Space Sisters

Story by Tygriss on SoFurry

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Hello everyone, and welcome to another fur brained story of mine. :D

This story focusses on two females, a wolf and a raccoon, meet up by chance having once being orphan sisters years ago and the exploding emotions that result as true feelings come forth. Will things end happily for them or will they be destined to always be worlds apart?

Space, it has always held the fascination and imagination of many who have gazed up at the stars from their planet. It is a place of mystery and wonder, where anything is possible. But, for two morphs. It was a place where you fought or was destroyed.

"Dalla, stop! This is madness, have you taken leave of your senses sister?" An athletic looking black furred female wolf barked into the com of her craft as she barrel rolled, avoiding a lethal torpedo from smashing her ship to pieces.

"Don't call me sister you bitch! That is long, LONG past history," a pretty raccoon morph laughed almost shrilly out, her looks a little more on the curvy side than the wolf, though, a bit shorter of build. Her brown eyes were wide, a manic look in them as she locked her ships blasters onto the standard space patroller and pulled the trigger, spraying a deadly stream of energy blasts which an inexperienced pilot would have otherwise fallen victim to.

Neatly dodging the fire, the female wolf hit the afterburners, staying ahead of the deadly projectiles. "This is Sara O Wolf, I have found the pirate Dalla. I need an extraction team to meet me at..." Sara paused as she looked at the signal indicator, glowing red with a black line down the screen to indicate no signal before she heard the raccoon's voice crackle on the short range intercom.

"Did you think I would let your friends in on the fun? NO! This is between YOU...and me...SARA!"

"Shit..." the she wolf cursed, realizing she would not be receiving help, dark blue eyes narrowing, Sara realized she would have to deal with the one she once called orphan sister and unlike herself, Dalla was out for blood.

"Dalla, this is your last chance. Give up or else I will have to use force, Ugh!" The wolf cried out as her thrusters were suddenly struck by a blast, smoke issuing from the back as the thrusters began to fail.

"Ha ha hah, how does it feel Sara, to feel alone and helpless?" The raccoon's voice crackled on the com.

With grim faced determination, the black furred wolf managed to swing her craft round as it was being pulled by the gravity of a nearby dark red planet, pulling the trigger to fire a short, deadly red beam at Dalla's craft, cutting her thrusters clean off. The sound of the raccoon's cursing and screaming could be heard before Sara cut the com off, engaging the hover thrusters to slow her descent before popping the emergency parachute as she broke through the atmosphere, gliding down gently.

Touching down, her computer scanned that although there was an atmosphere, the air wasn't breathable "Perfect," Sara muttered sarcastically, wondering if Dalla had survived the landing too.

Activating the distress signal on her craft, she donned her regulation armour, a lightly armoured blue space exploration suit replete with a days worth of oxygen. There seemed to be no cracks in her actual hull so she would be able to fill up from her reserves should she need to.

Turning the breath unit off in the cockpit, she popped the hatch and climbed out, noticing how much lighter she felt here. _"To be expected given we are a distance from the sun"_she thought as she whipped her device out, scanning for any signs of life, just to realise that there was an interference coming from the planets make up. She made a mental note to report the issue with the tech guys...then kill one of them for not having the foresight of a failsafe IF she survived todays encounter that is.

Looking around the barren, red rock planet, she saw signs life used to inhabit this husk of a world with telltale signs of dried up rivers. "Poor people, wonder if they made it off if they were advanced enough. Or did they...?"

Her musings were cut short as a rock by her side suddenly shattered following the sound of a plasma gun. "Hello again, was you losing focus there? That could have been fatal...had I not wanted to see your eyes, WHEN YOU DIE!" Dalla screamed before firing another shot, just for the wolf to whip her stunner out and level it to the enraged racoon.

"Dalla listen to me," Sara said in a firm tone, "at the orphanage was out of my paws. I was only thirteen when I was adopted, I prayed every day that you would find a home. I wanted so much to come back to see you. But I was taken to my new home on a space colony, far away from our natural home world. I loved my new family but I wanted to also see you."

"Oh yes...?" Dalla said in a shaky breath, her gun trembling as she felt her emotions run havoc in her head. "LIES!" You could have come to see me when you made it into the corps but you never did!"

Sara cringed as a series of wild blasts dislodged a number of red rock fragments, raining in a pebble shower over her head. She knew this was hopeless, Dalla was beyond reasoning with. Whatever she had built up in her head was running havoc and making he deaf to any further reasoning. Prepping her blaster to stun, her ears listened to the raccoon's paws scrape along the floor, hearing a distinct metal scraping.

Setting to slingshot mode, Sara angled her gun, calculating the trajectory of the plasma before pulling the trigger, spitting a purple glob of energy into the sky before landing on the floor, Dalla rolling just in time to dodge the shot. "Hah, poor aim Sara, they slipping on your basics?" Dalla taunted before her eyes widened as the plasma spread around the floor around her, stunning the raccoon before she could react.

"No, but my keen hearing picked up the sound of natural metal scraping under your claws so I took advantage of the knowledge, hoping you had not caught on. I was right," she said, where there should be pride for fulfilling her mission there was just sadness at the way things had turned out.

The stunned raccoon could do nothing but stare at her, a mixture of emotions in her dark brown eyes. Loathing, hate...and she was sure she could see a bit of sorrow mixed in there. Clasping the titanium cuffs on her, they would unlock only once she gave the command to do so. Picking the pirate up, she made the short trip back to her stricken craft where they would eventually be collected by the space corps.


After making sure Dalla was comfy in the craft rear seat, she secured her ankles with a similar cuff, though more suited to the task than the handcuffs were. "I'm really sorry I couldn't help you Dalla...truely. I know you won't believe me when I say this really eats me up inside it had to be this way," Sara said, stroking her hand across the raccoon's head before retracting her paw.

Sighing, she prepared for a long wait, even after she recovered her former orphan sister probably wouldn't say anything, or would otherwise probably let loose a string of rants and insults to provoke a reaction. She was therefore unprepared for the choked words she heard. "Why...Sara? Why did you never try to find me?" Dalla choked, the wolf looking back to see tears flowing from her eyes. "Did you forget about me?"

Turning round in her seat to face her, she suspected fake or forced tears. She was not a stranger to criminals who tried to make her feel sorry. But...her hardened, professional expression fell when her eyes saw her face. It was the face of grief and loneliness itself and her heart felt like it was being torn between her duties and the sister side that wanted to wrap her arms about her in a tender, comforting hug. "Dalla...I never forgot about you. I took this mission the instant I saw your face, convinced that it was you. I spent years begging my adopted father to find you, but the time was never right. I had chosen to take his path and my life was full of training, tests, exams. And then I thought I would be able to search for you in my spare time, only to find I had no spare time. I was one of the leading lights in the space patrols and was frequently chasing one crime or another."

Dalla closed her eyes at this, a fresh wash of tears flowing down and staining the mask of black fur under her eyes. "Did you...cry for me too? I can't think of a day in the year when I didn't cry for you, wanting to believe you would return. I was so alone, I could not trust anyone else for fear of losing someone else close...oh Sara...if only you knew..."

The black wolf sat in shock at this revelation, the pain she saw choking her usually controlled emotions up. "Dalla..." she whispered before reaching a paw back to clasp the raccoon's paw, receiving a surprisingly strong grip from the crying girl.

"After you left, nothing else seemed to matter. I hated everything and wanted to make others suffer just so I would not feel alone in the void that I knew could never be replaced in my heart." Dalla's voice sounded raw, scratchy from the emotions burning in her chest, spreading like fire until her voice felt it would fail her.

"Dalla...have you always felt this way, about me?" Sara said, feeling the raccoon just squeeze hard on her arm, feeling the short claws sink in through the short fur.

"It was only after you left did I understand my true feelings for you. Only when you had gone I understood you were more than a sister to me..." Dalla trailed off again, wiping her eyes on her furred arms, her thick tail quivering with her body.

"I'm sorry...I am truely so sorry for your suffering," the female wolf said back, this time her tone understanding, caring as she stepped out of her seat and knelt beside Dalla, putting an arm round her and drawing the female close. Sisterly instinct told her to comfort and protect her, the law abiding side of her told her she was a criminal and needed to be kept a weary eye on and then...there was a new feeling blossoming in her chest. "I honestly don't know what to do to make up for how much you suffered over me," Sara said, a gentle whine creeping into her voice as she closed her eyes as their scent begin to fill each others senses.

"Do you love me, Sara...?" Dalla said in a quiet tone, if not for the wolf's acute hearing she probably would have missed the question.

"I don't know...there is something new there but I am not sure if it is love or...something similar." Sara looked away from her before saying in a low, grief filled voice, "Even if I do love duty decrees I have to turn you in. If I don't, others will just come after you and I will be stripped of my rank and my adoptive family disgraced."

"I see...and then they will take me away and lock me up again...away from long will they jail me for?" Dalla said in a quiet voice, her tail as limp and lifeless as a toys.

"They will...probably lock you away until you are going grey..." Sara said, her ears flat to her head. Damn it, this wasn't fair...every instinct in the wolf was screaming to help her get away. And to what end? Never seeing her again? To always be on the run?

Nodding again in the same mute way, she repeated, "I see..." before she began hiccuping and shaking, trembling. Her next words were borderline hysterical, "In the end I am going to rot alone anyway...hah hah hah...oh cruel's funny right? Right?!" She just about screamed out, her eyes shining with madness and tears.

Sara's heart broke, she couldn't stay distanced from her. Whatever words Dalla was about to scream next were lost as the black wolf wrapped her arms around the shaking raccoon. "Dalla...I'm sorry...I am so sorry..." Sara whined out, closing her eyes tight, her paws gripping at the raccoon's ponytail, seeking every bit of her to hold. "I wish there was something I could do...I don't want to see you suffer anymore, I don't want you to be locked up forever," this time it was the raccoon's turn to look shocked at seeing the wolf she had always known to be in control of her emotions to cry her own tears of sorrow, something she had not done since a pup.

Shock seemed to fade into calmness on Dalla's face before accepting the touch, her muzzle pressed into her fur. She wanted to lose herself, drown herself in the moment, one she had dreamed of for years. She wanted to lock in every detail of the woman she had obsessed about for so long. How strong she looked, her scent, the smell of her tears that she shed for her.

They remained like this for what felt like hours but in reality were but precious minutes as Sara's crying died down until all there was, was each other and the moment they both treasured at being in each others arms.

A sudden dull click was heard and the raccoon suddenly found her arms freed up, soon followed by finding she could move her legs. A look of confusion passed over Dalla's face, "Dalla run, there is still time for you to go and hide and...and..." Sara paused, her mind racing how to save her from her life sentence

"It's okay Sara...even if I were to escape you, you would lose your position, and I would still be captured because I have no where else to go on this rock. My craft is not in much better state than yours is," Dalla said, leaning into the older wolf's paw as Sara cupped her muzzle, stroking it tenderly.

Sara pulled away after a moment of tenderness, sighing softly before closing her eyes in thought. "Sara...?" The raccoon said, a light tremor in her voice, worried Sara was trying to distance them both.

Nodding her head as though in agreement to a choice she made, she reached out and gently placed her paws on the raccoon's hips. "Dalla...I have an idea. I don't know if it will limit your time but it is a sure fire shot to making your sentence easier, even if for a while. You're going to have to trust me with this but it will make sense in the end..."

Dalla wiped at her tear stained fur before looking at the strong looking female, her eyes showing the briefest glimmer of hope as Sara rummaged inside of a bag she fetched from the back of the cockpit.

It seemed to hold only the basics of what a space patroller would require. But then she opened a hidden compartment that revealed a hollowed out section where she extracted a plain wrapped parcel before carefully unwrapping it. " tell you the truth I have never felt very female-like. I have always enjoyed girls, women. Sometimes the thought of an expensive operation to get me closer to how I feel seems the best choice. But until then, I got this for if I meet the right female," with that Dalla pulled the rest of the wrapping off, revealing what looked like at first as good sized dildo, but upon closer inspection it was actually an average 6 inch but had what looked to be a container holding a yellow solution and a rubber and metal hilt to it that was hollowed out.

" that?" Dalla gasped out, "and say the obvious at your peril," the raccoon said in mock threat to her.

"This," Sara smiled, "is a replica of a wolf males penis; but it has a special twist. They call it the breeder because of the blank sperm inside...blank that is until the user fills it and then they assimilate my DNA to become live. It was a special something I was saving for the right woman..." Sara trailed off as she looked on at Dalla to gauge her reaction.

The smaller female reached out to touch the device, blushing as she did so at the realistic looking phallus. "But...why now...?" Dalla stammered as she looked into the hollowed out part, noticing an array of complex, tiny devices that she reckoned were designed to stimulate and help gather the users sex juices up.

"Because a number of reasons. Because I realise the feelings you have for me are as strong for you, because I want to make love to you whilst I have the chance and also...I plan to use your pregnancy to help you out," Sara said with a slight droop of her ears at that last bit, realizing how bad she sounded saying it out loud.

" little bitch," Dalla said with a chocked up laugh. "For a space patroller you sure think like a pirate would. I would be more than happy to have your child...just promise me this, if it fails your plan, please raise our pup well and outside the prison...I want ou love child to be born ad raised normally...not in my world."

"It won't fail me. When it is all over we will have the life we want...I swear on it," Sara said softly. Her heart ached for the raccoon, her blue eyes staring into the other females dark brown pools, willing her to see how much she wanted to make everything right.

Placing the toy carefully onto the floor, Dalla wrapped her arms tight round her love, "Just to make love with you will be a dream...but promise me...don't become a male. you are perfect the way you are," she whispered into her wolf ear, moaning as the dark female found her paws under the raccoon's pants to rub against her panties.

"No promises...but maybe I will feel different after this," Sara said in a husky whisper before pressing her fingers in through the thin fabric of Dalla's panties, sinking into her slit.

"Nngh, S-Saraaa," Dalla moaned out, losing her grip as she felt her invade her pussy before she was pushed onto her back, laid across the passenger seat.

Undressing Dalla quickly, the jet black wolf admired her, looking longingly at the curves and fitness of her mate. "Sara..." Dalla moaned, squirming under her gaze.

"Don't tell me this is your first time Dalla," Sara said, looking up at her. She wanted to make love...not hurt her.

"No but...the only other time I was in control. It was a pretty mouse who I took as a hostage once and well...we fell in love briefly. That tail of hers..." Dalla said dreamily but then blushed as she found the wolf's eyes attentively on her.

"Mmh, so not a complete stranger to the world of sex then huh? Lets see if I can compare to that mouse and her thick tail then shall I?" With that, Sara zoned in on Dalla's breast, kissing and licking around the breast that was just more than a pawful, dampening the fur in order to get at the flesh beneath the fur. Working her tongue at the peak, she was finally rewarded when the fleshy nub poked out from the fur.

"So, did you two explore these then?" Sara said, not even waiting on an answer as she ran a tongue over a hard nipple, feeling it grow harder and stiffer still under her tongue.

" many have you tongue fucked anyways?" Dalla moaned, trying to put on some bravado to cover up how much it was effecting her, as was evident in her body's squirming into the tongue.

"Mmh, just two. The rest was via strap on, if you want to know," Sara grinned her wolf grin, watching as the pirate blushed heatedly under her fur, the fur around her face bristling with the force of the blush.

"S-such a whore!" Dalla said playfully with a sound that was between a squeak and a bark. Making to try and get some leverage on her mate to show she could be as good even without the experience, the raccoon was surpsied at the wolf's strength as she forced her to stay laying down.

"Be a good girl now and lay there," Sara said in a commanding tone, switching to the other nipple where she licked hard, sealing her lips around and pulled lightly with her lips.

_"Oh gods...this is what makes her one of the best space patrollers...she is so strong and commanding. Just like I remember her...she is the type to make you feel safe in her strong paws,"_Dalla thought as she arched, moaning and rubbing at her other breast, running her hands down ad over her hidden nipples, enhancing the sensation, heating her body up even more.

She then felt that lovely muzzle move away from her chest, "What...what the hell you stop for?" Dalla said, sounding part angry part upset at having the moment interrupted.

Her complaints were silenced with a kiss before Sara lifted her up easily in her strong arms and gently carried her behind the seat, laying her down on a bed just big enough for the wolf but robust to withstand twice her weight. "Now, did you really want me to mate you on a chair like some whore Dalla, or have it done properly?"

The raccoon's round ears pulled back but she just muttered something under her breath about getting caught in the moment. "Now, where was we my dear sister?" Sara smirked to the raccoon squirming under her, hardly containing the need she now felt.

"D-don't say that, it sounds...wrong now," Dalla stammered, turning her head away from her before finding her head guided gently back to face the wolf and a soft kiss being planted on her lips.

"I'm sorry," Sara said quietly, "I get a bit carried away myself and don't think," with that she moved her paw towards Sara's pussy, gently fingering the soft, furred petals, "so from now on, I shall call you my mate, okay?" the black furred female's voice grew huskier as she sunk a finger in, causing Dalla to buck into the sensation.

"Oh god's...y-yes, that is a word I have wanted to call you for such a long time mate, Sara," Dalla panted out, her eyes closing in bliss as she felt the wolf's finger slide deeper inside, rubbing against her clit, sending jolts of pleasure coursing through her body.

Smiling, Sara inserted a second finger into the raccoon's love hole before using them to spread her furry petals wide, growling lustfully at her reaction as Dalla's eyes flew wide, her tunnel clenched round the fingers and a dribble of sexual juices ran out which the wolf used to smear around the entrance, lovingly running her finger round the edge, dampening the fur. "Lick me...I need prepping too," she said to the now entranced female, pulling her own clothing off to reveal her more muscled, flatter form. Her nipples didn't even make it out of her black fur but were just visible as small bumps under the black velvety coat, her mound shining in the interior light and a pink slit showing around the shaved area.

"Mmh?" Dalla moaned, revelling in the after effects of those skilled fingers before her vision was blocked by and the most wondrous scent filled her nose. "Oh my...what a smell. Gods...don't you ever change anything about yourself, got that?!"

"Hmm, that all depends my mate on if you can satisfy me enough?" Sara grinned before almost losing her balance as Dalla grabbed Sara by her her hips and pulled her down to her muzzle.

"Lets see shall we then?" The Raccoon said, her brown eyes clouding over with lust and desire for her before stabbing a pinkish tongue out, slurping along the wolf's slit, gathering up the tangy juices and swallowing them with relish.

"Ohh...Dalla...that tongue of yours feels so good. Please, deeper!" Sara howled out, her body tingling. This felt so much much different than just having mutual pleasure from a colleague. This felt better, more special because the feelings were genuine, her black form shivering in pleasure as she felt that tongue dive inside her tunnel of flesh. Hearing her love "mmh" at each taste she got only made her heat up more and more under her fur as she grabbed a small bust and squeezed, losing herself in the moment.

Reaching her paw behind her, almost blindly, Sara resumed her fingering of the raccoon's slit, digging her fingers deep, revelling in how the flesh parted so easily, moaning part from the sexual play they were having on each other and part from the thought of claiming her how a male would.

The more Sara fingered the raccoon's slit and tunnel, the more Dalla was driven to suck and lick, deeper and more passionately than the last lick. Eventually they both felt themselves building up to climax when Sara gently pried her mates fingers loose and lifted her dripping slit off her muzzle. "But...I was so close to climaxing," Dalla panted, her chest wobbling slightly with each deep breath, her tongue licking round her muzzle to clear the juices as though she couldn't taste enough of the wolf.

"That is because I want to save it for the big finish Dalla," Sara panted out, bending over to kiss her gently on the muzzle, both of their tongues darting inside the others muzzle to taste each other. Withdrawing from each other, Sara licked each cum soaked finger clean, closing her eyes, feeling her pussy clench at the taste and feelings it evoked, "you taste wonderful my dear," she said in a voice filled with love, and a desire to protect her from the fate coming to her.

Reaching out to cup her muzzle, Dalla looked hurt when the black wolf pulled away, "We don't...have much time left," she whispered with reluctance as a light flashed on her console in the front, alerting her that the space corps were on their way to collect her and the pirate.

Nodding slowly in understanding, Dalla kept her paws still whilst her lover picked the device up, her paws trembling at the thought of being apart now after just finding peace with her.

Strapping it around her waist, she gently inserted it, finding the going hard as with each movement made her vaginal walls clamp down and her pussy lips twitch in pleasure. "Here...let me help my mate," Dalla purred out, her thick tail swaying as her paws clasped round the black furred paws of her love, helping her ease it in.

Once it was all the way in, Sara moaned gently at the feeling before tightening the breeding device. "How do I look with a dick?" She panted to Dalla, trying to stop the pleasure washing over her with each movement she made.

"It looks nice on you Dalla...but it isn't quite you," the masked female said in a solemn tone, staring at her with longing and worry.

Shifting close to the girl, Sara laced her paws with her own black furred paws, looking like gloves on her arms with the patterning. "This will work...and I promise this time, I will come and see you whenever I can," Sara said, her voice deep and sincere.

"Even if...the plan doesn't work? Would you take care of our child?" Dalla said, a teary edge to her voice at the prospect.

"No..." Dalla said, a hurt look creeping into the female's brown eyes before the wolf continued, "because you will be with me to help with our cub, I will do all in my power. That is a promise."

With that she lunged into a deep, passion filled kiss with her, both females wrapping their arms around as much of the other as possible as Sara slid the head of the fake cock in, feeling something activate inside the tool. Dalla's clenching pussy seemed to act as a reactor, the squeezing of the walls on the head making tin rods I the hilt probe and massage at the wolf's vaginal walls, stimulating her clitoris and every sense she had in her soft walls.

As she went deeper, more and more of Sara's juices pooled into the bulbous container that acted as the knot, inflating with her cum entering it, infusing the dormant sperm with her own genetic code to infuse the eggs with. In at three inches now, Sara began thrusting into Dalla. Not in lust or uncontrolled desire, but a smooth, steady rhythm that spoke of how she felt for her, feeling the raccoon respond, arching into the thrusts to work the phallus deeper.

Their arms wrapped around the back of their heads, muffling their passion filled gasps and moans and growls, their kiss becoming wetter and hotter as they locked muzzles, breathing raggedly through their noses, nostrils flaring wide for air as four, five inches sunk in easily into the now juicy passage. Then the knot pressed against Dalla's vulva; the knot the bulge that would tie them together until the wolf had her well and truly filled with the seed she had created. " hurts," Dalla cried in pain, her vulva bulging having never taken anything so big in her limited experience.

"Shh, it's okay, you can take it," Sara whispered, stroking the edges of her muzzle with loving strokes of her thumbs, holding the raccoon close to her tightly as she withdrew and thrust in again, feeling her lips loosen slightly, each time more of the knot being taken in. The pain faded to pleasure as the bulge pressed against the masked female's clitoris, stimulating her and encouraging her lips to flex before, with a loud pop, their crotches meshed wetly together.

"Ahhh! F-Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Dalla screamed, arching her body for her breasts to mash against the wolf's own, breasts, their nipples rubbing against each other. Her body shook violently as the biggest orgasam in her life crashed over her, the knot keeping her cum inside as the device seemed to recognise the final stage.

A tube seemed to extend deep into Sara' slowly vibrating her entire passage before with her own climaxing howl, the black wolf came as well, filling the bulbous container full with her female fluids for the sperm inside to absorb before the device shot spurt after powerful spurt into Dalla, each shot like it was pressurised, built up through their intense love making with the masked raccoon's body only happily milking the cock.

Minutes passed as both females orgasam were drawn out, Sara's by the device keeping her cumming until the bank of sperm had been depleted and Dalla's tunnel clenching and milking as a series of mini orgasams shook her body as she was filled again and again. Her paws clutching tightly at her body, her breasts, any part with ever nerve feeling overly sensitive as her womb filled with Sara, WITH Sara's seed."

The container that was the knot slowly deflated, mimicking a real knot as they held and caressed each others bodies, basking in the afterglow with tails wrapped around the others waist. Minutes passed with Dalla's head pillowed on Sara's small breast before the wolf sighed deeply, "Dalla...we have to clear up and get ready," she said in a sad voice, filled with reluctance and regret.

"Sara...why don't we both become space pirates?" Dalla said in a hopeful tone, "we can be outlaws together, and we will be free of laws and be together."

The black furred female squeezed her eyes tight, willing no more tears to come, longing for time to stand still for ever so they could stay like this for eternity. "Dalla...what kind of future would that be for us, or our cub?" She said, her voice dripping with remorse, her blue eyes longing for her mate to see reason, wishing there was another way.

Nodding slowly to her, the raccoon's tail went limp, falling away from the wolf's waist. "Its so unfair isn't life works out? Life the biggest pirate of all. It just takes and gives little back," she said in a flat tone before finding herself in Sara's arms again, the wolf holding her tight before the masked furred female shuddered and sobbed uncontrollably against her frame.


When the enforcers arrived, they had little time left and only just finished flushing the stale sex scent out and cleaned up in time for the shuttle to land. They had tried to keep things neutral between them but they couldn't help a final, longing look at each other before Dalla was escorted under cuffs and chains to the drop ship to be taken to the universal court for trial.

She had been sentenced for 20 years on grounds of mass theft, raids of cargo, robbery of civilian crafts and mass looting of credits. Sara had flatly declined to attend, knowing she would do all she could to shorten her sentence and arouse suspicion which would just complicate the situation worse than it was.

During Dalla's sentence, Sara made sure to stop by at least twice a week at the interstellar prison, usually only finding time after her patrols.

However, two months after she arrived only to find her holding cell empty. "Guard," Sara said in a tone of authority, "where is the prisoner?" she commanded of the male, a mean looking jackal of big build before he looked coldly at her.

"You might want to check the medical room," he grunted, a smirk telling her he knew something he was not letting on to.

Giving him a good glare back she nodded and managed to find her way to the medical room, only to find the two guards guarding the room barring her way. "Let me through, I am Space Enforcer Sara O Wolf and I demand to," 'click'. "What the hell do you think you are doing?! Release me!" the wolf snarled only to be met by the guard shaking his head.

"Under universal law and by the power of the judge, you Sara O Wolf are to be stripped of your rank as enforcer and kept in for questioning," the guard said in a cold manner.

"Under what grounds," Sara snarled back, baring her fangs.

"For conspiring with the criminal Dalla and being sire to her cub," he said with a look of horror on Sara's face. She had not expected them to be so fast with the scanning and all she could do was feel she had already failed her mate, a numb lump in her chest as she was escorted to a holding cell.


The next few days was spent with Sara being questioned over and over, the female telling them why she had become her mate and their history, and how she thought the former pirate Dalla deserved a second chance at life.

The jury seemed on the verge of locking them both up for the 20 year duration had her father not stepped up and rallied half his colleagues to leave should that happen. Sara's father was a veteran and had friends in high places as well as a huge amount of respect in the space force.

Eventually they managed to come to the agreement that both Sara and Dalla would be released into the care of the Wolf family, but Sara was suspended and to have her position reviewed. The end sentence for Dalla would depend on her behaviour and Sara's dad gave his word on to give an honest report.


The first month went by with Sara having not much to do at their home on one of the space colonies. Being suspended gave her ample time to spend with her mate and chart Dalla's pregnancy with pride, watching as the raccoon became bigger and bigger with their developing cub.

Pulling her head out of the toilet after being sick the third time that day, Sara patted the heavily pregnant raccoon on the back with a guilty look on her face, fresh back from work. Two months after her suspension the wolf had gone back to court under review and was permitted to work but only under the supervision of another member of the Space Corps. Dalla had been allowed to roam the dwelling after just a week, only with Sara's mum around to watch over her that is. But after some counselling and frequent talks with the older wolf, against her fathers judgement, they decided she could be trusted with more tasks and got along well with her.

"I'm sorry Dalla...this is my fault," Sara said guiltily whilst her girlfriend pulled her head out of the toilet.

Wiping her muzzle, she winced as she felt a kick inside her womb from their pup. "Don't be stupid Sara," she scolded her wolf mate, "in all my life I can't think of being happier than I have been this past few months living with you. Even your mum is accepting of me though your dad..."

"He'll come round Dalla," Sara said, trying to put as much confidence as possible in her voice.

" long as I am with you, I do not care what anyone else thinks of me," Dalla said softly, caressing at her pregnant bulge and looking lovingly at what would be their father. "And please, I love you for who you are, don't ever change that," the raccoon said softly with love filled eyes.

Nodding to her, Sara held her close, giving her mate an affectionate lick behind her ear; to be honest, the female wolf agreed. She was happy with everything the way it was now.

_ Epilogue: a year later... _

Two patrollers sped through the star strewn inky darkness of space, both having led a successful raid on a suspected pirate craft, charting it up to their fifth victory this week. "I can see why you chose this career, it is so thrilling, charging into the heat of a battle and taking the bad guys down," Dalla laughed on the com in her craft, flipping and rolling so she was flying above her mate in a playful dominant display.

A bark of laughter sounded from the other side as Sara rolled her craft so both craft were belly to belly. "Who's on top of who now huh?" She said playfully.

"Spoil sport," the wolf smiled at the playful retort from her mate before she gently bumped her craft into the wolf's, reciprocating the gesture.

"You two, be careful; that is expensive corp equipment you are treating like toys," Sara's father scolded them on the com, receiving just a burst of laughter from the pair accompanied with a growl of despair from her adoptive father.

"Sara dear, could you and your wife return home if you are done," the wolf's mother sounded on the com to her. "Your cub is being like her parents and getting a bit rowdy," her voice came, sounding strained from having to deal with an excitable cub the past ten months.

The artificial sperm had been 100% successful having produced a perfect hybrid of their species. A baby female cub that was wolf but had a black mask across its eyes and more rounded ears and a bushy, striped tail instead of the uniform wolf colour.

"Okay Mrs Wolf, looks like my mum needs rescuing this time," Sara said brightly on the com to her life mate.

"Okay Mr Wolf...I don't know if I will ever get used to that being your status in our marriage," Dalla said with a shake of her head. When they got married Sara was titled Mr of their relationship due to being the father of the wolf, despite she had decided to remain all female. But it was a title few paid much attention to other then when they thought it would annoy her, which to be honest she actually took some personal pride in.

"Don't worry about it dear, it is just a label that no one pays attention to," Sara said, "now what say we rescue my mum from our little terror?"

They flew side by side all the way, their eyes from time to time looking at each other through the cockpit window with affection for their mates. "Odd the way life works out sometimes," Sara thought to herself. But she could not deny, this was one of those unexpected ends that definitely worked out for the better.

_ The End. _