Getting closer with your dragon part 3

Story by Tarrik on SoFurry

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And finally, Reya and Alric are consuming the first fruits of their love; power to them!

Also, of note: i've imagined the anatomy o f a dragoness to be quite different from that of a human woman; i think that makes for more fun and exploration, but if you're put off easily by variation in reproductive organs (but then it's unlikely you're reading this), timely escape is the wisest course of action. Still, i think it's a mild enough variation, plus, it's good to make things a little different.

"I cannot suppress, even with all the love in the world...this feeling, this pure lust for you. So this leaves us at a point where...friendship will no longer suffice. I need to quench this feeling, and I can only quench it in your depths, like a sword being forged can only be cooled in crystal clear water"

" do with words...things drakes need their fully erect dignity to achieve" she admitted in the heat of them moment. Human flirtations had always sounded verbose to her, but now thy somehow did their proper magic on her body.

with such a silver tongue, she wondered how females of his kind weren't chasing him around Oh yes, she remembered; Reya had made a habit of carefully, stealthily scaring them away. She suppressed the draconic equivalent of a chuckle. She then realized he may have never fallen for anyone the way he was now falling for her; would human infatuation produce negative effects on their relationship? So long as he let her command him in and obeyed, she could handle anything his mammalian brain would throw at her. All the while she though, he continued with the poetic exposition of his newfound craving.

"I will lust you. Reya. I will lust for you so often, the innocence in our games, the innocence of our walks...the purity will be gone" continued Alric

"What a silly thing to fear" crooned the dragoness "Purity will return in the moments after cravings are satisfied, and it will be all the more genuine, with instinct clear out of the way" he had gotten her head dizzy with words alone; maybe he would be sufficient for a mate all by himself; she had assumed she would need a drake or two just for the filling feeling they provided as an aside.

"I will do everything in my power to have you...and it's your fault. Because you are perfect, irresistible, desirable to the point where I do not stand a chance...Can you forgive me?"

"Yees" crooned the dragoness softly, entertained at how quickly humans wandered beyond lust and into what resembled the behaviors of addiction. Maybe even a little madness. She could handle a little madness.

"I will court you day and night, I will serenade you, I'll orchestrate immortal music for your delight, I'll quest for the hidden treasures of the world, I will name mountains after you, I will fight my own flesh and blood if I have to...I will not stop, until we lay together. Again and again. I have made up my mind and nothing can change it"

The dragoness stared at him, pupils curious and dilated, eyes shining; she would have to stay away from her own kind for the next week, as these words, so powerful, so truthful, had touched her deeply and could make her likely to conceive. Romance was a dangerous stimulant for her in that respect. But perhaps he could quell these desires of hers that he had lit so recklessly, like a forest fire.

"Tell me" he insisted "How much of you can I have? How much is too much? What is a relationship when it is viewed through the eyes of a dragon?"

"It is simple" she said, breathing heavily "The very opposite of the dramatic human passions that burn within you; and so brightly, they have captured my feelings in their web of craving that will be hard to sate" He gasped at these words, an inaudible, primal sound. That his passion had stirred hers, knocked her out of her clam, relaxed mood, was more energizing that all forbidden fruit would be if you made a salad out of them.

"Then I shall rock your world like a forest fire that you cannot stop"

Looking at the passion in his eyes, he no longer looked like a youngster; there was something old and powerful in his gaze, like an ancient power that may have best been left asleep. Maybe she had overdone showing her beauty to his receptive heart in the past month; he was now infatuated beyond what time could dispel. Spellbound without magic. Well, the better for me, Reya though. These were enticing things to awaken in him; powerful, dominant, masculine. Whatever power she awoke in him, she was confident he could control it. Though, for the first time now, there was danger in his eyes, a predatory look, something primal that people around her had never shown. He had always concealed this part of his being from her, probably realizing subconsciously that it could only end in one of two ways: rejection.... or intimacy. And he had not been ready then. It much more suited a dragon to behave thusly; and all the better, she decided. He had to display some draconic qualities to be a good mating partner.

"Alric...I see you in a new light; now you finally shine with attractiveness unbound....But I must say "no"." He sunk at these words, as if a fleet of ships he had just bought had sunk.. "

" "No" to all the composing me stuff and whatnot, that is. You will limit yourself to more suiting behaviors for draconic suitors, like hunting for me and bringing me treasures. Your abysmal singing skills shall not be unleashed upon an my unsuspecting land."

He let out a deep, exasperated sigh of relief, laughed at her humor that had come just in time, reminded himself this was still Reya, his best friend, his most understanding, intelligent, valiant, virtuous and funny confidant. She was his invariable partner in mischief, and all of his best memories were because of her. She had not become somebody else just because he had discovered his deeper feelings for her. But those feelings had been bottled, and had erupted with unexpected pressure upon them both. She massaged his back gently with her hard forepaws, sweat suddenly covering his skin like the musk on a wild animal.

"I'm sorry I got carried away" he mumbled, embarrassed.

"Forgiven" she comforted him, lenient in her very body language.

He needed a second to recover, and she let him have this time. She looked at his exhausted face that looked as if he had experienced a catharsis and slightly regretted not making this more gentle for him. But then, there was no gentler way to alert someone to the feelings they already had. She decided she would help him diffuse this tension, she would let him have her in every way he wanted, and give him much more than she had given her draconic suitors. She was in no danger from him even considering dominating her; so she was not really giving up her freedom like she would have to just to allow a male dragon to do with her fully as he pleased. Alric would submit to her the whole time, so she could give herself fully with no risk. He would do to her things no dragon would allow another.

She silently smiled; this had turned out differently than she had expected. She had anticipated some resistance at least. But she had won this seduction game so thoroughly, a new word would have to be coined for this kind of victory, she decided. She would have to make sure he did not start serenading her, though; there was the real danger; Alric was practically tone-deaf and would scare the birds away from her domain if he ever so lost his inhibitions as to sing. Plus, compliments should not be sung, they had to be whispered, Reya believed. His quiet, hopeless admiration of her was all the ballads she needed. Alric's infatuation was the greatest of compliments, thus he would be allowed to express his admiration in some ways, she decided - not in the hopeless, romantic human ways, but perhaps in other forms, which she would decide on later.

"I am so overwhelmed" admitted Alric "Now that I know this feeling and it is on the surface, it is overwhelming"

"I allow it, my little treasure. I allow you to feel even... desperate for me. Remember...after each desperate desire comes a great pleasure. Trust me...the pleasure will be great. You will look back and think how silly it was to worry. Had you asked even as far as a month ago, I would have given you pleasure just like that; it is such a small thing"

"Just a month ago I would not have realized...that I want, and need, more than pleasure. I need to make you happy, first and foremost"

"You've always made me happy. noted Reya "So put that mammalian instinct aside"

" wasn't like... the smooth love poems I've studied"

"Those were written by people who never would have had the privilege to mate with a dragon. Especially not one as magnificent as me" stated Reya dismissively "Your desperation, and your passion, the worry even, it was very touching, unexpectedly powerful. And it was very sweet that your care for me was weighing you down; It is in no small part for this reason that I chose give myself to you, even though you are human. I chose it because your care far exceeds that of even the most desirable drakes"

"Thank you" Alric felt overwhelmed, and fought to hide his tears "This really is....This is the best moment . I..."

Reya looked with fascination as this strong, powerful human being cried, vulnerable and unashamed, in her embrace, and the sweet fondness for him displaced her lust.

"Little Alric" she crooned "Your heart is safe with me. You act like you only have one chance at everything; you don't need to be perfect the first time; or all the time, for that matter. I am capable and willing to forgive any mistakes you make. I will give you the chance to do better as many times as it takes."

"I feel like confessing something to you" he said, a smile of relief on his face.

"Only if it pertains to this intimate moment; I don't care how many women you had before me, they can't compare to what I have to offer"

"Yes" laughed Alric, then continued "This might be funny to you, but...I've been found of your scent for a while now; and I just felt it change, like flowers being added to a freshly trimmed meadow. And is it just my imagination..."

"Hardly your imagination" smiled Reya with a toothy grin "Just my arousal. It is a slow process, usually the female does not reach this point until several hours into a mating session. But I'm warming up now, because we're already so close and because you've touched me with how you feel for me. Nobody had touched my feelings like that before. It's really something"

Alric blushed so hard he his face was now the color of a ripe tomato.

"I...I don't know what to say. This is really everything I could have hoped for, and so much more"

The two of them stayed in each other's warmth for a long, silent, blissful moment. The rain renewed its attack on the roof, confirming Reya's suspicion that they were only in the eye of the storm, and the dance of the raindrops became prominent. Their quiet breathing and the rain was all the sound there was.

Alric slowly explored the gentle parts of the dragoness with the tips of his fingers, but by touch alone could not visualize the exotic bits, only confirm to himself that Reya was very different, very richly textured even just of the outside.

"I smell burned cotton" said Reya, laughter welling in her chests

"My clothes! Shit! " exclaimed Alric.

"Let them burn. Or do you want to get back in them?"

"Heck no. But I don't want them to get charred to dust; the smell will distract us"

Reluctantly, the dragoness let him go of her embrace, and he shivered in the cool air, depraved of her warm embrace. He quickly moved his clothes away, disregarding their further well-being, and dived back into Reya's embrace, basking in the warmth of her body with renewed appreciation.

"So much better than clothes" whispered Alric

"You want to know a secret?" asked the dragoness slyly.

"A draconic secret? Are you not supposed to keep this secret on peril of banishment?"

"Then I'll whisper it in your ear ever so gently. No one would ever know"

"...tell me" muttered Alric

"If you mate with me...afterwards, you will be able to "see" my scent as a color"

"What color will it be?" asked Alric dreamily, forgetting that this was something that happened to male dragons.

"you will have to find out for yourself" teased the dragoness.

"So...walk me through" said Alric after what seemed like an eternity.

"I have given it some thought" admitted Reya "And I know exactly what I want, and how to guide you through the process; the question is, what do you want? We need to incorporate that, too"

"I...was going to content with anything, really...heavy petting, rubbing... but now I'm emboldened, exploration?"

The dragoness shifted beneath him, eliciting a creak from the well-oiled, powerful springs of the huge bed.

"I think we should talk it through before exploring. Or I might get caught up in the heat of the moment and ask you to do something you're not yet comfortable with. For our first time...let's talk through what we agree we don't want to do, and just do the rest.

"So... talk about...what we wouldn't do? My inhibitions are pretty low, so that's going to be...hard."

"Still, biology is pesky and can get in the way; if we rush it, instinct can misfire, body pars can get damaged, or nature can rebel and evoke it's most powerful weapon - disgust"

"Impossible" shook his head Alric vehemently. "Nothing could ever make me feel disgust towards you. Every part of you is perfect"

"You're so sweet; but you forget to think. We _are_our body's instincts, and only then, secondly, the thoughts steered by personality and free will. Your ancestors were bred to be attracted to two-legged, breast-bearing mammals with no fur; nature has placed mechanisms in you, and in me, to make sure we strongly pursue those traits that signal a healthy mate; and this varies by species. Now, it is fully possible to teach yourself to experience intimacy in different ways; the pleasure principle is in effect here, but it had to be done gradually to make a lasting change in what you are comfortable with"

Alric thought on her words, and nodded:

"lasting change, then" smiled Alric "Being wiser than me, what plan would you suggest we follow for this great new adventure of hours?"

"I suggest we focus on mutual stimulation, before finding a comfortable position wherein you can do... what the male is to do, by nature's design."

"I don't think I've ever heard such a complex explanation for the act, my dear" laughed Alric

"Well, I like to be thorough. Caution is to be taken, my little Alric. I have to be careful not to crash you, or push you for one. My insides are very muscular and very prone to contracting, so it is only in the beginning that you can be inside me, because it might be too much pressure after that. There is no bone in your penis, correct?"

He shook his head wondering if that was a good or bad thing.

"Also, it takes a lot of force to penetrate me, as my opening stays naturally closed until you either coax your way in, or force your way in. I'm comfortable either way"

He could not see himself being anything but gentle with her, but he nodded.

"And...can what must I be careful of? Perhaps you are sensitive in ways in which a woman is not?"

"Hardly" laughed the dragoness "You can be brutal with me, by humans standards, and to me, it will still feel quite gentle"

"...let's begin" he said, gazing lovingly at her

"I'll let you lead...massage me; focus on my vent; press against it under varying angles"

Alric slowly approached that beautiful, small area of his dragon that had always been off limits to him due to his own limited way of thinking. It was as if he discovered her for the first time; it was amazing how something like that could have hidden in plane sightl The opening to the dragon's depths was a petite, concealed flower, covered with muscular lips, almost invisible, but palpably full of something unusually shaped, like soft seashells. Usually covert, the opening now opened graciously, revealing its hypnotic beauty; three warm, delicate pairs of lips, enclosed in one another, each pair smaller than the one that enclosed it; and in the center, shaper like a flower with roughly octagonal shape , was a steel hard, muscular surface, like a valve. It glistened and slowly, very slowly covered with tiny drops of moisture.

"I can open the slit for you; and the lips respond very well to stimulation, but you need to excite me to truly gain entrance."

"I thought you were already excited out of your mind" smiled Alric.

"My pleasure was strong, but purely emotional, not sufficiently sensual"

"I like the challenge" admitted Alric, massaging the strange, beautiful entry to the dragon's depths.

He tried to be very gentle, but soon discovered he need not worry about rubbing the surface too hard - the tiny, almost microscopic scales that covered the gentle tissue, invisible until he bent close over them would protected it. He wondered if the scales here could fall of and regrow like the rest of her body.

"I would appreciate your tongue down there" suggested Reya, pointing a claw and continued to watch the human as he massaged the delicate tissue. The length of the opening seemed to increase; Alric used his fingers to examine the size of his new lover's gentle bits, and was astonished to conclude it was only twice the size of a woman's; he pressed against it, massaging the lips with his tongue, a rich, meaty, spicy taste filling his, invading his nostrils with a musky scent. the dragoness moaned, a sound halfway between a growl and an infrasonic vibration, the largest lips that protected her opening contracted and closed firmly, revealing their external side; unlike the inside of the texture, which was a healthy, alluring pink, the outside layer of flesh which was not visible was indistinguishable from the gentle grey textures of her body. As the dragoness relaxed, the slit opened again, but this time the second pair of lips, smaller and contained within the first, was closed tightly. Alric pressed their pink flesh of those lips and massaged them, very gentle at first, then much more intensely, until the lips parted; the third pair of lips, hidden within, were wide open; a remarkable scent was released, and Alric pressed his tongue against the now defenseless opening. For a second the steel hard muscle wall became as soft as water, and he could almost progress inside with his tongue, but the next second the tightness came back. The warmth irradiating was like a fire hidden within the flesh; he could not believe a living being could radiate that much heat.

"Excellent. You're doing everything right" gasped the dragoness, suppressing the tickling sensation that came from the tongue of her lover being much smaller than it was accustomed to. Sill, despite its size, it was a delightful pleasure.

"Your opening seems very tight; dragons must have huge..."

"Shush. Don't talk. Your mouth had another job now." Alric continued, pressing with his fingers at the edges of the opening, and marveling at how different this slit was from a human. Nestled in between the outer and inner lips, Alric found small holes, which opened when rubbed and stimulated, and released tiny drops of a clear, slippery fluid. When asked about their nature, the dragoness had no answers; Alric kept pressing against the spots where the little canals opened, finding with his fingers tiny, hardening glands; after the opening became red from the friction he discontinued the stimulation, and proceeded with his attempt to find the clit in this mess of warm dragon flesh.

His finder suddenly sunk into the inviting flesh The tunnel that lay beyond the muscular opening was so powerful, its pressure pained his fingertip.

"This is incredible" muttered Alric "Draconic dignities must be rock hard"

"They're not" giggled Reya slyly "It's the pressure that makes them harden. You could probably never get a male dragon hard if you were human, because you would not have the strength to pressure them to an erect state"

Alric winced as her opening expelled his finger, but Reya reassured him "It's going to soften up quickly; just keep at it, and you'll be rewarded for the effort"

"I wonder how humans do it with male dragons" wondered Alric as he pressed his finger into the tight tunnel again, this time managing to insert the whole digit before inserting a second.

"Am I getting you curious about dragons in new ways?" asked Reya playfully.

"No, just you. Still...we can't be the only ones" He felt his fingertip, still firmly inserted in the dragoness, press against something shaped like a miniature pear. Reya nearly jumped in surprise, then settled:

"That's the most sensitive part. It's sort of mobile, as it's only loosely attached, and it moves in there a lot, and can sort of dig itself in my inner wall when something bigger penetrates the opening. Until then, it just sort of hags there. It's one very big sensitivity spot, like nothing else on my body"

'Should I with it...or leave it well alone?"

"I use my tongue on it a lot, but you need to press it up, until it sort of retracts. It's too big and swollen now; it will get less sensitive if it gets less blood supply, which is why you need to sort of press it up until it sinks in the wall halfway. Than it's a fair target for everything you can throw at it. But give it a minute to fill with blood first; it gives me a very nice, pulsing sensation afterwards"

"Fascinating" noted Alric, but the dragoness added "And I'd like your tongue back at my opening,; you've forgotten to do that. Can you work with tongue and fingers at the same time?"

"Of course I can. I'll play you like a grand piano prodigy, ten fingers and tongue"

This got Reya to laugh so hard, he had to pull his fingers out of her opening, as it threatened to crash him. "How am I going to get in there unhurt?" he asked himself, then showed his wet, glistening, sore finger and the dragoness explained

"I'm sorry; male dragons have a very thick penile bone that makes them able to endure great pressures. They need to squeeze through that tightness, all the flesh pressed to the bone, until they become fully erect. It's just nature. But there is something that works in our favor, despite the differences in anatomy: when I was thinking on that: my opening is very narrow at first, but it's meant to take very large things, so once you sort of force it, suddenly the resistance is gone and it becomes very stretchy. I always pictured you using your fist" " fist?! Reya! It's dangerous to even think..."

The dragoness relaxed her long neck on the bed, a satisfied look on her face, and said smugly:

"I know my body; Just obey me and you'll see. I think you'll enjoy it too"

Alric renewed his attempts to penetrate the tight opening, as well as the caressing touch of his tongue to the smooth surfaces around it. Her taste was different now, more concentrated and pleasant. If her scent was violet to his mind before, they were a gentle, pink hue now, sweet and filling. Alric felt enchanted by the remarkable, diverse, musky scent that reminded him of a freshly crafted leather chair, covered with deer skin and anointed with an exotic, oriental oil. He had collected etheric oils, from fruit and herb and flowers alike, and even some animal scents, but Reya's scent had a presence, a warmth, an atmosphere that made her scent a world on its own. It seemed to change as he fought to give her more and more pleasure, to become more rewarding and complex; like a labyrinth slowly opening its secret rooms, only to infatuate his mind.

"Does your scent always becomes so hypnotic when you are pleasured?" asked he, taking a bake to rest his tired tongue .

"Only when I am emotionally engaged, as well as physically pleasured. It's only happened a handful of times, and never so...intensely." she admitted, petting his hand with her cool frontpaw. "You're proving to be an exceedingly sophisticated lover, my friend. I had high expectations for you to begin with but this...this is really something."

Encouraged by her pleasure, he dived back into her slit with renewed energy and vigor, redoubling his efforts.

A small, triangular, greyish scale had stuck to his tongue, and he showed it to the dragoness with a questioning look

"...I did not think you had the strength in your longue to do that" she said, more amused than worried "You need not worry. It is not painful and the scales there grow back very fast, literally overnight. But it might be able to cut you, your skin being softer than mine is under my scales. In any case, make sure you don't swallow any of my scales - your stomach can not be expected to have a chance against them. So... watch your tongue"

Alric nodded, and, as she stretched her hind legs, he got off her to allow her to stretch, and kneeled with her thick tail between his legs so he could return to lavishing her opening with eager attention. He managed to gently push his tongue in the muscular, opening, and found it wider, with a pulsing, expanding tunnel behind it.

The flower-like protective lips, all three of them, seemed to join in one bulgy pair of lips, and the opening of her vent now stayed open, offering far less resistance.

"It's time for you to go inside; right now it's exactly right for your size. Just pushed that sensitive part back up into the wall, it's all swollen now and can endure any stimulation"

Alric carefully inserted four fingers deep inside her, noting how her opening at moments expanded as if it could swallow his wrist whole; he cupped the gentle, teabag-sized bulb of puffy flesh, pressing it up into the wall, and eliciting a squirming motion from the dragoness, who panted, her legs twitching.

He could feel her pulse in the blood vessels in this sensitive bulb of flesh.

It obediently returned to its spot on the tunnel, and after some pressing, which made Reya gasp and pant, it stayed there.

Alric's hand had sunk deep inside her, and the muscular opening suddenly not meeting him with any resistance.

Alric swallowed his pride, reminding himself that yes, she has had much bigger partners than him, but none of them had her friendship and love; and he was determined to show her none of the drakes would have his stamina, either. He had only seen dragons mating once, from a distance, and had not witnessed the act from the beginning, but he was sure he could show her staying power on a whole different level that would outlast any dragon.

"It's from the stimulation to the bulb that you discovered earlier; I think in a human female you would call it a "clit"

"it is important then" noted Alric, eager to find a body part he knew how to thoroughly service "I can focus on it..."

"Oh, you will; when you're done penetrating me.... I'll guide you to use your hand on it; until then, we'll do this: we'll wait a minute, and my opening will become tight again, but for only a couple of minutes. You need to plow me hard before I open up fully to have your pleasure, then I want your hand in; I'll guide you with words. Or I can show you with my paw." said Reya.

Alric nodded and a long silence, filled wit the taste of her opening as he pressed his tongue into it, gently biting and teasing and massaging, with nothing but the song of the rain and her gentle, vibrating moaning in his ears.

The wait felt like an eternity. Alric played with the warm, receptive opening, amazed at how he was allowed to do anything he wanted with Reya's gentle, private parts. For the first time, he begun thinking how good it was that she wasn't a human woman; she already had given him so much exotic pleasure, and could give so much more oriental novels could just gojump off a cliff. He would even penetrate her depths, on her insistence, with all of his wrist, and that unthinkable, forbidden pleasure, that was so dangerous when had with a human would be perfectly safe with a dragoness. He could not even imagine what he could do with his hand serving as a penetrating tool

"It's now safe for you to be in me...or as safe as it is going to get" she moaned, as her swollen, burning how valve allowed him in, offering wonderful, delicious resistance to his head, and felt the warm, alien texture, completely unfamiliar and delightful, embrace him with vacuum-tight pressure. Delicious juices enveloped his hardness in sleek, aromatic moisture.

The tunnel contracted more gently now, at irregular intervals, sucking him in with varying strength; it varied from a gentle, massaging sensation to such a strong pull, he gasped. The powerful muscles crashed, pulled, and occasionally, pushed back his length, making it barely necessary for him to even move his hips and thrust.

He thrust nonetheless, noting that if thrust in the moment the muscular tunnel sucked him in, a new, remarkable feeling emerged for him as the powerful muscles crashed and elated his flesh and seemed to, impossibly enough, rotate around the tip of his spear.

The crushing feeling was quickly becoming painful and his eyes were now moist, but he kept his resolve, confident the brutal sensation could be withstood; he quickly discovered that in the moments in which he stood still the pressure lessened. Alric tried to remember something about this being how a female dragon gave the mail an erection through pleasure, and hoped it was just a phase that would soon stop.

But as he held his breath and gasped, pausing and stopping when the pressure became too much, he begun to feel that whatever the next phase was, he wasn't going to be able to keep his load that long.

So much for his "lasting power" being on another level.

A thick, burning wave of pleasure erupted from his tip, followed by a second, more powerful wave, stronger than any he had ever experienced, and he shook in the waves of his orgasm. Reya's muscular depths crushed his pulsing member so hard, the pressure stopped his orgasm midway and he nearly yelled with a mixture of pleasure and pain that was more on the side of pain; the contacting muscle released him, but his penis had only released part of his load when another such contraction clamped down on his hard, aching length; he had no idea an orgasm could stop once it was on the way, nor could he imagine the feeling of pressure and agonizing anticipation that this caused.

Two more jets escaped him at an even greater pressure, eliciting a cry and an obscene word as Alric felt the strongest orgasm of him life rock his body like a sudden tropical fever.

He collapsed trembling on Reya's welcoming, warm body, and convulsed from the last spurs of fluid escaping him; he could not even muster the strength to pull his aching, spend length from her pulsating depths.

Mercifully, the crashing strength of her muscles eased and slowly disappeared as he still leaked a steady trail of burning liquid from his manhood.

He had no idea that such a volume could come out of him; as it still trickled something deep inside him ached, as if overstrained.

"There" said Reya smugly "You look so much better now. Can you continue?"

"N-No...." he whispered, and she pet him on the head

"I can wait a little; but only a little. Gather your strength"

I've been stealing...replaiing your bedsheets; so I can smell it while I p..."

"So that's what 's been happening with my bedsheets. I wondered who daed change them before I had requested it" said the dragoness, bewilderment in her voice "I should have known nobody else would dare even think of that but you'

"You missed the point...the reason I stole them..."

"Som y scent infatuates you"she thought, satisfied. Good. That was unexpectedly good. SThe only thing that had really worried her was how different human and dragon scents were; she had to go thorugh a lot of self-exploration to accept his scent, so insufficiently muscy and inferior to even a small drake's; she had feared that likewise he would have a trouble making his nose accept the infatuation of his heart. But this...what an unexpectedly fortunate turn of events! NNow nothing could stand in her way; he had become hers without her even realizing it. She became very sly now;

"So you like my fragrance; and for what have you been using this part of me, behind my back?"

"For self-pleasure" admitted Alric, blushing like a ripe tomato.His manhood was now unbound, she felt, poking her soft belly with its mammalian warmth. She had had few mammals, and those did not last long, but Alric was sure to have more lasting power. She had secretly watch him please himself in the forest, and if that was a measure, he could outlast a drake by a lot.

"Elaborate " said Reya, interested.

"First, I ...discovered that you scent had...calming properties on me. It just made me feel so cozy and comfortable; so before going to bed I would....scent the blanket I "appropriated" ; It would make me so relaxed and happy, I would doze off into purple, happy dreams. NAd in those relaxed, pleasant dreams...I slowly got more and more used to....well, to deriving pleasure from that fragrance. It was all platonic at first, I assure you...

"Of course it was" conceded Reya, amused, urging him on with a claw gently scratching on his back. Human skin was so easy to bruise, but she would be careful.

"With time..."the blush returned to Alric's face "With time I figured such wonderful relaxation can be used for.... more than just sleeping; It almost seemed a waste to now use it for....greater pleasure"

"Of course. For the greater good" teased the dragoness gently.

" greater good: admitted Alric. "I've been known to collect eqcuisite scents, for my...perfume experiments..."

"You wanted to make a perfume scented like me?!" the dragoness did not at first know what to think about this application of her human's hobby in perfumery. But then again, perfumes were, at lest in her opinion, a way for humans to store erotic scents; with that in mind, it was only natural he would resort to this unusual method, having a weak olfactory memory. Maybe , she thought, if he could store her scent in such a way, then the whole perfume industry ws not such a waste of space. Sunscreen was still crap, though.

"There was..the logistic problem of your scent mysteriously disappearing before I could store it. Which raised the problem of ...resupply"

"So thus started the odyssey of replacing my blankets, like a pesky specter haunting a mansion in those old novels your mother reads me all too often"

"Quite true" admitted Alric, noting "I think my clothes are in all dry now

"Do you want to get back in them?"

"Heck no. But I don't want them to get charred to dust"

Reluctantly, the dragoness let him go of her embrace, and he shivered in the cool air, depraved of her warm embrace. He quickly moved his clothes away, disregarding their well-being, and dived back onto Reya, basking in the warmth of her body.

"So much better than clothes" whispered Alric

"You want to know a secret?" asked the dragoness slyly.

"A draconic secret? Are you not supposed to keep this secret on peril of banishment?"

"Then I'll whisper it in your ear ever so gently. No one would ever know"

"Then...tell me" muttered Alric

"if you mate with me...afterwards, you will be able to "see" my scent as a color"

"What color will it be?" asked Alric dreamily

" will have to find out for yourself" teased the dragoness.

"So...walk me through the pleasures we'll experience" said Alric after what seemed like an eternity.

"I have given it some thought" admitted the gradoness "And I know exactly what I want, and how to guide it through the process; the question is, what do you want?"

"I...was going to content with anything, really...but now I'm emboldened, exploration?"

The dragoness shifted beneath him, eliciting a greak from the well-oiled, powerful sperings f the huge bed.

"I think we should talk it through before exploring. Or I might get caught up in the heat of the moment and ask you to do something you're not yet comfortable with. For our first time...let's talk through what we agree we don't want to do, and just do the rest.

"So talk about...what we wouldn't do? My inhibitions are pretty low, so that's going to be...hard.."

"Still, biology is pesky and can get in the way; if we rush it, instinct can rebell and evoke it's most powerful weapon -disgust"

"Impossible" shook his head Alric. "Nothing could ever make me feel disgust towards you"

"You're so sweet; but you forget to think. We are our body's instincts, and only then, secondly, the thought steered by personality and free will. Your ancestors were bred to be attracted to two-legged, breast-bearing; nature has placed mechanisms in you, and in me, to make sure we strongly pursue those traits that signal a healthy mate; and this varies by species. Now, it is fully possible to teach yourself to experience intimacy in different ways - the pleasure principle is in effect here, but it had to be done gradually to make a lasting change in what you are comfortable with"

Alric thought on her words, found them wise, and nodded:

" lasting change, then" smiled Alric "Being wiser than me, what plan would you suggest we follow for this great new adventure of hours?"

"I suggest we focus on mutual stimulation, before finding a comfortable position wherein you can do what the male is to do, by nature's design."

"I don't think I've ever heard such a complex explanation for the act of mutual pleasure, my dear" laughed Alric

"Well, I like to be thorough. Caution is to be taken, my little Alric. I have to be careful not to crush you, for one"

"And...can your thoughts shed light on what I must be careful of? Perhaps you are sensitive in ways in which a woman is not?"

"Hardly" laughed the dragoness "You can be brutal with me, by humans standarts, and to me, it will still feel quite gentle"

"So...we are ready" he said, gazing lovingly at her

"I'll let you lead...massage me as you would, but focus on my vent; I'll guide you with words"

He nodded enthusiastically

Alric slowly approached the only zone of his dragon that had always been off limits to him, and it was a if he discovered it for the first time. The opening to the dragon's depths was a petite, concealed flower Usually covert, the opening had now opened graciously, revealing its hypnotic beauty; three warm, delicate lips, enclosed in one another; in the senter, shaper like a flower with roughly sextagonal shape , was a steel hard surface, like a valve, that now slowly covered with tiny drops of moisture.

"I can open the slit for you; and the lips respond very well to stimulation, but you need to excite me to gain entrance. It's an involuntary thing;"

"I thought you were always excited out of your mind" joked Alric.

"said Alric, trying to joke.

"My pleasure was emotional, not sensual; too much direct stimulation would have....made me less inclined to discuss, and more inclined to just corner you and take what I want"

"I would really like it if you did that" admitted Alric, massaging the strange, beautiful entry to the dragon's depths.

He trieed to be very gentle, bu soon discovered he need not worry about rubbing the surface too hard - the tiny, almost microscopic scales that covered the gentle tissue , invisible until he bent over it ,would protect it. He wondered if the scales here could fall of and regrow like the rest of her body.

"I would appreciate your tongue down there" suggested Reya, pointing a claw and continued to watch the human as he massaged the delicate tissue. The length of the opening seemed to increase; Alric used his fingers to examine the size of his new lover's gentle bits, and was astonished to conclude it was only twice the size of a woman's. When the dragoness moaned, a sound hallway between a growl and an infrasonic vibration, the largest lips that protected her opening contracted and closed firlmy, revealing their external side; unlike the inside of the texture, which was a healthy, alluring pink, the outsidelayer of flesh which was not visible was indistinguishable from the gentle grey textures of her body. As the dragoness relaxed, the slit opened again, but this time the second pair of lips, smaller and contained within the first, was closed tightly. Alric pressed their pink flesh of those lips and massaged them, ery gentle at first, then much more intensely, until the lips parted; the third pair of lips, hidden within, were wide open; a remarkable scent was released, and Alric pressed his tongue against the now defenceless opening. For a second the steel hard muscle wall became as soft as water, and he could almost progress inside with his tongue, but the next second the tignhtness came back. The warmth irradiating was like a fire hidden within the flesh; he could not believe a living being could radiate that much heat.

"Excellent. You're doing everything right" gasped the dragoness, suppressing the tickling sensation that came from the tongue of her lover being much smalled than it was accustomed to. Sill, despite its size, it was a delightful pleasure.

"Your opening seems very tight; dragons must have huge..."

"Shush. Don't talk. Your mouth had another job now." Alric continued, pressing with his fingers at the edges of the opening, and marveling at how different this slit was from a human. Nestled inbetween the outer and inner lips, Alric found small holes, which opened when rubbed and stimulated , and released tiny drops of a clear, slippery fluid. When asked about their nature, the dragoness had no answers; Alric kept pressing aganst the spots where the little canals opened, finding with his fingers tiny, hardening glands; after the opening became red from the fricigton he discontinued the stimulation, and proceeded with his attempt to find the clit in this mess of warm dragon flesh.

His finder suddenly sunk into the inviting flesh The tunnel that lay beyonf the muscular opening was so powerful, its pressure pained his fingertip.

"This is incredible" muttered Alric "Draconic dignities must be rock hard"

"They're not" giggled Reya slily "It's the pressure that makes them harden. You could probably never get a male dragon hard if you were human, because you would not havethe strength to pressure them to an erect state"

Alric winced at the opening expelled his finger, but Reya reassured him "It's going to sodten up quisckly; just eep at it, and you'll be rewarded for the effort"

"I wonder how humans do it with male dragons" said Alric aloud as he pressed his finger into the tight tunnel again, this time managing to insert the whole digit before inserting a second.

"Am I getting you curious about dragons in new ways?" asked Reya playfully.

"No, just...I mean, yes.... Still, one wanders...we can't be the only ones"

"You will find out very soon what it takes to make a male dragon hard, and why a human could not hope to do it" she said enigmatically. The thought aroused her further, though.

He felt his fingertip, still firmly inserted in the dragoness, press against something shaped like a miniature pear. Reya nearly jumped in surprise, then settled:

"Oh, that.... That's the most sensitive part. It moves in there a lot, and can sort of dig itself in my inner wall when something bigger penetrates the opening. Until then, it just sort of hags there"

'Should I with it...or leave it alone?"

"I use my tongue on it a lot, but you need to press it up, until it sort of retracts. It's too big and swollen now; it will get less sensitive if it gets less blood supply, which is why you need to sort of press it up until it sinks in the wall halfway. Then and only then, it's a fair target for everything you can throw at it. But give it a minute... to fill with blood first; it gives me a very nice, pulsing sensation afterwards"

"Fascinating" noted Alric, but the dragoness added "And I'd like your tongue back at my opening.... Can you work with tongue and fingers at the same time?"

"Of course I can. I'll play you like a grand piano prodigy, ten fingers and tongue"

This got Reya to laugh so hard, he had to pull his fingers out of her opening, as it threatened to crash them like little sticks. "How am I going to get in there unhurt?" he asked himself, then showed his wet, glistening, sore finger and the dragoness explained

"I'm sorry; male dragons have a very thick penile bone that makes them endure great pressures. They need to squeeze through that tightness, all the flesh pressed to the bone, until they become fully erect. It's just nature. But there is something that works in our favor, despite the differences in anatomy: when I was thinking on that: my opening is very narrow at first, but it's meant to take very large things, so once you sort of force it, suddenly the resistance is gone and it becomes very stretchy. Though in my original plan for tonight I pictured you using your fist" "My...fist?! Reya! It's absolutely dangerous to even think..."

The dragoness relaxed her long neck on the bed, a satisfied look on her face, and said smugly:

"I know my body;. Just relax and you'll see. I think you'll enjoy it too"

Alric renewed his attempts to penetrate the tight opening, as well as the caressing touch of his tongue to the smooth surfaces around it. Her taste was different now, more concentrated and pleasant. If her scent was violet to his mind before, they were a gentle, pink hue now, sweet and filling. Alric felt enchanted by the remarkable, diverse, musky scent that reminded him of a freshly crafted leather chair, covered with deer skin and anointed with an exotic, oriental oil. He had collected aromatic oils, from fruit and herb and flowers alike, and even some animal scents, but Reya's scent had a presence, a warmth , an atmosphere that made her scent a world on its own. It seemed to change as he fought to give her more and more pleasure, to become more rewarding and complex; like a labyrinth slowly opening its secret rooms, only to infatuate his mind.

"Does your scent always becomes so hypnotic when you are pleasured?" asked he, taking a bake to rest his tired tongue .

"Only when I am emotionally engaged, as well as physically pleasured. It's only happened a handful of times, and never so...intensely. she admitted, petting his hand with her cool frontpaw. 'You're proving to be an exceedingly sophisticated lover, my friend. I had high expectations for you to begin with but this...this is really something.

Encouraged by her pleasure, he dived back into her slit with renewed energy and vigor, redoubling his efforts.

A small, triangular, grayish scale had stuck to his tongue, and he showed it to the dragoness with a questioning look

"...I did not think you had the strength in your tongue to do that" she said, more amused than worried "You need not worry. It is not painful and the scales there grow back very fast, literally overnight. But it might be able to cut you, your skin being softer than mine is under my scales. In any case, make sure you don't swallow any of my scales - your stomach can not be expected to have a chance against them. So... watch your tongue"

Alric nodded, and, as she stretched her hind legs, he got off her to allow her to stretch, and kneeled with her thick tail between his legs so he could return to lavishing her opening with eager attention. He started gently pushing his tongue in the muscular opening, and found it wider, hiding a pulsing, expanding tunnel behind it.

The flower-like protective lips, all three of them, seemed to join in one bulgy pair of lips, and the opening of her vent now stayed open, offering far less resistance.

"It's time... for... you to go inside; right now it's exactly right for your size. Just push... my most sensitive part...the ...yes, that....push it up, back into the wall, it's all swollen now and can endure any stimulation, so long as it's positioned correctly. There it goes" she xhaled sharply with relief.

Alric carefully inserted four fingers deep inside her, noting how her opening at moments expanded as if it could swallow his wrist whole; he cupped the gentle, teabag-sized bulb of puffy flesh, pressing it up into the wall, and eliciting a squirming motion from the dragoness, who panted, her legs twitching.

He could feel her pulse in the blood vessels in this sensitive bulb of flesh.

It obediently returned to its spot on the tunnel, and after some pressing, which made Reya gasp and pant, it stayed there. Alric's hand had sunk deep inside her, and the muscular opening suddenly not meeting him with any resistance. He managed to pull out before his hand was crashed, but gulped uneasily from the experience.

"Keep your hand out for the moment; my contractions are just too strong, I can't master them. It's the moment for penetrating me with your malehood, though; it's not going to get hurt, I promise. The tunnel won't close this far. This is the moment that drakes hate the most, as it hurts them..."

Alric swallowed his pride, reminding himself that yes, she had been with much bigger partners than him, but none of them had won her friendship, loyalty and love; and he was determined to show that no drake could have his stamina, either. He had only seen dragons mating once, from a distance, and had not witnessed the act from the beginning, he would but was confident he would show her staying power of hours, and would do anything she wanted of him.

"It's from the stimulation to the bulb; it is probably an accurate description, though I think in a human female you would call it a "clit" Or so i deduce from all the silly love novels you humans write.

"it is an important part then" grinned Alric, eager to grasp a part he knew how to play like a finely tuned violin "I should focus on it"

"Oh, You will; but only when you're done penetrating me. I'll guide you to use your hand on it; until then, we'll do this; we'll wait a minute, and my opening will become tight again, but for only a couple of minutes. You need to plow me hard before I open up fully, so that you willhave your pleasure before my opening becomes too wide for you, then I want your hand in for my own pleasure; I'll guide you then with words. Or I can show you with my paw." said Reya.

The wait felt like an eternity. Alric played with the warm, receptive opening, amazed at how he was allowed to do anything he wanted with Reya's gentle, private parts. For the first time, he begun thinking how wonderful it was that she wasn't a human woman; she had given him so much exotic pleasure, oriental novels could just go screw themselves. He would even penetrate her depths, on her insistence, with all of his wrist, and that unthinkable, forbidden pleasure, that was so dangerous when attempted with a human would be perfectly safe with a dragoness. He could not even imagine what he could do with his hand serving as a penetrating tool

"It's ...It's time....This should be good for you...inside" she moaned, as her swollen, burning how valve allowed him in, offering wonderful, delicious resistance to his head, and felt the warm, alien texture, completely unfamiliar and delightful, embrace him with vacuum-tight pressure. Delicious juices enveloped his hardness in sleek, aromatic moisture.

The tunnel contracted more gently now, at irregular intervals, sucking him in with varying strength; it varied from a gentle, massaging sensation to such a strong pull, he gasped. The powerful muscles crashed, pulled, and occasionally, pushed back his length, making it barely necessary for him to even move his hips and thrust.

He thrust nonetheless, nothing that if he thrust in the moment the muscular tunnel sucked him in, a new, remarkable feeling emerged for him as the powerful muscles crashed and elated his flesh.

He briefly wondered how this would feel if he were more endowed; the pressure of the muscular tunnel would be painful. It contracted and crushed his length so painfully his eyes moistened; he got stuck more than once, caught in the contraction of the powerful walls.

Her insides burned his exposed, defenseless member.

The walls crashed more rhythmically when he stood still, which lessened the pain, but he was determined to take her like a man and would not back up. She had closed her eyes, both layers of eyelids blurring her pupils, but her breathing indicated great pleasure.

Maybe size wasn't that important after all.

To his shame, though, Alric felt his pleasure build up so quickly, he realized he was going to blow it; he stopped moving, disbelieving, cursing silently, but his orgasm came nonetheless.

A painful explosion unlike anything he had ever felt rocked him member as a dubious amount of thick fluid erupted, almost audibly pouring in the alien depths that crashed his throbbing length relentlessly even now, as he cried in pleasure.

Two more painful pulses rocked him, and he held for dear life, eyes wide in disbelief as another wave of fluid erupted from him; he was so spent, it hurt.

He felt the loosening effect of the sudden lubrication, and so did the dragoness.

"Good" she said blissfully "You should be less tense now; relax...