Berserker's Four Course Meal - Breakfast

Story by Zerky DeVore on SoFurry

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#4 of Vore

Berserker's Four-Course Meal: Breakfast**                   © Berserkerb**


The warm, endearing sun poked its head out from the horizon. The friendly morning light cast forth onto the land as the great ball of fire moved ever so slowly higher into the sky. Deep shades of orange and red hues cast out the retreating darkness of dawn. Little cloud coverage blocked the morning light as it spread and touched everything in its path. It soon fell upon a great mansion that stood alone atop a large hill. The building's architecture resembled that of a large nineteenth-century home, though the building itself was quite modern. The vibrant red bricks, hundreds of white paneled windows, tall marble pillars, balconies, and a sea blue roof, made this home an envy to many. Surrounding it were acres of forest that descended down the hillside. A single road led down from the entrance, the trail leading to a small city some miles below.


Inside, the mansion was still dark. Only a select few individuals were up at this time, and all of them were servants. One servant in particular, a wolf, was finishing his wake up routine by tightening his bow. "There we are," he said as he tugged the black bow tie into place. He studied his appearance in the mirror. The sunlight cast down on him from his window. His dark gray fur shimmered lightly in places were the light touched him. Around his hands, wrists, and lower legs, as well as along his muzzle, chest and belly, and bottom half of his tail laid bright, emerald green fur. Even his short, spiky hair, which had at one point been long and flowing, was emerald green in color. This colorful fur was how he had received the name, Emerald, or Emmy to his friends.


Emmy reached down and pulled out a small cabinet from his oak wood dresser. He fished out a pair of spectacles and placed them on the base of his muzzle. They set off his sky blue eyes rather well, and made the wolf look rather smart â€" or so he thought. He checked his attire once more, not wanting his master to punish him for wearing the wrong uniform again. He wore a white collar with a black bow tie around his neck. He wore no shirt, as his master liked looking at his chest and pudgy belly. He adjusted the white cuffs around his wrists, and made sure the cufflinks were in place. He glanced down at his pants, making sure they were the tight, black leather that his master ordered him to wear. He looked like a Chippendale dancer, only without the rippling muscles.


He glanced out his window, as saw the bright yellow sun getting higher over the horizon. He whimpered and fumed, "Damn, I'm going to be late." He scurried out his door, and slammed it shut. Unfortunately, he slammed it onto his tail. "Ye-ouch!" he screamed. He yanked his tail from the doorway and examined it. It was red in a small area near the tip. That was the third time this week. He cursed and hurried down the hallway, whimpering from the pulsing pain in his tail.


He passed the elegant artwork and intricate earthenware as he rushed. His master had acquired some rather odd pieces of art in the last few months. One painting was nothing more than red splotches upon a white canvas. Sometimes, he would see his master stare at the painting for several minutes, many times during the day, just grinning at it. In spite of that, he never questioned his master's motives for the art he collected, no matter how strange or grotesque it was.


The gray and green wolf turned left at the next intersection. At the end of the rather small hall sat his master's bedroom. Emmy came right up to the door and stopped. His breaths came out in a quiver as he gently placed an ear up to listen. The only sound he could make out was the noise of his own blood flowing through the veins in his ear. He clenched the doorknob, his palms already thick with sweat. If he opened the door, and his master was already awake... He did not want to think of the consequences.


Emmy took a nervous gulp, and then opened the door. His vision fell upon a dark room. The velour curtains still trapped the burning rays of sunlight, letting only small trails pass through the cracks near the window's edges and where the curtains met. His eyes focused on the bed that sat just inches away from the window. It was large, with a four-poster frame made from redwood. The lavender comforter had been shoved carelessly to the ground, probably from his master's tossing about, and a single naked leg hung over the edge like a leaf dangling from a tree.


Emmy sighed his relief and went to work immediately. His first task was to wake his master up. He strolled over to the velour curtains and began to wrap them up in thick rope on their respective sides. The morning radiance shot through the clear glass and brightened the room in a fraction of a second. Emmy's master rolled over on his side and grumbled, trying to escape the invading light that wished to steal his peaceful slumber.


As Emmy tied the last knot around the curtain, he sang, "Rise and shine." His master responded with another low, sleepy grumble. "Oh Master," Emmy scolded and approached the bed. "You need to get..." But as luck would have it, the poor wolf took a step too short, and he tripped over his own feet. He yelped, "Up!" as he fell. He crashed onto his master's right side, his master's elbow jutting right into the wolf's belly. He heard his master howl in surprise as whatever dream he was having was abruptly shattered by a rather clumsy, and from the look of it, soon to be dead, wolf.


"Emmy!" his master's voice howled. The anger in his voice sent a ripple of fear down Emmy's back.


Emmy shot back to his feet and bowed in sincerest apology. "Oh please Sir, I am sorry!" His head bobbed as he pleaded and he grasped his hands in a begging pose. "Please don't punish me! It was an accident, I swear it was!" He dared not look up, but he could feel his master's fiery gaze upon the back of his neck.


"This is the fifth time this month that you've fallen on me while I was sleeping!" his master roared. "Not to mention the three times you've fallen on me in the tub!" Emmy flinched as he mentioned the past blunders. The wolf tried his hardest to serve with dignity and grace, but no matter what he did, he always tripped up and ended up hurting his master instead. He was surprised his master had not killed him outright and be done with him.


Emmy strained to speak. "I... I'm really sorry." He was almost in tears, but the gentle touch of his master's hand upon his head swayed away his troubled emotions. He looked up, his eyes meeting his master's. The warm light reflected off his hazel eyes, making them glow for a moment or two. They looked upon him sternly, but in them was the forgiving gaze that only a master can give to his servant. Emmy's gaze eventually took in the entirety of his master's face. Most of his face was covered in that signature khaki fur of his, except for the lower part of his muzzle and the front side of his neck, which was cream in color. His face was firm, his head showing a mix of his hyena and lion heritage. His face had a hyena's form, but a lion's eyes and ears. Upon his head was a thick mass of dark red hair that spiked up only slightly. It ran down the back of his neck, much like a hyena's, ending just past his shoulder blades. Connecting to his hair, and running down his chin was a ‘mane' of dark red stubble. It covered his chin and some of his upper neck.


"Are you going to keep staring at me all morning, or are you going to perform your duties?" His master's voice snapped Emmy back to reality.


"Sorry Sir, I'll get you your bath running right away!" He stood up in haste, but before he could move away, his master made a sudden grab for his arms and pulled him into a firm kiss. Emmy felt a tingle rise up in his belly while his master's lips began their ritualistic tasting. The wolf involuntarily closed his eyes while their mouths remained locked in hot embrace, but he was forced to open them again when his master pushed him away.


The hyon smacked his lips and gave them a single swipe with his tongue. "Now you may draw my bath," he ordered gently. Emmy bobbed his head in agreement and stared into a dream as he made his way to the adjacent bathroom. "Oh, and Emmy," his master added, make sure not to fall in this time."


"Yes Sir," Emmy acknowledged in a weak, dream-like voice. He glided into the bathroom and immediately slipped onto his ass.


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As Emmy fell the floor, yet again, Berserker could not help but sigh. "By the Creator, he is a clumsy wolf." Getting out of bed, the hyon stretched his tired body. With a yawn that showed his fangs he began to do a few basic stretches to wake up his worn-out muscles. He bent down and touched his toes, then placed a leg on the bed and stretched it out, and then the other leg. The sunlight lit up his naked body, and his khaki fur lit up. The dark red spots that adorned his back, sides, and outer arms and legs became easily distinguishable from the rest of his body. He straightened up and looked out his window to the large lawn below.


"Enjoying the view?"


Berserker's ear's perked when he heard that disembodied voice that rang through his head every accursed day. "Yes â€" for once." He spun his head to check on Emmy, who was currently bent over the tub, filling the hot water with bath salts. The tight, black leather pants stretched around the contours of the wolf's ass, giving Berserker a rather familiar, and enticing view. The hyon's lion-like tail, with a red furred tip, swayed sensually behind him. "Though I'm enjoying that view a little bit more."


"See, I told you that you'd like him. And you were just going to eat him without a thought, had I not... enforced it otherwise."


The hyon gave a low, disgruntled growl. "Except the fact that he's the clumsiest person I've ever met." He turned his head away from the bathroom and looked back out his window. "I knew something was up when you started letting things go my way." He scanned his room with a quick spin on his foot. "The mansion, the servants, the easy life. It was all too good to be true." The disembodied voice was silent for a moment.


"I can't help that he's clumsy. His creator wanted it to be, so don't go blaming me."


Berserker looked to the ceiling, as though the voice was coming from right above him. "There's no one else to blame but you. After all you're the one..."


"Sir, your bath is ready!" Emmy called from the bathroom, interrupting Berserker's conversation. "I'll be right in!" he called back. He spoke softly to the voice, "You mind not bothering me much today? I have this sinking suspicion that things won't last this nice for much longer, and I'd like to enjoy every second of the delightful time I've been given."


"I won't promise anything. But as long as you keep up your end of the bargain, then I'll let you stay in this ‘paradise' for a little while longer."


Berserker nodded in concurrence. He marched into the bathroom, and to the awaiting Emmy. His thoughts remained entangled; always drifting to what sudden surprise that voice had cooking up.


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Emmy did not say a word as Berserker entered the bathroom. He had overheard him talking to someone â€" again. The wolf obediently asked nothing about it, but that did not stop his curiosity from welling up on the inside. His master's odd conversations made no sense, and Emmy feared the hyon might be going insane.


"The water feels nice," Berserker commented after dipping his hand into the tub of water. The bath salts that Emmy had added filled the room with the smell of oranges. Berserker took in the citric smell and relished in the aroma. "Fine choice," he said with a quick nod. His master's approval filled Emmy with glee. He wanted to make up for his earlier accident in any way he could. Berserker stepped into the elegant tub and settled quickly in the water.


Emmy went to work swiftly. He pulled a shampoo bottle from the marble counter at the head of the tub and then squeezed a liberal amount of the soapy liquid onto his master's hair. Berserker leaned forward somewhat, giving Emmy access to the hair that ran down his neck and back. The wolf picked up a soft sponge and dipped it into the orange fragranced water. He emptied the water onto Berserker's head. The fingers on his free hand began their duty of scrubbing that dark red mass of hair, and then his other hand joined in. His master's hair was so soft, but it always managed to acquire a few knots while he slept. Berserker purred as Emmy worked his magical fingers into his scalp.


"How did you sleep, Sir?" Emmy asked in his usual chipper tone.


Berserker splashed his hands against the surface of the water. Small ripples traversed to one end of the tub, and then returned. "I had a pretty good sleep." His voice was light and carried a purr with every syllable. "Though I could not stop dreaming about eating."


Emmy lowered his hands to his master's neck and began working the shampoo in with his claws. The shampoo's lilac fragrance was overpowered by the orange from the bath water, but Emmy could easily smell it seeing as his nose was practically in it. "Eating? Like, how you eat me, or the others?"


"Yes, except I kept dreaming I was eating... Oh, hold on." He pulled away from Emmy and ducked down into the water. He washed the shampoo out of his hair himself. He came back up, his head and body now soaked. He settled his back onto the tub again and ordered, "Massage my chest, Emmy."


"Yes Master," the gray and green wolf replied. He removed his white cuffs, being sure to set them on the counter, and then leaned over the head of the tub and reached out for his master's chest. Their faces were now inches apart, and Berserker relaxed his eyes as he waited for Emmy to start. The young wolf began to rub at his master's cream-colored chest in small circles. The creamy fur covered most of his chest and belly, as well as his groin and inner thighs. Through the water, which was only a tad murky from the soap, Emmy's gaze fell quickly to his master's sheath. He held back a gulp, but his breathing quickened with the pace of his heart.


Berserker opened a single eye and raised a brow. "Something the matter?" he asked curiously.


Emmy could not hide the blushing. "N-No Sir. I was just admiring your body." Even if he wanted to lie, he wouldn't have gotten away with it, his face was so red.


Berserker grinned and closed his eye again. "Of course you are. Carry on, and get a little lower, please."


As he moved his hands down to his master's belly, Emmy tried to stabilize his breathing. He almost had it, when Berserker started to purr once more from his touch. The wolf's heart skipped a beat, and he leaned his muzzle closer to the hyon's. He knew he'd get in trouble for this. He knew his master would probably punish him horribly for it. He knew that he might end up in chains, or quite possibly a wolf skin rug. Maybe it was blind luck, maybe it was some guardian angel or a divine power, but whatever it was, it saved him. Berserker shot up in a flash, and he pulled Emmy forward as he did. Emmy tried to let go, but his efforts did not stop his momentum, and he fell headfirst right into the water.


"That was nice," Berserker said with a stretch. "Thanks for the massage...Emmy?" Emmy pulled his head out of the water and took in some staggered breaths. "Did you fall in the tub again?" Though the answer was rather obvious, due to Emmy's dripping wet head and lack of glasses.


"Sorry Sir. You just startled me." He reached down and fished out his glasses.


"Well get dried off and then help me dry off." He unplugged the drain and the stood up. Water dripped from everywhere, but his fur looked clean and he looked ready to face the day. Even without his glasses, Emmy could see the brilliance in his master's form. "Hurry up, stop staring. I'm in the mood to let you suck me off before breakfast."


At those words, a heat rose up in Emmy's body. He felt the urge to rub his own groin â€" but did not. He hastily looked around for a towel, grabbed it, and scrubbed as much waster off his face as he could in a few seconds. He did the same for his glasses, and then held the towel out for his master, who had just stepped out of the tub. Emmy was really antsy now. He was eager as a young man about to have sex for the first time, though he had had sex with Berserker plenty of times. Even so, every moment he was able to touch his master's body, or be touched in the same loving manner, was like a drug to wolf. Just knowing what was about to happen was more than enough to get the burning passion of animal lust running through his veins. He was a wolf; he couldn't help it.


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Berserker waited while Emmy wiped him down. His thoughts now focused on the upcoming few minutes, when he'd be feeling his little servant's lips wrap around his cock. He felt a surge of energy rise in his balls, and it caused him to shiver. As Emmy finished drying most of his body off, Berserker took the towel from him and tied it around his waist.


"Come Emmy, you have much work to do before breakfast." He smiled like child and jauntily scurried back to his bedroom. After taking a seat on his bed, he watched Emmy follow. He longing stared at the wolf's pudgy belly, his tongue lapping at his lips in future desire. The tight leather that Emmy had wrapped around his lower body hugged his somewhat plump thighs and legs. Berserker gave himself a mental pat on the back for choosing that attire for Emmy. It left the wolf somewhat covered, but the tight leather did not allow him to hide the curves of his body, or any bulge that might appear in the front of his pants.


Emmy bowed in the customary manner. "Thank you for letting me service you today, Master."


Berserker nodded while smiling. "It is your honor to do so." He leaned back on the bed, placing his hands at his sides to keep from falling. "But let's not be too hasty." A sly smirk crossed his face. "Give me a lap dance, first. And don't forget to beg for my cock as you do it." He loved being sadistic with Emmy. Teasing the young wolf was always one of Berserker's highlights; though he knew Emmy painfully enjoyed it as well.


He watched with anticipation as Emmy sauntered up to him. His tail thumped against the bed. The wolf stood only a hand's width away; so close and yet so far. Emmy did a little turn, so his back was to Berserker. His knees bent forward and he pulled his ass back, getting it right up to Berserker's lap. He began to sway his hips in a small circle. The tight leather stretched against his plump butt cheeks as they drew closer to the hyon's body, and then loosened as he pulled away.


Berserker purred and lightly bit his lower lip while Emmy did his little dance. He wanted to grab that rear end so badly and just start raping it with his fingers. The mound of flesh bounced and rubbed against his groin, eliciting the flustered hyon's shaft to poke out from its hiding place. A bit of drool escaped his lips, and he wiped it away before it even reached his chin.


Emmy spun around and started jiggling his front side in Berserker's face. Filled with a ravenous lust, Berserker's eyes darted from one part of the delicious lupine to another. One moment, he was fixed on Emmy's quivering belly, and in the next moment, he was focused on the apparent bulge in the wolf's pants.


"I'm not â€" ah â€" hearing any... b-begging," he stuttered.


Emmy stopped the dance, and instead began to rub his hands along his legs, moving them up to his hips. "Oh Master, every time you look at me like that, I get so horny." He rubbed one hand along his chest, while the other dangled just above his groin. "Please let me drape my muzzle over your thick, hyon meat. Let me lick at your balls, and suck at your sweet tip." A small tent sprang up in Berserker's towel. Emmy pressed his fingers past his waistline and slowly pulled the taut leather lower over his hips.


"By the Creator that is hot. Go on... Tell me more." Berserker's voice growled, and was full of animal lust. He felt a surge rising up from his balls and into his shaft, which was now nearly erect, but still restricted by the towel.


Emmy leaned in and rubbed a single finger daintily along the bump in Berserker's towel. "I live to suck you off, Master. I dream about it every night."


Berserker shuddered and purred in delight. "Yes... you are mine. You are my little cock sucker, my... delicious, little, lupine cock sucker." His belly rumbled after he spoke, causing Emmy to stare at it longingly.


"Yes Master, I am yours." He moved his finger to Berserker's firm abdomen, and rubbed the area around his bellybutton. "And when I am done sucking your cock, I know you will suck me off in a different way."


Now he was mentioning sex and food. "I can't take it anymore!" he cried. He grabbed the knot in his towel and tore it apart. He revealed his pink shaft; now fully erect bobbing as he quivered. "Get down there and suck it dry, meat!"


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Emmy followed his master's order in a split second. He took off his glasses, dropped to his knees and shoved his nose straight into Berserker's furry sac. He took a huge whiff, collecting as much of the musky scent as he could in one go. He moaned out and shuddered as a rush heat surged through his body. His tongue snaked out and he took it right to the bottom of his master's glorious shaft. He licked from base to tip, all the while listening to the sound of his master's purring.


"There's a good boy," Berserker hummed. He reached down and placed a gentle hand over Emmy's head, ruffling his spiky hair.


Emmy replied by taking the tip of the shaft into his mouth and began to suckle it softly. The wet sounds of his suckling mixed with the purrs from his master. A bit of pre worked its way into his mouth, and Emmy took a moment to enjoy the sticky liquid. He sucked on the head of the penis for a while, until he felt his master's hand press down on his head. Emmy let the force from the hyon ease his muzzle lower over the shaft. He waited until he felt the pressure stop before resuming his sucking. His head bobbed up, and his master pushed him down. Up and down, up and down, they worked together in their effort to make Berserker come.


Emmy felt both of Berserker's hands upon his head now. The hyon began to rub two fingers along the base of Emmy's ears, which in turn made the wolf murr around the thick, pink shaft. It was not unusual for his master to treat him nicely when they had sex, but Emmy appreciated every moment Berserker tenderly touched him.


He could feel his own cock pressing up against his leather pants. He reached down to let it loose, but stopped when he felt his master clench around his ears.


"No, my little wolf meat. You cannot relieve yourself until breakfast." His master's order made him whine, but he obeyed and placed his arms back on the bed.


Emmy's cock throbbed as it grew longer and scrunched up tighter in his pants. It hurt to not be allowed to touch it, but it hurt worse because he was not allowed to shift it around or straighten it. Why did his master torture him so?


It was then that an odd sensation crept into his head. It seemed to flow from his master's fingers, seeping into his mind like water slipping down cracks in the pavement. The pain he felt in his groin gradually vanished. His thoughts began to feel hazy, and a strange, yet familiar blackness enveloped his senses.


He was standing alone, in sheer darkness. He began to hear the sound of someone crying. A few yards away, a figure, crouched over the ground, came into being. It was him, but from some odd months ago. The darkness around the crying body began to shift into sand. It spread out, revealing a stretch of beach. The beach was riddled with debris; stones, wood, rock, fish, shells, and more, littered the sandy stretch of land. Emmy remembered when this happened. It was just after the hurricane, when he had lost so much.


He and his family had saved up enough to finally take that well deserved vacation. They had all decided on a beach trip, and had spent nearly a week in sun, surf, and around scantly clad men and women. However, near the end of the week, an unexpected hurricane had developed. Emmy had been out of the hotel, closer inland with some friends he had met a few days earlier. The storm, though rough, did only minor damage to where Emmy had been. However, the hotel where his family had stayed was not so lucky. By the time Emmy had returned, he found no sign of his family; only the shattered and scattered remains of the hotel in which they had been.


And so, he now loomed over himself. The past version of him wept like a child over the loss of his love ones. Emmy looked behind his crying self, and spotted the figure of his master, or soon to be master, walking through the sandy ruins, and up to the crying wolf. This was when they had met. He watched his master comfort his past self, and listened to the garbled sounds as the hyon talked to the sky. He remembered something about ‘eating' and how Berserker seemed angry with someone, but the words were full of static. He watched as the hyon placed his hands on the sobbing wolf's head. He remembered that one phrase:


"You are my servant now, and I shall steal away your pain of loss."


The world around him swirled. The sand mixed with the ocean, the remains mixed with that, and soon, all became darkness yet again.


Emmy opened his eyes and stared tear stricken at his master's belly. He rolled his gaze up, and saw his master's hazel eyes staring back at him, a warm smile upon his lips. That's right. He saved me that day. He took away my pain; he saved me from my loss. He is my master... my wonderful master. Emmy felt a renewed vigor swell within his entire being. He grabbed the hyon's waist with both arms and let his mouth take in every inch of his master's cock. He pressed his snout into Berserker's crotch fur, and let the musk drive his lust even further. He slurped with all his might, fighting hard now to taste his master's seed. He had to thank Berserker for his kindness. He would give every day, every minute, every second that he could to ensure his master's happiness, even if it meant giving up his entire body to the hyon.


He felt Berserker shake and heard a resounding moan purse through his lips. He knew it was coming, he could feel the heat rising from his master's balls. He could sense the rising surge swelling just inches below his muzzle. Globs of pre filled his maw, and still he wanted more. His master began to wail, and he shoved Emmy's muzzle down over the entire length. Hot globs of thick cum surged into the back of Emmy's throat. He gulped at it, trying desperately to get as much of the warm spooge as he could. Streams of white ran down his master's length, and escaped the grip of Emmy's tight lips. Both of them were in utter bliss.


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Berserker nearly toppled backward after his cock had released the last spurt of cum. His whole body quivered, yet he did not feel weak or tired. No, the lust he had been feeling, like energy itself, did not vanish, but simply converted to another form. He looked down at Emmy's wet face. The wolf had pulled off to breathe, and some of his muzzle and snout had become covered in white goo.


"You... served me well... my little cock sucker." His voice trembled in anticipation. Emmy looked up, his face warm in delight. Berserker licked his lips and took in a deep breath. His belly gave a loud rumble, signaling where all the lustful energy had gone. As he panted, drool cascaded from his tongue and out of the sides of his mouth. It fell upon Emmy's face, and he did nothing to wipe it away. "I think I'm ready for my breakfast now," he growled in hunger.


Emmy stood up and went through the process of slowly removing the rest of his clothes. Berserker watched, his anticipatory purrs matching the sound of his grumbling tummy. He watched his servant remove the bowtie and collar, tossing them aside carelessly. He had not bothered to put his cuffs back on, so he moved to his tight leather pants next. The waterfall of saliva fell faster when he saw his wolf pull the top of his pants down over his thighs. Emmy's erect cock finally poked free, and the head was slick with pre. He pulled the pants down to his feet, and then kicked them aside.


Berserker gripped his bed sheets with great force, almost tearing into them with his claws. His tail thumped rapidly on the bed like a drum. Emmy looked positively scrumptious. His green and gray fur, his pudgy belly and slightly round thighs and arms, and not to mention that plump ass of his; all of it worked together to provide a luscious and filling meal.


"Breakfast is served," Emmy joyously pronounced.


"Yes it is," Berserker replied without delay. He pushed off the bed, grabbed Emmy's upper arms, and fell back onto the bed. He used his momentum, and with maw stretched wide, took in Emmy's entire head in one go. He felt his cheeks puff out as they filled with wolf. His tongue lapped against Emmy's chin, filling Berserker's taste buds with the exotic flavors he craved every morning. Sitting on his butt helped keep Berserker stable, and he took a quick gulp, sucking Emmy's head down into the tight tube that lead to his stomach. Emmy's shoulders pushed against his lips, and the hyon had to do a little work to get around them. It took half a minute, but he managed to suck them into his mouth once his jaws stretched like they should.


He felt a low rumble in his throat, and knew right away that Emmy was just as excited over breakfast as he was. He would have rubbed the spot in his throat that Emmy's head bulged from, but Berserker's hands were too busy pulling the rest of the wolf inside. He continued to lap at Emmy's tasty fur. His saliva drenched the wolf's body, matting his fur as he slid in deeper, inch-by-inch.


By this time, Berserker had just realized how much he was bending forward while he ate. His lips curled just around the start of that small hill of flesh, fat, and fur that was the wolf's tummy. The hyon took a in a deep breath through his nose, and then with his grip on Emmy's waist, flung himself back upon the bed. Berserker's body went horizontal, and Emmy's body went vertical â€" mostly. Berserker had to keep his head angled back somewhat to allow Emmy to flow down more easily.


He watched as the wolf's legs kicked in the air, and he could feel Emmy murring wildly from a state of ecstatic bliss. Using gravity to aid him, Berserker chomped his mouth over Emmy's belly. His maw slathered the thick mound with drool the instant it slid past his lips. Berserker reached down with one hand and felt around for the wolf's head. He found the lump, but was only able to touch it for a moment before it vanished into his abdomen. Only slightly disappointed, he continued on.


His lips overtook the top of Emmy's gut, and enveloped the rest of it in a few seconds. All the while, the hyon's tongue lathered it up with lick and wet, slurping lick. At this point, he no longer needed to use his hands to guide Emmy down. As the bottom of his muzzle stopped at something hard, Berserker instantly realized that his servant was still hard as a rock. With delicate dexterity, he maneuvered Emmy's throbbing member to the side and into hyon's awaiting maw. It spurted a glob of pre the moment that furry paw touched it, and the clear cream dribbled onto the hyon's chin.


With the last obstacle out of his way, Berserker freely guzzled down the rest of Emmy's body. The sound of his slurping was similar to the last remnants of pop being sucked up a straw. Emmy's round butt dropped into the wet maw, spreading Berserker's cheeks out a little further. The wolf's tail continued to wag, even as it disappeared down the dark, pink gullet. With only the legs left to go, Berserker sped up his gulping, the legs being his least favorite part of a meal's body. One gulp here, another gulp there, a slurp of the tongue, and a smack of the lips, and the meal was done.


Emmy's body had expanded Berserker's gut quite nicely. The wolf's soft squirming as he got settled sent small ripples of pleasure down the hyon's spine. He rubbed the sides of his massive belly, working up and down while he massaged his stomach walls into Emmy's body.


With a loud belch that shook the bed, Berserker gave the large lump a final pat. "Ahhhh, that was a good breakfast. I do so enjoy breakfast in bed." Suddenly, his gut started to jerk violently. It shook for a moment, and the settled. Berserker leaned up and called in worry, "Emmy, are you okay?" He listened carefully, and soon heard the gentle sounds of Emmy's snoring. "You son of a... You came in my stomach." Emmy only replied with more snores.


Shaking his head, but with a smile, Berserker pushed himself off the bed, being careful to catch his new weight before falling. He stretched his arms high in the air and smacked his lips. Gurgles soon replaced Emmy's snoring as the stomach began to churn and work at the meal. Emmy would feel no pain, or even know what was happening; Berserker made sure of that. His long, lion tail flicked from side-to-side, and he thought of the day to come.


"Enjoy your meal?"


Berserker rolled his eyes. "You think?"


"Hey, I'm just trying to make conversation."


Berserker growled back, "The last time you ‘made conversation' I got tossed into a slave camp, was raped for a week, and was almost fed to a giant slug!"


"What? Can I help it if trouble is drawn to you?"


The hyon replied with a snarl, "Yes! In fact, you're the main reason why I'm always getting into trouble! I'd be fine if you just left me alone."


"Now where's the fun in that?"


He knew that the voice was just being sarcastic at this point. "Will you just lay off and let me enjoy the day?"


"I'll leave alone till the next chapter. After all, you'll need time to digest Emmy before lunchtime."


Berserker cocked a smirk. "Well for once, we agree... Creator." He looked out the window and watched the sun rise higher into the blue sky. A flock of birds burst through the trees some half a mile away. As his belly worked on breakfast, Berserker's mind drifted off into the future. More precisely, it just drifted off into lunch.


And speaking of lunch, he was just finishing up his own preparations for the day.


To be continued...