Chapter 4: Sweet Punishment

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#4 of The Mating Season 2:

Chapter 4: Sweet Punishment

"Only a year left before our mating season," Kilyan groaned, "and I still can't make Lea want me."

Kilyan, like his father Kel, was a handsome black wolf with the same bright green eyes, only lately his eyes were always brooding and sad. He and his best friend Keeno were sixteen and on the verge of completing their warrior training, as well as the mating seasons next year. Keeno was a slender male, taller than Kilyan, with a tan coat of fur smoothing over his muscles and a white stripe of fur covering his chest. The tip of his tail was white as well, and he smacked Kilyan with it in his irritation.

"Mating season this, mating season that," said Keeno in a bored voice. "I swear to god every male our age can't stop talking about the damned mating season!"

Kilyan angrily slapped Keeno's tail away. "Well, yeah, aren't you excited! We're finally going to get some tail and not get smacked over the head for it."

"No, I'm not excited. I've had plenty of females."

"Liar. I bet you've never gotten as far as squeezing a tit," said Kilyan dismissively.

"I bet you don't even know what comes after squeezing a tit!"

Kilyan blushed and said nothing. It was true: he had never been with a girl. The only female he'd ever wanted was Lea, and Lea did not seem to want him. . . .

The two young males were lounging together in the low branches of a tree. They were in the northern forest just outside the village, a place that was off limits until the frequent lone wolf attacks stopped. Kilyan and Keeno were warriors in training and as such were supposed to be on their circuit securing the parameter. But as the day grew increasingly hot, the young males grew increasingly lazy, until they found themselves sitting in the low branches of a tree.

Kilyan swung his legs, his tail drooping as he sat deep in thought. "So . . . so, Keeno?" he said sheepishly. "What's it like to -- to be with a female? I mean, what do you do to make them want you?"

Keeno was leaning back on one elbow, one leg bent, the other leg and his dick swinging down. "Well, for one thing, be confident, Kilyan, you're too shy. I've seen you stammering at Lea every time she drops by your hut to see Zalia. She thinks you're ah pussy for it."

Kilyan stiffened. "How do you know?" Then it dawned on him and he grabbed Keeno's arm and growled, "Have you been with Lea!"

When Keeno only started laughing, Kilyan blushed and let him go. He hated when Keeno teased him like this.

"I was just kidding. God, you should have seen your face!" cried Keeno, sighing happily.

"I'm serious, Keeno. This isn't funny at all! What if we get to the mating season and none of the girls want me? I'll never live it down."

"Oh, stop being so dramatic, Kilyan. There are plenty of females who want you, you just don't want them."

"But tell me," Kilyan implored, his miserable green eyes pleading, "how do you get so many girls, Keeno? What do you do to them? Say to them?"

"I do plenty of things to them, but nothing for your virginal ears to hear."


Keeno started to laugh again at his friend's frustration, but something below caught his eye, and he grabbed Kilyan's arm and whispered, "Look what we have here . . ."

Kilyan stared at Keeno as if he'd lost his senses. Keeno was sitting very still in the tree like a hunter about to leap on its prey, and Kilyan was further bewildered when he saw Keeno's cock start to rise. He followed Keeno's gaze and went very still himself.

It was a female. A small white female was bending over far below, gathering dry wood. Her black-striped buttocks were high in the air, her tail was lifted, and even from this distance they could see her pink sex. The lips were huge and they bulged between her thighs. She was humming under her breath, singing every now and then, and then she turned to gather another log under her arm, and they could see her great breasts swinging down. Kilyan saw her mane sweep aside and realized with a jolt that it was Lea!

"Now's your chance," Keeno hissed, giving Kilyan a little encouraging shove in the back.

Kilyan was panic-stricken and didn't move. He shook his head. "But -- but what do I say to her?"

Keeno rolled his eyes and huffed. "God, you're hopeless, Kilyan! Just say whatever comes to mind. Tell her she's gorgeous, that she smells good -- girls like to hear that they smell good. So give her neck, you know, a little sniff. And if you don't know what to do her after that then you're right: you'll never get a girl!"

With that, Keeno gave Kilyan a shove and Kilyan all but fell out of the tree. He clambered down as quietly as he could and made it to the ground without Lea noticing, who was still bent over and singing. Watching her pink sex as it bulged between her thighs, Kilyan quieted his passion and tried to sound casual when he said, "Oh, hi, Lea!"

Lea straightened up with a start and looked around, but seeing only Kilyan there, she struggled not to seem annoyed as she said, "Hey, Kilyan . . ." and went back to gathering wood.

Kilyan took a nervous step closer, rubbing the back of his neck. "Want me to help you with that?"

"No, I have it --"

"I'll carry it for you!" Kilyan insisted, fumbling to take the wood from Lea. He could hear Keeno snickering behind him in the tree and was adamant that something would go right here. As he took the wood into his arms, he gave Lea's neck a loud sniff and told her she smelled "really good."

Lea gasped at his sniffing and looked anything but pleased. "Just give me the wood back, Kilyan, and I think I'll go home now!" she said, opening her arms.

Kilyan saw her great breasts jiggling and his eye twitched. He couldn't move.

Seeing Kilyan staring at her breasts, Lea's eyes fired angrily and she started snatching the wood back. Her breasts and her cheeks were flushing with embarrassment under Kilyan's probing eyes. Kilyan stammered out an apology but insisted on carrying the wood, so that soon, and he and Lea were bickering over it. They finally dropped all the wood in their grappling and were down to tugging back and forth on one piece.

"Just give it to me, Kilyan!" Lea growled, pulling the stick toward herself. She pulled so hard that Kilyan fell on top of her, and as she lay under Kilyan in the dirt, she was horrified to feel his cock throbbing hard against her thigh. Kilyan blushed at her and stammered nervous apologies but was having a hard time finding his footing. His leg was caught around Lea's leg and one of his warrior talismans had tangled in her mane.

"Get off me, Kilyan!" Lea shrieked, twisting and struggling to get free. "Get off!"

Kilyan was a gaggle of nerves. He'd never touched a girl's breasts before, and with Lea struggling under him like this, her breasts were flapping everywhere. He tried to get up and his paw accidentally grabbed a fistful of her breast rather than the ground. Lea shrieked in outrage and squirmed and twisted, jerking her hips as Kilyan fumbled to climb off her, but when he felt her wet sex against his thigh, he lost control. His body went tense, he cried out, and was horrified when his sticky passion spilled on Lea's belly. Lea screamed and smacked Kilyan, then smacked him again, and he was wretched to see tears in her eyes. She managed to throw him off at last, then sat crying with her face in her knees.

Oh, god, what a disaster . . . Kilyan thought and whispered apologetically, "Lea? Lea, I d-didn't mean --"

"Go away, Kilyan!"

"What's going on here?" growled a voice.

Kilyan didn't have time to turn before he was being snatched up by the scruff of his neck, and then he was brought face to face with a pair of green eyes identical to his own.

"What the hell are you doing with a female?" growled Kilyan's father, looking incensed.

Kilyan shrank into himself. He had seen Kel in his rages before and he always hated that growl of a voice when it roared at him, always hated to see his father's fangs flashing. But now Kel was yelling at him again and his ears flattened on his head.

"You know damn well it's forbidden! And what have you done to her!"

Before Kilyan could answer, his father struck him hard across the face and he staggered back from the blow with a whimper.

"And you there!" Kel barked, hefting his spear. "Come down from that tree -- now!"

It was a snarled command, and Kilyan couldn't blame Keeno when he came to Kilyan's side with his head bowed. Keeno bore a hard slap across the face as well. Both young males stood in shame, and Kilyan was horrified to realize his father wasn't alone. He saw out of the corner of his eye that Lea's father was kneeling beside her and comforting her, and that her sobs had soon quieted. Her father bid her to stand, and to Kilyan's dismay, he slapped his daughter across the face too, and Lea was made to stand beside Kilyan and Keeno. The three of them were on the verge of the mating seasons and thus on the verge of becoming adults, but after being so brutally reprimanded by these older wolves, they stood there like sniffling children.

"What went on here?" Kel hissed, and Kilyan knew without having to look that his father's eyes were fixed in terrible wrath upon him.

Oh, god, they were in for it now. Young wolves of opposite sexes were never supposed to be alone together. Never. And with Lea crying and screaming only moments before, it gave all the indication that Kilyan had raped her!

"We were shirking our duties, Father . . ." Kilyan muttered wretchedly.

"Raise your head and look me in the eye!" Kel barked.

Kilyan did what he was told and his heart thudded in his chest. He'd never seen his father so angry.

"We were shirking our duties, Father," Kilyan repeated, looking his father in the eye.

"So you were slacking off?" snapped Loryn, folding his arms over his spear. "And then what? You decided to attack my daughter?"

Kilyan flinched at the snarled words. Loryn looked angry enough to kill. So did Kel.

"No, sir, it wasn't like that," spoke up Keeno, and Kilyan felt a wave of gratitude. "We saw Lea there pass us by, and Kilyan offered to help her carry her firewood. Which she was gathering alone. It looked heavy."

"Is this true?" Loryn barked at his daughter, who nodded miserably that it was. "What the hell did you think you were doing out here alone? What have your mother and I told you? Anything could have happened you to! You could have been kidnapped! You could have been raped! And what the hell were you doing with a male on top of you?"

"W-We were fighting over the wood, Father . . ." Lea said with a sniff. "It was an accident. Kilyan fell on top of me and I was angry, so I told him to g-get off . . ."

"And then he got off," said Loryn. It was a joke, but his black eyes were still glinting angrily.

Kilyan looked quickly at Loryn and realized that the big, striped wolf seemed to understand: Kilyan was young and very inexperienced and had simply given his passion against his will. A shudder of relief went through him. At least now he wouldn't be persecuted as a rapist.

"You have disobeyed your elders, the three of you," said Kel darkly. "And for that, you will be punished. Females are not to wander alone. Ever. Especially not in these dark times. With lone wolves lurking everywhere you were fortunate, Lea, that these boys, myself, and your father happened to be nearby. Very fortunate. As your father said: anything could have happened to you!"

Lea gave a quiet sniff and stared miserably at her feet.

"As for you two!" Kel snarled, and Kilyan couldn't suppress a pained gasp when his father grabbed him hard by his cock and yanked it. "You ignored your elders by approaching a female before the your first mating season, Kilyan. Until you are seventeen, keep this," he squeezed Kilyan's dick hard and Kilyan let out a sob against his will, "to yourself!"

"Yes, F-Father . . ." Kilyan sobbed, his eyes on his feet as well.

Loryn shook his head. "Shirking your duties," he said darkly, glaring at the young males. "Lounging in trees. Approaching females." He glanced at his daughter and growled, "Wandering off alone!"

Lea flinched and another tear escaped to the end of her nose.

"You will suffer the consequences for your actions. All three of you. And you, Keeno!" Loryn shook his head at Keeno, who stared wretchedly at his feet. "I am disappointed in you. A fine warrior. An outstanding warrior. But not today. Turn around, all three of you!"

Sniffling with their heads bowed like wolves half their ages, the three young wolves turned as they were told.

"Bend over and hold your knees!" Kilyan heard his father bark.

The three of them obeyed, trembling in wretched anticipation. They could hear the bushes rustling as the two older males shifted around in the underbrush, could hear branches snapping.

"Keep your legs straight!" Loryn barked and Kilyan was astonished when he saw out of the corner his eye that Loryn gave Keeno's thighs a resounding slap with a stick. Keeno sobbed and unbent his legs, squeezing his eyes shut at this humiliating punishment.

"Keep your tails lifted," Kilyan heard his father warn, "or we will tie them to your backs."

Kilyan lifted his tail and shuddered. He could hear Lea on his other side. She was sobbing uncontrollably under her breath and her big breasts as they hung down looked exquisite. Kilyan wanted to tell her this, but the first sharp rap came down across his buttocks and he let out a choked cry. Oh, god, they were going to be beat and battered with sticks! Kilyan had never done anything to be so disgraced before. This was beyond humiliating. How could he ever look his father in the eye again? Kilyan cried out as another resounding whack left a stinging agony on his backside, and he heard Keeno sob as he too was whacked. Then Lea gave out a shrill little scream as a stick came home across her buttocks.

Kilyan closed his eyes as the whacks came down at intervals and he knew Kel and Loryn were taking turns going across the three raised rumps, walking back and forth, perhaps, their eyes alight in their wrath. And Kilyan knew by Lea's sudden screams that they were whipping her as hard as they were whipping the boys. Kilyan bet to himself that after this, Lea would never leave her hut again.

Another whack made Kilyan shout and almost lose balance. His lack of sturdy footing was rewarded by another quick whack on his thighs that was somehow more painful than the ones on his buttocks. He recovered quickly, biting his lips, not knowing how he could bear this pain. Then he heard Lea scream, heard her shrill panting as she sobbed, and he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. God, her breasts were bouncing everywhere from the blows, and even bent over like this, he could see her pink sex with its great, soft pussy lips bulging out behind her thighs. He realized for the first time that her sex was so swollen it was surely receiving the blows as hard as her buttocks. Seeing her sobbing and her great breasts jiggling, seeing that stick coming down across Lea's hot sex, Kilyan felt himself start . . . to rise.

Lea noticed it to. She glanced sideways at Kilyan from under a flop of white mane, then her dark pretty eyes fluttered open wide and she stared at his organ. Maybe she'd never seen a male hard in his passion before. She stared with her mouth open, and when the stick came across her buttocks and pussy lips again, she screamed almost absently.

Kilyan wondered if Lea wasn't getting aroused too. Her nipples were standing out painfully hard the more she looked at him, and when she realized Kilyan was staring, she blushed but did not look away.

"I'm sorry!" Lea mouthed at Kilyan, then screamed and sobbed again when a blow came down on her rather hard.

Kilyan mouthed back, "Me too!"

Lea gave a weak smile, then another blow across her buttocks made her squeeze her eyes shut. But when she opened them again, she stared lost in Kilyan's eyes, as if she was truly seeing him for the first time. Kilyan stared back at her just as helplessly, his dick getting harder the more he watched those great breasts bouncing. And then finding the courage, he mouthed the words, "Love you!" at her and smiled.

Lea's eyes flew open wide as she watched Kilyan's lips. She jerked forward again when another blow hit her, but she could not take her eyes off of Kilyan. "Really?" she mouthed, looking warmly at him.

"Always have!" Kilyan mouthed in return, and he was never so happy when Lea's eyes softened and she smiled at him.

When it was over, the three young wolves were told to straighten up. Kel barked for Kilyan and Keeno to retrieve their spears from behind the tree and fall in line for the foot march home. Kilyan scrambled to obey, his sore buttocks making him almost limp, and he noticed out of the corner of his eye that Loryn had flipped his daughter easily over his shoulder and was standing there waiting with his spear. He couldn't see Lea's face but he heard her soft sniffling and he could see how red and criss-crossed her buttocks were from the whipping. Her sex still bulged between her thighs and it was a little red as well.

Kilyan and Keeno grabbed their spears and fell into line behind Loryn, who turned without comment and started up the path. The procession moved out, and now Kilyan could see Lea's face clearly. It was miserable and tearstained, and her breasts smashed so wonderfully together almost made Kilyan get hard all over again. But he quieted his passion, and when Lea noticed his struggle, she smiled at him. Kilyan smiled back, never dreaming that his father was observing him in this. Kel gave his son a hard whack on the head and ordered him to the back of the line. Then he took Kilyan's place behind Loryn, and Lea quickly lowered her head again, letting her mane swing down.

Kilyan walked at the back of the line, and watching his father's tense shoulders, he knew he was in for it now when he got home. Kel had seen him exchanging smiles with Lea and he knew exactly what his father would make of it.