Embracing Her Role as Queen, Part Six

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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#6 of Embracing Her Role as Queen

The good times just keep on rolling for Tess and Hannah in this meal ticket, courtesy of Aaron Blackpaw!

The adventure continues for the lusty pair, and their fun with the care package has no end in sight. Tess decides to use a potion on herself for once, however, revving up her libido to inhuman levels and giving her even more devious ideas for ways to bed Hannah. After a Saturday morning breakfast tradition, the pair retire to the bedroom, where Hannah finds herself having a little dessert. What she doesn't expect is that her tiny dessert snack will suddenly be almost as big as she is, and no matter how great her hunger, Hannah is suddenly overshadowed by everything in the room!

Please note that this story contains nearly full body insertions of a micro character into a larger one. If that bugs you...look away. If not...happy fapping.

As always, read, comment and enjoy!

The Saturday morning tradition for Hannah and Tess was alive and well, as they woke up with a bowl of their favorite cereal and sat around watching Saturday morning cartoons on Netflix; granted, there was no such thing as "Saturday Morning Cartoons" anymore, but they were from the generation that was allowed to enjoy the magic of wasting an entire Saturday that way, and the playful nature of their relationship made it the perfect activity to start the weekend.

Two empty bowls sat on the coffee table in the living room, with small grains of cereal residue and milk staining the sides. Once busy spoons now sat still beside the bowls, and with Tess involved, there was no doubt that there was something unusual about her bowl of cereal, at least.

Since their relationship had come to a new normalcy, and Tess was permanently a wolfess, they'd have a wonderful time experimenting with different things from a small box that was left for them, one that they affectionately referred to as "the care package." The trick of it all was that Tess would almost never tell Hannah when she was dosing the adorable jaguar, and most of the time, even _she_didn't know what the effect would be after it was consumed. The element of surprise and the thrill of not knowing what to expect was exciting for her, but this time, she'd taken a potion herself, and she knew exactly what was coming.

"So, shall we put on another cartoon?" Hannah asked, resting her head in Tess' lap, her brunette locks spilling across the pattern of Tess' pajama bottoms as she looked up at her lover. "Or would you rather just sit here staring at each other a little longer? Not that I mind that..."

Tess was sitting upright, her paws resting on the tummy of the sweet little jaguar that she'd fallen back in love with. Her clawtips were dancing in small patterns over the exposed midriff, tickling and teasing through the fur in random patterns. "I could sit here and stare at you all day, beautiful, but I can think of some much more fun activities than that for a lazy Saturday."

Rain was falling over the summer streets just outside of their apartment, giving the pair a good reason to stay indoors for the whole day. Hannah could have fallen back asleep at any time, given how lazy she felt with a belly full of cereal, but Tess often took the lead when things got heated between them, and the jaguar could see a look in the eyes of her wolfess...one that always filled her cheeks with a warm blush, and filled her tummy with butterflies.

"Like what...?"

"Well, did you get enough for breakfast?"

There was already a floral, sweet aroma filling the air of the apartment, originating from the delicate petals of flesh between Tess' thighs. The potion she'd put into her own cereal earlier was a libido booster, not that she really needed it, but she was curious to see just how heated she could become with a little aid from the care package. Much to her surprise, she wasn't becoming more aggressive and throwing Hannah to the floor to have her way with the sweet little jaguar, but instead, she just felt internally more lustful, and it was coming out as an affectionate, almost romantic attitude. How long that would last, there was no way to know, but for the moment, Tess was just looking over her delicious morsel, and thinking of all the different ways she'd taken Hannah in the past, and the multitude of ways that remained to take her in the future.

"I think I did, but...I mean, I guess I could eat a little bit more. I dunno if eating cereal before doing that is such a good idea, though."

Tess giggled and rolled her eyes. "Really, Hannah? Still that slow on the uptake?"

The jaguar tilted her head a little bit.

"I guess so...maybe we should have a little dessert in the bedroom, love. I'm sure you can find something else to snack on in there..."

Hannah was a little too comfortable. She didn't want to pick her head up from Tess' lap, but the wolfess gave her a gentle nudge and with a yawn of regret, Hannah finally did sit upright and start heading for the bedroom. She'd only tossed on an oversize shirt for clothes that day, and as her tail swayed with her walk, Tess could see every detail, every curve of her rump, her hips swaying back and forth, and in those quick, blessed moments, she could see Hannah's hidden treasure between her legs when her tail swayed just out of the way. The wolfess licked her lips and stood up, following behind her just a bit more quickly than she walked, until her paws could wrap around Hannah's waist, giving her a chance to slow the jaguar and nibble on the edge of one of her soft, rounded ears, her fangs teasing their way through the fluff.

"T-Tess...that's not fair..." Hannah whimpered, her legs locking up and her knees weakening instantly at the subtle touch. "I'm n-not even gonna make it to the bed!"

Tess grinned around her mouthful of flesh, suckling upon it as gently as she'd teasingly suckle on Hannah's nipples, when she had the chance. "That's okay...I'm the one who gets to lay on the bed, anyway," Tess said, her voice dripping with a lust that made Hannah melt on the spot. The jaguar could already feel a small trickle of wetness spilling down over her thighs, and she was shameless about putting her paws between her legs and feeling that damp, thin trail of desire on her fur. It never ceased to amaze her that Tess could make her soaking wet so easily, but she was learning to love it, even as the submissive one in the relationship.

There was a brief pause as Tess gave Hannah just enough of a break from the ticklish sucking for the jaguar to make it all the way into the bedroom, but Tess never released her from her paws. The devious wolfess held onto her until both females stood in the bedroom in front of their queen sized bed, covered in a mess of soft, comfy throw pillows of different colors. "Kneel down in front of the bed," Tess whispered, her lips still caressing the back of Hannah's ear, her words flowing over it like a soothing, cooling stream of pure water, "And get ready for some tasty dessert."

Hannah had been trained to perfect obedience, and Tess had made it very clear over the past few months that her orders weren't to be questioned. While Hannah did have a bit of a rebellious streak, intentionally acting out and getting herself in trouble on occasion to satisfy her spanking fetish, generally speaking, she did exactly what she was told, exactly when she was told to do it. Hannah brought her knees down to the plush, tan carpet that surrounded their bed and looked up expectantly at her mistress, excited for what was to come, even if she didn't know the full extent of Tess' planned debauchery. She was almost certain she knew what her dessert was going to be, however.

"Good girl...looks like you won't have any trouble sitting down this afternoon," Tess whispered, bending over at the hips to lean in and give her lover a sudden and fierce kiss upon the muzzle. Her paw was reaching just under the bed to the small box that they called "the care package," pulling a small vial from it that she'd been wanting to try on Hannah since they first received the unusual box months ago. She never let Hannah see the bottle, but she was sure to let Hannah enjoy the flavor of it. Smoothing her lips over the tender muzzle of the jaguar, Tess pulled away regretfully, her loins aching with need from the passionate exchange. The heat within her snatch only grew worse as she took her position on the edge of the bed, yanking her pajama bottoms down unceremoniously and kicking them out of the way in a hurry. The extra effect from the libido enhancing liquid she'd taken with breakfast was immediately evident, as Hannah widened her eyes, seeing just how damp her mistress really was. Juices were already pouring down over the pout of her labia, something that would be very beneficial to what she was about to do. "Close your eyes for a moment, Hannah. Your dessert isn't quite ready yet."

The jaguar was still licking over her muzzle, enjoying the lingering flavor of her lover on her lips, but once again, she did exactly what she was told, slowly closing her eyes. A quiet and constant purr radiated from her throat, as if she were nothing more than a cute little kitten curled up in the lap of her owner, content with the gentle pets behind her ears. Tess wasn't stroking that sweet spot, but just the thought of getting to taste a heated wolfess was enough to turn Hannah into a little engine, rumbling with delight as she licked her muzzle once again. All the while, Tess was preparing things for her, popping the top off of the vial, full of a nearly clear liquid that Hannah almost certainly wouldn't notice she was tasting. Grinning and licking a fan, Tess pushed the head of the vial into her own slit and tilted it up, the contents of the vial slowly draining into her passage and filling her up inside until the fluids drained back out of her just a little bit, staining her labia with a look that perfectly mimicked her own vaginal juices. Content with the prep work, Tess reached a delicate paw behind Hannah's ear and gave it a quick stroke, sending a small shiver through the jaguar and drawing a giggle from the former. "All right, lover mine...open your eyes and enjoy your dessert."

Tess hid the vial from sight just before Hannah opened her eyes, and the jaguar was surprised to see that Tess looked even more moist than before, but it was really nothing new for Hannah to see Tess dripping with more desire than seemed normal. Thanks to the unusual nature of how Tess came to be who she was, nothing really seemed odd or unusual to Hannah anymore, and seeing a little extra moisture was just a bonus for her. "May I please have my dessert, Mistress?" she asked, looking up at Tess with wide, innocent looking eyes that the wolfess always had trouble saying "no" to.

"Of course you can...you'd better dig in before it gets cold," Tess teased, giving her pet a small wink and using her own pawtips to spread her folds wide open, clenching her inner walls around the air to give Hannah a show of just how tight she was inside, different layers of pink coming into view and disappearing again with each contraction. Visually, the display was spectacular for Hannah, who had to wipe a tiny drip of drool away from the corner of her lips, but not one to keep her mistress waiting, she leaned forth and slipped her tongue right through the trail of arousal that beaded up at the bottom of Tess' cunt and slipped the warm, wet muscle up along the length of the labia that so eagerly awaited her touch. Hannah kept her paws between her own legs, shamelessly fingering herself in front of her mistress as she went to work with her tongue, slurping away with greed at the tasty flesh she was offered.

Tess threw her head back in delight, the libido boosting effect of the potion she took earlier also increasing the pleasure that she felt. Each stroke of Hannah's skillful tongue against hers slit was almost orgasmic, and when the jaguar finally swirled the very tip of her tongue around Tess' clit, the wolfess dug her claws into the sheets with such force that she tore clean through them, her footpaws curling into the carpet and nearly tearing it from the floorboards underneath. She immediately shoved her hips forward, humping against Hannah's muzzle and forcing her clit upon the waiting tongue of her lover, letting the potion take full effect in pushing her to new heights of dominance. "T-that's it, baby...eat it all up, Hannah! Fuck my pussy with that sweet little tongue...yes...get every drop of my juices...yes...you horny little slut, keep licking!"

Hannah loved it when Tess used dirty talk as part of her dominating repertoire, and the wolfess was an absolute artist with her words. She knew just what to say to get Hannah fired up, and the jaguar was already vigorously rubbing over her own clit, working the stiff nub desperately as she drank the juices straight from her lover, letting her tongue curl inside of the tight passage and gather up the sweet, tasty fluids that dripped from every surface on her inner walls. Tess was already convulsing inside, her muscles fluttering uncontrollably around the offending tongue and gracing it with a warmer, juicier rush of fluids as she climaxed rather suddenly, and she didn't feel any end in the near future, as her potion at breakfast only gave her a need for an even stronger orgasm, and the sensations for a second were already building. The wolfess was starting to wonder how their morning session could possibly get any better, when she noticed that she felt a little less tongue filling her snatch, and it wasn't for a lack of Hannah trying to probe inside.

"En...enjoying y-your dessert, Hannah?" Tess asked between raspy breaths, her mind completely clouded over with lust, so badly that she felt she needed another orgasm just to stay alive.

Hannah could only nod, her voice completely muffled by the delicious treat in front of her, and her muzzle and cheeks completely soaked with desire. She almost felt like she fit a little bit better within the confines of Tess' thighs, though, until she suddenly felt that she could move her head side to side just a little bit, even with her muzzle buried all the way in. _What the...did Tess lose a little weight? She was already in such great shape..._The jaguar pondered, loving that her mistress took such good care of herself, but a change like this, she was quick to notice. She could feel her jaw growing sore as she had to labor twice as hard to get as deep with her tongue, even when she was closer than she was before, and she noticed the bed getting taller, even though she wasn't slumping over it yet. "Mnn...mm...h-hey...wait a minute!"

A fang-filled grin spread across Tess' muzzle almost immediately as she heard the confused expression from Hannah. She leaned up a little bit to look down over the side of the bed, watching as the jaguar in front of her was already starting to slim down a bit, her body getting barely smaller, and all in proportion. "Is something wrong, my dear? It looks like there's something different about you..."

Small, rounded ears flattened down to the top of Hannah's head as she whimpered, watching her proud, full breasts start to shrink down in size a little bit, but as they did, her shoulders and tummy shrunk with it, keeping everything relative in size. Her tongue was getting shorter, as her head shrunk down a little bit as well, her muzzle scrunching in, but staying just the right size to match the rest of her body. Every curve of her hips, the smooth, soft arc of her rump and the perk of her breasts all remained, but all were shrinking in time with each other as Hannah licked some of the mess of her lover from her muzzle. "Teeeeeeess... What the hell is going on?!"

"I'm not sure!" Tess replied, though the cheeky grin she couldn't take off made it clear she knew exactly what was going on. "It looks like you're withering away because you haven't been eating enough, if you know what I mean...guess you better bury that cute little muzzle back in my pussy and eat up..."

Hannah was shrinking still, and her efforts to stay level with her mistress were failing, slowly but surely, as she had to grip onto the the edge of the bedspread just to see the folds she so deeply desired to taste. As her legs started to shrink as well, staying in proportion but getting smaller by the second, she actually found herself climbing up onto the bed so that she could keep up her oral assault, her body not much larger than that of a child as she went about her task. She wanted to lash out at Tess for tricking her once again, but instead, she lashed away at the tasty treasure she'd been offered, using her smaller tongue to trace over the pattern of her lover's lower lips. It was a new world of sensations for Tess, as the smaller tongue could touch a little less area with each stroke, and in this case, less was _definitely_more. The dominant wolfess felt that each and every tiny modicum of her slit was getting pampered individually, instead of the typical act of cunnilingus as a whole. Shivers ran through Tess as if she were walking barefoot through a snowdrift, running all the way up her spine in a delightful, chilling thrill that sent her into what she thought was her third orgasm, but when Hannah brought the tiny tongue to swirl around her clit in a new way, she simply lost count, the rush of juices accompanying the climax literally soaking Hannah from head to toe as she continued to shrink throughout the act. Now slightly smaller than an infant, and yet, with womanly proportions, Hannah started to panic, hesitating to continue with her dessert until the changes came to a stop.

"Tess! What did you do to me this time?!" Hannah cried out, but with her smaller body and vocal chords, the sound only barely made it to Tess. If Hannah hadn't yelled, the wolfess might not have heard anything at all. "I'm still shrinking! I...I don't understand!"

Tess giggled and reached down with both paws, easily picking Hannah up in her grasp. The jaguar was now scarcely bigger than an action figure, and Tess was having fun just holding her and looking over her naked body. The jaguar fell out of her oversize shirt long before then, leaving her fully nudge for Tess to enjoy, and the wolfess was treating her just like a doll, roaming her paws over every conceivable surface without any care for consent or how Hannah felt about the whole experience. "My own little Hannah sex doll...I've been wanting one of these for Christmas since I was a little girl!" Tess joked, giving Hannah a gentle squeeze, mindful enough to know that the jaguar was likely a bit more fragile in her smaller size. "And I bet she has pussy licking action and realistic orgasms, too..."

Some might think that Tess was taking things a bit too far with her teasing, but under the influence of the libido enhancer, literally anything and everything that came into close contact with her was something either to fuck or be fucked, and just because Hannah shrank in size didn't make her any less attractive; it just meant that there were no ways for the wolfess to take advantage of her pet. Tess' voice, now like a booming clap of thunder to the smaller Hannah, shocked her and made her shiver in Tess' paws, as she whimpered up at her massive mistress. "She...she does whatever you want her to," Hannah admitted, playing along with the story that her mistress was playing out for them. Just by taking the lead, Tess could turn almost anything sexual for Hannah, and this ended up being no exception, as Tess squealed with delight and put Hannah back down between her legs.

"Then I wonder if I can insert her inside of me a little bit..." Tess pondered aloud, acting as though Hannah was really just a doll with voice recorded phrases. "I'm so wet that I bet she'll fit right in if I just give her a little push..."

Hannah gulped at the thought. In their adventures, Tess had shoved all kinds of things inside of Hannah...dildos were almost commonplace for them, regardless of the material of the sex toy and what it was modeled after. This was on a completely different level, however, but there was nothing Hannah could do to stop it. There was a new perspective for her, as the once cute, tiny and tight slit that she'd been lapping away at hungrily was now almost as large as she was, and it was coming closer to her as Tess held onto her body with a paw and moved her in toward it. As much as they shared a mistress and pet relationship, this was now mostly a horny schoolgirl pleasing herself with whatever she could get her paws on, and Hannah held her breath as her entire head passed through, popping right into Tess with ease and filling her in a way that she never imagined she could experience.

It was like drowning.

_This...is way hotter than I thought it would be,_Hannah thought, as she kept her breath held. She didn't want to risk opening her eyes too much, but she peeked them open to see the pink wonderland that she'd been enveloped into. Tess was rigid inside, her walls a soft and fleshy color of pink that had a slight luminescence to them. Hannah could see every inch of the ribbing within her lover, only able to imagine how great it would feel to be inside of her if she was a male with a fully engorged length. The thought alone was bringing her near to climax as her shoulders soon followed her head inside, soaking her body and coating her with the sweetest of juices.

It was weird. It was wondrous.

It was downright erotic.

"Thaaaaaat's the spot!" Tess cried out, as she spread herself open so that Hannah could reach in with one paw. "Reach in there and press my g-spot with your tiny little paw, Hannah doll...make me s-squirt again!"

It was a unique opportunity for both females involved. Hannah was able to breathe just long enough inside of the vaginal cavity that she could literally reach her arm up, feeling around inside of Tess and finding the small, spongy spot on her inner wall that she knew to be her lover's g-spot. It was weird seeing it from this perspective, but being able to see it so clearly and reach it so easily was a special chance for Hannah to make her mistress climax like never before. She reached her other paw in as well and pressed upon the spot with both paws at once, rubbing rapidly over it and pushing down on it with force, and immediately, she felt Tess squeezing all around her body inside, her hips getting sucked in for a moment, only for her entire body to be shot out of Tess like a water rocket, getting splashed out onto the bed and covered in a stream of female ejaculate as Tess climaxed all over the edge of the bed, spitting Hannah free in the process. " Hannah! _Yeeeeeees...fuck yes! I'm cumming again! _"

It was at least four climaxes for Tess, who was left reduced to a whimpering, trembling mess of pleasure on the bed. Hannah was coughing quietly, literally dripping from head to footpaw with a mixture of female arousal and cum, her fur soaked down to the flesh beneath it. The way it attacked her senses was overwhelming; she literally couldn't get the taste of her lover to leave her tongue, and the sweet, earthly aroma kept her intoxicated as she leaned against Tess, resting on the thigh of the wolfess and trying to catch her breath. "T-Tess...that was...un...unreal..."

"Was unreal?" Tess suddenly questioned, reaching a paw down to pick Hannah up. She held the miniature jaguar up over her body, still panting from a climax, all while thinking of a fun new way to put her size to good use. "Hehe...there's no 'was' about it, Hannah. You've still got a little more work to do!"

Not caring about making a mess of herself, Tess set Hannah down on her own tummy and beckoned at the micro jaguar with a pawtip, trying to lure her up to the peak of her breasts. Each one was like a hill for Hannah to climb, peaked at the top with perky nipples that Hannah was excited to experience in her new body. The jaguar was almost jealous, knowing that her mistress had been getting off the entire time without her, but Hannah was finding it hard to focus on her own pleasure before. Now, as she climbed upon Tess and took a seat over one of the nipples that stood stiff with delight, she had an idea of how she could sneak in her own climax, while bringing her lover to another.

"M-may I take a seat here, Mistress?" Hannah asked, settling on the right breast and straddling it, the nipple exceptionally large to her small body, almost a plug-sized insertion for her, but it spread her miniature labia delightfully wide and filled her up so full, it felt like she was being poked in the stomach internally. She was loving the sensation, and Tess simply couldn't help rewarding her pet for doing such a good job inside of her...

...That didn't mean she wouldn't have to work still, of course. "You may, but you'd better lean across the gap and suck my other tit, or I'm stuffing you right back in there," Tess warned, and given how heightened her libido was, there was no restraint to stop her from doing exactly that. Massaging one nipple internally with her tight, powerful inner muscles and leaning over the other breast, Hannah was just the right size to engulf the opposite nipple in her muzzle, barely able to fit the whole of it in her maw, but she just succeeded, covering it in her spittle as she struggled to hold onto it.

One more...I just need one more, Tess thought, having lost count of her orgasms, but that was to be expected with a potion like the one she took. Her entire body was still ablaze with pleasure, and her paws went right to work, replacing Hannah down below and fingering over her pussy rapidly. She was still soaked down below from the squirting orgasm, leaving her body plenty wet enough to touch and tease at will, all while Hannah pleasured her up above, soaking her breasts with that same wetness and moving her little paws all over them, feeling through the fur and teasing Tess' body in a way that it had never been touched before. Just the thought that Hannah was using one of her nipples to get off was enough to put Tess right back on the edge, the overly lustful wolfess biting her lip and grinning deviously as she started to buck her hips against her paw.

Hannah had been turned on the whole time, and it only grew worse with each depraved sexual act that Tess put her through, but the micro jaguar was finally getting a little pleasure in return, and her body was trembling with just how full Tess' nipple could fill her up. She bucked her tiny hips over the nipple, her inner walls suckling on it in a way that Tess had never known before, all while Hannah was _actually_suckling at the other nipple, her body spread long and far across Tess' cleavage so she could keep the sweet little nub in her muzzle. It was every bit as sweet as Hannah remembered, regardless of the size, and as hard as it had been for Hannah to adjust to the size difference at the start, she was finding it a huge turn on now, loving that she could experience Tess and every inch of her body in a new and refreshing way. Being spread so full by a simple nipple, Hannah was on the verge herself, and her tiny, pleading eyes looked up to Tess, who glanced back down at her and simply nodded, granting her pet the permission she so desperately sought.

Tess and Hannah had shared many orgasms together. They were always exciting, and neither among the lusty females was ever bored with the other, or their sexual exploits.

That being said, this day set a new bar for the both of them, one that would stand for a long time to come.

In all of their sexual adventures together, Tess had only ever climaxed once or twice. This was at least her fifth,_and even if it was in response to the libido enhancing potion, her body was finally tapped out. Her last orgasm was by far the most powerful, and her entire body trembled so hard that no matter how great her lust for the larger female, Hannah couldn't keep her muzzle around Tess' left breast, a small spray of saliva from the smaller female heralding the climax of the larger. "Hannah...I can't...just _can't take it! FUCK! It's good...sooooooo good! C-cumming...I'm cumming!"

Hannah was under a complete sensory overload, and the booming voice of her lover declaring her eventual climax was the straw to break the camel's proverbial back. Gripping the massive breast beneath her with both paws, Hannah rocked herself to a powerful orgasm that seemed to be larger than her own body, finding that being able to be so full in such a small state was a turn on that she could have never seen coming. She squeezed the delightful nipple tightly between her thighs, suckling it up with her inner walls and giving Tess one last breath of pleasure before she exclaimed her own, throwing her head back, leaning on her arms and crying out with delight. "M-me too, Mistress! Oh my God, I'm cumming! Your nipple is so big...it's filling me up! Fuck!"

A tiny trickle of juices ran down over Tess' nipple, the result of Hannah being so small that the rush of juices from her orgasm felt more like someone had just spit on her flesh, but the thrill of knowing that Hannah came in her new form, combined with how tightly her inner walls could clench on the nipple, left Tess writhing around with delight. Her body was painfully sensitive, and she had to pull her paw away from her cunt, sending streaks of a second squirting orgasm with it. The bedspread was completely soaked near the base, Hannah was completely soaked in a similar manner, and Tess felt the juices running over her paw in a wet, slick mess, one that she brought up to Hannah. The shrunken jaguar could barely fit her muzzle around the pawtip, but she gripped along the length of it with both of her paws, holding on as she faithfully suckled away, trying to cleanse her mistress of her own juices like a good little pet, still too busy enjoying her orgasm to say no to literally anything Tess did to her.

She was just in luck that Tess was too exhausted to take advantage of that fact.

"Holy...shit...Hannah..." Tess groaned, gasping for air between each word she could manage. She was completely sexually depleted, and physically exhausted beyond that. Even Hannah was a bit worn out, the smaller, micro female resting upon the larger breast and curling up around the nipple in a small ball, still holding onto the pawtip that Tess offered her and licking it soothingly. The jaguar was already closing her eyes as she got comfortable, her tail swaying slowly back and forth and tickling Tess upon the tummy. "You were a-amazing, my pet...I might actually have to reward you for job well done, this time..."

Hannah gave the faintest shake of the head as she kissed Tess' pawtip and clung to it, comfy on the soft flesh of the breast that was now her makeshift bed.

"This is reward enough, Mistress..."

In a rare, tender moment from Tess, the larger wolfess leaned over and pressed the tiniest of kisses to Hannah's forehead, before her head flopped back to the pillows from her exhaustion.

"I really do have the best pet in the world..."