley kept licking down all the way to his feet. Feuros opened his eyes then and between pants of pleasure he asked Riley "Riley... I feel... I feel weird!" Riley covered him with his wings, as he swirled his tongue all over Feuros soles, licking all over his arches, thoroughly licking between his toes and enjoying in the slightly salty taste and the smell. "Aaaah... it tickles!" Feuros squirmed at the attentions his brother was giving to his feet, Riley got on the bed and knelt at Feuros' feet, not wanting to wait anymore and grabbed both his feet with each hand and placed his dick between his soles. "I need to fuck these feet now...mmmmhhhrrr..." Riley growled with pleasure as he slid his dick between the soles speeding up each second.

"Riley... do you like it?" Feuros whispered, Riley growled in pleasure and kept his thrusts and pulling Feuros feet all over his dick "Fuck... yes... oh wow... yeah..." Riley muttered under his breath, feeling the waves of pleasure course through him. "Ah... ah..." Riley tightened his grip on Feuros feet, pushed all his dick in between them meeting Feuros' heels on the base of his shaft. "Aaaaargh!!" he roared in pleasure as he spurted his hot seed all over his brother's legs and over the bed sheets, and with that he collapsed over his brother panting heavily. "Ugh... that was..." Riley didn't finish, shutting his eyes, and gingerly dragging himself on the bed to get beside Feuros as they were before. Feuros hugged him and without saying a word, laid his head on his chest and placed his feet over his brother's legs. "I'm glad you liked it brother." He whispered before closing his eyes and drifting back to sleep.