The king of love.poem

Story by cainfoxy on SoFurry

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Look all around. Do you feel it. The world staring down at you. Claim your seat now king, king of love.

The shouting and yelling. The pressure of perfection. The eyes breaking you down.

Sit and take your crown. Let them praise you king.

No matter where you go there following. They are waiting just for one moment. A single twitch of emotional break. To spread like a plague.

Speak to your people let them know.

Can you take the stress. The pain of hiding everything you are. Are you going to break like an egg.

Walk the walk and talk the talk. Be like your people they always say.

All things on hold. Collapsing on the floor. You hear the howls of the savage wolfs, Does the shame keep you back. Stand run there almost here.

See into the eyes of those you been told to love. Make it real or risk it all.

What now my king. The world has a glimpse. The rumors spread like fire. Will you do as your told. Or stand for the truth.

You trun the head of tyrants as you stand taller than ever before. Speaking the words of truth. The sickness in the masses face anger you. Look down for the words.

Yes I confess to my love of my type. Now I see the Lord's turn there head in disgust, but look at the one you love. Think of why you love of them. If it not for there personalitie then what is it. If you are all dogs and only love for sex. Stone me where I stand. I will take the burden of your sin. The sin of lustlust onto my Shulder. For I love for the soul not the body it contained with in.

Where do we stand now in the tower of cold darkness. Strip of all titles. Now the people fear, off with your head. How do you plead.

King who can no longer hide what he is.

I pleaded guilty to love. I plead guilty to my love. Yes and if you say I must hang then your honor any one who has felt true love must hang.

Now the block. But pure to the end. You never gave up his name. You eyes met at the last hour. Then at high noon the razor drop. There where many tears she'd for you. King of love. The king of true love.