Satisfactory rescue

Story by Oudeis on SoFurry

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In a comment I promised coyotek a birthday present. I am following his works since several years now, and despite being late, I think he deserves that. Also, I stick to my promises. I hope you like it, Coyotek! And you others, too. ;)

(I think it's obvious: Coyotka, Ksi and Geno © coyotek ;3)

A little disclaimer of a different kind: If you find yourself or another person in a situation as described below, do not massage them, however, getting rid of wet and cold clothes, the administration of warm (not hot!) sweetened tea and a warm environment is adviced as a treatment of hypothermia. Even then, you should call an emergency service immediately.

For further information, please take a look here:

"This was a stupid, stupid idea" Coyotka thought to herself angrily, probably for the millionth time. She should have really listened to Ksi, but nooooo, her damn curiosity brought her into trouble again. She sighed and pulled the hood of her anorak deeper into her face. _"Stupid, stupid, stupid. I know why I prefer the jungle. Shit."_Once again she cursed herself as she continued through the storm. Earlier the year she had heard rumors of strange pyramids in the arctic, strangely in line with similar once in middle and south america, on the crossing of the arctic cycle. The hasty put together expedition hadn't been prepared as good as she thought, and now she was stomping through a snow storm, her backpack lost, her snowmobile broken down and the little lamp on her anorak barely showing anything but a white wall of snow with a pitch black night behind it. She sighed breaking off some ice from the frozen fur around her lips and chin. She whimpered a bit as she thought back to the igloo with Ksi in it. Coyotka had to admit Ksi had been right, they should have turned around days ago, but her curiosity, frustration and stubbornness had lead to an argument, ending with Coyotka driving of further north. Given, the weather had been nice and bright back then, but in the arctic, this didn't count for much.

Coyotka mechanically put one step after the other, marching through night and storm in the last hope of finding a shelter. She shivered, as the cold creeped up to her body from her boots, her clothes heavy and wet from her sweat and the ice raining on them from the outside. She could feel her energy fading more and more, her mind becoming more and more tired and not even the anger keeping her awake, long been replaced by regret and despair. Her light had no batteries anymore and so it was almost completely dark around her. That and the tunnel vision the cold an tiredness had forced on her eyes had her at first not notice the faint light in front and left of her. It took her frozen and exhausted brain several minutes until she realized it and even longer until she changed her stumbling path into its direction. It seemed like an eternity until she reached it, a little glimmer of hope having her going on. The flickering shine brought her up a hill and between some icy rocks into a small cave, which she noticed to be closed with the flaps of some kind of cloth. Weakly she pushed against it, stumbled and fell into the shelter.

She landed softly on a rough, brown blanket. A wave of warmth washed over her face and a strange, pleasant smell entered her nose, a mixture of herbs, leather, burning wood and earth. She stretched out an arm to crawl deeper into cover, her legs and behind still outside. Coyotka noticed that a strange humming and faint melody she had heard, but not been really aware of until now stopped abruptly and as she looked up half asleep, she saw a white wolf jump up and move towards her, as good as he could in that confined space. He was wearing a brown kind of tunic, made obviously from fur as well as fitting trousers. He scuttled over and pulled her into the tent like structure. The wolf sat himself aside the small fire that was burning in the middle of the tent, rested her head on his lap and took a pot from the stove that was on top of the fire. He said something to Coyotka, but she couldn't understand it. _"It reminds me of the Kodiak of the Nanook tribe from lower Alaska, a language that builds it entire sentences by putting words into other words, unlike the language of the..."_her mind was rambling away in her head. The wolf sounded friendly and put the pot to her lips, holding her head up lightly. Coyotka opened her mouth and immediately tasted the herbal tea that was poured into her body, flooding it with heat, the warm, almost oily substance making her head swim. She closed her eyes and felt how she became more awake, but also how it clouded her senses. The wolf, still softly talking to her, put her head down again and after a moment, started to open her clothes. Despite her dazed mind, she tried to to push him away. "No, please..." she said softly, but the wolf seemed adamant. He took one of her cloves and held it in front of her face, saying a single word and squeezed it. Coyotka could see how drops of water landed on the floor. She didn't quite understand him, but was to weak to struggle as he slowly unclothed her. "Please don't..." she sobbed, a last time she trying to resist as he rolled her to on her belly and unclasped her bra and with soft, delicate movements pulled down her panties.

The coyote, bare clothing and exposed to a random, albeit friendly, stranger in the middle of nowhere started to shiver and shake, feeling the cold of her body more present than ever. Even worse so as the wolf took the pot again and poured some of the thick tea on her back. It ran down over all of her body, even between her legs, and she arched up from the ground feeling the heat of the liquid. She groaned and almost screamed in agony as he started to rub it along her back and legs, her feet and arms. Each touch sent waves of pain through her body, or so she thought until she noticed that it wasn't pain from his touch, but the feeling of warmth that came back to her limbs. This made her groan again, but in a strange feeling of pleasure, the tea making her skin tickle and her muscles shiver in relaxation after a moment. She felt very awake now and could hear the wolf hum and chant again while he kneaded her body back to life. She sighed aloud and looked around. The inside of the tent was painted in various, strange symbols and patterns. Coyotka thought she recognized some ancient symbols for fire and ice (_"Typically"_she thought), but the rest was elusive to her. The floor was covered in rough, brown blankets and where the wolf had sat in the beginning laid furs with a leather backpack aside of them.

She was so busy examining her surroundings that she yelped in shock as she felt the hand of the wolf move between her legs, not soft at all anymore. He roughly yanked her tail up and spread her legs, sitting aside her cross-legged. He was still chanting, but louder now. Coyotka pushed herself up with her hands, but was roughly put down again with a hand between her shoulders. She noticed that she either had dozed of or was to much distracted, but her arms and hands (and, so she figured, the rest of her body, too) were painted full of symbols and patterns similar to those at the walls, drawn into her fur with the tea. "What are you doingggghrgh!" she shouted as the wolf pushed a finger into her butthole, surprisingly smooth and well lubed. As if that wasn't enough, she could feel her pussy getting spread by one of his other fingers, two around her labia and his pinky on her clit. "Let go of me, you pervert!" she shouted again, still pinned to the floor by a surprisingly strong hand. She squirmed until suddenly, she felt his hand and fingers move in a curious, almost unnatural way - she felt like something shifted in her backbone and suddenly her whole lower body, down from above her tail, was on fire. Not literal fire of course, but it felt like all of her nerve endings fired at the same time. Coyotka couldn't help but moan and shiver as wave after wave of pleasure run up her spine and into her head. She felt herself become wet immediately and her hips buck forward, making her already stiff nipples rub against the rough blanket on the floor. "what did you doo..." she howled and threw her head back as an orgasm ripped through her body, a new wave of heat rushing through her, this time from deep within her.

The wolf let go of her, still smiling and humming, watching over her so she didn't roll into the fire. Coyotka turned around and arched her hips from the floor, her hands grabbing and groping her breasts immediately, rolling and tugging her nipples with her fingers. She panted loudly, her pussy and ass feeling as if they were stuffed to the brim and at the same time fucked deep and hard with the most delicious cocks, her clit and pussy lips as if they were licked, sucked and nippled on simultaneously. Her legs and feet rubbed and touched, massaged and worshipped. Her mind drifted away in a haze of pleasure, to all the times she spent with Ksi, Geno and the rest of her friends, all the great pleasurable moments she had with random encounters in the strangest of situations. Again, she moaned out loud and looked at the wolf angrily. He had produced a flute and a drum and was playing a haunting, hoarse melody and a deep, impelling rhythm, interrupted by passages of his singing, almost as to accentuate her pleasurable agony with music. Her hips bucked higher, her moans became deeper and longer and her pants faster, just as the strange haunting music became faster and faster, both her writhing and groaning and the flute and drum coming to a shrieking climax together.

Coyotka collapsed onto the floor, still assaulted by imaginary cocks, lips and hands. She squirmed and wriggled and whined weakly, again having waves of heat rushing over her body, driving the last remains of coldness out of her. Completely tired and exhausted she tried to crawl away, finding rest from her own body. However, she felt how she was grabbed by a cool hand and pulled up. The wolf moved her in front of him, facing the fire and her back pressed against his chest. He spread her legs, one on each side of the fire, one arm pressed over her belly and keeping her in place. "Nooo, pleeeaaaseeee, don't touch me." She whined and wriggled in his grasp, but to no avail. Her body, sensitive from two heavy orgasms, was to weak to had any fight left in her, and so she couldn't do much more than pant and moan as his hand moved between her legs again. Overstimulated as she was, she howled out as he pushed four fingers into her pussy, thumb on her clit, and started to fingerfuck her rough and fast. It didn't take much of this added real penetration to the pleasure of the imagined one to drive her over the edge again. Another mind shattering orgasm rushed over her, making her legs twitch and her pussy squirt strongly. Just before she drifted into a deep, restful unconsciousness-like sleep, she could hear her juices land into the fire and a deep, pleased rumble from the wolf behind her.

She was woken up by the fast flapping sound and mechanical growl of a helicopter. Prying her sleepy eyes open, she found herself in the cave, completely clothed in her dry and warm anorak. In front of her was the vast plain she had crossed the last day. It sparkled in the reflection of sunlight in millions of freshly frozen over snow crystals. Most dominant however was the huge orange smoke column of an emergency flare that burned a few meters away from where the rocks touched the ground. Except that, the snow was completely untouched.