Awkward reunions

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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This story is a follow up to What's your name again, a story that was very popular it got 131 faves, though this could easily be read by itself. I wrote this shortly afterwards and never posted it, I have no idea why but i just came across it while moving some files around and figured I should share it. I re-proofed and did a little editing. I think I may have wanted to extend the story further, I have in my mind a notion of wanted to expand the story significantly. Anyhow, for now please enjoy,

The original story can be found here however, as I said above this story can be read solo, but hey part 1 has 131 faves so if you like this odds are part 1 is worth your time too.

There are awkward situations like when you spill your drink on a stranger or sit in their seat. There are worse ones like when you get caught nailing someone else's husband or son. Then there are really horrific ones like when you are forty five and are about to meet your eighteen year old boyfriends parents for the first time.

I mean what do you say, 'Hi, I'm your age and boy have I fucked your son every which way. Kudos, you bred one hell of a sex toy for me.' I'm exaggerating but it's an awkward awkward situation in fact it would be the most awkward situation of my life. Of course little did I know, when Dan lead me up the driveway to his father's front door, just how I had truly underestimated how awkward things were going to get.

I smiled at my little pony boy Dan. I hadn't expected to fall for him I had just wanted a little fun with someone hot. I'd shown him how great a fuck an experience bear like me could be. In return he had reminded me that the stamina of youth was a great boon. The grey pony had quickly become the centre of my life and I was willing to go through anything for him, even meeting his parents. As he reached his father's door I was ready to face anything that lay beyond it for my sweet pony.

Then the door opened and I saw his father standing there and my heart stopped. Dan smiled nervously , "Dad, this is Steven, Steven this is my dad..."

"Troy!" I exclaimed, Troy the grey horse who had taken my cherry and my heart. Troy, who had taught this bear the meaning of the word lust, along with lube and orgasm. Troy, who had been caught by our rugby coach balls deep in my ass. Troy, who had never contacted me since, who never replied to my letters. Yes letters, yes I'm old enough to pre date the internet and I wrote letters to my illicit lover.

Troy who still looked so damn hot I just wanted to rip off his shirt and lick his rock hard pecks. Troy and his son, my boyfriend, who are both staring at me. "I... er nice to see you again." I said lamely.

Dan was looking very confused. "You know each other?"

His father nodded his head, damn the two looked so alike. Same grey fur with the same sexy splashes of black and white. Same gentle loving eyes and the same warm smile. I mean his father wasn't smiling just now but I could remember how it used to look and how he made me feel.

Troy had filled out even more, I mean he was always a fit pony but now he was buff as fuck. I felt embarrassed, I mean I have a belly that makes me a wonderful snuggler and a great cushion. I have put on a few pounds since we part ways, so has he, but my pounds are soft and squishy not chiselled like finest marble. I had a stomach, he has a washboard. Hell, it wasn't surprising he didn't remember me.

"We went to school together son." Troy said calmly his eyes fixed on me with a stern expression. "Look son, why don't you and your step mom go out for coffee or something. Steven and I have some catching up to do."

"You're not going to threaten him or anything. I know he's a lot older than I am..." My sweet little Dan, so much like I thought his father once was, always looking to protect me. Of course he hadn't, he'd left me alone and confused, so scared it took me years to heal to where I could love again.

"Son I went to school with him, I know he's old enough to be your father. I just want to talk to him alone for a while." Troy cut across his son firmly, damn all this time and he's still in charge and the snake in my trousers swelled into life a little, it remembered how good it could be to let the stud take charge.

Dan took the money his father offered him and escorted his step mother lioness, who I hadn't even noticed or acknowledged in any way, back to his car. Leaving me with the guy who broke my fragile teenage heart and left me weeping for so many nights.

"Seriously my Son?" Troy asked the second they were out of earshot.

"Hey, I didn't know, he was just sweet and sexy and why the fuck didn't you write back?!" I snarled suddenly angry. "I wrote you a dozen letters or more, and you, you couldn't even send one back? A simple piss off would have done, would have let me move on!"

The huge horse grabbed me and pulled me inside his house, scared that I was making a scene for the neighbour,s I guessed. Then he turned on me. "You think I had a chance or a choice? I was kicked out of school for you, my mother had me locked away for a year in an institution being 'cured' when I finally got free I was so fucking confused I didn't know who I was,_what_I was." He said his voice so quiet and even. "I went looking for you, but you'd moved on and your parents wouldn't tell me where. So I did what was easy, what my parents wanted. I found a wife and when she died I found another. I had a son and I loved him, but my life was hollow and almost empty... without you."

I could see tears starting to fall from his eyes and for the first time I found out the truth, all these years I had been wrong about him, he hadn't abandoned me. I reached out a paw and suddenly the huge horse was pressed up against me crying. I rubbed his back and nuzzled into his neck, and inhaled. Oh god his scent, strong and manly, oak and earth, with so much musk. It clung in my nose and all I could taste was powerful horse. That's when my trouser snake woke up again and as he hugged me our crotches bumped and I realised there was more than one aroused male in this hug.

All I wanted to do was tell him how much I wanted him, how much I had missed him. However, I knew if either of us said anything the moment would be ruined. Instead we just held each other hearts, long separated, finally once more beating as one. I found myself gazing into his soulful eyes, losing myself in those shining shades of chestnut, tiny flecks of gold shining like tiny fragments of the sun. I felt something n those eyes, something I forgot, I felt his love, and it warmed my heart more than any words he could ever whisper.

The next thing I knew his lips were on mine and we were kissing with a passion born of decades of desperation, separation and bitter loss. My paws were in his thick mane and our tongues were dancing. I soaked in his flavour, familiar and yet new. The fine strong taste of mature horse, like vintage port, robust and yet with a faint hint of the sweet strawberries I tasted as a boy. I returned the kiss with all the passion I could muster, savouring the moment knowing that some time soon it would have to be paid for.

His huge hands were on my body his fingers explored pinched and squeezed. I felt a twinge of embarrassment as he explored my plump form, wanting to stop him before he realised just how much of a fat ass I have become, from that young chubby yet agile cub I once was. However, as I tried to move his paws on to my back, he moaned deeply in disapproval and moved his hands back to squeezing my chubby form.

Before long clothes began to fall like the leaves in autumn, jackets, shirts and soon pants were discarded as I found myself being laid down on his sofa. He lay me down and then finally this kiss was broken and he looked at my naked form. A chubby middle aged bruin bear, hints of the muscle he had once had still around and the strength within. However, surrounded by a soft warm layer of, ahem, insulation.

I looked at him, his every muscle seemed to stand out he was a beautiful Adonis sculpted perfection. His cock jutting out well over a foot long his head flared and ready. The strong musky scent of our arousal dominated the room, yet I could pick out his oaky and earthy tones beneath it. My eyes devoured him hungrily and yet in my mind I could see the young horse I had loved so deeply and painfully.

He leaned over me, his large paws caressing my man boobs and over my large belly, as he looked into my eyes and smiled. As if sensing my nervousness he whispered. "You are as hot as I always imaged you would be." My heart soared and far from ruining the moment all he did was make me want him so much more.

Reaching up I stroked his long equine cheeks, my fingers feeling the velvet of his muzzle as I whispered back. "I never stopped loving you." Then we kissed again with even more passion, I had been with many males since we last were together and yet none made me feel the way he once had and still did.

He stroked one of those huge paws down my stomach and gently spread my legs. Just like he had done the day he took my virginity. I found my heart beating just as fast as it did that day. The rush of adrenalin and the desire to have him, to be his was overwhelming. That huge paw slid up and over my painfully erect cock, gathering the pre that soaked my maleness. Then I heard the lewd slurping sound of my pre being smeared over a long hard equine cock.

He broke the kiss panting and moaning with lust he whispered. "Are you ready?" He always was the gentleman horse, never wanting to just stick it in without permission. With a cock the size of his an unexpected entrance was good way to end a fuck before it really began.

Of course not only am I not a virgin I've been sleeping with a pony for months and so I replied. "Oh god yes, I need you in me!" It was all he needed, he kissed me again hungrily as his huge paws found my ass, lifting me a little into the perfect angle. I felt his huge flat head being placed against my pucker. I breathed as deeply as I could and tried to relax, but I was so desperate to feel him inside me again after all these years that it was hard not to feel the excitement and thrill I had felt as a youth.

As I felt him thrust using the pure brute muscle of his hips to force his way inside me, I winced in pain and moaned deeply. My paws held him tightly one sliding down to his ass, pulling him forward with the power only a desperate bear can muster. I didn't care, I could take some pain, I needed him inside me once more. I was desperate to be his again, I could feel the heat of his shaft as he worked his full length slowly into me. The throb of his cock as his heart pumped more blood into the thick meat. The warmth and moisture of his pre as his excitement of breeding a 'mare' got to him.

As I felt his hips press to mine, his huge nutsack bouncing lightly against my own, we both sighed deeply with content, sharing the sweet moment as we held each other locked in the most intimate of embraces. I signalled to him with a squeeze on his ass that I was ready for more. He began to thrust, slowly working just a few inches inside me. I gasped loudly as he brushed against my prostate.

He began to thrust in a rhythm his cock stroking passed my prostate, touching it just enough to stimulate and yet not as hard as my body was screaming for him to go. I bucked back against him willingly, using my years of experience to milk and massage his cock and yet he kept his rhythm going, always just brushing never pounding into my prostate.

I realised something with a gasp as he hit my prostate fully once and then again a few thrusts later. He was using my own technique on me, he was breeding me towards an orgasm so powerful it would nearly shatter my mind. The same trick I had used on his son the day we met, when I had bred him so hard he forgot his own name. Breaking the kiss I moaned. "You... learned a few new...ahhh...tricks." I observed.

He grinned at me as he continued to pound my ass, hitting my prostate more and more often, my cock jetting pre so heavily my crotch was soaking. My cock was singing to me to play with it, but I knew better I knew that if I waited and let him make me cum it would be an unbelievably powerful orgasm.

He grunted and moaned as he rutted me faster and faster. "Sneaking out... finding bears... rutting them... thinking of you. It was ...the only way... to keep myself sane. Now you are here... oh god I missed you so much."

As he spoke his thrusting got faster and more powerful. He was hitting spots inside me that no other lover ever has, god bless well endowed equines everywhere, I moaned unable to reply as a mixture of joy and pleasure choked my voice.

I replied with my body, squeezing the cock inside me, my paws grabbing him and holding him as tightly with the strength of a horny bear. He was mine and I would never let him go again. Grabbing his head I pulled him down for a desperate kiss, which was broken with gasps, moans, grunts and pants.

His hips were pounding into mine so hard, my entire body felt the impact, I could hear the scratch of the sofa feet on the floor as the power of his rutting slowly moved it across the room. He was pounding my prostate relentlessly now and I could feel my balls churning, my body was on fire with the need for release. The pleasure washing through my body nearly drowning me. Yet I fought against the desire to cum. I wanted this moment to last forever, to stay in his arms and around his cock until time stopped. The last time he had pulled out of me, my life had shattered like a broken mirror, a million tiny shards reflecting a thousadn images of what could have been.

Then he decided that it was time, his huge paw wrapped around my cock and all it took was one single stroke and I was sent crashing over the edge. My balls convulsed and my entire body spasmed, my mind went white. I was aware I was crying out, but I couldn't have told you what, hell I couldn't have told you what colour the sky was or what my name was. I knew nothing but the pure mind shattering bliss of an orgasm twenty seven years overdue.

It was all he needed too I could feel his thick cock throbbing inside me as he shot like a fire hose. Soaking my insides flooding me with so much cum it flooded my ass. Pouring out of it in uncontrolled streams; onto the sofa, carpet and making his hooves shine as he stamped them in pleasure.

He collapsed on top of me and we both just lay there for I don't know how long, panting moaning, drinking in each others scents as the pleasure of the moment finally faded away.

Then he finally stood up and pulled out of me, a torrent of horse cum following his cock. He stood there cock dripping , with my cum soaking his stomach and paw, his cum flowing freely out of my ass. Then the door opened and in walked Dan and his step mother.

I looked in shock from face to face to face, caught in the act just as we had been twenty seven years ago. An indignant wife, son and boyfriend looking at two cum soaked men who have just had the time of their lives. Now that's what you call an awkward moment.

Still as the lioness began to scream at us, I couldn't help but notice the huge tent in Dan's pants and wonder if things might not turn out so bad after all.

If you have enjoyed this story and would like to tip a hard working bear, maybe a s a prod to write more, then you can do so by clicking the link below with my gratitude.