Chapter 11: The Challenge

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#11 of The Mating Season

Chapter 11: The Challenge

The next morning, Zaldon slung Aliona over his shoulder, and standing outside of Eloein's hut, he shouted for the village to hear that Eloein had kidnapped is wife and that he, his nephew Zaldon, had come to challenge him and win her back. Hearing this shouted challenge, wolves emerged from their huts, their ears pricked forward in curiosity, clutching pups to their hips, murmuring to each other. A moment later and Eloein himself emerged in the sunlight, looking breathless and surprised to see his nephew standing there with Aliona over his shoulder. But Eloein quickly overcame his surprise and burst out laughing.

"You with a female?" Eloein shouted. "Come off it, Zaldon. Everyone knows you like cock. That's why you left us for the summer village: you wanted the freedom of fondling other boys."

"She is my wife," Zaldon insisted, and gave Aliona's buttocks a hearty slap. "And you have stolen her from me so that your son -- a pup who fucks his mothers! -- can have his own lover and not arouse your jealousy!"

There was a collective gasp when the sorcerer did not deny the allegations but blushed furiously. Eno's gray face appeared behind Eloein, stricken with fear. The sorcerer snatched his son by the ear and threw him down in the snow for all to see.

"It is true," Eloein boomed. "I can not deny that my son Eno is a treacherous worm who I caught fondling one of my wives. But I only stole the bitch to keep it hidden. I only did what any father would to save his child from a stoning. However, I can not deny that my actions in protecting him were wrong." Eloein took a step forward and offered his paw. "I accept your challenge, nephew!"

Zaldon moved to take Eloein's paw, but the sorcerer snatched it out of reach.

"But first, you must prove to me that you really like pussy!"

There was laughter at these words, and Kel, who was standing with his friends and Lynny in the midst of the crowd, saw Zaldon's white cheeks blush. It seemed the whole village knew that Zaldon liked cock. What on earth had happened here for all of them to know such a thing? Zaldon's rigid embarrassment was obvious, but he accepted the challenge without hesitating.

"Good!" boomed Eloein. "Then let us see you fuck her -- here in the snow, before all eyes!"

Hanging over Zaldon's shoulder, Aliona was mortified when the big wolf moved to obey. She quivered, trying not to show her terror. The last time Zaldon had been with her, he had been so brutal and cruel, and she had not forgotten the raping of her anus. But when Zaldon swung her around into his burly arms, she was surprised to see the gentle look in his eyes.

"I'll be gentle," he whispered in her ear as he hovered over her in the snow.

Aliona suddenly remembered herself: she must act as if this was her husband. She opened her thighs and even put her arms around Zaldon's neck, and Zaldon nodded his approval, moving his head in a slight way that only she could have noticed. Aliona's heart pounded. Hundreds of eyes were watching her, wolves were pressing in to see this act of love making, to scrutinize and judge for themselves if Zaldon really enjoyed pussy. How was she to pretend in front of so many eyes? She squeezed her eyes shut, looking anxious.

"Just pretend I am Kel," Zaldon whispered in her ear, as if he had read her thoughts, "and I will do the same."

Aliona's heart fluttered: he was going to pretend she was Kel! But why not? He loved Kel surely as much as Kel loved him! She swallowed and closed her eyes and moaned Zaldon's name. His cock entered her slowly, and its size pulled a choking cry from her. She had forgotten how thick, how swollen Zaldon's cock could get, but it felt deliciously warm and pumping as it eased its way inside. And then she was moaning and stroking his mane, running her paws up and down his flexing back, and he was kissing her and biting her ears. She moaned Zaldon's name louder and was glad when the crowds seemed to murmur their approval. Zaldon moved a little faster now as he hovered over her, and he lifted her suddenly in his big paws and started pumping her slowly up and down on his cock. This was too much. Aliona's head fell back and she closed her eyes as Zaldon's urgent kisses showered her neck, her breasts, her face. He pumped into her until they had both cried out in their passion, and then he was slumped over her, and they were breathless, and the crowds shouted their approval.

"Very well," said Eloein, who was standing with his arms folded and did not look very pleased. "Let us fight for her."

The fight between Zaldon and Eloein took place in the village square. As Zaldon had informed his friends, Eloein was not allowed to use magic against a fellow winter wolf. So with a sour look, the sorcerer took up a spear, and he and Zaldon circled in the center of the village.

The crowds pressed in, booing and hissing both wolves: Eloein was now loathed throughout the village for what he had done, and Zaldon -- it seemed to Kel -- had already been loathed by a great many males simply for being a tail chaser. Many of the booing males were Zaldon's age and glared at him as the fight took place, shouting that he was cock-sucker, that they weren't fooled, sometimes even hurling garbage. Eloein, too, was the victim of many rotten tomatoes and squashes -- items stored up from the village's fields for just such a purpose.

"You just couldn't leave well enough alone, could you, Zaldy?" Eloein whispered beneath the jeering and the hissing. He glared as he and Zaldon moved back and forth, their arms wide, their faces grim.

"I let you walk from the village," went on Eloein, his voice a hiss, "and this is how you repay me?"

Zaldon's face creased in disgust. "Shut up and fight, you sick son of ah bitch!"

They ran at each other. The crowds gasped and shouted, cheered and chanted as Zaldon and Eloein locked spears. The wooden spears clanked a second before the warriors pushed away. Eloein turned his spear to stab, but Zaldon was quick: he swung the butt-end of his spear around, tripping his uncle. Eloein crashed to the ground in a spray of snow, and Zaldon stabbed the spear down. But he missed. The blade sank in the snow just near Eloein's eye, and Eloein, who'd been wincing in horrified anticipation, slowly opened his eyes to find he'd pissed himself. The crowds laughed uproariously.

Zaldon ripped his spear from the snow with a satisfied smirk as his uncle scowled.

"You'd better be careful whose female you steal next time," Zaldon said, "not that there'll be a next time." He pulled his spear back to stab, but Eloein grabbed up a rock with snarl and smashed it on Zaldon's foot.

Zaldon howled and staggered back. His foot trailed sprinkles of dark blood in the snow. He almost fell but steadied himself in time just as his uncle lunged. They punched and kicked, bit each other viciously, struggled and snarled. The brutal sounds, the grunts, the chokes as blood flew were just as loud as the roaring crowds. Eloein was now sporting a bloody eye and lip, and a few of his teeth were lying in the snow. He was losing. Badly.

They locked spears once more. Zaldon's knees were trembling because of his aching foot, and his face was a bloody, contorted grimace. From somewhere in the crowd, he heard Lynny shout for him to rip Eloein's dick off.

"I should have done it," Eloein said through clenched teeth as he and Zaldon strained against each other. "When you were a pup, I should have done it. I should have killed you. But I loved you too much to do it."

"You don't know what love is!" Zaldon growled.

"Don't I?"

Zaldon's eyes grew round and he choked. Eloein gave a nasty laugh as Zaldon, trembling all over now, slowly looked down: Eloein had stabbed him deep in the side with a dagger. Blood oozed forth, sinking in Zaldon's fur, trailing down his thigh. The dagger was glowing: Eloein, in his desperation, had used magic.

The crowds didn't like this. They started hurling garbage at Eloein again, hissing, jeering, and booing as rotten tomatoes hit the sorcerer's head.

Looking past Eloein's triumphant face, Zaldon could see his father standing in the crowd. Big and white like his sons, Bayne stood hunched over a cane: it seemed the years of utter misery without Zaldon's mother had aged his father, had enfeebled him. Could a broken heart really have done such a thing? Zaldon's father locked eyes with him, and the old wolf nodded solemnly -- a silent encouragement.

As if his strength had been doubled, Zaldon grabbed Eloein by the throat, and with one big paw, he crushed his neck.

Grimly triumphant, Zaldon was at once surrounded by Eloein's wives, who publicly kissed and caressed his cock, a dutiful show of submission that he was now their husband. Taking Eloein's place not only meant that Zaldon would have to take his wives and children, but Zaldon would also have to become the new village sorcerer. He would take up an apprenticeship under Eloein's old instructor and would thus remain in the winter village, his authority only surpassed by that of the village council and chief.

A feathered cape was placed around Zaldon's shoulders to announce his new status as village sorcerer, and as his first act of supremacy, he ordered Eno tied over a barrel, his legs spread and his anus exposed for anyone and everyone to torture. Eno was not to be stoned for the crime of fondling one of his mothers but rather was subjected to this public humiliation for as long as Zaldon would see fit. And as his second decree, Zaldon "gave" Aliona to Kel to be his wife.

No one objected to Zaldon's commands, and Eno was mounted at once over a barrel in the center of the village square, a gag in his mouth, his tail tied against his back to reveal his pink anus. Watching Eno trembling and shuddering as laughing wolves slapped his buttocks in passing, Aliona felt Eno had gotten just what he deserved.

"Though I have to admit," Loryn told her, "I find that pup irresistibly tight."

Aliona had only shaken her head fondly and knew that poor Eno was now a target of Loryn's lust.

"That was the hottest thing I ever saw," Kel told his wife later when they were back in Lynny's hut.

They would stay with Lynny yet another night before they set out for the summer village. They snuggled on the furs together, Aliona with her head on Kel's chest, and Kel smoothed his paw lovingly over her tail. She flicked her tail back up with each brush, slowly becoming aroused at his touch.

"You and Zaldon," whispered Kel, shaking his head in longing. "If only I had been between you. That would have been heaven. I was struggling against a hard-on just watching you. He was so big and strong on top of you and yet . . . and yet so gentle. And the way you closed your eyes and moaned, the way you trembled beneath him. And his cock sliding and in and out of your pussy lips . . . It was all too perfect. I wanted to be you, taking that big cock inside me, and at the same time . . . I wanted to be him fucking you."

"We pretended that we were with you, both of us," said Aliona, startling her husband. "Zaldon saw that I was scared and he told me to just pretend he was you, that he was going to do the same. And then the way he kissed me, so tenderly, so lovingly. The way he touched me and moved inside me . . . that's when I knew he really loved you."

"I can't help but feel as if I've used him," Kel said miserably. "I slept with him on the way here, and then I let him fight my battles for me? He should never speak to me again."

"But you didn't use him! You love Zaldon! Zaldon knows you love him or he wouldn't have gone through the trouble for you. Zaldon loves you, Kel. He was shuddering so badly when he was with me, and when he was on the verge of calling your name, that's when he lifted me up on his cock. That's when he tried to end it."

"I can't let him stay here because of me. They condemn tail chasers here. Zaldon is going to be so miserable . . ."

Aliona laughed softly. "Kel! Zaldon is now one of the most powerful wolves in the village! He can do whatever he wants, including fucking males."

"Yeah. He'll just have to find a male who'll fuck him. They don't do that here, Aliona."

"Then maybe he'll have to visit you in our village." Aliona curled her fingers in her husband's chest fur and cocked an eyebrow at him.

Kel laughed. "I love you, Aliona!" he cried, holding her close. "You are the best wife a male could ever ask for, and I swear -0 I'll never let you leave my side again!"

"Say it again," Aliona teased. "And this time, do it with that look in your eyes -- that look that makes me melt all over."

Kel sat up on one elbow, and peering with vivid ardor into his wife's eyes, he whispered, "I love you! And from this day on, I'll never leave your side!" So saying, he kissed the back of Aliona's paw, then turned it over and kissed the palm, tenderly, urgently.

"I love you, Kel," Aliona whispered, trembling as her husband's kisses traveled hard over her breasts, over her neck. Kel closed his mouth over hers and his tongue filled her, warm and eager, and as they continued to kiss, he pressed his wife down on the furs, and they made love.