college days part 4

Story by freakdudebob on SoFurry

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#4 of college days

When Sam woke up again, he found himself in a pitch black room. He tried to move his arms but found they were tied above his head to what he thought was a wall. His legs were spread to the point of being painful and he could not bring them together. He attempted to call out for help but found he was gagged very tightly. That was when he noticed something else. He could not hear anything. He tried to move his ears but found they were covered by something that prevented him from moving them. It was then that he noticed he wasn't in a dark room, he was blindfolded. He could smell other people but he had ignored that at first. He was already at the "party". He struggled against his bonds as hard as he could but he accomplished nothing. He decided it would be best to conserve energy for what was going to happen and that he did.

After a few minutes of lying bound, Sam started to hear a high pitched siren go off. It slowly got louder and higher until it got so painful that he began trying to block it out. As it got louder, he found that he had begun trying to scream and beg for it to stop. He pulled against his bonds and shook his head as hard as possible trying to block the sound. He could feel tears leaking down his face but he did not care. This torture went on for several minutes and when it ended, his ears were still ringing. He was still trying to scream until he noticed his jaw was being forced apart. He was confused by this until he realized that the gag was expanding. It kept expanding until his jaw could not open anymore without breaking. It was extremely painful as his jaw had never been forced to remain like this. If he had been able to see, he would have been able to prepare himself for the whip but since he couldn't see, it hurt a lot more. The first strike left a line of fire on his skin. He started trying to scream when another blow came in the exact same place. As the blows continued to fall, his screaming became little more than a whimper and his skin felt as though it were on fire. When it finally stopped, Sam had been reduced to shivering and whimpering pitifully. He felt someone touch the top of his head and he recoiled in fear but the hand only gave him a pat. He felt a claw trace his face and then it worked its way down to his sheath where it began to massage causing Sam to let out a moan among his whimpers. The hand continued to massage his sheath until his cock was fully erect and then he felt something forced onto it. He was trying to figure out what it was when it began to emit a small current forcing more moans from him. He was still dealing with the arousing currents when he felt someone touch the back of his head and then he could see and hear again. The first thing he saw was Ashley smiling at him holding the blindfold. The first thing he heard was music. Very loud music. He saw a lot of girls dancing while others were surrounding other guys who were also restrained. He saw a blue fox that seemed to be arguing with Ashley but he could not make out what was being said. Then it looked like Ashley had given up arguing and was doing what the blue fox wanted her to do. She walked over to him and pulled something from the gag and then he felt the gag deflating. It was then removed so he could finally close his aching jaw. Only to have a muzzle forced on it to hold it shut.

"We're going to have a lot of fun with you runt." Was all Ashley said before she motioned the other girls to come closer. The blue fox knew exactly what she wanted as she walked right up to him and knelt right next to Sam's head.

"Interesting. Someone tried to pierce your ears. I think we should finish that job now. What do you say runt?" The Blue fox asked Sam.

Sam could only whimper and cry as the blue fox laid on him and held his head still while a snake and a bat added two holes onto the tops of both of his ears. Sam's body clenched up as the pain roared through his body. His eyes were shut as tight as possible and tears were leaking from them. The only sound he was making was a muffled scream as he pulled against his bonds managing to shake the blue fox off of him. The blue fox got back on him as the bat and snake attached gold rings and both whispered, "We will know if you take these out. If you do, you will regret it."

As the pain slowly began to dull, Sam slowly opened his tear stained eyes to find that the blue fox was still lying on him staring at his face.

"I didn't think that your ears would be that sensitive. Oh well. I think I will take you with me when this is over. What do you think runt?" she asked. Sam gave a fear filled whimper which turned into a moan as the fox began to rub his cock with her tail. Sam was so caught up with her tail on his cock that he failed to notice a foreign object right at his tail hole until it began forcing its way into him. He let out a squeal as the object forced its way fully into him. That squeal became a moan of pleasure when it began to vibrate. He felt someone begin to lick his cock but his view was blocked by that blue fox so he could not see who or what was happening. He felt his body responding to the stimulation and before he knew it, his muscles were re-clenching and then he came. He fell exhausted while he felt his cock being cleaned by that same tongue. Then he realized he was getting hard again because the vibrator was still running. He let out a whimper of protest but that soon turned into a gasp when the vibrator began to electrocute him. His sight began to go dim as the pleasure went beyond anything he had ever dealt with. It was not long before he was completely removed from control of himself; his body's natural reactions took complete control of him. He was basically in a state of being awake and asleep at the same time. He could not think of anything besides the pleasure. After an eternity in this blissful state, he finally slipped into unconsciousness unaware that when he awoke, he would be someone else's toy.