My Personal Star Part 5

Story by Solerodis on SoFurry

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#6 of My Personal Star

Sorry for missing an upload last week. Things got hectic here. Once again, language and violence alert. Don't read if not your thing, etc etc.

Valin woke up and slipped into a pair of shorts, stretching and scratching his belly. He saw the empty mess of a bed that belonged to Caleb and shook his head, walking out into the kitchen and pulling a jug of OJ out of the fridge and taking a swig. Knocking on the door was followed by a voice calling his name in a singsong voice. His eyes widened in delight and he hurried to the door, swinging it open to let in two dragons, his parents.

Kriv picked up Valin in a tight hug, fully lifting him off the ground. Once he hit the ground, Courin swept in and hugged him as well. "Finally getting bigger, pup. Glad to see it. Keeping in shape, mostly keeping this place clean...and dating cute guys. Glad to hear that you finally have someone that makes you happy. Especially after that incident with that...dingo...what was his name?" Kriv was looking around the place as he talked, grinning.

"Dad, please. We don't need to be bringing up the past. I have Martin now. And I don't think he needs to know the details of every single ex, disastrous or not. So just...don't say anything." Valin laughed as he extricated himself from Courin, "And if you say anything, I'll sic your shadow on you." The wolf jostled the black dragon to highlight his point. "And before you ask, you'll get to meet him soon enough."

"Oh, sweetie, we know. And you know we love you but...well, this is the first guy that we've gotten to meet. We need to indulge in a few...parental prerogatives such as embarrassing you, gushing about childhood stories, and interrogating the new guy. And you know that I can interrogate." Courin smiled and shoved Valin towards his room, laughing as the wolf stumbled. "Go get dressed. Something nice for once. Your boyfriend's meeting your parents. It's a big deal."

Valin quickly got dressed in nice-looking casual clothes, earning a look of slight disapproval and a shaken head from Courin, but an approving nod and grin from Kriv. As they left and started walking down the sidewalk, the two dragons joined hands and walked behind Valin, the three smiling and laughing. Caleb walked past, greeting Valin and shaking his parents' hands, but hurried off looking excited for something.

Halfway across campus, Valin suddenly stumbled as an orange blur slammed into him, settling into the form of Martin hugging Valin tight. Courin had taken a step forward in alarm, but Kriv held him back, chuckling. "Looks like we've got a tackler. Just like you used to do, my dear." Kriv rubbed Courin's head and got a playful punch to the stomach for it. "I'm guessing you're Martin, then. Great pleasure. We've heard so much about you." He held out his hand, waiting for the otter to escape Valin's grip with a fierce blush. "I'm Kriv, and this is my lovely husband Courin. He's going to be...suiting you up today."

Courin got a playful grin as he shook Martin's hand. "And the ideas I have for you two. Mmmm, such a delightful color scheme. I even have notes." The dragon reached into his tote bag and pulled out a decent sized binder. "Here's part one, just to get us started. This could take a while..." At Valin and Martin's shocked looks, Courin doubled up laughing. "Oh, that was worth it. No, this is just a scrapbook of fabrics. The real notes are on a few, 8x10 pages. Come on. Let's get going."

The group set out, walking through the city towards a formal dress shop full of dresses and tuxes. They were passing in front of a bar, chatting happily, when Martin's father stumbled out, glaring at the group while aiming for Martin. "I thought I said I didn't want you hanging around that fucking faggot. And...what the fuck are you looking at?" The jackal turned to find Courin shoving his bag into Kriv's arms and guiding Valin and Martin out of the way. "For fuck's sake, another flaming homo. How many of these fucking..."

The jackal reeled back as Courin slammed his fist into the large man's jaw. Before he could react, the black dragon had followed him forward and started slamming his fists into the jackal's stomach rapidfire, not letting up for a second. When the jackal finally managed to steady himself, Courin stepped back and dropped low. "Flaming homo, I may be, but I can kick your ass from here to next Tuesday without breaking a sweat." The jackal growled and charged forward, swinging wildly only to have Courin catch his arm and twist it, knocking him to the ground.

"Now, you're going to apologize to my son for your language. You're going to apologize to your son for your atrocious behavior. You're going to apologize to me for making me break a nail while teaching you a lesson. And, just for the hell of it, you're going to apologize to my husband for making me make him hold my bag." The jackal growled at Courin, trying to stand up and swing at him, but stopping and crying out in pain as the dragon put a foot on his back and pulled the arm to a painful angle.

"Fuck off. If you think I'm going to apologize to a bunch of faggots, then you're more fucked up than you look. Fuck all of you. I won't apologize to the pussy of a wolf, the flaming slut that you are, or the disgrace of a man holding your bag. And I don't have a son to apologize to. Not anymore." The jackal spit at Martin, who had retreated into Valin's embrace and both had backed up to get close to Kriv.

"So be it. You certainly asked for this, and it's been a long time coming." Courin kept pulling on the jackal's arm, applying more and more pressure until, with a loud snap, it bent completely backwards. The jackal screamed in agony, getting louder as Courin kept pushing it into his back until the pain made the man pass out. Brushing his hands off and pushing his hair back, Courin blushed slightly and walked back to the group, looking particularly at Martin. "I'm sorry you had to see that...and hear it. A man like him doesn't deserve a boy like you in his family." The dragon placed his hands on either side of Martin's face, smiling slightly. "You're always welcome to stay with us. Holidays, weekends, summer break. There's always a spot for you in our house."

Martin started to tear up before hugging Courin tight, pulling Valin into the hug with him. "I've hated him since he walked through the door into my life. He caused nightmares when I was asleep and a living hell when I was awake. It was like I was a constant reminder of his own he had to take them out on me..." Kriv joined the hug, leaning over the two boys to plant a kiss on Courin's lips.

"I know, dear, I know. Far more than you'd think..." Courin finally let go of the group and took his place back at Kriv's side, reclaiming his bag. "But now you know why your father works so hard to keep me happy, pup. Because a mad daddy is not a pretty daddy." He laughed, but a glint of worry lingered in his eyes, mirrored by Martin's as the group started walking again.

Martin turned to look back at Courin while squeezing Valin's hand. "You said that you knew...and you were pretty quick to hit him once he started getting worked up. What was up with that?" Courin blinked in surprise, and Martin blushed. "Sorry if that's too personal. I didn't mean..."

"Don't be sorry, darling. You're one of us now. You can ask anything. But the answers might not be what you want to hear...or expect." Courin took a deep breath and looked to Kriv, who nodded and squeezed his hand. "That, for lack of a better word, man back there used to be my boyfriend, though we never made it official. I was sure of myself, he was exploring new worlds. He liked it, I could tell. But...his father was a different story. And I guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree, or maybe it went rolling on back. One day, he stopped looking at me with friendship. Instead, it was disgust and revulsion. He started calling me an abomination, a freak, no good scum of the earth. violent." Courin instinctively placed a hand over his side, and Kriv covered it with his own as he pulled the black dragon into a hug. "I still have the scars...and not all of them show. But he made me realize that not everyone can be true to themselves so easily. It also made me start learning to defend myself in case it happened again. And it did, a couple times, but nowhere near as bad." Courin had paused in the middle of walking and was staring off into the horizon before shaking his head. "Well, enough of the past. Let's go get you boys some suits. This is a happy day."