Road to Adventure

Story by Kain11 on SoFurry

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The air along the mountain pass was tense as the scent of demons lingered on the wind. Elder walked the secluded mountain path as the came to the small mountain clearing. He'd been hired by the Storm Crows, the greatest of the Adventuring Guilds in the region, to search the abandoned mines up ahead since the few mountain people had started to file strange sounds coming from the main chamber in the middle of the night. His Elven senses had picked up om low levels of the demonic taint and his own magical powers had sensed little more than an imp, a low level member of the Demonic Class, dwelling in the area. He made camp in the small clearing in front of the main mine shaft, long ago abandoned as the small veins of silver and copper long since mined out of the mountains that stretched into the sky. The path was muddy from rain as angry storm clouds still raged above, distant thunder peeling out into the distance as a fresh storm slowly rolled into the clearing.

Elden sought shelter in the opening of the mine as the rain grew stronger, walls of water whipping into the small opening. Elden tried his best to erect some small barriers, the magic inside the caverns to tainted to draw from without risk to himself. He waked down the Sea Pearl lined street, the glowing gems flickering and pulsing with his own magical essence as he moved down into the gloom. The Storm Crows had been quite clear on their orders, take down the demon and bring it's body body back to the main hall and he'd earn not only five hundred gold but a membership with the guild itself. The Storm Crows were one of the most premiere Guilds on the continent, boasting some of the strongest mages anyone could offer. Elden was hard pressed to ignore the offer and as he leveled out on his path down into the mines he still couldn't think of any reasons to walk back despite the increase in demonic energy.

Even the walls had taken on the taint, what was once stone had given way to semi-organic muck that stretched out and absorbed the latent Sea Pearls into it's own mass as it winked and cast it's soft light in the fleshy corridors. He recalled his time in the trees of Great Kelthin, the home of most Feir'Dal or Wood Elves in the common tongue, far from the cramped and claustrophobic places the humans seemed to love. The air itself was dank smelling of sex and blood as he finally found the bodies the other mountain folk had called in. Sticking from the fleshy walls, arms reached out to grab at his thin and tanned frame as faces tuned to gaze at his sleek form, moans of terror and perhaps pleasure echoed as he wound further down to a large opening that seemed the epicenter of the corruption.

At its base Eldan couldn't see a thing, the darkness of the mine as good as any wall and the air to thick with corruption to sense the extent of how far the circular room stretched. But he didn't need to see to the full size of the room as his goal sat smack dab in the center of his goal. It was large and coated in scales, two large arms keeping it aloft like some inhuman ape as a muscular upper body loomed over a pair of diminished legs and a power tail stretched back to the organic mat of flesh and beyond into the gloom. From the massive upper body sat an almost Elven form siting where a neck would generally be. Eldan had never seen a beast like this nor had he felt such a powerful essence in the natural flow of mana.

He continued to wind his way down to the basin however despite the strange creature which seemed to be asleep though from the general essence of the mana in the room he could tell he was being watched. The great beast continued to rest, both chests rising and falling with soft breathes as the tainted essence only seemed to fill the room. The thought had crossed Eldan's mind to call pack up especially if his readings were clear as bronze ornaments circled about his body as they took readings from the air and stone about him. The creature was beyond an Incubus level and almost seemed to have possess a mortal level of man combined with that of an elder demon though anything like that seemed far to unlikely to be plausible. But as he neared the sleeping behemoth the resting titan seemed less and less unlikely. Near enough to touch within minutes Eldan ran his hand over the smooth scales of the main body of the resting demon, setting up magical runes and barriers keeping it asleep. But little did he know the other body above was far from asleep and far from docile as the rock walls about the pair warped and changed in preparations of a sneak attack.

Elden continued his investigations of the strange creature, working more and more on borders and boundaries as he ran a hand along the cool flesh of the demon. it certainly radiated a powerful and deviant energy that would certainly alter and alert the local populace though it contained no actual intelligence as far as he could tell. That wasn't so about the Elven body above which seemed the exact opposite. All intelligence but none of the strength or corruptible energy as the body itself. It was almost as if the pair were two separate entities working in tandem, one directing the spread of the disease through the rock and the metal and the other fueling it. So long as it remained docile and asleep Elden knew he'd be able to seal the strange entity fully though little worked as expected.

As the elf continued to work the demon, long since dormant, weaved its magic around the amphitheater around themselves as the sense of another mage and it's magic worked about it. Thick tentacles of flesh and stone rose from the cavern face and worked themselves into place for the perfect time to strike as the Elven body above slowly woke. It'd waited so long for another mage to come into the mines it almost for it it's mission. Infiltrate a city and use it to breed more demons, each being converted in this way would further it's own spread and it's power and in that way make it's Master's power grow as well.

Elden continued to weave his spells, more than thankful the demon was in mood to fight though in his concentration he didn't sense the tendrils slowly drawing near until it was to late. Before he could blink he found himself upside down, face inches from the almost Elven face of the demon up above the larger body. So up close it almost seemed as they were two separate creatures, the upper demon even seeming to have legs that descended into a large slit where a neck would be and the secondary demon even sported a very large and erect cock. Elden could also smell the taint from the source, the second demon slowly opening it's eyes to gaze up at the elf.

"I'm so glad you're here!" it cooed, a scaly hand running over Eldan's face as he tried to recoil from the beast. "So spirited! We'll have lots of fun you and I...especially after I've turned you." the demon continued to purr, the tentacles continuing to move his body until he was upright and face to face with his captor. "W-What are you doing? Why are you doing this?" he pleaded as he struggled, balling his fists and trying to strike out at the demon before him though the tendrils bound him tight, causing it to laugh.

"You'll see soon enough. Let's get you out of these?" it offered, tugging at Elden's clothing before the tentacles tore into them leaving him bare. The warm air graced over his bare flesh as the stony appendages curved over his chest and legs before another curved over the swell of his ass. Elden only stuggled harder at the unwanted attention as another tentacle slipped between his legs and drug against his cock and balls as the demon watched on. He was about to spit at his captor before another slowly movement from the tentacle between his cheeks made him jolt with a gasp. "That's the right sensitive aren't you Elden?" the demon laughed, nodding slowly as fear slowly took hold on the Elf's face. "Oh yes, I know your name. I know your fears and I know your desires. I've been reading your thoughts since the moment you stepped into the cave. I think it's about time we got this really going don't you?"

Elden renewed his struggles, kicking and screaming out as the tentacles about his body as they moved him down to the larger body as a slit opened up in it's chest. More tentacles wound out from the slit to move against his body, these much more warm and smooth as he felt himself drawn to the warmth. The scent in the air only grew thicker from the demon's body, a powerful aphrodisiac that took effect almost as soon as he inhaled. Each touch of the tentacles made his body burn as his rod grew as hard as diamond, the fleshy walls of the slit wrapping about him as he was drawn into a cavernous space that pulsed and pounded with the heart beat of the demon.

The air was even more musky inside as he was set down against the floor, the air steamy and the cavern dripping with a more potent mix of chemicals that seeped swiftly into his skin. Panting and doing his best to keep hold of his mind as his body was overwhelmed with lust he begun to chant a spell, hoping to burn the monster from within though each time he tried to form the spell he felt himself stumble on the words each time further and further from drawing the power within himself to actively call forth the flame. The last of his willpower eroded as one of the fleshy walls parted and a large cock slide from the opening. Elden dove forward and wrapped his nimble fingers along the base of the shaft, tongue working along the head as more of the dripping fluids beaded at it's slit. He'd never tasted anything as heavenly as he rolled the fluid in his mouth.

Another slit opened underneath him as another massive cock pulled up between his ass cheeks causing him to moan and grind along the thick shaft as he felt it's sticky lube slide along his flesh. He closed his eyes as he slowly worked down the shaft before him, tentacles moving about his legs to lift him up and prepare himself to be penetrated. He never felt more alive feeling the pulsing meat in his mouth, tongue working against it's veiny surface as he tried to take more with each pass and before long he felt it bump against the back of his throat. More lube shot between his cheeks as he was lowered, the hard rod underneath him piercing his unused pucker as more fluid flooded his insides. Never had he been so full as he felt more and more of the hard shaft push until he could take no more.

More tentacles slide about his body, twirling against his nipples and slowly caressing his burning skin. More moved about his arms and legs, helping him jerk off the remaining shaft he couldn't fit into his throat as he sucked and slurped against the meat in his mouth as drool dripped out from the corners of his mouth. He rocked his hips though with his legs tied up he couldn't get enough thrust, his body screaming for more as he jiggled his ass about the cock to get it to move even just a little. But he didn't have to long to wait as the tentacles seemed to sense his desire, helping lift him up before dropping him back down on the spire of flesh which caused a muffled scream of pleasure around the cock in his mouth.

"Feels great doesn't it, to give in." he heard about the chamber, the demon slowly slipping out of the wall behind him to watch his newest plaything spit roasted and drooling like an animal. "You can't even hear me can you...I'll let you enjoy. And then when you've fallen fully we'll turn you into a pretty little demon and send you home. So you can turn everyone else there into a pretty little demon too." it giggled, giving Elden's ass a rough slap as it jiggled under the touch. The tentacles slowly moved Elden nearer to the wall as the cocks moved with him, another slit opening as his raging hard one slipped inside. If his ass being filled was heaven he couldn't explain what his cock felt like now. Smaller tendrils wrapped about his cock and worked into his foreskin to swirl about the head of his dick as he was bucked between the cock in his ass and the hole like a chew toy. The tendrils against his skin continued to work the fluids dripping down on him into his flesh, the liquid growing thicker and heavier as it coated him. The burning in his body continued to rise as he humped back taking more and more of the demonic cock into himself and as the fluids started to change his body a bulge began to press out his stomach as he all but hilted on the shaft. Slick scales started to spread from his ass and mouth, crawling along his skin as his body shuddered from the overload of pleasure, fingers digging into the base of the cock before him as they snapped and grew longer and sharp claws pressed from his finger tips. The harder he thrust his hips the more and more it seemed he was pressing deeper into the hole around his cock, more real estate pushing out as his body continued to transform. His cock started to press and slide against the inner tendrils of it's own volition as it grew, wrapping and sliding about like the tentacles about his body. As the scales continued to work over his body he felt his release building as a pain slowly started to work along his spine. With a cracking sound a long frill worked down to the base of his spine as his hips and legs reshaped and new muscles started to build an a long whip like tail erupted from above his rear to lash at the walls before being wrapped up in yet more tentacles. The added sensations of his new tail being toyed with was to much, his body tensing up as both cocks lodged in his body exploded and his own shaft followed suit. The world slowly turned white as his body continued to spasm and his stomach started to swell as the demonic seed poured into his body. Before he was consumed fully by the bright light there was only one thing he could think of. More.

Elden woke with a start at his small base camp, his body aching and damp and what little remained of his robes hung off his body limply. His ass and throat burned and as he rolled over a puddle of milky sticky fluid pulled away. The period before he'd passed out was missing in his memory though the taste of sperm in his mouth made him concerned though the more he tried to focus on the nights events the more of a haze he fell into. Staggering from his tent he almost tripped over a bloody sack, thick black ichor and the scent of swiftly rotting flesh hitting his nose as it was inches in front of his face. He scrambled to his feet, tugging the bundle up and unwrapping it to reveal the dead and rotting flesh of an small demon. He didn't remember killing it though the marks of magical fire raced over it's body. His mission was done then he supposed and he spent the long walk back to the city lost in his own mind doing his best to piece the night's events together. And from afar, another set of eyes gazed through his own.