
Story by Slothdog on SoFurry

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#1 of Writing Exercises

In which a wolf meets a fox in a bar, and predictable things happen.

A writing exercise for character speech, because wow am I bad at that.

Hey, bud. You here by yourself?

...Woah, woah. Get your hackles down, bud. I'm just asking. How 'bout I buy you a drink? Make up for startling you.

Hey! Over here! A long island iced tea, please. For the fox.

...You don't mind if I sit here for a little bit, do you? Makes me feel all itchy sitting at a table by myself.

Great, great. Cheers, bud.


So. You got a name, fox?

Taylor, huh? Nice to meet you. I'm Kevin, by the way.

...Not the, uh, hand shaking type, huh? Something bothering you?

Just not too social? C'mon, bud. Give it a chance. Were you gonna sit by yourself all night?

Aw, you don't mean that. If you worked up the energy to get dressed and get out, you gotta be looking for something, right?

...C'mon, don't look at me like that. We can, uh, talk about the weather or something. Sports. Whatever you're into.

Just... stay. Please. For a little while.

Thanks. I really appreciate it, bud. Not everyone's always so friendly, you know? This guy I knew, back in Arizona, used to sit alone in the back of the same bar. Every day at five, he'd clock in, sit there with a book for hours until the staff kicked him out. Never understood that kind of person, yeah? I prefer someone a bit more... social.

Got a problem with that, fox?

Heh. Didn't think so. So you sticking around, bud?

Just until you're done with your drink? Fine, fine. How 'bout I get you another?

Hey! Another iced tea, please.

...Ah, what the hell. I'll have one too. Bottoms up, bud.

...Hey. You okay, buddy? You almost fell outta your seat there. We can head to a booth, if you want. Little more comfortable. C'mon, up you go. Just lean on my shoulder. I'll get the drinks, don't worry. Just let me take care of everything, Taylor.

Easy, easy. Take your time. Not much of a drinker, huh? Heh, you don't need to be embarrassed. Saves you money, at least.

So c'mon. Almost there, almost there, and three, two, one... there we go. Comfy? Good, good.



So, uh, what've you been doing all day that's got you so dizzy?

Product quality control? Huh. You, uh, get a lot of gi- guys with that job?

Hey, hey, I'm just kidding. Mostly. I'm sure your job's great. Pays well, right?

...me? I do a bit of this, a bit of that. I've been around. You could say I'm freelance. Freelance what, I guess I never settled on. Did office work for a while. Somewhere along the commute one day I realized the next time I stepped inside the office I was bringing a shotgun with me, so I skipped out.

Hell, just waking up at seven in the morning's a nightmare for me. They did studies. We got different biological clocks, or something. Most of us like to wake up mid-morning.

You don't, huh? Well, I don't care that you like to get out of bed at seven. You're just a, a what do they call it, an outlier. Man was meant to be free, and all that.

You like stability? You mean monotony, don't you?

C'mon. You don't really believe that, do you? Like any of 'em give a shit about you. They just want you to fall in line. Make their lives easier. Better learn to look out for yourself, fox. No one else is going to.

Just being realistic, bud. What, you wanna take orders the rest of your life, step in line like a good little boy?

...Well look at that. You're as red as a tomato right now, you know? Gonna blame that one on the drinks?

Don't look so embarrassed, fox. I'm not saying it's a bad thing. It's not something I'd ever do, but if you don't mind being told what to do, power to you. Or away from you, I guess.

It's not like that, huh? Sure, sure. Whatever you say, Taylor.



...What's up, Taylor?

Headache? I'm sure it's nothing. Might want some water, maybe. I'll be right back. Don't move, okay?

And don't go talking to strangers, now. Wouldn't anyone to take advantage of an obedient little fox like you.

I'm just kidding, Taylor. Don't glare at me like that.

Anywhere, here we g- whoops.

Your shirt's wet. Sorry about that.

It's a little muggy in here anyway, though. Honestly, I'm not sure why you even need a shirt.

I can see you grinning. Yeah, not the most subtle move, right? No one ever accused me of being smooth.

But y'know, I don't hear you objecting.

...You're a bad liar, y'know? C'mon. Why don't you hurry up and take it off?

Yep... just like that. Gimme a show, fox. Nice and-

Heh. If that's the way you want to play it. We can just talk some more. What else you wanna hear about? Or'd you rather be the one yappin'?

Aw, don't be like that, Taylor. Stay a little longer. C'mon, you'll feel better in no time. Just lean in here... right against me, that's right Taylor, just lie down here.

...Heh. Anyone ever tell you how cute you are?

Yeah, really, Taylor. You don't get that a lot, huh?

Hard for me to believe, honestly. Little fox slut like you, sitting all alone every night? God, you just smell so good...

...Oh, Taylor. Like you even could. Stay put, fox. I bet your balance is a little off right now. Getting up would be a bad idea.

Told you. Let me help you up.

There we go, back in your seat. And now...

Hey, hey. C'mon. Don't move. That feels nice, doesn't it? Just relax. It's a massage.

Mmm. You've got soft shoulders, Taylor. Might need to hit the gym a little more.

...Not that I'm complaining. Soft is good. Just relax.

That's the look I want to see. Head back, eyes closed, tongue hanging out the corner of your mouth. All canines have that spot, behind the ears. Makes you feel like you're melting, doesn't it?

And right next to it, behind the head. You like how that feels, Taylor? Doesn't it just make you feel warm all over? Soft. Like you just want to melt in my arms.

Of course, I can also give a little twist here, and...

Woah, boy. Calm down. Just a little show and tell. Anatomy's fun, isn't it? Heh. You know what they used to call it on ferals? The control zone.

You got tense all of a sudden, Taylor. It's just a name. Let me get my paw back there again...

There we go. Relax, Taylor. You don't have to think about a thing. Just let me take over.

Close your eyes... shh, shh.

I'm here, Taylor. Just relax. Take a nap. I won't anyone bother you. And I'll be waiting when you wake up.


Hey. Nice to see you conscious again. Want a cigarette?

No? I don't blame you. Smoking was cool back when I started; sort of lost its charm, hasn't it? Cancer's all we think about now. Funny how everyone forgets how much it soothes your nerves, and-

Shh, shh, It's okay. Just lie back down, okay? Gently, gently... there's a good boy.

You probably have one hell of a headache, huh? Want me to get you some more water? Nod, that's it. I'll just be a minute.

...Here, drink up. Ice water. Don't frown. Drink. It'll help.

A little better? Good.

How's your memory? Remember where you are? Just nod your head. Okay. Now hold still, don't blink... I gotta check something.

C'mon. Stop moving around, Taylor. I need to take a look at your pupils. You could have... alcohol poisoning or something. Just hold still... hold still... and done. That wasn't so bad, was it?

Hey. Shush. You got mouthy all of a sudden, huh? Reminds me of someone I picked up a few years ago. Little hitchhiker on the side of the road. Skinny little fucker. God, he never shut up. Chattering about his parents or some other teenage bullshit.

Hey, calm down. Not saying you're like that. You just make me think of him, that's all. Something about the way you look. Slutty little twink of a fox, like him.

That's exactly how you look, Taylor. Like a slutty little whore. You just can't wait until I get you out of those clothes, huh?

Heh. Not hearing a "no," fox.

Well, it's probably going to be a couple hours 'till you're sober enough for that.

But you want this, fox. Look me in the eye and tell me you don't.


That's what I thought. Now just close your eyes for a second, and...

Don't look so surprised, Taylor. How are we going to have any fun if I keep my pants on? No one else is going to mind.

That's right. Go ahead and stare. You can touch it if you want.

Good boy. How does it feel, fox? Ever had a cock that big in your hand?

Really? How old are you, Taylor?

Hah. Nothing wrong with being a late-bloomer. It's kind of cute.

You're blushing, by the way. I told you how sweet that makes you look, didn't I?

Aw, and now you're blushing even more. Better get down to business before you have an aneurysm.

Get under the table, Taylor. On your knees.

...Now, fox.


...Good. Very good, Taylor. Just go ahead and give me a blowjob right here. Good boy.

Yeah. Not bad, bitch. Keep at it. Shh.

What's the matter, bitch? Heh. See some eyes on you? Don't worry, bitch. You're not the first person who's ever given a blowjob under the table. Don't make a scene, and we'll be fine. Do make a scene, and your face'll probably be plastered all over the wall here. Mmm. How does that sound, Taylor? Letting everyone know you're a cocksucker?

I can see you getting hard, Taylor. Choking on wolf dick. What a little slut.

...That's it. Work that tongue. Bet you've never tasted anything like that before. You like it, fox? You look like you do. This is exactly what you want, isn't it, Taylor? For someone to take charge. Make you do what you never had the courage to.

God, that's good. You're a natural. Should have started sucking cock earlier, Taylor. You would've been real popular back in high school.

Ha. Trying to talk? Sound more like whimpers to me. You telling me you don't like sucking off a stranger's cock under the table? 'Cause you sure look like you're enjoying yourself to me.

And, oh, the way you squirm when I say that... Want me to say it louder? Maybe we can get the whole bar over to watch. I bet some of them would even want to join in, and pound that little muzzle of yours until you won't taste anything except cock for the next week.

How does that sound?

Good, huh? Yeah, I can feel your cock growing under my foot. Don't move too much, by the way. Bet you can feel the pressure already. You start wriggling around down there, and I might have to take a... step.

Yeah. You get the picture. So open your mouth, fox. Don't think about anything else. Look at it, thick and red and pulsing in your jaw. Smell the musk rising from it. Stronger than yours, isn't it? Strong enough to wipe out all those little distractions you think you need. You just want to obey, fox, don't you?

Mmm. That's right, Taylor. Take that cock in your muzzle and hold it there. Like that. Good fox.

We're going to stay like this for a little while, Taylor. Maybe an hour or so. I'm going to order another drink, while I'm at it. And I'm going to keep playing with your little cock under my foot, and you're going to keep sucking my dick while I do it, and you aren't going to stop, no matter what happens. Got it, Taylor?

Good boy.


Hey! Over here. I'll have a Russian Stout.

Him? He doesn't need anything.

Aw, don't mind those noises he's making. Just his way of telling us he's enjoying himself. Keep whimpering if you want, bitch. Just don't stop sucking.

Yeah, he's pretty cute, isn't he? Didn't think he'd be this much of a slut when I saw him, though.

Well, I guess he's a fox, after all.

Hah. You can give me a call later. I don't mind sharing. I don't think he does, either.

...I didn't tell you to stop sucking, bitch. I didn't say you could look away, either. Eyes on me, slut. Unless you want to give him a blowjob when you're done with me.

Maybe I should make that a rule, huh? Every person you look at gets a blowjob from you today. Bet that'll get you more interested in what you're doing.

Keep on working, bitch. Get comfy. We're gonna be here a while.


Feels like you sprung a leak in your shorts, fox. We better get them off.

You heard me. Strip. And don't take your mouth off my cock.

I'm not fucking around, fox. Do it now, or else. Your balls are a lot tougher than you think. You'd be surprised at how much they can hurt before anything gets damaged.

Not that it'd matter too much if they were damaged, of course. A bitch like you doesn't really need them, does he?

...And you're still hard, aren't you? Did you like hearing that? Worried that I'd do it? Hah, don't worry, fox. I'm just teasing.

Probably. Maybe I'll decide you really don't need them after all. You might be happier without them. Did you ever think of that?

No? Well, think about it now.

...You're still hard, you know. And I notice your pants are still on.

Heh. Good fox. Get those boxers off, too.

There we go. Naked, just like a bitch should be.

You've got a couple more admirers, by the way. Might be time to speed things up.

...Fuck. Fuck. That's good. You've got a tight muzzle, fox. Ever taken a cock down your throat before?

Oh, I forgot. Of course not.

Well, you're going to learn. You'll want to relax, Taylor. Don't try to fight it, or you'll end up vomiting, and that won't make me very happy, fox. You want to see me happy, don't you, Taylor? Just listen to you. Those squeaks you're making, just for me. You've needed something like this for a long time. Just think about that while you try not to pass out.

...Very nice, Taylor. You really are a natural. Now when I come, don't swallow. You're going to hold it in your mouth as you follow me to my car, understand?


...Ahhh. Good fox.

Hm. Let me take a look here...

Looks like I don't have a lot of time left. Up on your feet, fox, don't worry about trying to stand. I'll help you.

No, leave them. The bar'll clean them up.

Yeah, your wallet too. And keys. I'll take you where you need to go. You can pick them up later.

Heh. You've got quite a hard-on, bitch. Nice cock, too. No one's ever going to use it, of course, but it looks pretty. Like a hood ornament. I might find a use for that sheath later, though.

C'mon. That's it, one step at a time.

Don't swallow yet, bitch. Hold it all.

That's right.

Yeah, I see them, fox. All those stares. The little smirks. We were loud, weren't we, Taylor? Maybe if you'd been a little more enthusiastic, we would've finished a bit more quickly.

But who am I kidding? You couldn't get enough of it, could you? Your dick was sticking out the whole time, fox. And oh, I could smell it. Bet you almost shot in your pants just from sucking a guy off.

You were all listening, weren't you? While this little bitch blew me under the table, naked. He's still got my load in his filthy little muzzle, too. Open up, bitch. Show everyone what you worked for tonight.

I said open it, slut. Fucking open, or I'll pull your goddamn nuts off.

Good. Now turn around. Make sure everyone gets a nice view of your tight little ass and cute little cock. Make sure everyone can see how turned on you are by this. You get off to this kind of thing, don't you? Being a slut for everyone?

How many people here want to see me fuck him again?

...My, my. You're quite the popular little bitch, aren't you, Taylor?

Mmm... our table's still empty, fox. Oh, and we'd have such an audience...

Still, we don't have time, otherwise I'd throw you over one of these tables and fuck you until your ass goes numb. Maybe I'd let everyone else take a turn, too. You wouldn't be able to walk for a month.

...Oh? That's a good idea, thanks.

You heard him, slut. Get on your knees. You're going to crawl out of here. You're having trouble standing anyway, so you might as well.

Yes, the floor is sticky. Too bad, fox. Be glad I don't make you lick it clean.

By the way, you can swallow now. Everyone here's already seen how much of a bitch you are, and you're starting to drool.

Now, heel. To the car.

...Heh. Boys, boys. Don't trip up the bitch, he's got a ways to go tonight, and I'd rather he not pass out on the floor. I'm sure he'll be back eventually, and you can all take your chances then.

...Oh, Taylor. Don't lie. You love this. Even if I weren't going to make you, you'd come crawling back here. You need this, Taylor. You just didn't know it.

But you won't ever forget it now, will you?

Good boy. Now hurry. You're head's spinning, I know, I know. We're almost there. My car is just outside.

...Aaaand there. We're here. Just in time, too. Three, two, one... lights out, Taylor.

When you wake up, you'll feel a little strange. And things I put you through might be a little uncomfortable. Painful, even.

But I'm sure you'll enjoy it, Taylor. Sleep. I'll be here when you wake up, I promise. I won't ever leave you, when you're mine.

And I'll make sure you never leave me.