Mixing Pleasure with Business

Story by SurryKitten on SoFurry

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#12 of Simply Sexual

This is part 2 to Mixing Business with pleasure. It is the continuation of the story between David and Angelica. If you like egg laying or just sexy stories, you should enjoy this! Let me know!

"Here's your mail Mr. Grant." Angel said cheerfully, walking into her boss's office.

Angelica could never stop looking at the handsome dragon before her. She loved watching his muscles tense under his suit as he moved, and she also loved begging him to take his suit jacket off at night to see his lovely, full wings. They were always tucked too tightly to his back, and occasionally, she would stroke them through his jacket, making him moan in delight, but most importantly, she always loved the way he looked at her. His vibrant, yellow eyes always seemed to dart over her figure and take her in completely before smoke would begin to rise from his nostrils. Angel had come to realize that the smoke was a sign of lust. She simply couldn't get enough.

Looking up from his desk, David smirked, watching as she came closer to him. He was in a cheerful mood, but he still had his dangerous and mysterious edge about him. Once she held out her paw for his mail, he slowly stood, taking her paw in his much larger one and pulling her forward with force, causing her body to collide against his as the mail fell to his desk. He smirked once more, only this time wider, and wrapped one strong arm around her waist. He leaned down, brushing his nostrils over her sensitive neck all the way to the bottom of her pointed, jackal ears. He could still see the bite mark on her neck from their first mating, and he kissed it gently.

"Mr. Grant sounds too formal. I'd rather have you screaming my name instead of my father's name." He chuckled, looking down at her with pure delight.

It had been almost a week since their first mating, and Angel was beginning to notice her stomach swelling. She had taken multiple pregnancy tests, knowing it was utterly impossible that she would be pregnant this quickly or even at all. She hadn't been in heat.

"David... I need to talk to you." She whispered, and David smirked as if he knew what she was going to say.

It was strange how he always seemed to know everything. She was sure that it had something to do with his flicking yellow eyes that took in every inch of her, from her body language to her curves, and his muzzle that always seemed to catch her scent, no matter how faint.

Reaching down, David placed both of his hands onto her stomach and began to make a purring noise. She had never heard that noise before, but she knew dragons supposedly purred when they were extremely happy. It was much deeper than a purr though, almost like a quiet roar or a rumble inside his chest.

"I know what you're going to say, and no, you're not pregnant." He winked, smirking as if he knew something that she didn't. That always seemed like the case. "Well... You're technically not pregnant."

"What do you mean?" She asked, a bit frantic.

"The potion made you pregnant in a way. Dragons don't have pups or cubs. We lay eggs. Right now, you have several eggs inside your womb, growing and getting ready to birth, but there are no real babies in there."

"Why would you do that?" She asked confused, blushing a deep red.

"I told you. I have particular tastes. Those include watching a sexy female birth my eggs." He whispered, brushing his nose against her neck once more, making her moan into his shoulder. "But while they grow, I want you with me. Come stay with me at my home." He said, smirking as he stared at her small but definitely swollen belly. "I don't want to let you out of my sight." He growled seductively, and Angel bit her bottom lip, nodding in response.

Biting her bottom lip harder, she began to get wet, thinking about birthing his eggs. It was something she had never thought about before, but it was actually a very sexy idea. Teasingly, she wiggled out of his arms, smirking as she slowly stepped away from him to the edge of his desk. She knew it was hard for him to resist her, and she liked that fact. She slowly turned to walk out of his office, pushing her tail high into the air as her hips swayed. As a result, she received a slap on the ass. It made her moan softly, but she kept walking. She didn't have to look behind her to know that David was smirking and watching her hips sway; it was obvious from the tingles that sparked in her spine and jolted to her lower lips.

"Do you need anything else Mr. Grant?" She asked, leaning against the glass door frame.

"Why, yes I do my dear, but I'll ask for that after my next meeting." He replied, smirking as he sat back down into his chair, watching as Angel went back to her desk.

He wanted so badly to have her bent over his desk, screaming and begging for him, but he knew that business must come first. He had several meetings with potential clients that day, and since she had agreed to come to his home, he knew that it would not be long until he could take her again, because after Business, follows pleasure.


"Are you ready to go?" David asked as he moved behind Angelica's chair. He playfully reached forward and began rubbing her shoulders with his large hands. It felt wonderful. His fingers were working her muscles, making the knots and stress simply melt away, and as Angelica relaxed her body, she nodded in response.

"Yes, I'm ready, but I'll need to get my clothes." She said softly, and David smirked, letting his razor sharp claws dance across the scar of her mating bite. It made her shiver, remembering how she had gotten the scar, and in an instant, David could already smell her sweet scent wafting into his nose.

"Where you're going, you won't need clothes Angel." He said seductively, leaning in to whisper into her ear. "I'd just rip them off of you anyway."

There was another jolt, causing her body to shiver as his voice traveled from her ear to her lower lips. How could he tease her so easily? Angelica giggled in a shaky tone, getting out of her chair and grabbing her small, black purse from the desktop. It was a surprise that her legs were still working properly.

"I believe you." She replied, placing her right paw onto his chest as she moved in front of him. He seemed to like this gesture, and he reached down, taking her tiny paw into his larger hand and lifting it to his mouth, kissing the back side of her paw.

"I'll have someone get your things tomorrow."

"That sounds like a great plan."

As they both entered the golden paneled elevator, Angelica moved to the back, leaning her body back onto the golden walls. She could see herself in the panel in front of her, and as the doors closed, Angelica felt another spark trickle down her spine. He was looking at her again.


She was immediately interrupted by his mouth pressing to hers, and as she moaned into his lips, she felt his large frame follow and press to her. He was pressing her against the wall, pinning her just as he had the first time they mated. They kissed passionately, locking lips harder than horny teenagers, and Angel wrapped her arms around the tall dragon, stroking the area where his wings met his back. She had to rub a bit harder to make him feel it through his jacket, but once she found the right spot, she felt him moan into her lips, and a deep, melodic purr began to rumble in his chest.

"Why do you do that?" He asked, pulling his lips away for a brief moment. His voice had a hint of shakiness.

"Because I know it drives you wild." She whispered, and as she rubbed harder, David shivered against her, letting out a loud sigh of pleasure. Angelica could already feel his member pressing against his suit pants and begging to be free, and she smirked, rubbing harder on his wing joints to make his whole body tingle.

He sent his lips down to crash against hers once more, but that wasn't all. He let his hands trail down to the hem of her skirt, and as he lifted the small fabric, he eagerly lifted one of her legs up to rest on his hip, moved her panties to the side, and plunged two fingers into her lower lips. This made Angelica moan loudly in surprise, and as she looked to the top of the elevator, she could see that they were already down to the fiftieth floor.

"D-David we have to get off soon." She whispered in distressed pants, but he didn't seem to care.

He eagerly moved his fingers inside of her, pumping them back and forth to make her juices splash. It was amazing how wet she could become in only a matter of seconds, and he wanted everyone downstairs to smell her sweet scent as she walked by. To achieve this, he curled his fingers up against her G Spot, stroking it with his finger tip and flicking her clit with his thumb. It was a wave of pleasure for Angel, and as she arched her back, she completely forgot about rubbing his wings. Her hands went limp on his back; there was no use in moving them. This seemed to make David smile, and he continued, rubbing harder. Angelica's legs were shaking from the amount of stimulation swirling inside of her, and as the Elevator dinged at the first floor, David pulled his fingers out of her lower lips, leaving Angelica a panting and dripping mess. That was his plan, and as he turned around, she could see him place his fingers to his lips, licking her juices before causally exiting the elevator. Angelica had to compel herself forward. Her legs were already shivering just from those few moments of play time, and as she followed him, he reached out with his dry hand to take her paw.

"You're terrible." She retorted, blushing as her breath was extremely uneven. Everyone Noticed. She knew it.

"You're beautiful." He replied with a wide grin.

As they ventured outside into the buzzing street, Angelica could see that David's car was already waiting at the curb. He walked to the passenger side, opening the door for her like a real gentleman, and as she slid into the leather seats of his black Rolls-Royce, she couldn't help but feel elegant. She watched as David went around, opening his door and quickly getting inside.

"Aren't you supposed to have someone drive you around?" She asked, smirking as she looked into his eyes. She was trying not to become wet again even though she was still soaked; it wasn't working. Just looking at him made her heart race once more.

"I don't like other people driving for me. Actually, I don't drive often. I enjoy flying whenever I get the chance." He said with a smirk, and he pulled the car out onto the highway, heading towards his beautiful glass cabin.

It wasn't a very long drive. He only lived twenty minutes from his office building, and as they pulled into the garage, Angelica bit her bottom lip, remembering the party that had happened last week. After they had mated at the party, they had fallen asleep upstairs. David had left the party downstairs to fend for themselves, and she knew most of them heard her screaming in pleasure or at least caught a whiff of her sweet scent coming from the playroom.

"Did you ever get your playroom cleaned?" She asked, blushing a deeper red as she realized the mess she had left.

"Of course dear. It's called a playroom for a reason. I anticipated a few messes. Although, yours was a rather large one." He smirked and leaned over, kissing her lips passionately.

She smiled in response, pressing her lips hungrily to the dragon before getting out of the car and walking into his home. As David closed the door behind them, Angelica took in a deep breath. Everything spelt of cedar and fresh wood except for the hint of David's musk that lingered in the air. She had to admit that his house was much nicer when a ton of people weren't standing around. It felt bigger and more relaxing.

"When will these eggs be ready?" She asked curiously, turning to look at the dragon behind her.

He was eyeing her white fur, remembering what it looked like with specks of red, and at the mention of the eggs, his eyes sparkled and smoke began to rise form his nostrils, one puff at a time.

"I guess you'll just have to wait and find out." He responded, taking her paw into his. With one swift movement, he pulled her up into his arms, and he chuckled as he carried her bridal style up to his room.


"I feel so full..." Angelica whispered, rubbing her hand over her belly and looking into the tall bedroom mirror to examine her frame. Her stomach was swollen with eggs, making her seem nine months pregnant with a regular child, but it had only been a month since she had taken David's potion.

"That's because you _are_full." David replied, slowly loosening his tie and chuckling at his clever joke.

It had been a long day of errands and meetings for the both of them. David could feel his wings practically aching from being tucked under his shirt, and as he removed his jacket, he sighed, letting them expand and flap a few times. They sent a gust of wind through the room, and Angelica smiled, biting her bottom lip as she placed one of her paws onto her swollen belly. David refused to tell her anything about the eggs. He wanted her to be surprised at their size, number, and when she would birth, because he had other plans as well.

Reaching into the pocket on his pants, he pulled out another vial that resembled the first from a month before, but this one was not red. It was a soft shade of blue that resembled the sky.

"What is that?" She asked innocently, taking the tube as David passed it along.

"Take it, and you'll find out." He replied, and he smirked as he watched her pop the vial and drink the contents. It was truly amazing what science could do, and as the last drop hit her tongue, David could already feel himself shivering in excitement.

"Alright, I took it." She giggled as she leaned in and kissed David. He returned her kiss deeply, placing his hands on her back and pressing her swollen stomach to his frame. He could feel her fingers snaking up to his wing joints, and he shivered against her, growling playfully as he saw a smirk form on her lips.

"It's been a long day. Should we get some rest?" He asked, and Angelica blinked in confusion. Was he really going to bed or was he just trying to get her in bed for playtime?

"Yeah, it really has." She whispered seductively, and she smiled as she followed him.

To her surprise, he simply began to undress and crawled under the covers, patting the covers next to his larger frame. She didn't mind that one bit. She loved snuggling against his warm scales and feeling his wings around her, but she was confused as to why he made her drink the potion if nothing was going to happen.

His room was much more elegant than the play room. The king sized bed sat exactly in the center, facing the glass walls, and everything from the ceiling to the carpet was a soft shade of tan with accents of gold, giving off a calm and relaxing feeling. The comforter always felt like a cloud, and as Angelica looked towards the glass wall, she could see streams of moonlight pooling on the floor.

Murring, Angelica undressed herself and climbed into the bed next to David, feeling nothing out of the ordinary. She was really beginning to wonder what was inside the vial, and as she laid down, she felt her eyes begin to droop. She truly was exhausted, and after a few moments, she drifted off into a restful sleep with David curled to her back, his hand resting on her swollen baby bump.

After a few hours of sleep, Angelica woke with a loud gasp. Something felt different, and as she opened her eyes, she realized that her body was aching, and her lower lips were soaking wet with juices.

"Oh God!" She moaned, turning over to lay on her back. "What's going on?"

David was nowhere to be found, and as she sat up slowly and rested her back against the headboard, she knew what was happening. She was birthing the eggs. Strangely enough, there was no pain. Her body was only in pleasure. The first egg was trying to leave her womb, and as it began to stretch her, Angelica arched her back and curled her toes in complete bliss. She was moaning loudly, feeling her walls stretching almost farther than David's shaft had stretched her.

"Oh fuck!" She called out, feeling her cheeks beginning to burn.

The egg was wide, wider than she had expected it to be, and as it fully left her womb, she screamed happily, feeling her walls beginning to ache. The feeling caused her to spread her legs wide, and she reached down, stroking her clit gently and making her hips buck. She didn't understand why birthing was so pleasurable like this, but she didn't care. She flicked her clit, feeling naughty and dirty with each stroke. Her lower lips were doing all the work as they contracted and pushed the egg closer and closer to her entrance, and as it began to emerge, she shivered, looking down to see the thick, black egg stretching her lips wide. It seemed almost impossible that something that wide and thick could have come out of her pussy lips, and just as the egg was about to fall to the sheets below, David opened the door, grinning mischievously.

"I'm gone for a few minutes and you decide to birth without me? I don't remember giving you permission slave." His voice was stern with hints of playfulness, and his body was tense just from the sight of her legs wide and the egg sliding to the sheets. It gleamed in the moonlight from Angel's juices, and David's eyes went wide, large puffs of smoke leaving his nose.

As he walked forward, he slowly got between her legs, putting both of his hands onto her knees and spreading her legs to an uncomfortable wideness. Her legs couldn't go any further.

"Looks like you're getting stretched pretty far." He growled, feeling his body tingling in need.

"H-How many are there?" Angel asked, panting as her pussy throbbed in bliss. There was no way this should be so pleasurable.

David didn't answer, he simply took the egg into his hand and held it up for Angelica to see. Her cheeks burned more as she saw the full size of the egg. It took up David's entire palm and could almost relate to an ostrich egg. As she stared in amazement, Angelica felt the second egg pushing against her womb entrance, and she gasped as it began to fill her lower lips, stretching her once more. Her juices continued to trickle out of her lips, coating the sheets below with wetness.

"I guess we'll find out." David whispered, smirking as he pushed the egg in his hand back against Angel's lower lips. "I didn't tell you that you could start without me."

"I don-"

David licked his lips, pushing the egg forward and causing it to fill Angelica's lower lips once more. She arched her back, gasping and curling her toes in pleasure, but David didn't stop there. He continued to push the egg back inside of her, pushing with his index finger until the egg completely disappeared back inside of her walls. Angel's nipples hardened immediately, and she gave her hips a pleasurable buck forward.

"What are you doing?!" She gasped out, shivering as she felt a climax already building in her groin.

"Having fun." David replied, grinning from ear to ear as he pushed two fingers inside of Angelica, pushing deeper until both eggs were firmly placed back into her womb.

Shivering, Angelica could only reach up and play with her breasts as her pussy ached. She began pinching the sensitive skin and lightly tugging her nipples forward, imagining David sucking them, maybe even a pup. David smirked, leaning down to kiss Angelica's swollen clit. He kissed it gently before taking it into his mouth, sucking on the little button and flicking it with his forked tongue. This caused Angelica to wiggle in pleasure, bucking her hips and begging for more with her gasps. His tongue was moving impossibly fast, flicking her clit up before flicking it back down, and every few seconds David would give a playful swirl.

David gripped her thighs, lifting her legs so that they were spread wide and now resting on his shoulders, and he moved closer, burying his mouth in Angelica's lower lips. This made her shiver. He was snaking his tongue inside of her walls now, flicking it back and forth over her G spot and flicking her clit with one of his index fingers. All of the stimulation was driving Angelica crazy. It was almost like her muscles were dancing with shivers and pleasure. Her hips would buck every few seconds, and her legs were already shaking against David's shoulders. Not to mention her toes were curling against David's back, letting him know that he was pleasuring her completely.

Angelica didn't notice David shifting his body weight to bring his hand forward, and she hadn't even questioned where he had went when he wasn't in bed. There was a bathroom right inside his master bedroom, and as she felt something cool press to her tail hole, she let out a soft moan, realizing he had gone to get something from the play room.

"What is that?" She asked, shivering as he prodded the toy against her tight tail entrance.

The toy was small and smooth, and as David gave Angel's clit a hard flick, she squeaked in bliss. He wasn't answering her at all. He was simply having his way with her, and as he pushed the toy forward with more pressure, Angelica arched her back and squealed as the toy entered her. It was snug inside of her tail, and it was already coated with lube. David pushed it deeper, slowly making sure the toy hilted inside of her smallest hole, and once it was in position, he turned the base, causing the toy to gently begin vibrating.

"Oh my God!" Angel called out, curling her toes harder against David's back. "It feels so strange!" She called out louder, enjoying the wave vibrations inside her tail. It was a completely new feeling.

David happily pushed his mouth back against her lower lips. He began licking inside of her, flicking her clit with his index finger, and Angel began bucking her hips a bit harder. Everything was overwhelming her body, and just as she thought it couldn't become more pleasurable, an egg pushed against her cervix, slowly stretching the inside of her pussy walls. David felt the egg with his tongue, and he growled loudly, gripping her thighs harder and letting his claws dig into the soft flesh. The growl made Angel's head spin, and her nipples throbbed, knowing an alpha was near.

"I didn't tell you to birth." He roared. He was having so much fun, and he greedily pushed two fingers back into Angelica's pussy, pushing the egg with hard force back into her womb.

"I'm getting close!" She called out, feeling her pussy begin to tighten and throb to finish.

In a few seconds, Angelica arched her back, gripping the sheets beside her hips and moaning to the ceiling. Her body was dazed with pleasure, and as she felt her body give in, she came, causing her juices to coat David's chin and lips. He smirked, licking up every drop that he could, and as another egg tried to enter her lower lips, David pulled back, closing Angelica's legs tightly.

"You're not allowed to birth till I say so." He said with a smirk, knowing her body was going to be trying to birth until he finally gave in and let her have the eggs.

"Oh my..." She whispered, shivering as her lower lips were still contracting, trying to push the eggs out of her body, but not able to do so.

"I better not see a single egg escape those lips." He snapped with a stern voice and a grinning face.

"Yes sir." She moaned out softly, rubbing her thighs together to create a sensual friction.

She wondered how long he was going to keep her in this state of birthing and shivering, but she wasn't going to ask. He would give her permission when he was ready.

"Now, let's go to sleep." David said as he slowly moved Angelica to her side and snuggled up behind her.

Angelica blushed, still feeling the vibrator deep inside of her tail. She looked into his eyes questionably, and he stared back at her with his eyes that seemed to glow in the dark. He reached down, understanding what she was thinking, but instead of pulling the toy out, he pushed it deeper, making her gasp. He also turned the dial on the base, causing the toy to vibrate on high inside of her, sending waves of vibrations throughout her lower region.

"This stays in." He remarked in a stern voice, pulling the toy halfway out only to push it forcefully deeper than before, making Angelica grip the pillow next to her head. She poked her hips back, causing her butt to push back against David's groin and allow him to move the toy once more, but he stopped there, handing her a pair of panties that he had collected off the floor.

"Put these back on to make sure nothing gets away."

He was having fun with this. Too much fun. She could see it in the way the edges of his mouth twitched and his eyes seemed to gleam with lust and dominance. She did as she was told, slipping the panties back onto her hips and shivering as the fabric forced the toy to stay deep inside of her, and even if she tried to birth in her sleep, the panties wouldn't allow the egg to escape her walls.

Leaning in, he kissed her on the lips, smirking as he pushed his groin against her rump, giving a hard buck to tease her. It was going to be a very long night.


"I can't do this." Angelica whispered, sitting at her computer desk.

She was staring intently in front of her, observing the long list of client names and attempting to run her fingers over the keyboard, but every time she started to write a sentence, her lower lips would ache to push another egg out of her womb. This caused her to close her legs tight and shiver in her seat until the feeling went away. It also caused names like "William Haring" to turn to "William Hfiwo;smk/l". The names on the screen simply began to blur, and she laid her head down onto the desk, shivering as her lower lips dripped.

Her body had been trying to birth David's eggs for three whole days, and for three days, David had forced eggs back into her womb and taken her lower lips with no mercy. As a result, her pussy ached more than it ever had. Even stroking the lips gently made her whole body shiver. Simply sitting made her lower lips throb, and David only smirked at the redness of her well-fucked lips. He felt proud of himself.

"Take a deep breath." She whispered to herself, and she smiled a bit as she realized that was the first thing she had said in the Grant Corporation bathroom. That day seemed so far away now.

"How are you doing?"

Jumping in fright and simultaneously letting out a groan of bliss, Angelica suddenly looked behind her to see David standing in his doorway. He had pushed the glass door open silently and stood there, watching her shiver with her head down. She had no idea how long he had been there, but he looked completely satisfied with himself. The scent of her lower lips was heavy in the air, and David closed his eyes as he took a deep breath.

"I need to birth!" She begged, feeling her cheeks burn. "Please! I can't take this anymore!" She begged and David smirked even wider, knowing he had the upper hand.

"I have one last meeting. Come suck me under my desk, and I'll consider letting you have my eggs."

"Yes sir!" She wouldn't say no.

Angelica rose from her seat, having to hold onto her chair as her legs turned to noodles. It was hard to walk when your body simply wanted to fall to the floor. She imagined herself falling to her knees, spreading her legs wide. She would have stayed on her knees, leaned forward on her hands, and allowed every egg to slide out of her and to the floor below. She would have played with her nipples and bucked her hips at every contraction. She would have even counted out loud as each egg fell to the floor, but David wouldn't allow that.

Watching her with his flicking, vibrant eyes, David put one large hand onto Angelica's back and helped her walk, leading her to his desk to slowly slide underneath. There was plenty of room for her, and no one could see her unless they stood behind David's chair.

As David sat down, he took off his suit jacket, hanging it on the edge of his desk and extending his wings, letting them span their full length before relaxing them. He wanted to be comfortable for this, and as he moved closer to the desk, he made sure that he didn't push too far. He wanted to see the beautiful jackal.

"Actually, I have a better idea." David said, glancing down at the shivering jackal.

Reaching over, David opened the top drawer of his desk and began rummaging around. Angel could hear papers rustling, paperclips moving, possibly even a stapler, but as David found what he was looking for, his eyes lit up.

"Ah, here it is! Your best friend."

Angel bit her bottom lip, knowing what he was referring to. It was the vibrator.

"I thought that was at home." She retorted

Immediately, David's large and strong hand was gripping Angel's jaw. The hold was firm and dominant as if she had spoken out of tongue, and her lower lips throbbed. Puffs of smoke were rising from David's nostrils, swirling in the air before disappearing above his head, and Angel knew she was in for a good time.

"Put the toy in your tail. Take yourself with it and kiss my shaft. No sucking. Lips only. You understand don't you slave?" He asked, slowly letting go of her jaw and handing her the toy with his other hand.

"Yes master." She replied in a seductive tone, playing with his master-slave scenario.

She took the toy into her paw and watched as the Dragon scooted forward. He eagerly unbuckled his belt, letting it fall to his sides before his pants were unzipped and his briefs were pushed downward. Angel could already see his semi-hard member, and she leaned forward, gently kissing the base of his shaft, trailing her kisses downward. Her lips were now pressing to his large sac, kissing the musky orbs to praise him for his seed. She could tell he liked this gesture by the way his knees shook, and she continued to kiss over his sac, slowly moving to his inner thighs to tease.

Angel then did as she was told and slowly moved her right paw in between her legs. She was wearing a pair of thin lace panties under her skirt, and she playfully moved them to the side, shivering as she let the toy press to her tight tail hole. It was dry of course, and she slowly pushed it forward, letting it forcefully prod at her tail. The feeling sent shivers up her spine. She was being a naughty girl to herself, and she pushed the toy forward with more pressure, forcing herself to take the snug vibrator like a good girl without any other help.

"Are you playing with your tail?" David asked, trying not to moan from the combination of her scent and the trail of kisses.

She simply nodded as a response, letting him feel her head nod up and down against his thigh.

"Fuck," David sighed in pleasure, feeling a new trail of kisses begin at the base of his cock and move upwards towards the head. "You're such a naughty girl."

Angel didn't respond. She continued to kiss over his shaft, letting her full, soft lips press to the hard, warm shaft before her. She could taste the musk on his cock, loving his natural flavor, and she shivered, pushing the toy deeper inside of her without any sort of lube. This made her tail ache and protest, but she loved the feeling more than she cared to admit. Turning the end, she set the toy to vibrate on high and choked back a moan as the vibrations coaxed an egg to her cervix. It began pressing forward, and she gasped as it slowly slipped into her lower lips.

Growling loudly, David listened to Angel's moans and gasps. He knew those specific moans. An egg was trying to escape. He desperately wanted to rip her from under his desk and bend her over, but just as he was contemplating on canceling the meeting, the elevator doors slid open, revealing a rather large Rhino on the other side. He was wearing a business suit as most of the clients did, and David waved him forward with a forced smile. This was going to be harder than he thought.

The Rhino opened the glass door and walked inside slowly, holding his briefcase in one large, bulking hand. He was immediately taken back by the scent of feminine juices. It was almost as if someone had slapped him across the face, and David smirked, knowing that feeling all too well. He had experienced it the first day he met his Angel.

"Sorry about the smell. My secretary was in heat. I had to send her home." He said, gripping the arm of his chair until his knuckle scales were popping.

"Ah, don't apologize." The Rhino said, taking a seat. "It's wonderful actually. Too bad you can't bottle that." He laughed, and David chuckled with him, feeling his cock bob under the table followed by the jackal's wide tongue lapping at the sensitive underside. She was disobeying his rules.

Angel was shivering, holding in loud moans of pleasure. It was hard not to squeal as she began moving the vibrator. She was moving it fast, letting the tip pound inside of her tight hole. The fast movement caused the egg to push through her cervix, and as the egg reached the end of Angel's pussy, she contemplated letting it fall.

"So, how can I help you today?" David asked, choking back a growl as he felt Angel's tongue lap over his thighs, trailing up to his sac before reaching the head. He had specifically told her lips only.

David knew an egg was escaping, and in an effort to regain his dominance, he wiggled his long, thick tail forward, and surprised Angel by wiggling the tip inside and forcing the egg deeper. He didn't stop there. He continued to push his tail inside of her until the tip and the thick length was completely filling her. It happened so quickly that Angel couldn't contain herself, and she gasped loudly, arching her back.

"Oh my god!" She squealed from under the desk, cumming all over the tile. She had been on edge for quite some time, but his tail had caused her to dive. Her juices squirted over the floor, and she bit her bottom lip, knowing she had given herself away.

The Rhino's face was priceless. His eyes were wider than china plates, and his cheeks were ten shades darker than a baboon's ass. David slowly smirked, raising his shoulders in an innocent shrug.

"Well..." He started to comment, but the Rhino simply stood from his chair, trying to move the briefcase to cover his groin, but he hadn't moved it fast enough. David had seen everything. Angel's scent was torturing the rhino just as much as the dragon.

"I'll... come back another time." The Rhino said, and the male hurriedly went to the door.

"That would probably be wise." David replied, waiting until the Rhino had disappeared into the golden paneled elevator before he reached under the table and collected a handful of hair.

Angel gasped as she was forcefully yanked from under the desk. Her thighs were coated in hot juices, and her lower lips were throbbing to be touched, but David pulled her around the edge of his desk, forcing her to bend over the right side. His left hand was wrapped around her long hair, keeping her body bent forward, and she wasn't protesting. His tail was still deep inside of her lower lips, wiggling back and forth in a tentacle motion.

"I need you!" She begged, panting as her body continued to ache. She couldn't endure this much longer.

"This may be a little rough." David responded, trying to control himself and his strength, but it was difficult.

"No! I need it all." She called out, looking over her shoulder.

David's nostrils were no longer puffing smoke. There was a steady stream of the black fog rising from his nostrils, disappearing above his head. His muscles were shivering under his scales in anticipation, and the dragon purred, obeying the female's orders even though she had disobeyed his.

"As you wish, but don't say I didn't warn you." He replied.

David let go of her hair, letting the long, black strands fall over her back and shoulders before his large paw trailed downwards. He placed both of his paws on her hips, enjoying how wide and durable they were. He wasn't stalling. He was trying to make a decision, and as Angel lifted her whip-like tail upwards, his mind was made up. He could see the tip of the small vibrator protruding from her tiny hole, and he moved his right paw to grip the base.

"You put this in dry didn't you?" He asked, feeling his cock throb just from the thought of her punishing her own tail.

"Y-Yes." Angel whispered, feeling the tip of his tail flick across her cervix. Her juices were dripping down the shaft of his tail, covering the scales and leaving them slick.

Smirking, David removed his tail from Angel's lower lips, leaving her empty and whimpering. His tail had definitely stretched her sore walls, and as he bent her forward, he caught a glimpse of the redness. Her lower lips weren't a cute pink anymore. They were a darker pink, almost red that signified how sore she was. She couldn't even walk without making her knees buckle, and he loved that fact.

Sliding his tail over his thick and hardened cock, he allowed her juices to coat him. He was rough of course, but he didn't want to rip her more than necessary. When his shaft was dripping, he let his tail rest behind him.

"Do you want me in your pussy?" He asked in a deep voice, moving his hands to rest on her wide hips once more.

"God yes please!" Angelica moaned out, pushing her hips upwards to allow him better access. She didn't realize that her movements had lined her tail perfectly with the bobbing head of his member. It was exactly what he wanted.

Bringing his hips forward, David let the pointed head of his cock press inside of Angel's tail. She thought he was just teasing, but as he pushed harder and forced the thick, slightly flared head to pop inside of her, she went up on her tip toes, moaning out loudly.

"No! Oh god not in there!" She begged, but secretly she wanted it. It felt wrong, but so right.

David didn't answer. He simply gripped her hips harder, tightening his fingers when she began to wiggle and allowing his claws to dance over her skin. They were pressing in, threatening to bring blood, but Angel continued to struggle.

"You're too big!" Angel called out again. This time she was louder, more distressed.

Once again, David didn't answer. He simply raked his claws over her sides, cutting the pants suit fabric and underwear that rested on her body. It had been new, but now, it was falling to the floor in large pieces, leaving her bare in the open air of David's office. It was cool, causing her nipples to harden, and she bit her bottom lip, realizing there was a camera right at the elevator entrance that could see everything. Shouldn't he know that?

"T-That Camera!" She called out, feeling him inch deeper inside of her tiny tail without her permission.

"Let them watch." David replied in a deep growl. "Let them watch you get fucked."

In one swift motion, he gripped her hips once more and used them as leverage, slamming them back against his groin and forcing every inch of his cock inside the tiny tail. It was now claimed as his, and he smirked, laying his head back to moan to the ceiling in pleasure. Her tail was tight, gripping his shaft harder than any hole he had ever felt. It was almost a little painful, but he loved every second.

Angelica could feel David holding her hips tight. His claws had already pricked her skin, causing tiny droplets to form around his claws. He was using her hips as leverage, pushing them forward to pull himself out and slamming them back to help him get inside. Angelica's swollen belly was resting on the desk, making her squeal as an egg pressed to her cervix. David paid no attention to it, he simply hilted inside of her tail, grinding his hips against her ass to tease.

"Tell me you love it." He growled under his breath, trying to concentrate.

"I-I love it David!" She called out, shivering as he pulled his shaft all the way out of her tail until the head was the only thing left inside.

Adjusting his posture, David moved himself closer to Angelica, pushing his strong, muscled legs against her smaller ones. He pinned her legs against the desk, forcing her to completely bend over. Her hips were resting on the sharp edge, and as David pinned her hips, he slammed himself inside of her, making Angelica scream in pleasure and a bit of pain. Her sounds made David's whole body tingle, and he began repeating his thrust over and over, pulling himself out to the head before ramming back inside of her tight hole. All the while keeping her hips completely pinned to the desk.

"I can't take it!" Angel screamed, feeling her tail stretch and protest.

"You are taking it." David rasped, watching as his entire shaft disappeared inside her tail. He couldn't help but admire the stretched hole.

The thrusts caused Angelica's body to ache, and as an egg began pushing through her cervix, she screamed out even louder. Her lower half was completely filled with one thick, black egg stuck inside her pussy and a large shaft inside her tail. It felt heavenly, and her lower lips began to contract, pushing the egg closer and closer to the entrance.

"An egg! It's..." Angelica was trying to speak, but she couldn't.

The egg was beginning to emerge from her lower lips, stretching the entrance of her pussy wide just as it had before.

"Lay every single egg." David growled, ramming himself inside of Angel's tail once more, causing her hips to slam against the hard edge. She could feel bruises beginning to form over her hips, but she didn't care. She loved the way her body ached and her head began to spin.

"Yes master!"

She was so relieved. She had been wanting to birth for weeks now, and as the first egg finally slid from her lower lips, it landed on the floor with a loud tink and rolled until it rested against David's wet tail. The shell of the egg must have been harder than steel, and Angelica let out a happy groan. Her lower lips were stretched, but her womb was beginning to feel lighter, less full.

Angelica laid her head on David's desk, resting the front of her body the best way she could. Her stomach was still swollen, causing her to lift off of the desk. David Continued to force himself inside of her, enjoying the loud gasps that escaped Angelica's lips as he rammed inside.

David pushed himself as deep as possible before he leaned forward and took both of Angelica's paws into his strong hands. He lifted them above her head, stretched them out and pinned them to the table with his longer arms before he rested his back against hers. Her silky fur rubbed against his hardened scales, and he nipped at her ear dominantly with his sharp teeth.

"Keep your hands there." He whispered, and he continued to hold her left paw, letting go of her right one in order to move her hair from her shoulder. His right paw trailed down to rest on Angel's hip, and he nuzzled into her neck, beginning to move his hips once more. The new position did not allow him to move fast, but he could definitely thrust hard.

"This feels amazing." Angelica whispered, and David smiled in return.

"Yes it does. Let me feel you birth an egg."

As David pushed himself deeper, he began grinding on Angel's ass, trying to coax another egg to her cervix. Her body was eager to birth, and after only a few seconds, a second egg pressed to her cervix, readily pushing through to her walls. Angelica shivered on the desk, moaning as her walls stretched. There was a throbbing cock in her tail, and as the egg inched closer and closer to her entrance, she could see David's face distorting in pleasure. He wasn't thrusting; therefore, he could feel the egg moving inside of her pussy, rubbing against his shaft through the thin membrane that divided her tail and pussy.

"Fuck..." David whispered, feeling pre-cum begin to drip from the head of his member.

The second egg eagerly fell from Angelica's lower lips, hitting the ground with a second _tink_before staying between her legs. David wasted no time, he leaned forward and opened his jaw, locking his teeth into Angelica's mating bite. He wanted to refresh her mark, and as his teeth sank into her skin, she screamed loudly and gripped the desk, letting her claws sink into the wood. David began thrusting once more, growling into Angel's shoulder as he moved his hips with force. He took her tail as if it was her pussy, ravaging it with no mercy. He knew he would cum soon, and he wanted to pleasure her as much as possible.

Angelica felt her whole body tingling, it was an intense type of pleasure, and as a third egg pressed to her cervix, she bit into a pile of papers on David's desk, feeling the need to ravage something herself. The egg slid into her walls, but as the egg inched closer to her entrance, David's thrusts sent it back to her womb, inching it deeper. The egg continued to move back and forth inside of her, making Angelica feel as if she was getting fucked by two men instead of just one. Her climax was building, and as her walls contracted, the flow of juices allowed the egg to finally fall to the ground, giving her a moment of relief as her pussy throbbed.

The movement of the egg had driven David practically insane. At one point, he had felt the egg moving in sync with him inside Angelica's pussy, and he had to bite her harder in order to concentrate. He had been holding his climax for several minutes now, and as he gripped both of Angelica's hips, he bit down into her shoulder, feeling his teeth in her sensitive flesh, almost grazing her collar bone. His wings unfurled, wrapping around both of them for protection, and he slammed her hips against the desk with his own, forcing every inch of himself inside of her before thick, hot seed began to flood her insides. He was growling around her shoulder, feeling his body shivering, and he continued to grind against her as rope after rope of cum filled his lovely mate. His cum was so soothing. She loved the way it coated her tail with warmth.

Angelica screamed from the hard mating bite, letting the whole building hear her pleasure, and she came, forcing another egg to quickly fall to the floor with two tinks as it bounced across the tiles to join the first egg. Panting hard, David pulled himself from Angelica's tail, grinning as he saw her tail was slightly gaping from the fuck. His whole body was throbbing like his cock, and he slowly sat back down into his chair, pointing to the floor.

"Lay in front of me. Spread your legs and birth my eggs. I want to watch the last one." David demanded, licking some of Angelica's blood from his muzzle.

Angelica obeyed. It wasn't hard to get to the floor. After David had moved from her back and unpinned her legs, they had completely went numb, letting her fall to her knees in pleasure. She then happily moved to her back, laying on the sea of crimson tiles below her. A few drops of blood from her shoulder landed on the tile, blending in with the rest of the floor, and Angelica spread her legs wide, lifting them slightly to allow David to see her aching tail hole. Her tail was dripping cum, and as she lifted her legs, the drips became a steady stream. David's thick cum was streaming from her tail, making a small puddle on the floor, but Angelica didn't care, and the sight of her like this made David almost climax again. He wasn't sure what turned him on more: the look of her hardened nipples and perky breasts that bounced with her pants, the way his cum oozed from her tail to coat her fur, or the redness of her sore pussy.

"I feel so good." Angelic whispered, keeping her legs spread.

The last egg pushed against her cervix, and Angelica let out a loud gasp. It was bigger than the rest. She could tell by the way it strained her cervix. The others hadn't strained her this much. Angelica began to wiggle her hips from side to side on the floor, gasping as her cervix stretched for the egg. Her back arched, and she gripped the tiles with her claws. The egg finally entered her lower lips, causing them to stretch and rip a bit from the sheer size. Angelica curled her toes against the cold floor and closed her eyes, panting as her body struggled to birth the last of David's brood.

"Get it out! Oh my god!" She called out, feeling her juices being pushed out of her lower lips by the thick egg that was inching closer and closer to her entrance. It was taking its time, stretching every inch of her pussy thoroughly before moving on with the help of a hard contraction.

Once the egg finally reached her entrance, David let out a loud moan himself, watching as the black egg stretched his mate wide. He knew the last one would be bigger, but he hadn't known it would be almost twice the size of the others. Angelica began to squeal, feeling the egg stop moving against her entrance. Her walls were contracting, trying to push, but the egg was too big, and it stayed there, protruding from her lower lips at least an inch. In an effort to help her lower lips, Angelica gave a push, but panted as the egg still didn't move.

"oooh!" Angelica moaned out louder, reaching down and taking the egg into her slammer hands. It was bigger than her entire palm, and she slowly began pulling it, squealing as her lower lips were tight around the shell. After a few seconds, her walls contracted, and with the combination of her fingers and the contraction, the egg popped from her lower lips, and Angelica let it fall to the floor between her shivering thighs.

Her stomach was finally back to a normal size, and as Angelica panted on the floor, she lowered her legs, laying as if she was asleep on the cold, hard tiles. Her body refused to move, and she could still feel the last egg resting between her legs.

Looking up to her mate, she could see that David's hardened cock was still throbbing. The sight of her birthing the last egg had awakened him once more, and he smirked down at her, licking his lips with his forked tongue as streams of smoke began to rise from his nostrils. His eyes were flicking over her body, shining bright in the sunlight that filtered through his office windows. He looked dangerous. He looked fierce. Angelica shivered, knowing he could still use her as he pleased, and she watched as his wings twitched, slowly unfurling in a dominant stance.

"Ready for the next batch?"

Angelica's heart gave a leap as it began pounding in her chest.

"Yeah, I'll take another batch." She said with a smirk, biting her bottom lip and continuing to lay flat on the floor. She was enjoying the way her body felt numb, and as she looked back to the large dragon, she saw a small vial in his hand. It contained the same red liquid as before, and she bit her bottom lip, taking it slowly and popping the top. Time for round two.