Grandma, there's a wolf here for dinner..." Chp 21

Story by Terian Whitepaw on SoFurry

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#21 of “Grandma, there’s a wolf here for dinner…”

*YES... THIS IS CHAPTER 21... and yes, I am working on 22! Is there big excitement in this chapter? Nope! However, there is some things to learn about our intrepid fellows and something they didn't want to occur has... *


"Seriously?" I asked, "Kissing cousins? What is this some gay twist Elvis movie?"

Blake stepped back from Kyle and smirked at me before taking a sideways stance and cocking his hips, "Thank you. Thank you very much," he belted out in the worst Elvis impression ever. It took half a second to fling a lemon wedge from my lemonade at him. It smacked him in the face.

Gordon groaned.

"You're the one mated to him," I chuckled.

"Don't remind me," Gordon retorted looking up at his smiling mate.

"Hey, you're kind of mated to me too," Blake said, wiggling his hips.

I looked over at Kyle while pointing at Blake, "I want a divorce."

"HA!" Gordon chortled watching his mate's face drop.

Kyle walked over to the couch and picked me up setting me back into his lap.

Blake stared at me and Gordon, "Seriously?" he asked with little boy hurt in his voice.

It struck me how much he was part of our quartet, our relationship. Even if just budding, I could tell the thought of this loss bothered him.

"Come here," I said wiggling a finger at him and pulling him down towards me in Kyle's lap. "No," I whispered, "I love you just the way you are," as I kissed his lips. I felt Kyle's cock throb against my ass through our clothing.

"Ahem!", however, neither Blake, Kyle nor I listened.

"AHEM!" the voice said a little louder. I recognized it and it wasn't Gordon. He had moved closer to Kyle and was watching me make out with Blake.


I released Blake's lips and looked around him to see Kevin standing there, arms folded, and a look on his face.

"What?!" I asked slightly annoyed.

"As touching as this is," shifting his stand uncomfortably, "you're all throwing off enough pheromones to blanket the City of Chicago ten times over!"

I smirked, "Problem?"

His eyebrow arched, "I'm single, not dead!"

"Awe! Is big bro horny?" Kyle laughed and teased.

"I still can't smell anything," Gordon said sitting back.

"You won't either," Kevin sighed, "until you are changed. However, it's pretty damn evident that Jesse's pheromone levels aren't normal, because you're affected as well."

"The spider and the fly..." we turned to the voice behind us to see Aedan standing at the doorway with an evident bulge in his jeans.

"Seriously? You too?" I asked. "You were across the house, weren't you?"

Aedan nodded absently, but kept his gaze on Kevin. He strode across the room and up to the long, semi-lost brother, "I don't believe we were formerly introduced. Althea sent me hurriedly out to get Kyle after you arrived."

I watched the Scottish lycan as he moved across the room. There was a moment of hesitation, but I also noticed his nostrils flare slightly. He stood tall, almost as if he was trying to impress. His moves were extremely fluid, graceful even. He'd changed into something very interesting. He was wearing very tight black jeans, white t-shirt, with a black leather jacket. His eyes flashed briefly amber before he bowed slightly to Kevin, but kept his eyes locked firmly on Kyle's brother.

"My name is Aedan. Aedan McAlester," reaching forward with his left hand.

Gordon leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "Oh my god! Look down the left leg of Aedan's jeans."

I leaned to the side and looked. "HOLY SHIT!" I thought.

He was still holding Kevin's hand and they were looking eye to eye when I returned my gaze upwards.

Kyle had a confused look on his face. "What's going on? Are they going to fight? I don't sense any aggression," he leaned in close and whispered in my left ear.

I turned my head and looked at him. It was evident what my face said.

Kyle looked confused for a moment and then it began to hit him. "Oh...," he said softly, and then belted out, "OH!"

That brought both Aedan and Kevin back to the real world.

"Ahem," Kevin said, "well, yes," quickly grabbing his glass and trying to take a drink of nothing. He stared down at it for a minute and then looked up, "Yes. Well, pleasure to meet you Mr. McAlester. Thank you for your hospitality."

"Oh! Yes, not...not a problem," Aedan stumbled upon his words.

Gordon and I were trying to keep from laughing. Blake had to leave the room because he was about to burst and Kyle still had me on his lap looking confused that his brother and Aedan seemed to have some sort of instant thing going.

"Let's freshen your drink," Aedan said to attempt to cover his discomfort. It also seemed that he was trying to diminish the discomfort that was pushing against his left pant leg.

Kevin followed him across the room to the bar, "Thank you Mr. McAlester." Aedan turned to look at him and softly said, "Please, call me Aedan."

"Wait a second," Kyle said, pulling me around, "I thought that Alpha wolves generally didn't generally go for one another because of the whole dominance thing?"

Blake was back by that time and leaning on the couch. Gordon looked up and stroked his face, "Well, what about you two?" He looked at Blake and then Kyle. "I thought we were a special case. He is my superior," Blake shrugged.

"But," Gordon said as he watched Aedan and Kevin, "you had feelings for both Kyle and Jesse prior to the infusion of Druid magic."

We sat in silence for a few minutes. "Maybe it's that change within us which is triggering feelings within them. It's possible that might create a mate bond. There was interest and the mate bond is taking hold," I said. The guys looked at me confused.

"It's like this," I began, "they caught each other's eye and found a great deal of interest. Maybe more than what would be considered a passing lycan fling. A desire. The magic," and taking a breath and begrudgingly admitting my role, "and I guess my pheromones kind of triggered a potential mate bond."

"Does that mean when we leave that they'll just be back to their regular selves?" Kyle asked. I could tell this was disconcerting given his brother's dating history.

I shrugged.

"We'll just have to wait and see," Blake said. "However, I'm betting that there was enough interest there already for both of them that no matter what has happened they aren't likely to immediately feel repulsed later."

"I just don't want people automatically falling for each other if Kyle and I are around them and causing mayhem," still watching Kevin and Aedan.

Gordon turned to watch them as well, "I don't think that will happen."

"How come?" Kyle asked.

"Because none of us are horny right now," Gordon spoke leaning back into the couch.

"Your right," I gasped, "None of us has even acted on anything in the last few minutes."

Both Kyle and Blake took deep breaths then nodded.

"Interesting," Blake said before moving over to sit beside Gordon.

"Plus," Gordon added tapping his lip with his finger, "I don't remember coming across any of that 'Alphas don't date or mate Alphas' bullshit in my studies. I think it's more of a whole macho "Who is going to be the top?" thing."

"Versatility is helpful," Blake chuckled.

We heard movement by the door and a staff hitting the tip of the floor, "There you all are!" Gran said loudly. "I was looking all over hells half acre in this place trying to find Aedan, and you're all holed up in here."

"Althea," Aedan said as he turned to face my grandmother, "Your flare for the dramatic never ceases to amaze me."

Gran smiled and did a little curtsy, "I'm an old witch. When you get to my age, see if you don't put out a little drama to make people pay attention." She turned quickly "And you four," point at us, "keep it in your pants for a few minutes while I go over some things."

She moved over to take a seat across from us, "I swear that you're worse now than when you were starting to be a teenager and used to lock yourself in your room with those magazines and think your mother, grandfather, and I didn't know what you were doing."

"GRAN!" I protested.

Kyle and Kevin started howling with laughter, but cut it short when she pointed a finger at the both of them, "Don't think I don't know about you two either. Your parents, Jesse's mother, and I used to have long talks about them putting in an additional bathroom as well as a getting a larger washer because of so many dirty sheets."

Now it was Gordon and Blake's turn to fall over laughing. I elbowed Gordon and Kyle cuffed Blake. Gordon chuckled, "Hey, it's not our fault that we didn't grow up around here. I'm quite sure Althea would have dirt on us as kids if she could."

Kevin sighed, "True," before walking with Aedan over to where we were, "Mom, Althea, and Celeste used to have chats all the time about we three." He sighed loudly, "I swear that if I didn't know better it was the beginning of a coven."

Gran shrugged, "More or less. You're mother knew what we are but she was human." That made us all sit up.

"Mom and Dad knew you and Celeste were witches?" Kyle asked.

Gran nodded, "Your parents might have been human, but they were very in tune with the world around them and nature. They appreciated our role in the grand scheme of the cosmos."

Sitting back in the chair and spelling a stool over for her leg she sighed, "I miss them just as much as I miss Jesse's grandfather, Frank."

We all contemplated those we had lost for a few moments when Aedan spoke up. "Althea," he said clearing his throat, "You wanted us for something?"

Gran looked tired for a moment. "Yes," tapping her staff on the floor in an annoyed manner, "Both the Lycan Council and the Witch's Council have convened a joint meeting."

Aedan dropped his jaw, "Why? We aren't at war."

"It seems we are," Gran stated, "Both councils are concerned with the loss of humans, witches, warlocks, and other fey to the feral change. The only ones not affected are lycans and vampires, but the vampires are dying after being bitten because of the incompatibility within the virus and vampire DNA."

"Plus," she added with hesitation, "Someone let the cat out of the bag about a new First Alpha."

Everyone turned to Aedan. "Don't look at me," he said loudly holding up his hands, "I've not said a word until I was sure that Kyle was prepared."

"Then who..." Kyle started to ask.

"Um," a voice said meekly behind us, "thata be me fault First Alpha."

Bernie's face was flushed with embarrassment.

"FUCK ME LARGE!" Kyle spat.

Blake's eye twinkled as he began to open his mouth but Gordon's hand slapped over it. "Don't even go there at this moment!" Gordon warned him focusing hotly on Blake.

Bernie moved quickly into the room and knelt before Kyle, "I'm sorry First Alpha. I will accept any punishment that you believe is fair."

Kyle looked stunned and turned to me. My only response was to nudge him. Kyle pulled Bernie up from the couch as he got up. "Bernie," he said softly, "I want you to look at me in the eyes." Aedan's younger sister cringed but drew her face up to stare at Kyle.

"First off," Kyle said putting his hands on both of her shoulders, "You weren't told not to talk about me. Second, it was bound to be found out sooner than later. I'm not saying that I wouldn't have preferred later but, again, you didn't know. Third, you are never, and I mean this, ever to call me First Alpha again. You address me as Kyle. OK?"

"But..." she stated. "No!" Kyle said firmly. "But..but..." "Bernie!" Kyle said with a bit of Alpha voice.

Bernie nodded her head, "Yes Fir..." she started to say, "I mean Kyle."

"Good," Kyle said, "Now that's settled. I mean the same thing with everyone else."

"It's going to be totally weird to have him lording over me," Kevin sighed.

"Mmmfffth..mmmphtt." The sound drew our attention to Blake with Gordon's hand still in place. "You wish to say something?" he asked removing his hand. Blake gave him an evil eye, "Who taught you that sticking spell?"

Gordon smirked, "No one. I can't do magic, but I did have Althea place one on my hand so that I could shut you up when you started to stick your foot in your mouth."

Blake turned towards Gran, "Traitor!"

"Learn not to be a smartass and then you won't have to worry," Gran flipped her hand and smiled.

"So," Kyle asked, "What's the plan?"

Gran sighed, "We meet with the councils. That's all we can do at the moment. They will get twitchy over the fact that there's another First Alpha, but few can do anything about it." She sat in thought a moment, "Still, something is nagging me about this situation. I'm not sure what it is, but there is something hitting me in the head about something." She turned to Aedan, "You have more insight into the current Lycan Council than do I. I haven't been dealing with them for years."

Aedan raised his eyebrow, "I'm surprised since you're part of the Witch's Council."

"Not that much anymore," Gran said, "I tend to stay out of the spotlight given the history and power that radiates within our family line. There's a lot of enviousness about our powers and what we do. The only people who are more suspect are vampire enforcers."

"Vampire enforcers?" Kyle asked.

Aedan nodded, "By covenant between the Lycan, Witch's, and Vampire Councils a law enforcement arm was set up that is regulated by certain old and trusted vampires to ensure that the laws of all three councils are upheld. They are the ones who bring the worst of the worst before all three councils to be judged. Seldom is that required. The last time that happened was over a hundred years ago."

"I know and enforcer," Gordon spoke up. "Remember the vampire that I mentioned when Blake and I met?"

Kyle and I nodded. "Well," Blake said shifting in his seat to lean against Gordon, "Dustin Douglas is a vampire enforcer. He's mated to a lycan, Eli."

"Aye," Aedan spoke up, "I know them both. They are good men and trustworthy. They would be an ally if needed in this situation."

"So what do we do about the grand meeting" Kyle huffed.

"WE," Gran said as she stood up, "Go see what the hell that they want."

I could only think as Kyle pulled me up that this wasn't going to be good.