Raven Wolf - Book 06 - Chapter 01

Story by Kurapika on SoFurry

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#85 of Raven Wolf - Novel

I kept meaning to get the uploaded much sooner, but complications kept occurring that made this take a while to come out. I Apologize for the wait.

Chapter One

'The day the sky fell' was a cataclysmic event that shattered the reality everyone knew and changed the world.

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Very few know what happened, all that most people know is that everything that was once within the sky fell to the ground, airships, birds, insects, nothing that could hold itself in the air was spared, and all of these things fell to the ground and were never able to take to the skies again. People died, species went extinct, and order was almost lost as chaos and panic started to overwhelm those that lived upon the planet.

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Though the trails were long and violent order was eventually kept, but the trust among the people and those that lead them was now frail and delicate and those who would oppose and try to overthrow such government grew larger in number. Life was more different now than it had ever been before.

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Of all the domestic cities, the city of Cordella faced some of the most dramatic changes, having been crushed by the sky domestic's 3rd fleet, which had been above the city when the sky had fallen, if that had not been enough damage a slew of unexplained natural disasters also tore the city apart that day. Cordella was labeled as uninhabitable and its inhabitants were removed from the city, forced to take refuge within surrounding cities and towns.

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Though plans were made to recover the city those efforts were overthrown by those who took advantage of the cities weakened state, a large underground organization taking over the near empty city and claiming it as their own, driving and keeping anyone that may wish to return out, and effectively keeping the Cordella military locked in combat with them as the two parties fight to gain control of the city.

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If those problems were not enough the frail hope of peace between the domestics and the Raven Wolf tribe has been shattered. Their oracle had gone missing with no explanation, the only ones to blame for his disappearance the Domestics, feeling that they had been betrayed and taken advantage of, their chieftains want for peace went ignored, and the Raven Wolf wilds now rage war against the Domestics.

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The True Bloods too faced difficulties after the day the sky fell, facing the same problems as the domestics in concerns to their machines, weapons and equipment, one base in particular stuck in lock down with no one able to leave nor enter as they tried to gain back control of an escaped test subject with dangerous powers, their efforts also hindered by the resistance who fought against them while also searching for the subject in question. Neither able to yet get their hands on the elusive power source they were both seeking.

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It has been six months since the sky had fallen.

Vaan Berights, a black cat with the number 0648-66 tattooed on the inside of his right ear sits down at a computer, a frustrated look on his face when both his screen and the lights within the room begin to flicker, the power promptly shutting off after. He turns his chair away from the monitor as he speaks between tightly clenched teeth. "How do they expect me to accomplish anything under these conditions?!"

Another soldier in the room switches on a flashlight shining it towards him. "I hear ya, this base's generator is the worst."

Vaan argues back. "Why do we have to use the generator anyway! Where the heck is all the power from that bases self sustaining generators going to?!"

"They must be damaged, I'm pretty sure you can blame that on the Avian fleet crashing on us, we should be lucky the backup generators managed to make it through that mess."

A second solder within the room gets to his feet, grabbing a flashlight from him side and switching it on while making his way out of the room. "I'll get it this time."

Vaan sighs as he watches him leave. "It's bad enough wireless communications are all but completely dead since the sky fell, we don't need this hindering us as well."

Another solder in the room speaks up. "Intelligence isn't the only one's suffering, the soldiers on the field have lost a large part of their tools as well. Projectiles weapons are no longer dependable nor even predictable, when bullets are fired they hit the ground at around three feet from the barrel, and they no longer shoot straight even when there's no wind to change their course."

Vaan lets out a sigh as he crosses his arms. "Is anyone any closer to figuring out why the properties of the air changed so drastically?"

"It's a mystery, something that has never happened within earth's history before. With all the changes that have happened we should be thankful that we're still able to breath."

The lights and computers flicker back on, the intelligence soldiers ending their conversation and resuming their work.

Outside of the room stands Jovina, a grey falcon with soft green eyes, she leaning against the wall as she listens to the conversation happening inside while staring down at a small green crystal she right now held in the palm of her hand.

"The chase has inevitably come to an end and you have finally caught me, but you will not win, because you have only managed to obtain half of me, half of my power, half of my knowledge, and only half of my memories. The other sources, and my companions are safe, and you will not get that information without a fight."

Jovina clenches her hand tightly around the crystal as she lets out a frustrated yell, slamming her fist into the wall behind her. "This is my fault..." All of these difficulties the people of the world were facing were due to her actions, because of her and her families' legacy the wind source had torn itself in two because it had seen her as a threat, and as the result the world had plunged into chaos.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again. It's not your fault." Jovina lifts her head up as she looks from the floor and down the hall to see a black shark approaching her, he known as Kenneth Bourne, General of the Aquatic military that was currently present within the city.

He motions for her to follow him as the two continued on their way down the hall. "The people to blame for everything that has happened are the Wind's Source's last host and whoever it was that decided it would be a good idea to shoot him."

Jovina frowns at the comment, she still responsible for the result. "Despite how the previous host died the responsibilities of everything that is now happening falls upon me!"

"You can't be held responsible for being half of something that literally tore itself in two and destroyed itself. Even Dmitri, a source himself said as much... back when he was still Dmitri anyways. In regards to that reminder, if I were you I would be more worried about losing my mind like he did than worry about the hardships of the rest of the world."

Jovina and Bourne end their conversation when they enter a room, dozens of soldiers currently unloading several trucks of supplies that had recently arrived at the base. "Where's the unhappy couple?"

Bourne points towards a large jackal who is helping to unload the back of a truck. "Well there's one of them, the other can't be that far behind."

Jovina approaches Mort, speaking up to get his attention while he worked. "Captain, there's a matter that I need you to tend to."

Mort looks unhappy with the request. "Of course there is, there always is. You'd think I was doing the job of a General at this rate."

Jovina frowns at the comment as she crosses her arms. "You're position in the military is not something that I have any control over."

"Get General Dmitri to do it, just like the other things I've been asked to do it's probably his job anyways."

Jovina shakes her head no. "You know full well that General Dmitri is otherwise occupied, and even so this isn't a task getting passed down to you."

Mort is unwilling to cooperate at the moment. "I'm busy, it'll have to wait. The supplies shipment was already attacked twice before arriving here, we don't need to invite a third attack on the trucks waiting outside for us to unload these ones by taking our time."

He grunts when an exceptionally heavy bag of supplies is thrown down at him. Mort looks back to the truck with a frown. "Tahki, I would appreciate being warned before trying to catch something twice my weight."

A brown mouse with a white ear look down at him from the back of the truck "I did give you warning. You were just too preoccupied with the General to take notice."

Mort puts the bag onto a lift behind him, General Jovina continuing with her conversation. "General Bourne will take over this task for you."

"I will not!"

Jovina looks back to the shark. "Yes, you will." She turns back to Mort. "Our soldiers managed to capture one of the rebels involved with the second attack on our supply shipment. We need you to speak with him."

Mort places another bag of supplies on the lift. "Why me?"

"He asked for you by name, you're the only one that he'll talk to."

Tahki stops her work for a moment as she looks over to General Bourne. "Why not get General Bourne to interrogate them? He's good at getting answers from people, sometimes he doesn't even need to break their arm first."

"The subject in question is just a child." Mort stops what he is doing while Jovina continues. "Even if they had not asked for you by name, you're the one who is the most experienced with dealing with children that have been pulled into warfare. You need to be the one to talk to him."

Mort seems confused by the situation. "Why would a child ask for me by name?"

Tahki jumps out of the back of the truck. "Perhaps you should find out."

Mort sighs as he grabs the jacket of his uniform, also grabbing Tahki's jacket and throwing it to her. "Fine, take us to him."

Jovina nods her head as she begins leading the two of them away, she motioning for General Bourne to take care of the truck while Mort and Tahki were otherwise preoccupied. The shark letting out a grumble of destine as he replaces the two of them in their work

Jovina stares at Tahki, she had been working with her for a good six months now, and although she had at first not trusted her Jovina found herself rather comfortable around the mouse. Tahki knew about the True Bloods, Super Soldiers and Sources, so she was one of the few people that Jovina could confine it when dealing with her frustrations regarding these things.

Tahki had originally been a target they had been trying to capture, but she had ended up approaching the military and offering it her strength in return for the freedom to stay by Mort's side, her reasoning being that it was a request from Alistair Quincy, someone close to Mort that had gone missing shortly before Tahki's arrival, said to have been taken by the True Bloods that had been hunting he and the rest of the Super Soldiers.

When asked about why she had chosen to aid their side at the request from someone she saw as an enemy she answered by saying that her grievances where small compared her current objective, and though Jovina could tell she was speaking the truth she came to realize that Tahki was conflicted. Troubled by something and perhaps even running from it, this alliance with the Domestics her way of distancing herself from whatever it was that was troubling her.

The Domestic military, though weary to trust her at first, were desperate for strength after the heavy losses in both man and weapon power they suffered when the sky had fallen. She was allowed to join, and she has stayed close by Mort's side ever since.

The three come to a stop outside of a room, Jovina motioning for Mort to enter. "He's all yours."

Mort looks through the glass spotting a boy of otter decent sitting at a table inside of the room. He looking to only be around twelve years old. "He is young."

"Don't feel sorry for him, he killed one of our men during the attack. Just get him to talk."

Mort lets out a disappointed sigh he and Tahki enter the room to speak with the boy. Tahki standing behind Mort as he takes his seat at the table facing the child that had been caught. "I am Captain Louis Mort, I was told that you wished to speak with me."

The boy frowns as he motions towards Tahki. "They didn't get the idea that I wanted to speak to you alone? Who is she and what is she doing here?"

Mort holds his hand out to Tahki. "She's my overprotective body guard, sent to me by a friend to keep me out of trouble. Even if she wasn't here you technically wouldn't be talking to me alone, as there are soldiers watching from outside of the room."

The boy shrugs his shoulders. "I suppose, though I gotta say I'm flattered that you think you need a body guard against me."

Mort sighs to himself as he stares at the boy. "I have some questions I would like to ask you."

The boy laughs. "Of course you do, I'm not going to answer them though, that's not why I'm here."

"Why are you here?"

"To give you a message of course." He looks away from Mort for a moment staring at Tahki. "She's a Super Soldier an't she? He said that any soldier with a number in their ear was a Super Soldier."

Tahki and Mort look to one another before Mort nods his head in response. "What do you know about Super Soldiers?"

"Our leader knows more about them than any of us. He just told us to try and avoid fighting them. Personally I would like to give it a try just to see what would happen."

Tahki sneers at the comment. "You would die very quickly. That's what would happen."

The boy frowns as he looks away from her and back towards Mort. "Are all Super Soldier's as serious as this one?"

Mort shakes his head no, thinking back to the Super Soldiers that he had known before they had all disappeared. "Their personalities vary." He looks back to the boy, discussion of the Super Soldiers not why he was here. "You said you had a message for me?"

The otter grins as he begins to speak. "Yup, a message for you from our leader. He seems pretty interested in you, says you're special, likes to refer to you as his little personal project."

Mort narrows his eyes, this information obviously meaning something to him. The boy continues to speak, giving Mort the message he had been intrusted to give. "I found you, I know who you are, where you are and what you are, and I'm here now. I've come to take you back."

Mort gives the child an uneasy glare. "Why warn me of his intentions?"

The boy shrugs his shoulders. "Because it doesn't matter. No matter how many soldier's you send, even if they're Super Soldiers. They can't stop Blue from getting what he wants, you know that right?" He leans back in his chair giving a wide grin. "For a free and open world."

Mort forces himself to his feet as he quickly leaves the room, the child laughing as he watches him leave. Tahki follows Mort out of the room, both her and Jovina questioning him once he is on the other side of the door, Tahki the first to speak up. "What was that about?"

Mort waves his hand in front of him, signalling that he did not want to talk about it. Jovina crossing her arms as she glances back at the room. "We need answers from him, you were supposed to question him!"

Mort shakes his head no. "He's one of Blue's kids, you're not getting anything from him, even through me."

Tahki looks back to the boy, having never heard of this person or organization. "Who is Blue?"

Jovina sighs to herself, not at all happy to learn this. "Blue is the absolute scum of the earth, a warmonger that seeks out or starts conflicts for the purpose of turning a profit. He has his own small army he uses to obtain and sell weapons to and from forces on either side of a battle, this army composed of children who have no families or homes due to their own complications in their lives or from him making it so."

"The military has been after him for over thirty years, but have never been able to catch him, only a few of his kids, and we're never able to get any information from them."

Tahki seems confused. "Children usually aren't very good at keeping secrets."

Jovina looks back to the boy they had in the room. "These ones are, and it's due to no strength of their own. Blue is in position of advanced tech, comparable to what the True Bloods are known to have on them, he implants the children with a microchip inside their brain that keeps them from telling us what they know about him and his operations, and we still have not figured out a way to remove it without killing them. They know the information, they're just incapable of sharing it with anyone, it keeps the children who are easily caught, silent, it also keeps them safe from torturous interrogations, most of all it keeps us from finding him or knowing his next move."

She looks back to Mort who has made his way down the hall. "The closest the military has come to catching him was the day they got Louis from him almost twenty years ago." She frowns rather uneasy with what she had seen transpire in that room. "Blue has never come to retrieve any of the children we've taken from him, the announcement that he wants to retrieve Louis would be a first from him."

Tahki frowns as she looks back to Jovina. "After twenty years of leaving him be, why would he want him now?"

Jovina looks to the side. "Because Blue knows who and what Louis is, and furthermore he knows of the complications happening within the military... he knows we no longer have control. He's challenging us to stop him because he knows that we can't."

Tahki grunts while crossing her arms. "I wonder if Quincy fully understood what exactly would be involved when asking me to do this task."

"Quincy wasn't stupid. Compared to the other combat models he puts a lot more effort into the research side of his work. He found out a lot of things he shouldn't have. Though he didn't always have prof nor the direct answers he wanted, he still know more than even the actual intelligence model did about what was going on." Jovina turns away from Tahki taking her leave. "I must report this incident to Dmitri and Williams."

Tahki shakes her head. "You don't have to keep up the farce with me. I know that Dmitri is no longer around, just like I know the misery that's fallen upon earth is the fault of powerless wind source, your fault."

"You really are Quincy's replacement aren't you?"

"I'm less violent and more intimidating."

Jovina lets out a sigh as he continues leaving Tahki to regroup with Mort. She makes her way down hallway after hallway until she reaches a room where a large bull currently worked, he in the middle of a conversation with a recent arrival that had come on the team that had shipped the supplies. He a Domestic of Koala lineage. "I need you for a moment."

Marshal Williams and the soldier both look toward the falcon, the bull speaking up to answer. "If you would give me a moment." He holds his hand out to Jovina. "This is General Avari Jovina, Jovina this is General Perry Maddok."

The Koala waves to Jovina. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person. I've heard a lot about you."

Jovina simply gives him a nod of her head before looking back to the Marshal. "I'm going to speak with Dmitri."

Marshal Williams and General Maddok both stare at her, Williams speaking up to answer. "Dmitri is no longer one for talking."

"Do you want to observe or not?"

"I don't like going in elevators so soon after the building it is in experiences a blackout."

"That area isn't powered by the same generator as the rest of the base."

"I am well aware of that, despite that fact it's still a little bit nerve wreaking."

She turns away from him continuing on her way, Williams quickly getting to his feet motioning for General Maddok to come with them. "I called you in to act as General Dmitri's replacement so you may want to be present for this."

General Maddok seems a little confused, he having only just arrived here and not even gotten the chance to settle in. "Is this some kind of emergency meeting of some sort?"

The two soon catch up with her as they make their way to a set of large armoured doors, Jovina swiping her card through a panel near them and entering a passcode, the doors opening to a short hall that leads to another set of large doors, she doing the same for them as the first doors she had gone through shut closed behind her and her companions.

The three now walk into an elevator, both Jovina and Williams entering passcodes once inside, Williams motioning for the koala to do the same. The computer confirming all of their identifications before moving and lowing them down into the ground for several levels.

Maddok clears his throat breaking the uncomfortable silence. "This is quite a set up... so were exactly are we going?"

Williams begins to explain. "You were briefed on the Sources before coming her correct?"

Maddok nods his head. "It's still taking a bit to sink in... the information was a little out there to be honest." He looks over to Jovina. "She's supposed to be air right?"

Both Jovina and Williams correct him at the same time. "Wind."

"My mistake..."

Williams continues with his explanation. "This is a holding facility that was built to imprison the Ice Source once he was caught. Unfortunately do to circumstances outside of our control, we've had to use it for the Earth Source, a Source that had up until recently been am ally to us."

Maddok crosses his arms. "General Ebon Dmitri, right?"

The elevator comes to a stop as the doors open to another long hallway with heavy doors, each door opening one after the other as they make their way down the corridor, eventually coming to a stop when they reach the room filled with computers and devices worked by several soldiers who were all monitoring a single room.

Williams stops here motioning for Maddok to do the same, the two of them moving to the monitors and watching from there while Jovina makes her way towards the last set of doors, opening them and making her way inside the room, the doors shutting and locking closed behind her.

Maddok stares at the monitors, they displaying the inside of the cell. "She'll be alright in there?"

Williams nods his head. "She's currently the only one that can enter without getting attacked. The Earth Source is violent towards anyone that goes near him, but has no intention of harming another Source."

Jovina stares at the only other figure in the room, a large wolverine who is sitting on a bed in the room, his face fixed on the ground. She speaks up to get his attention getting right to the point. "Dmitri, the fighting is about to escalate, everyone is in danger, you are in danger. I need your cooperation."

"You do not me to help you, you want me to help the virus that invests this planet." He raises his gaze from the ground as he gets to his feet, his figure towering over hers. "The humans and all variations that now descend from them, Domestics, Wilds True Bloods, all of them! They are nothing but poison to me and the other sources, a poison to this earth and even the universe. If anything was more deserving of extinction it is the likes of them. Why I would help something as destructive and disgusting as them?"

Jovina holds her ground as she raises her voice to him. "The people who are stationed at this base are your soldiers. As the General of this base each and every one of their lives is your responsibility, you are obligated to help them."

"My responsibility is to all life on this planet, it is not to keep one animal from killing another, I do not favour a single group of species over the other, especially animals who have gone so mad that they kill each other and destroy their own world while being arrogant enough to call themselves superior or even intelligent! Any end that comes to them has been brought on by themselves. There is a reason the other sources stay hidden and do their best to stay out of their wars. I would rather kill off every last member of that species than help it."

William's voice plays over the speakers in the walls of the room. "There's no reasoning with him, the last signs of General Dmitri disappeared months ago. Without that stone that has his memories to help him out the host has no control over the source."

Jovina yells back towards the speakers. "Do you honestly think I wouldn't know that?!" She looks back to Dmitri and continues talking, not intending to give up so easily. "You must have some hint of responsibility towards the people here! There are many things that I still do not know because I am only half of the Wind Source, but I do know that the source and the host needed to accept each other in order for the host to use their powers. It was a union, an acceptance on behalf of both parties of what they had become."

"You accepted that Dmitri was your host, Dmitri accepted that he had become the Earth Source. That means that you worked towards the same goals before, so why will you not help me now?"

Dmitri sits back down on his bed in the room. "Dmitri never had the same goals as you. His intentions where the same as mine, destroy those unworthy of living upon this earth, and find the Ice Source."

Jovina turns away from him, the guards opening the door for her on the other side and letting her out. Williams not surprised with how this meeting had resulted. "I don't know why you haven't given up by now. It's the same every time you go in there. Even if you were able to reach Dmitri what would be the odds of him cooperating with you? He was never much for providing assistance to you before."

Jovina places her hands on her chin. "Why the Ice Source?"

Williams is a little bit puzzled by that remark. "What do you mean?"

Jovina looks over to him. "He always says it in that order. To destroy those he sees as unworthy and to find the Ice Source. Those are two separate objectives."

Williams crosses his arms. "The Ice Source is the only one who's True Blood made weapon has been evacuated. He needs him specifically to have the power necessary to perform the kind of destruction that he is seeking."

"If that were the case why not say 'find the Ice Source to destroy those who are unfit to live here anymore.' Instead he separates the two of them, these things are two separate goals to him." She narrows her eyes thinking over this. "I should know why this is... this goes back further than just us seeking him... I just can't access the memories from the Wind Source that I need."

Maddok lets out a chuckle. "From what I understand the best solution for that is to find the host of the other half of the Wind Source and kill them right?"

Jovina doesn't seem to find that fact as giggle worthy as him. "Right now we have more important tasks to attend to. Blue has practically given us his proclamation of war."

Williams raise his eyebrow. "This is news to me."

"It's why I came down here to try and ask for help. I'll explain it to the both of you on the way back up."

Maddok lets out a tired sigh. "I've hardly been here an hour and already stuff like this is happening? I should have known the attack on the convoy would just be the beginning."


A young wolverine of wild decent that has a thick electronic collar around his neck quickly runs across a floor while bouncing a ball, he making circles around a coyote with a scared face who wears a similar electronic collar to him, the coyote just watching him with his arms crossed as the boy circles around him while talking out loud. "Can Bret make it past his stinky, uncharismatic rival Alistair Quincy, and score the last point needed to win the game and earn his name in the eternal hall of fame!"

Alistair sighs as he watches the child. "This is why I don't like playing your stupid game with you." He starts counting things off on his fingers. "First of all, I don't smell. Second, uncharismatic? Come on kid, I am loveable beyond belief! Third you're not getting the score, you're not winning the game, and your name is never entering your hall of whatever because not only will you miss like you always do but you can't win against a Super Soldier!"

"Watch me!!" He runs around Alistair towards a basket behind him, grabbing onto the ball throwing it towards the basket. The small boy not able to throw the ball high enough to even reach it. He letting out a disappointed sigh as he watches the ball hit the ground and roll away. "This is stupid... I used to never miss."

Alistair nods his head as he swirls his finger through the air. "We've been over this remember? The atmosphere changed so stuff can't fly and projectiles can't stay in the air as long."

Bret picks up the ball making his way back to Alistair. "Yeah but why am I not used to it yet? You would think I would be used to it by now."

"There's lots of stuff for all of us to get used too. The air changing its properties effected more than just sports you know."

Bret bounces the ball not letting it get to him. "Well I'll get it this time! Come on Alistair try to stop me!"

The coyote lets out a yawn as he looks around him, the two of them among several wilds who were taking part is various activities in what looked like a recreation room. "Why don't you go find someone else to play with? They're all wilds like you are, you'll probably get along with them better than you do me."

Bret nervously glances to the others. "I don't know any of them, I only know you."

"You've been here six months kid... you really haven't known me much longer than anyone else here."

Bret quickly turns back to Alistair. "I know that you're strong and smart and could probably get me out of here if you would just try."

"There's no point in trying."

Bret seems confused, this something that was bothering him. "I don't understand... why won't you at least try? When I first met you that's all you did, and because of you we actually did escape! We... just got caught again later..."

Alistair lets out a tired sigh, he had been dealing with this child following him around like a baby duckling since arriving here. "You wouldn't understand."

A buzz rings through the air, the wilds all stopping what they are doing as they begin to file out of the area. Bret letting out a sigh as he watches them leave. "Looks like break time is over..." He looks back to Alistair. "You know this feels a lot like school. Except for it lasts all day."

Alistair laughs at the comment. "I have not been to school to confirm it, but I doubt that if you were working in the fields or mines with the rest of the wilds that you would still be thinking like that."

One of the guards motions towards them. "Let's go!"

Alistair begins making his way towards him while Bret reluctantly drops the ball he had been holding, approaching the exit to the recreation room as well, the two of them not heading in the same direction as the others and instead intending to be led away toward another building and down a different hall.

Alistair keeps still and cooperative as the guard restrains him, cuffing his hands behind his back before leading him away, a man who had been waiting at the entrance of the room motioning toward Alistair while getting the guard's attention. "This one goes with me to research."

Alistair greets the man with a grin. "I can always count on you to be here to pick me up from puppy daycare. What a dependable little owner you are."

Levi shacks his head with a frown as he leads Alistair away. "Don't think I won't make that collar of yours electrocute you for being so smart mouthed."

Alistair seems hardly threatened. "I can get out of this thing and rip apparent everyone in this place if I wanted to, are you sure you want to provoke that behavior by poking at me like that?"

Levi grabs onto Alistair forcefully leading him away while the remaining guards begin to lead Bret to another part of the complex. The boy looking up to the guards and questioning them. "Do you really call recreation time Puppy Daycare?"

One of the guards shakes his head. "No." He speaks lowly under his breath so that Levi could not hear him. "Only jerks like him do."

Levi looks over towards the guard with a bitter frown. "Don't think I didn't hear that you animal loving hippie." He continues on his way half storming down the hall. "Of all our bases we have to choose from I end up picking this one."

Alistair shrugs his shoulders. "I can't say I can disagree with him, you are one of the lowest forms of life that I have ever had the misfortune of running into."

Levi lets out an angered growl as he forcefully slams Alistair against the wall of the hall, pinning him in place. "You need work on your attitude problem, you'll either keep your mouth shut or start treating me with the respect I deserve, because if you don't the life of that kid that's attached himself to you is forfeit. Right now everyone here but the two of us think he's the Earth Source's son and that's the only reason they keep him alive and healthy, one word from me and he becomes an unneeded expense and as a result will either be killed or thrown in with the rest of the workers."

Alistair grins at him. "I'll do my best to keep quiet but I'm afraid I can't start treating you with respect. That would be lying, and I can't do that to True Bloods remember?"

Levi forces Alistair around his way, even though he had the Super Soldier under control Alistair would still find ways to infuriate him. "How did the Domestic military put up with you?"

"Reluctantly and with much eye rolling."

Levi leads Alistair to a room of computers and medical equipment, Genesis waiting for their arrival within this room. Genesis questioning Alistair as Levi sits him down on a bed in the middle. "How was your afternoon recreation break?"

Alistair answers the question. "Dull."

"Well that's no one's fault but your own, we just give you the facilities, it's up to you to use them."

Genesis approaches Alistair as he begins starting to hook the coyote up to several pieces of equipment while Levi begins to complain in the background. "Recess for wilds? Who DOES that?!"

Genesis glances back at him, it not that shocking turn of events. "We do the same thing at our base. Regular breaks for both the mind and body not only help keep the Wilds healthy but also increase production flow."

Levi shakes his head. "I've never seen it."

Genesis nods his head not at all surprised. "Yes, well you don't deal with those Wilds. You deal mostly with the test subjects. Who we have no choice but to keep sheltered from such social activities to prevent contamination to or from the subjects on both a biological and physiological level. Which would threaten no only the subjects involved, but could destroy the project as well."

Alistair glares over at Levi knowing all too well about that.

Genesis continues with his explanation. "Our situation right now is a little different. Two isn't here for testing he's here to be studied, while the boy is here because it's capable for him to become the next Earth Source. As such the two of them get access to recreational activates."

Levi takes several steps back taking his seat within a chair in the room as he watches Genesis work. "Any orders from the Commander General yet?"

Genesis shakes his head no. "Nothing new than the usual wait here for further orders."

General Levi gives an aggravated groan. "When are we finally going to leave this place?!"

Professor Genesis makes his way from Alistair as he makes his way over to a computer now working at it. "May says that the fortress is still in lockdown because they haven't managed to catch the Lightning Source yet. As you can imagine tensions in that place among the citizens are higher now than never."

Levi takes his seat in a chair. "Six months is a long time to be trapped in a bunker. I would be pissed off too." He motions toward Alistair. "So how goes your progress in studying Two anyway?"

Genesis grows frustrated at the reminder, looking over to a computer to check his calibration. "Poor. Just like the last time you asked! Not being able to access my equipment is infuriating! The facilities here are lacking in every piece of equipment I ask for."

Levi shrugs his shoulders. "Hey, not every True Blood facility has a research center under the Genesis name."

"Funnily enough they all seem to have military bases."

Levi nods his head that much making sense to him. "The military will always be at a higher priority than science. It's has been and will always be this way."

Genesis looks at the data that is starting to appear on the screen. "If I at least had Zero here to compare him too I would be further along in my process. Unfortunately he along with my facilities are well out of my reach until that lockdown is lifted."

Levi nods his head. "I imagine it would be easier to pinpoint that mutation when you have two members of the same batch to compare."

Genesis confirms the suspicion. "Specifically since it would be comparing one that survived the execution and one that wouldn't have."

"So it would just be a matter of looking for what was different."

Genesis shakes his head no. "Hardly... if this were shortly after the poison was administered things would be relatively simple like that. Unfortunately it's been years since that incident and both subjects have gone through significant changes."

Levi thinks back trying to recall Zero, he letting out a laugh upon remembering something. "You're right! I can think of four things right now that Two has that Zero doesn't!"

Genesis sighs at the comment. "Mocking amputees is in bad taste General Levi, especially when the reason he lost those limbs was during the testing and creation of your secondary heart."

"You act like it's a big deal, come on stuff like that is practically an improvement."

"Only people who do not have prosthetics would say that."

Alistair closes his eyes, taking in the conversation as he remained cooperative. He knew that there was little he could do to try and escape at this moment, so it was better for both him and the kid he was with to cooperate. The right moment would eventually come, all he had to do was wait.