At The End Of A Long Day

Story by Faora on SoFurry

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This story of mine is old, and I mean OLD. Been edited to clean up some of the crap that seemed to have happened at some point on the site, that left the formatting completely rooted. Hopefully the story keeps its place on the site, but it might get bumped up to the front page again. Just a warning; I've progressed a lot since this point! Reading this actually makes me cringe! Try reading some of my newer stuff instead!

Still, hope you enjoy anyway!

  • Fae

At The End Of A Long Day

Rick growled quietly to himself as he slammed the door shut behind him. The brown-furred wolf turned to the side and reached out his hand to the light switch, the room suddenly blooming with light. His white business shirt was crumpled, his tie hanging from one shoulder, and his face was masked beneath an expression of stressed exhaustion.

"Oh, hey hon!" came the call of a friendly male voice from further inside the house. "I got your phone call earlier. Don't worry, dinner's all set to go, shouldn't take more than fifteen minutes to set up!"

The wolf couldn't help but smile slightly as he started down the hallway. The voice belonged to Daniel, his mate. No matter how hard he tried to be miserable, the joyous sound of his mate's voice always made him feel better just hearing it. "Where are you, Danny?" he asked as he started towards the lounge room, "Why're the lights off?"

The reason became quickly apparent as Rick turned into the living room. Set on a few tables around the room were softly burning candles, each one throwing a warm glow across the whole room. Red ribbons of silk adorned the walls and the chairs of the room, adding to the atmosphere. Beside the couch was a small bucket of ice, with a bottle of champagne sitting inside. Two glasses were sitting atop the coffee table, and on the couch itself...

The sight simply took Rick's voice away. Laying on his back there was his otter, golden fur shining in the candlelight. His body â€"obviously naked, to the wolf's eyes- was wrapped loosely in those same red ribbons of silk, the silk barely covering up his privates. And bathed there in the glow of the candles, it just looked amazing.

All of his stress bled away at the sight as he stumbled forward a little. "Daniel... when did you do this? This looks... you're... wow..."

Smiling wide, the otter scooted back a little in the couch, flashing a little of his plumped sheath as the ribbon covering it slipped momentarily. "You called today and said you'd be really late... third time this week out of three." Smirking, he waved a hand gently around the room. "And we were planning on redecorating the living room, so I thought I'd surprise you while you were at work."

Rick's gaze skimmed over his mate as he smiled wide, raising one eyebrow. "And here I was, thinking I'd just come home, eat and fall into bed again... you did this for another reason, didn't you?"

This time, Daniel's eyes lit up with a playful spark. He loosened the ribbons draped around him and gave his mate a mischievous wink. "Well, you've been so stressed... you've just slept every night for the past week or so. And I wanna get some play time in."

He slowly rolled over onto his belly, tail flicking slightly and waving the ribbon wrapped around himself in the air, that silken length rubbing from side to side over his exposed rump. "After all," he continued, voice becoming low, sensual, "All work and no play makes Ricky a horny wuff..."

By this point, Rick was all ready out of his shirt, and was slowly working his pants down and off. "Love, you know all you had to do was ask," he said as he stood up again, covered in nothing but his fur.

"Oh, I know." The otter's eyes sparkled again as Rick started over, eyes drawing to that waving tail, and the invitation beneath. "But I wanted to do something real special, and you need this release." He gave another wink. "And release from your stress, too..."

Rick slowly knelt down at the other end of the couch, looking slowly up along the full length of the otter's body. He could tell that Daniel was getting ready to really enjoy himself, his shaft starting to poke free of his sheath and push aside the ribbon covering himself.

Slowly, ever so slowly, the wolf started to crawl up onto the couch. He heard his mate giggle above him in anticipation, shaking his rear in open invitation. And while Rick would like almost nothing better than to pounce that body, to mount and to rut as they both enjoyed so much... this was something different.

He reached up and stroked his paws over the otter's hips, feeling the gentle sway that Daniel put into them at the touch. His paws slowly slipped down and back, sliding over that deliciously carved tail and slowly down further. Above him, he heard the otter give a yip as Rick spread his cheeks wide, exposing his tight little entrance to the open air.

That yip quickly transmuted itself into a soft moan of pleasure, as Rick leaned forward. He flicked his tongue out across that wanting tailhole, slowly dragging his tongue back and forth over it. Daniel moaned softly, pawing at the couch as he spread his legs a little wider, to give Rick better access.

Gently, the wolf started to apply a little pressure. For a moment, Daniel's tailring gave him resistance as the otter tightened in anticipation, before relaxing enough for Rick to slip his tongue inside. The yowl of pleasure he received as a result was enough to blow out one of the candles in the room, but it went unnoticed by both.

As Daniel started to push back against that tongue, Rick started to flick the tip back and forth inside him. He worked his tongue in as deep as he could, the dexterous length worming its way into the otter's most sensitive of areas. He reached down and under his lover, curling one paw around his now fully hardened shaft and giving it a gentle squeeze, a drop of pre falling to the couch cushion.

With a churr of confusion and a faint whine of disappointment from Daniel, the wolf started to slowly work his tongue back out again. The otter looked back at him, almost pleadingly, until he saw Rick sliding up the couch to get up behind him. And at the sight of his wolf's shaft, hard and thick, knot hinted at the base, he knew he was about to get something much better.

The moment Rick touched the tip of his member against his otter's tailhole, he immediately heard a murr of assent. He felt the tight opening relax for him as he continued to stroke Daniel's length, his other hand rubbing over his mate's back. "Mmrrr... you ready, love?"

His answer was nothing but a grunt as the otter pushed back firmly against him. Both of them moaned out into the air as one body gave way for another, a sudden explosion of sensation jolting their nerves. Daniel shivered in bliss as he felt himself filled so perfectly by his mate's length, his muscles squeezing tight around him as the wolf hilted himself inside.

For a long moment, all that could be heard in the room was the panting of the two joined bodies. They just remained that way, linked physically as well as emotionally, their bodies ringing with pleasure. Finally though, the otter gave the shaft embedded in him a firm squeeze; a sign to go ahead.

Beneath Rick, Daniel gave a little whimper of longing as he slowly pulled back, withdrawing his shaft from the tight, clenching depths of his lover. He fought the desire to thrust right back down again, beating back his primal urges as he held himself about halfway within his mate, before slipping back in with equal slow care.

The two moaned softly into the warm air; Rick releasing a loud, deep sound, while Daniel's was shorter, more of a pleasured sigh. Their bodies came together perfectly, delicious friction sending pleasure through their bodies, flooding their minds with feelings of completeness.

A gentle rhythm soon built up between the two. Rick would pull back, the otter's tightly squeezing muscles trying to coax him back inside. And Daniel would moan silently as he felt his lover submit to his want, sheathing his wolfhood once more inside that heated passage.

Back and forth they moved, bodies joined in the deepest embrace, each sharing himself with the other to the fullest. Sensations began to blur, replaced with searing pleasure arcing through their nerves.

While occasionally the two would switch their positions some nights, it would always come back to this. That feeling of delight Daniel experienced as he felt the growing knot of his mate pushing against his squeezing tailring, the sparks of pleasure as his prostate was rubbed with every thrust igniting a fiery need deep within him, coaxing him towards his climax.

As would the sensations reaching Rick's brain. The tightly gripping muscles of the otter beneath him almost held him fast, beckoning him to bask in the warmth of Daniel's body. And he would, pausing a moment merely to enjoy the sensation of filling the other's body so completely, before his body's urges drove him to resume his slow, deep thrusts.

Daniel gave a low, deep moan as he arched his back, his body shuddering with euphoria. Beneath him, his shaft twitched and throbbed as it shot his slick pre down over the couch beneath him, some of the fluid soaking into the cushion, some caught on the paw he brought down to stroke his needy length with.

The pleasure was becoming far too much for either of them to hold back; every thrust, every buck, every squeeze only pushed them closer and closer to the edge. Each thrust caused a moan of barely-checked pleasure to be pulled from Daniel's muzzle, his anal muscles clenching as a response and only dragging Rick closer to losing his control.

With a surprised bark of pleasure, Daniel realised he'd pawed himself a little too hard. He felt the familiar feelings building up in him, that sensation of going too far and being unable to stop flooding his mind. He barely had the time to cry out his lover's name before the feelings overtook him, his body shaking as his climax hit him.

The sudden, spasmic tightening of his mate's tailhole was just enough to pull Rick over the edge as well. Tilting his head back and crying out the otter's name at the same moment, he thrust himself right down to the hilt. His knot popped into that tight body, locking the two together as their bodies were lifted to the greatest heights of physical pleasure.

The sensation of being so thoroughly filled by his love's seed only drove Daniel to greater heights. The otter writhed beneath Rick, his body squeezing with delightful pressure down on its spurting intruder, caressing and massaging and coaxing out every last drop of the wolf's essence, even as Daniel spilled his own beneath himself.

For a long moment, all that existed for the two was the pleasures that their bodies had brought them, a complete, overwhelming, exhausting union of the flesh that left them seeing stars. But eventually, slowly, they came back down from that dizzying high, the candlelit world fading back into existence around them, the air filled only with the sound of their panting breath.

Neither could speak right away, but neither of them needed to speak to convey the feelings that each wanted to say. Rick merely wrapped one arm around his otter and smiled softly down at him, his free paw reaching up to stroke across Daniel's cheek. The otter just sighed contentedly and gazed back into his wolf's eyes, reaching down to cover the other's arm with his own and squeeze Rick's paw tightly. Neither of them could even say a simple, ‘I love you,' but then, neither of them really needed to.

But what a way to come home, at the end of a long day.

Oh dear... I cringe harder than I'd care to, looking at this again. Still I still reckon it's comparitively not bad, against some other stuff uploaded here... if I can be permitted a little ego for a moment. Am I right? Wrong? Tell me what you thought! Comment below, score, hit the Cum button if it did it for you!

Here's hoping you enjoy my other works... especially my better pieces!