The Queen's Harem - Part 1

Story by XavierSilverfang on SoFurry

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#1 of The Queen's Harem

The Queen of a desert kingdom has some fun with the visiting royalty's daughter and a few members of her harem.

The Queen's Harem

  • Part 1 -

The Princess and the Queen

Queen Illiana of the Palace of the Sands reclined on her plush bed of silk sheets and luxurious pillows, idly watching the twin hyena girls pleasuring each other. She had spent the day in meetings with various dignitaries and the king and queen from a neighboring province, a dull affair, but necessary to re-sign the peace treaties between their kingdoms. She didn't care much for the king and queen, a pair of desert cottontails, but she was quite fond of their daughter, the princess Kalasin.

A cool desert breeze swept in, streaming the thin curtains through the large arched windows that lead out to the balcony. She had summoned the sisters in preparation for the princess. While they hadn't planned on this late night tryst, the Queen knew she wouldn't be able to keep herself from sneaking to her chambers in the middle of the night.

Princess Kalasin was the sole daughter and heir to her kingdom and, as such, was never left alone with another male for fear of losing her virtue before she could be wed. Strange rumours of the Queen had reached her long silky ears, which had proven to be true, and every visit since then she had made it a point to visit her late at night.

Illiana shifted on the bed as her horse cock stiffened, her heavy breasts bare and dark nipples hardening in the cool breeze that swept through the chamber. The sisters stood on the rug before the bed, legs intertwined and simpering quietly to themselves as their bodies meshed and caressed, their tongues dancing as their lips locked in a kiss.

The Princess had a small frame, which made it difficult for the Queen to get her ten inch dick inside her, but that was why she had summoned the twins from among her harem.

She had stumbled across them quite by accident. They had snuck over the palace wall and had hidden themselves in a small clearing surrounded by rose bushes. Illiana had heard their muffled groans, and had peaked through and witnessed the one sister buried deep into the other's tail hole. Desire had pulled at the Queen at once, and she knew she had to have them as part of her collection. They weren't true hermaphrodites like she was, but they had small girl-cocks that seemed to work well enough to get the job done, and they always seemed ready to use them.

Two efficient wraps sounded on the thick wooden door and one of the dragon guard moved to pull it open, her bright silver armor shining in the candlelight. A shy bunny in the sheer pink silk gown of her kingdom slipped into the room quickly, and the guard shut the door behind her. She was already breathing heavily, and when she took in the Queen, in all her splendor, and the sisters rubbing themselves against one another, a lust filled moan of desire ripped from her throat.

"I was wondering when you were going to show," The Queen beamed at her.

She smiled back and tentatively eased her way towards the bed.

"You remember the twins, no doubt?"

Kalasin blushed and nodded, and she visibly shook as a shiver ran up her spine.

While she didn't have much experience, the Queen still cherished the little bunny girl. She was an absolute nymphomaniac and had a hair-trigger. She was always up for anything and would keep going until she literally passed out.

"Why don't you get undressed and come help me get ready?" Illiana purred invitingly.

She nodded again and the twins broke apart and came over to assist the lady in disrobing. They were mischievous, and they caressed and squeezed the princess as they undressed her. They wrapped themselves around her legs, rubbing their lengths and smearing pre-cum along her silky thighs. If they were fully dressed, it was impossible to tell them apart. Naked, though, it was clear one had slightly larger breasts, while the other had a slightly larger cock. The one born first, the eldest sister by a few minutes, was the dominant one in the pair and thus the chemical balance in puberty had given her the larger male endowment and, conversely, giving her sister larger breasts as she was more submissive.

"That's enough." The queen ordered.

The twins backed away, heads bowed, and let the now naked princess free. Kalasin climbed up on the bed, blushing, and moved to sit between the queen's legs. Illiana reclined back onto the pillows and grinned smugly to herself as the bunny lifted her growing hardon and pulled it into her small mouth hungrily.

The twins stood to the side, watching each other jerk off as they prepared to fill their roles for the night. The princess's warm, wet mouth felt nice, but she didn't get much practice outside these rare visits, and she couldn't take much of the queen's length into her mouth without gagging. After just a few moments of sucking Illiana's dick, however, the princess dropped her paw between her own legs and with just a few rubs against her clit, was moaning and trembling as an orgasm shook her. The queen inhaled sharply as her scent filled the room, her cock straining to the full ten inches as the bunny's mouth moaned over the tip.

Kalasin pulled her wet paw from her soaked cunt, and pressed her fingers into the Queen's opening, just below the base of her shaft. Illiana's hips lifted in response, a pleasurable moan rolling off her tongue. The bunny whimpered around her mouthful as she humped the air, imaging the big, thick horse cock inside her, as she pawed at the queen, her fingers rubbing against the walls and massaging the glands inside her that served as her balls.

"Allison. Ashley. It's time." she ordered as she removed the wriggling, whimpering princess from her work and laid her on her back, her rump hanging off the edge of the bed. She pulled the bunnies knees up and spread her legs, giving the sisters and herself a lovely view of Kalasin's deliciously honeypot, the puffy lips a deep reddish-pink, the color of a bitch in heat.

The younger twin sidled up between her legs, pressing the tip of her clit-dick to the princess's gash, jerking herself quickly but not penetrating. Her eyes closed in concentration as she stroked, and she had to keep pulling back slightly as the eager bunny tried repeatedly to spear herself.

"I don't have all night," the queen growled slightly, and Ashley whined in response, knowing she wasn't quite there yet and not wanting to disappoint her mistress.

Allison dropped down behind her and pressed her muzzle into her twin's small, firm ass. Ashley yipped as her sister lapped at her pussy, her tongue stroking the base of her shaft with every lick, and her toes curled as she felt her climax building.

"Please hurry..." Kalasin begged, her paw dropping between her legs to rub at her clit again. her other busy groping at her breast roughly.

"Let's not keep the princess waiting," Illiana coaxed, sending a signal to the older sister.

She nodded in response, and did what they both knew her little sister loved best. She dug her tongue into Ashley's ass, spreading her tight cheeks wide with her paws so she could get in nice and deep.

Since both sister's dicks were basically just elongated clits, when Ashley came, a thin, almost clear, slick fluid erupted from her, coating the princess's paw and slit. She groaned and pressed her small cock into Kalasin, covering her warm insides with her girl-cum.

"Goddess yessss..." the princess cried as she threw her head back and came again. If you wanted to get her off as fast as possible, all you had to do was to blow a load inside her, no foreplay required.

She pulled out of Kalasin, panting heavily, her clit already returning to normal size between her folds as a thin line of cum stretched between them, dripping low until it soaked into the rugs. She turned and lowered herself to her knees as her sister stood.

After smelling the intoxicating scent of her twin, Allison was already peaked when she began to suck her off. She was the bigger of the two, but she still barely pressed into Ashley's throat, even in her most aroused state. She couldn't hold it any longer if she tried, and she erupted in her muzzle, filling her sister's mouth with her hot jets of cum.

Illiana felt another shiver of desire as the hyena girl whimpered, struggling not to swallow her sister's load as she crawled onto the bed beside her queen. She held a finger up, a command to wait, and Ashley shook with the effort not to gulp down her favorite treat. She grinned wickedly, her cock twitching in response to the wave of pleasure dominating her pets gave her. The bunny princess made a lusty noise, reminding her of her guest, and she motioned for Ashley to continue.

The younger twin pressed her muzzle to her queens cock, letting her sister's cum drool out as she slid along her length, coating her in the slick essence. She pulled the head into her mouth, and when she kept sucking her longer than was necessary, Illiana cleared her throat in irritation. Ashley's shoulders drooped and she carefully set her queen's beautiful staff against her belly, the tip pressing into the soft swell of one of her huge breasts, so she could coat the underside as well.

"You're both dismissed." She announced, and the sisters both bowed low, then were let out by her chamber guard.

Kalasin smiled shyly as she spread her legs to the queen, her head and back resting against the footboard of the bed. She pulled her swollen lips apart, and a drop of hyena cum dripped out and slid down to her ass. Illiana grinned in return, running her fingertips over herself, making sure she was properly lubricated all around. The princess's parents would not be pleased if she sent their daughter back to them with a limp or other awkward gait that came from a sore cunt.

She slipped easily into her snug little tunnel, and pressed in deep with a grunt until she felt herself against the opening to her womb. There were still two inches left, but she didn't want to damage the princess's ability to breed once she married. She held very still, as the princess squeeked with a silent scream. Her body was tense and her thighs shook... she was about to cum again.

Illiana wished, not for the first time, that she could have this little sex-crazed jewel as part of her collection. All the games she could play with her little bunny, and she absolutely adored the way she came faster than a virgin boy getting a handjob for the first time.

She bent over the girl and took her long, silky ear between her teeth, letting out a hot huff of air as she delivered a few expert thrusts, sending the bunny into a quaking, orgasmal fit. She kept up the motion, even though she knew the princess was sensitive between orgasms, and felt the heat build as something inside her tightened as Kalasin struggled against her, crying out as she was torn between the pain and not wanting to ever stop being fucked.

Illiana rolled onto her back, bringing the princess with her, who immediately took up the work with her powerful thighs, lifting herself off and then driving her juicy cunt back down, gasping every time she went too far and the tip tried to force it's way into her inner chamber. The queen was getting close herself, and she would need to do nothing short of ripping the fiendish bunny off her dick before she filled her with quarts of her horse spunk and popped her like a balloon. Of course, if she were her toy, she wouldn't care about such things, but she couldn't very well send her back, broken and drooling, to her parents.

Their moaning and grunting escalated, the queen's cock swelled inside the princess, making her almost unbearably tight, and she had to hold her hips firmly to keep her from driving down onto her completely. Illiana was tipping over, her body refusing to stop and let her pull out... she was going to fill this little bunny up and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

"Unnghhhh Goddess, I'm cumming!" Kalasin screamed, her thighs clenching and box tightening around the queen's length so hard, it made movement impossible. Her eyes rolled back, and she collapsed backwards onto the bed, spent.

Fuck, she thought, two seconds longer... she let out an exasperated breath, she was so close. She pulled her sloppy shaft free of the princess and began pawing off, but she knew she wasn't going to be able to climax this way.

She considered her options. She could recall the twins, or another one of her pets, but surely she would be soft and have lost interest by the time they received word and reached the chamber. She could suck herself off; she was long and flexible enough that she could get most of herself down her throat, but she had worn off that novelty in her teen years, when she was still a princess herself and had no harem to please her.

She sighed and gave up, letting her cock flop down onto the bunny's thigh. Then she had a new thought.

"You, remove your breastplate."

She had never considered dragon guard, or dragons in general, for pleasure, their scales seemed too rough and uninviting, and she had heard rumour that a dragon's tongue was equally scaled. The guard gave a signalling knock on the door to the dragoness on the other side, and locked it.

Illiana resumed her stroking as the guard set her spear against the wall and began to undo the clasps on her shoulder straps, the breastplate falling forward as she removed it, revealing her plentiful bosom capped with dark purple nipples. Her belly scales and breasts were a lighter shade than the rest of her, and had slightly higher sheen, the queen noticed, as she approached the bed.

The dragoness caught a stronger wave of the hormones and scents, and her nipples hardened to peaks, which pleased Illiana to watch as she worked the head of her cock. She reached out and ran her hand between the dragon's breasts, and was surprised to find the scales were completely smooth and not rough at all, she rubbed upwards and they were equally the same. She cupped her breast and slid her fingers down, tugging the hard tips, which made her guard gasp lightly. If her chest scales were this smooth...

"How can I serve, my queen?" She asked.

"You've been in my chamber countless times before, I think you know what to do."

With a nod, the dragoness bent, and the queen almost yelled in surprise as she literally wrapped her tongue around her shaft. She was able to circle her thick meat at least two times with her long, wet, agile tongue, and it sent Illiana's thoughts whirling. Her tongue was scaled, but it was as soft and smooth as the sheets she lay on. The dragon's tongue moved like a snake around her entire length, coiling and sliding, and she knew she was going to make a huge mess from the intensity and the extreme pleasure of this new and interesting sensation.

And when the dragoness sank all ten inches into her mouth and throat, she knew for sure she needed to find a dragon to add to her harem, NOW. Her core temperature was hot, and her throat muscles were strong and prehensile, tugging and coaxing her cock deep into her muzzle. The queen gripped the bundled sheets hard, she was ready to blow, but she didn't ever want this blowjob to stop, it was the best she had ever experienced. When she thought for sure the dragoness would pass out from lack of air, she realized she had been breathing through her nose the entire time.

Of course! She realized, dragons swallow their food whole, they don't need to clear their throat to breath.

She neighed and tried to pull out, even just an inch, so she could muzzle fuck this beautiful creature, but her tongue and throat held her tight, gripping her cock like prey trying to escape. Illiana moaned and thrashed, trying to hold back, never wanting this to end, but when the guard rumbled deep in her throat, sending a thrilling vibration through her, she couldn't hold it back any longer. Her fat, swollen cock exploded in the dragon's throat, pumping thick loads of horse cum down into her stomach. Her throat relaxed and Illiana grabbed her head, finally able to move, and fucked her throat wildly as her spunk filled her belly. The waves of orgasm kept coming, and the dragoness pulled back so she could taste a few of the queen's copious ropes of cum splatter across her tongue.

She strained with one final thrust, and collapsed back onto the bed, her cock shining with girl cum, pussy juice, saliva, and her own seed. She shivered as her guard cleaned her dutifully, her expert tongue gripping and sliding up, bringing all the juices with it into her mouth. She finished, licking her lips, and returned to her station by the door without a word.

Illiana's room swirled as she hauled the bunny princess onto the pillows, tucking her in against her breasts as she covered them both from the chilly desert night air. Tomorrow, after the visiting royalty left, she would hold auditions for a dragoness to add to her collection.

-- to be continued

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