Chapter 12: Eno's Punishment

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#12 of The Mating Season

Chapter 12: Eno's Punishment

Eno, once the son of a powerful sorcerer, once untouchable by punishment or disgrace, was now the most touchable thing in the village. He had never been so helpless, so enraged, and so humiliated in his life. After he was raped brutally with the butt-end of a few males' spears, the laughing crowds left him bleeding, aching, and whimpering to lie stretched across the barrel all night. Every now and then someone would return, and Eno, frantic, would tense his buttocks in the futile hope that he could conceal that vulnerable, pink hole under his tail. But his legs were stretched too far apart for him to conceal anything: his ankles were tied to stakes in the ground, stretching his legs taunt and wide, and his tail, which he struggled in vain to pull free, was tied to his back. He could do nothing to defend himself. He could do nothing but whimper and moan. And the worst part was, he couldn't even see his attackers. They usually snuck up on him from behind and rammed something into his ass -- spear handles, the hilts of daggers, rolling pins -- and sometimes while this was happening, Eno's cock was even slapped and squeezed with such fierce brutality that to his dismay, he was soon hard. His tormentors would only laugh at this and continue their assault. These attacks happened, it seemed, every ten or fifteen minutes after the last one had stopped, so that by the time it was dark, Eno was a paranoid, nervous wreck, tears streaming down his face, his lips sore around the gag.

After several hours had passed and no one had assaulted him, Eno slipped into a kind of miserable half-slumber, his breath wheezing around the gag, his anus aching, his penis limp and sore from all the pinching, the rough handling, the smacking and pulling. Every now and then he would awake with a start, thinking that someone had approached. His ears pricked forward and he listened with wide eyes, but he smelled no one and there was no brutal thrust into his anus, no twisting of his balls. Maybe they had all gone home to their wives, maybe they would let him be now. He slumped into this fragile sense of security and was therefore shocked to feel a paw close hard around his cock. Eno's eyes flew open and he chocked miserably behind his gag, the tears streaming down his face. Wouldn't it ever end? Would they torture him like this all night?

To Eno's surprise, his attacker actually came around to face him. He looked up at the wolf and saw through his tears that he was handsome and tall, though not quite as tall as any of the wolves in the winter village. He was a foreigner and certainly one of Zaldon's friends. His fur was striped silver and black. The stripes were twisted when he smiled down at Eno, lust glazing his eyes. Eno glowered behind the gag. This one was not like the others and had brought no spears or sticks with which to rape him: this one was a tail chaser!

"Hello, beautiful pup," the wolf whispered, wiping away one of Eno's tears with the back of his finger. "I wanted to take that virginal ass for myself but it looks like the others beat me to it. But they didn't beat me to this . . ."

Eno stiffened and his whole body tensed when the wolf hooked a finger in his gag to indicate. Eno glowered. No! He wouldn't! He started bucking and squirming in the ropes, and though they creaked against him, he could not break free. The wolf laughed at this.

"Yes, keep squirming," he whispered, caressing Eno's face with the back of his paw. "You don't know it, but you look exquisite when you squirm. Your little buttocks flex and tightened up and your cock flaps everywhere. Lovely."

Eno relaxed at once, not wanting to give the little foreigner the satisfaction.

"I'm going to do many things to you," whispered the wolf, caressing Eno's cheek as more of the tears came, "so you might as well know my name. I am Loryn, a friend of your cousin. And like your cousin, I like dick. I like sucking it, I like stroking it -- I like mine stroked and I like mine sucked. I like ass too. I like being in a male's tight, hot, squirming walls, and you're a real squirmer, I can tell. Oh, yes, this is going to be delicious."

Eno started whimpering, his eyes welling up with more tears. He felt so helpless, so weak, and this handsome wolf smiling at him sent his heart thudding angrily in his chest.

"Shush," whispered Loryn, his brows drawing together in sympathy. "I'm not going to hurt you -- not much. You really brought this on yourself, you know. Tisk, tisk." Loryn shook his head. "Fucking your father's wives. You were asking for this. . . ."

Eno stiffened as the wolf's finger hooked once more in the gag. Oh, god, no! He wasn't about to let this happen -- he would die first!

"Now I'm going to take the gag out," Loryn said gently, "and I'm sure you know what I'll do next." He rested a paw on his organ, which was upright and throbbing. Eno saw it twitch and his heart shrank with fear.

"And if you get any ideas? Well, I'll make you sorry. Do you understand?"

The serious glint in the wolf's eye told Eno that Loryn was very serious: he could hurt Eno in ways that were beyond what had already happened to him should he chose to bite down. Eno nodded his chin against the barrel and let out a sob. Oh, god, this wasn't happening! But it was. Loryn smiled and told him he was a good boy, then proceeded to pull the gag down over Eno's chin. He jerked Eno's mouth open with his fingers, then crammed his dick inside. Eno sobbed, choking as the salty, hot, pumping organ filled his mouth. Loryn was huge in his mounting passion, and Eno already felt his lips getting sore. In his rage, his body quivered to hear Loryn's low moans of ecstasy. The striped wolf's head fell back, and he moved his hips in slow rhythm, each time pushing his cock deeper into Eno's mouth until it was nudging the back of Eno's throat. Eno sobbed, his moans muffled around the cock, and Loryn shushed him again and stroked his mane.

"Work your tongue," Loryn instructed quietly, "and I promise I'll pull out much quicker."

Loryn was amused when the young male fell for the ruse: Eno started working his tongue desperately against Loryn's cock, sucking and pumping as best he could with his lips, his entire body tense with his struggle to obey.

"What a good boy," Loryn approved, knowing full and well he had no intention of pulling out soon. "God, yes . . . you were born for this! Suck with that tongue -- that's right . . ."

Eno sucked hard as the cock was fed in and out of his mouth, sucked until his spit was spilling over. And as he worked eagerly with his lips and his tongue . . . a curious thing happened. He found he liked the way Loryn tasted very much. He drew in a breath through his nose and even liked the way Loryn's cock smelled. It was a thick odor and overwhelming and gritty. His body melted as his nose drank in the scent. He squeezed his eyes closed tighter and pulled with all this strength on this delicious, this enormous cock, and he was ashamed of himself when he felt he was getting hard. All his life he'd been told this was wrong, that it was weak to feel these things and that one must curb the feelings if they had them, but Eno soon found himself pulling with eager abandon on Loryn's cock and to hell with everything.

Hearing Eno's eager grunting, Loryn opened his eyes and was amazed. He smiled to see that Eno was working hard at his cock, was devouring it and was enjoying this rape of his mouth as wildly as any tail chaser virgin.

"You like that, do you?" laughed Loryn, and grabbing Eno by the head, he drove himself deeper with a sudden, violent thrust.

Eno's entire body shuddered and he felt himself getting harder. God, yes, he liked it, and he pulled with his lips to indicate that he wanted more.

Loryn laughed to himself. "Another successful conversion. Zaldon will be proud."

Let Loryn tease him. Eno didn't care. He sucked and pumped with his tongue and was glad when he made the wolf's dick flinch against his will and release his passion. He was even proud. He felt Loryn's cum fill his mouth and gurgled it down. It had a bittersweet taste as it slid down his throat, as it stained his lips.

Loryn withdrew and hunched over Eno, breathless, his chest heaving, leaning against his arm.

"God," whispered Loryn, his head down. "They should have twelve of you in every village."

Breathless himself, Eno gazed up at Loryn and didn't understand why, but he wanted to kiss him. He wanted to kiss Loryn and be held by him, wanted that intimacy, wanted it badly. He never realized until he looked up at the handsome wolf just how lonely he felt inside. Maybe that was why he'd gone after his father's wives in the first place . . . And looking up at Loryn's hard chest and bulging arms as the older wolf straightened up, Eno felt a terrible longing for him, a hunger for those strong arms around him.

"Are you going to fuck me now?" Eno whispered, his eyes wide in his earnest.

Loryn didn't look up as he laughed. He was looking down at his own cock, fondling it absently. "Do you want me to . . .?" He looked up and the laughter stopped in his throat when he saw the earnest fire in Eno's eyes. "Oh, god, not again . . ."


"You have that look in your eyes," answered Loryn, running a weary paw back through his mane. "I see it at tail chaser meetings all the time. A male gets handled for the first time by another male and he falls in love with him. It usually happens with the really young ones. I know. It's happened to me."

"Why would it be such a bad thing," Eno demanded crossly, "if I did fall in love with you?"

"I'm married, little pup," said Loryn, clapping Eno on the cheek. "And even if I wasn't: I don't love males, I fuck them. I'm only being gentle with you now because I know your ass is in a lot of pain from the spear raping. Because I know your mouth has never taken a cock -- not because I love you. If you were in top condition, I'd fuck you so hard you'd pass out. Understand?"

When Eno only looked at Loryn with large, sad eyes, Loryn heaved a miserable sigh.

"Well, there's nothing else for it. If you insist on loving me, I'll make you hate me."

No sooner had Loryn spoken the words than Eno felt a heavy slap come down hard cross his face. He let out a cry, the tears rising, and lay there blinking in shock. Loryn looked down at him a moment, as if he was waiting for the younger male's dizziness to clear. Then he smacked Eno again, harder than before. Eno was sobbing by the time Loryn was through, but he was just as hard with his passion as before. He liked being smacked by Loryn! He didn't know why, but he did. And Loryn's paw came down in another swift blow, not too hard but just hard enough for him to remember: this was not about love.

"This is about flesh, little pup," said Loryn, jerking the gag back in Eno's sobbing mouth.

Eno felt himself throbbing unbearably hard when Loryn made his way to the other side of the barrel. Eno closed his eyes. Now Loryn would see, now he would see how much Eno still wanted him, how hard he was from the smacking, and he would know it hadn't worked. And what Loryn would do when he saw this, Eno could not imagine.

Eno strained to listen. He heard Loryn stop behind him and there was a long silence, and then to Eno's delight, Loryn was stroking his cock, gently and lovingly, rubbing his thumb over the tip, squeezing him, lightly slapping. Eno felt himself melting in his ropes.

"You really are a stubborn little cock," Loryn whispered. He gave Eno's cock a long, smooth stroke and the younger wolf shuddered. "I guess I can't stop the way you feel, can I? But I can sure as hell try . . ."

Eno tensed at these words. He didn't want to imagine what Loryn meant by that, but he didn't have to: Loryn grabbed Eno's balls and twisted them painfully hard. Eno let out a choked cry behind the gag, his body shuddering with sobs. Loryn twisted again and Eno moaned, rocking the barrel. It was pain such as he'd never known and infinitely worse than being raped by all those spears. He was sobbing hard now with pain, not with pleasure. Loryn seemed satisfied, and to Eno's dismay, he rammed himself hard into Eno's ass. The barrel lurched. Eno felt himself stretched open wide and screamed now behind the gag. But Loryn paused as if for effect, and Eno lay there breathless and sobbing, waiting for Loryn to thrust again. Loryn did thrust, but this time he twisted Eno's balls again. Eno screamed, his sobs endless, the tears leaking freely. He tried once more in vain to squeeze his buttocks shut but the straining of his muscular buttocks only seemed to delight Loryn, who laughed and said, "That's it. That's it, little squirmer. Fight me. Struggle!"

Eno groaned angrily, but for some reason, he couldn't hate Loryn, even when the older wolf drove himself painfully deep and started to laugh. He couldn't forget how handsome Loryn was, how good he had tasted in his mouth, how tenderly he had stroked his cock, and suddenly, Loryn's rough ploughing did not matter. He sagged in his ropes again, resigned to the pain, even enjoying it. His dick stayed hard throughout, and when Loryn climbed off of him, he remarked again that Eno was one stubborn little cock.

"You really like pain, don't you?" said Loryn, coming around to face Eno again.

Eno gazed up at Loryn through his tears and was warmed when the older male's brows creased together, his lips trembling as if he was on the brink of some deep emotion he could not suppress.

"Damn you!" Loryn whispered, cupping Eno's cheek. He smoothed his thumb over Eno's tears, his eyes bright with an emotion that made Eno's heart thunder in his chest. And to Eno's shock, Loryn suddenly ripped the gag away and kissed him on the mouth, whispering through his kisses, "Damn you! Damn you!"

Eno, his heart fluttering happily, kissed Loryn warmly in return. He whispered frantically that he loved Loryn, and he thought he'd never been so happy when Loryn whispered that he just might love him too.