Chrissie's Coming of Age Pt. 4

Story by Miguel Sanchez on SoFurry

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#4 of Chrissie's coming of age.

Finally! The final chapter in Chrissie's Coming of Age. Sorry it took so long, I just hit a huge dry spell and literally could not think of a thing to close this one off. It's been the better part of a year that I've been struggling with this but it's finally done. Now hopefully this momentum will continue and I can get on with my other story and maybe start on the teaser at the end of this.

I felt like ice water had run through my veins and my heart started beating rapidly. I looked up only to see Chrissie leaning against the door with a predatory look on her face. She slowly removed her clothes all the while never looking away. I swallowed hard in part because I too couldn't look away as she stepped out of her shorts and was only clad in her panties. One hand snaked down her stomach and into her underwear while another one teased one of her nipples. I saw her rubbing her fingers against her pussy. I heard the wet sounds as she slipped her fingers inside. I smelled her arousal. She started to gyrate her hips and make soft purring sounds as she fingered herself. She bit her lip in the most adorable way as she started breathing faster and harder, never once breaking eye contact with me. She brought her wet fingers to her mouth and sensuously licked them clean before making their trek back down to her nethers.

I felt my dick getting hard from the sexy show my daughter was putting on for me. I kept reminding myself that this was only a phase and by the end of the day it would be all over but I was having a hard time thinking about anything but the sexy catgirl in front of me. Yes I might be her father, but I'm still a male and we're all weak when it comes to sex.

My hands went to my belt to start to remove my pants when she just smiled and said, "let me do that". She got on all fours and crawled across the floor in that smooth, slippery way that all Caitani could. Upon reaching my chair she sat up and smiled sexily before running her hands over the tent in my pants. She giggled like a little girl as she caressed me thorugh my pants which was at odds with her current look and attitude. Chrissie might be becomming a woman tonight but in many ways she was still a little girl and had a long way to go.

It wasn't long before she had divested me of my belt, pants and underwear and just sat there admiring my cock. She brought her nose close and inhaled my scent before rubbing my dick all over her cheeks. She finally took me in her mouth and I sighed in pleasure. Chrissie was taking her time. sucking on it slowly as if she wanted to draw this out as much as she could. I didn't mind, she was good at what she did and I was soon getting lost in the feelings. It no longer mattered that it was my daughter sucking on my dick so much as there was a warm mouth currently giving me an expert blowjob. And it felt just as soon as she started, she stopped.

It took me a moment to realize what had just happened as my mind was still a little fuzzy but when I looked up she was practically straddling me, her panties pulled to the side and her waiting snatch centimeters from my dick. I started to protest when her eyes flashed like fire and I felt her claws at my neck. "Not a word Daddy. We're doing this now, " she hissed and before I could do anything she sank down all the way on my dick and sighed in pleasure.

I tried to get her off me but the moment I attempted it, I felt her claws press into my throat. "This isn't right..." was all I could manage to whisper before she silenced me with a rough kiss. Her tongue invaded my mouth as she started to rock her hips giving us both that sweet friction that made sex what it was. I knew I could last long enough, especially after all the sex I've had over the past few days but I had to find a way to get her to stop before I came inside her.

I didn't have to wait long as the doorknob on my office started to rattle. "Husband? Are you okay?" P'rin called out from the other side. Chrissie, with her lips still locked to mine, prevented me from calling out. Not that I could have as her claws were still at my neck. There was a mighty crash as the door was kicked in and P'rin took in the scene of her daughter currently raping her husband. In a flash she raced over, tore Chrissie from my lap and belted her hard enough to knock her out. She grabbed Chrissie's t-shirt and held it against my neck as I was bleeding quite freely. When she pulled Chrissie off me, her claws gouged some deep gashes in my neck and I'd bleed out soon if nothing was done.

"Hold this!" P'rin said, pressing my hands against the makeshift bandage as she raced out of the room and got the medical kit. A few passes with the dermal regenerator and you could never have told that my throat had practically been ripped out. Over in the corner, Chrissie groaned as she came to. P'rin spat a curse and roughly grabbed our daughter before bringing her over to me. She held Chrissie's face right in front of my now flaccid dick.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"What needs to be done, " she responded as she pushed Chrissie's nose closer to me so she could inhale my scent. It must have worked because her eyes immediately came open and her mouth latched onto my cock like she was starving and this was the only thing that would satisfy her. I grunted as she sucked and once or twice cast a look at P'rin who had a no nonsense look about her. She was serious. Something bad had almost happened and right now she was trying to fix it the only way she knew how. Chrissie came back to life but was so caught up in the act of fellatio that nothing else mattered to her.

The feeling this time was incredible. P'rin held Chrissie's held firmly with one hand while she made sure Chrissie was unable to move any other part of her body. I swear my daughter's throat was working overtime to get me off. I could feel contractions around my dick each time she took me down her throat and kept me there. While I didn't think it was possible considering the stress I was currently under as well as the amount of times I had cum over the past few days I was once again proven wrong as I felt myself tighten up and I blasted my seed down Chrissie's throat.

For a moment, once we were all done, everything was right with the world again. Chrissie looked at me with the love a girl is supposed to feel for her father while it lacked any of the raw animal lust she was showing over the past few days. P'rin was the caring wife and gentle mother she always was and while it was hard to be dignified with my pants off and my penis hanging out, I was the father and head of the household.

Then Chrissie's eyes changed again and I saw the animalistic hunger behind them. She lunged at me, ready to mate but my wife, as pragmatic as ever, simply yanked Chrissie by her tail and with a strength I've rarely seen her use held our daughter down. Chrissie hissed and spit like the cat she was all the while mewling like a kitten whenever she caught sight of my dick. P'rin turned to me and said, "get the restraints. We're going to have to tie her up for the rest of the day and you're going to need to feed her again soon."

"P'rin, " I said shaking my head. "I don't know how much I have left in me. These past few days have been rough. Can't we just hold off until the ceremony tonight?"

"No. You see how she is when she swallows your seed. The intervals between her needing it are growing shorter. You're going to need to do this several times today. Meanwhile I'm going to be contacting the clerics and see if I can arrange the ceremony sooner. Now go!"

I came back shortly after with the restraints. They were something we had used a long time ago when we were first dating and after some rather vigorous sex P'rin managed to dislocate my shoulder and almost break my neck. But she learned how to control herself during sex with a weak human and eventually the need for them was gone. We held onto them for mostly sentimental reasons and the fact that occasionally P'rin liked to be tied up.

Chrissie was quickly handcuffed and chained. She would alternate screaming at her mother and then pleading with me to let her free. Once we had put her in her room, P'rin and I needed to have a few words.

"I couldn't help it. She tricked me, overpowered me and I wasn't able to stop her. "

"You shouldn't have been alone with her in the first place husband! Such a human you are, " P'rin spat at me. Now I'll admit that her use of the term "human" was not a good one but she was under a lot of stress so I let it slide this time.

"P'rin, " I said taking her by the hand. "It's not like I wanted to do this in the first place. But if it means saving our little girl I am willing to do just about anything."

She shook her head sadly before turning back to me and placing her arms around my neck. "I am sorry, that was unfair of me. A Caitani male would have known better and would have been able to stop his daughter from proceeding." We held each other a little while longer before I noticed her tail was still writhing about. She might be mollified for the moment but she was still tense from what had just happened and I knew what needed to be done. I brought my hand to her chin and lifted her head slightly before leaning down and giving her a gentle kiss.

P'rin mewed softly as my tongue gently parted her lips and enterred her mouth. I felt her hands grip my shirt as she pressed her body into mine. Running my hand down her side I cupped her perfect ass before tickling the base of her tail. She broke the kiss and moaned lustily. "Husband, we can't, " she panted. "You need to save what you have for K'rissi." But I noticed she made no effort to break free from my grip.

"There are ways but you need me as well fuzzy butt, " I said as I slipped my hand into her panties and felt her wetness. With deliberate care I brought my fingers to my mouth and licked them clean. There was a moment of clarity, followed by red hot passion as I tore P'rin's clothes from her body and threw her up against the wall. What happened next was a little fuzzy but when I came down we were both lying in the hall, I had scratches all over my back and felt like I had gone 10 rounds in a heavyweight fight and P'rin actually had bruises and was bleeding a bit from what appeared to be bite marks on her shoulders, neck and even her chin. But she was also purring like a kitten and her tail was just flicking lazily back and forth.

"It's been too long since you mated with me like that. And to think I used to believe you humans had no stamina."

"Sorry to disappoint you fuzzy butt." My vision clouded over a little, the hallway was spinning a bit and I felt a great need to sleep.

P'rin noticed this and slapped me across the face, "stay awake husband. You might have pushed yourself too far. What you did was foolish even if you were gallant in doing so. Stay here, I'll be back." She walked over to the medkit and quickly checked my vitals. "You'll be fine, " she reached in and took out a hypo before injecting me with something. The room slowly stopped spinning and while I was tired I didn't feel so beat up anymore. "Take this. It will help you replenish your fluids, " and held out a pill. I wasn't sure what it was but she was the one with the medical training so I took whatever it was and the fatigue slowly left my body. A few passes with the dermal regenerator and I was good as new. She then passed it over herself and the bites and bruises disappeared.

"Such pretty naked skin, " she said as she ran her hand over my cheek. I had no choice but to pull her in for a kiss. The moment just called for it. "Are you feeling better?" she asked when we separated.

"Much better thank you. And how about yourself, " I asked as I copied her earlier gesture and ran my hand down her cheek.

She reached up and held my hand against her face before turning her head and kissing my palm. "Much better thank you, " she said with a smile. "But we will probably have to check on K'rissi. Are you ready for it?"

"I guess. That stim you gave me seems to have helped a bit." But even modern medical science can't fix everything and I'll admit I groaned a bit when standing up. P'rin cast an eye in my direction but said nothing. We made our way to our daughter's room where there was the definite sounds of a struggle. Chrissie was obviously trying to escape her bonds. There was no escaping what needed to be done next. Pausing outside I motioned for P'rin to wait there, I walked into Chrissie's bedroom and she stopped struggling. Her eyes were fixated on my dick and her tail thrashed about on the bed but beyond that she was silent except for her panting breaths.

"I have what you need kitten, " and gently pulled her down the bed a bit so she could get to my cock a little easier. Chrissie practically lunged at me and just started sucking for all she was worth. Her desire was incredible but maybe that was because she was unable to use her hands or anything. Taking her head in my hands I slowed her down a bit and this seemed to calm her slightly. I tried to lose myself in the sensations but soon I became aware of Chrissie whining a bit as she continued to suck my cock. I looked down and saw that she was trying to masturbate herself with her tail but just didn't have the precise enough control. The look she gave me almost broke my heart and I gave in.

One hand slid down her cheek, over her one of her puffy nipples and down her flat belly before finally coming to rest on her pussy. She was so wet. I gently teased her lips apart before circling her entrance. She sighed and relaxed slightly as she continued with her oral ministrations. Fucking her with my fingers should be okay but I felt it better if I just work the outsides and then tickle her clit until she came. And cum she did. Her entire body arched off the bed as she cried out around my dick and then, with renewed vigor, she went back to work on coaxing my seed from me.

She was hungry for this and never let my cock outside of her mouth. She'd bob her head back and forth, use her tongue on the head and more than once take me down her throat. The sound, the smell of her arousal and my continued playing with her pussy only added to the situation. Her tail thrashed about, her hips were in almost constant motion and I'll be damned if I wasn't enjoying it.

"I'm close kitten, " I whispered as I felt my balls tensing up. She whined a bit but forced her head forward until her nose was deep in my pubic hair and then she started purring. Oh god, the feeling of her throat muscles contracting around my dick and the combination of her purring sent me over the edge and I came rather explosively down her throat and into her stomach. How she was managing to breathe during this time I don't know but after what felt like an eternity I pulled my now flaccid member from her mouth and she smiled sweetly at me.

"Thank you Daddy, " she said as she stretched. "Do you think you can untie me now? I'm feeling much better." She pouted and made with the kitten eyes which normally would have worked but knowing how feral she had gotten before I felt it wasn't for the best.

I reached down and cupped her cheek. "Sorry kitten, but this is for your own good. I... we can't risk you getting free and maybe hurting yourself. Don't worry though, I'll be around to give you what you need. Upon hearing that her eyes flashed like fire for an instant before going back to her normal self.

"Of course Daddy. I'll be a good kitten to my Daddy and take all the milk he wants to give me, " her tongue wiggled obscenely before smiling like a predator.

The rest of the day became an almost endless stream of blowjobs and near the end it seemed more like work than anything else. More than once I needed some physical and chemical help to just to get it up. There was no real pleasure gained from it. I just did my duty, Chrissie got what she needed and I looked forward to not having to do this ever again once the ceremony was complete.

Finally, the time had arrived. Some Caitani clerics showed up at the door, followed by some acolytes who's only purpose seemed to be to do the actual work. Our living room was set up, in what I assumed to be, some sort of sacred way. There was a lot of incense, candles and a makeshift altar complete with pillows and I swear to god actual satin sheets. The acolytes had been getting Chrissie ready for her ceremony by bathing her and preparing her to receive her father. During this time I was in my office getting cold feet.

"Husband, " P'rin said as she came in. "They will need you soon." She smiled as she looked at me, dressed up for the ceremony myself. "How handsome. You look like a Caitani warrior ready to usher his daughter into womanhood." How Caitani I looked was up for debate but my costume for this consisted of a loincloth, some kooky looking hat and loads of face and body paint that gave me a striped look all over.

"Thanks, although when this is over I think I want to sleep for a week."

"Do not worry husband. I will let you rest. But you are mine for a whole day when you're feeling better, " she smiled like a predator before giving me a quick hug and peck on the cheek.

The time came and I was ushered into the family room where all of this was going to take place. Strange tribal music began to play and although I couldn't see them I heard jungle drums playing. The incensed air seemed to grow thick and heavy and with each breath I only felt my desire grow. Then, through the fog I saw her approach. Chrissie, my daughter, who never looked so beautiful or attractive in my life. Speaking as her father I always thought she was pretty but every father thinks the same thing about his daughter. No, this was more. This was desire and I could see the naked lust in her eyes for me. She too was wearing just a scrap of cloth that barely covered her pussy, garlands made of flowers had been woven into her hair like a crown and her face was made up like a tigress.

One of the clerics handed me a cup filled with a strange red liquid. It tasted of the jungle and had a bitter but spicy taste. He then passed it to Chrissie who also drank deeply. We were commanded to look at each other and only at each other. Our eyes made contact and the rest of the world slowly fell away as Chrissie became my world and only reason for living. I could hear her heartbeat and found my own heart beating in time. I smelled her arousal and felt my own arousal build within me.

I reached out my hand and brought her close in an embrace. She purred and I growled deep in my throat. A hungry kiss was shared. My need for her burned through me like molten steel. With almost savage strength I picked her up and placed her on the altar before getting on top of her myself. We kissed some more, the flames of passion overriding any other thought or need. I ripped the cloth from her as her claws made short work of my own loincloth. There was no need for foreplay or gentleness, we were both ready and the animal instict within us could no longer be denied.

I thrust into her with a shout. She cried out in pleasure as we were joined. Her legs went about my waist as her small arms went around my neck and drew me in. She felt incredible. Hot, wet and impossibly tight. I wanted this to last forever and maybe it did. Time lost all meaning as I was pumping away inside my daughter. I felt her teeth bite my shoulder. Her soft tongue licking at the blood that oozed forth. Lost in the moment, I returned the favor. I felt her as she felt me. Our minds, drew together. She knew me and I knew her in a way I would have never thought possible. We were both reaching a crescendo that stayed just out of reach. Then with what felt like an explosion in my mind I came inside her, she orgasmed along with me and with a almost audible snap, I was back within my own head.

I looked down at my daughter who, with gentle tears in her eyes said, "thank you Daddy" before giving me a chaste kiss on the cheek. It was around that time that I felt truly embarassed by what had just happened. I pulled out of Chrissie and just sat there at the edge of the altar, not knowing what I was to do next or if this was truly the end of it all.

P'rin on the other hand knew and came over to take us both in her arms and said, "you both did well". She kissed me gently on the lips, then turned and it looked for a moment like she was going to preen Chrissie then kissed her on the cheek instead. The implication was clear to all, in her eyes our daughter was no longer a child but a woman. What this meant for the future was anybody's guess. All I know is that right now I was exhausted and needed rest.

"Come husband," P'rin said as she took me by the arm and led me upstairs to our bedroom where she helped me into the shower to wash off the paint and other fluids before finally putting me to bed. I was asleep almost immediately.

I awoke to the smell of breakfast and managed to drag myself out of bed and to the washroom. I must have really overworked myself over the past few days as I was feeling weak as a kitten. My hands shook as I stood by the toilet and as I could barely stand I figured it was best to just sit down and go like a girl. When I had finished I managed to look myself in the mirror only to see a pale ghost of a man with quite a bit of stubble on his face. "What the hell happened?" I managed to croak before coughing a bit. My throat felt like sandpaper and I must have been out of a lot more than a day for me to look and feel like this.

It was about that time that I felt a strong pair of hands support me as P'rin came to my rescue with a mug of broth. "Drink this slowly, it will help." She held me up while I gingerly took a sip of the broth. My hands were shaking so much that I was worried I'd spill but as it made it's way to my stomach it did give me some strength.

"Thank you, " I said as she took me in her arms and purred happily. "How long was I out?"

"Five days. Normally a Caitani male would be out for three after the breeding ceremony. I had thought you might take a little more time." She looked at me critically and nodded. "I think the broth has helped you. The color is coming back to your face. Can you stand by yourself?"

I nodded and was a little unsure if I was able to stand but she was right, whatever it was I drank seemed to help. I caught a whiff of coffee and the unmistakeable smell of bacon which caused my stomach to rumble loudly.

"Come, you must be famished, " P'rin said with a smile as she led me out of the bedroom to the kitchen.

"How's Chrissie? Is she okay?"

"She is better than okay. She has been waiting for you since she woke up herself." And with those words I was brought into the kitchen only to discover one of the biggest surprises of my life. Chrissie, my little girl, was no longer a little girl. What I faced could only be described as a young woman. She had grown at least 10 centimeters taller and while before she was a skinny thing with very little in the chest and hips before she had filled out greatly. She was also in the middle of eating a tremendous amount of food I guess in part due to her rather rapid gain in weight and height.

"Morning Daddy!" she cried out as she ran towards me and greeted me with a big hug. "So what do you think?" she said with a smile as she took a step back and showed off her new measurements from all sides.

"You look... great kitten, " I said a little weakly. I could see the uncertainty in her eyes as I hadn't responded with enthusiasm but P'rin came to my rescue and said that her change was a bit of a surprise. This seemed to please her as Chrissie smiled broadly and then went back to attack the rest of her breakfast.

I sat down myself opposite her and received a plate almost overflowing with food. They say that hunger makes the best sauce and this was like manna from heaven. Never before had breakfast tasted so good and although I never thought it possible I not only finished my plate but actually got seconds. When I had finished and was sipping my second cup of coffee I turned to P'rin who seemed to have the answers I was looking for.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions." She turned to our daughter and asked, "would you mind?" Chrissie shook her head happily and flounced off to somewhere else. I couldn't help but follow her with my eyes and look of genuine confusion.

"Questions is putting it mildly. When all this started she was barely a teenager and had the body of a twelve year old boy. Now she's... a woman with all the curves and bits that come with it."

"As I said, in old times this was something a girl had to go through. Modern Caitani usually don't go through this process but within certain families we still do. I did as did my mother. But that's not important right now. You had to help K'rissi's body attune itself to being a woman. Your seed primed her system for this and when you mated with her she shared your blood and your mind. This allowed her body to make the changes needed and as you can see it worked."

"Yeah but, when you said she'd be a child forever if we didn't do this I thought it was mentally or something. I never expected she'd be so grown up so fast."

"She is still the same inside, it is just her body has gotten a bit of a boost."

"Oh hell, I just realized something."

"What is it husband?"

"Looking like that, she's going to start to attract boys. And here I was hoping that that could wait a few years." I slumped a bit in my seat, suddenly feeling a bit older than my middle aged years.

"Do not worry husband. She will need to learn how to deal with them as all women have and if some of them get too fresh she has claws and teeth which she is not afraid to use. I'm sure she'll be fine. Now, forget about our daughter, it is I who needs you now." P'rin stood up and took my hand before pulling me up from my seat and leading me upstairs.

"I don't know if I'm up for that fuzzy butt. I was hoping to take it easy today."

"Do not worry yourself, " my wife said as she led me into our bedroom and closed the door. "The only thing you need to do right now is hold me." She put her arms around me and drew in close. I wrapped my arms around her and I felt her shudder a bit before feeling tears stain my shirt. "I have been without you for five days now and since the third night I thought you were lost to me."

I cursed myself at this point having put her through this. When a Caitani pledges herself to a single mate, she mates for life. P'rin is bonded to me in a way that I can never truly understand and this time apart from her, with her not knowing what would happen to me or to Chrissie must have been terrible for her. I squeezed her tight and placed a kiss on top of her head. "Sorry kitten. I sometimes forget but I'm here now and I'm not letting go." I led her to the bed and held her until she fell asleep. I must have dozed off myself because the next thing I knew she was gently stroking my dick all the while looking at me like a hungry predator.

I smiled and brought her in for a kiss. Her lips parted and her soft tongue invaded my mouth. Without breaking it she got on top and impaled herself upon me. The only change was a small whine in the back of her throat as she sank down on my cock. My arms went about her as she ground herself into me. All her pent up passion and agression for the past few days started to come out. She broke the kiss and growled deep in the back of her throat, never once breaking eye contact with me. This was intense. It felt like the first time we had sex. That raw animal passion of hers was intoxicating. I roughly grabbed her tits which only spurred her on. She was mrowling now, like a cat in heat. My hands slid down her body and grabbed hold of her ass. She sat up and with one hand supported herself while squeezing her tits with the other. I could tell she was approaching her climax as her vocalizatons got louder and stronger until with a mighty roar her entire body stiffened and put a vaginal squeeze on me that I had not felt from her in years.

P'rin fell forward on top of me. Purring gently and rubbing her cheek against mine. I still hadn't cum yet but was close so I rolled her over onto her back that I could finish myself inside of her but with a sly smile she flipped herself over onto her stomach and raised her tail. "I give you permission..." before wiggling her butt just in case I didn't get her invitation.

"Thank you P'rin", I said before spreading her cheeks and pressing up against her pucker. Her ass, as usual, was wonderfully hot and tight. I was already close before I enterred her and it didn't help that she cried out in pleasure when I enterred her and finally got in balls deep. A few thrusts and she was moaning lustily before I finally painted her insides with my spunk. I collapsed on top of her, covering her with my body while feeling and hearing her purr happily. It wasn't long before I popped out of her ass and we made straight for the shower to clean off and give the sheets a spin in the sanitizer as well.

Later, after having gotten cleaned up and while P'rin took her time in shaving me while sitting on my lap we lay back in bed. I sighed happily and said, "I'm glad all that is over".

P'rin chuckled a bit before snuggling up closer to me. "Me too but seeing you with K'rissi was a very dear moment for me." She ran one of her fingers over my bare chest. "Just be happy we never had other kittens otherwise you'd have to do this for them too."

"Yeah, I think one time was plenty."

"One time? Oh no, this is to be a monthly thing for the next year. For every one of her cycles you must feed her your seed until her cycle is over."

I stared at P'rin in horror as the meaning of her words hit me. I had to continue doing this to my... well... not-so-little girl every time she had her period? I groaned in pain only to be stopped short when I noticed P'rin was trying to hold back her laughter. I gave her a look and she burst out laughing before stroking my face and saying, "I am only joking husband. Her change is complete and she doesn't need you to provide any more of your seed."

Relieved, I sighed happily before turning to P'rin and saying in mock sternness. "Don't think this is over. For making a joke like that you deserve to be punished. I think a spanking is in order."

P'rin just grinned before laying herself across my lap. "I've been a bad kitty and need you to teach me a lesson..." she smiled seductively as her tail waved back and forth in front of my face.

I ran my hands over her taut cheeks before giving her a gentle swat. She wiggled her ass a bit in anticipation for the next one which she got. Each swat came a little harder and stronger and soon she was giving a small mew after each one. Finally, after her ass was warmed up and slightly red I just ran my hand lovingly over her cheeks. P'rin purred happily, her tail flicking lazily back and forth. She crawled up, took my face in her hands and kissed me roughly but lovingly.

She stared deeply into my eyes and I gazed lovingly back at hers before she slid down next to me. Her intention was clear, she wanted to be held and I had no problem doing so.

"I'm just glad this is over. I don't want to have to go through that again." I mumbled as we drifted off to sleep. What we didn't know at the time was that this was far from over although this time we would have time to prepare. Caitani / human hybrids were still rare and there were things that neither Caitani nor humans knew.

Let's just say that Chrissie wasn't completely done and there was still some things that we needed to do for her. But that story will have to wait for another time.