Events of an Uneventful Freshman Year: Crawl Space

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#8 of Events of an Uneventful Freshman Year

Finally, after six hours of I-SPY and singing along to whatever crummy pop song came on the radio, Brutus, Chris and Thomas were parked out in front of Chris and Thomas's family's house. Brutus stretched out and moved his arm from behind Chris's back. The Dalmatian leaned in and planted a kiss on the human's cheek. Chris pulled away and sighed.

"I don't think I'm ready to tell my parents that we are dating," Chris began, "Can we keep the PDA to a minimum?"

Brutus nodded.

"Whatever you say Chris," The Dalmatian replied, "Go ahead inside, I'll get your bag."

The human smiled and got out of the car. His mother's car, a white Subaru, was parked in the driveway. Chris ran past it and into the house, a large smile plastered on his face. Brutus sighed and got out of the car. Thomas looked the Dalmatian over and sighed as well.

"Thank you for telling me," Thomas began, "I know he told you not to."

Brutus nodded.

"He was very insistent that I didn't," Brutus shook his head, "He's very stubborn."

Thomas chuckled.

"He may not seem like it," The Fox began, "But he always has been, especially when it comes to what's best for him."

"How did you, you know, deal with it?" Brutus asked, "Is that psychopath locked up?"

"It's taken care of," Thomas replied, "The room where it happened is used for distance classes. So, there are cameras galore in there that are running whenever the building is open. They caught everything, even the audio. He will be Brutus, he won't be able to hurt Chris again."

Brutus sighed in relief.

"What happens next?" Brutus asked, "I mean does he go to jail or what?"

Thomas nodded.

"It's bound to happen," Thomas sighed, "But there's going to be a shit show to get him in jail. Even with the video, there's enough speciesists on both sides to make this take forever to resolve."

"What do you mean?" Brutus asked, "It's pretty damn clear cut. Chris is the victim and Andrew is a fucking psychopath."

Thomas shook his head.

"Speciesist humans will see it as an argument to restrict the rights of Furs, after all, if all Furs have this type of instinct buried deep down, who's to say that Andrew is the only fur to express that instinct," Thomas sighed, "While Furs will think that Chris provoked it by dressing like he expected it, or for associating sexually with Furs in the first place. Either way, it's going to be a big deal, probably national news worthy."

"Should we tell him?" Brutus asked, "Shouldn't we warn him?"

"No," Thomas sighed, "It's best to keep our involvement in this quiet. The story is, they saw the blood on carpet and checked the cameras. At least, that's what I told my security guard friend to say."

Thomas nodded.

"Ok," Brutus replied, "I'll see you inside."

Chris walked out onto the porch with a pleasantly plump older vixen. The human was smiling from ear to ear, his arm around her.

"Thomas, Mom's pregnant," Chris began, "Did you know?"

"Thank you Chris," Sarah rolled her eyes, "I was more than able to tell him myself. I'm pregnant not mute."

Thomas chuckled and shook his head. He went up to hug his mother and brother.

"That's great news Mom," Thomas began, "I want the details. How many are you having?"

Sarah smiled.

"Two," Sarah began, "A boy and a girl. I know it's late in my life, but your father and I couldn't be happier."

Thomas smiled and chuckled.

"Mom, you're only 42," Thomas nuzzled her, "I'm sure everything is going to work out great."

"When are you due Mom?" Chris asked as Brutus awkwardly walked up to the porch with all three suitcases.

"I'm due the second week of February," Sarah replied and patted Chris on the shoulder, "Chris, be a dear and help your boyfriend with the bags."

Chris and Brutus blinked.

"How did you know we were dating?" Chris asked.

"I'm not stupid Chris," Sarah began, "Thomas said you were dating a Dalmatian and I put two and two together."

The couple blushed and looked down at their feet. Sarah laughed brightly.

"It's not a big deal," Sarah replied, "It's not awkward in the slightest. Awkward, is having to introduce the guy who knocked you up to your parents as your boyfriend."

Chris grabbed a bag from the Dalmatian and led him into the house. The Dalmatian chuckled, his tail wagging. Brutus set the bags down on the floor beside the door.

"I like her," Brutus began, "I'm going to go out and introduce myself."

Chris smiled and nodded.

"Go ahead," Chris replied, "I'll be out in a little bit."

Brutus gave Chris a quick smooch on the cheek before running back out to the porch. Chris sighed and started to walk through the plainly decorated halls and rooms of his home. He didn't know how much he had missed it until he was standing outside of it. He took the suitcases back to the bedrooms and headed back out into the living room. Chris chuckled and picked up a frame picture of him and Thomas at Lake Tahoe taken shortly after he was adopted. Chris smiled, it was the first vacation he had ever been on.

"Chris," Brutus knocked on the doorframe, "Your mother relegated me to the guest room. Do you mind showing me around?"

Chris nodded and set the picture down.

"The guest room is right across the hall from my room," Chris began, leading his boyfriend through the kitchen and down a carpeted hallway, "There's a bathroom connected to Thomas's room, my parents don't use it. So feel free to leave your pills there."

The pair walked into Brutus's room. The room was small and dominated by a queen sized bed. Chris opened up the door to a walk in closet and turned on the light.

"Feel free to use this," Chris chuckled, "We sure don't."

Brutus sighed and watched Chris bustle around the room.

"Chris," Brutus began, his tail and ears drooped.

"Thermostats in the closet if you get cold," Chris continued like he didn't hear the Dalmatian, "It's stupid, but that's the way it is."

"Chris," Brutus said more insistently, "Are you ok?"

The human took a deep breath.

"Yeah," Chris began, "Yeah I am."

Brutus whined.

"I am Brutus," Chris continued, "I'm far away from him. Nothing bad is going to happen to me here."

Brutus nodded and walked up to hug the human tightly. Chris smiled and kissed Brutus's cheek.

"So this is surreal," Chris began, "I never thought I would bring my boyfriend home to meet my folks. Hell, I never thought that boyfriend would be you."

Brutus chuckled.

"I never even thought that I'd have a boyfriend," The Dog replied, "It's weird for me too baby."

Chris sighed happily and nuzzled up to the Dalmatian.

"I'm worried about you Chris," Brutus whined, "I wish you'd tell Thomas what happened."

Chris shook his head.

"I can't Brutus," Chris sighed, "Can't you just understand that?"

"I can't. I can't understand why you don't want any help," Brutus replied, "But I won't push you, I promise."

The human kissed Brutus's cheek.

"We should head out into the living room," Chris began, "Dad will be off work soon."

Brutus nodded.

"Can I get a kiss first?" The Dog asked, his tail wagging slowly, "For the road?"

The human smiled and nodded. He leaned in and kissed the Dog on the lips. Brutus smiled and kissed Chris back, pulling him into his chest. Sarah cleared her throat and knocked on the doorframe. Chris jumped back, blushing hard.

"What would you boys like for dinner?" Sarah chuckled, "I was thinking Indian food. How's homemade fish curry?"

Chris smiled and nodded.

"That sounds delicious Mom," Chris replied, "What time is dinner?"

"Probably in an hour or so," Sarah began, "It'll be ready by the time your father gets home."

Brutus raised his paw up.

"This isn't going to be too spicy is it?" Brutus asked, "I've heard scary things about Indian food."

Sarah laughed.

"I'm sure you'll love it Brutus," Sarah began, "Come on out to the living room, I made lemonade."


One hour later

Brutus whined and panted heavily after taking the first bite of his curry. He nearly bowled over the table as he reached for his glass of water. Chris pat the Dalmatian's back and took a sip of his tea. Thomas and Daniel, Chris's father, laughed heartily. Daniel was a hefty man, it was clear that Thomas got his slender physique from his mother.

"Didn't you warn him before dinner Chris?" Daniel asked, "It's good for you Brutus. It'll put more fur on your balls."

Sarah rolled her eyes.

"Not at the table darling," Sarah replied, "Couldn't you at least try to be on your best behavior."

Daniel chuckled.

"I'm never on my best behavior Sarah," Daniel chuckled, "I'm sorry, you know how I get when you're expecting."

Thomas smiled.

"I can't believe you kept that a secret from us Mom," Thomas began, "Do you have a name for them yet?"

Sarah shook her head.

"I've got no idea," Sarah replied, "But I was going to call up Janet and ask if her sister wanted to be a godparent."

Thomas recoiled slightly and chuckled, wiping some sauce from his lip.

"Maybe," Thomas began, "I'm sure she'd say yes."

"You could ask her brother too," Chris said as he finished a hearty bite of dinner, "I'm sure him and Kurt would love to."

Daniel blinked.

"Janet has a gay brother?" Daniel asked, "That's funny, she never mentioned him."

"Speaking of Janet," Sarah began, "Why couldn't she come Thomas? She seemed so excited to come the last time I chatted with her on the phone."

Thomas sighed.

"You know," Thomas shook his head, "It's stupid. Those jerks who she works with all took their vacations, so she had to stay on."

"Do EMT's even get vacations?" Daniel laughed, "Sounds like she might be off with her other man."

Sarah growled and kicked her husband under the table. Thomas recoiled again and looked like he was fighting back tears. The Fox sighed and stood up from the table.

"Excuse me," Thomas began, "I've got to go to the bathroom."

As Thomas left the room Sarah started bludgeoning her husband's shoulders.

"Daniel why do you have to be such a, such a," Sarah trembled with rage, "Such an asshole!"

The male's ears shrank against his head at the profanity. If Sarah swore, she was worked up enough to do almost anything.

"I'm sorry honey," Daniel began, his voice far quieter and softer than before, "I'll apologize once Thomas comes back."

Chris sighed and got up from the table.

"I'll be right back," Chris began, "Try not to kill each other while I'm gone. Brutus feel free to eat my rice, it's not too spicy."

Chris walked back into the guest bathroom and knocked on the closed door. Thomas cleared his throat.

"Just one second," The Fox began, "Who is it?"

"It's Chris," The human replied, "Can I come in?"

Thomas sighed.

"Yeah," The other male began as he opened the door, "What's up?"

"Were you crying?" Chris asked, pointing out the wet fur under Thomas's eyes, "What's going on Thomas?"

The Fox frowned.

"I'll tell you what's going on with me as soon as you tell me what's going on with you," Thomas began, "I'm not going to trust someone who lies to me."

Chris rubbed his arm.

"There's nothing going on Thomas," Chris sighed, "Nothing at all."

Thomas looked Chris in the eyes and whined.

"Then there's nothing going on with me," Thomas shook his head, "I'm fine."

Chris sighed and looked away.

"I can't tell anyone Thomas," Chris felt tears coming to his eyes, "Especially you. The worst is going to happen if you know."

Thomas whined and hugged Chris tightly.

"Ok," Thomas began, "You don't have to tell me. Just know that I'll be there for you if you need it. Remember Chris, I'm just a short walk away."

Chris nodded.

"The same goes for you too Thomas," Chris replied, "If you need to talk just come over."

Thomas chuckled.

"I don't know if I'll want to if Brutus is here," The Fox chuckled, "I don't want to walk in on anything."

Chris rolled his eyes.

"That's not going to happen any time soon," Chris began, "So don't worry."

"Why?" Thomas asked, "If you don't mind my asking."

Chris rubbed his arms.

"Well," Chris gulped, "I've got to talk to Mom and Dad about that. I want to go on previrals. Just as a precaution before we do anything."

Thomas's jaw dropped.

"Jesus," Thomas sighed, "That's scary Chris. You know it's going to make you sick for a while right?"

The human nodded.

"I think Brutus might be worth it," Chris began, "It feels like how you said you felt with Janet after your first date."

Thomas whined.

"Can we not talk about her right now?" Thomas asked.

Chris hugged the Fox tightly and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"Ok Thomas," Chris began, "We should get back to dinner. Dad wants to apologize."

As the brother's walked out of the bathroom, Sarah waved Thomas down.

"There's someone at the door for you Thomas," Sarah began, "It's the neighbor boy, Barry."

Thomas immediately perked up, a smile creeping on his face. Chris and Sarah looked over the older male as he hustled past them and closed the front door shut behind him. Sarah sighed.

"Did you find out what was wrong?" Sarah asked.

Chris shook his head.

"Maybe I'll get him to tell me later," Chris began, "It's not like Thomas to keep a secret from me."

"He seems much better now," Sarah sighed, "Come on Chris, let's get back to dinner."

Meanwhile, Thomas embraced Barry on the front porch. The Dingo chuckled, his copper muzzle nuzzling against the Fox's ear.

"I'm so happy you're home," Barry began, "I missed you so much."

Thomas blushed and looked down.

"It's been awhile hasn't it?" Thomas asked, "It seems like a lifetime since that summer two years ago."

Barry grinned.

"Don't say it like it was a bad thing," Barry chuckled, "You really enjoyed yourself. I know I did."

Thomas nodded.

"Hey," Barry continued, resting his paw on Thomas's shoulder, "Why don't we go out tonight? Just the two of us."

Thomas sighed and rubbed his arm.

"I don't know," Thomas began, "I don't know if I feel up to it."

"Long drive?" Barry asked, "Or something else?"

Thomas sighed.

"Something else," the Fox replied, "I'm not really ready to talk about it. It's just, things seem to be falling apart right now."

Barry whined.

"Ok," Barry began, "Want me to come over tonight? Like old times?"

Thomas smiled and hugged Barry again.

"I'd love that," Thomas replied, "Just-"

Barry put his paw up.

"I know," Barry began, "Come over late, after everyone's in bed."

Thomas nodded.

"That's one thing I'm not ready to explain to my family," Thomas replied as Chris opened the door, "That among other things."

"Chris!" Barry exclaimed, "Oh my god you look good. College treating you well?"

The human smiled.

"Barry," Chris leaned in and hugged the Dingo, "It is, I'm having a lot of fun."

Barry's tail started to wag.

"Does my nose betray me Chris," Barry chuckled, "Or did you nab yourself a boyfriend?"

Chris chuckled and nodded.

"I did," Chris began, "He's inside if you want to meet him."

Barry shook his head.

"I'd better not," Barry began, "It smells like Indian night in there. I'd rather not have Sarah's cooking shoved into my mouth."

Thomas rolled his eyes.

"You could come in for tea," Chris offered, "I'm sure Brutus would love to meet you."

Thomas put a paw on Chris's shoulder.

"Not tonight Chris," Thomas began, "Tonight's for family. We'll have you over after Thanksgiving Barry."

The Dingo smiled.

"I'd like that," Barry replied, "Happy Thanksgiving. I'll see you around Thomas."

The canine stepped off the porch and whistled as he walked out to the curb and down the street to his house. Chris looked over Barry as he walked away. Thomas did too, his eyes lingering on the Dingo's rear.

"Is Barry living alone?" Chris asked, "I don't see his parents' car in the driveway."

Thomas nodded.

"They moved to American Samoa after they retired," Thomas began, "They left this fall."

"Come on inside Thomas," Chris shivered from the cold, "Mom and Dad want you at the table."

The Fox nodded.

"Give me a little bit," Thomas replied, "I'll be right back."


Later that night

Chris tossed and turned in his twin sized bed. He moved the blue grey comforter off of his bare chest and huffed. The human looked over to the wall, and chuckled at the outline of a hidden door behind his bare beige colored walls. Chris sat up and put on a tee-shirt and shorts before slowly and quietly opening the door.

The door led to a crawlspace and a secret room that connected Thomas's and Chris's room. It was dark, and Chris hesitated before submerging himself into the darkness. He stayed still, letting his eyes get accustomed to the darkness, before slowly advancing on his hands and knees. There was a left hand turn before Chris entered the secret room in the crawl space.

Chris smiled at the thoughts of the memories he and Thomas shared down here when the rest of the house had gone to bed. Whenever Chris needed him, he could crawl over to the Fox's room and Thomas would wake up every time to help Chris calm down enough to fall asleep. Chris crawled forward down a longer straight path until he reached a grate that covered Thomas's entry into the crawlspace. Chris was about to knock on the metal grate but paused at the sound of voices in Thomas's room.

"I don't know what to do Barry," Thomas sniffled, "I can't believe that she left me."

Chris gasped quietly and covered his mouth. The human crawled forward a little more until he was able to get a clear view of the Fox's bed. Thomas was sitting up his naked back pressed against the bare chest of Barry, the Dingo who lived next door. Barry's paw was under the covers, rubbing over Thomas's crotch. Barry whined lowly and nuzzled the Fox's cheek.

"What happened baby?" Barry removed his paw from Thomas's crotch.

Thomas whined.

"Don't call me that Barry," Thomas turned to face Chris's hiding spot, tears in his eyes, "Please don't."

Barry nodded.

"Ok, I'm sorry," Barry sighed and kissed the back of Thomas's neck a few times, "I'm just so glad you're home. I can't begin to tell you how happy I was when I saw you get out of that car."

Thomas smiled and squeezed Barry's paw.

"What happened Thomas?" Barry asked, "Don't worry, I won't judge."

"She caught me Barry," Thomas sighed, "I thought she was working all day, so I brought a guy home. It was reckless and stupid, but I needed it. He was another grad student in my program, just some random guy who wanted to fool around. Janet walked in and saw me on my knees in front of him and yeah, no more engagement."

"Oh no," Barry hugged Thomas tightly, "I'm sorry Thomas."

Thomas whined and sniffled again.

"I may not have wanted to make love to her," Thomas began, "But damnit I loved her Barry. I loved her so goddamn much."

Barry sighed.

"Maybe this is for the best," Barry replied, "After all, this way she can find someone who will want to give her the full package."

Thomas growled and shook his head.

"How is it for the best?" Thomas asked, "I loved her and now she's gone."

"No Thomas," Barry replied gently, his paw moving up to caress Thomas's cheek, "It's the best for you too. You can be with someone who will love you the way you love them. It's ok to be ga-."

Thomas whimpered and looked away violently.

"I can't be gay Barry," Thomas sniffled, "I just can't be. What would my parents think? God, they wanted grandchildren so bad. Even worse, they loved Janet just as much as I did."

Barry reached down for Thomas's paw and gently took the engagement ring off of his finger.

"Ok Thomas," the Dingo began, "You don't have to be gay, but you have got to move on from her."

Thomas whined and watched as Barry set the ring down on the Fox's nightstand. Thomas sighed and looked back at Barry. The Dingo's tail wagged as he leaned in to kiss Thomas softly. Thomas moaned quietly as the canine's paws crept back below the covers. Barry pulled way and looked Thomas in the eyes.

"Let me help you Thomas," Barry began, "Let me help you forget about it for a little while."

Thomas blushed and nodded.

"Ok," Barry smirked, "Get on your stomach for me."

Thomas hung his head and blushed hard.

"I've never been on bottom before Barry," Thomas curled his tail, "Will it hurt?"

"No cutie," Barry gave the Fox a few kisses, "It's going to be the best you've ever felt. I guarantee it."

Thomas blushed and complied laying face down in his pillows. Chris's eyes went wide as he watched Barry moved down and start eating his adopted older brother out. The human knew that he should have left, but he felt glued to the wooden floor on which he knelt. Thomas moaned loudly and promptly buried his face into the pillow.

The Fox's fingers gripped the mattress, and Thomas began grinding his hips back into Barry's muzzle. The Dingo murred and reached between his legs, coaxing his full 8 inch length from his sheath. Barry pulled back, a grin on his face, as he moved down to suckle over Thomas's white furred balls. Thomas whimpered and panted between his teeth into his pink pillow. Barry chuckled and rubbed over Thomas's rump.

"You ready?" Barry asked, his finger slipping under Thomas's tail and rubbing the ring of muscle tenderly, "You've just gotta relax, don't worry cutie, it'll feel awesome."

Thomas nodded and lifted his tail. Barry growled in pleasure as he spat on his paw and began to press a finger against the Fox's virgin hole. Thomas shuddered and whined as the Dingo's digit sunk into him. Barry murred.

"Holy shit you're tight," Barry mused, "Are you relaxing?"

"Trying to," Thomas replied, muffled by the pillows, "Give me a second ok?"

Barry nodded and bent forward to plant some kisses and licks over Thomas's lower back and rear. The fox took a deep breath and nodded. Barry started to finger the Fox, driving the modest length and girth of his finger in and out of Thomas slowly. The Fox shivered and moaned, his tail wagging slightly, as the Dingo inserted another finger into the Fox's rear.

"Does that feel good baby?" Barry asked, angling his fingers to rub against Thomas's prostate.

Thomas gasped and shuddered in pleasure, pressing his hips back against the canine's paw. Barry murred and pulled his fingers back, replacing them with the tip of his member. Barry was practically dripping precum, and the canine gathered a gob of it with his paw and smeared it over his shaft. Thomas shuddered as Barry teased his entrance with his tip. Thomas shuddered and gasped as Barry entered him.

"F-fuck," Thomas shifted his hips to give Barry a better angle, "Am I doing this right?"

Barry sunk in halfway and paused. The Dingo shuddered and pet the Fox's lower back.

"You're doing perfect," Barry chuckled, "You're a natural. I guess it's true what they say about Foxes."

Thomas chuckled and blushed. The Dingo moved back slightly and pulled the Fox up onto his paws and knees. Thomas murred as the canine pressed forward, burying his full length into Thomas's rear. Barry moaned and leaned forward.

"We aren't being too loud are we?" Barry murred and kissed and nibbled on Thomas's neck.

"No," Thomas replied, "Keep going. Please."

Barry chuckled and straightened up, moving his paws to either side of Thomas's ass. He began to thrust, moving in slow deep motions. The Fox moved his head down to bite the pillow, the Dingo growling and pushing the Fox's belly down against the bed. Barry started thrusting faster, holding Thomas's ass up with his paws as he pounded it.

Thomas moaned and moved his head, his muzzle facing the grate that Chris was watching behind. The Fox's yellow eyes widened as he made eye contact with Chris. Barry kept going, his knot beginning to swell inside of Thomas's hole. Thomas bit his lip, closed his eyes, and moaned.


The next morning

Brutus yawned and stretched as he got out of bed. He looked over at the alarm clock and groaned. It was 5:30 in the morning. The Dog growled and sat up, nature was calling. He crept out of his room, his ears shrinking against his head with every creak his footsteps made. The Dalmatian walked out into the hallway, his paw over his naked crotch, and crept into Thomas's room.

The Fox shot out of bed and threw the covers over a large mass in bed beside him. The shape groaned and moved. Barry sat up and looked over the naked Dalmatian standing awkwardly at the foot of the bed. Thomas sighed and put his head in his paws.

"What are you doing here Brutus?" Thomas asked.

"Urm, just trying to use the bathroom," The Dalmatian replied, "I can wait I guess."

Barry shook his head.

"Go for it bro," The Dingo began, his eyes roaming over the Dalmatian's body, "Don't be modest pal, I like what I see."

Thomas cleared his throat.

"Barry this is Chris's boyfriend, Brutus," Thomas sighed, "Brutus this is Barry my uh friend."

Brutus nodded and started edging his way to the bathroom.

"It's good to meet you man," Brutus chuckled nervously, "If you'll excuse me."

Brutus hustled into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Thomas whined and put his face into the pillow. Barry nuzzled the back of the Fox's neck and planted a kiss on Thomas's fur.

"It's going to be ok Thomas," Barry began, "I promise."

Thomas sighed and rolled over onto his back.

"Ok," Thomas kissed Barry softly, "Can you go? Before someone else walks in?"

Barry smiled.

"You've never kissed me before," Barry chuckled and stroked Thomas's muzzle.

"What are you talking about?" Thomas huffed, "We've kissed plenty of times."

"Yeah we have," Barry replied, "But you've never initiated it."

Thomas sighed and kissed the Dingo again.

"There, I did it again," Thomas chuckled, "Can you leave now please?"

"Only if you promise I get to see you again before you leave," Barry put his paw on the Fox's cheek, "Not at dinner, but like this."

Thomas looked down at the floor and rubbed his arm.

"Ok," Thomas began, "Can we do it at your place next time?"

Barry chuckled and smiled as he got up from the bed.

"Of course we can," Barry replied as he put his underwear and pants on, "I'll cook dinner, get some candles, maybe some expensive champagne."

Thomas chuckled and nodded.

"How about Friday night?" Thomas asked, "Does that work for you?"

Barry pulled his tee-shirt over his head and walked up to Thomas's window.

"Friday at 6:30," Barry opened the window, "It's a date."

Thomas smiled and watched as Barry climbed out of the window and closed it behind him. The Dingo made eye contact with Thomas and returned the smile before walking back to his house. The smile left Thomas's face as the Dingo's whistles faded and the toilet flushed. A short while later, Brutus exited the bathroom and stood outside the door.

"How much of that did you hear?" Thomas asked.

"Enough," Brutus sighed, "Did something happen between you and Janet?"

Thomas sighed and hung his head. Brutus walked over to the nightstand and picked up the ring. The Dalmatian looked over at Thomas and whined.

"God Thomas," Brutus began, "I'm so sorry. When did it happen?"

"Last week," Thomas replied, "She found out that I like to, well, sleep with guys."

Brutus sat down on the corner of the bed, his back to Thomas.

"Are you guys done?" Brutus asked, "Like, done done?"

Thomas took a deep breath and nodded.

"Done done," Thomas sighed, "I suppose it's for the best."

The pair sat in silence for a few moments.

"Does Chris know?" Brutus asked, "Any of this?"

Thomas rubbed his arm.

"He," Thomas took a deep breath, "He saw us last night. I don't know how much he heard. It's a safe bet to say that he knows everything."

"You should probably go and talk to him," Brutus began, "He's your brother."

Thomas sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Maybe if I tell him I can get him to tell me what happened to him," Thomas rubbed his face and turned to look at Brutus, "Is he holding up ok?"

Brutus nodded.

"He said he was," The Dalmatian began, "He said he was far enough away from the situation that it wasn't bothering him."

"It might get here," Thomas sighed, "My security guard told the authorities the story, once the arrest happens, the news is going to spread fast."

Brutus whined.

"You've got to be there for him Brutus," Thomas continued, "He's going to need you."

"I will Thomas," Brutus began, "If he doesn't snap on me and blame me for it."

Thomas shook his head.

"Just tell him the story," Thomas replied, "That's all you have to do."

Brutus nodded and bit his lip.

"Hey," Thomas began, "Can I um, practice on you, before I talk to Chris."

"What's there to practice?" Brutus asked, "Aren't you just telling the truth?"

Thomas chuckled.

"I should have phrased that better," Thomas replied, "There's just one phrase I want to say. I want to see how it feels."

"Ok," Brutus began, "Hit me."

Thomas took a deep breath.

"Brutus," Thomas sighed, "Jesus this is hard."

Thomas took another deep breath. He held it for a minute, and exhaled shakily.

"I'm gay Brutus," Thomas continued, "I've been gay. I've known for a while now, but I didn't want to believe it. I can't pretend to be something I'm not anymore."

Brutus smiled and patted Thomas's shoulder.

"You've got this man," Brutus began, "It's all going to be alright."

Thomas chuckled nervously and smiled.

"Ok," Thomas got out of bed and bent down to put on his black silk boxers, "Head back to bed Brutus, you should get a little more sleep."

The Fox moved to walk down the hallway, but stopped in his doorframe. He turned around and opened his end of the crawlspace. Thomas left the metal grate to the side of the entry and got down on his paws and knees. The Fox began to crawl down the crawlspace, his eyes adjusting to the dark as he did. After several seconds of shuffling through the tight space, the Fox stopped and waited at the entrance to Chris's room.

He took a deep breath and pushed the door open. Thomas crawled out into Chris's room and stood up. The younger human was sleeping peacefully, his arm wrapped protectively over his pillow. The Fox sat down beside Chris's sleeping form and shook him gently. Chris's eyes slowly opened and widened with shock as he looked up at Thomas.

"I almost forgot about that crawlspace," Thomas chuckled, "I'm glad we had that. I enjoyed our late night board game sessions."

"Or that time we snuck the TV up there to play PlayStation all night," Chris laughed, "God, Dad was peeved."

The two brothers laughed.

"I'm sorry Thomas," Chris sighed, "I shouldn't have watched. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing."

Thomas shook his head.

"It's ok," Thomas replied, "I'm not mad at you."

"You're never mad at me," Chris chuckled and sat up in bed, "Even when I do shitty things."

Thomas rolled his eyes.

"Ok fine," Thomas punched the human's shoulder, "What you did wasn't that shitty."

"So," Chris began after a short pause, "How long have you and Barry... urm, you know?"

Thomas chuckled.

"Since my junior year of high school," Thomas sighed, "He's not the only guy I've been with."

Chris sighed.

"Yeah I heard," Chris began, "Have you and Janet ever...?"

Thomas shook his head.

"We've tried a few times," Thomas replied, "But I've never been able to perform. We never really talked about it."

Chris nodded and bit his lip.

"I'm gay Chris," Thomas began, "I didn't want to believe it, but last night with Barry really showed how good being with a guy could be."

Chris nodded.

"I wanted to be normal for Mom and Dad, Thomas continued, "I know they wanted grandkids. You know, biological grandkids."

"They'll understand," The human replied, "You can use a surrogate mother or something."

Thomas sighed.

"You think they will?" Thomas asked.

Chris laughed.

"I seem to remember a conversation very similar to this one two years ago," Chris began, "Of course they will. They're your parents, and if they can handle their adopted son being gay, they'll be awesome about you being gay."

Thomas chuckled and tousled Chris's hair.

"Thanks kid," Thomas began, "Well there, you found out what was going on with me. Now you have to tell me what's going on with you."

Chris sighed.

"I'm sure you already know," Chris began, "It wouldn't surprise me if you pressed Brutus for the information."

Thomas sighed.

"I did," Thomas replied, "But that's not how I know."

Chris blinked.

"Then how do you know?" Chris asked.

"They got it on camera Chris," Thomas sighed, "My security guard friend told me after he called the authorities."

Chris groaned and slid back under the covers.

"Don't worry about it Chris," The Fox patted Chris's head, "They've got enough to arrest him and hold him in jail until the trial."

"He's going to make bail Thomas," Chris sighed, "What then? What if he hunts me down?"

Thomas shook his head.

"He's not stupid," Thomas began, "That would get him in even more trouble than he already is."

Chris slowly sat back up.

"You didn't," Chris gulped, "Watch it. Did you?"

"No," Thomas replied, "I didn't."

"Do you think all Furs have something like Andrew in them?" Chris asked, "He said that to me."

Thomas shook his head and growled.

"No," Thomas said sharply, "If we did, Humans and Furs wouldn't have lasted this long together. Hell, Furs wouldn't have lasted this long."

Chris recoiled at the growl.

"I'm sorry," Chris replied quietly, "I didn't mean to make you mad."

Thomas blinked.

"No it's ok," Thomas sighed, "I'm just a little bitter. Grandma and Grandpa lived during the time where they had to wear muzzles out in public because stupid people were scared."

Chris rubbed his arms.

"I was wondering if that was why you kissed me," Chris began, "That's why I asked."

Thomas whined.

"I don't know why I kissed you," Thomas replied, "Does that really put me in the same category as him? I wasn't doing it to hurt you Chris."

Chris was about to say something but stopped.

"What?" Thomas asked.

"You did hurt me Thomas," Chris took a deep breath, "I know you apologized already, but now, I don't know. It's weirder."

Thomas nodded.

"It is, fuck," Thomas rubbed the back of his head, "I don't want to be like that with you Chris."

Chris sighed and nodded. The pair sat in silence for a while.

"So," Thomas began, "Are you going to tell Mom and Dad about what happened to you?"

"I'm so scared Thomas," Chris bit back tears, "I don't want to."

Thomas sighed.

"I think we should," Thomas rubbed the back of his head, "I don't want them to have to find out through the news."

Chris wrapped his arms around his legs and started to cry.

"Why did this happen to me Thomas?" Chris began, "I mean, I thought this kind of shit only happened to med students and what not. Why me?"

Thomas leaned in and hugged his brother. The human continued to cry, his face in the Fox's shoulder. Thomas rubbed the back of Chris's head and sighed.

"Because bad things have a habit of happening to those who don't deserve them in any way," Thomas shook his head, "If Janet were here, she'd say that it was all part of the Lord's plan, but that's bullshit."

Chris chuckled.

"I knew you never bought into her bullshit," Chris began, "How did you put up with it for so long?"

"I told myself I loved her," Thomas replied, "I did love her. I love her so much that I'm going to let her be with someone who makes her happy."

Chris nodded.

"Good for you Thomas," Chris began, "Look, we'll both tell our parents our news. Together."

Thomas smiled and nodded.
