Making Allies.

Story by DeathAvenged on SoFurry

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#7 of Secret Lovers.

Getting this rolling out XD Took the shot at doing the focus on the two groups! Next part will be back with the tribe.

Zak sat in cold silence as he listened to Sonja speaking to him while his hands gripped a cup of water. " Chief Zak...a week ago our home was attack...the feline tribe attacked us before dawn. They set fire to the huts and took us all by surprise. Our chief told us all to run while the fighters tried to protect the cubs and females that were fleeing. Jayce...arrived with Isabelle soon after. He helped us escape then went back for Isabelle. When he did he found Joels body where the feline chief had killed him. He was going to get out when one of our own..Nick attacked him. Nick fought with him until Koren and the other wolves showed up to help. We have been with the wolves since then. Isabelle has since mated with Jayce and the two tribes are now combined. But we are frightened and worried. Jayce suggested that in order to survive against a possible second attack from the Felines and Nick that we ally with your tribe as well as the wolf tribe in the mountains. As we speak three others from our own tribe are on there way to the mountains. Jayce worries that the felines won't stop with our own tribe and might go after others."

Zak folded his ears back as the others around him looked worried. Even his mate moved closer to him as she had listened to the story. Zak looked at Sonja for a moment before he spoke softly. "Why would one of Joels own men turn like that?" Sonja bite her bottom lip and sighed as she rubbed one of her arms before she answered. "Joel caught Isabelle with Jayce two or three days before...he was furious with her for mating with a wold behind his back. He brought her back to the village and was going to force her to mate with a male of his choosing. It wasn't a secret among the tribe that Nick had wanted Isabelle for a long time. Joel told Nick he would be the one to mate her the next morning...when it came time he was about to mount Isabelle when Jayce came into the village with his mother and a few others. They sat down with Joel and Koren made the offer of letting the tribe combine and expand to survive with more hunting lands and a better chance to fend off the felines. Joel agreed on the condition that Jayce remained in our tribe so he could be watched...Nick was furious when he heard that. The days that followed our tribe became close with Jayce...he was gentle with our cubs and taught some of the females, me included, how to hunt for prey so we could help more..Nick was angry and hated that. But when Joel made his announcement that the tribes would combine...Nick disappeared...then the attack happened." Zak folded his ears back and growled a bit. He looked unsure of what to think as he shifted some with his tail twitching around behind him before looking to Kojack who watched in respectful silence. Zak looked to his mate who spoke in a timid voice. " It would be wise to ally with them love...if we ended up needing the help we would easily have they might be able to trade with us for herbs and such that one of us has that the other doesn't."Zak shifted some and nodded a bit then looked to Sonja. " I will agree to this. I will help Jayce and Isabelle in anyway I can...stay the night then return in the morning to let him know. When he needs us to fight against the felines we will come." Sonja smiled brightly and nodded with a look of relief on her face as Kojack and Boris relaxed with smiles. " Thank you so much Chief Zak! We will forever be grateful!" Zak smiled and nodded some before they were shown to a vacant hut to use for sleep that night.

While Sonja's group were settling down to sleep for the night the second group had reached the mountains. The fox with the two wolves stopped and panted a bit. She had never been this far before and was more winded then the male wolves she was with. One of the wolves stopped and looked at her. " Come Kate...we are almost to the village...we can rest when we get there." Kate, a grey and white fox folded her ears back a bit as she looked at him before she growled some. " I'm coming! Geez Soren...Im not used to going this far." Soren rolled his eyes and chuckled a bit, his jet black fur almost blending in with the shadows making his yellow tribe markings shine as well as his yellow eyes. Soren shifted and moved to the fox, standing beside her. " You will get used to Kate...the way back will be easier then this." the other male rolled his eyes, the grey wolf shaking his head. " Soren stop patting her on the back and lets go. It is dangerous sitting here in the dark." Soren looked to his friend and nodded then grabbed Kate and nudged her forward. The fox yipped a bit then growled to the both of them before moving on. They only went a few feet ahead when a group of white wolves surrounded them. Soren held his hands up to show now threat then spoke as clamly as he could. " We are not here to attack...we came to speak with your chief on behalf of our tribe." The wolves looked to each other then slowly motioned for the group to follow them.

The walk took another twenty minutes or more, Soren often grabbing Kate when she looked like she would trip over a rock. When they reached a large cave system that was carved into the mountain the wolves walked in. Soren looked at Kate then to the other wolf. " Come on Greg..." Kate was place between Soren and Greg then followed them into the cave. At the center a large fire was going, lighting up the cave. Pups and females were walking around, playing or eating while the males were relaxing or playing games. A large silver grey wolf sat by the fire with a golden colored female laying up against him. Soren sat down near by with Kate beside him and Greg on the other side of her while the other wolves all stopped to see what was going on with the visitors.

Soren spoke softly after he bowed his head to the male. " Im sorry for showing up here at this hour with my friends...But my chief has sent me to make an offer to you and your tribe." The male shifted some, the female that was with him, moved to lay out behind him so she was out of the way. The male spoke, his voice a bit rough as he looked at Soren. "Jayce is Chief now..I know. I have already heard some of what happened. My people saw the fire from here while hunting...tell me what all went on then tell me the offer." Soren nodded and looked to Kate who took over, telling the old male the same story as Sonja had given to Zak. When she went silent the male looked at her then to Soren. " What is Jayce's offer?" Soren smiled some as he shifted in his spot while Kate toyed with her tail nervously. "Jayce has sent us and one other group to the tribes...we came here while the others went to another fox tribe. Jayce worries that the felines will start going after other tribes as well as make another attempt on our own. He wants to ally with your tribe and the fox help with the fight as well as anything else that may occur with the tribes." The old wolf sat there in silence as he thought the offer over before looking to the female with him as she moved to sit by him. She gave a nod of approval with a small smile on her face. " Kirk...the offer is good...It is wise to have a tribe to turn to when you need the help..." Kirk grinned to the female and nodded some before looking to Soren. " Go back to Jayce in the morning...we will be allies as well. When he needs us all he has to do is give a signal or send word." Soren nodded and smiled as he thanked Kirk. A young female wolf lead the group to a smaller cave near by to rest for the night.

Kirk settled back down while the female with him began rubbing her hands along his chest. " This will work out Daddy...the felines have been a problem for a lot of tribes...the chief appears to be power hungry." Kirk smiled and nodded some as he lifted her head by her chin, kissing her softly on the lips. " Your right know what I want from you." She grinned and nodded as her head lowered down to his sheath. Her tongue came out and began licking along it slowly a few times while Kirk pet her head softly. Coral wagged her tail when his cock appeared from his sheath and began growing with her licks. When he was at full erection, a good ten inches and very thick Coral looked up at him before taking his cock into her mouth and sucking on him slowly. All the while Soren and Kate were watching from the darkness of the cave they were in. Soren glanced at Kate who was blushing brightly with her ears standing up.

Soren grinned some, keeping his eyes on Kate while Greg was snoring softly at the back of the cave. Coral's attentions to her fathers cock was filling the air around them as she took his cock into her throat a few times, making him moan and grunt before pulling her back. She panted softly and looked at him before he put her on all fours in front of him. He rubbed two of his fingers along her pussy slowly a few times, seeing her already wet. " My little girl is wet...sucking your fathers cock makes you horny?" He grinned as she wagged her tail, her rear lifting up to present herself to him more as she nodded. " Yes does." Kirk chuckled softly and pushed the two fingers he had been rubbing her with into her pussy, making her moan out. They didn't seem bothered by the others in the tribe watching or going about there lounging without noticing. Kate blushed brighter and shifted some in her spot before jumping when she felt Sorens fingers at her pussy. The wolf leaned in and nibbled on her ear softly, making her murr softly as she closed her eyes for a moment before opening them to glance at him before the two looked to see Kirk fingering Coral hard, the sounds of his fingers moving into her could be heard along with her moans and whimpers. Kirk pulled his fingers from her and licked them clean before moving up behind her on his knees. He gripped her hips roughly and stuffed his cock into her, stretching her open while she gasped and let out a loud, high pitched moan. Kirk was far from gentle with her as he slapped her ass hard once or twice. " Good girl...moaning like a bitch for your father!" Kirk gripped her hips tightly in his hands and began pounding into her hard, the sounds of his hips hitting her ass giving off rough thud sounds that mixed with the sounds of his cock moving into her. Coral moaned out louder then before as she dug her claws into the ground under her, her breast jiggling under her from the impacts he made.

Soren stood his ears up at how rough Kirk was being with his own daugther but wasn't worried with the fact she was moaning and looked like she was loving it. Soren looked to Kate and smiled. She was biting her bottom lip hard while he was slowly rubbing his fingers over her pussy which was dripping with her arousal by then. He pushed two of his fingers into her and slowly thrusts them. she let out a soft gasp and began pushing her hips back against his fingers as she turned her gaze to his while her hand moved to his large exposed cock, feeling it throb hard in her hand when she gently gripped it and began rubbing him slowly. They grinned to each other before looking back to the scene at the fire. Coral was panting hard between her moans as Kirk was slamming his hips into hers, the pointed tip of his cock hitting against her cervix with each thrusts into her. Her pussy was clenching his cock tightly as she pushed and bucked back into him. Kirks cock throbbed hard as his knot began to form and hit against her pussy lips. Coral could feel herself getting closer to cumming and turned her head to look at him over her shoulder. " D..Daddy! I am going to cum! Knot with me please Daddy!" Kirk grinned and slowed his movements down but his pace was still rough. "Tell me how badly you want it sweet heart...tell daddy your his bitch." Coral blushed brightly as she panted heavily, whining when he slowed down. " Daddy please I really want your knot in me..please daddy! I..I am Daddy's little bitch!" Kirk grinned and gripped her hips tightly, his claws sinking into her flesh as he began pounding into her again. Soon his knot stretched her open and the wet pop sound could be heard as he knotted with her. Coral let out a cry as her orgasm hit her, her pussy clenching hard on his cock while her juices washed over him. Kirk stiffened up a bit as he felt his cock throbbing violently as he filled his daugther with his seed before the two went still with heavy panting.

By the time those two finished Kate was under Soren, biting down on her arm to keep silent as his cock was buried into her pussy. The soft sounds of his hips hitting her ass filling the small cave they were in while he was grunting lightly, fighting his own urges to moan, His grip on her hips tightened when he felt her pussy clenching on him while her free hand was between her legs rubbing her own clit. Soren felt his cock throb hard as he stuffed his knot into her, making Kate let out a muffled yip against her arm. Him knotting her and her rubbing her own clit sent her over the edge as she came hard. Soren snarled softly into her ear as his cock throbbed, his cum spilling into her before they went still, Soren laying on his side with Kate against him. Greg was awake but had listened with a faint grin, to tired to really do anything. Kate and Soren soon fell asleep for the night with a small goofy grin on Kates face.

The next morning Kate groaned as she woke up. Soren had pulled out sometime while they were sleeping but was still beside her, waiting on ehr to wake up. Greg had left the cave sometime before to get some water and wait for them before heading back. Kate murred and smiled to Soren before she stood with him and walked out of the cave. Soren moved up to Kirk and shook his hand. " Thank you Chief Kirk...Jayce will be happy to hear your now an ally with us." Kirk nodded and looked to a few of his fighters. " Escort them to the tribes boarders then come back" They nodded and soon the group left. Soren made sure Kate got along the trail without to much trouble while Greg walked with a soft yawn. When they reached the boarder they waved good bye to the fighters before the three took off at a full run back towards their own tribe. Half way there Sonja and her group joined back up with them and they continued on without stopping until they reached the tribe boarders. Their pace slowed to a walk until they got to the village right as the sun was setting.

When they reached the center of the village Soren and Sonja went to meet with Jayce. The wolf was cuddling with Isabelle by the fire outside and smiled when he saw them. Soren sat with them as sonja sat beside him. "How did it go?" Jayce looked between the two of them while Isabelle rested her head on his shoulder. Sonja spoke first with a smile. "Chief Zak has agreed to become allies and says when you need him they will be there ready to fight." Jayce smiled and looked to Soren who grinned. " Same with Kirk...he agreed and said if you need him make some sort of signal or send word. Tehy saw the fire from their homes and hunting if you do a signal it will be seen." Jayce nodded and looked proud before letting Soren and Sonja go rest. Isabelle kissed Jayce's cheek softly and smiled. " You made a smart choice my love...we will have help when we need it now." Jayce nodded and nuzzled his head against her own as she murred, the two feeling a bit more relaxed now before moving into their hut to sleep.