Tale Of Silverfang

Story by LuxunMaximus on SoFurry

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This is my first short story. Its about a dragon who becomes strong enough and willing enough to fight the gods.

Great-Dragons were the only race ever considered powerful enough to ever challenge the gods, and our story starts with the First dragon to ever do so. It started on Prathius, a small and flourishing world. Silverfang rose early in the morning to go catch fish for his parents and himself. He enjoyed the cool morning air the gently flowed along his sleek scales. He shot up into the air above the lake and then dived into the water. He flew through the water trying to catch a large fish.

Back in the town of the dragons a portal opened and out came Ares. Ares considered the Great-Dragons a threat to the gods, so he did what he believed to be the best choice. He unleashed fire and death upon on the small town of Prathius. None of the dragons escaped the attack...

When Silverfang was flying back he saw the smoke, he quickened his speed, but when he arrived it was too late. Everyone was dead, but he was back quick enough to see Ares leave. Silverfang roared with rage and hatred as he flew off to the mountains far to north. There he entered the great crystal caves there. Inside he released his anger in the form of great flames and bellowing roars. After 30 days he calmed himself and sat in the great crystal cavern of the mountain. He slowly looked up at the crystal, wondering what to do now. That is when the most outrageous idea struck him. He would fight back against the gods.

For days he meditated and focused on controlling his powers as a Great-Dragon. He learned to control and harness the power of the elements, and within the cave he forged himself a mighty home. It took him 13 years, but he was finally ready to face the gods. He opened a portal to the Heartland of Dragon kind. He went straight to the king and demanded action against the gods. The king refused to escalate the situation. Silverfang did not press the king further. Instead he went to the king's wife while the king was busy. He took the queen as his lover and requested she give him noble status so he could challenge the king. She said yes to him, for her heart was filled with love for this young, intelligent and driven dragon. Silverfang Ascended into Nobility and waited in the Throne room for the king to return from his courtly duties....

Hey everyone, this is my first short story to post, if you guys think it's any good, please leave a few comments and subscribe!