Nukecest: Part 1

Story by LiquidHunter on SoFurry

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#2 of Scrap Book

Just a little something I felt like writing while I took care of a few plotting issues with Between Worlds. This will have either one or two more parts.

The air was humid, so much so that it felt as if I could swim through it. The moisture clung to me making it hard to tell if I was coated in an excessive amount of sweat or just coated in a layer of water. Either way, I felt sticky and uncomfortable as I jogged down the dirt road through the woods.

It was actually a swamp, but the idea of living in a swamp was distasteful so I just stuck with calling it the woods. There were trees and that kind of stuff, though I knew that if i went off the path, I would immediately sink into the knee high mud where I would most definitely lose my shoes which cost me $80.

I looked down at my G-Shock to check how long I had been running for. Twenty minutes. I still had another ten to go before I would let myself stop even though every inch of my being just wanted me to return to the barracks and take a shower and then play some Halo. I had to keep running, I had been too lazy recently, the last PFA had shown that when my run time had degraded from a 10:50 to 11:30. I needed to get back into shape so I found myself running at least 5K every Saturday to offset the massive amount of sitting I did over the week.

I didn't do it on purpose, A-School was just like that. I spent over half the day in a building, sitting and learning about electricity. Sure, it was great that I was getting paid to go to school, where else could you find such a deal, but it was also a great way to gain weight. The three mandatory PT sessions a week weren't enough since they weren't that hard, just some push ups, squats and crunches for half an hour in the morning before the sun rose. I needed more so I drug myself out of bed each Saturday, earlier than I would normally and spend my valuable leave running.

By the way my legs were feeling and how hard I was breathing, I felt as if I was killing myself. Even at 2 in the morning, it was so humid out. That was the deep south and to a person from Washington where the air was always fresh and clean, the stench of rotting organic matter mixed in a nice cocktail was wrecking havoc on my senses.

I wiped away the sweat before it could fall into my eyes and focused on the path ahead. The path that I was running led out of the A-school grounds, ran along the highway for about half a mile before turning into the woods and wound its way back to the school. In all it was a little over 5K, though I wasn't going to go a single step over. I had set a goal and I wasn't in the mood to be an overachiever at the moment.

I should take this time to introduce myself, my name is Sean and I'm a nuke in the United States Navy, or rather I'm training to be a nuke. While that may sound cool to most people, it really isn't all that special, in fact it is one of the largest sources of stress in my life. Some days I just don't want to get out of bed with the thought of having to go back to the classroom weighing me down, but there are the plus sides as well.

I have tons of friends, the money isn't as bad as people say military pay is. Well, it is not great, but when my housing, food, electricity and plumbing is all just handed to me on a silver platter, I can't complain about a $1400 a month. Enough about that though, that's not the reason I'm telling this story.

The weekends had never meant so much to me as they did when I was in A-school. It was two whole days that didn't require me to go into the horrid school building that was named the Rickover, after Admiral Rickover, who I should have known more about. Most people went off base to go to Charleston with friends, which I did most weekends, but this weekend was meant just for me. I needed a few days to myself.

While the run was taking a toll on me physically, it was a good morale booster as well. I felt good to be in charge of my own physical health and a run through the woods in the dark with only the light of my phone, which I was using to illuminate my path with, was relaxing. I had my music on low and I could tell that I was the only thing in the entire woods making any noise, just me and my pittering, pattering feet.

I broke out of the woods into a clearing where there was a small park. I had seen people here before, either taking their children to the small playground that had a jungle gym and other toys or to play fetch with their dogs, it was a nice place.

Here, the air wasn't so close and I could get a breath of some "fresh" air. I thought about taking a small break, there were benches and tables along with a portiere here. Normally people would get yelled at for stopping to rest during the weekly run that turned the path into the yellow brick road with hundreds of yellow Navy PT shirts bobbing down the road. There weren't any chiefs or petty officers around now to yell at me and nor would they if there were since it wasn't their job to yell at a sailor who took the time to go for a run.

Rest sounded like exactly what I needed.

I found a bench and seated myself squarely in the center, letting gravity bring me down instead of my legs. It felt great to take a moment. I pulled the earphones off and set them aside along with my phone that I turned off. The sun was still several hours from rising and there was no other source of light around other than a small glow off in the horizon where Charleston was. It created the illusion of a sunrise that never got any brighter or darker.

I stayed there for a few minutes, teetering on the brink of sleep now that I wasn't moving and my body was realizing just how early it was. My eyes fluttered closed for a moment. I don't know how long I fell asleep for, but when I woke it was brighter out.

I stretched my arms out and hit something that groaned next to me. It shocked me enough to get me to jump off of the bench and look at what I had hit.

There, next to where I was was another person, if a massive hunk of muscle could be called that. He was Navy, I could tell from his haircut, the very obvious high and tight. He had his eyes shut tightly and rolled his head.

"That hurt." He moaned, his breath was thick with alcohol. "Why'd you do that?"

"Where did you come from?" I asked and sat back down. If it was anyone else that wasn't in the Navy, I wouldn't have stayed. Ever since I had joined nearly ten months earlier, anyone in a uniform automatically had the benefit of the doubt. I would often find myself in a random group of sailors out in town and have no issue with it. I was more comfortable with people who I knew were paid to watch my back than with any other person.

"I was making my way back to base." He moaned, his eyes still closed. He must have had one hell of a headache by the way he winced at each word. "I saw you there and it seemed like a nice place to get a bit of sleep."

"Well." I settled down, relaxing and throwing my arms over the back of the bench. "Sorry for hitting you. You surprised me."

"No problem." He opened his eyes, they were bloodshot. "I need to get back anyways." He began to stand, but his balance wasn't that good and he fell back onto the bench. "Give a shipmate a hand?"

"Sure." I said and he lifted his arm and I put my shoulder under it. He was a heavy guy, must have weighed a hundred pounds more than me. Up close, the smell of alcohol was even stronger, it stung my eyes as we lumbered off. It was another mile and a half back to the perimeter. "Were you out all night?" I asked, trying to get some sort of conversation going.

"Yeah." He confirmed. "Me and a few friends went." He hiccuped. "He had to drop me off some distance away since they weren't going to let him on base with his car smelling of alcohol."

He had a point. Just last week, a few people got arrested right at the main gate to the base after the watch smelled alcohol in their car. Alcohol related incidents as they were called were a big deal, no one wanted to be the person who reset a day counter that was located in front of the Rickover. The goal was to reach fifty days without an alcohol related incident, but that had never been reached as far as I could tell and the person responsible for resetting it was often the center of hate since all of the incidents were put out on the Plan of the Day for everyone to read.

"Better this way." I said and he grunted an approval or maybe indifference, it was hard to tell.

We chatted as much as we could during the walk. He had been here a few months longer than me and was waiting to start powerschool. That was one of the things about being a nuke, while most rates had one school that was at a maximum, 6 months long, nukes had three 6 month long schools.

His name was Mendez, or at least that was his last name. Everyone just used their last names as if it was their first name, another military thing. He was from California which was no surprise, it seemed that most people in the Navy were either from California or Texas for some reason. He had joined because he had no other option really, it was either join the Navy or stay in the slums where he grew up and work one dead end job after another.

I told him about myself which felt more like gloating since I grown up with a lot of options available to me. I came from a middle class family, was accepted to a wide variety of colleges. I had joined the military because the idea of getting paid to go to college appealed to me.

The distance we had to go went by fast as we talked about different random things. He eventually got to the point where he could walk upright by himself which was a relief, my shoulders were drenched in his sweat that mixed with my own. As much as I didn't want to admit it, was strangely erotic. Everyone has their kinks, mine just turned out to be BO. I found that the musky smell of some people just appealed to me

Mendez was too drunk to notice how I kept close to him. I just couldn't get enough of his smell, once I got past the alcohol. I had never reacted this way and I blamed the smell of alcohol. It must have been having some sort of effect on me even if I hadn't had a single drop.

There were no watches post on the path we took back to the school grounds which was good or someone would have most definitely flagged us down for a breathalyzer. Like I said, alcohol related incidents were a big deal.

"Which BEQ do you live in." I asked Mendez as we walked down the spine, a long path that cut through the center of all of the BEQs, Bachelor Enlisted Quarters. It was where every student lived if they weren't married.

"Nimitz." He pointed at the building that was closest to us. "Room D315."

"So you're an Electrician's Mate?" I asked as we walked past the chow hall which was still closed. It was still very early and there were only a few people out in their dress whites. They were going to the Rickover to get an Under Instruction for morning colors. I had already done that a few weeks ago.

"Yeah." Mendez replied as we walked around the side of the building towards the stairs that would take us up to the third deck. "I'm good with wires." He gave me a sly smile.

I smiled back. I wasn't sure if he was making a joke or not. I was an ET, an Electronics Technician, who were also nicknamed Wires along with the EM's since we performed maintenance on wires. It wasn't a bad nickname since the Wires nicknamed the MM, Machinist Mates, knuckle draggers.

There had always been a friendly rivalry between the different rates. We would always pick on each other a bit, feigning empathy for the other rates for having to be in an inferior position. It was all good fun, annoying sometimes, but it was just something that everyone did, even the instructors and chiefs.

We came up to Mendez's room and he dug his hand into his pocket. He stuck his tongue slightly out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrated on finding his key card. It was... cute.? That was the first thought that came to mind. I kept it to myself. Even though this was the new Navy that allowed gays in, hell my instructor was gay and married to what he called "one of those Washington hippies," it was still something that people didn't bring up. There was also nukecest which was strongly discouraged.

Mendez slid his key into the door lock and the small light on it turned from red to green. There was a the sound of the lock sliding out of place and Mendez opened the door. Before going in, he turned to me.

"Thanks, man." He held out his hand. "I really appreciate this. I'll make it up to you."

"No problem, shipmate." I took his hand, expecting a handshake, but was pulled into a hug. It took me by surprise at first, but once again, his smell, one of sweat and something else, something that I had to get more of, calmed me down. The hug was short, not awkward by any standard.

"See ya." He said.

"Yeah, take it easy." I nodded as turned away as he closed the door. I was hoping that he didn't feel my boner rub into his crotch when we hugged. I had been trying to hid it as best as I could for the past ten minutes and after the hug, it was raging.

I walked into the building, which was mostly open to the outside with just rows of rooms going off of different wings. I was in D312 which was on the other side of the wing since one side had odd numbers and the other, event. I walked past one of my classmates who was in his dress whites, standing just inside of his door. Carter was one of the people that I considered a close friend, we had hung out nearly every weekend, going to the movies or just heading into downtown Charleston and seeing the sights.

"Sup, Sean?" He said with a smile. He was the only person here that called me by my first name even though I still called him by his last name out of habit.

"Hey, Carter." I waved to him and stopped.

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Damn, why would you wake up so early to exercise?"

"Need to get into better shape, especially with a PRT next week."

"Oh, shit." He brought his hands to his face. "That's next week?"

"Yeah. Why do you think chief came into the classroom Friday?"

"I thought he was just encouraging us to just exercise more." I groaned. "I need to hit the gym."

"Good luck with that."

"Thanks." He looked down at his watch. "But first, morning colors. I got to go."

"See you tomorrow."

"Bye." He closed his door and began to walk off, but turned around after a few steps and hollered at me. "Take a shower, you stink."

I didn't look back. Instead I raised a hand to show that I heard him. I was glad that he didn't ask if I had been drinking after being with Mendez for so long.

I came up to my room and pulled out my ID badge which was on a small clip that also had my key card on it as well. I slid it in and opened the door.

My room was nothing special. It was really small with only bare necessities in it, but it was home for the time being.

My roommate, Sharp, rolled over in his bed which was the bottom bunk and threw his covers over his head. "Shut the door."

I closed the door and kicked off my shoes. "Sorry."

"You should be sleeping." He said from under the sheets. "That's what the weekends are for." Some people used their weekend not to go and have fun, but to catch up on sleep since every academic day started early.

"Not anymore." I took off my sweat drenched shirt. It was disgusting how the humidity made it so the sweat didn't dry off, instead it just made my shirt feel as if I had put it in the washer and never dried it. "There's no other time during the week to exercise."

My roommate sighed and threw down the covers. "No way I'm getting back to sleep anyways." He looked at me, more like glared. I knew he was joking, we got along just fine, but often tried to find every opportunity to make fun of each other. His face scrunched up a bit as my smell finally wafted over to him.

"Jesus." He pinched his nose. "Take a shower, you smell like a wet dog."

I raised both of my hands submissively. "I'm heading over there now." I rolled my eyes. I couldn't smell it, but after having two people tell me, it must have been true.

I left my roommate as he rolled out of bed and went into the head after grabbing a fresh pair of boxer briefs. Head was what we called the bathroom. I stripped down entirely and turned on the shower.

I looked down at my hard cock that was still throbbing. With the shower going, no one would hear.

I touched the tip which had a small drop of pre forming. The single touch sent a small spasm through me. I was so sensitive, more than I thought I had ever been. I couldn't pass up the opportunity since there were so few times I could properly jack off without the threat of being walked in on.

I grabbed hold of my rod and furiously began to pump. I was so horny that I didn't feel like taking the time to slowly build up to a climax.

I stepped into the shower, letting hot water roll over my filthy body and rested my left forearm on the wall as I used my right arm to stroke myself.

I bit my lower lip as more pre came out which i quickly scooped up as used as lube. I rubbed my head which was turning red with my lubed palm, collecting and spreading the pre all over.

I jerked off hard for a glorious minute until the familiar pangs of pleasure started building up. I slowed down a bit, but it was too late. The feeling of ecstasy washed over me as I climaxed. The first spurt arc up and splattered against the shower wall and was soon followed by a second.

A few more jets painted the tiles until I was left weak in the knees panting like a dog. It wasn't as good as I hoped, jerking off never seemed to be enough. I needed something more, but at the moment, all I had was my hands to pleasure myself.

Not wanting to take too long and make my roommate suspicious, I cleaned up the mess and proceeded to finish my shower.

I came out feeling refreshed, but physically tired. I threw my dirty clothes into a hamper and crawled into my top bunk. My roommate had gone back to sleep. That lazy ass.

I crawled under the covers and fell asleep instantly with the image of Mendez sticking his tongue out of the corner of his mouth. I had a boner again.

The air was humid, so much so that it felt as if I could swim through it. The moisture clung to me making it hard to tell if I was coated in an excessive amount of sweat or just coated in a layer of water. Either way, I felt sticky and uncomfortable as I jogged down the dirt road through the woods.

It was actually a swamp, but the idea of living in a swamp was distasteful so I just stuck with calling it the woods. There were trees and that kind of stuff, though I knew that if i went off the path, I would immediately sink into the knee high mud where I would most definitely lose my shoes which cost me $80.

I looked down at my G-Shock to check how long I had been running for. Twenty minutes. I still had another ten to go before I would let myself stop even though every inch of my being just wanted me to return to the barracks and take a shower and then play some Halo. I had to keep running, I had been too lazy recently, the last PFA had shown that when my run time had degraded from a 10:50 to 11:30. I needed to get back into shape so I found myself running at least 5K every Saturday to offset the massive amount of sitting I did over the week.

I didn't do it on purpose, A-School was just like that. I spent over half the day in a building, sitting and learning about electricity. Sure, it was great that I was getting paid to go to school, where else could you find such a deal, but it was also a great way to gain weight. The three mandatory PT sessions a week weren't enough since they weren't that hard, just some push ups, squats and crunches for half an hour in the morning before the sun rose. I needed more so I drug myself out of bed each Saturday, earlier than I would normally and spend my valuable leave running.

By the way my legs were feeling and how hard I was breathing, I felt as if I was killing myself. Even at 2 in the morning, it was so humid out. That was the deep south and to a person from Washington where the air was always fresh and clean, the stench of rotting organic matter mixed in a nice cocktail was wrecking havoc on my senses.

I wiped away the sweat before it could fall into my eyes and focused on the path ahead. The path that I was running led out of the A-school grounds, ran along the highway for about half a mile before turning into the woods and wound its way back to the school. In all it was a little over 5K, though I wasn't going to go a single step over. I had set a goal and I wasn't in the mood to be an overachiever at the moment.

I should take this time to introduce myself, my name is Sean and I'm a nuke in the United States Navy, or rather I'm training to be a nuke. While that may sound cool to most people, it really isn't all that special, in fact it is one of the largest sources of stress in my life. Some days I just don't want to get out of bed with the thought of having to go back to the classroom weighing me down, but there are the plus sides as well.

I have tons of friends, the money isn't as bad as people say military pay is. Well, it is not great, but when my housing, food, electricity and plumbing is all just handed to me on a silver platter, I can't complain about a $1400 a month. Enough about that though, that's not the reason I'm telling this story.

The weekends had never meant so much to me as they did when I was in A-school. It was two whole days that didn't require me to go into the horrid school building that was named the Rickover, after Admiral Rickover, who I should have known more about. Most people went off base to go to Charleston with friends, which I did most weekends, but this weekend was meant just for me. I needed a few days to myself.

While the run was taking a toll on me physically, it was a good morale booster as well. I felt good to be in charge of my own physical health and a run through the woods in the dark with only the light of my phone, which I was using to illuminate my path with, was relaxing. I had my music on low and I could tell that I was the only thing in the entire woods making any noise, just me and my pittering, pattering feet.

I broke out of the woods into a clearing where there was a small park. I had seen people here before, either taking their children to the small playground that had a jungle gym and other toys or to play fetch with their dogs, it was a nice place.

Here, the air wasn't so close and I could get a breath of some "fresh" air. I thought about taking a small break, there were benches and tables along with a portiere here. Normally people would get yelled at for stopping to rest during the weekly run that turned the path into the yellow brick road with hundreds of yellow Navy PT shirts bobbing down the road. There weren't any chiefs or petty officers around now to yell at me and nor would they if there were since it wasn't their job to yell at a sailor who took the time to go for a run.

Rest sounded like exactly what I needed.

I found a bench and seated myself squarely in the center, letting gravity bring me down instead of my legs. It felt great to take a moment. I pulled the earphones off and set them aside along with my phone that I turned off. The sun was still several hours from rising and there was no other source of light around other than a small glow off in the horizon where Charleston was. It created the illusion of a sunrise that never got any brighter or darker.

I stayed there for a few minutes, teetering on the brink of sleep now that I wasn't moving and my body was realizing just how early it was. My eyes fluttered closed for a moment. I don't know how long I fell asleep for, but when I woke it was brighter out.

I stretched my arms out and hit something that groaned next to me. It shocked me enough to get me to jump off of the bench and look at what I had hit.

There, next to where I was was another person, if a massive hunk of muscle could be called that. He was Navy, I could tell from his haircut, the very obvious high and tight. He had his eyes shut tightly and rolled his head.

"That hurt." He moaned, his breath was thick with alcohol. "Why'd you do that?"

"Where did you come from?" I asked and sat back down. If it was anyone else that wasn't in the Navy, I wouldn't have stayed. Ever since I had joined nearly ten months earlier, anyone in a uniform automatically had the benefit of the doubt. I would often find myself in a random group of sailors out in town and have no issue with it. I was more comfortable with people who I knew were paid to watch my back than with any other person.

"I was making my way back to base." He moaned, his eyes still closed. He must have had one hell of a headache by the way he winced at each word. "I saw you there and it seemed like a nice place to get a bit of sleep."

"Well." I settled down, relaxing and throwing my arms over the back of the bench. "Sorry for hitting you. You surprised me."

"No problem." He opened his eyes, they were bloodshot. "I need to get back anyways." He began to stand, but his balance wasn't that good and he fell back onto the bench. "Give a shipmate a hand?"

"Sure." I said and he lifted his arm and I put my shoulder under it. He was a heavy guy, must have weighed a hundred pounds more than me. Up close, the smell of alcohol was even stronger, it stung my eyes as we lumbered off. It was another mile and a half back to the perimeter. "Were you out all night?" I asked, trying to get some sort of conversation going.

"Yeah." He confirmed. "Me and a few friends went." He hiccuped. "He had to drop me off some distance away since they weren't going to let him on base with his car smelling of alcohol."

He had a point. Just last week, a few people got arrested right at the main gate to the base after the watch smelled alcohol in their car. Alcohol related incidents as they were called were a big deal, no one wanted to be the person who reset a day counter that was located in front of the Rickover. The goal was to reach fifty days without an alcohol related incident, but that had never been reached as far as I could tell and the person responsible for resetting it was often the center of hate since all of the incidents were put out on the Plan of the Day for everyone to read.

"Better this way." I said and he grunted an approval or maybe indifference, it was hard to tell.

We chatted as much as we could during the walk. He had been here a few months longer than me and was waiting to start powerschool. That was one of the things about being a nuke, while most rates had one school that was at a maximum, 6 months long, nukes had three 6 month long schools.

His name was Mendez, or at least that was his last name. Everyone just used their last names as if it was their first name, another military thing. He was from California which was no surprise, it seemed that most people in the Navy were either from California or Texas for some reason. He had joined because he had no other option really, it was either join the Navy or stay in the slums where he grew up and work one dead end job after another.

I told him about myself which felt more like gloating since I grown up with a lot of options available to me. I came from a middle class family, was accepted to a wide variety of colleges. I had joined the military because the idea of getting paid to go to college appealed to me.

The distance we had to go went by fast as we talked about different random things. He eventually got to the point where he could walk upright by himself which was a relief, my shoulders were drenched in his sweat that mixed with my own. As much as I didn't want to admit it, was strangely erotic. Everyone has their kinks, mine just turned out to be BO. I found that the musky smell of some people just appealed to me

Mendez was too drunk to notice how I kept close to him. I just couldn't get enough of his smell, once I got past the alcohol. I had never reacted this way and I blamed the smell of alcohol. It must have been having some sort of effect on me even if I hadn't had a single drop.

There were no watches post on the path we took back to the school grounds which was good or someone would have most definitely flagged us down for a breathalyzer. Like I said, alcohol related incidents were a big deal.

"Which BEQ do you live in." I asked Mendez as we walked down the spine, a long path that cut through the center of all of the BEQs, Bachelor Enlisted Quarters. It was where every student lived if they weren't married.

"Nimitz." He pointed at the building that was closest to us. "Room D315."

"So you're an Electrician's Mate?" I asked as we walked past the chow hall which was still closed. It was still very early and there were only a few people out in their dress whites. They were going to the Rickover to get an Under Instruction for morning colors. I had already done that a few weeks ago.

"Yeah." Mendez replied as we walked around the side of the building towards the stairs that would take us up to the third deck. "I'm good with wires." He gave me a sly smile.

I smiled back. I wasn't sure if he was making a joke or not. I was an ET, an Electronics Technician, who were also nicknamed Wires along with the EM's since we performed maintenance on wires. It wasn't a bad nickname since the Wires nicknamed the MM, Machinist Mates, knuckle draggers.

There had always been a friendly rivalry between the different rates. We would always pick on each other a bit, feigning empathy for the other rates for having to be in an inferior position. It was all good fun, annoying sometimes, but it was just something that everyone did, even the instructors and chiefs.

We came up to Mendez's room and he dug his hand into his pocket. He stuck his tongue slightly out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrated on finding his key card. It was... cute.? That was the first thought that came to mind. I kept it to myself. Even though this was the new Navy that allowed gays in, hell my instructor was gay and married to what he called "one of those Washington hippies," it was still something that people didn't bring up. There was also nukecest which was strongly discouraged.

Mendez slid his key into the door lock and the small light on it turned from red to green. There was a the sound of the lock sliding out of place and Mendez opened the door. Before going in, he turned to me.

"Thanks, man." He held out his hand. "I really appreciate this. I'll make it up to you."

"No problem, shipmate." I took his hand, expecting a handshake, but was pulled into a hug. It took me by surprise at first, but once again, his smell, one of sweat and something else, something that I had to get more of, calmed me down. The hug was short, not awkward by any standard.

"See ya." He said.

"Yeah, take it easy." I nodded as turned away as he closed the door. I was hoping that he didn't feel my boner rub into his crotch when we hugged. I had been trying to hid it as best as I could for the past ten minutes and after the hug, it was raging.

I walked into the building, which was mostly open to the outside with just rows of rooms going off of different wings. I was in D312 which was on the other side of the wing since one side had odd numbers and the other, evens. I walked past one of my classmates who was in his dress whites, standing just inside of his door. Carter was one of the people that I considered a close friend, we had hung out nearly every weekend, going to the movies or just heading into downtown Charleston and seeing the sights.

"Sup, Sean?" He said with a smile. He was the only person here that called me by my first name even though I still called him by his last name out of habit.

"Hey, Carter." I waved to him and stopped.

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Damn, why would you wake up so early to exercise?"

"Need to get into better shape, especially with a PRT next week."

"Oh, shit." He brought his hands to his face. "That's next week?"

"Yeah. Why do you think chief came into the classroom Friday?"

"I thought he was just encouraging us to just exercise more." I groaned. "I need to hit the gym."

"Good luck with that."

"Thanks." He looked down at his watch. "But first, morning colors. I got to go."

"See you tomorrow."

"Bye." He closed his door and began to walk off, but turned around after a few steps and hollered at me. "Take a shower, you stink."

I didn't look back. Instead I raised a hand to show that I heard him. I was glad that he didn't ask if I had been drinking after being with Mendez for so long.

I came up to my room and pulled out my ID badge which was on a small clip that also had my key card on it as well. I slid it in and opened the door.

My room was nothing special. It was really small with only bare necessities in it, but it was home for the time being.

My roommate, Sharp, rolled over in his bed which was the bottom bunk and threw his covers over his head. "Shut the door."

I closed the door and kicked off my shoes. "Sorry."

"You should be sleeping." He said from under the sheets. "That's what the weekends are for." Some people used their weekend not to go and have fun, but to catch up on sleep since every academic day started early.

"Not anymore." I took off my sweat drenched shirt. It was disgusting how the humidity made it so the sweat didn't dry off, instead it just made my shirt feel as if I had put it in the washer and never dried it. "There's no other time during the week to exercise."

My roommate sighed and threw down the covers. "No way I'm getting back to sleep anyways." He looked at me, more like glared. I knew he was joking, we got along just fine, but often tried to find every opportunity to make fun of each other. His face scrunched up a bit as my smell finally wafted over to him.

"Jesus." He pinched his nose. "Take a shower, you smell like a wet dog."

I raised both of my hands submissively. "I'm heading over there now." I rolled my eyes. I couldn't smell it, but after having two people tell me, it must have been true.

I left my roommate as he rolled out of bed and went into the head after grabbing a fresh pair of boxer briefs. Head was what we called the bathroom. I stripped down entirely and turned on the shower.

I looked down at my hard cock that was still throbbing. With the shower going, no one would hear.

I touched the tip which had a small drop of pre forming. The single touch sent a small spasm through me. I was so sensitive, more than I thought I had ever been. I couldn't pass up the opportunity since there were so few times I could properly jack off without the threat of being walked in on.

I grabbed hold of my rod and furiously began to pump. I was so horny that I didn't feel like taking the time to slowly build up to a climax.

I stepped into the shower, letting hot water roll over my filthy body and rested my left forearm on the wall as I used my right arm to stroke myself.

I bit my lower lip as more pre came out which i quickly scooped up as used as lube. I rubbed my head which was turning red with my lubed palm, collecting and spreading the pre all over.

I jerked off hard for a glorious minute until the familiar pangs of pleasure started building up. I slowed down a bit, but it was too late. The feeling of ecstasy washed over me as I climaxed. The first spurt arc up and splattered against the shower wall and was soon followed by a second.

A few more jets painted the tiles until I was left weak in the knees panting like a dog. It wasn't as good as I hoped, jerking off never seemed to be enough. I needed something more, but at the moment, all I had was my hands to pleasure myself.

Not wanting to take too long and make my roommate suspicious, I cleaned up the mess and proceeded to finish my shower.

I came out feeling refreshed, but physically tired. I threw my dirty clothes into a hamper and crawled into my top bunk. My roommate had gone back to sleep. That lazy ass.

I crawled under the covers and fell asleep instantly with the image of Mendez sticking his tongue out of the corner of his mouth. I had a boner again.