Chapter 13: Kel's Debt

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#13 of The Mating Season

Chapter 13: Kel's Debt

Kel was gently shaken awake by a paw on his shoulder. He looked around sleepily with Aliona nestled against his chest, and he thought for a moment that he was looking into the white face of Zaldon. But this wolf wasn't Zaldon. No, this wolf was shorter than Zaldon and lighter -- but just as big. Six-foot Lynny gazed down at Kel with serious black eyes and asked him to accompany him to his room. They needed to talk. Kel couldn't understand what they needed to talk about at this late hour, but with his curiosity aroused, he gently laid his wife aside and followed the young wolf through the curtain.

Lynny's room was, of course, the largest room in the hut. There were sitting furs and shelves, warrior talismans hanging from hooks on the walls, a bowl of the familiar war paint. Lynny's bathing basin stood near a small fire, and beyond the fire was Lynny's wide and sleeping furs. The sleeping furs were wide, and piled up very high on the mattress, and made of a smooth black fleece.

Kel watched as Lynny went to the fire and sprinkled a pawful of dust on it to make it glow lower. He tensed. That was something he always did when he was about to make love to Aliona. Then to Kel's dismay, Lynny took a tall and wide plank of wood and placed it over the curtain so no one would come barging in. This was also something Kel did before making love to Aliona. Lynny then moved toward Kel, and Kel, hating himself, took a step back. He saw that Lynny's great cock had throbbed upright and squeezed his eyes shut. It was very clear suddenly what was about to happen here. And how could he stop it from happening? Lynny, like his brother, was very big and very strong. Kel was like a female beside him.

"I've never had a male like you before," Lynny whispered, placing a finger under Kel's chin. "Smaller, lighter, and yet so . . . beautiful." He smoothed his paw down Kel's waist and over the curve of his buttocks.

Kel shuddered, his green eyes fixed on the floor. "Won't Zaldon --"

"I already talked to Zaldon," said Lynny, taking another step closer.

Kel took another step back. He'd already talked to Zaldon like Zaldon owned him, like he was a piece of meat!

Lynny laughed as if he'd read Kel's thoughts in his eyes. "It's not what you think. It's just . . . I know how much Zaldon cares about you. I know more than you know. The first time Zaldon saw you at your village, he fell in love with you. He pinned for you when he had to come back here. So when my mother left to live in your village, he naturally went with her. He left so he could be near you."

Kel's eyes snapped on Lynny's. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"It's true," Lynny told him. "And I understand now why he left. God." His eyes glanced up and down over Kel, and Kel felt his face growing hot. "I'd shift a hundred miles to be near this too." He touched Kel's lips, and Kel, shuddering, took another step back until he was pressed against the wall.

Kel was frightened and he hated himself for it, but he couldn't count on Lynny to be like Zaldon: he couldn't count on him not to hurt him.

Lynny seemed unfazed by Kel's fear and his lust did not waver. He stood over Kel, leaning his weight on one paw, and he kissed Kel on his forehead, on his eyelids, on the jaw . . . and then he lifted Kel's chin and kissed him on the lips. He was so close to Kel now that he felt the smaller wolf's cock throb upright against his thigh. He reached down and squeezed Kel's cock lightly in his paw, whispering when Kel gave a little gasp, "Irresistible. The way your lashes fan down, the way you shudder . . . You really are very beautiful, you know," he whispered, kissing Kel's neck.

Kel shuddered under Lynny's caressing paw on his organ, under his light kisses, and realized that he'd never thought he was beautiful in other males' eyes.

"Please . . ." Kel whispered, breathless under Lynny's hungry kisses. He put out a weak paw to stop him.

Lynny seemed amused. His pressed his forehead to Kel's and whispered with a smile,

"Please what?"

"Please be gentle . . ." Kel bit his lip and looked up at Lynny with imploring green eyes.

Lynny laughed softly. "I think your eyes are the best part of you. One wouldn't think it to look at you, but there's a real softness to you . . . something sweet and yielding. To feel this tight ass," Lynny grabbed Kel's buttocks hard in his paw and squeezed, "makes me want to plough you hard. But then you look at me with those eyes . . . and I just want to shower you with kisses."

Kel didn't know what to say to this, but Lynny didn't give him time to answer. Lifting Kel's arm, Lynny suddenly hoisted the smaller male over his shoulder, then carried him to the bed and laid him down like any female. Kel lay on his back breathless with the sudden transition, watching as Lynny tossed more dirt on the fire. The flames went down lower, and Lynny turned to face Kel again, the shadows curving along the tight muscles of his belly.

"Roll over," Lynny whispered, a serious glint in his eyes.

His heart pounding, Kel obeyed. He listened to Lynny move across the mattress, closed his eyes when Lynny's heavy paw smoothed over his thighs, and then Lynny was straddling him. Kel grunted at the sudden weight and felt the side of his face smashed in the pillows. Then Lynny's paws were smoothing over his buttocks, smoothing over his back, and Kel heard the bigger male's sigh of longing.

"These tight, unpunished buttocks," Lynny whispered, giving Kel's butt a little slap that was sharp in the silence. "Zaldon really has been more gentle than you think. . . ."

Kel squeezed his eyes shut and stifled a whimper when he felt Lynny push his tail aside and spread his buttocks open wide. His anus was open to the air, still slightly sore from all his time with Zaldon. He waited for something to happen, but Lynny just held his buttocks open as if he was studying him. He tried to stay still and calm but couldn't stop quivering in his humiliation.

"Look at this tightness," Lynny whispered with a happy sigh, "just waiting for me."

Lynny carefully dipped a finger in the tight opening and Kel tensed.

"Still pretty tight. I thought so. Zaldon said you were still virginal. Well, I know what to do with virgins."

Lynny's words frightened Kel, who went stiff beneath him. His eyes opened wide in alarm when Lynny climbed off of him. What was about to happened here? Frantic, Kel started up, but he flopped back down again when Lynny gave him a hard slap on the ass. Kel cried out before he could stop himself and Lynny laughed.

Kel tried to remain calm, tried to still his heart and reminded himself that whatever was about to happen here, he could not stop it. Lynny was bigger and stronger than him, and if he fought or cried out in his cowardice for help, it would only add to his humiliation. His best bet was to lie there and take whatever happened with as much dignity as he could. There was nothing he could do: Lynny had him where he wanted him: completely in his power.

"Struggle some more and I'll spank you some more. I'll throw you across my lap and really go to town."

Kel was perfectly still. He had no doubts that Lynny could do it, not after the way he had lifted Kel over his shoulder like a rag doll.

"I like spanking males," Lynny continued. "Hell, I like spanking females. And I'd love to spank you, all I need is for you to give a me a reason. These smooth ass cheeks -- so virginal, so unpunished."

Kel felt Lynny's paw smooth over his buttocks again and give them a light pinch. He winced but was otherwise still. Then there was more movement on the sleeping furs. Kel felt his legs spread open wide, felt Lynny reach under and fondle his balls. He melted into the sheets to feel this. They were delicious, Lynny's fingers, and soothing. But Lynny stopped as suddenly as he'd started, and taking Kel completely by surprise, he spread his buttocks and plunged his tongue in his anus. Kel cried out. It wasn't the first time this had ever happened to him, for Zaldon had done this to him before the very eyes of his friends, but this second time Kel was just as shocked as the first. He squirmed, and to his dismay, Lynny smacked his ass very hard and kept licking.

Kel started to whimper. Lynny's hot, slurping tongue lapped over his anus, slithered inside of it, and he felt his dick getting hard. He tried to ignore the pleasure, but to his humiliation, he let out a low, delighted moan when Lynny dipped his tongue very deeply. Lynny responded to Kel's moan at once. He lifted Kel's hips until his butt was in the air, and dipping his tongue again, he reached around and started fondling Kel's cock. This was too much for Kel, who felt himself throbbing and expanding with each suck and each stroke. And the more he whimpered to keep his moans secret, the more Lynny strove to make him cry out. He ate hungrily at Kel's ass now, stroked Kel's cock in his great paw, squeezing it, fondling the tip, and when he sucked very hard on Kel's anus, Kel felt the pleasure coursing fast through him, building stronger until he was spurting over Lynny's fingers with a helpless, whimpering cry.

Lynny let Kel slump into the furs, sobbing into his arm that he had given in to this pleasure, to this kissing and licking of his anus that he had tried so hard to ignore. After a moment of quiet sobbing, Kel was surprised when Lynny was lying beside him, stroking his mane with pitying eyes.

"Why are you so afraid to like a tongue in your ass?" Lynny asked in wonder. He wiped at Kel's tears and then kissed them away. "God, you're so tender in bed, like a female. But when I saw you on the street yesterday, I thought you were going to rip my dick off for being with Aliona."

Kel said nothing and noticed with horror that his cock was once again hard from Lynny's tender kisses.

"Well, look at that," said Lynny, grinning. "I think you like me more than you let on. Or maybe it's because I look so much like Zaldon."

Kel covered his swollen hard-on and turned away, still sobbing. After a moment, he felt Lynny curl against his back, and the bigger male's hard cock slapped the back of his tail. Lynny placed a loving arm around Kel and held him close, whispering in his ear, "Come now. You're just afraid of your own feelings. You're afraid to feel pleasure with me because I'm not Zaldon, is that it?"

Kel nodded miserably, not wanting to speak.

"Kel, you don't have to be in love with me for us to have sex and enjoy it. Love is a nice thing to feel during sex, but it isn't at all necessary."

When Kel only sniffed quietly, Lynny stroked his mane behind his shoulder and kissed him on the cheek. Kel yielded to these tender kisses with little moans and soon felt the sudden intrusion of Lynny's great cock. Lynny pushed himself in carefully and slowly, pausing to let Kel sob a little before he pushed himself deeper. Then he was moving rhythmically against Kel, fondling his cock, caressing him, kissing him, and as they lay on their sides moving together, Kel gave over to his ecstasy without fear or shame.