Slaved To Heat

Story by Faora on SoFurry

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It's time for some more smutty goodness by yours truly! Just a little short thing this time though; no real story to keep you from your butt-stuffingly delicious fun. Lightly based on certain abnormal summer days that get to me, though considerably more pronounced in the story than what I suffer from, heh. Regardless, here's hoping you enjoy!

  • Cyclone Fae

Slaved To Heat

It was hot.

It wasn't that usual brand of heat that struck the area in summer. It wasn't that dry, mild heat that began in the middle of the morning, endured through the day, and tapered off as the sun set beneath the horizon. No, Nathan wasn't that lucky. He could tell already that it would be one of those summers.

He looked out the window to the street in front of his house. Even the grass seemed to be covered in heat shimmer. The dark, black thunderclouds that had insulated the previous night's heat had dissipated come the morning, and it left the ground briefly damp as the sun beat down on the city again. Temperatures skyrocketed. Humidity peaked.

The naked fox sighed as he stood by the window. Nathan hated the heat. He hated it with a passion. The vulpine folded his arms as he let his golden eyes drift over the street in an attempt to make sense of the shapes that lay beyond the curtain of shimmering air that rose from the ground. As if it weren't bad enough right then, it would only get worse. The storm that had rolled in the previous night had decided it wasn't done yet, and the weather forecasters said that it had started to come around again. It was going to be another sticky night, and probably not the good kind.

Slowly Nathan leaned forward and touched his head against the wooden window frame. It was so hot outside that people were only going out to buy air conditioners. The systems at work had broken down one by one due to the heat, and everyone had been sent home. One of Nathan's co-workers had even fainted from heat stroke, the poor thing. The fox didn't think that being sent home was much of an improvement, though. After all, the house only had a series of fans rather than an air conditioner. Still, it was probably better than nothing. Probably.

As he leaned against the wall, Nathan frowned and glanced down. He saw his malehood well and truly stiff as it throbbed in the too-warm air. That was what frustrated Nathan the most. It wasn't the heat, it wasn't the overwhelming scents that all too often tended to be bad, it wasn't the discomfort, and it wasn't the lethargy. Heat got to him. Something about intense heat always sparked something in the fox that he simply couldn't control. Ever since he was thirteen, every summer had been a torturous time for him. Some breeding instinct woke up and demanded attention.

Gently, Nathan tapped his forehead against the window frame three short times and grunted. He'd checked the clock only seconds before going over to the window; it was half past five. If his mate's work hadn't shut down because of the heat outside, then he should have left to come home. He should have arrived by then. Will knew what the heat did to Nathan, and the fox was confident that his mate would be able to help him out. At least he hoped so; the last time he'd been that eager, the vulpine had ensured that Will wouldn't sit right for a while. Will hadn't been pleased afterwards, even if he'd loved every moment of it at the time.

Nathan closed his eyes as he took a long, slow breath. The air, thick with heat and humidity and musk filtered through his nostrils before he sighed quietly. The scent of his own arousal set his malehood throbbing once again, and the fox let out a quiet whimper. If there was ever one thing that would drive him absolutely mad, it was to be left alone in the heat without someone to help him feel relief from the aching need between his legs. A droplet of pre fell from his shaft's tip and splattered against the hardwood floor, missed completely by the distracted fox. It wasn't that he wanted someone to help him; it was that he needed someone to. In those temperatures, something changed. He couldn't bring himself off. He needed someone else.

For how long he stood there, Nathan neither knew nor cared. The only thing he knew was that his head lifted again when he heard the sound of Will's car pull into the driveway. The only thing he cared about was the sight of the tired, grey-furred wolf as he pulled himself out of the vehicle and began to head towards the door. The fox didn't waste a moment; he dashed over to the door and wrenched it open just as Will reached it.

The wolf's surprise was muted, perhaps by the heat or by a long day or by experience with Nathan's mood. He still gasped as he felt the fox's paws grasp at his shoulders tightly and yank him inside the house, and the door behind him was slammed shut with a swift vulpine kick. "Nate, I need to-"

"Need to get to bed," Nathan interrupted swiftly as he bodily pulled the taller wolf about and pushed him down the hallway. The fox followed swiftly after his shoved mate, and both of his arms wrapped around Will's waist as his fingers went to work immediately unfastening the wolf's pants. "Right now, honey."

In record time and before Will could even respond to his mate's demands, the wolf found himself tripped over his own pants as they slid down to his footpaws. He yelped again as he hit the polished hardwood floor fairly hard, and he only managed to break his fall with his paws just before he hit his head. "Geez Nate, calm down!" he managed to say as he rolled over, before the sudden feel of his mate's lips against his own silenced any further argument.

In the shade of their hallway and just outside the bedroom, Nathan pressed down deeply into the kiss. His fingers continued to work on autopilot, divesting the wolf of his pants completely even as Will tried to make some form of mumbled, muffled counterargument. Nathan refused to let up so long as Will didn't try to push him away too firmly; he needed his relief, but there was no way in hell that he'd simply take it from his mate. Not if Will told him not to.

There was no argument though from the wolf when their kiss finally broke. Will simply looked up at Nathan's face and plainly saw the lustful, heat-driven need spread all across it. He took one look at his mate's features, saw the way his tongue lolled out of his muzzle and the way his brow furrowed with concentration, and knew for a fact that it wasn't something he could deny. Besides, Will would always say to his friends, who would ever want to turn down such a horny fox? Certainly not that wolf, at least.

Nathan's hands slid slowly up and along his mate's bared legs once the pants were pulled away. Those legs were lifted up swiftly by the fox as a feral grin spread across his face. He shuffled closed as he felt Will's footpaws drag over his chest and up over his shoulders, and as he lifted the lupine up he jerked his hips forward. He murred softly as he felt his shaft grind down and between his mate's cheeks, and that murr turned into a proper moan as he felt them flex and squeeze down against him. "Mmrrrf... bed's too far," he ground out, and the words themselves seemed slurred by the heat. One of the fox's paws reached up and slowly slipped across his wolf's hips and belly, dipping only barely enough to squeeze at his sheath. "Here... here's fine."

Any response Will could have made was drowned out by another fierce kiss, as Nathan leaned down over him and mashed their lips together again. The fox's moan was drowned out as Will gave in completely to his fox's wants, and his arms wrapped tightly around the smaller male as he pressed back up into the kiss. The scent of Nathan's arousal was powerful; the fox's musk pervaded the house from end to end. Will drank deeply of that scent as his sheath swelled, and the pressing together of their bodies only added to the heat of the stuffy house.

Driven purely by the heat, Nathan's hips began to jerk back and forth roughly. His malehood ground through the wolf's fur, and he moaned softly into the kiss as he felt Will grind back into him. The fox tried vainly to angle himself better, to find that spot he needed to reach, to sink himself down and into his mate. Even as their tongues danced in the heat of the afternoon, he whimpered with desperate need. At that angle, no matter how hard he tried Nathan simply couldn't thrust down and into the wolf.

It was Will who found the solution. The larger lupine broke the kiss and grasped Nathan tightly as he heard the fox whimper again, and quickly he rolled his mate to the side and pressed him up against the wall. The hold only lasted a moment as Will rolled himself back over again and sank down to all fours before the fox. He looked down over his mate's body and his eyes fixed on that canine shaft, with its knot already swollen at the base. It must have been torture for the fox; Will knew that the worst part of the heat for Nathan was his inability to get himself off in the midst of it. He knew Nathan needed something else; something more. He knew Nathan needed him. "C'mere then, honey," he invited with a grin as he lifted his tail up high. "Take what you need."

The fox wasn't about to be asked twice. With a growl of lustful, primal want, he pushed forward and tightly grasped at Will's hips. Nathan pulled himself forward quickly as he yanked his mate's rump back into himself, and his malehood pressed firmly against the wolf's offered backside. He paused briefly as he ground himself into his mate for a moment before he found his mark, and then pushed forward hard. Nathan gasped and his eyes flashed wide for a moment as he felt the first few inches of his aching length slip up past his mate's relaxed tailring. That gasp faded into a soft moan of need as he pushed harder and worked his pre-soaked length deeper and deeper into his wolf's body.

Will grunted softly as he felt himself spread out abruptly around Nathan's length, and he lowered his head for a moment as he endured the sting of the fox's rough thrust. The slick pre that drooled consistently from that vulpine length helped a great deal though, and Will even murred softly once he felt the fox's hips press flush against his backside. That half-formed knot strained at his tailhole as Nathan ground it against him, and the wolf lifted his head with a grin as he wriggled his hips back against it. He knew Nathan needed to tie if he wanted even temporary relief from his rut. He also knew that there was no way he could take that knot just yet. That didn't mean he couldn't tease the horny fox, though.

As the wolf squeezed down tight around his malehood, Nathan began to move his hips. His shaft pulled back briefly before being slammed back into Will once again, and the fox shuddered as he felt the warmth of his mate's body briefly overwhelm the scorching heat of the day. Nathan's fingers dug tightly into the wolf's hips and pulled him back into his thrusts, driving his length in just that much harder. A quiet growl slipped from the fox's curled lips as he lay his head back. His whole body shuddered as his shaft throbbed, and a short burst of slick pre pulsed into Will's depths.

The lupine ground himself back briefly against Nathan's hips as the fox stalled out his thrusts for a short moment. As he arched his back and pressed down onto that canine length he felt a renewed spark of pleasure. His hips rolled slowly as his mate began to thrust again, and the wolf angled the jabbings of Nathan's eager hips to send the vulpine's shaft right down against his prostate. Will began to pant softly as his legs spread out wider beneath the fox, and he tentatively reached back with one paw to stroke a pair of fingers slowly down over his own sensitive flesh. He closed his eyes and lowered his head as he pushed himself back firmly, grunting once more as he felt the fox's knot pound hard against his tailring.

With every buck of his hips, Nathan could feel that ring of muscle give way just a little more. His own breath came in fast, deep pants as he gave in to his rut. Tightly he clutched at his mate's body as he let himself over to breeding instinct and focused on sheathing his malehood as deep into Will's body as he could. The sharp breaths of his wolf reached his ears, accentuated by gasps every time the fox found that deliciously pleasurable spot inside him. It helped to spur him on, and the scent of lupine and vulpine musks intermingling in the air drove Nathan into a frenzy. He humped his hips harder against Will's backside; he needed to feel his knot lock their bodies together.

As much as the heat worked him up though, it made things that much harder for Nathan. The fox squeezed his eyes shut as he strained against his mate's rump, all but slamming his hips against the wolf beneath him as he thrust in deep. His tongue lolled out of his muzzle as he hunched forward and over Will's back; for all his heat-driven eagerness, it slowed his muscles and clouded his mind. The vulpine's malehood pulsed hard and strong as it jabbed into Will's depths, but the oppressive temperatures made it so hard for him to reach his peak. Nathan whimpered softly as he bucked his hips harder still in an attempt to force his climax.

Will arched his back as he drove himself with greater vigor back into his mate's thrusts. The whimper of exertion and frustration reached his ears, and his eyes opened as he glanced back behind himself. "Mmrrr, that's right, honey," he moaned back to his fox, the sound of his own husky voice enough to set a fresh, hard throb along his own malehood. "Stuff it deep; breed your puppy..." The wolf's inner muscles squeezed down tightly around Nathan's length as the fox thrust in again, as if to draw that length of flesh deeper still into his body.

Those words only spurred Nathan on, and the fox's whimpers turned into little grunts and muted yips of pleasure as his hips began to thrust and jerk erratically. He tilted his head back and moaned out loud and unashamed as he slammed his knot once again into Will's backside. The wolf's tailhole relaxed slightly as that bulge tried to push inwards, and the grunt of his mate beneath him wasn't enough to discourage Nathan's attempts to tie his ‘puppy'. He'd heard his mate assert his place beneath him; the wolf needed to be tied like a bitch. He needed to be bred.

The fox's potent seed welled up inside Nathan as Will kept moaning out beneath him. Each little cry of encouragement or dirty beg to be bred like a bitch set Nathan's heart racing, and the vulpine leaned out and over the wolf to bite down on the back of his neck. Beneath him, Nathan could feel the lupine's whole body shiver; he knew Will liked to be bitten lightly. The fox's hot breath washed over his mate's neck as he growled dominantly and slammed his shaft as deep into the wolf as it could go. Still the tight passage resisted Nathan's knot, though every buck of those overeager hips pushed it just a little closer to popping inside.

The wolf's own eyes dropped closed as he hung his head low and panted heavily in the thick air. His shaft had created a considerable puddle of pre beneath him as his prostate was assaulted by his mate's malehood, and it wasn't going to be very long before he felt his own orgasm wash over him. The lupine began to clench harder around Nathan's length as it drew back, only to relax as it pushed back in. The fox's need to feel his knot buried in a wolf's tight tailhole bled over to Will, and his hips ground back into every thrust in an attempt to feel himself stretched out around his mate's girth. "F-fuck... c'mon, honey," he begged, his words staccato through his pants. "Tie me. God, just tie me... you gotta take me; you gotta take your puppy..."

Nathan couldn't help himself. His fingers dug deep into the lupine's sides as he hammered himself to his finish. His fleeting concerns over his mate's well-being evaporated as he heard his bitch beg for it, and suddenly the tie was all that mattered to the fox. His growls around Will's neck redoubled as he jackhammered the wolf's backside, and he felt himself teeter on the edge of his orgasm. Louder and louder he growled, and his hips became a blur in the hot room as he assaulted Will's tailhole over and over again with that fat knot.

When it popped in finally, two muzzle parted at the same time in cries of pleasure. The pain of the penetration was overwhelmed almost immediately for Will as their orgasms hit at the same time, and the wolf's legs spread wider still as his shaft twitched and jerked as it shed shot after shot of lupine seed all over the pre-slicked wooden floor. His hips slammed back as he squeezed down tight as he could around his mate's length, intent on pushing the fox's shaft as deep into his body as he could.

The vulpine could only feel himself tugged, knot and all, over the edge as he sheathed himself within the wolf's backside. The sudden pressure around his knot set him off, and as he moaned his pleasure alongside his mate, the fox's own length erupted. His seed soaked Will's innermost reaches with pulse after pulse, matched by the rhythmic squeezes his fingers made on his mate's hips. He gripped those hips tightly and pulled them back against his body, as if afraid his knot might not be large enough to keep the tied wolf to him. Through his moans his teeth ground down against the back of Will's neck, enough to entice the lupine's orgasm on a few more moments.

All too quickly, Nathan felt the waves of relief washed away as his climax ended. He slumped forward and over Will as the wolf's inner walls slowed down their tight squeezes, and under the added weight Nathan felt his mate slump down and against the ground. A fresh moan rolled up from Will as his malehood ground firmly against the slippery, cum-soaked wooden floor, and the fox felt the wolf's whole body shudder from the contact. "Good puppy," Nathan whispered up into his mate's ear as he lifted his muzzle from the wolf's neck, and the words drew a fresh shiver from the male beneath him.

As Will nodded and laid his head down gently against the floor, Nathan nuzzled lightly down over the wolf's neck. His body felt warmer than the thick, scorching heat of the day for the first time since he'd woken up, and the movement of the stuffy air in the house via its fans actually felt somewhat cooling to the spent vulpine. He murred softly as he wriggled down against the equally warm wolf, and the shifting of his malehood inside that still-snug tailhole sent little tendrils of pleasure up along his still-hard, still-throbbing, still drooling malehood.

The fox closed his eyes slowly as he smiled against his wolf's neck. It wouldn't last. It was barely six in the afternoon... there were at least two full hours of daylight left. And then there was a storm to return and keep the heat in. Maybe in a few minutes his knot would go down, but he didn't want to be freed from the wolf just yet. His hips began to roll slowly as he ground himself against his mate's inner walls, drawing a soft groan from the spent lupine beneath him. After all, he still had needs.

It was still hot.

Well, there we go, furballs! Hopefully you've enjoyed it! Score, fav it, comment below (Obligatory, "I came!" required! *laughs*)! Show me you liked it, so I can write more for you lot!

Also, writers! Go check out my Journal! If you have troubles with writing, I'm using that space to deal with some of the common problems writers face, and how I personally go about overcoming them. You might find something that helps you stay motivated, or get through writer's block. Check it out! Now!

Until next time! Hope you enjoyed the story, and stay tuned for more!